View Full Version : Peter Fonda says Barron Trump should be put in a cage with pedophiles

20th June 2018, 07:52 AM
Actor Peter Fonda says Barron Trump, 12, should be 'ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles' in foul-mouthed Twitter tirade

Easy Rider star also called for addresses of ICE agents to be hacked and released
He said 'we should find out what schools their children go to and surround' them
Actor also said Kristjen Nielsen should be stripped naked and whipped in public

The actor Peter Fonda has told his Twitter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/twitter/index.html) followers that President Trump (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/donald_trump/index.html)'s 12-year-old son Barron should be ripped from his mother's arms and put 'in a cage with pedophiles' in an expletive-laden rant about the border crisis.

He also called for 90 million people to take to the streets in protest at the government's decision to criminally prosecute migrants who cross the US border illegally and separate them from their children.

The Easy Rider star, who has more than 46,000 followers, also said 'we should hack the system' and 'get the addresses of ICE agents' to 'surround their homes' and 'find out what schools their children go to and surround the schools'.

Branding President Trump a 'f****** monster', he added: 'We need to scare the f*** out of [border agents]! Need to make their children worry now'.
He earlier referred to presidential adviser Stephen Miller as a 'pedophile'.

Fonda also called Miller, who is Jewish, 'Goebbels' in an apparent reference to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, an extreme anti-Semite who strongly supported the Holocaust and who arranged the murder of his own children in 1945.

The actor Peter Fonda has told his Twitter followers that President Trump's 12-year-old son Barron should be ripped from his mother's arms and put 'in a cage with pedophiles' in an expletive-laden rant about the border crisis


Fonda also called Miller, who is Jewish, 'Goebbels' in an apparent reference to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, an extreme anti-Semite who strongly supported the Holocaust and who arranged the murder of his own children in 1945


He also called for 90 million people to take to the streets in protest at the government's decision to criminally prosecute migrants who cross the US border illegally and separate them from their children

The Easy Rider star, who has more than 46,000 followers, also said 'we should hack the system' and 'get the addresses of ICE agents' to 'surround their homes' and 'find out what schools their children go to and surround the schools'

In previous tweets on Tuesday, he said that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders should be deported 'to Arkansas'.
He also said her children should be given to Stephen Miller.
Fonda said Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen, meanwhile, should be 'put in a cage and poked at by passersby' as well as 'pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity'.
It comes after it was revealed that Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border to at least three 'tender age' shelters in South Texas.
Lawyers and medical providers who have visited the Rio Grande Valley shelters described play rooms of crying preschool-age children in crisis.

The government also plans to open a fourth shelter to house hundreds of young migrant children in Houston, where city leaders denounced the move Tuesday.
Since the White House announced its zero tolerance policy in early May, more than 2,300 children have been taken from their parents at the US-Mexico border, resulting in a new influx of young children requiring government care.
The government has faced withering critiques over images of some of the children in cages inside US Border Patrol processing stations.

20th June 2018, 08:07 AM
Let’s see if he is forced to do a Roseanne Barr maneuver?

But Peter just because you were ripped from your mothers arms and put in a cage of pedophiles when you were a child, doesn’t mean everyone has to have that Hollywood childhood experience...

20th June 2018, 08:20 AM
Translation: P.Fonda is "card carrying member of the (pedosadist) club."

"Those who scream the loudest..." :o

midnight rambler
20th June 2018, 08:39 AM
Translation: P.Fonda is "card carrying member of the (pedosadist) club."

"Those who scream the loudest..." :o

Yeah, I'm thinking of the irony.

20th June 2018, 08:40 AM
Translation: P.Fonda is "card carrying member of the (pedosadist) club."

"Those who scream the loudest..." :o

Well his sister claims she was raped as a child (by the patriarchy), and their mother too...

20th June 2018, 08:58 AM
Peter Fonda is a fucking communist who did not say one thing when Bill Clinton put this policy in place.
Child separation policy is not a Trump policy

It was Bill Clinton that started it, this has been going on for a long time. Trump just went along with "established policy".

So if they try to burn him with the question "Where did all the girls and babies go", it will be difficult to nail Trump for it without explaining all the other years it was in place.

So two decades of this crap went by, you can bet the systems of child trafficking are well entrenched.

One thing I noticed is it appears they have lots of trolls out there, posting comments about "why does everyone suddenly care about the children" and "The Democrats need to stop whining" and "The Republicans never cared about them before, they are hypocrites for caring now" and yada yada. Every excuse possible to diminish how people react to what is going on. And that by itself speaks volumes.

I can't think of anyone with a normal brain that could look at that Wal-mart picture and think it is OK, and not be shocked that it is an improvement over what Obama ran - I can't believe anyone with a normal brain would think it is OK that it cannot be immediately answered where the girls and babies are, -

people posting as if they are all upset that people "suddenly care" definitely have something to hide and come off as nothing but naked trolls that are trying to diminish the fact that they have been BUSTED.

The troll reactions alone are strong evidence not everything is on the up and up, they probably really are selling off at least a fair number of the girls and babies. Into what? There is plenty to guess.

20th June 2018, 10:22 AM
Peter Fonda is a fucking communist who did not say one thing when Bill Clinton put this policy in place.
Child separation policy is not a Trump policy

It was Bill Clinton that started it, this has been going on for a long time. Trump just went along with "established policy".

So if they try to burn him with the question "Where did all the girls and babies go", it will be difficult to nail Trump for it without explaining all the other years it was in place.

So two decades of this crap went by, you can bet the systems of child trafficking are well entrenched.

One thing I noticed is it appears they have lots of trolls out there, posting comments about "why does everyone suddenly care about the children" and "The Democrats need to stop whining" and "The Republicans never cared about them before, they are hypocrites for caring now" and yada yada. Every excuse possible to diminish how people react to what is going on. And that by itself speaks volumes.

I can't think of anyone with a normal brain that could look at that Wal-mart picture and think it is OK, and not be shocked that it is an improvement over what Obama ran - I can't believe anyone with a normal brain would think it is OK that it cannot be immediately answered where the girls and babies are, -

people posting as if they are all upset that people "suddenly care" definitely have something to hide and come off as nothing but naked trolls that are trying to diminish the fact that they have been BUSTED.

The troll reactions alone are strong evidence not everything is on the up and up, they probably really are selling off at least a fair number of the girls and babies. Into what? There is plenty to guess.

Facts don't matter to communist zombies and never Trumpsters. It's about the hate they have of Trump's America. It has nothing to do with children!

20th June 2018, 03:50 PM
Obama did the same thing, where's his all caps demand that Obama's young girls get ripped out of Michelle's arms and caged with pedophiles? Where is it Peter!?!?

20th June 2018, 05:36 PM
Obama did the same thing, where's his all caps demand that Obama's young girls get ripped out of Michelle's arms and caged with pedophiles? Where is it Peter!?!?

obama is out blasting Trump and saying it is his policy not obamas. Desperate left right now, they are doing and using anything in fear of losing their power. It's fucking obvious. They are full on impeachment and losing straw by straw.

"The Greatest Show on Earth"

21st June 2018, 07:20 AM
Dice, ~4m before the shwag/donation pitch

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tjPrwccb_aA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDeyHOJOBGMLYj6h89Mr4sSkLYAUQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjPrwccb_aA)
Twitter's Hypocrisy is Off The Charts (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjPrwccb_aA)

2 hours ago