View Full Version : Roger Stone got permanently banned from Twitter for swearing at CNN

21st June 2018, 03:57 AM
Mark Dice
6 hrs ·

So Trump advisor Roger Stone got permanently banned from Twitter for swearing at CNN anchors, but Peter Fonda makes rape threats to Trump's 12-year-old son and Twitter lets him keep his account. Twitter's leadership is despicable.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey quickly apologized for eating Chick-Fil-A but goes radio silent after his company endorses by inaction an actor tweeting threats to have the President's son raped. A fish rots from the head.

Remember when Twitter ignored Azealia Banks' gang rape threats to Sarah Palin? Leftists love rape threats. And Jack Dorsey repeatedly allows them on his platform, but suspends conservatives for calling gays or transgender people 'abnormal.'
