View Full Version : Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

23rd June 2018, 02:49 PM
David Hogg is a VIP now.

The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

Sean Di Somma snapped some pictures of Hogg strolling the streets of New York City recently with his new entourage in tow.


old steel
23rd June 2018, 04:11 PM
Leftists are the biggest hypocrites on the planet and they prove it on a daily basis.

midnight rambler
23rd June 2018, 05:40 PM
Hoggwash is pro-2A! (so he says, he’s a terrible liar)

Twisted Titan
25th June 2018, 03:40 AM
Every time I see that prick I just want grab him by both his shoulders and shake the shit outta him for about 4 minutes.

25th June 2018, 01:14 PM
Every time I see that prick I just want grab him by both his shoulders and shake the shit outta him for about 4 minutes.

His head would fall off soon as you grabbed him. Little pencil neck dildo.
