View Full Version : What directed energy can do to a body (warning: grapic)

midnight rambler
26th June 2018, 05:47 PM
One victim of directed energy weapons used in the Middle East. The U.S. Government claims that microwave weapons are not lethal. They also claim this picture is from a bomb blast. This is clearly a false statement. The sharp demarcation lines on the skin, cannot be made by any bomb blast. Further, there is no evidence of any shrapnel or flying debris.

Most descriptions by Targeted Individuals do not imply the use of Microwave weapons at this extreme level. However, it is clear that the directed energy weapons are capable of destructive uses.



26th June 2018, 05:53 PM
One victim of directed energy weapons used in the Middle East. The U.S. Government claims that microwave weapons are not lethal. They also claim this picture is from a bomb blast. This is clearly a false statement. The sharp demarcation lines on the skin, cannot be made by any bomb blast. Further, there is no evidence of any shrapnel or flying debris.

Most descriptions by Targeted Individuals do not imply the use of Microwave weapons at this extreme level. However, it is clear that the directed energy weapons are capable of destructive uses.


https://www.targetedjustice.com/uploads/1/1/6/3/116323993/microwave-weapon1_orig.jpg Microwaves = any thing has water in it will cook, ether slow or fast depending on energy density.

26th June 2018, 05:54 PM
One ex-navy guy was telling me about being anchored out in NYC harbor. They got bored so started up the gun director radar and started following pelicans around with it until they dropped dead. They had to stop because they were disrupting radio and TV every time they swept the NYC skyline.

26th June 2018, 05:56 PM
Yep, shit happens. Especially when boys with toys play.. Women are a total different thing, and level !


midnight rambler
26th June 2018, 05:56 PM
What's fascinating as Hell is that I discovered the info in the OP by locating the website indicated in the article concerning this incident about flyers being put on LEO vehicles where the flyers were *allegedly* tainted with Fentanyl - what better way to discrete the source*?

*WHY would someone trying to wake others up do such a thing?? ??? INSTANT hardcore discrediting!
