1st July 2018, 10:47 PM
>In many ways, the rise of Mr. López Obrador puts Mexico in uncharted waters. He will be the country’s first leftist president since the 1980s, the first from the impoverished south of the country in more than 70 years, and the first president not to represent one of the big two political parties in a century. The 64-year-old will also be the oldest president since 1913.
>To pay for his plan, Mr. López Obrador said he won’t raise taxes but instead will save some $25 billion lost each year by ending corruption and save another $20 billion more a year through an austerity plan that slashes the salaries and perks of top public officials.
>Many economists say that the candidate’s estimates of savings from corruption and austerity are unrealistic and that he will face a choice between scaling back his promises or taking on debt, possibly damaging Mexico’s hard-won financial stability.
>His victory may return Mexico to its foreign policy of the 1960s and 70s that sought to chart an independent course from the U.S. and allied itself with leftist governments around Latin America. He is likely to end, for instance, Mexico’s increasingly outspoken criticism of Venezuela’s authoritarian government of President Nicolás Maduro.
>Many believe Mr. López Obrador is a danger for Mexico’s young democracy. He barely tolerates criticism and has railed in the past against institutions that disagree with him. He has repeatedly said he mistrusts civil society.
2nd July 2018, 04:43 AM
Perhaps it should be pointed out that Mexico is a federation of independent countries. This guy is head of the executive branch of a federal system modeled after the U.S.
Sometimes (frequently?) it is hard to separate the reality from the illusion. Federalism is a proven failure. That is the reality. The illusion is fairly persistent.
2nd July 2018, 08:47 AM
vlogger "Black Conservative Patriot (" is black 'murkan, MX wife, divides his time between US & MX. 4 mins:
HIDDEN CAMERA: Can I Vote Here in Mexico in Today's Presidential Election Without Voter ID? (
524 views10 hours ago
2nd July 2018, 01:32 PM
The MSM is being partially accurate here.
Where is the MSM not being accurate now? By calling Obrador a "leftist".
FACT: Supporting workers rights, and increasing an apocalyptically low minimum wage does not make you a leftist - being pro abortion, pro NWO, anti-God, a pedophile child slave trader, and many other forms of satanic debauchery, including being an unabashed liar and complete idiot makes you a leftist! That is certainly NOT OBRADOR.
From down the page a ways, to let a few naysayers know I am not ignorant:This is a repeat, but the page is long and many people will have missed it.
There is only one thing Obrador ever did that might make Americans nervous:
About 8 months ago he expressed strong support for illegal immigrants in California. Conspiracy sites have milked this for fear porn, promising Americans a "mexican invasion".
The problem with this however is that Obrador is going to give the class of Mexicans that run to America a reason to stay in Mexico. I have said this more than once on this site. I am not ignorant to the fact that
Obrador is sympathetic to the illegals, but he is also a nationalist and would definitely understand America's sentiment toward illegals. The end result is that I predict there will be no flood of illegals heading north under Obrador, and will claim in advance my prediction is spot on. It would be far more popular to throw fear porn out there, but I am VERY optimistic about Obrador.Obrador's sympathy towards illegals is a topic I have covered before, it is no secret, but I am confident it is not a deal breaker so I did not focus on it much. Whatever the result, things would have been a HELL OF A LOT WORSE with Anaya or Meade.
Ask anyone who rips Obrador over the immigrants what a better alternative is, and why. During the "silent spring" that follows You'll hear crickets.
That reminds me, - now that Monsanto is finishing up with things, in many areas "silent spring" has become reality. But that has nothing to do with Obrador.Obrador Predictions:
1. Mexico will not pay for the wall.
2. Fewer Mexicans will try to cross the border.
3. The cartels won't be what they were, but might find a way to survive in some form.
4. Obrador will be declared a terrorist for being anti-globalist (but some other reason will be fronted)
5. Possible (if Obrador screws up) The Mexicans that do try to cross the border will be heavily seeded with independent types with a net worth of 10 million USD or more. This will cause the image of "Mexican immigrant" to change. Obrador is not stupid, and might make things work while avoiding this.
6. Mexico will definitely be punished by Europe, but may circumvent this by striking decent deals with the U.S., while China makes a huge move into Mexico and Russia pays a less prominent visit. It would be best for Trump to play nice economically now and try to trade on equal terms or there will be a huge Chinese problem south of the border. The Chinese will not be stupid with this, and Obrador will let them in, provided in return they pay well and provide jobs. China won't be allowed to dump goods on Mexico, but will be allowed to invest in Mexico and employ Mexicans provided China pays reasonably.
7. If Obrador strikes the deal with China I mentioned above, Mexico will rank in the top 10 countries economically (they are now at #15) regardless of what Europe or Trump tries to do to Mexico. We will have to wait and see what Obrador does now when faced with tough decisions after Europe (and possibly the U.S.) sanctions Mexico for not going NWO.
8. If Obrador succeeds anywhere near as well as he would if he was not messed with, a large number of illegals who actually work will head south. Those receiving excessive welfare will stay in the U.S. anyway because Obrador won't give them as much.
9. There will be numerous assassination attempts on Obrador, but he will (probably) be able to survive them due to the fact he's very experienced and very well supported.
10. In time, Mexico will become a net exporter of oil to the U.S. - the corrupted previous governments have prevented Mexico from accessing it's own resources. Obrador will change that.
The early Mexican reports are saying Obrador got approximately 70 percent of the vote. American MSM is saying he got around 50 percent. That's enough to do it. If the 70 percent figure is correct (maybe not but if it is) how would that be possible? ANSWER: Anaya having less than 10 percent support. . If you take 17 percent off of Anaya and add it to Obrador, there's your 70 percent. Too many people absolutely despised Anaya. That would be where the extra votes came from.
Anaya never had popular support. However, due to him being the George Soros candidate, the media likely borrowed a few points from Obrador by skewing polls. They probably also borrowed from Meade. I will wait for the final numbers before actually deciding what happened, but for now it appears this is the case.
There is a low level celebration underway right now.
Claudia went to a nearby store, and said everyone was celebrating an Obrador victory. In order for there to be a perception of "everyone" celebrating, there had to have been absolutely MASSIVE support for Obrador, which would be reflected in 70 percent of votes going to him. We'll have to wait for the final tally, but that is the first early number thrown around by the Mex MSM (this could be a local tally that is skewed also.)I went up to the roof to get a feel of the atmosphere. It seemed cheery with a nervous anticipation.
There were no sounds of disappointment, it was laughter and chatter.
All Mex presidents go around in limos and armored vehicles.
Not Obrador. He's going around in a Volkswagen Jetta A4. Look up the Jetta A4. For most of the world, that car was out of production in 2008. It was kept in production in Mexico up until 2015 as the Jetta Clasico. Headlight style indicates Obrador's Jetta is 2008 or newer. However, there's no president in any nation that would go around in an ordinary Jetta, that was a budget version when new to top it off. Obrador railed against the political elite living like kings, and is (and has) lived up to his word.The Jetta now is bolstered by the fact that when Obrador was mayor of Mexico City, which is a position above any state governor, #2 only to the presidency, he drove an old rust bucket to work and lived in an average neighborhood. He has already set a precedent for living up to his word.
What will happen next, according to street rumor?
The Mexican mafia will be the first to meet with Obrador once the spotlights are off. They will issue ultimatums, and try to get Obrador over to their side. Chances are Obrador already knows this. He is not corruptible. His history proves he can't be bought or threatened into submission. Chances are his government security forces will be run by the cartels.
Chances are, Obrador KNOWS his security forces will be run by the cartels. Obrador has been at this since 1976. He is by no means a newbie, or an easy target like Trump. As mayor of Mexico city, he has already held the #2 spot in the Mexican government. He definitely knows the ropes (and where they are hanging) PREDICTION:If Obrador believes he is legitimately threatened, he has 20,000,000 homes to go to AT LEAST that are not only secure, he'll be loved there. Lots more homes love him than that, but are not secure enough. He already knows about over a thousand that he can go directly to. He will play fake to the cartels, and the moment he is out of sight he'll get into an early 80's Mazda B2000 sundowner with tinted glass and smoky exhaust, look like tamale Juan in transit, get to a safe house, and blow the lid off the entire thing. He's not going to play the usual game.
Obrador is, without question, the one man who can go up against the cartels and win. Previous presidents WERE THE CARTEL. This will be interesting to watch to say the least.
An idea to prove the media is lying about Lopez Obrador being a leftist: Show media quotes that prove the opposite.
Here's a good one to get it all started, from FOX NewsAmidst an article they have that talks all about him being leftist, ( there is this:
"Lopez Obrador doesn't really like the idea of the military marching through the streets of Mexico as a measure of crime control."
My comment: The military in the streets, and excessive policing, is a hallmark of the left, howcome Obrador is against it if he's a "far leftist"?
Leftists are globalists. There's no way around that. So why, in this next item do we have this? (
"Though Lopez Obrador has grown more cautious after narrow defeats in the presidential elections of 2006 and 2012, the 64-year-old former mayor of Mexico City remains a throwback to a previous era, a champion of the working class in Mexico and a diehard apostle of a notion unfashionable in a globalist era, that of Mexican national sovereignty.My comment: What??!!?? I thought he was a leftist! If he's a nationalist, that is a pretty hard bash to the "leftist" identity!
Ha ha ha, in this Miami Herald report, ( which talks all about Obrador being a leftist,
After they totally rip him for not wanting to intervene in Venezuela's problems to "restore democracy", (which is in fact what leftists do, just look at George Soros around the world and then Hillary, in Libya) they have this quote:"To be fair, Lopez Obrador and Vasconcelos are not the only foreign-policy dinosaurs who are being resurrected on the world stage.
President Donald Trump and his top foreign-policy advisers are much in the same league, reviving pro-authoritarian, protectionist and thinly veiled racist policies that most of us believed were a thing of the past."My comment: Ok. so if Trump, who is being called "radical right" is doing a mirror image of what Obrador has planned, how does that make Obrador a "leftist", HMMMM? This Miami Herald article looks like it is beyond schizophrenic, it is DELUSIONAL schizophrenic. You just can't have it so blatantly both ways in the same overall statement without being totally NUTZ and get away with it, just because you threw the correct keywords and insults into the mix. Don't engage your brain, just hyperventilate yourself saying YEAH, YEAH, YEAH in agreement with all the keyphrases because it re-affirms your hatred for Trump. And wear a nappie to catch the drool.
OH, HERE'S A GOOD ONE, no article needed to rip: If Mexico has been "ruled from the right" for the past 100 years, (as everyone is saying) howcome abortion got legalized and fluoride got put in the salt? Why does "conservative" Anaya have a commercial where a woman is thrilled she "chose to have an abortion" and therefore "excercised her freedom?" That's as leftist as it gets, and Obrador is set to stop it, because he's a leftist??!!??
Here's a really stupid one from U.S. News and World Report: (
"The peso had lost as much as 16 percent versus the U.S. dollar over the last 12 months, partly due to investor concerns about a Lopez Obrador presidency as well as rising trade tensions between Washington and Mexico City."MY COMMENT: LET'S PULL THE 5 YEAR PESO CHART AGAINST THE DOLLAR. A LOOK AT THIS CHART. RELATIVE TO THE PAST 5 YEARS, THE PESO IS NOW STABLE. NO ONE WHO HAS A BRAINIS WORRIED ABOUT OBRADOR SCREWING THE PESO! Yet U.S. News and HURLED report just had to make that claim because it sounded good I guess!
Obrador's take on NAFTA also proves he is NOT leftist
There are mixed reports about Obrador being for or against Nafta. Here's the skinny: He's against it the way it is. Some papers are saying that means he wants it trashed, others are saying that means he supports Nafta. Take your pick. Whether or not it is still called "NAFTA" when he's done with it will be the question, the bottom line is that Nafta is globalist, and he's a nationalist. That does not bode well for NAFTA.
My take is that he wants NAFTA so re-negotiated it might as well be called dead. He wants American corporations out of Mexico's business as much as possible. However, he's also not stupid enough to send jobs away. So whatever remains of NAFTA afterward will remain to be seen.They can't say Obrador is a leftist yet say he's Mexico's Trump, yet in desperation, they do. Here's an example: point I tried to make with the above is that the papers are either totally screwed up, or they are lying outright. You can't call Obrador a leftist when he's not a globalist, or when he wants the military out of the streets, or when he's against Nafta as it is, or when his foreign policy is set to be similar to Trump's yet they do, because they know leftists are not popular ANYWHERE and they want him slandered as much as possible. No paper can claim he has trashed the economy already, or wrecked the peso, yet they are predominantly saying that, and IT IS BULLSHIT.
There is only one thing Obrador ever did that might make Americans nervous:
About 8 months ago he expressed strong support for illegal immigrants in California. Conspiracy sites have milked this for fear porn, promising Americans a "mexican invasion". The problem with this however is that Obrador is going to give the class of Mexicans that run to America a reason to stay in Mexico. I have said this more than once on this site. I am not ignorant to the fact that Obrador is sympathetic to the illegals, but he is also a nationalist and would definitely understand America's sentiment toward illegals. The end result is that I predict there will be no flood of illegals heading north under Obrador, and will claim in advance my prediction is spot on. It would be far more popular to throw fear porn out there, but I am VERY optimistic about Obrador, and don't do fear porn.Obrador's sympathy towards illegals is a topic I have covered before, it is no secret, but I am confident it is not a deal breaker.
The bottom line is that Obrador is so much like Trump the MSM does not know what to say about it. They just know that for them, "that's a bad thing" and they don't want to as openly admit it as they should, because they hate Trump, and now can't explain how a Mexican copy of Trump is set to be the next Mexican president when "all these refugees" are their heroes. Gotta laugh.
2nd July 2018, 04:58 PM
Sadly, I don't think he will live long, drug dealers and crooked politicians will end him in a year or guess.
2nd July 2018, 08:58 PM
mexico, like the US, elected a self-proclaimed NATIONALIST, not globalist
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