View Full Version : Iranian commander accuses Israel of stealing Iran's CLOUDS and causing a drought

2nd July 2018, 05:58 PM
Iranian commander accuses Israel of stealing Iran's CLOUDS and causing a drought

Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali is head of Civil Defence Organisation
He claimed the changing weather in the country is 'suspect' said Israel to blame
Jalali claimed theory has a solid scientific basis and Iran also facing snow theft
Head of Iran's meteorological service was sceptical, said cloud theft not possible

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5910359/Iranian-commander-accuses-Israel-stealing-Irans-CLOUDS-order-cause-drought.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5910359/Iranian-commander-accuses-Israel-stealing-Irans-CLOUDS-order-cause-drought.html?ito=social-facebook)

An Iranian general has accused Israel of stealing its clouds in order to manipulate weather and cause drought in the Islamic Republic.

Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of Iran's Civil Defence Organisation said that the changing climate in Iran is 'suspect'.

'Foreign interference is suspected to have played a role in climate change,' said Jalali, who insisted results from an Iranian scientific study 'confirm' the claim.
'Israel and another country in the region have joint teams which work to ensure clouds entering Iranian skies are unable to release rain,' he said.

'On top of that, we are facing the issue of cloud and snow theft.'

Jalali cited a survey showing that above 7200 feet all mountainous areas between Afghanistan and the Mediterranean are covered in snow, except Iran.

The head of Iran's meteorological service Ahad Vazife struck a sceptical note.

He said that General Jalali 'probably has documents of which I am not aware, but on the basis of meteorological knowledge, it is not possible for a country to steal snow or clouds'.

'Iran has suffered a prolonged drought, and this is a global trend that does not apply only to Iran,' Vazife said.

'Raising such questions not only does not solve any of our problems, but will deter us from finding the right solutions'.

The general's allegations of weather pilfering were not the first time an Iranian official has accused the country's foes of stealing its rain.

Former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2011 accused Western countries of devising plans to 'cause drought' in Iran,

He claimed 'European countries used special equipment to force clouds to dump' their water on their continent.

'Today our country is moving towards drought, which is partly unintentional due to industry and partly intentional, as a result of the enemy destroying the clouds moving towards our country and this is a war that Iran is going to overcome,' he said.

The Iranian leader also accused Western states of creating the HIV virus to weaken the developing world and create a market for pharmaceuticals.