View Full Version : Very enlightening interview with ex-Illuminaughty insider Ronald Bernard

midnight rambler
2nd July 2018, 11:10 PM

midnight rambler
3rd July 2018, 05:39 PM

Ronald Bernard is dead on, definitely worth 1/2 hour of your time. This video will reaffirm some things that you already know as well as fill in some gaps in your knowledge about the issues.

3rd July 2018, 08:14 PM
thx; missed this post earlier, prolly coz "Ronald Bernard" was pushed off the right end in the New Posts listing. Looks like the interview first appeared in May '18? Haven't listened yet but it's in my queue.

Was trying to figure out who "Sacha Stone" is; find this interesting sounding title,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Oy7Q7ZE3oY4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLATTUAST1boUM8plnXYSR9t0NfFqw 48:15
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy7Q7ZE3oY4) International Natural Justice Tribunal, Human Trafficking, & Mass Awakening w/ Sacha Stone Pt. 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy7Q7ZE3oY4)
Sarah Westall (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtO4mL7AAM97yt5EHacdpKw)
1 year ago
Activist and Social Leader Sacha Stone joins the program to discuss the International Natural Justice Tribunal formed 800 years to ...

midnight rambler
3rd July 2018, 08:20 PM
In that interview both of them correctly point out that the remedy to our dilemma (imo) is free will aka free agency.

They also very momentarily touch upon some pertinent matters yet don't expand upon them.

3rd July 2018, 10:28 PM
Thanks. Just watched the video.

Its interesting how he completely changed after almost dying and having an out of body experience.

Good info about the BIS being, in his opinion, the pinnacle of everything. Also, perspective on blood sacrifice in various forms being a key tool.

4th July 2018, 01:16 AM
Exactly, WE MUST UNITE... love/empathy is the rule of God, because it is impossible to take them down as ma-made laws protect ((them)). And man-made religions as well.

I said the same thing countless of times on here, Evil uses God's Numbers/Math to corrupt everything, so either we learn this knowledge or... we are done. Master the Hermetic Principles now! The latter are key to grasp as why money never meant for peace and prosperity.

To change the behavior of people, the mind must be addressed first. The Principle Of Mentalism. Society will not change until the "cult of the virgin" is being put rest because religions do NOT explain the metaphysics behind it but with the use of childlike metaphors instead that have supported pedophilia throughout the ages. Pedophilia is nothing new, it just the scale of it that has become dystopian.

((They)) know of course, but they expect a lack of metaphysical knowledge to indirectly support pure evil. Religions are all man made and we need to trust Natural Laws/God which talks to us with Numbers translating Vibrations. Vibration is the Voice and Thinking of God. And pure evil twists it to no end.

When such a Truth will come out, get ready for the end of ALL organized religions. This metaphor, the virgin conception, explains the Principle Of Gender

Mary never was a "physical" virgin. All religions have female characters associated with purity. Such as the 9yo aicha in the coran.

Humanity must understand metaphysics in order to save itself...and blasting the knowledge has done nothing but allowed pure evil to prosper. Taking responsibility starts at this level. One cannot expect to remain ignorant and free

4th July 2018, 05:32 AM
Never trust someone with two first names...

4th July 2018, 05:51 AM
Never trust...

Trust is the source of the entire problem. Man does not fight trust. Trust can only fight trust.

TRUST, contracts, devises. An equitable right, title or interest in
property, real or personal, distinct from its legal ownership; or it is a
personal obligation for paying, delivering or performing anything, where the
person trusting has no real. right or security, for by, that act he confides
altogether to the faithfulness of those entrusted. This is its most general
meaning, and includes deposits, bailments, and the like. In its more
technical sense, it may be defined to be an obligation upon a person,
arising out of a confidence reposed in him, to apply property faithfully,
and according to such confidence.

BELIEF. The conviction of the mind, arising from evidence received, or from
information derived, not from actual perception by our senses, but from. the
relation or information of others who have had the means of acquiring actual
knowledge of the facts and in whose qualifications for acquiring that
knowledge, and retaining it, and afterwards in communicating it, we can
place confidence. " Without recurring to the books of metaphysicians' "says
Chief Justice Tilghman, 4 Serg. & Rawle, 137, "let any man of plain common
sense, examine the operations of, his own mind, he will assuredly find that
on different subjects his belief is different. I have a firm belief that,
the moon revolves round the earth. I may believe, too, that there are
mountains and valleys in the moon; but this belief is not so strong, because
the evidence is weaker."

If you believe you are screwed then likely you are indeed screwed.

Another way to express this is the Law of Atrraction.

4th July 2018, 05:52 AM
Trust is the source of the entire problem. Man does not fight trust. Trust can only fight trust.

Zen thingy ?


Hum, on reflection , probably not, close but no cigar ! More like a blind mind fuck ..Lmfao..

midnight rambler
13th July 2018, 08:52 PM
More Ronald Bernard, recent interview -


15th July 2018, 07:38 AM

While he may be an illuminati insider, what makes him an "EX"??
Did he get saved?
This is not to say what he says is not true at but PART OF their plan is to PREPARE people for what's coming with subtilty and HALF truths (i.e. leaking info) and so called "insiders" are USED to put the preparation of what's coming in YOUR MIND in place.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY answer and only solution to every problem!!

His getting Biblical without telling people about Jesus Christ is EXTREMELY suspicious!!
If he got truly woke up he would have come to Jesus Christ! He did not mention him ONE TIME!!

The "crying mother" really? this is a ROMAN CATHOLIC "shot" "the positive light" < This is occult teaching!!!

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

midnight rambler
28th August 2018, 01:54 AM
Here's something recent -


28th August 2018, 04:38 AM
Why not just fly the Flag of Peace?


A flag is just a blank slate until someone chooses to fill it with images.

29th August 2018, 03:52 AM
Why not just fly the Flag of Peace?


A flag is just a blank slate until someone chooses to fill it with images.
Ah the unprocessed rainbow flag. (:;) Which color symbolizes pedophilia in the rainbow flag?

29th August 2018, 04:49 AM
Which color symbolizes pedophilia in the rainbow flag?

Paedophilia erotica was invented in 1886 by Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing. Use of flags predates this event.

29th August 2018, 07:29 AM
Paedophilia erotica was invented in 1886 by Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing. Use of flags predates this event.

You are a wealth of information. How come you know these things? Personal interest?

29th August 2018, 07:56 AM
How come you know these things?
Google. As to the time concept to know the ending you must have some cognition of the beginning. Without a beginning there is no end.

29th August 2018, 08:46 AM
Google. As to the time concept to know the ending you must have some cognition of the beginning. Without a beginning there is no end.

And without cognition it doesn’t matter.

29th August 2018, 02:47 PM
without cognition it doesn’t matter.
"It" rarely matters. If you cannot name "it" then possibly "it" lacks being?

29th August 2018, 02:57 PM
"It" rarely matters. If you cannot name "it" then possibly "it" lacks being?
Sometimes you are really stupid, “it” obviously is related to the question of beginning and end, from your post which I quoted. An advice don’t get hung up on a single word, try to decipher its (relating to “single word” in this instance) context. It may be difficult if you lack in cognitive capability, my little word obsessed friend.

midnight rambler
29th August 2018, 03:10 PM
Sometimes you are really stupid, “it” obviously is related to the question of beginning and end, from your post which I quoted. An advice don’t get hung up on a single word, try to decipher its (relating to “single word” in this instance) context. It may be difficult if you lack in cognitive capability, my little word obsessed friend.

That would depend upon what the definition of 'is' is.

29th August 2018, 03:19 PM
That would depend upon what the definition of 'is' is.

;D OMG not you also!

midnight rambler
29th August 2018, 03:20 PM
;D OMG not you also!

You don't recognize the famous quote?

29th August 2018, 03:21 PM
You don't recognize the famous quote?

No, Hillary trying to weasel out of something?

midnight rambler
29th August 2018, 03:22 PM
No, Hillary trying to weasel out of something?

No, her better half, BJ.

midnight rambler
29th August 2018, 03:25 PM
No, her better half, BJ.


29th August 2018, 03:27 PM

LOL! I had forgotten that... Good one!

2nd October 2018, 09:49 PM
SGT Report guest sounds Bernard-esque; but this guy was never an "insider."

see Info box @ YT page-- text won't copy/paste; a form of soft shadowbanning:
47m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMpfx_aMpFg
