View Full Version : Hatred of Trump frees the mind from all obligation to moderation

3rd July 2018, 12:54 AM
It may now join the propositions of Euclid, as impregnable to rebuttal, that Donald Trump or any news that alludes to him, unhinges the minds of those who oppose him.

Trump, in this respect, is like global warming. He is the universal key to every phenomenon. Any statement about Trump, so long as it is in any way condemnatory, dismissive, insulting or condescending, requires neither proof, consistency, logic or (and especially) decency.

Just as enlisting in the grand cause of global warming invests the recruit with the immeasurable gifts of infallibility, moral superiority and boundless righteousness, so too does opposition, even to hatred, of Trump free the mind from all obligation to moderation, custom, or articulate argument.

It is the ultimate pass to be as nasty and crude as anyone could wish, and — with rarely noted irony — even to bemore nasty and crude than the great boorish Trump himself.

How odd: to oppose Trump is to become a more clangorous version of him.

more link... https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-isnt-it-ironic-trump-haters-have-become-even-nastier-than-him