View Full Version : Anarchapulco 2018

5th July 2018, 02:08 AM
too bad he double talks a little, maybe because the conference is sponsored by bitcoin/cryptos, but he clearly states that if you dont address the problem, man-made laws, cryptos will not go anywhere... by the way bitcoin is down almost 60%... so was it a bubble or not?

beside, excellent, Max Igan


5th July 2018, 05:23 AM
bitcoin is down almost 60%... so was it a bubble of not?

Bubbles are nothing more than air surrounded by soap film. Bitcoin is nothing surrounded by a fleeting thought.

5th July 2018, 02:18 PM
Bitcoin was down almost 70% at its worst... This has happened several times or more in the history of bitcoin.

6th July 2018, 01:36 AM
that's the evidence they can pop the bubble whenever ((they)) want

fix psychopathic politics first...

MPH chilling lecture about integrity and the consequences of the lack thereof''

The world is going down because society has always tolerated "any necessary evils" and thinks they can be bypassed in many ways (my emphasis) Until 5 or so years ago, I was thinking that way too. And until we all unite and stand up, nothing will change... that is the great challenges of cultures/races/social classes... obviously such differences are too perceptions


Bitcoin was down almost 70% at its worst... This has happened several times or more in the history of bitcoin.

Twisted Titan
6th July 2018, 02:05 AM
I really dont think that a man steeped in wild sex orgies and running with human demons that practiced pedophilia is in a place to lecture \me or anyone about integrity

Just saying.

6th July 2018, 02:32 PM
Btw people have been chanting the world is going down the last 5000 years, you’re no different Goldie. Sure humanity and the world will come to an end one day, but it won’t be from the hands of man. Previous extinction events proves that, and in the big schemes of things we are not as destructive and powerful as we may think.

Would you like to buy my Yellowstone Volcano insurance? Specially tailored to inhabitants of North America, very competitive annual premium, covers all damages from supervolcano eruption!

And bitcoin is up +2000% compared to where it was 2 years ago...

6th July 2018, 02:52 PM
bitcoin is up +2000%
When something doesn't exist the value is unlimited.

6th July 2018, 05:05 PM
you really say whatever... because you think that ALL people who understand metaphysics are pedophiles.

it is like me saying that anybody who has a christian priest in the family has been molested

but I get it, you cannot swallow what I said about the "virgin cult" that is translated in all mainstream religions and you need your revenge. Gotcha!

MPH is the most STRAIGHT of all masons EVER. And you should listen to this lecture, because he tells you HOW easy is it to brainwash the masses. And how to remedy to a lack of integrity

Profiling is always very reductive. Quit reacting like a sensitive soul, TT.

MHP never participated in orgies nor was a pedophile. I guarantee you this, like many you are just afraid of a knowledge that is hidden in the bible and which you cannot make sense of it.

Neuro and woodman do not get it either... wake up, all religions are astro-theology. Nothing you and I can do about it. That is there.

I really dont think that a man steeped in wild sex orgies and running with human demons that practiced pedophilia is in a place to lecture \me or anyone about integrity

Just saying.

6th July 2018, 06:24 PM
Neuro... destructive and powerful as we may think... caught defending slavery and agenda 21. That is where the lack of integrity starts... validating "necessary evil" ... and then you wont listen to MPH.


Btw people have been chanting the world is going down the last 5000 years, you’re no different Goldie. Sure humanity and the world will come to an end one day, but it won’t be from the hands of man. Previous extinction events proves that, and in the big schemes of things we are not as destructive and powerful as we may think.

Would you like to buy my Yellowstone Volcano insurance? Specially tailored to inhabitants of North America, very competitive annual premium, covers all damages from supervolcano eruption!

And bitcoin is up +2000% compared to where it was 2 years ago...

6th July 2018, 07:24 PM
Neuro... destructive and powerful as we may think... caught defending slavery and agenda 21. That is where the lack of integrity starts... validating "necessary evil" ... and then you wont listen to MPH.

What are you talking about?

7th July 2018, 02:12 AM
Btw people have been chanting the world is going down the last 5000 years, you’re no different Goldie.

we are going down, as a species... centuries of warnings are now fact. Not acknowledging this is validating the agenda 21

and why? read the quotes in my sig

What are you talking about?

7th July 2018, 04:19 AM
Btw people have been chanting the world is going down the last 5000 years, you’re no different Goldie.

we are going down, as a species... centuries of warnings are now fact. Not acknowledging this is validating the agenda 21

and why? read the quotes in my sig
You make up shit! See the highlighted portion of your quote... it’s called building a straw man.

Look at post number 10 in this thread!

8th July 2018, 04:49 PM
Neuro, you wrote that sentence, not me

You make up shit! See the highlighted portion of your quote... it’s called building a straw man.

Look at post number 10 in this thread!

another Max Igan... right on when saying that "whatever faith believer" assumes that is being lied to socially, politically to but regards his faith as UNtouched by the hidden hand.


8th July 2018, 07:00 PM
Just finished Max Igan, he is right... the purpose of Life is service to Creation.

MHP always talks from a personal responsibility perspective (objectivity)

MPH quote @ 20mins: we are here to learn. we are here to grow by experience. and furthermore we are here to become self-sustaining and self-guiding. The only answer to our problems are today, is the realization that the individual is the actual element of the cause and the actual element of the cure... the individual has to do it... now we may say that it is a slow process, yes it is. Because we are so getting late starting at it... but it still remains that any corruption and abusive society can be corrected if private citizens do not contribute to that abuse or refuse to sustain it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5r1uUvWH0M&t=2060s

every word in this MHP lecture is worth it.

9th July 2018, 12:35 AM
Neuro, you wrote that sentence, not me

I quoted you. Your sense of reality is distorted. You build straw men and attack those, you find opposition where there is none. It is impossible to have a rational discussion with you.

11th July 2018, 02:13 AM
Btw people have been chanting the world is going down the last 5000 years

and I am one of them but the sentence you wrote means that you are among those downplaying it. And therefore, dismiss agenda 21 and the so many various threats we face.

Now you assert that you cannot have any rational discussion with me... because, sorry, I am seeing the big picture and dont fall anymore for any side of the fence. And when one sits on the fence, one is perceived as a contrarian by both sides. I can deal with it.

Bitcoin up 2000% and you insinuate that bitcoin sill worth it... well I am reading about more potential sell off online and it does not bode well. Obviously you are praising "pump and dump" ... I do not. The stock market is all about "pump and dump" and should be outlawed as it is an instrument of deception the NWO use to doom us all. Yet bitcoin fanatics do not see a thing. Sure, I am the one who is not rational... hello ???

MPH: but it still remains that any corruption and abusive society can be corrected if private citizens do not contribute to that abuse or refuse to sustain it

MHP is soooo evil... LOL... I am listening to Manly P. Hall - Maturity is the Grand Illusion... and so should you.

I quoted you. Your sense of reality is distorted. You build straw men and attack those, you find opposition where there is none. It is impossible to have a rational discussion with you.

11th July 2018, 11:25 AM
and I am one of them but the sentence you wrote means that you are among those downplaying it. And therefore, dismiss agenda 21 and the so many various threats we face.

LOL, once again you tell me what I think. In this case (in your OPINION) a threat means the end of The World.

This is exactly what building a strawman is. I don’t at all dispute there are various agendas and conspiracies that are played out against humanity at large. In fact most people would label me a conspiracy theorist/nut, for the things that I know/believe. I just don’t buy your argument that it means the end of the world. Can you comprehend the difference? Probably not... And that is the sole reason why this tedious discussion continuously recurs. You make up your opinion of what I think, and then you go on to destroy “my” position. Goldie you are an echo chamber! You are only discussing with your self. If I oppose you on one of your positions doesn’t mean I oppose you on every position you have used to come to your conclusion...

Sad really!