View Full Version : "It's A Literal Shithole" - San Fran Sees Over 16,000 'Feces Complaints' In One Week

Twisted Titan
5th July 2018, 11:34 PM
"It's A Literal Shithole" - San Fran Sees Over 16,000 'Feces Complaints' In One Week
https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/pictures/picture-5.jpg?itok=LY4e264- (https://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
by Tyler Durden (https://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Thu, 07/05/2018 - 21:05


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Authored by Dan Lyman via NewsWars.com, (https://newswars.com/san-francisco-logs-over-16000-feces-complaints-in-one-week)

Over 16,000 complaints have been logged with the City of San Francisco regarding ‘feces’ in the last seven days.

A website (https://sf311.org/recent-requests) and related app that allows local residents to request maintenance or non-emergency services from the city has received 16,034 complaints with the keyword ‘feces’ in the last week at the time of this writing, and many pertain to human waste in public places.


Additionally, words and phrases synonymous with ‘feces’ are found in thousands more grievances.


Many of the complaints also connect the fecal matter to vagrants and homeless encampments - a sight all too common (https://www.infowars.com/new-california-tent-city-video-sparks-outrage/) now across California.
Users can geotag the location in question, and also provide photos to support their claim.

“Homeless encampment is blocking sidewalk and creates a health hazard w trash and feces,” writes one user.
“Please move them, and send a cleaning crew. Sidewalk is impassable, forcing pedestrians into the street.”
“Homeless individuals sleeping along Funston between Clement and Geary,” writes another user. 

“Observed homeless people shooting up at 5pm on Monday, July 2nd. Lots of feces and garbage in the area. Please clean up area and see if homeless individuals need services.”

A local Fox affiliate reported earlier this week about a “big bag of poo” (https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-franciscans-complain-of-stench-from-20-pounds-of-feces-on-sidewalk) filled with approximately 20 pounds of feces discarded on a San Francisco sidewalk.
Residents filed multiple complaints with the city about the debris, and it was eventually removed.

"Strong smell of feces on post on block between cedar and post," wrote one denizen. "There must be a ton of it somewhere nearby."
"We don't know what it's from and we're not going to test it," said a Department of Public Works spokeswoman. "We just got rid of it. This is very unusual."

In April, the International Union of Operating Engineers filed a complaint with the California Department of Transportation on behalf of Caltrans workers, alleging that their safety was being jeopardized due to a variety of factors, including human waste produced by vagrants living near freeways and associated property.

"Feces and urine and feminine products and all kinds of things on the ground; needles, syringes - you know they use buckets, five-gallon buckets for toilets, and it gets really disgusting," said Steve Crouch, Director of Public Employees.

Infowars has been documenting (https://newswars.com/la-blaze-ignited-by-vagrants-as-homeless-camps-explode-across-state) the decay of California, which is now home to more than a quarter (https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/2017-AHAR-Part-1.pdf) of the nation's homeless population.

On January 1, 2018, California officially declared itself a "sanctuary state" for illegal aliens and criminals.

Twisted Titan
5th July 2018, 11:35 PM
Peak feces.

How long you figure before some plague (cholera or similar) breaks out around there? I figure soon. There's a reason sanitary sewer systems were invented back in the 19th century. The Thames was basically a giant open sewer running through the middle of London and guess what? Cholera.

6th July 2018, 03:23 AM
Wholesale! https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-franciscans-complain-of-stench-from-20-pounds-of-feces-on-sidewalk

6th July 2018, 03:38 PM
Peak feces.

How long you figure before some plague (cholera or similar) breaks out around there? I figure soon. There's a reason sanitary sewer systems were invented back in the 19th century. The Thames was basically a giant open sewer running through the middle of London and guess what? Cholera.

Exactly improved sanitation/plumbing is the main reason that more than 50% survives childhood nowadays. Something that people tend to ascribe to childhood vaccinations, but the truth is that 99% of childhood mortality in infectious diseases have been dealt with prior to mass vaccination of the children. Plumbers are the heroes not pediatricians.

6th July 2018, 05:46 PM
Exactly improved sanitation/plumbing is the main reason that more than 50% survives childhood nowadays. Something that people tend to ascribe to childhood vaccinations, but the truth is that 99% of childhood mortality in infectious diseases have been dealt with prior to mass vaccination of the children. Plumbers are the heroes not pediatricians.

Take your shot and shut up. They are safe and you can't go to skule without them. If you refuse we will take your kids away because you are an endangerment to your children.

Twisted Titan
6th July 2018, 10:06 PM
Exactly improved sanitation/plumbing is the main reason that more than 50% survives childhood nowadays. Something that people tend to ascribe to childhood vaccinations, but the truth is that 99% of childhood mortality in infectious diseases have been dealt with prior to mass vaccination of the children. Plumbers are the heroes not pediatricians.

for the longest time I never understood that when a major disaster strikes( hurricane, earthquake, fire etc ) the very first thing they try to establish is the ability to use use and get clean potable water to the location .

I just thought it was done for thirst ( duh)

6th July 2018, 11:40 PM
for the longest time I never understood that when a major disaster strikes( hurricane, earthquake, fire etc ) the very first thing they try to establish is the ability to use use and get clean potable water to the location .

I just thought it was done for thirst ( duh)
LOL me too...

Polio is still rampant in India despite a 98-99% vaccine uptake rate. Polio virus is spread by flies that feast on human feces of people who have the active disease and bring it to the mouths of those who don’t. Once with plumbing you take away the vector of spread and disease becomes impossible. Last Polio epidemic in Europe was ‘54-55, and that was the last time there were inner city outhouses, at the same time polio vaccine was introduced, but it had nothing to do with polio not reoccurring. If it was effective polio would be curbed in India and Africa as well... But it isn’t as most of those countries are severely lacking basic hygiene measures like plumbing.

Twisted Titan
7th July 2018, 11:47 AM
LOL me too...

Polio is still rampant in India despite a 98-99% vaccine uptake rate. Polio virus is spread by flies that feast on human feces of people who have the active disease and bring it to the mouths of those who don’t. Once with plumbing you take away the vector of spread and disease becomes impossible. Last Polio epidemic in Europe was ‘54-55, and that was the last time there were inner city outhouses, at the same time polio vaccine was introduced, but it had nothing to do with polio not reoccurring. If it was effective polio would be curbed in India and Africa as well... But it isn’t as most of those countries are severely lacking basic hygiene measures like plumbing.

So when trump calling them shithole countries.....he was actually stating a matter of fact.

Dam. The don was right again

8th July 2018, 03:37 PM
OP article very telling, I wish they could speak of it in the news

but the whole planet is a gigantic shithole

reality check.... brick wall coming... toilet paper is dooming the planet too, even wiping our ass is helping take the world down. This is another classical case (among so many) describing psychosis of "following the money" leading society to a precipice.

Humanity will change as soon as more and more become aware that there is no cause to fight for but removing ourselves from a system treating us like commodities.

JULY 2017 | Wiping your ass is ruining the environment – but there’s an alternative solution............... Not so fast, says Scientific American in the pages of a new study published this month. Toilet paper, after all, is more than just paper. That special 2-ply roll incorporates dozens of different chemicals, including water, in its processing. In the United States alone, it takes more than 15 million trees, 473,587,500,000 gallons of water, 253 tons of chlorine and 17.3 terawatts of electricity to meet the annual demand for toilet paper. In comparison, a bidet costs about 1000 dollars for a one-time purchase, and then uses an eighth of a gallon for every bum-spraying session. Over the course of your lifetime, you’ll spend more money on toilet paper than you ever will on a bidet, and most are so easy to install that you might not even need to call in a plumber. https://theplaidzebra.com/how-your-clean-ass-might-come-at-the-expense-of-the-environment/

Flushing Forests

Extra-soft, quilted and multi-ply toilet roll made from virgin wood causes more damage than gas-guzzlers, fast food or McMansions, say campaigners

In the UK, during their annual beach clean-up, the Marine Conservation Society found 35 grey, waste-stained non-biodegradable wet wipes for every kilometre of sand. (from nytimes article below)

The equivalent of about 27,000 trees are either flushed or dumped into landfills every day due to toilet paper overuse. The pulp and paper industry is the greatest industrial cause of deforestation in the world. Wet wipes, which do not disintegrate the way traditional toilet paper does, have plagued Hawaii and Alaska, Wisconsin and California.

LONG TERM SOLUTION: BUY A BIDET (first link at the top)

Why We Don't Use Toilet Paper & How - Minimalism Monday (another solution)

8th July 2018, 04:22 PM
OP article very telling, I wish they could speak of it in the news

but the whole planet is a gigantic shithole

reality check.... brick wall coming... toilet paper is dooming the planet too, even wiping our ass is helping take the world down. This is another classical case (among so many) describing psychosis of "following the money" leading society to a precipice.

Humanity will change as soon as more and more become aware that there is no cause to fight for but removing ourselves from a system treating us like commodities.

JULY 2017 | Wiping your ass is ruining the environment – but there’s an alternative solution............... Not so fast, says Scientific American in the pages of a new study published this month. Toilet paper, after all, is more than just paper. That special 2-ply roll incorporates dozens of different chemicals, including water, in its processing. In the United States alone, it takes more than 15 million trees, 473,587,500,000 gallons of water, 253 tons of chlorine and 17.3 terawatts of electricity to meet the annual demand for toilet paper. In comparison, a bidet costs about 1000 dollars for a one-time purchase, and then uses an eighth of a gallon for every bum-spraying session. Over the course of your lifetime, you’ll spend more money on toilet paper than you ever will on a bidet, and most are so easy to install that you might not even need to call in a plumber. https://theplaidzebra.com/how-your-clean-ass-might-come-at-the-expense-of-the-environment/

Flushing Forests

Extra-soft, quilted and multi-ply toilet roll made from virgin wood causes more damage than gas-guzzlers, fast food or McMansions, say campaigners

In the UK, during their annual beach clean-up, the Marine Conservation Society found 35 grey, waste-stained non-biodegradable wet wipes for every kilometre of sand. (from nytimes article below)

The equivalent of about 27,000 trees are either flushed or dumped into landfills every day due to toilet paper overuse. The pulp and paper industry is the greatest industrial cause of deforestation in the world. Wet wipes, which do not disintegrate the way traditional toilet paper does, have plagued Hawaii and Alaska, Wisconsin and California.

LONG TERM SOLUTION: BUY A BIDET (first link at the top)

Why We Don't Use Toilet Paper & How - Minimalism Monday (another solution)
I got a bidet toilet seat on Woot for about $40. It took about 5 minutes to install and it works like a charm. OK, the water from my well is a little cold, but it is tolerable and it cleans my backside just fine.

9th July 2018, 03:23 PM
San Francisco Filth Tied to Dangerous Prop 47

9th July 2018, 03:50 PM

It’s not news that San Francisco has become a liberal hell hole (http://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2018/04/17/san-francisco-tourism-industry-pleads-for-street-clean-up/), characterized by murderous illegal aliens and filthy streets filled with drugged-out bums.

The city’s tourism industry has been pleading for a cleanup (http://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2018/04/17/san-francisco-tourism-industry-pleads-for-street-clean-up/)of the horrific conditions which is a reasonable request considering the traveller business brings in $9 billion annually (https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2018/07/02/big-convention-pulls-out-san-francisco-citing-unsafe-streets/). And now the first axe has fallen: a major medical convention that would have brought in $40 million has decided to pull out (https://www.breitbart.com/california/2018/07/08/san-francisco-loses-medical-convention-over-unsafe-squalid-streets/) because of the danger to attendees.


Tucker Carlson recently discussed the situation with congressional candidate Kimberlin Brown Pelzer (https://www.kimberlinforcongress.com/meet-kimberlin/). Interestingly, she brought up the influence of the notorious Prop. 47 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Proposition_47_(2014)) which downgraded some non-violent crime from felonies to misdemeanors, which has resulted in an avalanche of theft, shoplifting etc. (https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/01/californias-proposition-47-crime-and-no-consequences/) In cities like San Francisco, that means the police don’t even bother pursuing cases where the property loss is less than $950.

(Another crime that should not be forgotten was the murder of Marilyn Pharis by an illegal alien (http://www.limitstogrowth.org/articles/2015/10/29/californias-war-on-public-safety-is-illustrated-by-illegal-alien-murder/) who had been released from jail because of Prop 47.)

KIMBERLIN BROWN PELZER: You know Prop 47, once that passed — and you could actually steal anything $950 dollars and below — that the homeless have been flocking to the state of California.
TUCKER CARLSON: That was the proposition, for our viewers who don’t follow it, that was proposition that made low-level crimes not crimes basically.

PELZER: Exactly, and I can tell you on a personal level, I have people coming into my stores on a regular basis, stealing items that my employees are later finding on Craigslist, and the police can’t do anything about it. They say they won’t show up because where do you send a ticket for someone who’s homeless? They simply don’t show up any longer, and they’ve made crime okay in the state of California and in San Francisco, where you’re talking about, I mean that’s Pelosi’s backyard and she is part of that liberal agenda that is driving California down.

27th December 2019, 02:52 PM

San Francisco Dogs Begin Bagging People Poop