View Full Version : Anyone watch that Strzok Congessional hearing ?

12th July 2018, 12:37 PM
thought not.

Anyway I left when some Russian jew democrat Deutch got up and wished for the same passion involved in this case as the case for Russian jews meddling in elections to get the vote out.

12th July 2018, 05:43 PM
Apparently one piece of critical info. that came out of the testimony is that the Steele dosier was not the legitimizing factor in commencing a Russian investigation of Trump.

While the legitimizing piece of info. still goes unfounded to safeguard against any questions in this case for the other current legitimate Russian investigation.

All is well in U.S. politics.

13th July 2018, 10:44 AM
Watched a short video with Strzok. I swear it's so rehearsed like he is in a movie. I'll see if I can find a link.

13th July 2018, 11:03 AM

13th July 2018, 11:35 AM
strzok testimony predictably sparked some memes,
https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/s...15259224702976 (https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1017715259224702976)
https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/s...19164284895232 (https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1017619164284895232) << I don't even recall what that killery shoulder shimmy was in response to any more?? Recall it was during one of the debates.

Black Conservative Patriot, 9m:



13th July 2018, 04:12 PM
strzok = Just another Washington D.C. butt fucking hell bound faggot

13th July 2018, 04:12 PM
Watched a short video with Strzok. I swear it's so rehearsed like he is in a movie. I'll see if I can find a link.

Yeah most everything from the Left were rehearsed.

That's not excusing the Right from being also completely unproffesional.

Strozk certainly did nothing wrong in his own mind. Like a pig in the mud, happy.

14th July 2018, 06:22 AM
1 min spoof:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1mkRit7IGE/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAazOKKuP8RrpqPGv7wOWapEDtz9g 1:01
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1mkRit7IGE) Peter Strzok exposed during House Testimony. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1mkRit7IGE)11K views16 hours ago

14th July 2018, 10:42 AM
Peter Strzok Reveals Himself To Be A Demonic Spirit In Human Form At Congressional Hearing


14th July 2018, 02:00 PM
Mark Dice posted this lil 7m clip, sans commentary. Recall Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Rosenstein ~3 weeks ago, and by the following week, (((JSM))) manufactured a pretend "Jordan ignored sex abuse claims as U of Ohio as athletic director ~28 years ago (https://www.whio.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/rep-jordan-calls-allegations-knew-sex-abuse-ohio-state-bogus/7vMqG2o0ev3mO2ZEgKNT2N/)" controversy; and then ~8 days ago, Jordan's 21yo U-Wisconsin wrestler nephew was killed in a car crash (http://www.wnd.com/2018/07/rep-jim-jordans-nephew-killed-in-car-crash/). :(

A little push back came this week,

BOOM: 14 Wrestlers Break Silence About Accusations Against Jim Jordan, Attack MSM & Accusers (https://truepundit.com/boom-14-wrestlers-break-silence-about-accusations-against-jim-jordan-attack-msm-accusers/)Posted on July 11, 2018 (https://truepundit.com/2018/07/)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LWtOubW0qWo/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAQ8jhBsdGiM_5yzEQb3rG1nPXwnQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWtOubW0qWo) 6:59
Jim Jordan Grills Peter Strzok (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWtOubW0qWo)

8 hours ago

14th July 2018, 03:33 PM
This is real. Strzok did this during his testimony.

You can see the demons come out.



14th July 2018, 06:09 PM
This is real. Strzok did this during his testimony.

You can see the demons come out.



I could guarantee a one hit death if I had proximity.

midnight rambler
14th July 2018, 06:21 PM
I could guarantee a one hit death if I had proximity.

Ya mean something like this?


14th July 2018, 06:23 PM
Ya mean something like this?

Wouldn't be quite that comforting.

15th July 2018, 10:55 AM
Ex-FBI "LAYER (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1017164990099415041)" ;D Lisa Page did closed-door testimony Fri.

BCP, <12 mins,


19th July 2018, 07:44 AM
Peter Strzok III grew up in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Worked as Obama and Brennan’s envoy to Iranian Regime


EXPOSED: Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran, Worked As Obama and Brennan’s Envoy To Iranian Regime

Tore Lindeman (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/author/tore/)
Jul 17, 2018


A former co-worker of Peter Strzok tells Big League Politics about Strzok’s extensive background in the intelligence community, including the fact that he grew up in Iran. Many intelligence officers like Strzok are complete ghosts with questionable history and gaps in their life story. But now we have some insight. (RELATED: Strzok Worked For CIA And FBI At Same Time, According To Document). (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/bombshell-peter-strzok-was-cia-and-fbi-at-the-same-time/)

Peter Strzok was born in the late 1960’s – he attended the American School in Iran up until 1978 when it closed down and then he attended the American School in Saudi Arabia. He supposedly attended a Catholic School, St. John’s Prep in Minneapolis (the school refused to confirm or deny attendance) and then completed a Bachelors at Georgetown and some form of graduate degree after that.

The truth is that after Peter Strzok III turned 18 his life is arcane, which is the usual story of many like him. Did you know that Peter Strzok II (Strzok’s father) and Hillary Clinton have a lot in common? It turns out after advocating for Khomeni in Iran and then working in Saudi Arabia to calm the waters of an Iranian government (appeasing them with anti-Semitic rhetoric), Strzok’s father Strzok II also dabbled in “charity work.” Strzok’s father was involved in so-called charity work in Haiti but also helped dismantle and reassemble Upper Volta..now known as Burkina Faso.

Despite Deep State efforts to scrub information, the Internet is forever. Below you will see a very controversial happening in the early Eighties. Peter Strzok II (Strzok’s father, also known as Peter Strzok Sr.) was an employee of Catholic Relief Services and was interviewed by the New York Times in 1985 over his testimony or statements regarding mishandling money intended for Ethopia. In the article he identifies himself as a former employee of the charity and he is a retired US Army Corps Engineer who served the agency in Africa and Haiti. So Peter Strzok II worked in Haiti with a charity? That sounds eerily familiar. Can we all guess which charities partnered to help Haiti?

Latest: Al Gore's Running Mate Tells Democrat Voters to Reject Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/al-gores-running-mate-tells-democrat-voters-to-reject-socialist-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/)

The Clinton Foundation and The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) seem to work in tangent. Coincidence? Peter Strzok Sr. was actually the director of CRS in Haiti. If we look into CRS financials they seem to overlap and feed into Clinton Global initiatives and balance sheets.

In the early 80’s Upper Volta was in turmoil. It is said that mineral disputes with neighboring countries brought about great duress and so in 1985 the country of Upper Volta ceased to exist and was then named Burkina Faso during Strzok II’s term there. Specifically, in 1981 he was advised of a government visit to Upper Volta, which places him in Upper Volta for a period of 4 years as his son Strzok III was at the American School in Saudi Arabia from 1978- 1980. This happened after their sudden move from Tehran when Khomeni attained power over the Shah. Looks like whenever there is a regime change in modern history a Strzok is lying in the shadows waiting.

We know Peter Strzok III, the man who sent those vile text messages about our President. The man who was biased and wanted to ensure a Clinton Presidency was raised in Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Our source reveals how Strzok and his father both talked about Iran favorably and both accidently reminisced about the rose water smell of the ju-jeh kebab by Shemiran Hill… something that disappeared after 1987 and only those who are old enough to remember can discuss.

Peter Strzok’s Persian is impeccable.

Our insider tells us that Peter Strzok III is the key Middle Eastern Intel operative for the Iranian airline Mahan Air’s purchase of United States government planes during the Obama administration from 2011 to 2013 (when Iran sanctions were in place). He handled the Iranian relations from start to finish. Just like his father did for Reagan and just like he’s been doing for years under cloak and dagger says the BLP insider.

Peter Strzok Sr. and of course John O. Brennan were involved with Iran. In fact, our source tells us that Strzok Sr. was involved in the Iran-Contra scheme that led to a six-month prison term for Reagan national security adviser (https://www.nytimes.com/1990/06/12/us/iran-contra-role-brings-poindexter-6-months-in-prison.html) John Poindexter. Back in the Eighties the government was just as corrupt as it is today and for some reason we keep giving weapons, planes, and planes full of money to Iran. Even Barack Hussein Obama sent money to Iran on a plane in his last year of office — $1.4 Billion worth. Just a few weeks ago, Iran demanded Germany send them 300,000 Euros in cash on a plane to them, and of course Angela Merkel complied. What’s the deal with Iran? Why are they so important?

Here is a clipping from the Wisconsin-based Leader-Telegram newspaper from 1979 in which Strzok Sr. describes his activities in Iran and expresses good will for the Ayatollah.


What were Strzok, Brennan, and Obama really doing? That is a very good question that maybe President Trump can get answered for us if a Summit with Iran can happen early this fall. One thing that is constant in modern history over the last five decades with anything involving Iran: There is a Peter Paul Strzok involved.

The BLP insider who’s worked with both Breannan and Strzok tells us that Strzok was never FBI he was part of the highest level of covert operatives, sliding into posts within the CIA or FBI to infiltrate, influence and observe. This is exactly what we saw with the Special Counsel appointment that resulted after a failed operation.

Peter Strzok Jr. was placed in the FBI to ensure a win for Hillary Clinton and buffer negative press (like the Weiner laptop case, which he covered up). That’s the real deal. Revealing Peter Strzok’s identity would have been a problem because it’s called unmasking but since he is in the limelight and out of the shadows it’s time to lay all the cards FACE up on the table for all to see who Peter Strzok really is.

Spooks feared him, but like our source they still maintain secrecy — simply connecting the dots of publicly and privately available information.

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Big League National Security (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/category/national-security/)

Lisa Page Confirms: The Chinese, Not The Russians, Hacked Hillary’s Emails

19 hours agoon
Jul 18, 2018


WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Blackberry was hacked by the Chinese, according to Peter Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page, who testified behind closed doors about her role in Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

While her boyfriend Strzok stonewalled Congress, Page was open to cooperating behind the scenes with Republican lawmakers. Ohio’s Jim Jordan led the way in getting Page into backdoor meetings where she aided investigators in their probe of Page and Strzok’s collusion against the Trump government.

TruePundit reports: (https://truepundit.com/fbi-lisa-page-dimes-out-top-fbi-officials-during-classified-house-testimony-bureau-bosses-covered-up-evidence-china-hacked-hillarys-top-secret-emails/) The embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said. The Russians didn’t do it. The Chinese did, according to well-placed FBI sources.

This fact victory is very important for me, because I reported at Breitbart (https://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/12/clinton-blackberry-emails/) during the first campaign that Hillary Clinton’s Blackberry was hacked by the Chinese. This is what forced Peter Strzok and the “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” people to snap into motion, making sure that James Comey did NOT find Hillary Clinton “gross and negligent” for purposes of the Espionage Act of 1913.

The evidence is right here. As I wrote: (https://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/12/clinton-blackberry-emails/) “Newly released emails show that Hillary Clinton was aware of the security problems with her personal Blackberry but used the device anyway for sending and receiving emails.

Clinton’s knowledge of the Blackberry problem — and her apparent disregard for its implications — marks a crucial point in any potential criminal case that could be made against her by the Department of Justice.

To prove a violation of the Espionage Act of 1913, prosecutors must show that a person’s “gross negligence” allowed national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed.”

“I’m so sorry but I’m just seeing this (no blackberry contact permitted in my office) and I’m on the way to the shuttle to NY,” Clinton said in an email to personal Clinton health adviser Mark Hyman on February 27, 2009. The email was obtained by Judicial Watch, a nonprofit transparency group that is suing the State Department.

“Tomorrow I leave for Egypt, Israel, Europe and Turkey for a week. I hope the meeting and the hearing goes well. Let me know,” Clinton added.

Clinton was referring to the fact that her Blackberry was not allowed in her seventh-floor “Mahogany Row” office at the State Department due to its security vulnerability.

But Clinton kept on using the Blackberry for classified information, at least until 2011. Her top aide, Wendy Sherman, made clear in a 2013 video that Clinton was exchanging classified emails on her Blackberry that could not have existed on a non-classified system.”

Continue Reading (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/lisa-page-confirms-the-chinese-not-the-russians-hacked-hillarys-emails/)

19th July 2018, 12:39 PM
Lisa Page Confirms: The Chinese, Not The Russians, Hacked Hillary’s Emails

Hold the phone! Leftist China paved the way for Trumpstein!

Whoda thunka... :)

Twisted Titan
20th July 2018, 02:46 PM
He is the epitome of what a dirty cop looks like.

This is the side that only the arrested person sees.

The asshat dripping with a God complex because he knows he can railroad you and the courts will back up his report .

This is what innocent people and minor crimes got to deal with on a daily basis.

Screw him.

20th July 2018, 02:54 PM
Hold the phone! Leftist China paved the way for Trumpstein!

Whoda thunka... :)

Hillary was paying the Russians.

20th July 2018, 09:16 PM
Hillary was paying the Russians.

In negative interest payments?

21st July 2018, 02:01 AM
In negative interest payments?

It wasn't sexual favors.

21st July 2018, 11:36 AM
It wasn't sexual favors.

Somehow I am reminded of Merkel and her reply that "We all have choices to make and she could remember a time that she Stockholm syndromed with Moscow....

23rd July 2018, 05:53 AM
peter strzok's "insurance policy" is his wife, sec director melissa hodgman, who has blocked the fbi's probe of the clinton foundation for 21 months and counting

july 19, 2018 by Harry the Greek


23rd July 2018, 08:38 AM
His jew wife is behind it all

14th August 2018, 03:51 PM
His jew wife is behind it all

Behind every terrible man stands...

Pa. Attorney: Wife of Peter Strzok was Unfair to Asian-American Businessmen (https://eblnews.com/video/pa-attorney-wife-peter-strzok-was-unfair-asian-american-businessmen-372354)

8th October 2019, 03:20 PM
FBI Lovebirds | How Two FBI Operatives Tried To Take Down Donald Trump; Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson

It's just the two of them reading the love bird text messages back and forth.



Edit to add: Just finished watching most of the whole thing. It is a play reading the texts and congressional testimony. It set for when the texts were sent then flashes forward to the congressional hearings where the text are discussed. Another dude plays Corey Booker I think. I think the other white/chosen one is Trey Gowdy.

It is a good watch/listen. This is a pro Trumpstein production. Crowd in the background is not a libtard crowd.