View Full Version : Jim Stone: Trump is ripping it up in Europe; Europeans love him and the gov hates him

13th July 2018, 08:56 AM

Trump is ripping it up in Europe

Europeans love him, and the government hates him. Trump is in fact getting overwhelming support from the true locals, while false flag protests that are few in number and not well manned are failing for all but perfectly placed cameras.Trump is correct about Nato, and also correct about forcing Europe to pay it's fair share. Comment sections cannot be adequately censored to stop the overwhelming show of support for Trump from Europeans.


I said it all along: Hillary's mails sold America out to foreign enemy

Now, two years later, the Daily Caller has it. At least someone does. This, from the Daily Caller, is probably a limited hangout piece that won't get repeated by the MSM very much (but to maintain legitimacy, at least someone has to report it)


From the Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2018/07/12/ig-clinton-foreign-emails/)A member of the House Committee on the Judiciary said during a hearing Thursday that a government watchdog found that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an "anomaly on Hillary Clinton's emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list," Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

"It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia," he added.

Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.

My comment: The Daily Caller pointed out that an "investigative reporter" discovered this.

They can eat my lint.
Here it is, in a nutshell, what Hillary did, as I said two years ago:

Someone (or a group) that had very high sensitive ties took all of the plans for many of America's top technological systems and security methods, wrapped them all up like a neat little package on a high capacity storage device, handed them to Hillary, she posted them on a knowingly un-secure server, AND SUDDENLY, OUT OF NOWHERE, China's working on the same ultrasonic aircraft and quantum communications America once had all to itself.There is a group of traitors in the U.S. government who want the nation destroyed. Soros is the king, and Hillary was to be the queen. The FBI, CIA, and everyone else from top to bottom wanted America destroyed. They expected to get away with it by stealing an election from a candidate who had overwhelming support. Then somehow, someone hacked their hack, and handed it to Trump in the most aggravating way possible.
They freaked out when they discovered they "lost" and knew someone got a supreme hack on them, in an election system they KNEW they fully controlled and were able to rig. So they have been bantering about Russia endlessly and just can't stop crying. They will hopefully end up getting toasted.
Now we have a situation where the FBI and whoever else is working overtime to cover up everything Hillary did, and recover as much of their plan to destroy the United States as possible. Hillary was supposed to finish off America, and they are attempting to turn Trump's presidency into a speed bump they can drive over and recover from.
Stormy Daniels charges dropped

She is still saying Trump had her arrested, despite that obviously not being the case. She was back at the strip club already last night.Her quick release despite actually breaking Ohio law proves Trump had nothing to do with the arrest, and that she's privileged on top of it.

I was not able to track this down to a definitive source but it is interesting, so I'll post it.

How 9/11 Was Funded: The Man behind the Missing $2.3 Trillion

Just in case you missed it, this is totally unconfirmed and was unconfirmable when I tried, so it could be a hoax.

By Scott BennettDear President Trump,
As a military officer and also contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton, I was assigned to the Joint Interagency Operations Center at U.S. Central Command, where I identified, tracked, and reported on terrorists, their financial donors, networks, banks, and activities.
Part of my mission was to investigate, discover, and expose all acts of "waste, fraud, and abuse" by Terrorist Financing Operations Director Dov Zakheim who was my senior supervisor. It was known that Dov Zakheim had secretly arranged for $2.3 trillion dollars to be mis-appropriated through Pentagon channels when he had been the Pentagon Comptroller.
I was assigned the task of penetrating Dov Zakheim's terrorist financing operations, which involved his son Roger Zakheim (a lawyer at the House Armed Services Committee), an Iraqi named Abdullah Azziz (with close ties to Rudy Gulliani) and the law firm Covington and Burling.
The auditors investigating this matter were conveniently killed in a missile strike upon the Pentagon Office of Naval Intelligence on September 11, 2001. This missile strike was concealed as a "plane attack", which was a deception operation.
I briefed your attorney Michael Cohen about these matters in 2015 and 2016 - which may be one of the reasons he has been targeted by Deep State Shadow Government loyalists.
Evidence and expert testimony confirm without a doubt that the attacks on September 11, 2001 against the Pentagon (as well as the World Trade Center and the Solomon Building in N.Y.) were a well-planned, well-financed, psychological operation - a false flag attack on American soil - designed to trigger and manipulate the American people, the Congress, and the U.S. Military into a full-scale war-mobilization posture with the intent of overthrowing, scattering, and re-making the Middle East and Africa for the direct political, cultural, and economic benefit of the Zionist state of Israel.
9/11, although seemingly coherent, has led to a multi-trillion dollar nightmare for Americans. Because of your success in attacking the Deep State with your sealed indictments and other measures, and because of the failure of the DNI-CIA-FBI-DOJ "Russian Hoax" as well as great fear that your forthcoming summit with President Vladimir Putin will be a great success, I fear for your life and pray for your safety.
You are our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, not just our Commander-in-Chief. It is my hope that this memorandum, combined with the other memoranda you are receiving from other informed patriots, will be helpful to you during the Helsinki summit, where I and many others hope that you and President Putin will share intelligence on 9/11 - who did it, how they did it, why they did it - face to face.
I believe that your leadership in placing the truth about 9/11 before the public will finish the job of taking down the Deep State and the Shadow Government - it will help you shut down the pernicious Zionist/Saudi penetration and subversion of the US economy, government, and society and it will help you demonstrate to the larger public, most of whom did not vote for you, that under your leadership, the US Government can be trusted to clean house and tell the truth.
Very respectfully,
Scott Bennett
My comment: Admit it, that was a fun read. However, it is not confirmed and I cannot figure out what the actual origin of this was.
Kim Jong sent Trump a letter, and Trump tweeted it. Here it is: comment: There are recent reports about Kim Jong not disabling his nuke capabilities. However, there are also reports about the CIA launching a psy op on this topic, to undermine Trump, and that Kim Jong is indeed proceeding as promised. Since the truth is basically impossible to find on this topic, take your pick - I have not mentioned it before this for that reason.
(POSSIBLE) KEY INFO: Allegedly an Iphone was found by a diver after it received a text 30 FEET UNDERWATER (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/scuba-diver-finds-iphone-lost-12898742)

Cell phones are not operating the way we have been told they are if this was possible. If that cell phone actually received a text and did not simply light up to remind of a text, there's no conceivable way they rely only on radio based connections.The only way you can send a signal that will make it through 30 feet of water is if it has a frequency of 3.2 Mhz or less, and that would require absolutely ideal conditions. More typical at 30 feet would be 500 KHZ or less. There are no cell phone systems that operate at a frequency anywhere near that low.
According to conventional tech, you need ELF to communicate with submarines because the water blocks all high frequency signals. Since subs are often more than a thousand feet down, only very low frequencies can reach them. The Navy has, historically, only communicated with subs at frequencies of 100 KHZ or less, and has (historically) typically kept the frequencies below 20 khz. This requires massive miles long antennas that are horizontal rather than vertical, and in a circle that has a radius of over a mile. Antenna requirements on the sub are not as stringent, because when submerged, subs operate in a predominantly radio free environment.
Here is the math for an absolutely ideal connection situation under 30 feet of water: 186,000x5280/30 equals 3.276 Mhz. However, since any cell signal would have had to arrive at an angle to be realistic, thus forcing it to travel through more water, even 500 KHZ would be a stretch.
It is possible the article writer did not get the story straight, but if that really was a new text, and the Iphone was not just reminding of an old text, the only connection available that would do it would be a quantum connection. The battery still having over 80 percent charge would indicate the Iphone was not trying to transmit and knew it was out of range.
Since a quantum connection is not anything we have heard of with cell phones yet, and there is no radio theory that makes it possible to connect at high frequencies through that much water, I am leaning towards "the article writer not getting the story straight" and will only suggest this report, if accurate, indicates there could be a lot more to cell phone connectivity, and therefore cell phone spying than we have been made aware of.

The big danger with the Iphone report - what we need to be wary of, is that it could be a secret warning sent out over the MSM to be understood only by "privileged" people that a new tech is in cell phones that makes it impossible to be "disconnected" come hell or high water.In a quantum world, this is how it would be done:

Quantum communications requires a particle and anti particle that operate as a pair. There's no way to put an identicle anti-particle in every cell tower. However, if Darpa designed the quantum portion of a cell phone chip, and this tech was in fact perfected long ago (with current press reports only to make China feel good) they could have the antiparticle go into another chip, which would then be put on a circuit board with thousands of other chips, and sent to an NSA facility.The NSA facility would handle all calls and collect all data, and the cell towers, phone company, and bills would all be a ruse. They would have to have at least a portion of communications require a "tower", which would not be needed, at least be visible to uphold the ruse because everyone knows a cell phone won't always connect. But if all the quantum components were within an NSA facility, it would allow the NSA to capture every single communication by default, which anyone with a brain knows is being done already.
Then, all you need to do is run reports about "how China is ahead of the U.S. and already doing quantum communications" and the entire operation would have perfect cover. The Chinese would feel great, be rendered unable to do anything better than what they already stole (proof of this is in the recent report about an Apple employee stealing design data for a self-driving car, (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-apple-engineer-arrested-china-20180711-story,amp.html)which proves the Chinese can't figure it out on their own if they had to steal it) and the U.S., via the NSA, would then rape everyone with 30 year old tech we were never told about that is now refined enough to reside on a lowly $3 chip.
THAT would be a well oiled machine of tyranny if there ever was one.
Red White and Blue

I have been meaning to point this out for a while but keep forgetting. Russia's flag is red white and blue. It is no longer the hammer and sickle. This flag was the flag of Russia from 1700 to 1918, changed after the communist takeover, and is now again the flag of Russia. study: Pre born babies react to music

A study of the reactions of pre-born babies to music and other sounds was conducted by Institut Marques in Barcelona Spain. This study, which involved 300 unborn children, showed that even at only 18 weeks 91 percent reacted to Mozart. Several music genres were tested, with classical music triggering the most obvious responses. They also reacted strongly to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.Additionally, voices of strangers and Mickey Mouse were tested, with more positive responses to Mickey Mouse than the voices of strangers. So even fairly early in pregnancy, (when the baby is about 5 inches long) they are already aware of sounds and can tell the difference between voices, and react differently to different voices.
The study went as far as to separate out cultures and races, and test for reactions to music from specific cultures. When the babies were exposed to music that was prevalent in their societies, they reacted more strongly, but across all, classical music got the most and strongest responses.
The study proved, without question, that long before birth the babies not only responded to music and voices, but there were evident ancestral ties with evidence of them expressing familiarity with culture specific music, that matched the culture they were from. Would women still get abortions as much if they knew their baby was already aware enough to react to Bohemian Rhapsody? DOUBT IT. Canned parenthood and Facebook, which accomplish a huge amount of evil via disinfo and deception, won't ever give a study like this one the light of day because they know damn well what they are doing and know that any level of awareness would go a long way to curtail it.
The study is very easy to understand and is presented succintly and in a way where you don't have to be a geek to interpret the info. It is all on only 4 pages. You can see it yourself HERE. (https://institutomarques.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/0608_NDP-Estilos-Musicales-v5-EN.pdf) _____________

13th July 2018, 09:36 AM
Acosta: "A question from CNN..."
Trump: "CNN is fake news. I don't take questions from CNN. John Roberts of Fox. Lets go to a real network."
Acosta: "But we're a real network too..."

36s clip inside, click player for sound:

2m "baby trump balloon" clip inside, followed by many great meme comments,