View Full Version : Deep State moves to derail Trump Putin summit at last minute

midnight rambler
13th July 2018, 09:19 AM

13th July 2018, 12:04 PM
107 comments atm: https://twitter.com/hfinch61/status/1017803355685556225

Harold Finch‏ @hfinch61 (https://twitter.com/hfinch61)
So, 24 hours after #PeterStrzok (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PeterStrzok?src=hash) went before congress and was a total disaster for @FBI (https://twitter.com/FBI) & @TheJusticeDept (https://twitter.com/TheJusticeDept) Rod Rosenstein & mueller roll out indictments of people for a hack that didn't exist. Sure sounds like preplanned damage control to keep Russia lie alive, protect Strzok.
9:10 AM - 13 Jul 2018



13th July 2018, 02:15 PM
Democrats urge Trump to cancel Putin summit, after indictment of Russian intel officers


Top Democrats on Friday swiftly pressured President Trump to consider cancelling his upcoming summit with Vladimir Putin, after a dozen Russian intelligence officers were indicted for allegedly hacking party emails in 2016.

Sen. Mark Warner, top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, offered Trump an ultimatum for the highly anticipated summit: make Russian interference a priority, or cancel the meeting.

Other Democrats said Trump should nix the summit regardless -- though they were raising concerns about the meeting even before the indictment.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the charges during a Friday press conference. According to the DOJ document, 12 Russian intelligence officers are accused of hacking emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic Party during the 2016 election.

“I want to make sure that other Americans hear ... the president make this issue of Russian interference a priority in the meeting,” Warner, D-Va., told reporters on Capitol Hill Friday. “If they don’t make the indictments a priority in the meeting in Helsinki, then the summit should be canceled.”

RUSSIAN OFFICERS INDICTED FOR ALLEGEDLY HACKING CLINTON CAMPAIGN, DNC EMAILS (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/13/rosenstein-says-12-russian-intel-officers-indicted-in-special-counsels-probe.html)

Warner, whose committee has been investigating Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 election for more than a year, also stressed that there “needs to be other Americans in the room” in Helsinki, Finland Monday to ensure that Trump makes the issue of interference in the 2016 election a “priority.”

“There should be no one-on-one meeting between this president and Putin,” Warner said. “There needs to be other Americans in the room, or the summit should be canceled.”

He warned, “I’m afraid the president could be taken advantage of.”

But as Trump continues to describe the Russia probe as a "witch hunt," the White House downplayed the latest allegations.

“Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result,” said Lindsay Walters, the deputy White House press secretary. “This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”

Within minutes of the indictment, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., urged Trump to call off the Putin meeting.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/978655909198036993/Gpnx2Os2_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/SenSchumer)Chuck Schumer
Cancel the Putin meeting. Now.
The New York Times

Breaking News: Twelve Russian intelligence officers were charged in the hacking of Democrats’ emails, days before President Trump meets with Vladimir Putin (https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1017803960923705346)https://nyti.ms/2zybhCU

“Cancel the Putin meeting. Now,” Schumer tweeted Friday.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said a handshake with Putin would be "a moment of historic cowardice."

"In light of what's been revealed about Russia’s attack on our democracy, the president shaking Putin's hand would be a moment of historic cowardice. Call off this summit,

@realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)," Wyden tweeted.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/847448688448294912/zobeO8dK_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/RonWyden)Ron Wyden
✔@RonWyden (https://twitter.com/RonWyden)

In light of what's been revealed about Russia’s attack on our democracy, the president shaking Putin's hand would be a moment of historic cowardice. Call off this summit, @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump).
AFP news agency

2:06 PM - Jul 13, 2018 (https://twitter.com/RonWyden/status/1017832555163373569)

Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., said Trump should “immediately cancel his meeting.”

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said “the stakes” for the summit “could not be higher.”

“President Trump must demand and secure a real, concrete and comprehensive agreement that the Russians will cease their ongoing attacks on our democracy,” Pelosi said in a statement Friday. “Failure to stand up to Putin would constitute a profound betrayal of the Constitution and our democracy.”

Presuming the meeting takes place as scheduled, Helsinki will be the final stop on Trump’s four-nation European tour.

Trump spent the past week meeting with NATO allies in Brussels; meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II in England; and visiting Scotland.

13th July 2018, 07:21 PM
McCain says Helsinki summit 'should not move forward' unless Trump takes firm stand against Russian meddlinghttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/13/mccain-says-helsinki-summit-should-not-move-forward-unless-trump-takes-firm-stand-against-russian-meddling.html

Didn't this guy die from a brain tumor and a canklet?

Sen. John McCain said Friday that the U.S.-Russia summit in Helsinki “should not move forward” unless President Trump is willing to hold Russia accountable for political meddling. This, after 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted for allegedly hacking emails from the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party in the 2016 election.

The Republican senator from Arizona released a statement praising the charges, which arose out of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the election.

The 12 members belonging to the Russian Intelligence agency are accused of hacking into emails from the Hillary campaign and her party, and of leaking damaging discussions between top party members.

“Today’s indictment is a result of the hard work of America’s law enforcement and intelligence officials who dedicate their lives to bringing to justice those who wish to do us harm,” McCain, who has been sidelined while battling cancer, said in a statement.

mccain tweet
“These revelations add to a body of evidence confirming an extensive plot by Vladimir Putin’s government to attack the 2016 election, sow chaos and dissension among the American electorate, and undermine faith in our democracy.”

McCain has been a vocal critic of Trump, recently calling his visit to the NATO summit in Brussels “disappointing.”

While not expressing outright support for the meeting with Russia, which is to take place on Monday, McCain said Thursday that that summit represented an opportunity for Trump “to demonstrate his willingness to defend America” against its adversaries.

“Putin is not America’s friend. … Putin is America’s enemy,” McCain said.

Fox News contributor Allen West, Fox News political contributor Tammy Bruce and Democratic strategist Kevin Walling on how Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced that 12 Russian intel officers have been indicted for allegedly hacking the Democratic National Committee. The panel also discussed whether President Trump will discuss the indictments with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
He doubled down on that sentiment on Friday, urging Trump to hold the Russian president “accountable.”

“President Trump must be willing to confront Putin from a position of strength and demonstrate that there will be a serious price to pay for his ongoing aggression towards the United States and democracies around the world," the senator said. "If President Trump is not prepared to hold Putin accountable, the summit in Helsinki should not move forward.”

Trump and Putin will meet in their first official standalone meeting on Monday at the Presidential Palace in Finland. The pair have met twice before, on the sidelines of international meetings.

On Friday, several Democratic leaders also weighed in, in some instances urging the president to consider canceling his summit with Putin.

Sen. Mark Warner, top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, offered Trump an ultimatum for the highly anticipated summit: make Russian interference a priority, or cancel the meeting.

Fox News’ Alex Pappas and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

midnight rambler
13th July 2018, 07:47 PM
Deep State actors pulling out all the stops to take a dump on Trump-Putin summit. Expect more.

13th July 2018, 08:08 PM
I think this will be another weak attempt at impeachment...

Russian officers indicted for allegedly hacking Clinton campaign, DNC emailsMotherfucker not letting me copy and edit, I am NOT rebooting since 99% the time it is NOT my shit...


13th July 2018, 08:09 PM
A federal grand jury has indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for allegedly hacking emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic Party during the 2016 election, the Justice Department announced Friday.

“The internet allows foreign adversaries to attack America in new and unexpected ways,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said during a press conference.

All 12 defendants are members of GRU, the Russian intelligence agency.

The case stems from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. It comes as President Trump plans to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin for a summit in Helsinki on Monday.

The indictment amounted to the clearest allegation yet of Russian meddling in the election, blaming Moscow for the email hacking scandal that rocked the 2016 race by revealing embarrassing and politically damaging discussions by major Democrats. The charges swiftly fueled calls from Democratic lawmakers for Trump to cancel his Putin summit.

"There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result. The special counsel's investigation is ongoing.”
- Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
But as Trump continues to describe the probe as a "witch hunt," the White House downplayed the allegations.

“Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result,” said Lindsay Walters, the deputy White House press secretary. “This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”

The Russian leader will sit down with Fox News exclusively on Monday, July 16 after the summit in Helsinki.Video
Chris Wallace to interview Putin after Trump meeting

Of the 12 defendants, 11 are charged with conspiracy to commit computer crimes, eight counts of aggravated identity theft and conspiracy to launder money. Another is charged with a separate conspiracy to commit computer crimes.

The 29-page indictment says starting in March 2016, the Russian agents used “a variety of means to hack the email accounts of volunteers and employees” of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, famously had his emails leaked during the campaign.

They also targeted campaign committees, like the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the indictment said.

“The conspirators covertly monitored the computers of dozens of DCCC and DNC employees, implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code and stole emails and other documents from the DCCC and DNC,” it read.

By April 2016, according to the documents, the defendants began to release the hacked materials to the public by using fictitious online personas like DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0.

The indictment comes as Mueller's team has investigated whether anyone associated with the Trump campaign assisted the Russians.


But during his press conference, Rosenstein said, "there is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime."

President says Russian leader is not his enemy; military analyst Rebecca Grant explains the language used.
He also said, "There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result. The special counsel's investigation is ongoing.”

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, reacting to the indictment and the broader cyber threat on Friday, said there is “not yet” this kind of electoral interference happening in the midterms – but warned history could repeat itself.

“In regards to state actions, Russia has been the most aggressive foreign actor. No question,” he said. “We are not yet seeing the kind of electoral interference in specific states and voter databases that we experienced in 2016. However, we fully realize that we are just one click away … from a similar situation repeating itself.”

Oleksandr Danylyuk, a military and intelligence expert on Russian information operations, told Fox News he believes Russia “does not stop its active measures in the inter-election period.”

“Politicians of both camps should understand that the United States is under a hybrid attack,” said Danylyuk, who chairs the Center for Defense Reforms in Ukraine. “In this regard, they have to put state interests above their party interests.”

He also called on journalists to be aware of how they can be used.

“Much of the kompromat will be provided by Russian proxies directly to American politicians and journalists,” Danylyuk said. “They must fight the temptations to use this information without checking its reality.”

The Rosenstein announcement came at the same time Trump was meeting with Queen Elizabeth II in England, with plans to meet Putin for a summit on Monday. Trump has previously cited Putin's denials of election interference, while saying he would like their two countries to get along.

“President Trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin until Russia takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won’t interfere in future elections," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Friday. "Glad-handing with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to our democracy.”

Rosenstein said he briefed the president on the charges this week.

Though the indictment listed the Democratic groups, Rosenstein made a point of not naming the political affiliation of the hacked organizations during his press statement, saying it’s important to think “patriotically” and not politically in the face of such threats.

Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee during the time period, took aim at Trump in a statement.

“I’m pleased that the Justice Department is following the facts wherever they may lead, despite Donald Trump’s dangerous distortions and his refusal to acknowledge the conclusions reached by the American intelligence community,” she said.

Russian individuals have previously been indicted as part of the case. In February, Mueller brought a case against 13 Russians and three Russian companies who are accused of setting a “strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 presidential election.”

In that case, the defendants are accused of spreading derogatory information about Clinton, denigrating Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio -- and ultimately supporting Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders and then-Republican candidate Donald Trump.

13th July 2018, 08:56 PM
Q drop #1589, June 26 '18. https://qanon.pub

RR = Rosenstein. Q replies to their own drop 15 mins earlier the same day,

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No.1916147 (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1915811.html#1916147)
Jun 26 2018 20:19:12 (EST)


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No.1915880 (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1915811.html#1915880)
Jun 26 2018 20:04:01 (EST) (https://qanon.pub/?#t1530061441)
Review image/location.
Nothing provided is random.

Signal sent.
Attempt still made.
Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?
[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.
2-way failure.
If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).
If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).
Why no DOJ texts disclosed to the public?
RR to LL "……………"
LL to H "……………"
X to X "………………….."
JC to LL 247x (relevant)
Where are the JC / AM text messages?
Gmail messages?
Burner phone messages?
Call pulls?
Coming soon to a theater near you.
PS/LP texts are only scratching the surface.
Threats of assassination?
They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.
Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and Congressional leaders (& the public), they LOSE.
Prevent AT ALL costs.
Traitors ALL.
MSM will portray progressive activists as a large part of the pop – this is FALSE.
No possibility of compromise.
Do not underestimate our resolve.
We stand at the ready.

this vlogger "Justinformed Talk" (97K subs) mixes commentary with replay of the RR clip, so skip that part if you've seen already.

Always vlogger's God-talk near the end, begins @ 26m into this vid; up to you!

35 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjMfQ3p3laE


13th July 2018, 09:00 PM
More crap I don't feel like formatting, feel free to do so.


13th July 2018, 10:04 PM
Blah blah...


14th July 2018, 01:12 AM
They indict them 2 years afterwards, because any sooner and people were calling the hackers champions of corrupt high level U.S. politics.

Poor Seth.

14th July 2018, 01:47 AM
the upside of trump working for (or against) the cabal, he also helps deep state exposes itself. It is all about knowing how duality translates into Reality and the ability to see both sides evolving without judging. As soon as one stop judging, Truth appears and begins to destroy both sides. Truth does not require to support anybody but stands by itself.

The Principle Of Polarity was known 4 millennia ago... we all have been had... electric charges, positive and negative are the different expressions of Light. Meaning that opponents are always same.

GREAT LECTURE also explaiingg the battle for our soul:
Victory of the Soul Over Circumstance - Manly P. Hall

14th July 2018, 06:05 AM

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)
The stories you heard about the 12 Russians yesterday took place during the Obama Administration, not the Trump Administration. Why didn’t they do something about it, especially when it was reported that President Obama was informed by the FBI in September, before the Election?
3:08 AM - 14 Jul 2018



14th July 2018, 11:00 AM
Blah blah...


amazing the level that they are able to twist the title of that article.

or what is more worrying is the level to which they are twisted to ignorance.

14th July 2018, 02:25 PM
jake morphonios, 35m:

#RUSSIAGATE: Mueller Wins Indictment of Russian Spies in Trump Collusion Probe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77l90rBfLsI)1.2K views
42 minutes ago


14th July 2018, 06:19 PM
Funny how only the left (demos) are pushing cancelling the Putin meeting, says a lot. Shit's getting stirred up big time. can't wait for someone to throw it into the fan.

14th July 2018, 07:59 PM
Funny how only the left (demos) are pushing cancelling the Putin meeting, says a lot. Shit's getting stirred up big time. can't wait for someone to throw it into the fan.

DefCon 1 class false flag in 3......2.......1......

14th July 2018, 08:01 PM
DefCon 1 class false flag in 3......2.......1......

I really hope not, they are actually killing people now in these FF events.

14th July 2018, 08:03 PM
I really hope not, they are actually killing people now in these FF events.

I hope not too but history has taught us it's just about that time

14th July 2018, 08:20 PM
I hope not too but history has taught us it's just about that time

Guess the location would be the next thing in line. What event is coming up next? I don't follow no televits thing.