View Full Version : Florida man planned to set building on fire to 'kill all Jews,' police say

16th July 2018, 07:47 PM
Florida man planned to set building on fire to 'kill all Jews,' police say


By Katherine Lam (http://www.foxnews.com/person/l/katherine-lam.html)
Miami police release information about man they say was plotting to kill his Jewish neighbors.

A Florida man facing eviction was arrested Thursday after he plotted to set a Miami apartment building on fire because he wanted to “kill all Jews” living there, police said.
Walter Edward Stolper, 72, was charged with first-degree attempted arson and attempted murder after he dumped several gasoline-filled containers down a trash chute in his apartment building, Miami Beach police (https://twitter.com/MiamiBeachPD/status/1017753512871186433) announced Friday.

Officials “intercepted a potential crisis” when they stopped Stolper and arrested him in the apartment building’s parking lot, WSVN (https://wsvn.com/news/local/police-man-angry-about-jewish-neighbors-planned-to-burn-down-miami-beach-condo/) reported. Authorities received a tip about Stolper’s plan and caught the 72-year-old with two containers of gasoline.

Luis Diaz told WSVN he turned his friend of 10 years in to police after the 72-year-old told him of his plan.
“A comment that he made to me, it actually bothered me,” Diaz said. “[Stopler said] that he was gonna burn the building down with a bunch of Jews in it.”


Walter Edward Stolper, 72, was charged with attempted murder and attempted arson. (Miami Beach Police)

Stolper later told police he planned to burn down the building with “all the [expletive] Jews” to “kill all” of them. Detectives believe the disgruntled tenant wanted to carry out the potentially deadly act because of an upcoming eviction and his anger toward his Jewish neighbors.

To thwart rescue efforts, Stolper purchased two electrical fans to help spread the flames and padlocks to prevent the fire department from accessing the fire hoses.
“A room located within the same building contained 28 additional containers with gasoline, sulfur powder, and potassium nitrate,” police said Friday.

Replying to @MiamiBeachPD (https://twitter.com/_/status/1017753512871186433)
2/2 - Stolper was stopped with two additional gasoline containers in his possession. We are confident the work of our detectives prevented an imminent crisis at 5601 Collins Avenue.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/948298009074372608/dR0ZxEx7_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/MiamiBeachPD)Miami Beach Police
UPDATE: Detectives have located a storage room linked to the defendant. The room located within the same building contained 28 additional containers with gasoline, sulfur powder, and potassium nitrate. He has now been charged the with Attempted Murder. pic.twitter.com/9cXvNkWwiU (https://t.co/9cXvNkWwiU)
4:43 PM - Jul 13, 2018 (https://twitter.com/MiamiBeachPD/status/1017872215348596736)

https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1017872101900894208/pu/img/3BO4qZl7OMyuDoPf?format=jpg&name=small (https://twitter.com/MiamiBeachPD/status/1017872215348596736)

Police also found swastikas and books of Nazi ideology in Stolper’s home.
“He said he didn’t like Jews. He’s a Nazi,” Diaz said.
Stolper could face hate crime charges, police said.

midnight rambler
16th July 2018, 07:48 PM
Shoulda built a walk-in pizza oven.

16th July 2018, 07:53 PM
Shoulda built a walk-in pizza oven.

With no door knobs. But with live video.

16th July 2018, 08:09 PM
The Jews are the tares spoken of in the Bible. The true Iraelites are the wheat.

Mathew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

God says he's going to burn them up in the Bible. I'll bet they'd like to arrest him and charge him with attempted murder and arson too. ;D