View Full Version : The Secure America from Russian Interference Act of 2018

19th July 2018, 06:04 PM
The Secure America from Russian Interference Act of 2018


For Immediate Release:
July 19, 2018

The Putin regime has consistently worked against the interests of the United States and our allies and partners around the world, including:

Interfering in the democratic processes and institutions of the United States and our allies;

Stifling any dissent in its own country while unjustly imprisoning or implicitly permitting the murder of dissident citizens;

Unlawfully invading and occupying Ukrainian, Georgian, and Moldovan territory;

Providing direct military support to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, who is responsible for the murder of thousands of Syrian civilians; and
Providing material aid, including advanced weapons systems, to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

To counter Russia’s malign activities, Congress must adopt an unambiguous, bipartisan strategy. H.R. 6437, the Secure America from Russian Interference Act, does that by advancing four basic objectives:

Expose Russian misdeeds and holding President Vladimir Putin accountable;

Strengthen U.S. government security and election infrastructure to defend against foreign interference;

Bolster U.S. alliances to combat the Russian threat, especially those of our NATO partners; and
Seek constructive dialogue with the Russian people.

Specific legislative provisions included in the Secure America from Russian Interference Act are:

H.R. 463: Crimea Annexation Non-Recognition Act – Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) & Rep. Steve Chabot (OH-01)
Legislation to prohibit recognition of the Russian annexation of Crimea.

H.R. 530: Safeguard Our Elections and Combat Unlawful Interference in Our Democracy (SECURE Our Democracy) Act – Rep. Eliot Engel (NY-16) and Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11)
Legislation to impose sanctions on any country for election interference.

H.R. 2145: No Russia Exemptions for Oil Production Act (No REX) Act – Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-43)
Legislation to prohibit the Department of Treasury from providing licenses for U.S. individuals to engage in joint energy activities that may produce oil in Russia or its jurisdiction.

H.R. 2586: Report on Influence and Subversion by the Kremlin (RISK) Act – Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24)
Legislation to require the State Department to submit to Congress an assessment of subversive activities by the Russian Federation.

H.R. 2812: Enhance Partner Cyber Capabilities Act – Rep. Lou Correa (CA-46)
Legislation to develop a strategy for the offensive use of cyber capabilities by federal agencies.

H.R. 2820: Fight Russia Corruption Act – Rep. Tom Suozzi (NY-03) & Rep. Peter Roskam (IL-06)
Legislation to require the establishment of the Office of Anti-Corruption within the State Department, and require the State Department to provide assistance to European countries combatting corruption.

H.R. 2924: National Russian Threat Response Center – Rep. Joe Kennedy (MA-04)
Legislation to establish a fusion center within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to integrate U.S. efforts against Russia.

H.R. 4077: Honest Ads Act – Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-06) & Rep. Mike Coffman (CO-06)
Legislation to require disclosure for online political advertisements.

H.R. 4348: Keeping Russian Entrapments Minimal and Limiting Intelligence Network (KREMLIN) Act – Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-08)
Legislation to require reporting on Kremlin political intentions.

H.R. 5011: Election Security Act – Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
Legislation to require the designation of election infrastructure as critical infrastructure.

H.R. 5216: Directing Implementation of Sanctions and Accountability for Russian Mischief (DISARM) Act – Rep. Denny Heck (WA-10) & Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07)
Legislation to impose sanctions on senior political figures and oligarchs in the Russian Federation.

H.R. 5354: Countering Foreign Propaganda Act – Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-06) & Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21)
Legislation to require enhanced reporting under FARA for U.S.-based foreign media.

H.R. 5428: Stand with UK Against Russia Violation Act – Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX-20) & Rep. Mike Turner (OH-10)
Legislation to sanction Russia for the poisoning of a Russian dissident.

HR 5910: Defend Against Russian Disinformation and Aggression Act – Rep. Val Demings (FL-10) & Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21)
Legislation to codify the State Department sanctions office; require reporting on Putin’s bank accounts; and authorize enhanced NATO cooperation.

H.R. 6224: Protect European Energy Security Act – Rep. Denny Heck (WA-10) & Rep. Ted Poe (TX-02)
Legislation to require reporting on Russia’s efforts to subvert European energy independence and an assessment of the Nord Stream2 pipeline.

H.R. 6423: Punishing Russia’s Continuing Occupation of Ukraine Act – Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Legislation to sanction Russian institutions with ties to the Kremlin in response to Putin’s ongoing attacks in Ukraine.

H.R. 6426: Combating Putin’s Repression (CPR) for Russian Civil Society Act – Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13)
Legislation to authorize outreach to Russian people and expose Putin’s malign activities.

Election security provision from the Intelligence Authorization Act of FY 18 – Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-28)
Would require notification regarding foreign election interference.

Congress must do everything in its power to hold Russia and the Putin regime accountable for its malign activities and safeguard our country. The Secure America from Russian Interference Act is an important, bipartisan step in the right direction.

Click here (https://www.democraticwhip.gov/sites/democraticwhip.house.gov/files/Russia%20Omni.pdf) to read the PDF.

19th July 2018, 06:07 PM
Fvckin shit getting real now.

midnight rambler
19th July 2018, 07:49 PM
Fvckin shit getting real now.

Worse than during WW3 aka The Cold War...far worse.

"We NEED an Emanuel Goldstein, we need PUTIN as our Emanuel Goldstein!"

19th July 2018, 08:13 PM
Skype have been busy

19th July 2018, 08:23 PM
Skype have been busy

Never seen this infighting between the in and out since JFK. We are in remarkable times, wish I was able to watch it from another continent cause this is looking like it's going to become brutal.

20th July 2018, 07:16 AM
Never seen this infighting between the in and out since JFK. We are in remarkable times, wish I was able to watch it from another continent cause this is looking like it's going to become brutal.

Just wait until the left loses the mid-terms. They're going to go ballistic.

midnight rambler
20th July 2018, 07:27 AM
Just wait until the left loses the mid-terms. They're going to go ballistic.

You do realize it could go the other way with the collectivists winning, right?

20th July 2018, 08:58 AM
You do realize it could go the other way with the collectivists winning, right?

Indeed I do, I'm just not sure that it will (hell I could be wrong I have been before). Just taking some anecdotal evidence I visited my grandfather a couple of weeks ago. We're talking a lifelong Democrat, Union member retiree. He said the party left him and all he sees is a party that wants to open the borders and gut our country. This coming from a man in his 80s who does not even know how to use the internet and relies on MSM propaganda, so if he see's the Democrats as that then I at least have some hope that others see them as the party of traitors that they are and vote accordingly. That doesn't mean the Republicans are not, it took both parties to get to this point. But the Republican establishment has tried to push Amnesty twice this year in 2 bills that immediately died on the floor.

His words to me: "The last election was the first time in my life that I have voted for a Republican" and he voted for Trump.

So things are at least changing, hopefully.

20th July 2018, 09:14 AM
Just wait until the left loses the mid-terms. They're going to go ballistic. 9888

I disagree, hard right will have their collective asses handed to them !

Bunch, large bunch of moderate X republican or active, + independents, along with the more center line left + the wing nut far into another world left will vote. Collectively more than the ultra right by a huge margin. Most here think hard right vs hard left, no middle ground, ignoring the majority between.

Civil war, naw, more in the center and such that do know how and love guns, more of us than the ones wanting bloodshed. Most here pay lip service to the constitution, but only as u define it. They that love totalitarian govt are only in name Americans, ak love Putin, Hitler, and other strong arm types, along with the sovereign citizens in the group. All wanting to reshape our changing country, and more like the Taliban that wants the world to return to the 7th century.

More like traitorous or traitors, wearing America skins in name only..

Gots popcorn, it will be huge ! If not 2018, which I suspect will take huge losses, but 2020 will seal the deal, all because the idiot in charge and they elected right are more worried about their cushy jobs and money to be made behind back doors, than our (loosely said, on the name only that call themselves American, types here)


Drag out ur weapons and make america better , bet the end result will be not what u expect. Other than exposing urself, and be dealt with, because u are a super minority in the greater picture.

Hell the idiot in chief is now treading into traitorous ground, and I do suspect he is a traitor. mostly because Russia owns him, because for years they pumped money into his piggy bank. Look at the money, good reason he does not released this full income/tax. Look at Scotland for a small clue. Then look at income vs money spent, no American bank would lend to him because of his bankruptcy's. So where did it come from?

Wait ! I forgot most do not think nor study other than what they agree with.


Again got popcorn, or favorite snack?


Edit: To Ares !

in the post above, YES many voted because they were sick and tired of the same old same old and a bunch of elected critters that were more concerned about be reelected than the issues they were elected doing the work of their people that elected them, remember in a working society, no one get all they wish for, there has to be a middle ground, sorta like a marriage, for a great marriage they have to meet in the middle of the road and then live and walk it, and always throw change in the mix and work it out.

Because nothing last forever.

Proven Fact !



Look at what any political critters net worth before being elected, add their salary's and I bet when they leave office they are far more wealthy if money before election , money spent,+ total pay - costs of living = what they should have when they leave. Bet honest ones do total out, but many are on sum ones payroll, more wealthy going out = owned by sum one.

20th July 2018, 10:51 AM
I disagree, hard right will have their collective asses handed to them !

You're entitled to your opinion, but no leftist candidate yet has mentioned agreeing with the tariffs or securing the border. It's not "hard right" to want to have your country of birth protect its border or its workers. Prior to Trump neither party did that. Since Trump now you have Republicans (not establishment Republicans that is) wanting to kick out illegals and protect American workers while Democrats are left wanting to protect MS-13 by advocating "Open Borders" and go back to the same old same old of globalization of raping American jobs.

So the choice come November is not hard right or hard left, but Protect the border and jobs, which is what new Republicans are running on, while Democrats are either running on "Anti-Trump" but not addressing the issues he ran on that caused him to win in the first place.

20th July 2018, 11:26 AM
You're entitled to your opinion, but no leftist candidate yet has mentioned agreeing with the tariffs or securing the border. It's not "hard right" to want to have your country of birth protect its border or its workers. Prior to Trump neither party did that. Since Trump now you have Republicans (not establishment Republicans that is) wanting to kick out illegals and protect American workers while Democrats are left wanting to protect MS-13 by advocating "Open Borders" and go back to the same old same old of globalization of raping American jobs.

So the choice come November is not hard right or hard left, but Protect the border and jobs, which is what new Republicans are running on, while Democrats are either running on "Anti-Trump" but not addressing the issues he ran on that caused him to win. Thank u, what I wrote is my world view look see, but I do stand on my points, from my Independent view point, as always here I am in the center. Dems, yes many nutjobs. Same can be said for sum republican critters, but I think for reason overall, is being human. But as all things human , one can carry sump thing too far. Which also republicans are guilty of the same.

hard left vs hard right, = If the right wins = end result = bloodshed and eventual destruction, Methinks not many would vote for the hard left, kooks but with good hearts, sorta . look at history to make my point...We have a great system, but due to the majority of people only now care , first for them selfs, then family, new + old, jobs and friends = bubbles on a personal level which = anything outside of their bubble, they do not give a flying crap.

There are nut jobs on both the left and also the right = wingnuts. And in my view now the the ultra right has a stupid tool, hell he only is driven to make a buck. And sum see that they can push their agendas. Forgetting or not caring of the vast majority. I am a Texan at first and always, but also not my choice, American, which I fought for. I do believe in the constitution ++ the decoration of independence, which sadly to say is not mentioned here. . much, other than the full text, and cherry pick as most do from the old testaments all written by man and the new.

The idiot in chief which I just love are stirring the pot so all or most that do not normally vote will do so maybe vote for the first time, or who really knows, but I will place a bet not good for the republicans that to protect their cushy jobe back the sob.

I still hold look and follow the money, which will lead to russia, which explains the idiots never attacking russia but will gladly everyone and anything else.

Time will tell, who is right, my mind is made up, I have never susported the idot, tho I have admired him, before he got into politics.

Peace to u , now who is right.....Lmfao..!

Sad for they that do not research nor think truly for themselfs, but rather rely on other views that support (right or wrong) personal beliefs.


Lmhao. ( H = hairy)


Note: Ms 13 are in my view not human and should be exterminated. Along with all far left and right critters.....



And Just saying !

20th July 2018, 11:57 AM
Democrats are either running on "Anti-Trump" but not addressing the issues he ran on that caused him to win in the first place.

I think you hit the nail on the head. The dems, if anything, are sticking to their losing strategy of infinity brown people in this country and free gibs for all.

20th July 2018, 12:17 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head. The dems, if anything, are sticking to their losing strategy of infinity brown people in this country and free gibs for all.

Because they haven't. If they did then they would have to look in the mirror and do a little self reflection. The Republican party while far from perfect is at least looking in the mirror and seeing the winds of change. The old time neoconservative Republicans don't like what they are seeing, but know they are virtually powerless to stop it. While the Democrats aren't even acknowledging why people are leaving their party. It's not just the Congress and Senate where Democrats are losing but state governments as well. You are witnessing the death of a political party (one that was long over due). I see the Democratic party fracturing where the hard left will form their own party, (similar to the Republicans fracturing the Whig party back when the Republican party formed). Keep in mind that ending slavery was an extreme ideology back in its day but was the cause that created the Republican party. The same could be said about Democratic Socialism where you see the Democratic party sliding into. You already having Democrats calling out that women who unseated Crowley calling her stances unworkable (they're right they aren't.) At the same time you have a large group of Democrats saying she is the face of the "New Democrat party". Those are civil war lines within a party as you're going to have those who while they may Democrats do not want to be associated with Socialist and will break off to either join the Republicans (less likely since the "R" party is moving farther to the right) or create their own party.

20th July 2018, 12:34 PM
Because they haven't. If they did then they would have to look in the mirror and do a little self reflection. The Republican party while far from perfect is at least looking in the mirror and seeing the winds of change. The old time neoconservative Republicans don't like what they are seeing, but know they are virtually powerless to stop it. While the Democrats aren't even acknowledging why people are leaving their party. It's not just the Congress and Senate where Democrats are losing but state governments as well. You are witnessing the death of a political party (one that was long over due). I see the Democratic party fracturing where the hard left will form their own party, (similar to the Republicans fracturing the Whig party back when the Republican party formed). Keep in mind that ending slavery was an extreme ideology back in its day but was the cause that created the Republican party. The same could be said about Democratic Socialism where you see the Democratic party sliding into. You already having Democrats calling out that women who unseated Crowley calling her stances unworkable (they're right they aren't.) At the same time you have a large group of Democrats saying she is the face of the "New Democrat party". Those are civil war lines within a party as you're going to have those who while they may Democrats do not want to be associated with Socialist and will break off to either join the Republicans (less likely since the "R" party is moving farther to the right) or create their own party.

Sorta agree, sorta, later date to parce that outhere!

Same can be said for the repubs, which = return to the center, along with the current dems, as in a marriage to move forward and live together, = not all happy, but such is life.. The important thingy is then collectedly of both man woman. is to deal with the issues to deal l with the future = Government for all people and not just sum, not like now, for the benefit of the very rich and more importantly big business. Business are not people as they stand now. Lobbyist should be shot on sight ! (if representing big business) ;D

20th July 2018, 12:37 PM
The neo-cons are essentially Jews who were former communists who were getting no traction over on the left, did a switcheroo on the American electorate and moved hard right to their current fascist stance. They are the real traitors and always have been.

Both dems and repugs have had their party's gutted from their core traditional positions and what replaced them is the Jews party preaching multi-cult on the left and big-brother fascism on the right.

As far as I can see Trump is a neophyte who is in the center and getting pushed and pulled by a neo-con dominated Republican party that can't wait for him to fail.

I think what he is doing is trying to bring back that Republican center party, that caters to the small businessman and the middle class that was the backbone of the USA.

20th July 2018, 12:46 PM
The neo-cons are essentially Jews who were former communists who were getting no traction over on the left, did a switcheroo on the American electorate and moved hard right to their current fascist stance. They are the real traitors and always have been.

Both dems and repugs have had their party's gutted from their core traditional positions and what replaced them is the Jews party preaching multi-cult on the left and big-brother fascism on the right.

As far as I can see Trump is a neophyte who is in the center and getting pushed and pulled by a neo-con dominated Republican party that can't wait for him to fail.

I think what he is doing is trying to bring back that Republican center party, that caters to the small businessman and the middle class that was the backbone of the USA.

Think u in small ways are right, but also wrong on critters..

Nice try..but no smoking joint/cigar.


20th July 2018, 02:01 PM
Think u in small ways are right, but also wrong on critters..

Nice try..but no smoking joint/cigar.


Well whatever you do, never be specific then you can't be nailed down to taking a stand that means anything.

20th July 2018, 02:30 PM
It seems they made an act supporting supporting the ISIS and any other fundamentalist group in Syria...

20th July 2018, 03:27 PM
Well whatever you do, never be specific then you can't be nailed down to taking a stand that means anything. I did make a stand here, but maybe u just can not see it or accept it.

Be well, tho sorta sad for me to say it to u !

midnight rambler
20th July 2018, 03:43 PM
Alcohol is a helluva drug.

20th July 2018, 04:14 PM
Alcohol is a helluva drug.

As is the television programming.

20th July 2018, 04:30 PM
As is the television programming.

When you have both your mind is fucked.

20th July 2018, 05:19 PM
When you have both your mind is fucked.

That's why I had to kick the teevee.

20th July 2018, 05:27 PM
That's why I had to kick the teevee.

I also, many many Moons ago. Both my kids never experienced it. I do let them watch movies/cartoons I pre record tho.

20th July 2018, 09:56 PM

Have fun guys, I won!

If the only response is to personal attacks , means I hit a soft spot , there is still hope for u! No alcohol involved!


Be well all !


Also good night,

As I am Rotflmfao!

Truly hope I do have a wake-up !



20th July 2018, 11:06 PM
You're entitled to your opinion, but no leftist candidate yet has mentioned agreeing with the tariffs or securing the border. It's not "hard right" to want to have your country of birth protect its border or its workers. Prior to Trump neither party did that.
Exactly, until some 40 years or so ago, it was actually only very few extreme left polititicians that even suggested to have open borders for everyone and everything. You would back then have been deemed an extremist if you didn’t accept trade and border restrictions.

I wonder what Dogman thought back then? Was he “middle of the road” back then as well? Iow more “extreme right” than Trump... I guess we will never know...

It is interesting how people’s opinions have been sliding though over the years, and yes I do think TV-programming has been an important aspect of it, and probably those “middle of the roaders” types are the most easily swayed.

Half Sense
21st July 2018, 07:00 AM
Alcohol is a helluva drug.

I think it's doggie dander.

21st July 2018, 11:59 AM
I think it's doggie dander.



7th August 2018, 08:44 AM
Neocons frothing at the mouth for war with Russia


As Washington's Neocons "Crush" Russia, Ron Paul Warns Sanctions Lead To War

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, (http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2018/august/06/neocons-demand-crushing-sanctions-on-russia/)
You can always count on the neocons in Congress to ignore reality, ignore evidence, and ignore common sense in their endless drive to get us involved in another war.
Last week, for example, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-NC), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and others joined up to introduce what Senator Graham called “the sanctions bill from hell,” aimed at applying “crushing” sanctions on Russia.

Senator Graham bragged that the bill would include “everything but the kitchen sink” in its attempt to ratchet up tensions with Russia.

Sen Cory Gardner (R-CO) bragged that the new sanctions bill “includes my language requiring the State Department to determine whether Russia merits the designation of a State Sponsor of Terror.”
Does he even know what the word “terrorism” means?

Sen Ben Cardin (D-MD) warns that the bill must be passed to strengthen our resolve against “Vladimir Putin’s pattern of corroding democratic institutions and values around the world, a direct and growing threat to US national security.”

What has Russia done that warrants “kitchen sink” sanctions that will “crush” the country and possibly designate it as a sponsor of terrorism?Sen. Menendez tells us:
“The Kremlin continues to attack our democracy, support a war criminal in Syria, and violate Ukraine’s sovereignty.”

There is a big problem with these accusations on Russia: they’re based on outright lies and unproven accusations that continue to get more bizarre with each re-telling.

How strange that when US Senators like Menendez demand that we stand by our NATO allies even if it means war, they attack Russia for doing the same in Syria. Is the Syrian president a “war criminal,” as he claims? We do know that his army is finally, with Russian and Iranian help, about to defeat ISIS and al-Qaeda, which with US backing for seven years have turned Syria into a smoking ruin. Does Menendez and his allies prefer ISIS in charge of Syria?

And how hypocritical for Menendez to talk about Russia violating Ukraine’s sovereignty. The unrest in Ukraine was started by the 2014 US-backed coup against an elected leader. We have that all on tape!
How is Russia “attacking our democracy”? We’re still waiting for any real evidence that Russia was involved in our 2016 elections and intends to become involved in our 2018 elections. But that doesn’t stop the propagandists, who claim with no proof that Russia was behind the election of Donald Trump.

These Senators claim that sanctions will bring the Russians to heel, but they are wrong. Sanctions are good at two things only: destroying the lives of innocent civilians and leading to war.


As I mentioned in an episode of my Liberty Report last week, even our own history shows that sanctions do lead to war and should not be taken lightly.In the run-up to US involvement in the War of 1812, the US was doing business with both France and the UK, which were at war with each other. When the UK decided that the US was favoring France in its commerce, it imposed sanctions on the US. What did Washington do in response? Declared war. Hence the War of 1812, which most Americans remember as that time when the British burned down the White House.

Recent polls show that the majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Among Republicans, a vast majority support the meeting.

Perhaps a good defeat in November will wake these neocon warmongers up. Let’s hope so!

13th August 2018, 09:14 AM
Good interview with Ron Paul. Perhaps he is a good guy but he and his family was threatened to get out of the way in the 2012 election, in no uncertain terms, at the breakfast with Bernanke.

13th August 2018, 09:49 AM
Good interview with Ron Paul. Perhaps he is a good guy but he and his family was threatened to get out of the way in the 2012 election, in no uncertain terms, at the breakfast with Bernanke.

I think he is a good guy. I managed to worm my way into being a Ron Paul delate to the 2008 Nevada State Republican convention. I met him in person, listened to his ideas and liked what I heard. The 2012 campaign, he was drafted, I don’t believe it was his choice to run again, and I also believe he was threatened at the Bernanke breakfast.

13th August 2018, 03:30 PM
I think he is a good guy. I managed to worm my way into being a Ron Paul delate to the 2008 Nevada State Republican convention. I met him in person, listened to his ideas and liked what I heard. The 2012 campaign, he was drafted, I don’t believe it was his choice to run again, and I also believe he was threatened at the Bernanke breakfast.
The thing is he had the delegates in 2012 primary, even though he didn’t win the elections (probably he did, but there where plenty of irregularities) his supporters were the only ones dedicated enough to stay to get elected delegate post election in the counties. And then with only a few states remaining suddenly his son Rand said he supported Mitt Romney, and just after breakfast with Bernanke he decides to pull out of the remaining states. I think he could have won the republican nomination, and probably he could have won against Obama. Either he was a genuine guy who was threatened to life for himself and family. Or he was controlled opposition from the beginning. Considering what he Said before and after. I now am leaning towards him being threatened.

13th August 2018, 03:37 PM
The thing is he doesn’t strike me as dishonest when he speaks. If he is then he is the most accomplished liar of them all. I don’t think so.

He had the delegates, he still had plenty of cash (from the grass roots) in the campaign coffers. Most probably he would have taken the primaries if he stayed the course. But he was hold to step down

13th August 2018, 07:59 PM
The thing is he had the delegates in 2012 primary, even though he didn’t win the elections (probably he did, but there where plenty of irregularities) his supporters were the only ones dedicated enough to stay to get elected delegate post election in the counties. And then with only a few states remaining suddenly his son Rand said he supported Mitt Romney, and just after breakfast with Bernanke he decides to pull out of the remaining states. I think he could have won the republican nomination, and probably he could have won against Obama. Either he was a genuine guy who was threatened to life for himself and family. Or he was controlled opposition from the beginning. Considering what he Said before and after. I now am leaning towards him being threatened.

I never did understand his son Rand supporting Romney. Rand makes a lot of noise, but when push comes to shove he usually backs down.

I am like you. I think he was threatened, like Ross Perot.

13th August 2018, 08:15 PM
I never did understand his son Rand supporting Romney. Rand makes a lot of noise, but when push comes to shove he usually backs down.

I am like you. I think he was threatened, like Ross Perot.

Rand knows politics from his dad, knows how it works and plays safely. Note the curly jew hair not inherent with any of the Paul family. He wants to be along the way for a while and going against the herd isn't gonna work well for him.

14th August 2018, 12:26 AM
Rand knows politics from his dad, knows how it works and plays safely. Note the curly jew hair not inherent with any of the Paul family. He wants to be along the way for a while and going against the herd isn't gonna work well for him.

Fuck him!


And then you have this...

Rand Paul, the son of libertarian Ron Paul, is, like his father, ideologically inspired by the despicable Jewess Ayn Rand (Alisa Rosenbaum), founder of the “Objectivist” movement, which advocates hyper-individualism for non-Jews and at the same time ethnocentrism and nationalism for Jews.

Ron Paul did belong to the same group of disciples of Ayn Rand as Alan Greenspan. So it is certainly possible he is a deceiver...


14th August 2018, 02:41 AM
Then on the other hand...


Perhaps the proposed evil of Ayn Rand is exaggerated.

14th August 2018, 09:14 AM
Interfering in the democratic processes and institutions of the United States and our allies;

Collusion is only good for this goose, not the gander.