View Full Version : Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions
6th March 2019, 11:40 PM
Anna von Reitz ( RjtkDSoYP-Kw4q-vVgMv6GP3pjpPe8mQln&hc_ref=ARTiCoDGcBcIgi_kZpuLYwrhZX-tXHUpY99RR6Ldnc9vZ0Y98TRCaX93gACQUue3dwA&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Dear Mr. Trump,
On this 6th day of March in the year 2019, we wish to convey our sympathy and support against the outrageous and unauthorized actions of the Municipal United States Congress. Feel free to exercise your options.
We realize that you are not responsible for their Bad Behavior and we are forwarding our Displeasure to those who are responsible for THEM.
We would like to see a directive go out to the United States Military to properly inform all members that just because they signed up to act as "United States Citizens" as a condition of receiving a paycheck, the rest of us are under no such obligation and must be left alone, not addressed, not spied on, not harassed, coerced, or made subject to any racketeering or unjust demand at all --- ever, with regard to our choice of political status or the exercise of our rights and guarantees, including our exemptions.
We have a nasty DOD-UN CORP-FBI and other assorted Municipal Alphabet Soup group being run out of Michigan calling itself the "Michigan General Jural Assembly" but in fact they are misrepresenting themselves as a lawful State Jural Assembly and are apparently aiming to set up a Municipal Corporation merely named after the actual State---instead.
A "Bait and Switch" Operation.
We deduce this from the fact that their leadership all claims "United States Citizenship" or "Citizenship of the United States" and they continue to promote the idea that such "Citizens" have Constitutional rights and guarantees and tell people that they can retain such citizenship obligations at the same time that they are purportedly acting as one of our State Jural Assemblies.
Our States do not now nor have they ever allowed Dual Citizenship.
We protest against all of these continuing "similar names deceits" and against all of these various foreign corporate enterprises seeking to impersonate our actual States while being guests upon our shores.
We ask for your assistance in properly informing these groups and individuals --- some of whom may be well-meaning patriots who are simply confused, some of whom are no doubt acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents.
Among all the other Disinformation that supporters of this group are spreading is the idea that the "FBI" has approached me and asked me questions and otherwise bullied me. This is not true, nor should it be. As a Subcontractor of a Subcontractor, the FBI has no authority to address me and neither does the IRS or any other Municipal Agency.
We wish for your Administration to make it completely clear that none of these contractors are to investigate, meddle with, contact, address, coerce, lie to, attempt to interfere with, co-opt, misdirect, or harm any American who is claiming their lawful birthright political status as an American State National or American State Citizen of any of the now-fifty States.
We wish for all Military Contractors to be fully advised.
We are the lawful Civilian Government of this country and we are fed up with the "Service".
Any service organization wishing to get a contract or keep one needs to stop playing games and do their actual jobs--- jobs which do not include running co-option schemes and psychological warfare operations on the People of this country.
We request and require the full and explicit compliance of all military personnel, including subcontractors, to cease and desist all operations aimed at destabilizing, thwarting, impersonating, co-opting, misinforming, threatening, bullying, or otherwise interfering with our State Assemblies or mis-addressing our Lawful Persons.
We also request and require that they cease and desist all operations seeking to establish commercial corporations "in our names" or the names of our States.
This is an unwelcome, unnecessary, fraudulent usurpation against the actual States and People of this country.
We are quite competent and capable of issuing our own charters and will do so -- an eventuality which is not the business of any Territorial or Municipal Citizen, nor any Federal Agent, Agency, Subcontractor, or Department.
Thank you for your service and patience in the midst of such injustice.
Anna Maria
6th March 2019, 11:44 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Re6FAUUe8N7ktx9R-kwNslpI&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
The Continuing Debacle and The Remnant
Most Beloved Francis,
We wish to express our Extreme Displeasure:
The US Municipal "Congress" is out of control. They may be out of their minds, too.
They can't be allowed to abuse bankruptcy and just continue merrily on.
You know this.
No doubt Cardinal Parolin and the others know this, too---whether or not they want to admit it. The entire world is watching and knows the score, knows what was done, by whom, to whom.
The Subcontractors are even worse, if possible. All these bogus "Federal" Agencies are nothing but a huge expense and a nuisance. They create trouble out of thin air just to give themselves something to do--- and then ignore all the work that they are supposed to be doing.
The FBI, DOJ, BATF, FEMA, IRS, CIA, et alia --- they are all rampaging around on our shores causing trouble, mis-addressing Lawful Persons, staging all sorts of stupid military "operations", trying to confuse everyone with deceitful use of language, getting ready to stage a "civil war" on our shores, the entire point of which is to kill us, their Employers.
The Holy Roman Empire needs to stand down and assist the Lawful Government of this country. What should have happened in 1865 needs to happen now.
The Apocalypse has happened and is ongoing.
The Great Tribulation has been paid.
The Remnant has returned.
Do the right thing.
Anna Maria
8th March 2019, 04:31 PM
Anna von Reitz ( J7ig-s4qmqmdI7M22yA8GYuU&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 43 Legal Persons
Let's review:
There are exactly three (3) branches that make up the American Government:
1. The United States -- an unincorporated union of soil jurisdiction republican states which are geographically defined and populated by living people. This is our National Jurisdiction. Founded July 1, published July 4, 1776.
2. The United States of America -- an unincorporated federation of land and sea international jurisdiction States which are geographically defined and populated by Lawful Persons on the land and inhabited by Legal Persons on the sea. This is our International Jurisdiction. Founded September 9, 1776.
3. the States of America -- an unincorporated confederation of inchoate, non-physical States of States that operate in the global and municipal realm of commerce inhabited by Legal PERSONS in the Jurisdiction of the Air. This is our Global Jurisdiction. Founded March 1, 1781.
This is our government founded before and apart from any Federal Government.
As we also discussed, the Constitutions impacted only the States of America portion of our government, and had the effect of power-sharing some of the former functions of the States of America with two foreign governments --- Britain and the Holy Roman Empire, acting under solemn trust agreements.
We also learned that the interface between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons is in the International Jurisdiction, and that the boundary between Lawful Persons on the land and Legal Persons on the Sea is an invisible barrier called "the bar" or "the corporate veil". This is in a legal sense, the "veil" between life and death, as Lawful Persons are deemed to be alive, and Legal Persons are deemed to be fictional and dead.
We have dealt at some length with the fact that all Lawful Persons are unincorporated. We have also observed that Lawful Persons can be "corporate" though not "incorporated" ---- for example, an unincorporated Mom and Pop business called "Bill's Bicycle Shop" is "corporate" but not incorporated.
All Lawful Persons everywhere stand on the living side of the corporate veil and on the land and soil of their respective countries.
Now we come to the obverse, the mirror image, of the Lawful Person --- the Legal Persons inhabiting the international jurisdiction of the sea and the airy realms of the global municipal jurisdiction.
Legal Persons can be Corporate or Incorporated, but they are never totally unincorporated. They always derive their "personhood" from some other entity and have no basis to exist on their own.
The prior sentence should be underlined and properly taken note of.
Lawful Persons and the people they represent have a quality of independent being that Legal Persons always lack.
A Legal Person does not exist on land, except as a temporary sojourner called an "inhabitant" and they are not considered to be part of the "population" because they are not one of the "people".
The realm in which they operate-- the work they do for the most part-- obligates them to operate in the reduced capacity of a "thing", a dead legal fiction, and it also obligates them to live under either the international jurisdiction of the sea and its laws, or the global jurisdiction of the air and its commercial laws.
Land Law and National Law (Soil Jurisdiction Law) do not apply to Legal Persons.
Statutes, Codes, and Regulations apply to Legal Persons.
A statute is not a law. It is evidence of a law and that law is the "law" of private contract.
One becomes a Legal Person instead of a Lawful Person by subjecting oneself to a foreign sovereign, by enfranchising oneself to a commercial corporation, by registering oneself as property of a commercial corporation, or by other acts creating a presumption of obligation to act in the capacity of a Legal Person.
A Lawful Person can only be "converted" into a Legal Person as a result of such a private contract.
Obviously, this could be an employment contract, as when one accepts a Federal Civil Service job or a job in the US Military. It could be an application for political asylum "in the United States", or an application for unearned Federal Welfare benefits, an application for a Driver License, a US (as opposed to USA) passport, or a voter registration. It could in some instances also be a contractual condition by birth, as when someone is born in Puerto Rico or Washington, DC. Or, such an obligation could arise as the result of incorporating a business as a United States commercial corporation.
For insight into the current situation, we are all born as Lawful Persons on the land and soil of our respective States, and we are supposed to be protected by the most sacred bonds of international trust and treaty and commercial obligation ---- but a ruse and an excuse has been used to "pretend" that you are a Legal Person instead, and resultingly, owed none of the protections of these treaties, trusts, and commercial contracts.
The ruse goes back to the Civil War and the Federal Government's practice of calling "States of States" --- commercial corporations --- "States", as in "Confederate States". They even go so far as to call it "The War Between the States" ---- but no actual States were involved.
All the entities involved in the so-called American Civil War, both North and South, were commercial corporations --- States of States, and whether they knew it or not, all those engaged in that horrific conflict were acting as Legal Persons.
Those who have undertaken this giant fraud against the People of this country have pretended that those long-vanquished commercial corporations were in fact our States, but they were not. They have also pretended that we, a 150 years later, are still combatants acting as Legal Persons and Mercenaries of either the States of America or the Confederate States of America.
Either way, it's total baloney and it part of what we have to address as actual State Assemblies today.
As a result of the foregoing false presumptions being held against us at birth, the United States Military controlled by the British Territorial United States Government has made sure that a false record of assumed contract has been created for each and every one of us: the Birth Certificate.
This is the first and primary evidence against us, suggesting that we are from birth "United States Citizens" or rather, that we were "volunteered" into that political status by our unwary Mothers. However, in order to make this legal the perpetrators also had to record the actual event of your birth, so that both you actual birthday and the birthdate of the Legal Person they created in your name appear on the same document, giving evidence of an unconscionable contract.
You were only a few days or weeks old when this "unlawful conversion" of your political status from Lawful Person to Legal Person took place.
You could not possibly engage in any such assumption of contractual obligation on your own, so your Mother was coerced under conditions of non-disclosure and color of law to do it "for" you.
After that, a number of adhesion contracts were foisted off on you, all under color of law, all without full disclosure.
You were told that you had to sign up for a Social Security Account and get a Social Security Number before you could have a job. (True only if you were seeking Federal Employment.)
You were told that you had to "register" to Vote, but you weren't told that doing so would surrender all your labor and private property rights to the commercial corporation hosting those elections.
You were told that you had to similarly "register" your "vehicle" and get a Driver License, too.
And so on and on. These various applications and registrations -- all induced under color of law and threat of force as adhesion contracts-- are added to the Birth Certificate information to create evidence that you are voluntarily contracting with these commercial corporations and choosing to live your life as a Legal Person instead of as a Lawful Person.
Legal Persons are dead, legal fiction entities. They have no rights or guarantees.
When you, a Lawful American State National or American State Citizen go out and "cross the bar" into the International Jurisdiction of the Sea, the British Monarch is obligated to protect you, but a Legal Person has no such protections.
When you, a Lawful American State National or American State Citizen create a commercial corporation to do business for you in the realm of commerce, the Pope is obligated to protect that, too, but a Legal Person has no such claim upon the Holy Roman Empire.
People and their Lawful Persons are born. Persons are birthed.
People have their genesis in physical actuality, in land and soil and water.
Persons have their genesis in the realm of thought, office, and employment.
People are created by the union of flesh and the mystery of creation.
Persons are created by statutes, which are contracts, by applications, registrations, enfranchisements, and so on.
People live on the land and soil.
Persons sail on the sea and in the air.
If you read the Federal Constitutions you will see the statute (contract) creating Federal Legal Persons known as "United States Citizens" and "Citizens of the United States" in Article 1, Sections 2 and 3, respectively.
These Legal Persons are created when someone accepts employment from the Federal Government, or when one "volunteers" to serve the Federal Government in some capacity --- like "Withholding Agent" or "Voter".
These Legal Persons, like all other Legal Persons, are not Parties to the Federal Constitutions and are not able to access their protections and guarantees.
Rather, they are subject to the Federal Constitutions, meaning that they must honor and obey and fulfill and perform the duties and responsibilities that go along with the right to exercise the delegated Powers of the People of the land jurisdiction States.
You can see now how "redefining" our Lawful Persons as Legal Persons strips us of protections and guarantees and services and assets we are owed and gives us nothing in return.
You can also see that as Lawful Persons operate on the land and soil, and Legal Persons operate in the sea and air, that redefining you as a Legal Person results in kidnapping you from your original birthright jurisdiction on the land and soil and trafficking you into a foreign jurisdiction of the law without your knowledge or consent.
You can also see that this is happening right under the noses of your own employees and the international trustees, both the Queen and the Pope, who are under obligation to protect you, and that they are excusing both their action and inaction by "mistaking on purpose" the difference between the Legal Persons and the Confederation of States of States that took part in the Civil War and the People populating the actual States of this country then and now.
The fraud against us has been institutionalized over the past hundred years and those operating it have grown fat on the theft of our assets, the plundering of our credit, and the sale of our labor. And it all hinges on this unlawful conversion of our Lawful Persons into Legal Persons and this false pretense that Confederation "States of States" --commercial corporations-- are the same as our physical States of the Union.
The Queen, the Pope, the various Presidents, the members of Congress, the US Military and other parties are all guilty of Gross Breach of Trust, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and worse. This has all been practiced against us under color of law and conditions of non-disclosure, fraud, and deceit.
The division between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons also results in the necessity of two court systems and two completely different sets of law.
Our Lawful Persons are owed American Common Law, Public Land Law, and Organic Law. We are now in the process of fully restoring our Courts to provide the services we need for ourselves and to enforce the Public Law, including the Constitutions.
Legal Persons function solely under Statutes, Codes, and Regulations, all forming a type of private law based on private contracts with other Legal Persons, including commercial corporations.
Legal Persons are limited to functioning in the jurisdiction of the sea and the air, with the result that such legal fiction entities can only create more legal fiction entities as franchises owned by the same foreign sovereignty that claims ownership of the Legal Persons.
Lawful Persons can issue charters to both corporate and incorporated entities and do so independently.
To overcome the legal presumption that you are voluntarily choosing to act and live as a Legal Person and to regain protections owed to your Lawful Person and to assert your identity as one of the People and to operate as such, it is necessary to create superior evidence rebutting their evidence to the contrary.
Creating the superior evidence that you are choosing to act as a Lawful Person is the entire purpose of creating and recording the paperwork which The Living Law Firm has developed.
Although you might choose to work for the Federal Government in some capacity during your lifetime, you should be aware that doing so obligates you to operate as a Legal Person and deprives you of rights and saddles you with duties that you would not have otherwise.
It is also important to know that upon severance or retirement from such duties, it is necessary to give your former employers Notice that you are leaving Federal Service and returning to your permanent home and domicile on the land and soil of your State. This should be done in a formal but simple way, just stating the facts, sent to your former federal employer and to the Social Security Administration or Military Pension Office, etc., via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
This precludes any possible misunderstanding or pretense on their part that you are continuing to serve as a Legal Person in any quasi-military volunteer status.
There should be no onus for Federal Service or United States Citizenship or Citizenship of the United States. Quite the contrary. It is a largely thankless and subordinate political status of indentured servitude, sometimes amounting to outright slavery, and involving many duties and responsibilities and sacrifices. Some grave injustices have been inflicted on United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States.
This, too, is part of what needs to be redressed.
Not only have we been left uninformed, and deliberately misidentified and defrauded, but our employees have also been left without critical information and abused. Worst of all, our sons and daughters have been sacrificed as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit--- while being led to believe that it was all about defending our country.
All of this needs to stop, and all of this can be stopped once the actual American People stand up, shake off the dust and the lies, and assume their duty posts as American State Nationals and American State Citizens --- Lawful Persons owed every jot of the Constitutions and Treaties.
8th March 2019, 04:51 PM
Anna von Reitz ( JHM6cxt68u5CTo-PKRLnopOw&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 44 Legal Persons and Territorial Courts
As we learned when we first discussed the international jurisdiction of the States, there are no living people in international jurisdiction --- only Lawful Persons on the land and Legal Persons on the sea.
All Persons are legal fictions, varying only in the degree of their separation from the actual world and the jurisdiction in which they operate.
Directly across the Bar from our Lawful Persons operating on the international jurisdiction of the land, are Legal Persons operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
The international jurisdiction of the sea, especially when it overlaps onto the land, is also known as "Territorial Jurisdiction" and the Legal Persons occupying this jurisdiction may be referred to in some old law books as "Territorials".
Legal Persons all operate under systems of law known as Codes, Statutes, and Regulations.
All transactions and interactions are accomplished by contracts, both public and private, and those Legal Persons engaged in carrying on business in the international jurisdiction of the sea act as employees of corporations or officials representing corporations and/or the various governments chartering the corporations.
This particular jurisdiction has long been the realm of the British Monarchs who have policed and dominated it for centuries. It should not surprise us, then, that a majority of those connected to this jurisdiction follow British nomenclature and traditions, one of which is the tradition of holding offices as trusts.
A trust requires a donor, a holder or trustee, and a beneficiary. In the British system of things, the Queen acts as the donor, the recipient of her office or commission acts as the holder/trustee, and at the end of the day, the office or commission granted returns to the Queen, her heirs or successors.
The office holder in such a grantor system receives a "title" --- a label designating exactly what their rank and responsibility is. This is again a reference to the office being held as a trust, where the office holder holds the liability and duty (the legal title) and the Queen holds the benefit (the equitable title).
The title "Mister" indicates that the person being addressed is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service. It may also be applied to a Midshipman in the Queen's Navy. So this one title, "Mister", can refer to someone engaged in international trade, or to a junior officer in the navy, depending on the context in which it is used.
The use of this term to address any man of legal age has become commonplace in this country, though obviously, it should not be. Misapplying it to average Americans creates the basis for legal presumptions that are inappropriate and disadvantageous to those Americans who appear to accept the title of "Mister" or "Missus" (a Mister's wife) or "Miss" (a Mister's spinster daughter).
The title "Esquire" indicates that the person being addressed is working as a Squire, the lowest rank of the British Nobility, from which they can aspire to become a Knight, a Lord, or even higher dignitary.
Each and every one of these titles and offices is a separate Legal Person, quite apart from the Legal Person bearing the title.
These titles are foreign to America and Americans, however, because we contracted to receive certain stipulated services from the British Government they have gradually insinuated themselves upon our shores.
Make no mistake, however, that clueless as Americans may be, our British counterparts are fully aware that when they call you "Mister" or "Missus" or "Miss" they are attaching a title to you--- and along with the title go the responsibilities and duties associated with it, all owed to the Queen.
By using these titles to address you they are establishing the contractual basis of prosecuting you under maritime or admiralty law. If you call someone "Mister" and he answers to it, that is "probable cause" to assume that he is operating in a capacity subject to the Queen.
The most egregious example of this occurs when millions of Americans fill out 1040 Forms and claim under penalty of perjury that they are acting as "Withholding Agents" --- that is, as Warrant Officers in the British Merchant Marine Service. These innocent people have no idea what a "Withholding Agent" is, much less the jurisdiction in which a Withholding Agent functions, but they have mistakenly acted as a Legal Person working as an unpaid volunteer of a foreign (British) government, which then obligates them to perform according to the standards of the job.
Our Forefathers were not as ignorant as we are today and saw the manner in which this application of titles to living people could be misused and how the benefits and privileges of some titles, such as "Esquire" could become the basis for conflict of interest and split loyalties, so they banned their use on our shores, but could not ban their use in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
What does all this mean for us as members of American State Jural Assemblies?
First and foremost it means that we must be able to distinguish the difference between our courts and their courts, their law and our law, their officers and our officials, their titles and our public offices.
We do not use a class system nor do we grant or use titles. Esquires are not allowed in our courts. Our courts function on self-representation aided by Lawful Counsel; this means that our Lawyers do not speak for us. We speak for ourselves with their assistance and guidance with respect to such issues as prior case law and standards of evidence.
In our courts, the only time that a lawyer is allowed to speak for anyone is when the Public Prosecutor presents a murder case in behalf of the victim or if someone has been harmed to the point that they cannot physically or mentally present their own case.
We do not have "petit juries" which use six jurors to decide cases in municipal courts. All our juries require twelve Jurors, including Grand Juries. Likewise, we maintain the effort to establish peerage as much as possible when selecting jury panels. Workmen should sit in judgement of workmen and academics should sit in judgement of academics, and so on, so as to promote a fair and insightful outcome.
We do not have Bailiffs, we have Bondsmen.
Our Justices do not swear any oath. They accept their elected Public Office as a Public Trust owed to the People of their State in front of Witnesses, but there is no talk of swearing (prohibited by the Bible-based land law) and no statements such as "so help me, God" appear in soil or land jurisdiction courts.
Though most of our Forefathers were earnest Christians, they understood that the only way to preserve religious freedom for themselves, was to preserve religious freedom for everyone. Thus, they adopted the separation of Church and State.
Even though we may have Chaplains assigned to serve our Assemblies and even though they may offer opening prayers and convocations, when the business meeting kicks in, and we begin to act for the People of our States, we understand that we are acting to the best of our ability to protect the rights and security of everyone concerned without religious, racial or political bias.
Our Justices do not decide the law or the facts of any case. That is left to the members of each jury. The role of the Justice is to provide a level playing field and to enforce the rules of evidence; once the jury has reached a decision, it is the duty of the Justice to "pronounce" the sentence for the Public Record and it is the Sheriff's duty to execute the sentence.
Our courts are based upon Local Law (soil jurisdiction) and Public Laws (land jurisdiction) that are enrolled in the Public Record as General Assembly Session Laws.
All such laws are subject to jury nullification.
If our Assemblies adopt a law that is unfair, unwieldy, or inappropriate, any jury in our system of law can nullify it and state the reasons why, whereupon it is held in abeyance as if it never existed and returned to the State General Assembly for correction or repeal. In this way the people maintain direct control over the standards of law that are being applied to them and weed out any laws that are ill-conceived or unfair.
This precious process of jury nullification also provides a natural curb on the endless proliferation of new laws poking into every corner of our lives.
Our law is simple, draconian, and based on the Ten Commandments. There has to be a specific Injured Party claiming injury to himself or to his property.
There is no such thing as a "thought crime" or a "hate crime" until and unless it results in verifiable harm and then it is addressed in terms of what the actual harm is.
The law of the Legal Persons, by comparison, is endlessly complex, subtle, and based on Codes and Maxims that rule the law of contracts.
No doubt this is striking a cord with those familiar with the foreign maritime and admiralty court system of the Legal Persons functioning in Territorial (International Jurisdiction of the Sea) Jurisdiction.
Their laws are enacted instead of being enrolled and they take the form of enumerated Codes and Statutes and Regulations adopted by the Territorial United States Congress and the Territorial State of State Legislatures.
There is no end to the number of these Codes, Statutes, and Regulations that can be adopted and no process of jury nullification to weed them out, with the result that the proliferation of these private "laws" grows with cancerous ferocity and the burden and cost of enforcing them increases exponentially.
The Territorial and Admiralty Courts operated by and for the use of Legal Persons are operated by Bar Attorneys (Esquires) and presided over by Judges who act as Hired Jurist Referees and Administrators. These courts make no attempt to address the law or the facts of any case and focus instead on whether or not a contract exists, and if a duty owed under that contract was dishonored. They are all run as "Nisi Prius" Courts, that is, Contract Courts for Hire.
Legal Persons have no Natural nor Unalienable Rights so issues pertaining to claims of such rights and arguments based on constitutional guarantees do not apply to them nor enter into their courts. At most, Legal Persons may ask for "Equal Civil Rights" -- which may be provided or denied upon the discretion of the Judge.
Legal Persons, unless they have a degree in law, are considered incompetent and must be "represented" by a Bar Attorney, who will speak for them both in court and privately under Power of Attorney, which basically grants him or her the right to act as your Proxy and cut deals in your behalf. Obviously, this is a position of Private Trust under contract that can be greatly abused and often is.
The form of law used by these courts is private, also.
Statutes, Rules, Codes, Public Policies, Resolutions, and Regulations are not law, they are evidence of law, and each one represents a contract that Legal Persons are bound to. If you are acting as a Legal Person and operating in Territorial Jurisdiction (International Jurisdiction of the Sea) you are presumed to know and obey all such obligations and to honor all contracts.
Of course, the proliferation of 80 million such "laws" makes it impossible for anyone to know much less enforce them, and instead of providing any matrix for the pursuit of justice or order, such a system devolves into an excuse for raising revenues through fines and stealing property via arbitrary asset seizures.
You may readily recognize the Territorial Courts of the Legal Persons by their use of Statutes at the State (of State) level and use of Federal Code at the Federal level.
They may also use Military Code. They often deceptively refer to this as "COMMON LAW" --- as in "Military Common Law" --- which is obviously not the Common Law owed to the American People and not any standard that should ever be applied to a civilian Lawful Person.
As our American State Jural Assemblies and our People's Courts have ceased to function, more and more of our People have been misidentified as Legal Persons and held to these foreign standards of law and railroaded into these foreign courts.
The plain fact is that we don't belong in their courts and they don't belong in ours. Lawful Persons exist in an entirely different and separate jurisdiction apart from Legal Persons and operate under different standards and conventions, but the lack of Lawful Courts and the temptation to profit from this circumstance by guile has led to the present morass.
As we begin the long overdue process of restoring our Lawful Courts we have the option to handle conflicts and controversies via private binding arbitration and may assert our standing as Lawful People and request such arbitration whenever any complaint is brought against us in a Legal Court setting.
Private arbitration should be used as a stop-gap measure until our own courts are up and functioning again.
In all this bear in mind that our courts are not their courts and vice versa. Our laws, except for the Constitutions, do not apply to them --and their laws do not apply to us.
A large part of the work set before the State Jural Assemblies is to set up and convene your own State Court System for the Lawful People returning to the land and soil jurisdiction of your State. At first this will be a daunting task as you struggle to sort things out and research the history of your State, but ultimately, the rewards of freedom and self-determination which follow from this work are the fruits of your labor and the fulfillment of your heritage.
9th March 2019, 06:54 AM
About passports being commercial, Anna says
a US (as opposed to USA) passport, or a voter registration.
9th March 2019, 06:59 AM
Anna von Reitz ( sYAWHUtvQYXKuKf0AxguY2FG4uHPhBMvpk&hc_ref=ARRSVXtdOL54HPAwri0TNfjTPNUtsLPSDtsziWVM7zf Ghgq5Qy_suqPUnnAC0Z4rx0E&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Cheat Sheet to End Confusion
1. The United States is the Proper Name of the Union of republican soil jurisdiction states, representing our combined National Jurisdiction
2. The United States of America is the Proper Name of the Federation of land jurisdiction States, representing our combined International Jurisdiction.
3. the States of America is the Proper Name of the Confederation of States of States -- commercial corporations chartered by the States of the Federation, representing our combined Global Jurisdiction.
4. the United States of America is the Proper Name of the British-controlled Territorial Branch of the Federal Government and the Territorial United States.
5. the United States is the Proper Name of the Holy Roman Empire-controlled Municipal Branch of the Federal Government and the Municipal United States.
You can now clearly see all the opportunities for deceptive word-play that have been possible with this situation and why so many people have been confused.
9th March 2019, 07:34 AM
You were told that you had to sign up for a Social Security Account and get a Social Security Number before you could have a job. (True only if you were seeking Federal Employment.)
You were told that you had to "register" to Vote, but you weren't told that doing so would surrender all your labor and private property rights to the commercial corporation hosting those elections.
You were told that you had to similarly "register" your "vehicle" and get a Driver License, too.
And so on and on. These various applications and registrations -- all induced under color of law and threat of force as adhesion contracts-- are added to the Birth Certificate information to create evidence that you are voluntarily contracting with these commercial corporations and choosing to live your life as a Legal Person instead of as a Lawful Person.
Does Anna explain how to travel in your private car without a Driver’s License or “vehicle” registration when you convert from U.S. Citizen to American State National? I haven’t seen any place she offers any advice. Traveling with a private or no plate likely will result in a ticket and your car being towed. Even if you prevail in court you will still be stuck with the tow bill and likely stopped and towed again in the future. If you have a domestic address the judge will say you are a “resident” and subject to his statutes.
There was a case in Kansas where the man was stopped for no registration or Driver’s License. He was ticketed and his car was towed. The judge ruled he didn’t need a licensce or registration because he wasn’t a resident which he proved by receiving his mail c/o an address rather than at his “residence”. The cops stated they will continue to ticket him and tow his car if he contiues to travel without registration and a license because the law says he must have a license and registration.
Most of us can’t afford repeated tow bills and the inconvenience of being houled into court.
9th March 2019, 07:58 AM
Does Anna explain how to travel in your private car without a Driver’s License or “vehicle” registration when you convert from U.S. Citizen to American State National? I haven’t seen any place she offers any advice. Traveling with a private or no plate likely will result in a ticket and your car being towed. Even if you prevail in court you will still be stuck with the tow bill and likely stopped and towed again in the future. If you have a domestic address the judge will say you are a “resident” and subject to his statutes.
There was a case in Kansas where the man was stopped for no registration or Driver’s License. He was ticketed and his car was towed. The judge ruled he didn’t need a licensce or registration because he wasn’t a resident which he proved by receiving his mail c/o an address rather than at his “residence”. The cops stated they will continue to ticket him and tow his car if he contiues to travel without registration and a license because the law says he must have a license and registration.
Most of us can’t afford repeated tow bills and the inconvenience of being houled into court.
Well I do know that we all sign over power of attorney to the State of xxx and give them title to the car. They own the car. So you have to take back possession of the car.
Once that is done I think you can make a claim against any false enforcement of a non-existing contract.
There was a guy in California who drove for years without plates and a license. I'm pretty sure Richard McDonald also travelled.
McDonald said you had to find courts that enforced common law in State jurisdiction.
The best solution is very problematic, having our own common law courts for real State National's. Like how do you enforce your law on their private law, when they have all the guns and all the prisons.
It is almost like living in the twilight zone where the what we thought was the law is just Walmart law and the real law is laughed at by the people who should be in jail.
9th March 2019, 08:13 AM
Well I do know that we all sign over power of attorney to the State of xxx and give them title to the car. They own the car. So you have to take back possession of the car.
Once that is done I think you can make a claim against any false enforcement of a non-existing contract.
There was a guy in California who drove for years without plates and a license. I'm pretty sure Richard McDonald also travelled.
McDonald said you had to find courts that enforced common law in State jurisdiction.
The best solution is very problematic, having our own common law courts for real State National's. Like how do you enforce your law on their private law, when they have all the guns and all the prisons.
It is almost like living in the twilight zone where the what we thought was the law is just Walmart law and the real law is laughed at by the people who should be in jail.
This guy claims he recently had his no license/noregistration case dismissed in Las Vegas.
9th March 2019, 08:21 AM
Karl Koenigs won his own defence in Las Vegas
9th March 2019, 04:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( tayLFJjaThXYR2sKf8KIEbKg&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Open Challenge
Many years ago, in North Carolina, I was sitting at a table in front of an open window looking out onto a covered veranda and gardens beyond.
My companion was a retired Judge from South Carolina, who was in his nineties and still sharp as a tack. He drank "coffee" made from dried dandelion roots.
It may strike people as odd, but the Civil War wasn't really so long ago. My Grandfather was born during the Civil War, and this man, old enough to have been my Grandfather, was born twenty-five years after it ended. For him as a child growing up, the wounds and events were still fresh. His Grandparents lived through it. One of his Grandfathers died in it. His Father remembered the Carpetbagger Era that followed.
Our conversation that day and for several days following was meandering and thoughtful as he paged through his memories, often pausing to pick and choose his words as well as his topics. He was a careful, methodical, logical man with a shrewd view of the world well-honed from fifty years on the bench.
At one point, he stopped and shot me a glance and said, "You don't like lawyers much, do you?" And then he tilted back his head and looked at the ceiling and said, "I can't much blame you, but remember--- it's the sins you commit that you aren't even aware of that damn you. Pray to be forgiven for them."
We ranged far and wide and deep through the history of the South after the Civil War, and also, unavoidably, through the history of jurisprudence in the South from the Civil War Era through the 1970's. He wouldn't allow a tape recorder so all I have are notes I took down.
Among the other things he told me was the fact that the actual States never allowed Dual Citizenship, even though the States of States did.
I underlined that in my notes, because he said it with great emphasis and intensity and roused himself to lean forward as he said it. There's no doubt that he meant for me to catch that bit of information and keep it.
The reason, he said, was to forestall conflict of interest. No man can serve two Masters. So the land law, which is based on the Bible, dictates that if we serve the land, we have to give up any other political affiliation and stand as State Citizens, not Federal Citizens, aka, United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States.
Almost fifty years have passed and I have been down many, many rabbit holes since then. I have never once in all my researches nor in the research of others who have probed these issues, encountered any contrary evidence.
No actual State ever allowed Dual Citizenship.
Nothing that man told me has ever proven to be anything but 100% correct and true. Nothing in my own research contradicts him. Nothing in any other research about this topic that I know of contradicts him.
So I am more than willing to stand here and say--- if you have proof that any actual land jurisdiction State in this country ever allowed Dual Citizenship (allowing Federal Citizens to act as State Citizens)--- bring it now, and I will eat all the crow you want.
I'll put a big banner on my website saying, "I Was Wrong About This!" and I will write an article explaining why I was wrong and how many ways I was wrong. But I don't believe I am wrong about this one.
And I do believe it matters, because if you assemble oranges you get a bushel of oranges, and if you assemble apples you get a bushel of apples.
I am not going to waste my time or anyone else's doing things that can't be done or don't need to be done.
If some foreign corporation wants to come in here and call itself a "State" and try to foist that off onto the gullible public, they can do so on their own dime and our team will continue to expose them for what they are.
No need for a bunch of well-meaning Americans to get sidetracked by something like that.
So let's drop the dime and get to the Finish Line. We have all these people claiming that you can be a Federal Citizen aka United States Citizen or Citizen of the United States and at the same time act as a State Citizen, and I am saying no actual land jurisdiction State ever allowed that.
Since we are looking for "negative evidence" and they made the claim, it's up to them to find a valid exception: at least one pre-Civil War State that allowed Dual Citizenship.
I certainly don't know of one, but maybe the people bad-mouthing me do. Maybe that old judge from South Carolina was senile and didn't really know what he was talking about.
But I wouldn't bet my life, my land, or my Bill of Rights on that, if I were you.
10th March 2019, 03:21 PM
Anna von Reitz ( N-PAJu20nyg2gLYj&hc_ref=ARTG5jn7oO_fpPUS7P-LlGuzJFO-9al28gbEQzkVGUIjhJrk80JxbzrG7d1D6Wl2pBs&fref=nf)
14 hrs ( ·
Hats Off
There are people who touch our lives in gentle ways. Often, we don't know the impact they've had at the time, so of course, we don't thank them. Then life "happens" and time flows on, your paths don't meet, and then someday you hear their name or something jogs your brain and you think: I never said thank you. Too often, it's too late.
About a dozen years ago, one of those Special People crossed my path here in Alaska. I'd just lost another friend to cancer and saw a poster for a cooking class centered around an anti-cancer diet. It was free. I had time on my hands and a grudge to settle with the disease. So I went to class for six weeks. It was my introduction to Vegan cooking.
That class was taught by Delisa Renideo, otherwise known as The Barefoot Gardener. She recently published some of her best recipes in a new book, The Barefoot Gardener in the Kitchen Cookbook.
Vegans, as I was to learn, don't use animal products at all. Their diet is entirely plant-based. No milk, no eggs, no cheese. And of course, no meat.
Nonetheless, everyone seemed sane and healthy, and I was intrigued.
Like most of you reading this I briefly entertained the image of my life with food being reduced to gnawing on stalks of celery and maybe a baked potato with salt for Sunday dinner. I also had a twinge of the, "oh, no, not some kind of weird vegetarian cult!" suspicion, but I suppressed those biases and fears: with people dropping like flies from cancer and suffering from awful chronic diseases, it was obviously time to look for answers.
And anyway, a free cooking class where you get to taste the results seemed harmless enough for a respectable Granny to indulge in. Indulge, I did. It was all delicious.
I learned how to "massage" kale -- and otherwise, would probably have never eaten it. I learned lots of other wonderful things--- how to make a delicious cheese sauce without cheese, how to sweeten things without sugar (or nasty unnatural substitutes), and miracle of miracles, a healthy cookie recipe that my son liked better than standard Chocolate Chip Cookies.
If the benefits had stopped there, I would have called it one of the Top Ten Freebie Bargains in my whole life, but it didn't end with that.
As I s-l-o-w-l-y adjusted to my new knowledge base and began to implement what I had been taught, I also began to think more about nutrition and what I was eating and about how food is produced, and why so much of what we eat is nothing but air: empty calories, that is, calories that add to our waistlines, but don't nourish us at all.
It would take a miracle of Biblical proportions to turn my husband into a vegetarian, much less a vegan, but nonetheless the "little seed" Delisa planted in my brain persisted and bore more fruit. I began growing basil for pesto and other kitchen herbs and adding them to salads and soups. I whittled down the amount of meat the family was eating and soon, I was able to sneak in entire vegetarian meals without anyone noticing.
They all just adjusted and chowed down and didn't seem to notice that...bit by bit, we were converting from a Standard American Diet (SAD in more ways than one) to a better diet, a more nourishing diet, and did I mention-- a cheaper diet?
Oh, yes, even though I took the pledge and converted to 100% organic and non-GMO, our food budget went down by a whopping 25%. I can't even imagine how much money that has saved us over the last twelve years, but it is a lot of money. A lot.
And, the adventure continued. Somehow that little cooking class with Delisa Renideo hit the reset button on my relationship with food. No more limits! I threw Nasturtium blossoms and sweet violets into my salads. I rediscovered mushrooms and olives. I made Artisan Bread. And it was all good. And it was all better.
And it was all because of Delisa and Charlie and a cooking class.
I am still not a 100% vegetarian, much less can I call myself a Vegan, but I am a lot closer to being a vegetarian than I could ever imagine being and my old "whiskey and corn chips for breakfast" diet (somewhat of an exaggeration, but not much!) is a distant memory.
The benefits from that little cooking class just keep ticking along, year after year, paying dividends in new choices, new experiences, better health and better food.
Not everyone will be lucky enough to get a cooking class with Delisa, but everyone can buy her cookbook and use it as a portal to a whole new world of food. It's not a cheap book at $29.00, but that's nothing compared to the cost of a single doctor visit.
Hats off, to Delisa and Charlie Renideo, for being the difference and making the difference. I want to thank them and pass on the gift they gave me to you.
You can learn more at their website: Yes to life solution ( MsupXzIteMAlbX2Tjw0)
10th March 2019, 03:30 PM
Anna von Reitz (
2 hrs ( ·
Do I Have to Draw You Guys a Picture?
Addressed to the Oregon Assembly, March 10, 2019:
Do I have to draw you guys a picture?
You are mucking around in THEIR system instead of building your own.
You are going to get into trouble just like the Colorado Nine and for the same reason.
Thomas Deegan spent two years in jail already.
He was released for reasons he doesn't comprehend.
Now he is leading all the rest of you right back into the same trap again.
How many times does this have to happen and how many people have to suffer before you knotheads get it through your thick skulls?
They aren't us.
Repeat: they aren't us.
They never have been. They still aren't.
Their court system isn't our court system.
US Citizens aren't Americans, even if they were born
and bred here in the States.
Ask yourselves --- how could a political status that is literally created by the Constitutions be the same political status creating the Constitutions?
Americans are Parties to the Constitutions. US Citizens are subject to the Constitutions.
While acting as US Citizens (Federal Employees, Dependents, and Franchisees) you have no rights or guarantees provided by the Constitutions, you have only obligations and duties under the Constitutions.
So if you want to exercise your guarantees and exemptions you have to: (1) reclaim your birthright political status as an American State National/American State Citizen; (2) repopulate your States of the Union; (3) boot up your own court system to enforce the Public Law, including the Constitutions.
Instead of doing what needs to be done, you guys keep on thinking that you are going to use their court system against them.
You think that your Common Law Grand Jury is going to "put them in their place", when in fact all you are going to do is transgress onto their turf and get yourselves into trouble just like the Colorado Nine did.
That's why I drew the line against Bruce Doucette and that's why I am drawing the line against Deegan, Destry, Sun-Tzu, et alia.
You are wasting your time and your energy doing something that: (1) is never going to work; and (2) that needlessly endangers innocent people; and (3) has already been demonstrated as a dead end; and (4) detracts focus and energy away from what actually needs to be done.
If you are all stupid enough to go down that path in view of what I have forthrightly placed in front of you, and despite the demonstrated results of what happened to the Colorado Nine who did the same thing as you are promoting now, then you have only yourselves to blame and you can in no way blame me or take reference to anything I have said or done in your defense.
(Probably more agents that want to fail, so they can claim this stuff does not work by BJ)
10th March 2019, 09:40 PM
Anna von Reitz ( D2xFfLGF3qHJOyTw8XXaQ57ebZzFWPei5q&hc_ref=ARQXZgHT84ZEsqmc8RTN8a-KDcyZo_2TFCE9Nb0ZUQtvYugtr8FE4AV0bTOrInmAlvE&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
Don't Blame Trump --- Blame the Pig Farmers
Day after day I listen to people spewing hate speech against Donald Trump, and the vast majority of the time, they are complaining about things that are being done to them by the Municipal Government.
Get a clue.
Donald Trump is not in control of the Municipal Government.
The members of Congress acting "as" the Municipal United States Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 are the problem. And they are acting as part of the Holy Roman Empire --- so blame the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church and the UN CORP and the Lord Mayor of London and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Benelux Governments, the Bank of France, and the IMF, World Bank, and BIS.
They are the ones causing unemployment, economic decline, horrible educational standards, wars for profit, moral depravity and promotion of human and drug trafficking ---not to mention the identity theft and fraud that has been practiced against us all--- you can take 95% of the rot and lay it at their feet.
The only way that the British Territorial Government (Trump's Baileywick) can be blamed for this current situation is that they have been entrusted with riding herd on the Municipal Government and have failed to do so. They have too often been bought off by co-option and bribes.
Trump isn't being bought off.
If he was, then everything would be roses and champagne for him inside the Beltway and the Mainstream Media would be slavering over him and licking his butt like they did with Barack Obama.
It's the people you are sending to Congress (albeit by voting in elections that were never meant for you and which aren't yours to vote in) that are operating as renegades and causing the foul stench coming out of Washington.
What else can you expect, when you let two political lobbies rule the roost and run everything? Lobbyists. Think about that word. You have lobbyists running what passes for a government.
In a normal government, a lobbyist is a member of a private interest organization that tries to influence the decisions of government. What we have instead are two such private interest organizations running the government.
Imagine two tribes of pigs, one pink and one brown, swarming over the trough and fighting each other over each piece of slop ---and you will have the picture of what is going on year after year in Washington, DC.
Standing around thinking that things are ever going to be better or different depending on which brand of pig you support is delusional at best.
A pig is still a pig, and the purpose of a pig is to eat, eat, eat.
So, Mr. Farmer, do you want to raise pigs at all? Is that what the government is supposed to be in business for? If not, why are you allowing this to go on?
A third of the Federal Government --- and the most important part of it from our perspective --- is gone. Missing in action. It's been this way for 150 years. It has never been "reconstructed".
And in the meantime, the Hired Help has had a hey day of unbelievable proportions at our expense. The Lobbyists occupied the empty chairs of the actual Federal Congress, and here we are, seemingly stuck between a chocolate-flavored Pig Poop Cocktail and a raspberry rendition of the same.
There is, of course, a Third Option. We could do what we are supposed to do, what we brag to the rest of the world about doing. We could self-govern.
We could wake up, reclaim our lawful birthright status as Americans, repopulate our land jurisdiction States of the Union, elect all our own officials, including our own peacekeeping officials, reconstruct our Federal-level States of States, and restore our actual government.
We could stop raising pigs. We could get out of the pig business altogether.
But first we have to wake up, and next, we have to get out of bed.
10th March 2019, 09:50 PM
Anna von Reitz ( h3lUSY&hc_ref=ARR_Rxc_EhvF2BAo1L5gcb_D4s2V0licyyFhsWaYlPu Qqy-cSFBFne-QbT-iq2cfkpQ&fref=nf)
46 mins ( ·
Virtually All Arguments Based On or About The Constitutions....
The Constitutions set up the Federal Government and barely mention us.
We have a bit role in the Preamble as the creators of an Express National Trust. We pop up to restrict Bills of Attainder and arrest and similar abuses in Article IV.
We make a reappearance in Amendment X. And there is a glancing one-step-removed nod to us and our States of America Confederacy in Article 6 where it references the fact that the debts of the original Confederacy (formed 1781) will remain its responsibility--- that is, won't be shared or transferred to the new British Territorial or Holy Roman Empire Municipal Government contractors.
In fact, so little is specifically said about us that as an after-thought and to place more explicit controls on the Federal Government concerning us, the Framers went back and added the Bill of Rights.
People are so egocentric that they assume that the Constitutions have to be about us, but they aren't. They are primarily about the Federal Government and about Federal Citizens.
Look at Amendment VII -- the important words are in parenthesis with numbers that correlate with the explanation below:
Amendment VII. In suits (at)[1] common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no (fact)[2] tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of (the)[3] United States, than according to the (rules)[4] of the common law.
1. It says "at". If this were referring to us, it would say "in" common law.
2. It says "fact". None of the courts of the United States judge the law or the facts.
3. It says "the" United States". This is referring to the Municipal Government.
4. It says "rules" of the common law. This is referring to military common law, not our version of "common law", which does not have "rules".
This is basically saying that when and if a Federal Citizen comes to jury trial in one of our courts ("at" common law from their perspective), our court's decision will not be reviewed by their courts except in the case of martial (common) law where soldiers and sailors are involved.
Look at Article VI:
“The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”
This is again talking about "the" United States --- the Municipal Government thereof, created under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.
This is basically saying that the judicial power belonging to the Municipal Government will be vested in their own Supreme Court (which is no surprise, as it is a foreign government) and whatever inferior [Municipal] courts that the members of the [Municipal] Congress may ordain....
This is all talking about Municipal United States Government operations and says nothing whatsoever about our American courts at all.
The tragic mistake that so many people continue to make is to think that the Constitutions are talking about us when in fact the Constitutions are 99% about the US Federal Government and its Branches --- Federal, Territorial, and Municipal---that are being established by the Constitutions.
Think about what the Constitutions are designed to do--- they are setting up the parameters of a new (back then) power-sharing split, redelegating and splitting up powers and duties originally all performed by the States of America Confederation, with some of the powers being retained by the American-owned States of America and some powers being delegated to British service providers and some to Holy Roman Empire service providers.
All of the "delegated powers" actually belong to the States, which are subcontracting for services from: (1) the Confederate States of States, (2) the British Territorial Government, and (3) the Municipal United States.
The entire context of the Constitutions has little or nothing to do with us, the American States and People.
Our States agree to receive the stipulated services and agree to pay for them and agree to step aside and let the hired help do the jobs agreed upon. The rest is about the service providers and how they are supposed to function and what limits we placed upon them.
The Constitutions are fundamentally about our Service Providers and not about us at all, so we make a grievous error when we look to the Constitutions as our source of information about our own non-Federal American Government. We fall into the trap of mistaking "them" for us, and vice-versa.
11th March 2019, 09:30 AM
Anna von Reitz ( MBRZzgpLF_IrA&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
The Team has been hard at work all week developing the new website and countrywide teleconference for The American States Assembly. Much applause!!!!! And many thanks!!!!!
We decided to call it a "countrywide" call instead of a "nationwide" call, because there is only one country and this organization is devoted to assembling the land and soil jurisdiction States, finishing the Reconstruction of the "missing" Federal States of States, and ultimately convening a Continental Congress to take care of other business that has been left hanging for more than a century.
We are all about the actual, physical, geographically described States -- and our primary Mission is to:
(1) return people to their birthright political status as Americans;
(2) assemble our States of the Union;
(3) enforce the Public Law, including the Constitutions;
(4) take care of the business outlined above.
This Mission if you decide to accept it, will return you and your family to the land and soil of your birth. It may surprise you to learn that you ever left it!
So think of it as a homecoming, back to a place where you belong, where your rights and private assets are protected, and you don't have to live in fear of your own public employees.
We will be having our first "Countrywide Call" tomorrow, March 11, 2019.
Join us for the Maiden Voyage. I am recovering from a week long fight with the flu, so my voice sounds like gravel, but it will have to do. We are trying to make this a short but highly productive and informative one hour per week.
You can join via Zoom, or via telephone. Details listed below.
Please send questions to:
The new website is: ( %2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0KFLm5GjxjJGQp4ChnUeujlBNQp03Bp 1F29yvpC-lS1k9gH9Fy0ap2RDA&h=AT2iJMdPJidH4pwBVQWaIYHXR4e9uga8HqaFgB88U1O1os8E pYqo1kRv9NDaGrM9TNBmFutpuvNQMDVBS5jc6P9HxG7ECybFJT LzTObZ8KkcBTm94fOt3E5O9jYzkaSrCLyfBzVmGKpqD3qKbgl1 tMzFnoqo9rYv)
And the teleconference numbers/addresses are posted below:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 11, 2019 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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11th March 2019, 11:20 PM
Anna von Reitz (
5 hrs ( ·
To The Supreme Commander of the Joint British Armed Forces
With respect to your published comments:
Our American Sovereignty derives from William the Conqueror; our claim of sovereignty is equal to or greater than any claim that Elizabeth Windsor (=Wind-sur) can make.
As your Queen holds authority delegated to her by us and you hold authority delegated by her, simple logic mandates that the management of the US Forces are our joint concern.
We should like to know by what plausible stretch of the imagination the failed military leadership proposes that they should assert authority under a delegated sovereignty in full view of the fact that they gained power by fraud and maintain power by fraud and have:
1. Failed to protect and manage our money since 1863;
2. Undermined the civilian government;
3. Bilked and embezzled their actual employers;
4. Promoted WWI and WWII and countless other atrocities;
5. Now offered us a QFS that works five minutes a day;
6. Proposed that all our economic affairs should be under their control;
7. Subjected our non-domestic population to exotic warfare tests;
8. Press-ganged innocent Americans under force;
9. Mis-characterized our people in violation of the Geneva Conventions;
10. Conspired against The Constitution of the United States of America;
11. Plundered public trusts created under conditions of constructive fraud;
12. Allowed our country to suffer nine decades of inland piracy;
13. Pretended that the word "benevolent" can ever enter into any of this.
This past week you have witnessed a silent, but we trust, effective demonstration of power and determination: World War III will not be allowed, nor will any continued Raj in America.
Most sincerely,
Anna Maria
13th March 2019, 11:45 PM
Anna von Reitz ( rZvReLnaRnNhZ-JMBSLhmOCrmjvpkG4QK8&hc_ref=ARSFbah5K9g8M4IeuxHSQ71780ZEKWcIpttZl5XRc8j FS34vGm-YSEG-yxSpS4t6kM4&fref=nf)
March 12 at 2:06 PM ( ·
Two "Occupying" Forces
There are a lot of people stomping around blatting about sovereignty.
We, the American people, are recognized sovereigns. For most of us, our sovereignty lasts a few days or weeks at the very beginning of our lives, until the bean-counters get around to "registering" us as property belonging to a foreign corporation.
Because the theft of our sovereignty happens while we are babies, we aren't aware that it has been stolen, and that we, ourselves, have been kidnapped from our birthright political status and mis-identified as "US Citizens".
We've been unable to correct the situation as adults, because we were never made aware of it in the first place. This is a "totally unconscionable" contract. We don't even know it exists.
The evil in this country and in much of the world is because of this fraud practiced against us and our lawful government, but it is also because of our own ignorance and gullibility.
How could we live in fear of the IRS and be coerced to give up to 60% of our earnings, and ever believe that we were "free" in any sense of the word?
No, in order to be free, one must take responsibility and self-govern --- and that we have failed to do. To correct the situation requires us to make a mighty correction and at least in the short term, undertake a lot of work.
There are two foreign occupying forces on our soil, one British, one Holy Roman Empire-based.
The British Territorial Government controls our military and trade functions and runs the military-industrial complex.
The Holy Roman Empire-based organization runs the "civil" government as in Federal Civil Service, under the auspices of the Municipal Congress authorities (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17) operating in gross usurpation.
Both of these entities are foreign subcontractors with respect to our actual government, but we have been lulled to sleep and haven't operated our actual government in 150 years, so they have just made themselves at home and drunk up our wine cellars.
Most of the time they work together hand-in-hand to fleece us blind.
Sometimes they play carrot and stick with us, with one pretending to be the "Good Guy" and the other pretending to be the "Bad Guy".
And sometimes they earnestly fight with each other over turf, over direction, over profits.
They are currently coming up against each other as the "Royalists" of the Monarchies come push to shove against the "Globalist" Holy Roman Empire. Instead of viewing these as anything completely separate from each other, it is more profitable to imagine it as an in-house fight between Cousins.
One Cousin, the Holy Roman Empire, is trying to draw in its carefully constructed net of interlocking trust directorates and rule the whole world via controlling money and commerce, while the other Cousin is objecting to having its share of worldly power subjected to the Globalist scheme.
Both of them mean to do us harm and continue fleecing us, so again, we have a choice between Bad and Bad, just two different flavors thereof, but the circumstance together with growing worldwide awareness of their criminal activities does open up the opportunity for us to shake awake and self-govern.
If we don't have the right to tell our subcontractors how high to jump, who does?
In order to do so, we have to face up to a 150 years of history, have to overcome falsified commercial claims, have to overcome 12 years of public school indoctrination, have to find the courage and energy to act, have to plot a lawful path out of this morass and have to get organized to self-govern.
We are the lawful sovereigns of the land and soil, but sovereignty is hard work.
Self-governance is also deadly serious work, but for some reason, many people go off on tangents.
They scream "Fraud!" at the top of their lungs, which it is.
They dig in and try to cram course it all. And fail.
They endanger themselves and everyone else by making wrong assumptions.
They form little backdoor groups and sneak around.
They use fake names and fake addresses.
They go snake-eyed and paranoid.
Once that happens, they can't reason their way out of a paper bag.
Most of the time they fool around and get themselves arrested.
Or they slink off into the hills and try to hide.
Neither response does anything toward fixing the real problems we are faced with and neither is realistic.
Educating millions of Americans, showing them how to reclaim their birthrights, and then motivating them to restore the lawful government they are owed may not seem realistic, either. But it is still what needs to be done.
13th March 2019, 11:53 PM
Anna von Reitz ( OVxyG86_ArPyRzBYH&hc_ref=ARRv6ObgpuhD6RiyvJIrgy8KBgkm0hlACVIHT6Qs39H fIWlB2h5pSDebIaileyz36Yw&fref=nf)
March 12 at 4:01 PM ( ·
Outting Arnie Rosner (Scanned Retina)
At first, until he realized that he wasn't going to be able to get me to lead any kind of insurrection, Arnie Rosner befriended me and championed the information I was bringing forward.
But as soon as he realized that I was non-violent and lawful in my approach, he dropped me like a rock and claimed that I was a "Vatican Agent".
Now, just today, I have accused him of being a Zionist Agent, which amounts to the same thing as a Vatican Agent, because in the sense he meant it, both are Satanists and neither are Jews nor Catholics.
So, he did follow their Standard Operating Procedure and accuse me of being what he is himself, and now, I am returning the compliment.
The Zionists have been aching to get something going on our soil --- another mercenary conflict, another civil war. They would like nothing better than a little "insurrection" so they could bring out the canons and SWAT teams and start mowing innocent people down.
That's how they make money. A lot of money.
And killing off their Priority Creditors means that they never have to pay us back.
They can also collect over a million dollars a head for every one of us killed in "Life Force Value Annuities" and "Life Insurance".
Then, once we are dead, they can come in and claim all our "abandoned" property.
Finally, they can charge our grandchildren for the "service" they performed getting rid of us.
That's what they did to the Russians during the Russian Revolution and what they did to the actual Jews in Germany and that is precisely the same song and dance of inciting violence that Arnie Rosner has been doing for the last couple of years.
Anyone promoting violence of any kind should be marked and marked well as an Enemy of our Country and our People. They are promoting action that will provide an excuse for mercenary thugs to invade us under the pretense of "peacekeeping".
Have nothing to do with Arnie Rosner or anyone else like him preaching violent revolt and talking nonsense about "critical mass" and cheerleading to get former veterans involved in marches and other activities calculated to spark tempers and allow violent incidents.
Play cool. Play smart. Get even. Give them no excuse.
And shut your ears to the Arnie Rosners of the world who are trying to get us to revolt and take violent actions. That's what he wants. Not what we need.
14th March 2019, 12:05 AM
Anna von Reitz ( jyqVRfxWGRBFUIjq2BJRN5qs&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Horribly Misrepresented
All information seeming to suggest that I am or ever was an "Agent of the Vatican" comes directly from me, so there is no effort to hide anything I have ever done, nor is there any mystery concerning why I have done what I have done. This particular example that Arnie Rosner is waving around comes from my book, Disclosure 101.
In October 2007, I brought our objections and research directly to the Pope, Benedict XVI.
Why? Because he (and his Successors) are in charge of the Civil Government in this country (not civilian, civil) and as anyone can observe now--- thanks largely to me--- both the Territorial and Municipal (Civil) Governments are functioning in gross Breach of Trust.
It does no good in a compartmentalized hierarchy to attack low level employees; they can do nothing to change anything.
So realizing that the problem with our civil government administration at the federal level was within the Pontificate and its administration, I went straight to the top, because lower authorities would only defer to the Pope.
He heard me out. He was stunned. His answer was, and I quote, "Nobody told me!"
So the Office of Evil was such that even the purported head of the organization wasn't told what was going on.
I was in the midst of giving Notice to his employees and cohorts in the Church concerning the Great Fraud. Benedict asked me to add his authority to that Notice process, as the ultimate employer of the civil (municipal) government.
He asked me to do this for him so that the weight of his office would tell the employees to reform and not just ignore the Notice.
This was an unpaid mission that I was engaged in anyway and his reasoning made sense, so that is what we did.
That Notice process took seven (7) years between October 2007 and April of 2014. In that time period, about 10,000 pieces of mail went out of my home office at my own expense, informing members of the Municipal Governments worldwide, and the Territorial Governments, too.
When Benedict XVI left office in 2013, I had a few months left to do.
Francis did not end the Notice process, nor change the arrangement, so it continued on to its logical end in 2014.
The Final Judgment was issued in April 2014 and is published in my book, Disclosure 101.
A great deal of work has gone into giving every Territorial and Municipal organization on Earth a shot at doing the right thing, or at least not doing the wrong thing.
All these Notices went out via "Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent", so we may assume that far more than 10,000 people worldwide were made aware of the Breach of Trust and criminal mismanagement ongoing in this country and many other countries around the world.
So far as this work was concerned, the Church Officials did what you would expect Church Officials to do. They took steps to correct and then they battened down the hatches and have done what they could to protect the Church. The Office of Pontiff was dissolved and ended in 2011, along with the underlying Trust, the Romanus Pontifex.
I don't know how other people view the current state of the world, but to me it is clear that the Apocalypse --- the Great Revealing --- has come and much of the dirty linen of the Roman Catholic Church has been prominently on display, including this vast exposure of wrong-doing by the Municipal Governments that are supposed to be operated "lawfully" --- not legally.
The Municipal United States Government which administered the civil government here has always been under the ultimate control of the Pontificate and has now, since 2011, been passed on directly to the Holy Roman Empire.
This situation was not the original structure of our government.
That is, the Municipal United States oligarchy run by members of the Territorial Congress, was never meant to run our civil government.
That duty was supposed to be performed by the States of America organization that was destroyed and never reconstructed after the Civil War. The ensuing "emergency" and the rationale that "someone had to do it" while the "government [Federal branch of the Federal Government]" was in "abeyance" led to these abuses.
But in point of fact, the entire circumstance didn't affect our actual government at all, as both the States and the People remained after the Civil War, and all this corruption was based on deliberate misrepresentation and self-interested constructive fraud.
In any event, as my Letter to Cardinal George of Chicago (published on my website) makes clear, the tenor of my communications and Notices throughout this seven year period were highly informative and critical of the Municipal Government and the Church's failure to do right by the States and People of this country and cannot in any way be taken as "pro status quo" or "working for the Pope" in continuance of their bad behavior.
My role for those seven years was to give them Due Process ---and that I surely did. Any misrepresentation of me being "in league" with those forces in the Vatican that were promoting these crimes against Humanity needs to be squelched with prejudice. I was already the driving spearpoint demanding reform and restitution from the Pope(s) when Arnie Rosner was sitting around on his duff watching re-runs of Bonanza.
14th March 2019, 12:25 AM
Anna von Reitz ( cRirGh1JAgZdVwveJGT6fAG7lyd3HoL9CD&hc_ref=ART3fy6ae4rWNSEXSvFVxWxZ0UPIGZ01Fv6HDQuX3ZQ Foa_vBkYzyA9hDJjZkFn17iY&fref=nf)
March 12 at 4:04 PM ( ·
Recap of Our Maiden Voyage--
You all sent in some great questions for our "Maiden Voyage" broadcast of our first-ever Countrywide Call for The American States Assembly:
Among the important topics we discussed were:
(1) the differences between States and States of States,
(2) where the whole concept of soil and land jurisdictions came from (British Land Law),
(3) how is a Law Enforcement Officer is different from a Peacekeeping Officer (the Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. decision and Pinkerton Laws),
(4) the status of Federal Civilian and Military Employees,
(5) the continuing obligation of Federal Employers and Social Security to pay pension dividends and provide services to vested participants regardless of changes in political status after retirement or other severance of employment.
(6) We also discussed the importance of Baby Deeds and putting an end to the shameful practices that have allowed these predators to falsify our records in the first place.
Unfortunately, as we are still working out the bugs, the recording of this event was lost and won't be available for replay. No doubt we will revisit these large and important topics again and we look forward to more new questions this week for next Monday's Countrywide Call.
Please send your questions to:
Please visit the new website at: ( 5wi1VOxQGvARQe04K0g)
And keep the Zoom link handy: ( htOoHRnj4Dqgae_GcNe11E6Jc99w)
Call in: 1 (669) 900-6833, or 1 (929) 205-6099.
14th March 2019, 08:55 PM
Anna von Reitz ( ohf1N080YQEsiKiW2Jexu_GZu-u2tHf9lp&hc_ref=ARSXobMxHy97FcTCAsM_2nXw2eZ7rBeZLe93d-mAHhJq4RJacgAnGZ3cc4nhJLYtJEA&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Logic, Logic, Logic.....
You've been given irrefutable proof that:
(1) the Federal Branch of the Federal Government was overthrown in the 1860's and never rebuilt;
(2) the necessary "Reconstruction" has never been completed;
(3) we have lived under a British Territorial military junta since then, operating under the authority of a Commander-in-Chief, acting via Executive Orders;
(4) the actual Government owed to the States and People was never part of the Civil War and is still owed to us, if we bother to wake up and operate it.
So now various Fools and Ghouls among us are trying to ignore these facts and bring forward completely insupportable theories, among them, the idea that the military junta has to "validate" what we are doing.
We, the States and People operating the States, are the civilian government that they are obligated to serve. We are their employers and they are our employees. Without us, they don't get their paychecks.
Today I received several nasty comments telling me to be "afraid, very afraid" or the Big, Bad FBI was going to get me, and telling me that their "tip line" had been activated and that they couldn't verify my position as a judge.
This is on top of claims earlier this week that the FBI had interviewed me and asked questions and that in response to this non-existent grilling, I turned tail and stopped claiming to be a judge.
Let's get this straight: the FBI knows better than to talk to me, and they never have done so, because they know that they are just subcontractors of subcontractors working for a different government which is in fact under contract to serve my government.
Once the civilian government appears, the military government is obligated to stand down. Why? Because they are standing on our soil and getting their paychecks from us.
And the FBI is several pegs down the totem pole from the military.
I also had claims that the FBI "failed to validate" --- well, yes, of course.
Does the Government of Slovenia validate the Government of France? Do I require the say-so of my own employees to "validate" what I do?
The people making these claims don't have a clue who they are or how things actually work, and they have an even dimmer idea of who I am and in what capacity I am acting.
Let's all get a clue here: I am a State Judge, not a State-of-State Judge.
Therefore, you will look a long, long time among the ranks of State of Alaska Judges before you ever see my name.
Wake Up.
In the days to come, we are going to teach you who you are (and you are not, generally speaking, "United States Citizens" nor are you "Citizens of the United States") and we are going to show you how to recoup what has been stolen from you and we are going to make sure that everyone who wishes to come forward and claim their birthright is protected.
Stick around. It's going to be worthwhile.
And as for all the naysayers and pundits, who like Bruce Doucette, think that they can form "Common Law Grand Juries" and attack the Queen's Bench--- while acting as "US Citizens" no less?
If they keep trying to get people to riot and revolt instead of pursuing a lawful course of remedy, they will probably be arrested.
That's what has happened to such characters in the past and it is likely to happen again. And nobody can say I didn't warn them.
14th March 2019, 09:03 PM
Anna von Reitz ( puoIMFPzYptaNA37GcZHdUPcQ0apeQv5It&hc_ref=ARQtP-7bR2x_mQlCWTvV1pbz6Ma6nfaN-5X-3p0REryIBiyAsWQjjGM3rtV_AzzLKC0&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
The International Trade Bank Answer
As recently discussed as part of the Jural Assembly Series, the interface between the world of fact and the world of fiction occurs in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.
On one side of the Corporate Veil (Bar) is the land and soil and the lawful realm of actual assets and actual money, and on the other side, is the legal world of the sea and the air, the realm of bills of lading and commercial script.
To my knowledge, there is one form of institution that can handle transactions on either side of the Veil, according to kind, and do so very efficiently: The International Trade Bank.
The International Trade Banks have been mothballed over the years while their commercial bank sisters took over the world and forced everything and everyone to function in commerce as commercial corporations.
Now that more and more of us have caught onto the scam and are removing ourselves from this web of deceit and enslavement, the two "sides" of the issue --- the gold bugs on one side, the commercial banking interests on the other --- are offering us deals we can't refuse.
According to them.
We have a quasi-military version touting itself as the "Quantum Financial System" --- QFS, which is just a glorified file data storage system and we have the antiquated SWIFT system --- neither of which are all things to all people, and both of which singularly fail to perform the needed function: an interface between the world of actual assets, and the world of commercial paper.
We are being told we can have one or the other, but not both --- yet both are necessary for the global economy to stay afloat.
The QFS won't work, because on one hand we are being told that all world currencies will have the same value relative to gold (which is an impossibility) and on the other hand, we are being told that there is vastly more gold already stockpiled than is needed for backing all the various currencies in the world.
Neither basic math nor human nature are being factored into the QFS , and a system that starts out with false premises cannot be expected to succeed.
How long before some military leader or group of military leaders decides to start "leaking" some of that excess gold into the economies of the subject nations and artificially tampering with the supposedly "transparent" system?
Can we measure it in nanoseconds?
This is, after all, precisely the same mechanism as the Economic Stability Fund (ESF) simply applied to a pot of gold instead of a pot of oil or a pot of paper, and yet another form of commodity rigging.
It doesn't matter if the commodity being rigged is gold, oil, or paper.
No, QFS is not an answer to anything. It's a heavy-handed and poorly veiled "offer" to set up yet another gigantic global commodity rigging scheme, expedited by computer and A1 controls.
No, thank you, we do not consent; our ability to form our own contracts will not be so summarily overtaken.
Refer to the G2O2P3 Treaty.
We have it in our ability to transact our own business in kind, via International Trade Banks which can navigate the interface between actual and symbolic trades with ease. Time to get busy hauling them out of the mothballs.
No need for another monolithic military-controlled commodity rigging scheme in which there is no substantial difference between BRICS and the IMF in function or position.
China? Have you lost your mind? Russia? Have you lost your nation? US -- what the @$!$!$# are you playing at? EU -- wake up and shake a leg.
Britain -- Mr. Wonderful pretends that he is an "Absolute Royalist" --- time to find out which "royalty" he serves. It isn't yours.
We already have better systems than QFS and better answers than an arbitrary global commodity rigging scheme. And the Treaties are already in place.
15th March 2019, 05:00 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sXXLBQerdt6GHI9QYIkprczZz78gVbMc45&hc_ref=ARSh1JR1cmeV_12IGk8b_rLNhz-keKBtCt4whgQc2eJ-0gMuSP3v9KJ75s0wUmLCRac&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
You Cannot be a PAG and a State Citizen at the Same Time
A Private Attorney General (PAG) is an office that is part of the old Territorial Federal Corporation, and is a Bounty Hunter under their re-defined 1868 "Fourteenth Amendment" to their corporate constitution. It has to be operated by someone who is a "United States Citizen".
And as we have discovered and discussed to some length, you cannot act as a State Citizen and a United States Citizen at the same time, because none of the actual States ever allowed Dual Citizenship of any kind.
None of those claiming otherwise have brought me an iota of factual evidence that any State ever adopted Dual Citizenship. So there it stands.
So far as the States of the Union are concerned, you can act as a State Citizen or State National --- for example, an Oregonian or Wisconsinite or Minnesotan, but you cannot at the same time act as a United States Citizen.
So if you are setting up an actual and legitimate State Assembly (and not a corporate franchise State of State "Assembly") you have to adopt the singular State Citizenship required. You can't function as an undeclared Double Agent of any kind.
Which also means you can't claim or operate any office of a foreign government, like Private Attorney General, either.
People must get it through their heads that the "US Government" is under contract to our Government, but the two are not the same. The two are in fact foreign with respect to each other as England is foreign to Germany.
Being a member of an American State Government requires singular allegiance to it.
You can't work for "England" and "Germany" at the same time. You can't be a "PAG" under the auspices of the Territorial United States Government and claim to be acting as an Assembly Member of Oregon at the same time.
16th March 2019, 05:08 AM
Anna von Reitz ( AgS56596wZLxpzeMqEBjBG22IYJwhygfKj&hc_ref=ARToTbMwpyWou9axAOtJSrn63Q0f2ODRgHBb4iGm6gq b7mGFAqnbipwQ_3b0-kA16zQ&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
The Situation, the Ledger, and You
If you are an American State Citizen or American State National, you were always owed exemption from paying mortgages, federal taxes, loans of credit (because you were the source of all that credit, unbeknownst to you), utility bills, college tuition, etc., etc., etc.
What was supposed to happen was that when these bills were presented to you, you were supposed to receive a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange".
They were supposed to credit your account against debts they already owed you.
Jim owes you ten, you owe him five, so you agree to write off five of what he owes you and that cancels your debt to him entirely.
That's what was supposed to happen.
Instead, the politicians dreamed up this identity theft fraud scheme in which your credits were blocked using the excuse that you were "presumed dead" and converted into a "United States Citizen" or a "Citizen of the United States" and therefore not owed exemption.
The criminals then forced you to pay full boat for everything plus interest.
Your actual work and goods were exchanged under monopoly inducement for pieces of paper underwritten by your own credit, and at the end of the day, the Perps declared bankruptcy and skated away, leaving you to hold the bag. Twice. They did this in 1907 and 1933 and each time, the American States and People took it in the shorts.
Now the actual billing has been discovered and the web of deceits and Bad Faith underlying it, too.
The Department of Defense has "discovered" $21 trillion in credit that is owed to you --- credit that you and your ancestors are owed that you never received. That amount almost exactly equals their "National Debt".
Guess why?
Now the same Bad Actors are trying to force you to convert to an asset-backed system in order to snuff their own debt. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
Instead, what needs to happen is for all that credit to be applied and the bookkeeping done, while at the same time allowing us to translate credit as needed into asset-backed currencies.
Some of you have asked about Peter of England's Debt Eradication Vouchers -- these would transfer credit from the DOD stockpile to offset debts owed by American State Nationals and American State Citizens. Every credit thus transferred would reduce the US National Debt by the same amount.
It is basically all bookkeeping that was conveniently left undone and remedy that was fraudulently withheld from the American People for the better part of a hundred years, so that the perpetrators could afford to wage wars and have vast slush funds which they used to buy politicians and controlling interest in the stock market and to set up the Exchange Stabilization Fund to rig the world currency markets and to do all sorts of other nefarious things.
So the Debt Eradication Vouchers would take care of one part of the need and provide a means of settling all mortgages and college loans and that sort of thing. A special Credit Card could be issued to pay ongoing medical expenses and utility bills. All of that would be a tremendous relief.
But above and beyond that, there needs to be a means set up to translate credit into asset-backed currencies, so that we can participate in the world economy on our own terms. Certainly, we don't need or want to convert 100% of the credit owed to us into asset-backed currencies, but we do want to be able to do that, too.
So this is why the concept of the International Trade Bank makes so much sense. You can have a shadowbank (aka Private Commercial Bank) on one side of the institution cancelling debt using the Vouchers and issuing credit to pay off ongoing bills, and an asset-backed system bank on the other side of the institution --- all under one roof, but not commingling --- with a "Sister Account" that receives lawfully converted credit as asset-backed money.
This allows both systems to function and to repay credit in real time and to convert credit to asset-based money in real time---both as needed. This, then, allows for a much smoother and easier transition process for everyone as it spreads worldwide.
However, to reclaim your credit(s) and vouchers and set up such a system requires that you participate and reclaim your American State National/American State Citizen status.
Every American who completes the paperwork to return their Good Name to the land and soil of an American State is "eligible" for repayment credit. All members of our actual State Assemblies will-- by definition-- be eligible.
This doesn't mean that others who are currently working for the Federal Government and/or acting as US Citizens of some kind will be permanently shut out --- but they will have to go by a different pathway or will probably have to wait until they separate from Federal Employment.
We are in the process of setting up a computerized system to allow you to "log in" to confirm your eligibility and your interest in setting up a credit/asset account with our international trade bank as described above.
I expect there will be links on my website and The American States Assembly website and probably ( IwAR0I_uOlqu8ciLcDRtlS3MZBL3QsRQF8kZBLRrGgZc5_PyE7 JhnBa6wxroM&h=AT1n_GvSoxcjfaTssUgObrnukbI_-4gcXhGEo8dXtat2yemn_7nj23jcGIoo1vsOYszepqYXS0k809k HlCZo1cbp1ym-CEluLaIxlp9BY5Rgq7NtfMq9VoYHkXKYNGGilmvPx7KOPwWTyb p_kx6GWPXdzvAB3yIX), also.
We need approximately 120,000 eligible participants to launch the program.
What say you? Ready to receive back credit that is owed to you, your parents, and your grandparents?
I know I am.
As the tally function kicks in, I will be keeping everyone up to date.
This is going to be fun!
16th March 2019, 07:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( OJoiydmo&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
Proof that Sun-Tzu Can't Read and My Comment on MGJA
This morning I received a piece of yellow journalism seeking to misrepresent my words on the page right in front of people's noses. In my own statement I explained that yes, I have a blood oath on the altar of the Universal Catholic Church.
So do you, if you have ever taken Communion in any Christian Church.
"Catholic" means "Universal" or "Whole". I am not talking here about the Roman Catholic Church. I am talking about the Church formed by all earnest Believers: the True Church.
There is, at the end of the day, only one True Church of those called by the Father to be part of the family of Jesus and even Jesus could not say who among his own Disciples would be called by his Father.
Also in my own statement, I made it very clear that I was bringing forward the Great Fraud "for remedy" ---- in other words, so that the fraud can be corrected and people can receive remedy for it. Why else would I risk my life and go straight into the Lion's Den? So that things could continue on as business as usual?
The idiocy of Sun-Tzu and everything being presented on Nesara News is easy to prove. Read what I actually said versus his "creative interpretation".
Then stir your stumps and look up the actual Nesara legislation. It hasn't been touched in decades. So what news is there to tell about that?
It's all nothing but lies and "Hope Porn" designed to keep people scared on one hand and hopeful on the other --- paralyzed, in other words.
And the Michigan General Jural Assembly, much to my own disappointment, has proven to be a similar Twisted Lizzy version of reality.
The Michigan General Jural Assembly is not properly constituted of American State Citizens, so they have failed the test and do not have any such authority or position as the saviors of anything related to the American States of the Union.
You can't cook with oranges and get apple sauce.
They have insisted on including "US Citizens" as part of their Assembly, which invalidates any claim they have to our land jurisdiction and also invalidates all their purported actions in behalf of the People of Michigan.
Those who have the same political status (Territorial) as those born in Puerto Rico have no business pretending to "represent" us or our States. We are presenting ourselves as proper Lawful Persons and neither need nor accept such "representation".
States of States are not States. US Citizens are not operating as Americans, even if they were born and bred here. Enough said.
The organizers of the Michigan General Jural Assembly were given the information and given the opportunity to correct their status to enable them to act in behalf of their State, and they have refused to do so. They have also failed to provide any proof that Michigan or any other actual State of the Union ever allowed Dual Citizenship.
If you want to arrive at your intended destination (home, free and safe in your own country) you have to know the law and the history and the jurisdictional issues involved, otherwise, you remain a "fugitive" from the Queen's service, or an escaped slave of the Municipal Government. This is why these people are constantly afraid and preaching fear to others, using nom de guerres and "safe houses" and generally acting like criminals.
If it makes no sense to you that you should live in fear of your own employees, join us. Stop the nonsense.
US Citizens have no guaranteed right to "assemble" and no other Constitutional guarantees and they never have had any such guarantees.
At best, they have been granted "Equal Civil Rights" when it pleases their Masters to give such "privileges".
What the Michigan General Jural Assembly is preaching and teaching on these issues is just plain wrong, and has been proven wrong by others already in jail --- Bruce Doucette and the Colorado Nine among them.
Accordingly, I have drawn the line in the sand and separated myself and my Followers from their adherents and established a separate website and separate countrywide teleconference and rallying point for those who are assembling the actual unincorporated States of the Union and invoking the actual authority of the People of this country.
16th March 2019, 07:15 PM
Anna von Reitz ( k7iHdoFdl78KTQRWOdXH8y2qSj2Hgx4j2I&hc_ref=ARQshUt0C1J8GBrePAFHSBfjNo72mu2fL6Zk1zA-bplxaKrBdqpGBrkl8nbGJIC8oyE&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
Get "YOUR" BC's Now
If you haven't yet tracked down certified copies of the Birth Certificates issued in your NAME, do so now.
Order at least three copies if at all possible.
Word has it that it is becoming more and more difficult to get a certified copy of a BC from these State of State organizations. This may be because of cutbacks in services, but may also reflect reluctance to provide evidence of their own wrong-doing.
Either way, a word to the wise is sufficient. The BC is a two-edged sword. It is proof that you exist and were born on the land and soil of this country, and it is also proof of the crime they committed against you by forming and enforcing an unconscionable contract.
When you get your certified copies of the BC they issued in your NAME, notice that it is issued on bond paper. It is a security. Notice who it is signed by? The Registrar --- an Officer of the Probate Court. This is proof that your estate has been illegally probated.
It's embarrassing and costly when you show up alive and well.
Don't delay. Order your certified copies of "YOUR" Birth Certificate now. You will need them going forward to establish your identity and proper political status --- and also to claim credit and assets that are owed to you.
17th March 2019, 09:36 AM
Obama had difficulty providing a BC 'cause it would prove that he was born to a legitimate couple. Everyone knows you have to be natural born to be occupying the office of president but not too many realize that natural born at the time the constitution was written meant 'out of wedlock'.
17th March 2019, 11:28 AM
Obama had difficulty providing a BC 'cause it would prove that he was born to a legitimate couple. Everyone knows you have to be natural born to be occupying the office of president but not too many realize that natural born at the time the constitution was written meant 'out of wedlock'.
Where do you find these little gems?
Inquiring minds want to know.
17th March 2019, 11:36 AM
Where do you find these little gems?
Inquiring minds want to know.
If you don't inquire you might never know.
17th March 2019, 06:25 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 7y59j&hc_ref=ARQbKXdthFbLinHptEq5DKG1MZQgUSjTKlNUD7ARgk2 gDatpQ_n7nSNg9oJDpekWsIA&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
March 17, 2019: Dear Mr. Trump
We hold the answer to all your monetary problems.
In return, we ask that the IRS be restricted to dunning actual Municipal Employees and Dependents and be severely penalized and punished for racketeering outside their appointed jurisdiction.
We also ask that all Territorial Employees including the District Attorneys and Postal Service Employees be fully informed of our return to the land and soil jurisdiction and that the need to issue proper identifications and passports be addressed promptly, so that our People are not constantly being mistaken for one or another kind of Federal Citizen.
Finally, we have found a means to amicably resolve the banking crisis.
Anna Maria
(907) 250-5087
18th March 2019, 06:57 PM
Anna von Reitz ( gX-A8akCfY3DZn5DHVUbYlHaT&hc_ref=ARSXLJXB3Y4E_W_NyPriDcCZlT9enL_9h0KLZvTC5oP OSa_SN-nsBY4tWWx9ItwRJcw&fref=nf)
53 mins ( ·
More Sanctimonious Garbage from "Unknown Sources"
Virgo Triad has ignorantly slandered me and has supported efforts by others to do the same.
If anyone has to be worried about a slander suit, it's "Virgo Triad" and "Sun Tzu" (Jeff Dougherty) and all those other entities including the Southern Poverty Law Center (which has already lost $60 million because of their slander of others besides me) that have purposefully and inexcusably misrepresented who I am and what I teach and what I have done.
I say "inexcusably" because everything has been published and is available for examination. My books and my website fully demonstrate my knowledge and my teachings---- including what I don't teach and don't claim.
For example, I have never claimed to have any association with the State of Alaska. So by what form of gross insanity, would anyone try to make anything out of the fact that no, I don't have any association with the State of Alaska? Is this a surprise?
I have never been a member of the Bar Association, either. Why would I be? Just for the joy of paying Union dues?
Consider the sources. We are living in an era when these Vermin glorify falsehood --- when in fact, the Truth lasts forever and their words and their works are the transient and unimportant detritus of imagination and fraud.
I didn't expose the Great Fraud to tens of thousands of clergymen and politicians and bureaucrats for the pleasure of doing so. I do not continue this work and bring it forward to the masses so that the Great Fraud can continue on as status quo.
I did it -- and I do it -- because it had to be done, because a mammoth change must come, and it can hardly happen if nobody knows the history and nobody knows how anything is supposed to be run nor who is supposed to be served by the government.
Logically, step by step, I have pursued reform, restoration, and remedy for the people of this planet. Anyone who doesn't like reform, restoration, or remedy is welcome to get off my boat and swim for it.
18th March 2019, 07:00 PM
Anna von Reitz ( OWJFxR0xmvO1karxlEf5_9og&fref=nf)
21 mins ( ·
Good News for Colored People
The research is done and the truth disclosed! Our States of the Union--- even the States of the Deep South--- never discriminated on the basis of race or skin color!
The requirement for State Citizenship is Free Man status.
Because many of those enslaved were black, a presumption grew up (and became "popular knowledge") that they were not eligible to serve as State Citizens because of their race or skin color, but instead it was the issue of enslavement and/or indentured servitude that kept many colored people from participating in actual State Government.
We have uncovered many substantial cases in which black Americans who had achieved their freedom from bondage went on to serve as State Citizens even in the Deep Southern States. We also have plenty of examples of Cherokee and Iroquois and other Natives serving as State Citizens.
The organizations that have discriminated against black Americans and Colored People of all variety, were the States of States --- mostly European-backed (and snobbish and class-conscious) private business enterprises that were not subject to popular opinion or practice.
So, all of those who have been digging for answers (as we have) can now rest assured that our republican states and States of the Union were not racially prejudiced.
This resolves one of the great dissonances that was self-evident from the beginning of this effort, and once again, we find that the problem was with the "States of States" calling themselves "States" --- and confusing their operations with our actual States of the Union. Just as they continue to try to do today.
Anyone of any color born on the soil of any state who claims their freedom as a "Free Man" --- that is, not under any obligation of Territorial or Municipal Citizenship--- is welcome to fully and freely participate in the State Assemblies and may hold Office as part of the State Assembly.
This underlines and justifies my faith in the logic and the meaning of all that the Founding Fathers expressed regarding Nature's Law and the Nature of Mankind.
20th March 2019, 07:30 AM
Anna von Reitz ( Qxckpngg3lWFuYbeI&hc_ref=ARRYFkqIy84A7hN3cNFLWdofGOC3f8EtiCRzMdCaDsY kU0uv3PGiylPME4h62vYoFu4&fref=nf)
18 hrs ( ·
The Hornet's Nest
Let's begin by understanding that all Law comes from religion with "religion" being defined as a "recognizable set of beliefs and practices including ethical values accepted by adherents".
Most religions share what can be called "Universal Values".
In the realm of Universal Values we can list life as a value. Peace is also such a value, and so is freedom. Health is another Universal Value.
Justice, too, ranks among the Universal Values, as does Truth.
These are things that virtually all Mankind can agree upon as being good and truly valuable.
Now throw in a group of renegades who reject the Universal Values, and instead adopt the opposite set of Negative Values. To them, death is a Universal Value, war, disease, enslavement, injustice, and falsehood, are all to be sought after and upheld.
For profit.
Of course, they don't come right out and tell everyone their value system; for obvious reasons, they prefer to work in secret. Their corrosive hatred of life itself, fueled by lust and greed, leads them to seek positions as middlemen and purveyors of what everyone else seeks -- and which they despise.
Thus we have the upside down world: lawyers who know and care nothing about truth or justice or actual Law, doctors who know and care nothing about health or medicine, religious leaders who sell the gifts of God as "products" they have cornered the market on.
Last night I stirred up a hornet's nest by observing that the vermin among us have "redefined" marriage as a Joint Business Venture between corporate franchises, with the State of State organizations assuming a controlling Third Party "Secret Partner" position with a material interest in the "products" -- also known as children --- resulting in such licensed Joint Ventures.
This reduction of people to the status of things and of sacred private covenants to business arrangements, is part and parcel of the secret agenda of the Satanists among us, who seek to despoil everything for profit.
Our identity has been stolen. We have been impersonated. Our most sacred relationships have been salaciously "redefined". And who will defend us from this onslaught, if we will not wake up and defend ourselves and our children from it?
I have been asked --- as all these purported contracts are unconscionable, undisclosed, misrepresented, and fraudulent --- why can't we simply decree them all null and void?
We can do so immediately on a one-by-one basis, and on a far grander scale, albeit taking more time, we can create systemic correction also.
Obviously, the more people who choose to leave the Matrix of the Satanists and who reject their lies, the better for them and the better for all Mankind.
I need hardly take rhetorical reference to "Let my people go!" as those issues were decided long ago, and neither the institution of Noahide Law nor the other Gates of Hell will stand.
The most efficient means to secure an end to the Satanic System is to liquidate the corporations that have engaged in this criminality, return their ill-gotten gains to the victims, and not allow the perpetrators the privilege of forming any new, replacement corporations.
This is why I have been thumping on the Roman Curia for years and beating the Cardinals about the chops and ears.
It's their responsibility to ride herd on the corporations that they have created and to liquidate those that have operated as crime syndicates. It is also their duty to make sure that perpetrators of these evils are prevented from simply picking out a new deceptive name, booting up a new corporation, and carrying on business as usual.
The misanthropic and hideously criminal behavior of the corporations used by the Municipal United States Congress to act outside their designated jurisdiction is the direct responsibility of the Curia. The similar program offered by the Territorial United States Congress is the secondary responsibility of the Curia, which does have the authority to liquidate the British Crown and the Municipality of Westminster.
Now, the question reasonably arises, "But, but... but...." in the words of former Archbishop Francis Hurley, if such a housecleaning is to take place, what can reasonably replace the current System without occasioning chaos? And the possibility of even worse things, including the destabilization of the world balance of power?
We can all return to our lawful national governments and operate them as they should be operated. We can uphold the Public Law of our communities. We can lawfully convert the purloined property assets back to the ownership of those to whom they actually belong. We can gradually discharge the odious debts. We can convert the existing mechanisms to accomplish good instead of evil.
Just as our assets were unlawfully converted, they can be lawfully converted.
As it stands, DOD has discovered that the American States and People are owed the better part of $21 trillion dollars worth of credit. We are also owed the return of our gold, silver, and land assets free and clear of encumbrances. We are also owed our share of the $950 trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" collected by then-Prince Philip as our insurance against a derivative collapse. We are also owed the return of an estimated $387 billion dollars worth of gold confiscated from our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents by FDR and later purloined by the World Bank.
We are also owed the release of all the Birth Certificate Bonds and Child Labor Contracts issued under the Miller Act. We are owed the ownership and benefit from the stock portfolios and investments and investment funds operated "for" us. And in all respects, we are owed the return of our Good Names and Estates, and all derivative interests without any continued false claims in commerce or interference from the Hired Help.
Our unincorporated Holding Company, The United States of America, founded September 9, 1776, and our Federation of Member States, is still here, still in operation, still competently represented, still operates on the gold and silver standard, and is demanding the return of all our assets including our Good Names and Estates.
We are fully aware of the immensity of the undertaking implied and the switching of gears that is required, however, we have provided the means for people to return to the land and soil jurisdiction by their own volition and we anticipate that with continued expanding awareness, the return of our lawful assets can keep pace with any anticipated need for defense and reorganization culminating in the complete restoration and reconstruction of our Federal Government.
While this is all being sorted out and the necessary changes are being made, we are one-by-one rebutting the presumption of Federal Citizenship, and explicitly returning our Good Names to the land and soil jurisdiction of our birth States. We are also declaring the permanent domicile of all named DERIVATIVES and ACCOUNTS to be upon the land and soil of our State of the Union. These entities are thus returned to the realm of our Public Law and owed all benefits and protections of the Constitutions and underlying treaties and are not subject to any presumption of voluntary participation in commerce.
We have returned the Birth Certificates issued by the Municipal United States Congress attempting to "confer" their foreign citizenship upon us and have named the Secretary of the Treasury the Fiduciary responsible for discharging THEIR debts and also the Fiduciary responsible for issuing the credit and exemptions owed to our Lawful Persons.
Let the disbursement of credit owed and the discharge of the odious debt begin on a one-by-one basis until systemic correction can be completed.
The Birth Certificates remain as evidence of unconscionable contracting practices and crime committed against the civilian population of this country by the Territorial and Municipal Congresses who have at all times prior to and since the so-called Civil War owed us Good Faith Service and who have acted as criminals in Gross Breach of Trust with respect to the People of this country.
Let all Americans including those currently in Federal Civilian and Military Service and all Federal Agency personnel thus be advised: notice to principals is notice to agents, and notice to agents is notice to principals.
20th March 2019, 07:43 AM
Anna von Reitz ( NBs1qhMLITfnBOSVKE4_DDFnegZyQUTJN-&hc_ref=ARSufZ37TTXD7T-srUdzh53hm4xblJ1vt00kkF5lyLn_v_-dyhodpnul-mcT7tcxrSE&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 45 Religion and State Assemblies
While it is each State's right to determine its day to day organizational course within the Public Law, the Organic Law, and the International Treaties we inherit, it requires negotiation with the other States and the convening of a Continental Congress to address issues of fundamental change.
Various religious groups have offered to take over and use the reins of the civilian government to promote their own beliefs and practices, which is a violation of the fundamental separation between church and state.
While the vast majority of our ancestors were Christian, most of them had suffered or had family members who suffered religious persecution. They well understood that giving the government any oversight at all of religion led to abuses of religious freedom. To secure and guarantee religious freedom for themselves, they guaranteed the same for everyone and set religion outside the purview of government.
As a result, our State Assemblies are not religious organizations, however dedicated the various people making up an Assembly may be to their faith and their views as a private matter.
Most State Assemblies traditionally have a Chaplain and open with a prayer or moment of silence allowing members to say a prayer prior to their business meetings --- a prudent and respectful practice that does not however suggest that the nature of the Assembly itself is anything but that of a secular and civilian government.
We need to observe that the present attempts to enslave everyone on this continent began with the successful re-enslavement of former Plantation slaves by the Territorial United States Government following the Civil War. In essence, the British-backed Territorial Government abolished private slave ownership with one hand, and institutionalized public slave ownership with the other hand.
Because we did not understand what they were doing and it did not affect us, we did not object, and this insidious form of enslavement originally applied to black Americans has eventually borne its cancerous fruit in the present attempt to enslave all Americans.
These abuses are typical of what happens when the coercive force of government is allowed to impinge upon any Natural Right, and the reason that the Founders placed such issues as free speech, religious freedom, and freedom of assembly beyond the reach of government. We would do well to remember the lessons they had already learned the hard way and to respect our history and our foundational principles.
It is also worth observing that by far the majority of the churches in this country took the bait and incorporated their operations as franchises of commercial corporations, thereby subjecting themselves to the International Jurisdiction of the Sea --- which is ruled by Satan.
If they were not wise enough to save themselves as churches, why should we assume that their leadership in the secular realm would be better informed?
Let each man and woman hold firmly to their best ethical standards and with Good Faith and common sense and clarity of purpose move forward together. We are assembling the actual States of the Union to restore our lawful civilian government, to conduct business that is long overdue, to enforce the Public Law, and to preserve our inheritance. To succeed, we need to keep focused.
20th March 2019, 06:53 PM
Anna von Reitz (
5 hrs ( ·
The Power of the Paperwork -- Private v. Public Ownership
Do you own your own name? If not, it's high time that you did.
Once you own it, you get to define it and move it wherever you wish it to be.
So first you claim it, then you domicile it, then you dispose of it as you will. It's yours and the facts on the face of every Birth Certificate fully admit it.
The basic paperwork we use reclaims your Trade Name and permanently domiciles it on the land and soil of your birth state.
It can no longer be mistaken for an unidentified Foreign Situs Trust.
The basic paperwork also establishes your possession and control over all the derivatives, variations, permutations, orderings, styles, of similar Assumed Names/NAMES connected to you, and permanently domiciles them on the land and soil of your birth state, too.
The STRAWMAN can no longer be presumed to be a public trust or public transmitting utility residing in Puerto Rico. It is established and given Notice in the Public Record that the STRAWMAN is an American State asset.
As a result, it comes under new law and is a new lawfully-owned entity.
This is a process similar to re-flagging a ship.
This then also affects all contracts on which the NAME appears, including Driver Licenses, Mortgages, Loans, and Certificates.
To force recognition of this change in status may require you to take your paperwork and BC and Witness Testimonies to the District Attorney and properly inform him, but the facts and authority remain on your side.
You present the BC and the two Witness Testimonies to the District Attorney. These are private documents, so only his office needs to see them. This establishes the fact that you re the certificated owner/operator of the VESSELS. Then you provide certified copies of your recorded Deed of Reconveyance, etc.
You look the DA in the eye and you say, "I am not presenting this certificate for any purpose of identification. I know that you are operating under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and that you cannot talk about it thanks to 18 USC 472, but I can talk about it to you. I act only in the capacity of a Lawful Person and lawful owner of American State vessels that are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of _______. (Your Birth State --- Ohio, Texas, California, etc.) I wish to apply my exemption and also wish for the exoneration of my pre-paid VESSELS and the elimination of this court contract. (That is, if a court case and charges are being misaddressed to you.)"
Then smile, leave a card with your contact information, and leave it all in the lap of the DA, who is supposed to be protecting you from racketeering.
20th March 2019, 06:58 PM
Anna von Reitz ( s8c6uatO-XoYcOhUG&hc_ref=ARTgn3r4vDXFwqPHHKISW7dYYQOlE_xLVzJZgzKDtdJ ocJGfE4GrkZavXgFRnAYMhYA&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
The US National Debt vs. The American States National Credit
The US National Debt is approximately 25 trillion dollars. This debt is owed by United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States.
Approximately 90% of this debt is owed to American State Citizens and American State Nationals, with the remainder being trade deficits and other forms of debt owed to other countries, primarily to China.
The DOD has discovered a credit of approximately 21 trillion dollars on its books. This is the National Credit owed to the American States and People.
This credit accrued over nearly a hundred years during which generations of Americans exchanged their labor and goods for I.O.U.'s issued by the Federal Reserve.
When the DOD issues a Credit Voucher to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to offset Debts presented for payment by American State Nationals or American State Citizens, the US National Debt is decreased by the amount of the Voucher.
If, however, DOD issues a Credit Voucher to pay off Debts presented for payment by United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, the net effect is to increase the US National Debt, plus additional interest.
When our National Credit is accessed by American State Nationals and American State Citizens and applied to their debts, the US National Debt decreases and US Credit Rating is restored.
As this National Credit is already accrued, allowing American State Nationals and American State Citizens to access it does not represent any new expense or burden to the US. It's simply bookkeeping which needs to be done and which relieves everyone of debt.
It relieves American State Nationals and American State Citizens of odious debts by canceling those debts using already accrued National Credit, and it relieves United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States of their National Debt burden at the same time.
Everyone wins. Nobody loses. So why isn't it being done as of yesterday?
Answer: first, many American State Nationals and American State Citizens were being deliberately misidentified as United States Citizens and/or Citizens of the United States, making them ineligible to receive the Credit Offset.
Second, many United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States continued to mindlessly indebt themselves, racking up not only debt, but interest charges.
Third, although the Department of Defense did ultimately come clean about the existence of the National Credit, they have not had the authority to correct the situation.
Only we, the living people, have the answer: everyone who is eligible to reclaim their birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens, do so.
Do the paperwork we've outlined, record your claims, when you are finished with those steps, go to our new website, ( UoftnsM7H0eEfs5bTM8), as soon as it is available, sign up to receive more information and then collect evidence of debt owed by the STRAWMAN --- mortgages, college loans, utility bills, wherever the name of the STRAWMAN account shows up.
These are all debts that are owed mutual offset credit exchange--- that is, cancellation by Credit Voucher.
As these debts are cancelled against the National Credit that Americans are already owed---and have already earned---the US National Debt burden is relieved as a result of the same transaction.
Win-Win, one by one.
20th March 2019, 07:00 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sErxLAYFZ5Qjyh2XRZ1xG-W9z&hc_ref=ARQOPNjgbp0A7UwPVgg_vQXQP-YQyhG0DmQMcTFVjrqDnFsCzIwzPWZcZ1fAwryREsU&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Anyone Who Calls Me "Mrs. Belcher" Had Better Be Prepared...
I don't allow anyone to mistake me for the wife of a British Merchant Mariner and anyone who makes that mistake is likely to have his Legal Teeth shoved right back down his throat.
I am not a "Misses" or "Mrs."
You all may be, especially idiots like Sun-Tzu and Destry Payne, but not me and not mine. We are Americans through and through, not Brits and not British employees, and not Municipal Trademarks, either.
We own it all. And we have the evidence to ream every single corporation in sight, including all the LLC's.
So--- like it, lump it, believe it, or don't --- the facts are the facts and we hold the keys.
You are all invited to take your clueless sophomoric "analysis" which demonstrates your ignorance of the legal jargon and also the commercial processes involved and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Anna Maria
20th March 2019, 07:04 PM
Anna von Reitz ( UB3BJU2m_gOGkjN9Pj2R8ziE&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
The Service Contract(s)
So now Thomas Deegan and Destry Payne and fake-book fake-news "Sun Tzu" have taken to championing cancellation of the Service Contract(s).
We already did that, with complete Due Process, five (5) years ago.
Their answer amounts to --- five years too late --- stand in the rain like turkeys and drown.
Mr. Trump has a month-to-month quid pro quo from the only people with the standing to give it to him, and that is all there is.
People who are too dim to figure out where they belong and which team jersey they should wear and what -- if anything -- is the Enemy besides their own ignorance, do nothing but obstruct progress toward solutions that work for everyone.
If Deegan wants to live in a hole and call himself the Fairie King, let him. If Destry wants to live his life as a Dual Citizen of "the US" and Luxembourg, let him. If Sun-Tzu wants to pretend that he is an ancient oriental military expert instead of a flakker living in Portland, well, there are stranger things.
But never doubt that I know exactly who I am and who I am not, and while I know that--- know this: we are twenty years ahead of all of them and gaining steam every day.
21st March 2019, 11:03 PM
Anna von Reitz ( prDVY0-a6wxg0RB2UNtmECzdBRfDUUD1D_&hc_ref=ARQ3e-3tl6NkI3ftClhA1DP-4LYn4UeShWEQa28rioFlGff-wg5_QazejVt0m1Irmzs&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
BC Witnesses
I am getting a lot of questions, especially from older readers whose parents have died and who have fewer and fewer direct witnesses to their birth and identity. It gets harder as you get older to be able to find such witnesses, but if we scratch our heads a bit there are usually plenty of people who have cause to know who we are and where we come from and know our family ties. Anyone who has known you a significant (7 years or more) period of time and who knows your family and background may serve as a Witness.
That may include:
1. Family members;
2. Friends, including friends from school;
3. Religious officials;
4. Co-workers;
5. Employers;
6. Public officials -- sheriffs, librarians, etc.
Because today's world works on photo identifications, you will need a small color or black and white photo of yourself copied onto the paper that your Witnesses will sign. I am providing a fictitious example of the verbiage for a typical BC Witness Testimony below.
Remember that living people cannot give Affidavits ---- only Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit. So if you are not acting as a corporation or a corporate officer, never label anything you submit for any court or public record an "Affidavit".
Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit
1. "I, Joanne Felicity Adams, a living woman now living at 345 Howe Street, Lampasas, Texas,
2. have first-hand knowledge that Joseph Allen Bates whose photograph appears hereon and who now lives in Akron, Ohio,
3. is the man who was born on July 1, 1949 in Coopertown, Michigan,
4. and from without the United States and under the penalties of perjury under the public law of The United States of America,
5. I do affirm this to be the truth.
6. This Witness Testimony is granted freely, without coercion or payment of any kind,
7. and so say I to all facts above this ____ day of _________ in the year ___________
8. and I have affixed my signature in affirmation of these facts before these Witnesses:
By: __________________________________ (c) Joanne Felicity Adams, LS
Witness of Public Notary to Signature
Lampasas County
Today I was visited by Joanne Felicity Adams and she did present appropriate identification and she did provide this Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit freely and without coercion before me and she did also freely sign this Testimony without coercion in my presence this _____ day of __________ in Witness whereof my hand and seal appear:
By: _____________________________________Public Notary; my commission expires on: ____________________.
****Obviously, in the case of women who have married and changed their names you will need to add reference to the birth name---- something to the effect:
"I have first-hand knowledge that Betty Jo Boop now living in Santa Monica, California, was born Betty Jo Melankamp in Cooperstown, Michigan, on July 1, 1950....." *****
Please also note that it is okay for Witnesses to come from other places than where you now live. An old High School pal may live in West Virginia and you may live in Los Angeles. The only difficulty is that when you talk to them and ask you to do you this favor, you will need to ask the name of the county where they will get the Notary done so that you can complete the Notary information correctly.
21st March 2019, 11:07 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 8XQg_KHqmNleSZX6m3fIA_4astd-QgsJCj&hc_ref=ARQigqTpk1VrTdKtHhVLW1V-rUwSLrMgZuxPVCEKrDYp3Eml9iCi9UxrxEpLzIIe288&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
No, It's Not "Simple", But..... It Is Do-Able
The situation with the US National Debt being cancelled by the American States National Credit is basically simple bookkeeping, but the process of verifying and collecting the information and discharging debts owed to millions of Americans is not.
It is to be hoped that as the Dim among us realize that they are stepping on their own penile structures by attempting to obstruct, co-opt, and otherwise sideline our return to the land and soil (they assume that that means their debt will increase and so we have to be stopped, when in fact it means their debt will be relieved) this process will get simpler and less contentious.
Although we have striven mightily to streamline and simplify the paperwork and have reduced it all down to just a few simple moves, and even though we are still working hard to automate the process --- it's still work, and it still requires people to gain new knowledge and make decisions and scrabble around correcting their records.
Once that is done, they have to do some more scrabbling --- and collect the evidence of the STRAWMAN'S debt, have to open a private bank account, have to apply for the Voucher(s) and permit the DOD to issue them, and there are plenty of questions that remain.
For example, what about mortgages we already paid off? What about federal income taxes we never owed in the first place? What about ongoing utility bills and charges addressed to the STRAWMAN?
No, this is not 'simple", but once the military gets out of its own way and thoroughly understands the benefits to them as well as everyone else, and the people of this country wake up and those who are eligible to reclaim their birthright political status do so --- we can all enjoy a fantastic amount of debt relief.
It may be possible for the DOD to simply return the whole credit to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and "instantly" erase the bulk of the US National Debt. I am sure Mr. Trump would like that very much. It would then be our responsibility (and pleasure) to work out the details of cancelling debts for millions of Americans with the Comptroller of the Currency and Secretary of State Pompeo.
22nd March 2019, 05:17 AM
On the topic of NATIONAL DEBT the total now stands at $346,681,016 as it has since 1878. This is the remainder of the debt incurred by Lincoln in his process of subjugating the southern states. It hasn't been cancelled. It is impossible to pay off since the present government has no obligation to repay it and has established a policy for Treasury to issue greenbacks should anyone attempt to repay this debt in order to maintain the debt at precisely that level.
If you want to avoid your share of the trillions of debt owed by the socialist government you just might want to acknowledge the debt owed by the government that vaporized itself in 1868 instead.
22nd March 2019, 07:13 AM
On the topic of NATIONAL DEBT the total now stands at $346,691,016 as it has since 1878. This is the remainder of the debt incurred by Lincoln in his process of subjugating the southern states. It hasn't been cancelled. It is impossible to pay off since the present government has no obligation to repay it and has established a policy for Treasury to issue greenbacks should anyone attempt to repay this debt in order to maintain the debt at precisely that level.
If you want to avoid your share of the trillions of debt owed by the socialist government you just might want to acknowledge the debt owed by the government that vaporized itself in 1868 instead.
When you declare a debt, you issue a corresponding credit. If the debt is still in effect so is the credit. To get back to zero, a place no doubt near and dear to you, requires matching it to the existing credit.
22nd March 2019, 07:26 AM
When you declare a debt, you issue a corresponding credit. If the debt is still in effect so is the credit. To get back to zero, a place no doubt near and dear to you, requires matching it to the existing credit.
There you go acting like a CPA. If the credit is fiction then so is the debt. Neither are real (really!!!).
Wimpy: I would gladly pay you Wednesday for a hamburger today.
22nd March 2019, 07:36 AM
There you go acting like a CPA. If the credit is fiction then so is the debt. Neither are real (really!!!).
Wimpy: I would gladly pay you Wednesday for a hamburger today.
Sorry, but no cigar, that is our money system today. It's all you get to spend. Credits spend and cancel debts.
Are you a Jew? That is their game keep all the credit for themselves and leave all the debt for the goy's.
22nd March 2019, 07:51 AM
Sorry, but no cigar, that is our money system today. It's all you get to spend. Credits spend and cancel debts.
There is nothing in a FRN which is able to extinguish a debt. Discharge is the order of the day.
Isn't it a big presumption that it is OUR money system?
Are you a Jew? That is their game keep all the credit for themselves and leave all the debt for the goy's. I claim Hebrew heritage being of Danish descent (Tribe of D(a)n). And I know of no money-lender that agrees to let the borrower set the rules for repayment. Is that considered to be a Jewish trait?
22nd March 2019, 08:24 AM
There is nothing in a FRN which is able to extinguish a debt. Discharge is the order of the day.
Isn't it a big presumption that it is OUR money system?
I claim Hebrew heritage being of Danish descent (Tribe of D(a)n). And I know of no money-lender that agrees to let the borrower set the rules for repayment. Is that considered to be a Jewish trait?
I always redeem lawful money, so even though they are green they supposedly are US notes.
I guess you did not get the right OUR.
So you too have something in common with Carl (with a C, which is not Dansk Karl) Skyvike von Andersen?
The point is never borrow money from a Jew.
midnight rambler
24th March 2019, 01:31 PM
If 'Judge' Anna was a *real* threat she'd get locked up incommunicado just like Schaeffer Cox.
Does anyone know how and why 'Judge' Anna calls herself a judge?
24th March 2019, 01:41 PM
Does anyone know how and why 'Judge' Anna calls herself a judge?
We are all judges. In a Republic when you find a vacant office you can occupy it. For example, Obama happened to be wandering the halls of the white house and discovered an office that Bush had just vacated.
The office of Article III judge is occupied by nobody at the federal level.
The office of coroner is vacant in many counties. A medical examiner is not a coroner. This leaves the sheriff without anyone to be accountable to.
midnight rambler
24th March 2019, 04:29 PM
In a Republic when you find a vacant office you can occupy it.
Aren't those elected positions you refer to?
The district that Anna claims to be the judge in does not exist.
24th March 2019, 05:01 PM
Aren't those elected positions you refer to?
Elected by whom? Some 14th amendment statutory slave? Hardly binding.
The district that Anna claims to be the judge in does not exist. Ahhh, existence. Ification is the process of being. Being is the process of changing. I try hard not to be impressed with the illusions that motivate crowds that get drunk on social welfare and Oxycontin. We are endowed with five senses. If none of them work to produce a direct stimulus that the brain can interpret then likely we are discussing inner workings of the brain to produce an illusion of something that has no existence.
24th March 2019, 05:35 PM
Anna tells how she got to be a Judge.
Anna von Reitz ( wrv3G0lUA616FM452HZJt_nw&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 13 Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists / Judge Anna Blows the Whistle on the Whistleblowers
Imagine an apple. The apple has a skin, and inside the skin, it has sweet juicy flesh. You can't get to the flesh without piercing the skin.
It is the same way with the land and soil jurisdiction we are heir to.
The "soil" is the top six inches of the land, like the skin on the apple.
All the rest deeper than six inches is "land" --- the flesh of the apple.
By definitions long established, the soil comprises the National Jurisdiction of the States, and is managed by our unincorporated Counties.
The land comprises the International Land Jurisdiction of the States and is managed by our unincorporated State Jural Assemblies.
Land and soil are inextricably bonded together, like the skin and flesh of an apple. That is why we speak of "the land and soil" of Wisconsin or Virginia or Texas.
That is why when you become a State Jural Assembly Member, the County Jural Assembly is also created, and vice-versa.
Our Ancestors were determined that no king or government was going to control their lives again, so they made the County-- the skin of the apple --- the fundamental political unit and supreme political jurisdiction in the American Government.
Strange but true, the County Sheriff elected by the County Jural Assembly Members is the top Public Law Official in the country. Within the physical boundaries of his County, he is the embodiment of the Public Law and its chief enforcer.
Because he works for the soil jurisdiction, the actual County Sheriff is a "Peacekeeping Official" and not a "Law Enforcement Officer". See the difference?
Peacekeepers work for the people, the land and the soil.
Law Enforcement Officers work for "persons" --- the corporations and their shareholders operating as incorporated States of State, like the "State of Ohio".
We have been well and thoroughly confused and duped into thinking that their "County Sheriff" is our "County Sheriff", when in fact an unlawful conversion has taken place.
Many of those operating our Counties back in the 1960's took the bait of "Federal Block Grants" and elected to incorporate the unincorporated Counties they were working for.
In doing so, they unwittingly removed and converted the actual County Government into mere commercial corporations operated as franchises --- like Dairy Queen franchises of Territorial and Municipal corporations.
They handed over our sovereignty "for us" in exchange for racketeering kickbacks.
Ironically, we are fortunate that those same people who voted for the unlawful conversion of the Counties were already unwittingly functioning as incorporated "persons", so had no authority to give away our Counties. They were merely employees of ours.
They had already "vacated" their natural capacity as unincorporated Jurors.
Many Counties tried to have it both ways and kept the unincorporated County running and simply set up a corporation calling itself something similar -- like, "The County of Jackson" instead of "Jackson County", so that the offered federal kickbacks could be laundered through "The County of Jackson".
This set up a situation where County Officials were, for a time --- and some still are--- operating in two separate capacities. The Sheriff elected to the unincorporated soil jurisdiction office simply put on a different hat as the occasion demanded, and functioned as the "Sheriff" of the incorporated "County", too.
But our ancestors set it up so that no man can serve two masters.
The problem is that our actual Counties are political subdivisions of our States and they occupy an entirely different jurisdiction --- that of the land and soil -- which does not recognize or tolerate any form of "Dual Citizenship" at all.
The land and soil jurisdiction of this country does not allow us to operate in incorporated and unincorporated capacity at the same time. It's one way or the other.
Either you operate as the actual Sheriff of the unincorporated County and State, or you operate as a "Sheriff" of an incorporated "County" franchise of a State of State. See the difference?
There is a Macon County Sheriff working for Georgia, the actual State, and then, out of the blue, there's suddenly a "County of Macon" and the "Sheriff" of the "County of Macon" is working for the [Territorial] "State of Georgia", instead.
Sleight of hand. Presto-Change-O! One minute you are standing on the land and soil and your County Sheriff is your County Sheriff, and the next he is a patsy working for a foreign corporation. Go figure.
In the years since all that happened, things have gotten even more balled up, and we've added another layer of this incorporation scam. Instead of working for the Territorial State of State, the man who appears to be working as your County Sheriff may be working for a Municipal STATE OF STATE corporation, instead.
These moonlighting "Sheriffs" and other "County" Officials are --for the most part unwittingly -- functioning as impostors -- appearing to be land and soil jurisdiction County Sheriffs and County Officials, when in fact they are being paid by foreign corporations and not standing on the land and soil jurisdiction of this country at all.
And this explanation actually does pertain to the main topic, which is Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists.
All the people you see inhabiting what appear to be your Courts are Hired Jurists, and they will admit it.
Go ahead and ask them. Walk up to any of the State of State Judges or Municipal STATE OF STATE Judges and ask them the question: "Are you a Hired Jurist?" ---- and they will tell you, why, yes, I am.
They will be surprised that you asked, but the vast majority will answer truthfully.
The same scams and unlawful conversions that I just described with the County Sheriffs apply to the Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists, too.
99.9% of the members of the Bar Associations are not qualified to act as actual Judges or as Justices, either one.
In the course of the long researches that led up to this moment, we surveyed the "Judges" operating in both the Territorial States of States and the Municipal STATES OF STATES courts, and out of approximately ten thousand of these Hired Jurists, we found one (1) guy in Wisconsin who was actually qualified to act as an actual Judge in a Public Court---- if and when he elects to reclaim his natural and unincorporated status as a Member of the Wisconsin Jural Assembly.
The rest of these people are just Hired Guns, working in private quasi-military and private corporation tribunals.
Instead of being employed by the actual unincorporated State or County as actual Judges and actual Justices,, they were suddenly reduced to the capacity of being Hired Jurists in the employ of foreign corporations doing business as
either Territorial States of States Courts or Municipal STATES OF STATES COURTS.
The California Courts ceased to function and the incorporated Territorial State of California Courts and the incorporated Municipal STATE OF STATE COURTS took over the "Judicial Functions"---- but the actual unincorporated Courts owed to the People of California and the people of each County in California, disappeared. Overnight.
And that is why you can't find justice in this country anymore.
Both the Territorial State of State and the Municipal STATE OF STATE are for-profit organizations in the business of providing governmental services. The service they are providing tends to be racketeering aimed at fleecing the actual living people out of their assets for the benefit of their respective corporations.
And their Hired Jurists, are, after all, working for them, and not occupying any Public Office ---- so what the hey?
They get away with what they can get away with.
I had a moment of supreme irony the other day. One of my supporters was trying to explain why I am not a member of the Bar Association in Alaska and why in fact I couldn't be a member of the Bar and serve in the capacity that I am serving.
He made the error of describing me as a "common law jurist", as if I were a Hired Jurist --- only operating a common law court like counterparts in the State of Alaska are operating commercial corporation courts.
Closer, but still no banana.
The Alaska Statehood Compact created a "National Trust" for Alaska operated as the Alaska State. That National Trust contains the land and soil jurisdiction of Alaska, even if Alaska has not yet been formally enrolled as a State in the Union. Therefore, I, as one of the People of this country, can invoke and fill the empty Public Office of Alaska State Judge or Justice or Justice of the Peace (at the County level).
When we realized the scam being played our research led us to the old Government Land Office and the discovery that although Counties were mapped out and designated in Alaska at the time of Statehood, the land and soil jurisdiction of the State were never occupied. In a sense, our State did not exist, except as a National Trust laid out on paper.
It was up to us to choose to act in our unincorporated capacity as County and State Jural Assembly Members, to occupy our State and our County, to hold our elections and conduct our business as the lawful Inheritors of the National Trust and the land and soil jurisdiction owed to Alaska and Alaskans.
There were only a dozen or so of us up to speed to begin with, so it was a matter of staring at each other in disbelief, going through the motions, and everyone electing each other to different land and soil jurisdiction Public Offices, all of us serving as State Citizens.
Fortunately, it doesn't matter how many or how few qualified State Jural Assembly Members there are for the land and soil jurisdiction to be occupied. Even one (1) qualified Elector operating in their unincorporated capacity prevents the corporations from claiming "exclusive legislative" control --- a condition that would leave us with no land and soil jurisdiction to stand upon and result in the collapse of our country and our States.
I filled the Public Office of Alaska State Superior Court Judge. See the difference? Alaska State Superior Court Judge ---- not "State of Alaska" Superior Court Judge.
"Alaska" and the "Alaska State" National Trust were not "abandoned" and no "exclusive legislative" hegemony was achieved by the usurping commercial corporations as a result.
The actual State and People have survived by the skin of their teeth, much to the consternation and annoyance of the foreign commercial corporations that have labored so long and so hard to take over our country, steal our resources, and enslave our people for their profit.
At the County level, the people are served by "Justices of the Peace". At the State level, the people are also served by "Justices" as in "Justices of the Supreme Court". Also at the State level, because not all of the State's international jurisdiction was ever delegated away, we have "Judges".
All the "persons" are served by Hired Jurists arbitrarily calling themselves "Judges" or "Justices", none of whom are holding any valid Public Office in the American Government at all.
So the additional irony is that I am an actual Judge holding an actual elected Public Office approved by the people of this State, and I am the one being accused of "lying" and being a "fake Judge".
There are some people who are so stupid or so evilly anti-American, that they can't note the difference between "Ohio", "Ohio State", "State of Ohio" and "STATE OF OHIO", even when you point it out and explain the difference to them.
The fact that there are, as a result of these different entities----
both unincorporated and incorporated---- multiple court systems in play, also passes them by.
Obviously, too, those who work for these foreign corporations and whose jobs depend upon them, are motivated to continue this scam and this effort to undermine the people and their government, just as the living people have an interest (once they are alerted to it) to regain their unincorporated status.
I am willfully serving the People of Alaska, instead of the Persons of Alaska.
The reason that I have not been arrested and charged with "impersonating a Judge" is that those who would have to bring the charges are in fact impersonating our Judges --- and as Hired Jurists, they know it.
Strange and incredible as it may seem, I'm not the Fake Judge here. They are. Just as our elected County Sheriffs are the actual Sheriffs and their "Sheriffs" are just stand-ins, calling themselves "Sheriffs" but acting in completely
different and foreign capacities.
Now, with all of this in view, listen to this clap-trap from the "Southern Poverty Law Center" ---- which I have famously observed is not "Southern" has nothing to do with "Poverty" and is a "Legal" Center having nothing to do with the actual Public Law --- and you will see what we are up against, both in terms of
bare-faced lies and misrepresentations and in terms of vicious self-interest on the part of these groupies feeding off the corporate court system.…/ ( ing-anna-maria-riezinger-aka-anna-von-reitz-mrs-james-c-belcher-a-self-proclaimed-judge-whos-an-influential-guru-in-the-antigovernment-extremist-sovereign-citizen-movement%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0eyNnZzZxHEsIdOpeDJuVj4 rexiNHGy3xV2ZFH7qbpOR4VPmgYq3nrZsM&h=AT0a0qlUqElFrd22ic3-dS7Uc7BTkC_7MQyJPCjDOX5T-p0TebR4g4Nc83jx_M_joRt0ZHN2Q6f29FPwEiY0piSNRDMR_uk t33nKjrEMSlhBB6DwfXm_d7Qvwi574ZiJo6WtN7LHOGOcI2sO-VQzuj6J30pDk4QH)
Please also note the deliberate mis-characterization of me as a "Sovereign Citizen"---- which is a meaningless oxymoron. It is impossible to be a "Citizen" and a "Sovereign" at the same time, thus these ignorant people --- who are claiming to be experts in the "Law" while offering "Legal Services", continue to act as Ignoramuses and to mislead people so as to prevent them from knowing and exercising their true power as State Jural Assembly Members.
And thus also prevent us from restoring the government we are owed and keep us from acting in our natural capacities and seek to usurp our Public Offices and replace them with employees of their foreign, for-profit "governmental services corporations" instead.
Wise as serpents and gentle as doves, folks. The ignorance we are surrounded with in the general populace is thick enough to cut with a knife. The guile and evil of the men actually "in the know" who are orchestrating all this is also not to be underestimated.
Once you know who you are and how your actual government is supposed to operate-- and in which jurisdiction your actual government exists, you will realize how we have all been played and what you have to do to correct it.
Reclaim your natural unincorporated political status, re-populate your unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction State, and, as members of the State Jural Assembly, occupy your "vacated" actual Public Offices ---- including the County Justices of the Peace, the State Justices and the State Judges.
I guarantee that the phonies working as Hired Jurists won't have a word to say about it.
24th March 2019, 06:42 PM
We are all judges. In a Republic when you find a vacant office you can occupy it. For example, Obama happened to be wandering the halls of the white house and discovered an office that Bush had just vacated.The office of Article III judge is occupied by nobody at the federal level.The office of coroner is vacant in many counties. A medical examiner is not a coroner. This leaves the sheriff without anyone to be accountable to.The Court of Appeals ffor the Federal Circuit claims to be established by Atricle III of the Constitution in 1982. Are the judges Article III judges? According to their webpage yes:
The judges ( the court are appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Judges are appointed to the court for life under Article III of the Constitution of the United States. There are twelve judges in active service. When eligible, judges may elect to take senior status, which permits them to continue to serve on the court while handling fewer cases than a judge in active service. Each judge in active service employs a judicial assistant and up to four law clerks, while each judge in senior status employs a judicial assistant and one law clerk.
24th March 2019, 08:27 PM
The judges of the court are appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
uh huh. So an independent judiciary is composed of judges picked by the executive branch and approved by the legislative branch?
I don't think so.
You might want to refer to AmJur 2d for administrative law. It is described as the 4th branch of government. Hard to imagine a 4th branch of government when there are only 3 branches under the constitution.
So then look at Bill of Attainder. It is prohibited because it represents the legislative branch telling the judicial branch what the punishments are for various crimes. A bill of pains and punishments is a less lethal version of a bill of attainder. What is objectionable about these is they shortcut the separation of powers between branches.
Any structure that crosses branch lines is a bill of attainder. And that includes administrative agencies.
24th March 2019, 11:02 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 82kXaNfvepwglOMnvzH3XBio&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 2:43 PM ( ·
Anatomy of a Birth Certificate - What It Means
Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME.
What's the first thing you notice?
It's on funny paper: hard surfaced, durable, heavy paper called "bond paper". This is your first clue that your estate has been seized upon and that bonds--- that is, promissory notes--- have been issued against your name.
The next thing that will probably catch your eye is that there are all sorts of seals and blazons and watermarks on this piece of paper. It carries all sorts of emblems from a "State of State" organization, depending on where and when you were born.
We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us, as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War.
Look at the BC issued in your name. It will show either a Territorial State of State with its name written in Upper and Lower Case like this: State of Washington, or a Municipal STATE OF STATE written in All Capitals like this: STATE OF IOWA.
All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the "Issuer" of the Birth Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you. They are identifying your NAME as property belonging to them, which they are issuing bonds against.
The next thing you will most likely notice is that your name is spelled out in All Capital Letters, and that, most likely, other words appear in All Capital Letters.
According to the Bar Association Manual and the Government Printing Office and Federal Bureau of Engraving and Black's Law Dictionary and the Chicago Manuel of Style, the only things that can be named using All Capital Letters are: (1) Corporations or (2) Dead men's estates.
The All Capitals names are a form of Latin called "Dog Latin".
So, look at your name as it appears in All Capitals on that Birth Certificate.
Are they issuing bonds against a Dead Man's Estate? Or against a corporation?
If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization.
If your name appears like this: JOHN A. DOE, the bonds have been issued against a PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY franchise on the presumption that you donated that to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization.
In either case, obviously, so far as you know you didn't donate anything to any of these yahoos and you are not aware of having given them permission to bond your estate or any public transmitting utility, either. It all sounds bizzare, doesn't it?
But there is the evidence in your hand.
Now, who is the Birth Certificate Bond signed by? The Registrar. The Registrar is an Officer of the Probate Court. The appearance of their signature on "your" Birth Certificate is absolute proof that your property --- whether your ESTATE or your PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY --- has been probated and seized upon as property belonging to the State of State or STATE OF STATE that issued the Birth Certificate.
Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. You will see your actual birthday and also a file date ---- the "birthdate". These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY.
Either way, you arrived first and have first right of recall and ownership, known as a reversionary trust interest in your own Good Name and assets.
After all, you are being misrepresented as the "donor" of all these assets and the State of State is claiming to be the beneficiary of your largesse.
Having discovered this "mistake" made by your Mother when you were just a baby in your cradle, you have a right to come forward and correct it upon discovery.
What else does the Birth Certificate represent?
It is evidence of crime against you and fraud and non-disclosure against your mother.
It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an infant.
An "unconscionable contract" is a contract that you literally are not aware of. And how could a little baby be aware of a contract made "for" him when he was only a few days old, by a new Mother who was never given full disclosure about those papers she was signing at the hospital? She couldn't explain to you what she was never given to understand herself, could she?
The BC is potent evidence of crime.
Now, what are you going to do with it / about it?
The first thing you are going to do is secure two Witness Testimonies from people who have "reasonable first hand knowledge" of you and your family, who can affirm that you are "the" living man or woman whose birth occurred at such and such a time and place and to your parents, etc.
This establishes the fact that you are the presumed "Donor" of the property referenced by the BC and also establishes your standing to sue these criminals.
Next, if you follow our advice, you will complete the paperwork to return your Trade Name (also known as your Good Name and Given Name -- "John Allen Doe" in Upper and Lower Case) to the land and soil jurisdiction of your birth State.
This process explicitly demonstrates--- and recording of the action proves--- that you, the presumed Donor, are acting as a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person.
This puts you outside their jurisdiction, so they can no longer "presume" anything about you.
Next, having secured your Trade Name and having permanently domiciled it on the land and soil jurisdiction State, you will Expatriate from any presumed political status as a Territorial Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or Municipal CITIZEN (created in the Municipality of Washington, DC, for example).
And you will revoke all Prior Powers of Attorney and name your Lawful Person ---John Allen Doe, in this example--- as the only Attorney-in-Fact authorized to do business for you and your estate.
Finally, you will seize upon all the other Assumed Names and NAMES that are or could be associated with you in any regard, and all their variations and permutations and orderings and styles, and you will use a recorded Certificate of Assumed Name(s) to claim them and permanently domicile all of them on the land and soil of your State of the Union, too.
This last is a process like re-flagging a ship. Instead of "sailing" under the auspices of the British Territorial Government or the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, you are now demonstrably sailing under the auspices of Maine or California or whatever other actual land and soil jurisdiction State.
This also puts your Good Name and all the "derivative" NAMES under the Pubic Law, so that you are no longer subject to the codes and statutory laws and "public policies" of the foreign State of State or STATE OF STATE Organizations.
In sum total, at the end of this process, you have: (1) damning conclusive evidence of their wrong-doing against a baby; (2) proof of your ownership of your name and your standing; (3) proof of your political status; (4) proof that you are the only authorized Power of Attorney; (5) proof that any "vessels" related to you stand under the Public Law and are not subject to any presumption or interpretation otherwise.
You still have to learn how to use these documents in your defense and be able to describe this whole circumstance, but taken together they form a competent rebuttal and evidence trail removing you from any "US citizenship" status, and returning you to your rightful status as an American State National.
And again --- why is all this necessary? Because your identity has been stolen. The Birth Certificate you hold in your hand is irrefutable evidence of the facts.
You were deliberately misidentified as a baby as either a "United States Citizen" [Territorial] or "Citizen of the United States" [Municipal] and unless you rebut the evidence, you will be claimed as chattel belonging as a property asset to one of these foreign commercial crime syndicates.
For additional insight, I recommend the YouTube videos of Jordan Maxwell and any and all lectures regarding the "Justinian Deception" --- the use of Dog Latin--- by Romley Stewart.
Time is of the essence and numbers count, as these crime syndicates know that they have been discovered and that their system has been deconstructed, so that they either make amends or are destroyed by liquidation or worse.
Please join the effort, correct your records, [for Do It Yourself Help go to ( or see Article 928 on my website, ( lid%3DIwAR1DBuiHqD_qMZIcktvX5WVYbcA-drC1dS7mLhaHsxueWuL5Vabsxzc0XcA&h=AT24UskZzfLCwRm7HYZUf9tKYCDOZ_SKU-V4BCQ2n3Len7trVPUequV0rtSpTVuOrVp2VvMqHjJ2z1BvTElt 6ghV4P6aHwf_tO1VVPMaHdIqqSwQ85zsfunOmPcP4xSQMdkgpj eMvcaLCImvUXq7sVYeOUsS_Ow-)or see the Help Service portal about midway down my website home page to request additional help] and then go to our new sign in service: ( %3DIwAR2WHIEW0KdM53RHUaCf-TsYyeW0Sa7o2Ha86JHsGf4rgonTl--rjmJORr4&h=AT2yIdOg8orhyMpPLlhVj4iISuxV3kE_RjYcOqKk-UFyJepkdTPvThs6DnbQANfOH0_38rrCfrYrk8JjpLf2nS45Tpo aMqKCW0GUeJdIKV9mSkUwbKqfWaM42b9gBVgb1I6RZBcxJTrts P12TwFvsf8364G6-eQ8)
SignInAmerica is an organizational tool to help us identify and as much as possible pre-qualify Americans who have corrected their political status to receive Credit Vouchers to offset debts of the STRAWMAN entities that have been created "in their names".
24th March 2019, 11:09 PM
Anna von Reitz (
Yesterday at 12:00 AM ( ·
An Apology to Robert
Most of the time I am patient and explain things as well as I can and as often as necessary, but once in a while, I lose my temper --- just get worn down and pop off at someone who hits me at the wrong moment with something that has been a cause of irritation for days or months or even years. This recently happened with Robert and I would like to apologize.
He wrote to me about the issue of "Affidavits of Truth".
He assumed that I was using Certificates to replace Affidavits and referenced an article of mine where I explained that living people who are acting in their unincorporated Lawful Person capacity can't make Affidavits ----- only corporations (like franchises) or officers of corporations can make Affidavits. The rest of us must label our presentations as "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit".
This is part of the Court Rules and part of the reason that our Testimony doesn't get heard in Court. Another reason is that too many people file their paperwork with the Court Clerk and don't file it with the Prosecutor directly and with the District Attorney.
They aren't obliged to accept your Testimony, read it, react to it or respond to it until and unless you label it properly for what it is and present it to them. Directly.
There is a difference between an "Affidavit" and "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit", just as there is a difference between a "State of State" and an actual "State".
I get worn out trying to teach people who don't read things closely enough to notice these differences for themselves, and I can get really frustrated with those who still don't notice these things AFTER I have pointed them out.
If a man asserts that he is operating exclusively as a Lawful Person and is owed exemption and exoneration, but then turns around and submits an "Affidavit" instead of a "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" he has presented conflicting information.
He is claiming to act in one capacity and then, by submitting an "Affidavit of Truth" instead of "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" is demonstrating that he is in fact operating in a completely different capacity. It's like a Colonel in the Army showing up in full dress uniform and claiming that he's a civilian.
If we are going to deal competently with the many issues facing this country, we must all learn to read things much more closely, with more attention to what the words actually say and how things are labeled and named.
So, I am sorry for losing my temper, Robert. It was just the straw that broke the camel's back after months of trying to draw people's attention to similar facts:
A State is not a State of State.
A State of State is not a STATE OF STATE.
An Affidavit is not Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit.
A United States Citizen is not a Citizen of the United States.
An American State National is not a US Citizen.
The United State [Unincorporated] is not the United States, Inc.
The United States of America [Unincorporated] is not the USA, Inc.
Indictments are not Presentments.
A Republican State is not a Republic, etc., etc., etc...
As confusing as the rats have made this, I actually have great sympathy with people who are threading their way through the maze and who care enough to do so.
I'm sorry, Robert. Please forgive me for being Grandma Grump.
24th March 2019, 11:13 PM
Anna von Reitz ( pn7ABTnR1iwC53GkdD-KeJ7k&fref=nf)
22 hrs ( ·
Who to Trust?
I often get asked who among the various sources should be trusted as reliable --- and the answer is that none of us get it 100% right a 100% of the time. Including me.
Nor are we all "perfect" in all venues and respects, because everyone that I mention has their specialties and tends to work in some particular jurisdiction of the law or arena of historical inquiry. Some are focused on private relief and others are more focused on general relief/restoration of a proper lawful government and still others are focused on some particular historical research period.
So when I make a recommendation like this it is with a built in caveat emptor, in that you have to know or learn where the pieces of the puzzle fit and define what your own needs are.
In terms of people/sources who reliably make the Good Faith Effort besides my own team and who dig up good nuggets of Truth with the consistency of Truffle Pigs, I would include [in no particular order]:
Rod Class ( -- PAGs and Administrative Law
Kelby Smith of HISAdvocates -- Private Living
Jean Keating -- Maritime and Admiralty Law
Mark Emery ( 2LevobiBCvCYlhC6N&fref=mentions) -- Private Living
Kurt Kallenbach - Paramount Claims of Life, History, DNA
Romley Stewart - History, DOG LATIN, Fraud Investigation
Neo - Statutory Law and Practical Quick Fixes
Peter of England - Private Banking, Current Events
SEDM - Federal Bureaucracy, Private Living, Forms
Boris - Private Living
Jordan Maxwell - History, Birth Certificates
Robert David Steele - Natural Law
Field McConnell - Military, Administrative History
Neil Warren - Lawful Banking (England)
Richard Cornforth -- Statutory Law, Legal History
John Trowbridge - History, Statutory Law, Constitution
Mary Croft - Government, History, Attitude Adjustment
Brent Winters - History of Law, Constitutions, Common Law
Freedom School - IRS, History, Statutory Law
Isaac Witham - Early American History, Treaties
Michael Kearns - Early American History, Treaties
SPLSPro -- British Equity Law
Emily Windsor - Cragg - British History, British Law, Monarchy.
Republic of Texas - IRS and Tax Court, Land Patents
No doubt I am forgetting very worthy groups and people at this moment and will think of them with a big "ouch!" as they (or their fans) call me to task. Please don't think that just because someone's name doesn't appear on The List that it is any strike against them per se. This is just an Off-the-Top-of-My-Head list of some of the many people and organizations who are contemporaries providing insights via websites, videos, teleconferences, or publications and who have consistently provided solid information in these subject areas.
24th March 2019, 11:21 PM
Anna von Reitz ( C7xu5q1BQ7qpS1zOvHrsHNtAxk2FHRpO9E&hc_ref=ARR1J41MdTDiLJSa5OUX_X7SfLpifjXKTnKWtAf5qgy 7BPXe01CSNVaJi97roZF2DZU&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
My Nightstand
My Nightstand is large, indeed, capacious for a nightstand. It has room to hold a lamp, a clock radio/CD player, water decanter, and lots of books.
There is room for the Bible to have its own space with no other books below or on top of it, and room for a stack of ever-changing books of other kinds.
I try to keep a variety of books in that Big Stack. There are currently books about mathematics and medicine, law and journalism, Christian commentary, botany, mineralogy, early American History, and British History on my nightstand. They vary in difficulty from weighty and dense, jargon-filled tomes to light popular reading that keeps me connected.
Thank God I learned to read and to write and --miracle of miracles, considering my eye-hand coordination-- also learned to type.
There is always some new wonder or insight to discuss and share, some reason to be lost in contemplation. The whole glory of creation opens up, even in a jail cell, even in the loneliest and most remote place, if you have the companionship of a book. Late at night you will find me reading my share of the Bible and then trying to find a few extra minutes to address the Big Stack.
Life being life and things being what they are, some books stay in the Big Stack for months as I gradually macerate them a few pages at a time. Other books are there and gone like a spark from a bonfire. I devour "light reading" like a box of bon-bons--- and mostly with the same kind of pleasure.
A friend recently sent me a copy of Howard Storm's book, My Descent into Death. I recommend it. As I was hurtling through it I had to stop several times as the words on the page so perfectly and succinctly described my own experience of "Near Death" and the awareness I was given.
Coming so very near to death changes your life in ways you don't even begin to imagine at the time it happens. It opens doors and insights that were hidden before. It expands your capacity to feel and to love and to be connected.
Isn't it strange that death can be a portal to new life and purpose? And yet, it is. It was for Howard Storm. It was for me, too. And like him, I feel compelled to say something, to raise my hand and share the experience.
Just on the other side of the veil separating the living from the dead, the Truth is fully known. There's never any reason to lie or keep secrets, because every tiny detail, every motivation, every circumstance is fully known. And not just about your life, about every life. It's all recorded on eternal Memorex.
If I can share nothing else and convey nothing else to people about that blessed intimacy with God and the Angels that we are all invited to share, regardless of our sins and regardless of our religions, let it be that there are no secrets. There are no lies.
So you have no reason to be anything but upright in your lives. You are free to be absolutely honest about all things, at all times, and it makes no sense to live your life any other way.
And if I am gifted to share any other insight with all of you, let it be that every effort you make to be good and to love the Earth and to love other people increases the joy of all creation. Love is never wasted.
Every time you choose good over evil, every time you make the thankless effort, every time that you sacrifice to help someone, every time you let your love extend outward -- it matters. So let those moments and gestures and efforts increase and let those sacrifices be made with faith and heart, to please Our Father in Heaven, to bless those struggling along with us, and to make our Choice for the future certain.
25th March 2019, 07:01 AM
uh huh. So an independent judiciary is composed of judges picked by the executive branch and approved by the legislative branch?
I don't think so.
You might want to refer to AmJur 2d for administrative law. It is described as the 4th branch of government. Hard to imagine a 4th branch of government when there are only 3 branches under the constitution.
So then look at Bill of Attainder. It is prohibited because it represents the legislative branch telling the judicial branch what the punishments are for various crimes. A bill of pains and punishments is a less lethal version of a bill of attainder. What is objectionable about these is they shortcut the separation of powers between branches.
Any structure that crosses branch lines is a bill of attainder. And that includes administrative agencies.
I don’t see any specific provision in the Constitution for the selection of the judges for the inferior courts, so the inferior Court Judges appointments must fall in the category “whose Appointments are not herein provided for”.
It appears to me that a constitutional amendment would be necessary for any other method of [s]electing or appointing of the federal judges, in order to remove the power from the President with advice and consent of the Senate.
Some choices could be either the Judicial branch appointing their own (not a good thing), popular vote or some special commission convened to appoint judges.
Article II §2 Clause 2:
He shall have Power, [by] and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, and other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provide for, and which shall be established by Law;
25th March 2019, 12:45 PM
It appears to me that a constitutional amendment would be necessary for any other method of [s]electing or appointing of the federal judges, in order to remove the power from the President with advice and consent of the Senate.
In June of 1948 Harry S. Truman exhibited a desire to leave the constitutional provisions relating to signing legislation into law only while congress was in session. Seems to me if the president gets to select which limits he chooses to follow and which he chooses to deviate from then there is no portion of his oath that actually means anything. In other words, Harry chose to deviate from his oath. Nobody chose to deviate for him. Every occupant of the oval office has built upon Harry's deviation to the extent that one even expressed "the constitution is nothing but a G-D piece of paper".
25th March 2019, 01:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (
1 hr ( ·
The Reason for All the Paperwork
There is really only one purpose for all this paperwork, and that is to establish a public record and evidence of who you are and the capacity in which you choose to act. There is in turn only one reason to do that --- and that reason is to protect you and your family from oppression and foreign subjection and false claims in commerce.
Your identity has been stolen and false claims have been established against your Good Name in violation of treaties, conventions, and commercial service contracts that both the Territorial and Municipal Governments owe to you.
Just as it requires action on your part to reclaim your identity after a credit card hacker makes unauthorized charges, this situation requires you to take action to reclaim your identity from this abuse by government service providers.
Beyond the paperwork involved, you need to educate yourselves about the actual Public Law you are heir to.
Last, every American who can qualify to serve as an American State Citizen is encouraged to join their lawful State Assembly and serve. There is a large back log of issues to be addressed and work to be done.
26th March 2019, 10:20 AM
Anna von Reitz (
19 hrs ( ·
Ron Vrooman is Simply Wrong
He thinks he is acting as an American. But he's not.
He thinks that a "US Citizen" is the same thing as an American.
In fact, as can be simply proven, the two things have never been the same.
He thinks that a "State" is the same as a "State of State".
That, too, is simply wrong.
He thinks that he can act in the capacity of an Oregonian -- a State National or State Citizen of Oregon -- and at the same time continue to claim that he is a "US Citizen".
That's wrong, too.
He even claims that he is the coordinator of the Oregon Assembly, but that's wrong also.
You can't act as a US Citizen of any stripe and act as the Coordinator (or even be a member of) the Oregon Assembly.
In these delusional assumptions, Ron is not unlike many other Americans who persist in error even after they have been shown the truth and even after it has all been patiently (and repeatedly) explained to them.
The ONLY thing that a "legal person"---- and all US Citizens are legal persons by definition ---- can assemble is by definition a State of State corporation, not a State.
People acting in the capacity of Lawful Persons are the only ones who can assemble a State of the Union.
This is the Law, the Fact, and the History of it.
Ron Vrooman is welcome to stay a US Citizen of whatever kind, but he is not welcome to make false claims of American State Citizenship while he is doing so.
This is like a Spaniard claiming to be Irish and a member of the Irish Government to boot.
What he is doing is in fact anti-American.
Until he understands the requirement of singular allegiance to his State of the Union, he can't do what he wants to do as an Oregonian and he can't lead others to success, either.
Everything he is saying, preaching, doing is wrong and it is wrong because he can't or won't grasp the difference between "America" and " the United States" and can't see the difference between a "State" of the Union and a "State of State" corporation.
Don't follow Ron into the same old trap.
He is doing and assuming the same kinds of things that I warned Bruce Doucette and the Colorado Nine against.
26th March 2019, 10:24 AM
Anna von Reitz ( zDeVjl-intFOGsgxkf8sSITeHFxu8JfRAh&hc_ref=ARRxQ0kPQFkNBDDasybL7RNboudEQIqY_3Smx0rnWiW zipqRk07TJWNel4yWNyWlutY&fref=nf)
18 hrs ( ·
About Law and Lawyers and Practice Thereof
From time to time we get accused of "practicing law without a license". As with other licenses, we don't need a license to practice law.
We also get "returning lawyers" ---- Bar Attorneys and former Judges and Magistrates who are disillusioned or who have one way or another stumbled on the truth for themselves, and who are looking for a way forward. We all need to be able to shepherd these people into a new life along with the rest of us. So here, first of all, is a good succinct run down of the facts provided by Kelby Smith:
"The practice of law cannot be licensed by any state/State. Schware v. Board of Examiners, United States Reports 353 U.S. pgs. 238, 239. In Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925) "The practice of law is an occupation of common right." Oklahoma Court Rules and Procedures, Title 12, sec. 2017 (C) "If an infant or incompetent person does not have a duly appointed representative he may sue by his next friend or by a guardian ad litem." Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar (377 U.S. 1); Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335; Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425. Litigants may be assisted by unlicensed layman during judicial proceedings. NAACP v. Button (371 U.S. 415); United Mineworkers of America v. Gibbs (383 U.S. 715); and Johnson v. Avery 89 S. Ct. 747 (1969).
Members of groups who are competent non lawyers can assist other members of the group achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "Unauthorized practice of law."
And furthermore, former Bar Attorneys who revoke their membership in the Bar, can continue to function lawfully as Counselors of Law. The one thing they can't do is speak directly for anyone who is not an infant or otherwise incompetent, and instead must "stand at the elbow" of the actual litigant, giving blow-by-blow advice.
Loss of a Bar Card does not mean the Soup Kitchen for former Bar Attorneys. For many, death to the lies and frauds is a new lease on life and a new relationship with law in all its many forms.
26th March 2019, 10:28 AM
Anna von Reitz ( WLbp14x9WTjNp6ddFUg9KmcVQ00A_IhE8V&hc_ref=ARQU_7lhRbPfnhKBca-PwhkHVgYc7uDwbs3bsbIxkFF2kK9JOOdC8CMnWb08BZvyKsg&fref=nf)
18 hrs ( ·
The Jester's Defense
Yes, you can claim to be an "idiot" and walk out of almost any imaginable court scenario that doesn't involve actual harm to people or property.
This is because when an idiot admits being an idiot, he cannot be held responsible and cannot be expected to make a sensible or responsible reply. There is nowhere the court can go with him and make it stick.
Why? Because he's an idiot.
This is also called "The Jester's Defense".
Monarchs were prevented from killing, fining, or otherwise harming Jesters under the same provisions of law.
So long as you have done no actual material harm, and stand there and claim to be an "idiot" every time the court or prosecutor addresses you, they are stuck honoring the among the oldest traditions of all law: The Jester's Defense.
As damaging as this might be to one's pride, the assurance of an almost certain dismissal of charges when faced with charges related to taxes and infractions of vehicle codes and thought crimes and small quantity marijuana possession and 80 million other such legislative horrors, it could be well worth smiling at the judge and loudly proclaiming, "I'm an idiot!" every time anyone says anything to you.
Especially for poor people and those unable or unwilling to spend large portions of their lives learning administrative and martial and international and municipal law, this particular defense strategy is very simple and very hard for any prosecutor to overcome.
It does not require you to be or claim to be an "absolute idiot" ----
like a Medieval Jester, you may be perfectly functional, witty, light on your feet, and still successfully make The Jester's Defense.
Likewise, it does not suggest mental illness, just an incapacity.
Just remember that once any questioning about pleas and so forth begins, you are limited to one reply: "I am an idiot!"
There's a popular country song right now called, "What Was I Thinking?" --- which describes a young man's response to his own behavior and risks he took to romance a certain young lady at the risk of a shotgun.
Many young men who find themselves on the short end of a situation that leaves them wondering the same thing--- what was I thinking? --- would be well-served and well-advised to just throw up their hands in front of the judge and the prosecutor and say, "I'm an idiot!"
26th March 2019, 10:36 AM
Anna von Reitz ( kQlHiWQT1STuPw5F24poXVkTbq9_Jk9Tg_&hc_ref=ARTvi8TuqrLCnXAjHSr-kHM1GOgvw5QddhRL7CXdqvUfUPvnp6UUHCxt-1bxCZXmtFc&fref=nf)
12 hrs ( ·
Factoids From Tonight's Conference Call -- March 25, 2019
I hate it during teleconferences when people go blat-blat-blat and spout out names of legislation and books and everything else so fast and I am left wondering if I heard it right or got the right number, etc., so I am doing a little due diligence here to help the Listeners and recap for everyone:
About our American Government:
The Republican States of the Union [The United States--- unincorporated] own the Republic States of the Federation [The United States of America--- unincorporated] which control and own the Confederate States of the Confederation [the States of America] which are actually "States of States".
Notice "Republican" and "Republic" --- two different words.
The states own the States which own The States of States.
This is why it is necessary for the living people to correct their political status records so that they can act in their capacity as People, assemble their States of the Union, and finish the reconstruction of The States of States we are owed.
As you can see from the above, only Lawful Persons can operate Republic States, and only the Republic States can create and charter their own Confederation States [aka States of States].
This is what is necessary to finish the restoration and reconstruction of our lawfully mandated government.
Our American Government operates by Declarations known as "Freeman Letters" and does not function on Executive Orders or Municipal Code.
The book I mentioned that explains "Republican in Form" --- that is, the Republican States, is Emergence from Illusion -- Nation Building Should Begin at Home, by Ricardo Johansson, pages 77-91. The author doesn't understand some of the fine points of other issues of jurisdiction and our peculiar American History, but his explanation of the form of government we are owed is spot on. So is his expose of University Publishing and the Confederation Congress and the promotion of Hickey's corporate charter "constitution" from 1847 onward.
The other reference I made was to the Lanhan Act, also known as the Trademark Act of 1946, which prohibits Trademark Infringement, dilution, and false advertising. It's important to know that your Proper Name is a Trademark protected under the Lanhan Act, Title 15, Statutes at Large 60 Stat 427, 15 USC 1051 et seq, which especially protects Unregistered Trademarks--- 15 USC 1125 (a).
This is protection that the Territorial Government owes to you and to millions of private unincorporated business owners throughout the county whose Business Names are also Lawful (Common Law) Trademarks and therefore Unregistered Trademarks: Joe's Bicycle Shop, Kate's Dog Day Kennel, and so on.
When you record the Re-Conveyance of your Proper Name to the land and soil of your birth State, you are recording your Trademark's permanent domicile and leaving no doubt as to its lawful ownership and provenance. This is an Unregistered Trademark in Common Law protected by the Lanhan Act. So is your thumbprint or any other unique Seal you use for business or Trade purposes
Many State of State organizations also provide additional protections as part of their General Session Laws, which are designed to administer State Trust interests owed to the People of each State.
As living people we are not party to nor subject to any of these codes or regulations, but we may invoke these public obligations of the Territorial Government for our private purposes, especially when dealing with employees of the Territorial Government. They have a commitment to fulfill regarding the protection of Unregistered Trademarks and you now know exactly where that commitment is stated --- and thank you for the reminder, C.Johnson!
26th March 2019, 10:45 AM
Anna von Reitz ( KfGWb02xoki3N9IkTqCNToRNrGqf3LFuGL&hc_ref=ARQ8w4p5vTKgEz_YrvdZqCAUPvRwAxHJgI1Jgzgjz7w MsBSirerXTZi1JbWHO1H6SLA&fref=nf)
40 mins ( ·
Fiduciary Deputies v. "Representatives"
As I have repeatedly been drumming into heads from here to Lithuania, our actual American Government is separate from the United States Government and always has been.
The actual American Government is not based on "Representatives". It functions via Fiduciary Deputies.
A Fiduciary Deputy is paid to perform a service and that service is to responsibly and accountably manage money and resources in Good Faith and according to The Prudent Man Standard. A Fiduciary Deputy must be discreet, logical, attentive, and loyal in promoting the best interests of the people they work for.
When the People of Minnesota choose two Delegates who are Fiduciary Deputies to represent the interests of Minnesota as Senators attending a Continental Congress, you may be sure that those Senators are there to promote the welfare of Minnesota and Minnesotans within the larger framework of the entire country and the world as a whole.
If such Fiduciary Deputies sell out Minnesota, America, or the Global Good for money, power, prestige, or for any other selfish ill-gotten motive, they can be held 100% liable--fired, fined, or jailed. Throughout their term of service, Fiduciaries have to report back to the People and can be removed from office by a recall initiative.
Fiduciary Deputies, whether they act in a public or a private capacity, are thus accountable and required to act as honest men and honest caretakers of money and resources belonging to others. You tell your Fiduciaries what you need done, and it is their job to do it.
Compare that with "Representatives".
Once you give them your permission to act in your behalf by participating in their elections, they are off like a herd of wild horses, doing whatever they want to do.
You are in fact giving your own Proxy Vote to a member of a Political Lobby, and this amounts to handing him or her a General Power of Attorney obligating you to pay for and support whatever your "representative" votes for.
99% of the time, you don't even know this person. All you see is their smiling face and a few words on a poster or heard on a radio or TV ad.
Does this make sense to you, that you would give your Power of Attorney to a total stranger and agree to pay for whatever they vote for?
Such a Representative is not accountable to you. Once you hand him or her your vote, they get to exercise it with complete impunity and immunity, and all you get is the bill.
If they sell you and your State down the river, your only recourse is to oust the rat in the next election cycle. If the Little Piggy buys off enough other voters via his bad behavior, greases enough palms, hands out enough candy from your purse, he is likely to stay in power despite your wishes.
And since balloting is secret, there is no way to wash your hands of these representatives whether you actually voted for them or not. If you participate in such an election at all, you are accountable for the results.
The bad smell of all this follows you like a garlic and baloney sandwich.
The lack of accountability of these representatives and their basic nature as political lobbyists guarantees a virtual feeding frenzy when they meet in their version of a US Congress --- and it is always a frenzy in which the Public Good is sacrificed to lust for money, power, votes, expedience, commercial expansion, favoritism, and most of all, unbridled control.
The Democrats openly buy votes and shamelessly promote political agendas that they just as shamelessly undermine. The current Border Crisis is a good example of it.
To hear the Spin, you would think that their support of Open Borders and opposition to the Border Fence was grounded on ideals and principals of "Human Rights" and schlock of the "Give me your poor...." kind.
Their actual victims, the newly arrived immigrants, are naturally beguiled and encouraged to vote Democrat the rest of their lives.
However, the instant that Juan Julio Cortez from Honduras crosses our border, his value as a slave increases a thousand fold. Why? Americans are far more valuable in the world slave market than Hondurans.
Clink-clink, Juan Julio just handed his Power of Attorney and his vastly increased value as a slave to Nancy Pelosi. He doesn't know it, but just by being re-labeled as an "American", he is providing the political lobbies in DC new blood to suck, and here's the real kicker---- new assets to claim as chattel backing their spending habit.
The Republicans are Pigs of a different kind. Instead of being complete hypocrites and whores, they only sell to the Highest Bidder, which in practical terms means Wall Street, the Churches, or the Military Industrial Complex. They are brutal, rapacious, often unkind and arrogant and clever enough to hide their total ruthlessness behind a curtain of civility.
It's just a question of what kind of Nasty you choose, because its all the same motivations, all the same lack of accountability, all the same evil--- and just a matter of what kind of antacid you take after voting.
The solution was provided to us by our Forefathers: don't vote in these elections. Don't register to vote in them. Ever. And if you make the mistake of registering to vote, contact their "State of State" Division of Elections and ask to be removed from their Voter List.
This is anti-intuitive, as most people who care about this country think that they have to vote and believe that it is their last little shred of control over the madness in DC.
However, what it really means is that: (1) you retain your General Power of Attorney and (2) you aren't obligated to pay the bill.
When the British-backed Territorial Government adopted the "corporate constitution" in 1868, nine million Americans were disenfranchised and permanently prohibited from voting in their elections. It is in fact a crime to vote in their elections if you aren't a federal employee or dependent.
So why are you voting in foreign elections? Why are you participating in this craziness at all?
What you should be doing is to "Come out of Babylon" and restore your own sane and solid government of the people, by the people, and for the people, including hosting your own elections.
This is the only way that Americans can regain control of America --- stop voting for Representatives and start electing Fiduciary Deputies instead.
As you one-by-one stop participating in the political sideshow, your powers of attorney and your assets are returned and protected, which is a huge benefit to you and yours. As you assemble your actual State Government and start sponsoring your own election of Fiduciary Deputies, the world gets turned right side up again. Accountability comes back into view.
Your votes are needed all right --- but they are needed in the right elections for the right fiduciary officers. They can then step into their place in the hierarchy and control all the rest of the now-run amok government service providers.
Both from the standpoint of protecting yourself and protecting your country, you need to boycott all the political party elections and put your time and energy into restoring your lawful government and electing your fiduciary officers. Only then will you have the accountable and responsible government that you are owed.
26th March 2019, 11:09 AM
The actual American Government is not based on "Representatives". It functions via Fiduciary Deputies.
Or as I have been suggesting for years the U.S. is a charitable trust, these being the only legal entities entitled to exceed the 99 year limit on perpetuities. If you mentally treat government as a trust you may act as fiduciary or beneficiary ... your choice. Most people step into the fiduciary role when they select the CITIZENSHIP box. While I claim to be ELIGIBLE to be a citizen I appear to have no office at the present so a falsehood (aka 'lie') would be committed if the CITIZENSHIP option is chosen.
If the point is pressed I might be tempted to step into an office that is currently vacant ... that of Art III judgeship. Let's select a bailiff and a clerk of court and let the trial begin.
26th March 2019, 12:09 PM
Or as I have been suggesting for years the U.S. is a charitable trust, these being the only legal entities entitled to exceed the 99 year limit on perpetuities. If you mentally treat government as a trust you may act as fiduciary or beneficiary ... your choice. Most people step into the fiduciary role when they select the CITIZENSHIP box. While I claim to be ELIGIBLE to be a citizen I appear to have no office at the present so a falsehood (aka 'lie') would be committed if the CITIZENSHIP option is chosen.
If the point is pressed I might be tempted to step into an office that is currently vacant ... that of Art III judgeship. Let's select a bailiff and a clerk of court and let the trial begin.
Well I guess most of the offices are empty. I believe Art III is for common law and therefore the Judge just keeps a level playing field and the jury makes the determination of how to make the claimant well.
I think we need to abolish corporations and go back to sole proprietors.
26th March 2019, 12:33 PM
I think we need to abolish corporations and go back to sole proprietors.
Without corporations there would be no need for the corporate coupons known as FRNs. Only corporations use these things at the present time. They pretend they are money. Then stockholders get to place bets on how well they believe a corporation is going to do. Warren Buffet is one of the largest betters on corporate do-gooding in the world.
26th March 2019, 01:05 PM
Danish huh, pure or mixed breed?
Living in Czech land. Snuck in?
26th March 2019, 02:41 PM
Danish huh, pure or mixed breed?
Living in Czech land. Snuck in?
Filtered in through the Caucas Mountains.
26th March 2019, 06:07 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Q3DyTWgprMkOcWRYatNr8QQJ-&hc_ref=ARQ-luXWGUfRbOUjuyAzWFVj-_PRZUUw5A6KHvVj-MukMaph-Qkem7GkwqzDiOkupgY&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
RED ALERT! BWAH! BWAH! [Fire Alarm Sounds] Kurt Kallenbach is Right -- Protect Your DNA and the RV!
When I first read Kurt's research -- even though I was already familiar with The Great Fraud -- I was taken aback and I admit that my initial reaction was: wow, what is this guy smoking?
As preposterous as the history sounds at first blush, it runs in the channels of what can be readily observed today--- like tracing a river back to its headwaters. What Kurt is telling people about the church history giving rise to the current malpractices, is right. Confirmed. It's dead serious. Literally. True and correct.
The rot --- the false probate of estates, the contracting with minors, the false claims of guardianship, the false claims of abandonment, pauperism, claims of "legal" death, and claims of commonwealth interest in the estates of "infant decedents" does go all the way back to the Church in the Middle Ages. It vastly predates the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.
Kurt has continued to work and expand his researches and followed the thread forward to its modern day conclusions. There is no doubt in my mind, and should be no doubt in anyone else's mind, that the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire is The Source of all this fraud and legal chicanery.
What started out as superstitious ignorance in the Middle Ages has born fruit as a gargantuan system of fraud and predation by purported service organizations today.
It began when Midwives and Clergy in the Middle Ages couldn't account for what a placenta is. It appeared to them to be a hideously mis-shapened, malformed, living being-- a monster-- that had a pulse to begin with, but which always mysteriously died shortly after a baby was born.
Not knowing any better, they assumed it was a sort of Evil Twin to the child, and named it after the child, and buried it. This is the genesis of The Strawman and the practices associated with creating and justifying the existence of an "infant decedent" and probating its estate.
Of course, we now know what a placenta is and how it functions, but the Church had benefited so royally from all these extra estates being donated to it, that the evil legal practices associated with this Medieval ignorance has carried right on into the present day --- and gotten worse.
Did you know that unless you specifically ask for it back, the hospital seizes upon the placenta as property and retains it? They also claim the DNA "found" in the placenta -- your DNA -- as "abandoned property". That then gives them the right, purportedly, to claim you right down to your hair and fingernails.
Like all other such claims its fraudulent non-disclosed theft and crime against babies and new Mothers, but if you don't come back and claim your DNA, their false claim in commerce stands.
Kurt has pioneered an extensive process to overcome this which he calls a "Paramount Claim" -- it is, last time I looked, about 20 pages-worth of precisely defined recordings that establish the evidence and the claims of a Living Soul all the way back to the moment of conception and the zygote formed, and placing an absolute priority claim on our own DNA combination.
This is becoming ever more important and critical to claim as the move is on to create "Biological ID" devices, cards, readers, etc. for use in banking and government. And obviously, if they have already claimed your DNA, they can claim any assets attached to that DNA.
Just recently it was announced on Dinar Chronicles or one of the other major GCR/RV sites that people seeking to exchange Dinar and Zims will be required to give two drops of blood and get a Bio ID based on their DNA --- but as a result of Kurt's research you can now see the Endgame.
This is their new gambit in their endless attempt to own us and our assets.
It's time to slap the filthy hands of the Prelates, Poobahs, Politicians and Police responsible and add another "extension" to our recordings: a paramount claim to own our DNA from the moment of conception. I drafted a one-page version and am adding it to the Basic Forms Package, securing this additional explicit asset claim.
Those who are preparing to do any large or important monetary transactions, especially those that "require" biological ID, are advised to run don't walk --- get at least this one page paramount claim on your DNA and other biological assets recorded before any transactions take place.
Take a certified copy to the exchanges to make part of your paperwork --- otherwise, you stand to be defrauded and controlled by this latest false claim in commerce brought to you by the "Holy Roman Empire".
If you are likely to be doing any government work or banking or anything requiring a Bio ID, you would be well-advised to contact Kurt and do his whole process, but at a minimum everyone needs to get at least a basic DNA claim recorded.
27th March 2019, 07:59 AM
Anna von Reitz ( Xj4CzhWx4UvX-XliC0Odro94&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Warning to All True State Assemblies
No State Coordinator or member of any State Assembly should support or have anything to do with any organization that includes U.S. Citizens as members and which pretends to be organizing a "State".
Be forewarned: what they are assembling is not a true State of the Union.
What these Tories are organizing is by definition another British Territorial State-of- State for their Queen, which they are attempting to substitute like cuckoo birds for the actual American Federal States of States which we are owed.
They are trying to pull the same trick on us that they pulled in the wake of the Civil War, only this time, we have the weather gauge. We know what they are doing. We know who they are.
We know the difference between us and them: they include US Citizens as members. The only thing they can assemble is a foreign State of State corporation.
And only those of us who can and who are willing, can act in the capacity of American State Citizens, and assemble a true State of the Union.
The object of assembling our actual States is to give proof to the world that the American Government is still here, and to take care of our own business --- which includes re-chartering our own Federal States of States to serve the needs of the American States and People.
We are not interested in serving the British Queen or the Pope or whatever other foreign interest is lurking in the shadows behind these would-be usurpers and the deluded brethren supporting them.
Be sure to spread the word and drive home the importance of the message.
Any group purporting to be a "State Assembly" which includes US Citizens as members is not one of our States and is not a member of our Union and is not American.
We will ruthlessly expose these groups as fakes and their leaders as traitors acting in Gross Breach of Trust against the States and People they are bound to serve.
We will expose them and their activities on our shores and we will take them and their Queen and their Pope to the Court of World Opinion for judgment of their Breach of Trust and Bad Faith and criminal abuse of Americans.
We will redouble our efforts to educate other Americans, to bring pressure upon the military and political leadership, and to oust these imposters once and for all.
Ours is a government of the People, by the People, and for the People -- Lawful Persons all, and all standing firmly on the land and soil of our beloved country.
Our Government is not a government of the Persons, by the Persons, or for the Persons.
Legal Persons-- "US Citizens"-- have no inheritance of our land and soil and no right to be confusing themselves with or competing against our lawful government in any way, shape, or form.
It is time for Americans to rise up and reclaim their stolen birthright, to assemble our States, and put an end to The Great Fraud. Join the right effort
27th March 2019, 07:42 PM
Anna von Reitz ( R5U7Iic8-ijSwIWMoTIRAQlXS_ZaL5yNqX&hc_ref=ARSO_yzE-eE2eUFF_Hg_ubz0d1qTgcS-0y_t6j1jZ3ccoEts1HBQFXfBl2xSkGwjyTs&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
History Lesson for Marilyn of Minnesota.
Nobody should feel bad about not knowing things that have been purposefully hidden from them, right?
We aren't stupid. We aren't at fault for the deceit of others. But now that we are learning new things we can't just go on under the old assumptions.
All three Constitutions very clearly reference the form of government we are owed as "a republican form of government". Not Republics. Not Democracies.
Our Founders knew all about Republics and Democracies, and if they had meant either one, they would have said so -- but instead, they said "a republican form".
This means, quite literally, that we are to sit around the kitchen table and decide what happens in our country, in our state, and also, ultimately, how we are represented globally. We are meant to be self-governing at a grassroots level. Literally.
Now, I could wax on about all that, but there would be nay-sayers who have been indoctrinated in the British system of "constitutional democracy" and there would be Papists who promote the "municipal republics" --- none of which are American --- hurling insults and bad-mouthing me personally as my repayment for bringing forward these facts.
Thankfully, you don't have to hear it just from me. Go get yourselves a copy of Ricardo Johansson's book, Emergence from Illusion -- Nation Building Should Begin at Home, and read pages 77-91.
We, Americans, have our own form of government --- and it is neither a constitutional democracy --- which is the government of the British Territorial United States, nor a Roman-style municipal Republic --- which is the form of government adopted by the Municipal Oligarchy running Washington, DC.
So all of you who are out there promoting "Republics" are wrong. And you are playing into the hands of the Papist Oligarchy. Is that what you intend to do? If not, it's time to stop, pause, and get your directions straight.
Likewise, all of you who are out promoting "Constitutional Democracy" are also miles off target. That's not American. That's British.
In both cases, the groups promoting either "Republics" or "Democracies" are not promoting anything American, and can't therefore represent our States of the Union.
So there is that part of it.
All those groups out there who are struggling to come to grips with the situation and trying to assemble "States" must first and foremost admit what kind of "States" they are assembling.
"United States Citizens" are British Territorial Citizens and they may very well want to band together and form States-of-States for the Queen, but if so, they must clearly state who they are and what they are doing and not try to deceive anyone about it.
"Citizens of the United States" are Municipal Citizens of the Holy Roman Empire, and they may want to create more "States-of-States" for the Pope, and run them as "Municipal States" --- but if so, they, too, need to forthrightly admit what they are doing and not try to deceive anyone about it.
We, "American State Citizens", are the natural population of the States of our Union, doing business as The United States of America, the unincorporated version, and we are being very upfront about who we are and what we are doing.
We are forming our American republican States of the Union, which are not any form of "States of States", not incorporated, not "Republics" and not Constitutional Democracies, either.
It is a sad day when so many Americans are left so uneducated about their own history and their own government that when it comes time to sit down at their kitchen tables and govern, they take reference to foreign governments instead.
Our organization, The American States Assembly, is assembling the American States and we are using the republican form of government we are heir to, and we are properly assembling as American State Citizens.
The end result of this proper understanding and construction is that we are assembling the actual People and the actual States of the Union that are party to the Constitutions and owed all Good Faith Service and Guarantees and Treaties from both the Pope and the British Monarch.
So, there it is, the Facts, Ma'am.
Now, it's up to all of you to decide what you want and intend to do.
Choice A: Act as British Territorial "United States Citizens" and form States-of-States that are Constitutional Democracies.
Choice B: Act as "Citizens of the United States" and form States-of-States that are Municipal Republics.
Choice C: Act as "American State Citizens" and form actual republican States that are sovereign entities.
-- And don't think for a moment that you will be allowed to pass off foreign State-of-States as one of our States of the Union, because that will not in any case pass muster.
One final word: as you can see, the foreign governments, both the constitutional democracies of the Brits and the municipal republics of the Papists, are populated by US Citizens.
US Citizens of either kind are not allowed to participate in the American State Governments.
The American States are each separate nations in much the same way that France is a separate nation from Belgium, even though they both speak French (more or less). As a result, and to prevent conflict of interest, all the American States require that their People hold one and only one citizenship allegiance --- their State Citizenship.
You cannot hold a Dual Citizenship of any kind and be a member of an American State Assembly.
I am sorry that this is the fact, but it is, and you can readily see why. We have fifty States which are fifty separate nations here. If we allowed Dual Citizenship, can you imagine the confusion and the skullduggery that would go on?
It would be impossible to hold a State Election. And once you did hold a State Election, it would be impossible to be sure that the results reflected the will of the People actually living in that State.
So Americans who wish to participate in State Government need to be singularly committed to that State and to that State Government alone, without any commitment to any other foreign government.
Go ahead and assemble the kind of "State" --- or in the case of US Citizens, "State of State"--- you want to assemble, but be clear among yourselves and with the Public about what you are doing, what form of government you are operating, and in what capacity you are acting.
Don't confuse the kinds of citizenship required, or the kind of government that results. Don't call "Republics" American. Don't call "Constitutional Democracies" American. And don't call "States of States" American States.
Be clear and honest about what you are doing and who and what you are assembling, and we won't have any problems.
Try to foist off a foreign State-of-State as one of our States and we will have you in international court and strung out as insurrectionists acting in conspiracy against the Constitutions.
In the confusion following the Civil War, a Scottish Commercial Corporation foisted off British Territorial States of States "as" American States and we paid the price for it. There won't be any more substitutions like that. Ever
29th March 2019, 12:48 AM
Anna von Reitz ( xz23c5HeuhWSVKDss64BiVb32rKrgbPbR6&hc_ref=ARQueZuyRhov2-1azevucDOyPca3azkenRpH-Y3xcsK8tP_QT0c4N-N1HG_vIR-Sr6o&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Carts and Horses
The best way to describe this situation with the national assembly effort is that the cart is getting in front of the horse. That is what The American States Assembly is correcting.
You have to assemble the actual States BEFORE you assemble any States of States (the Confederation States), because the States are the entities that charter the States of States (Confederate "States"). The States of States cannot charter themselves.
Assembling the actual States requires us to "return" to the land and soil jurisdiction. The States cannot be operated from the sea or the air jurisdiction of the corporations, just like you can't be on a boat in the middle of the ocean and plow a field.
We have to do the paperwork to explicitly "return" to the land and soil, because we have almost all been misidentified as "US Citizens" and US Citizens are precluded from operating the actual States of the Union.
Why? They are all operating in the jurisdiction of the sea (Territorial) or the jurisdiction of the air (Municipal) and cannot operate our land and soil jurisdiction--- they are like those sailors out at sea or balloonists drifting through the sky. When they try to reboot the Federal States of States our States are owed, all they accomplish is setting up a new franchise for their own foreign parent corporations.
They can't reconstruct our Federal States of States because they don't populate our land and soil jurisdiction. You have to come home from the sea or finish your balloon trip before you can put your hand to the plow.
So Job One in the process is making sure that everyone gets their own paperwork in place so that they can officially and properly operate as State Citizens.
Job Two is organizing the State Assemblies and getting everyone educated and up to speed and signed in at SignInAmerica, so that all those who do the paperwork are pre-approved to receive Credit Vouchers to offset STRAWMAN debts---- both State Nationals and State Citizens. This isn't important to the "State" per se, but it is important to millions of Americans who have labored under a debt burden they don't actually owe.
Job Three is determining whether or not an actual Federal State of State was ever chartered by your State. Those States that were States prior to 1860 all chartered Confederation States ( States of States ) so you may be sure that Pennsylvania chartered an original corporation doing business as The State of Pennsylvania (Notice that "The" is capitalized and is part of the Proper Name).
You then have a Pennsylvania Vote to Amend and Restore the Charter of The State of Pennsylvania to guarantee the abolition of slavery and involuntary servitude, guaranteeing equal rights and protections of the law for women, establishing protection for minors forbidding child labor, kidnapping, human trafficking and all similar other crimes against minors and incompetent persons, including provisions against improper probate of their estates, outlawing undisclosed contracting practices and unconscionable contracts, and explicitly adopting the principles and directives of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence of the united States of America, July 4, 1776 as the Public and Organic Law under which The State of Pennsylvania operates in concert with The Constitution for the united States of America, 1787.
This effectively brings forward and updates the original Charter of the Federal State of State operating as The State of Pennsylvania and officially puts it back in play.
Other States that were created after the Civil War have no such Charters to Amend and have to start from scratch.
The essential difference between this process and forming any other kind of corporation is that it is taking place directly by the State itself under a Sovereign Charter, thus this Charter is issued directly by Pennsylvania via the properly constituted Pennsylvania Assembly and is NOT issued by any "State of Pennsylvania" organization.
The original Confederation met in New York City. It may be somewhat difficult to locate the original Federal State of State Charter. If you can't find the original to amend or never had a Federal State of State Charter because that level of our government stopped functioning before your State was formed, the Assembly will still be issuing a Sovereign Charter in the same way, you simply won't have the underlying documents to work from.
Most of the Territorial States of States which have been in operation since the end of the Civil War have records in their archives which were used to set up proxy State Trusts which they then controlled in a proprietary role "for" the actual States. Each case will be a little different and organizers will need to go to the State Librarians and Archives to look for charter documents creating the State Trusts and looking for the original Federal State of State Charters.
We can find enough of these original Confederation Charters to get a good flavor of the structure of these original now-"missing" Federal States of States and we can develop templates that cover the essential updates necessary to reconstruct them.
Once that is done the Federal Branch of the Federal Government will be fully restored. The Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Branches of the Federal Government will no longer have any excuse for claiming that there is any "emergency" or that any part of our government is "missing" or being "held in abeyance".
Completing the Reconstruction is obviously a very important part of reclaiming and restoring our lawful Government as it was intended to function and establishing the Checks and Balances the Founders built into it --but always bear in mind that our actual Government which is vested entirely in the living people of each state, has never ceased to be and to function, regardless of the condition of the Federal commercial corporations that are supposed to be running and directing the Federal Government functions.
The Confederate States of States are businesses that are supposed to provide our States and People with services according to the constitutional agreements, owned and operated by the States themselves, but they are still just corporations like other corporations. They are not sovereign entities. When they shut down and failed to operate or be replaced in the wake of the Civil War, all powers delegated to them reverted to the States and People who issued their charters in the first place by Operation of Law.
Our States therefore retained the ability to conduct all necessary business both in international trade and in commerce. We simply didn't realize what the Territorial and Municipal branches of the Federal Government had done to usurp upon us and substitute their own States of States for the States of States that we are owed and which our States are supposed to own and operate.
I hope that you can now see the logic of everything presented and that everyone you share this with can see the road map, too.
There isn't much to argue over, except apparently (1) the issue of US Citizens being included in State Assemblies and (2) the order of operations. As you can now see, the States have to be properly populated and organized first in order for them to set up a valid committee of the States, and then, they have to act as States to re-charter and update their Confederate States of States under Sovereign Charters issued as Sovereign Letters Patent directly by each State.
The reason that I surmise that this relatively simple process has been so difficult for us to get through is that these Confederate States of States will be in receipt of billions upon billions of dollars worth of service contracts that will benefit our States of the Union instead of going off-shore to benefit other countries, and if we succeed in this reconstruction, the Territorial and Municipal Service Providers will lose a very significant amount of those service contracts and the money that goes with them.
This is why we have had Federal---meaning British Territorial and Municipal Agents--- attempting to co-opt, mis-direct, confuse, and otherwise interfere with our process so as to: (1) invalidate our efforts or (2) derail our efforts or (3) co-opt our efforts so that the end result is merely to set up a new Territorial or Municipal franchise for them.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I prefer to keep the bulk of Federal business in American hands, benefiting American businesses and helping to provide infrastructure and services to improve the lives of our People and better manage the resources of our States. I am sick of having the Hired Help running amok, racketeering, throwing us into jail under color of law, promoting probate fraud against infants, kidnapping, and trafficking Americans into foreign and unnatural jurisdictions of international law. And I am sick of seeing what is passing for our "Federal Government" acting as a giant sucking straw to siphon money our of our economy to benefit foreign interests.
As an American, I have every right to rebuild and restore my lawful government and hold both the Queen and the Pope to their actual obligations. I have every right to finish the Reconstruction that should have happened in 1865. And I am determined to see it done, done right, and done in such a way as it works and nobody has any right in the world to complain about our conduct of our own business.
Those who feel the same way and who realize the vital importance of doing what needs to be done, should be aware of the self-interested activities of the foreign commercial corporations that stand to lose money that we --- our States and our People --- stand to gain. This is why they have pulled out all the stops and are lying about me and my intentions and the veracity of what I am telling you. I have an American Agenda to fulfill and they have British and Holy Roman Empire goals in mind. So they throw mud at me all day long and try to get everyone confused and scared and unable to make progress.
But now I have told you what has to be done and I trust that I have adequately explained why it has to be done and what is at stake and how things are supposed to function. As each one of us gets the picture firmly in mind and starts acting upon it, I become less and less important and the mission itself becomes more and more clear. Millions of Americans have been victimized terribly by this "System". They don't know who to trust or how to get out of the misery these foreign commercial corporations have caused ---- I understand their paranoia. At the same time, there is a logic and a history and plainly observable facts, and those are what everyone must depend upon and act upon.
29th March 2019, 12:54 AM
Anna von Reitz ( W5rGTvdo54MlGaHSNxrG7cm-e4cMQQu98l&hc_ref=ARSK4KMFRGwBBjaAa3ntzL2eDUvCCotDg9ixjlGxkUS rXcmZ7UMZHl4lpkQDq4AqocI&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Why So Many Lies and So Many Liars?
Here we are, at the end of over two years of the most shameful, public, politically motivated witch hunt in our history, and all focused against Donald Trump. He must be doing something profoundly right.
And all this time, it has been painfully clear that Hillary Clinton and her State Department and Harry Reid, actually have colluded with the Russians and sold them 20% of America's Uranium.
Once again, the Liars accused their victim of exactly what they were doing themselves.
I want them charged. I want them jailed.
I want the big media conglomerates responsible for promoting this gigantic Lie Fest broken up into a hundred thousand little pieces and sued into oblivion.
It couldn't happen to nicer people. Just take a long look at the harm they have done with their lies and political agendas.
And when the media empires are busted as monopolies and are re-sold, I want the pieces sold to Americans. I want American Air Waves and American Media to be American.
Even as this is all playing out, we are seeing more Liars oozing out of the woodwork in swarms. As I said to a friend this morning --- "Must be their mating season."
They are everywhere, lying desperately about anything and everything and everyone. And they think that they can get away with this..... and nobody is going to notice that they are spewing hokum?
Let's review:
(1) They accuse their victims of doing what they are doing themselves.
(2) They attach derogatory labels to their victims.
(3) They gossip like teenagers.
(4) They act behind false names and false fronts.
(5) They make people feel paranoid.
(6) They deliberately misrepresent people and facts.
(7) They make unaccountable accusations and omissions.
(8) They have no morals or scruples whatsoever.
Why are they lying about me? The same reason they are lying about Donald Trump: money.
They know that if we follow through and properly assemble our States of the Union, their Big Party at our expense is done and over.
There are two reasons for this. First, our States are competent to govern all by themselves, with or without restoring any Federal-level States of States.
Second, if we finish the "Reconstruction" and re-charter Federal-level States of States that work for our American States, the endless "emergency" and claims of "war powers" and all the rest of the Shinola will be over.
American Service Providers will take over the Federal Contracts and the Brits and the Holy Roman Empire will no longer be able to manipulate and control and siphon American resources.
The money we spend on Federal Services will stop being sucked off to benefit foreign interests and will stay at home, where it will benefit the American States and People instead.
Trillions of dollars of service contracts will go to new service providers. American service providers. Imagine that?
Of course, the Brits and the Papists are desperate and throwing every lie in their repertoire at us. Of course, they are accusing me of what they are doing themselves.
Of course, they are labeling and trying to demean me.
And these are, after all, the same people that stole your identity when you were just a baby in your crib. These are the same ones who routinely pretend that you are "dead" while they are administering your probated estate in court right in front of you. These are the same vermin that refuse to pay you offset credit you are owed.
These are the same Filth that oppress you under color of law. These are the same Liars that have all but destroyed our country.
And they don't even tell you their names. They hide behind nicknames like "Virgo Triad" which actually means "Taxing Pitchfork". Well, if you haven't been taxed enough....just listen to her.
Turn your Shinola Sensors on. And leave them on. It's mating season for Liars.
29th March 2019, 06:33 AM
making sure that everyone gets their own paperwork in place so that they can officially and properly operate as State Citizens.
Reification (the process of being AGAIN)? There is a plane associated with ROCK. There is a plane associated with PAPER. And there is an instrument called SCISSORS which discriminates between the PAPER and the ROCK planes. What AVR refers to as the maritime plane (or not being on the soil) is the PAPER plane. After all, ROCK sinks while PAPER floats. So on one hand AVR is advocating returning to the soil and on the other hand advocating continuing the maritime system by 'getting paperwork in place'.
In addition AVR is FEMALE while the law that created the system she wants to return to is MASCULINE. A female can observe the result of male law but it is otherwise completely foreign to them. Female law is called EQUITY and male law is called LAW.
But if someone brings up maritime law (the law of bonds) you reach into your pocket and bring out a set of shears and cut it to ribbons. So much for bringing paperwork up to date.
Gold is for sovereigns, silver is for gentlemen, copper is for peasants and paper is for slaves.
Gold and silver sink. A FRN floats.
29th March 2019, 07:22 AM
Reification (the process of being AGAIN)? There is a plane associated with ROCK. There is a plane associated with PAPER. And there is an instrument called SCISSORS which discriminates between the PAPER and the ROCK planes. What AVR refers to as the maritime plane (or not being on the soil) is the PAPER plane. After all, ROCK sinks while PAPER floats. So on one hand AVR is advocating returning to the soil and on the other hand advocating continuing the maritime system by 'getting paperwork in place'.
In addition AVR is FEMALE while the law that created the system she wants to return to is MASCULINE. A female can observe the result of male law but it is otherwise completely foreign to them. Female law is called EQUITY and male law is called LAW.
But if someone brings up maritime law (the law of bonds) you reach into your pocket and bring out a set of shears and cut it to ribbons. So much for bringing paperwork up to date.
Gold is for sovereigns, silver is for gentlemen, copper is for peasants and paper is for slaves.
Gold and silver sink. A FRN floats.
Wear du e commence.
Lots of great insight there MAN. The current crop of people who enforce their "law" only respect paper and can only "hear" paper.
29th March 2019, 05:34 PM
Anna von Reitz ( oqiIJDuRRu-EG11G_fDenOt0&fref=nf)
31 mins ( ·
The American National Credit
For those of you who missed my partial run-down of what Americans are owed, you should all know that Americans are owed back the National Credit, about $21 trillion dollars worth of credit that has already been earned and which stands on the books of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
How did this American National Credit Accrue?
For over a 100 years (1913 to date) we have been exchanging our actual goods, natural resources, and labor for I.O.U.s --- Promissory Notes called "Federal Reserve Notes". We have never been paid.
Via this mechanism, a vast National Debt has been accumulated by the United States [Inc.] and its corporate franchises known as "Citizens of the United States". There has also been a very substantial debt accrued by the British Territorial Government doing business "the" United States of America and its corporate franchises known as "United States Citizens".
Taken together, this accounts for the "US National Debt", of about $21 trillion dollars, which is owed entirely by these two kinds of "US Citizens".
We, Americans, have been falsely and purposefully misidentified as "US Citizens" with the clear object of making us responsible for paying the US Debt. At the same time, we have been declared "missing" and "legally dead" so as to prevent us from claiming all the credit that is in fact owed to us.
It's a commercial fraud scheme designed to exchange pieces of paper for actual goods and services and never have to pay back anything to the victims.
But in fact, we are very much alive and we are Americans and we were --for most of us anyway---never knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acting as US Citizens. We are owed the $21 trillion National Credit.
Why is the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE involved and holding our credit?
This goes back to the Lieber Code issued as General Order 100 in 1863. It replaced "all law" and became the law of the British Territorial Government. Among other things, it made the US Army responsible for protecting our money--- but as they were also spending our money, there was a natural conflict of interest involved.
So, they passed off the actual bookkeeping to their co-workers in the Municipal United States Government--- the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. As a result, a gigantic "Foreign Credit" began building up on the books of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
This "Foreign Credit" is largely owed to us. It represents the "US National Debt" on one side of the ledger, and the American National Credit on the other side of the ledger.
The problem is, we have never been able to access our credit.
It was simply locked up on the false pretense that we were all "dead" and all our individual credit-side ACCOUNTS were closed, while debts continued to accrue against our fraudulently probated ESTATES.
Just like what happens when someone dies and their estate is probated, financial transactions continue after their death. Bills continue to come in and credits continue to accrue ---- sometimes for a long time.
That's the "system" they have been using to pretend that we are dead on one hand, and yet still allow themselves to have access to our falsely constructed "ESTATES" on the other.
To finesse this Gross Breach of Trust and financial fraud, they declared us "Authorized Representatives" of our own ESTATES and held us responsible for paying all debts of the ESTATES---- without, however, giving us access to all the credit owed to us to offset these ESTATE debts.
Thus the Foreign Credit owed to us continued to accumulate on the books of the DOD and the US Debt also continued to grow --- and the Municipal Government strong-arm racketeered us to pay up debts we never owed under the false pretense that we were all knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acting as United States Citizens---unpaid volunteers, no less.
Of course, the perpetrators indoctrinated us to "assume" that we were "US Citizens" from an early age. They changed our political status records while we were still babies in our cradles and used coercion and semantic deceit to do it. In this way, by identity theft, mis-characterization, falsification of records, semantic deceit, impersonation, and probate fraud, they "killed off" all the Americans who are owed credit, and left nothing but the debt-bearing "US Citizens" behind.
So they could wallow like cats in cream, give us Monopoly Money I.O.U.s that cost next to nothing for them to produce, and receive actual goods and labor in exchange. It was the ultimate capitalist dream.
Something for nothing.
And the Federal Reserve acting in collusion with Cede and Company and the DTTC and WIPO and the US Patent and Trademark Office orchestrated all of it. We have the complete story and all the goods on all of them.
For over a hundred years the mysterious Foreign Credit kept on growing in the dark....and the "US National Debt" kept accruing.
I almost hear the theme from "JAWS" playing in the background....
To make a long story short --- I observed that in a debt-credit system, it is impossible to accrue a debt. All transactions in such a system are zero-sum transactions. For every debt, an answering credit is created.
So like the old woman in the "Where's the beef?" commercial, I started the Hounds of Hell on a mission to find out, "Where's the American National Credit?"
We found it in 2011. It's being held (and held up) by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and managed by the Seven Grumpy Old Men --- the Military Bankers responsible for the Office of Military Settlements/OMS in California.
They have this Albatross of criminal mismanagement firmly anchored around their respective necks and are still too stubborn to face the facts and return the credit where its due --- to the hard-working people of this country and their lawful government, The United States of America [Unincorporated].
Some things you can't go back to not knowing once you know them. This is one of those things.
In order for them to pay you back the credit that is already accrued and owed to you, you have to "come back from the dead" --- return "from across the seas (of BS paperwork)"--- and record your presence on the land and soil as an American, born and bred.
You have to raise your hand and say, "Hey, a mistake has been made. I'm an American State National (or American State Citizen). I'm not any kind of US Citizen."
And that is what we are doing by the hundreds, by the thousands, and soon by the millions.
Here's the irony.
The DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE can wipe out most of the combined US Debt simply by transferring the credit to our lawful government and letting us establish a Credit Voucher system for Americans to offset debts.
The US Citizens would be happy, because all that US Debt would fall away off their shoulders.
The Americans would be happy, because they would also be free of debts that they have never in fact owed.
This is just one of multiple fraud schemes and false claims associated with our assets. There's more. A lot more. And it is time for a reckoning.
What can you do?
Become aware. Wake up. Smell the java.
If you aren't actually a Federal Civilian or Military Employee --- and receiving a payroll check --- you have zero reason to adopt any form of "US Citizenship". Your actual government is still here, still waiting for you to claim your true identity as an American.
There's some paperwork to fill out and record. Go to: ( lid%3DIwAR2IIrCdtUZWDu8oMqFhVxfVlfWNrR5cjwZQ1X-6KSZHHwBB7hhkMtevi4A&h=AT29xj4wKuzsE04gaS3IaLscUhqso0U-vsuR_l3ZHHm0Y0KPJ05QTRkI1xdsyjVuJtH1iMfopFeuM0JJQr de0e0hJapUg6-sVkCLceZqnfp4eI3yamqavB0vKAQeVI0ECXQgBiXmaGnyx4YCW bwLIO5LkSHkp0vN), Article 928, go to: ( m%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1_YToQyrj3ASM724YBeV1e-UQvNz7JH8nYjvEqks9vgTfWGbOotVc9GQ8&h=AT1OMaOa_gYU6QXYFtu5zTk5KDI6_ePKPfBLJqHC7griprNP 79Nv61XjJbT4suSltQEqleR3HBg7dmIsybwyJ6sZcDKb4-aVlSPaDnvaDOvm_5lr_gZaHFblbz3M_Nu1Aw5zKlboyxPZtcdv yWjpa0xkHx_RAgwE)
There's some "technical issues" --- like new passports and travel cards instead of "Driver Licenses" and cancellation of registrations to be resolved.
There are vacant offices to be filled.
There are State Assemblies to fully populate. State Courts to be staffed.
Federal-level States of States need to be reconstructed.
No doubt, there's a lot of work in front of us, but we know where we are going and basically, how to get there.
Once you have your paperwork on the record and your private records in order, it's time to "Sign In". Go to: ( clid%3DIwAR26FVry6GMefuppBwlhiKQmVvhnqe_MNTVEJ8yZa LF2DHqZR0sHqANuLuk&h=AT3CfOJsH3StlLvJflSmHixkR95EHTMwcCjyedK00kYJS6d1 jU1_wjySptxCLxcvYuox1rJdZq8rMeWKi8mVgxd14j4jKFfsqj 0ijWpMt1FNCddaVBtRJT9x2evthHoAMK6OQPmuSLN8tIrNJFdn O4d19C2eC-mu)
We are building the national data base of Americans who have come home to the land and soil --- both American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
This data base will allow The United States of America [Unincorporated] to reclaim the assets we are owed and provide the political basis for Americans to take peaceful and proper action in their own behalf to: (1) reclaim all the constitutional guarantees; (2) enforce the Public Law; (3) enforce our international and commercial remedies; (4) pre-screen people eligible to receive Credit Vouchers to offset US Debt; (5) negotiate and issue proper passports, travel cards, and tax exemption certificates; (6) operate the republican form of government we are owed.
We have plenty of slaves clinging to their chains as if they were security blankets, trying to scare everyone into accepting the status quo and going for another round of the same old fraud scheme, while they themselves hide behind fake names like "Merlin" or "Virgo Triad" or "Sun-Tzu".
If I were trying to sell what these agents are pushing, I'd be hiding behind a fake name, too.
But I am not hiding. I am standing here on my own and telling you the God's Honest Truth.
Chances are that you are and have always been an American, not any kind of US Citizen at all.
Chances are that you are owed more credit than you can even imagine, and shouldn't be paying any debts at all. No utility bills, either.
Oh. And by the way --- what happens to the American National Credit if you don't stand up and claim it? The commercial banks are pushing to have it all declared "abandoned funds" and given away as a sop to cover their sins.
30th March 2019, 09:05 AM
Anna von Reitz ( r3gtgZoOk7kg9UlX-&hc_ref=ARRBk5A64o2Aj8NFzboNKqUMkQZRs27mKmL1JnC-ldzvrZCuM11G0AhhRM3t6yKnf4E&fref=nf)
12 hrs ( ·
Amorica and America
When I was in Third Grade we were studying Early American History. It came right after a three-week session on the Spanish Conquest and the European colonization of the Caribbean, Meso-America, and Mexico.
Whew! I was thinking I knew more about South America than North America when my teacher, Mrs. Sampson (an otherwise reliable adult) told me that America was named after an Italian mapmaker called Amerigo Vespucci.
No doubt most of the rest of you have been told this same ridiculous lie? There are probably school teachers reading this who are still teaching this same drivel?
America is named after Amorica, a region of far western France facing the English Channel and more or less directly east of Northumbria, the ancient ancestral home of the Amoricans,
The Amoricans come from coastal Normandy and they are the ones who discovered and populated North America --- hence the name, "America" is just an English transliteration of the French Tribal Name, Amorica.
This is an inconvenient fact because the Amoricans have always been allied with the King of Gaul and the same Barons of Normandy who beat the crap out of England in 1066.
The King of Gaul's home has always been the Auvergne province of France, where the ruins of Camelot ("the charmed land") are, where Lancelot returned after the disaster of King Arthur fame.
There is a very good reason why Camelot has never been found in Britain and never will be. It's not there. It's French, not British. Look at the words: "Camelot" and "Lancelot". Think that is just a coincidence? Do those look like British words?
Amorica and America. Lancelot and Camelot.
The common people of England captured the story of Arthur's Round Table and kept it alive and Anglicized it, though none of the principals in the whole story were English.
Arthur was the grandson of a brutal Irish privateer who conquered a large segment of modern day Wales. Not English. Guinnivere, the White Owl, was Celtic French, part of the same ruling family as Lancelot; she was heir of the Kingdom of Powys in central England. Not an Englishman among them.
But they were all greatly impacted by the Roman occupation of England and by the arrival of Christianity and they were all allied against the invading Norsemen who ravaged the coasts of both England and France.
We know the truth. The Holy See knows the truth. There are plenty of others still alive upon the Earth who know the truth, too. Why don't you?
So when I am told (with a straight face) that the Vatican owns the name "America" and by assumption, owns this whole country --- I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Are we all so gullible as to believe this?
Let me tell you all for a fact and for your profit, the Amoricans were a Celtic Tribe and had their name before the City of Rome was founded.
The English knew the "Americans" and traded with them long, long before Julius Caesar arrived in England.
The land of the Amoricans in Normandy was never conquered by Rome. Quite the opposite. They allied with the Visigoths and kicked Roman butt clear back across the Rubicon. They sacked Rome and carried the plunder clear to China.
The whole idea that the Holy See --- or their Property Managers at the Vatican-- either one, have any valid claim to own the name "America" is the kind of Big Lie that makes one suck in breath just because it is so wildly audacious and so completely bogus.
It makes the Amerigo Vespucci Whopper look small by comparison.
Remember that you are dealing with those who worship The Father of All Lies. Take nothing they say seriously. Look diligently for the truth in all things.
The Belle Chers and the Amoricans / Americans have never been conquered in war by the Romans, by the Holy See, or the Holy Roman Empire, either.
Guilleroi de Lancelot du Lac (Lancelot's actual name) handed them their heads in 506 AD. William the Conqueror did the same in 1066 AD. And William Belcher did the same in 1781 AD.
Three times and out. They have no legs left to stand on.
And so, why do you suppose the Marquis de Lafayette came to our aid during the Revolution? Because he was the French Heir to the King of Gaul from the same ancient Kingdom of the Auvergne, Camelot. He came to the aid of his kinsman, William Belcher.
And together, they beat the Vermin bloody once again.
It is tiresome to even speak of all this. It is settled and done and well-won and over. We are not going to go through any more terrestrial argument over this. Our King, the true King of Heaven, the Creator, is triumphant; the Liars are just Liars, as they were and are and always have been.
As a good polite child, I didn't tell my teacher, Mrs. Sampson, that she was full of #$%$# ----- but that does not change the fact that I knew she was. And now you know it, too.
America is named for our ancestral homeland, Amorica. And nobody owns that "copyright" but us.
All men are set free to know and be their Divine Heritage. Nothing on Earth, no Lie, no Deceit, no Venal Sin is left to betray what will be.
Know this, all you people of the Earth: Our flesh is nothing. Our spirit is everything. We burn clear through the lies like so much brush waiting to be consumed. Let those Liars come. Let them come and see what their lies will merit before the King of Kings.
30th March 2019, 09:22 AM
America is named after Amorica, a region of far western France facing the English Channel
I was told America broke down to A ... Meri .... Ca .... A referring to 'no', Meri referring to 'mercy' and 'Ca' being Scottish for sheep ... or
30th March 2019, 02:30 PM
I was told America broke down to A ... Meri .... Ca .... A referring to 'no', Meri referring to 'mercy' and 'Ca' being Scottish for sheep ... or
Your story is almost as good as Anna's.
31st March 2019, 08:48 PM
Anna von Reitz ( gYrrqcZjwp8nR&hc_ref=ARQycjIF2zDam1myNbFGZjPp34iF--v-6rYCQ9WBzq8h09cHRji-bTivcSmwwShucqw&fref=nf)
19 hrs ( ·
The Army Mules Are Here
As you probably heard, the actual, factual, geographically-defined American States are assembling, and the actual, factual flesh-and-blood people are coming "home" and sorting the BS.
I've had a bunch of Sleeper Cells of British Territorial "United States Citizens" (Tories) and Roman Municipal "Citizens of the United States" (Papists) kicking up roadblocks and trying undermine this lawful and constitutionally guaranteed action by the American People.
They've taken things out of context, purposefully twisted words and used semantic deceits (like not admitting the difference between a "State Judge" and a "State of State Judge")---- ugly, personal propaganda stuff -----and all the while accusing me of doing what they are trying to do: mislead the American People.
Just like Hillary accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians, while doing that herself.
They've also been calling me "Mrs. Belcher" when they know and have been told that I don't accept any foreign titles. "Mrs" is the wife of a "Mister" ---- a British Merchant Marine Warrant Officer, or a British Navy Midshipmen. Now, obviously, I am neither a Brit not a Sailor's wife, and make no bones about it, but they are doing their best to mis-characterize me --- and derail the effort to assemble the American States.
Why are they so desperate to do that? Because both Britain and Rome have had an incredible gravy train here. They've been charging up our credit cards and not paying the bills that they owe. They've been perpetuating fraud against little American babies in their cradles and using semantic deceit and non-disclosure to entrap and rob unsuspecting American Mothers and Fathers.
They're scum.
And they deserve to have our commercial claims and criminal complaints shoved sideways for what they've done and also for what they have failed to do.
They don't want the actual American States to assemble, because the actual American States are parties to the Constitutions and can enforce the Constitutions.
So its a full-out battle with them slinging mud at me, and them trying to scare people into doing nothing to help themselves, and them trying to pretend that they, too, are assembling legitimately constituted states, when they aren't doing that and can't do it, either.
We, those of us who have reclaimed our American State Citizenship, are assembling actual States, like Michigan and Texas and California.
They, the "US Citizens", are assembling "States of States" and trying to pass these off as our States of the Union.
They pulled it in 1868 and they pulled it in 1907 and they pulled it in 1933 and they pulled it again in 1946 and again in 1953..... and they think that we are so stupid that we are just going to sit here and let them do it to us again.
But we, the actual American People, have a different idea.
We are going to peaceably assemble our States of the Union and enforce the Public Law and the Constitutions we are owed. We are going to claim all the "missing National Credit" we are owed. We are going to finish the so-called "Reconstruction" and leave no excuse for these usurpers to claim that any "emergencies" or "war powers" exist.
We are going roll and keep rolling.
We are going to clean house like it hasn't been cleaned in 200 years.
So, if you want your Constitutions enforced and you want the Public Law honored again in this country, and if you want our veterans to get the payment (not welfare "benefits"--- payment) they are owed and you want these vampires to stop preying upon little babies ---- join the effort and push hard for assembling our actual States.
We have our own website up ---- ( m%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1Byg5Yq4FchxLNsLIjHbGBUlErWtwO Rw55_26G-0FvqAxwksBgYm6cL0g&h=AT2lwpEpv2Pk42F9An6t5ikQKDQSGFVK-LEQBx2eUQUlkX4GvBHUZpF-2YO1FL5pSDj1fCXOM5p4JUn-hg6kLTMFRbfZBrtIm7Vz-nofJFolHyaUBdl_HVYxvcMTWX4dsnUPeTETgHnf7VVaozCK3PG UhLpmdR_v), plus
a second website --- ( clid%3DIwAR1Dhw_NA6JuLgeiWst7EPlNE3G-bwnWKZMVBt_-PIw5YLMkTRMYnKYEGuE&h=AT1WXQhtQp2aSEKImnyexrr5U5hDhlr1-i63DDBVbWOH17mbgWUck4YFkBtYme4Gqdvlf7MMcnEic0ARwEa G62kg1FmSmNuxsvO3kCnoSrY_mfaNJIRPdAm-6sIhewYfNgepGTKuDaONRsjOD_prRNi75DL4MVnC)
These two websites explain the basic situation.
Americans have been purposefully misidentified as Brits and as Citizens of the Holy Roman Empire franchise deceptively calling itself "the United States" after the actual United States---- The United States, an unincorporated Union of Republican States.
These deceitful fraud schemes have been played against Americans in Gross Breach of Trust for 150 years. It's time for it to be recognized for the criminal activity that it is and it is time for the American People to put their feet down. Boots on the ground.
So do your paperwork to rebut all the false registrations and false commercial claims these demons have made against you and your Good Name and Estate. We teach everyone how and give the information away for free.
There's my website, ( lid%3DIwAR2GEyXLPd_qkdOXu_etzFvqRW2AKSCHcI2KsluEsv NT1n_ud0vpKJTYvlU&h=AT3KGtDXo780YlTlilR25pmgDV-_zj1oCF8JFVLBy3zIM9eoGnXN2e2BySnnKUwyHRnEUF87Ai3b4 mXFXW6VAXoMMPQBbtTH0LTtvNFpyKTLDotvptwTZoYqIG1QIjt bwSYz69vTdYmAAIY0NrFZqgrSvgZacDrX), where I explain it and provide templates as part of Article 928. There's a great independent Do-It-Yourself website at ( IwAR0sD_9FICbGHfc_Xb1f4gcN6dB0-NutwjY6DtGyRrgq5m3WEq9U15nVdEY&h=AT3hUkFTXUX6iCydJBf0-HJAkeKUV0qVgkADU-hYELqU8-Li4SaMbI-4sKpfGRhBBG674iW970kJEKKsEiyZAvoAhbAjkmHbD3zMZoSit zJketmD8PEVmkj_ma0DzxZXexM2re0ALVtzMMYJsQ6O-TXi09lZ9lVy)
And there's a Help Service (their portal is posted on the front page of my website) so that no American who wants to come home to the land and soil of their birth is left behind just because they don't have a computer or computer skills or needs help understanding the paperwork.
You all always challenge everybody and ask if they've "got the guts"..... well, there aren't any lying cowards here, no Closet Tories, no NWO.
We all know exactly who we are: Americans. We all know what we are doing: Assembling the actual States of the Union. And we all know what we are going to do after the Assembly process is complete.
So please get behind the effort and shove. The sooner we get the States set up and fully functioning, the sooner our State Courts are functioning and the sooner the British and Roman Carpetbagger Courts have to shut down.
The sooner all the States are fully "populated", the sooner we have the muscle to put an end to the tax frauds and fraudulent foreclosures.
The sooner our States are standing up and our People are on the move, the sooner we can shut down the hospitals that are engaged in human trafficking and free our doctors and nurses and dentists who have been conscripted and licensed against their wills.
The sooner all the actual States are assembled and taking action, the sooner the States can reconstruct the Federal States of States we are owed, and put an end to the false claims of "emergency" and "war powers" that never legitimately existed.
Get a move on, boys, and don't get confused. Keep together and moving in the right direction and the victory is assured.
31st March 2019, 09:00 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 39KfkraYfyrzTfkoESwL-XOHQMKoUvOfU4&hc_ref=ARRJvW9pkSPDpT1hz76JDJi2IH5qpdaQXu3HW_9dN3p UH3xRJLbn-Pegz0XO0ackA9I&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Adrenalin Addiction Crisis
My Mother was an Adrenalin Addict. She had been abused as a child and developed a totally unconscious need for the Adrenalin that helped her over those crisis points. In the absence of any threat, she still unknowingly craved the "high" that Adrenalin gave her, and so, she learned how to trigger release of the internally manufactured drug by working herself up into rages and fear responses.
It was very ugly and predictable to watch.
Thankfully, I was able to watch instead of participating in her self-induced drama, because my older Sister protected me from her onslaughts when I was very small, and my stalwart Father wouldn't allow any such nonsense in his presence. He would just sweep her up in a Bear-Hug and she'd immediately calm down. Past about age seven, I could always outrun her and leave the house long enough for her to calm down.
Thus, I escaped the worst impacts of being the child of an Adrenalin Addict, yet I saw --- mostly as a Witness --- the horrifying impact and logic of the illness.
It's an insidious addiction because no drugs are actually taken. The body produces Adrenalin naturally in response to threats -- both real threats and imaginary ones, so it isn't as if there is an obvious pill or syringe or powder involved. You can't point at an Adrenalin Addict's stash, because it is hidden inside their own body.
The onset of an episode with those afflicted has typical warning signs. They will start acting erratically, have lapses of attention or memory, for example--- stop answering direct questions like, "Where's the ketchup?" --- and seem to withdraw from the present world. They get a taut, worried look, and either stare at nothing or start furtively glancing around as if to identify threats.
They may or may not have their own telltale physical symptoms of needing a fix. My Mother's giveaway was when she started quietly flexing her fingers and tapping them together. Other people I have known with the same addiction have done things like narrow their eyes into tiny slits, pace randomly, clench fists, or assume an uncharacteristic posture.
To bring on the Adrenalin attack they will often initiate a paranoid internal dialogue and let their imagination run wild, so that they create the necessary threat and the resulting fear that will trigger Adrenalin release.
My Mother's favorite was the unknown assailant, the burglar or the rapist sneaking up the back stairs in the middle of the night. She would prowl around the house at night whenever my Father was away, on eternal watch (with a shotgun no less) for criminals who never came.
Looking back on it, it all seems so sad and predictable.
The abused child unconsciously learned about--- and took refuge in--- Adrenalin, so the adult still felt the physical and mental need for that excitement, that sudden charge of overwhelming power.
She was actually a good woman, but like all addicts, she was in the thrall of something that she could not control and that led her to do many destructive things to herself and others. My older Sister still suffers the after-effects and a tragic sense of loss, and as for me, I was never able to be truly close to my Mother because of it.
My Mother knew that there was a separation between us, and grieved over it, but I don't think she ever actually knew why. Like all addicts, the addiction seemed --- to her at least --- to just be part of who she was, and she felt I should be able to accept her as is, which I did, albeit in an eternally guarded fashion.
It's a terrible thing to have to watch your own parent like a science experiment, and always be on guard, but millions of children who grow up in families afflicted by alcoholism, drug addictions, and mental illnesses have to face this reality every day.
My best friend in Grade School duly noted my Mother's peculiar rages and behavior. I shrugged and said, "She's crazy." But she wasn't crazy. She was addicted to Adrenalin and unconsciously self-medicating.
Today, there are millions of war veterans, millions of abused women and children, millions of war survivors, millions of people from all walks of life and social classes, who are unconsciously addicted to Adrenalin.
Much of what doctors are calling "PTSD" and "Rage Syndrome" and "Anti-Social Behavior" is Adrenalin addiction that is not being diagnosed and treated.
The various efforts to treat this addiction with mood elevators and sedatives, with meditation and "dis-sociative" activities like arts and crafts, can help--- but not cure and not squarely address the actual problem.
Until we realize that these people are addicted to Adenalin we won't be able to find a cure.
Unfortunately, some Vermin among us, have clued-in to the problem in the sense of marketing products that the addicts crave as stimulation. They produce endless movies that provoke Adrenalin response --- horror films, shoot 'em-up, bang-bang live action films, gruesome war stories, endless "threat" movies of one kind or another.
The Adrenalin Addicts among us gobble it all up like popcorn and candy. They also gobble up the "Nightly News" --- and for the same reason and for the same sales pitch: death and destruction, disease and sex crimes. It all serves to pluck away at our adrenal system, like a guitar player strumming our strings.
And we don't even realize that we are being played.
The last time I saw my Mother she was in a nursing home surrounded by all the machinery and monitors and stainless steel implements of modern medicine. She had been doped up and was disoriented at first, and then she realized that it was really me and that I had come all the way from Alaska to see her.
It had been a grey rainy day with thick cloud cover, but at that exact moment of realization, a brilliant ray of sun broke through and illuminated the joyous smile on her face. She was still beautiful when she smiled, even at 96.
I couldn't help but feel the wrench of pain: all the love and all the good times lost because of her unconscious addiction, all the closeness and joy that could have been.
Maybe at one time, I could have explained it to her, brought it into her conscious knowledge, so that she could recognize what was going on and maybe --- just maybe --- she could have learned to control it; but, I was 30 or 40 years old before I actually understood what was going on, and by that time, she was in her late seventies or eighties.
She'd been an Adrenalin Addict since her own sad childhood.
It was too late for her to change and too late for me to salvage a natural relationship with her, but maybe it's not too late for others reading this to become aware of the silent scourge of Adrenalin Addiction that is gripping America and the rest of the world, too.
Veterans? War refugees? Domestic violence survivors?
Abused children? Almost anyone who has suffered certain kinds of prolonged psychological or physical trauma is at risk of developing an addiction to Adrenalin.
Please, for the sake of all these suffering people and for all their families who suffer along with them, take the time to stop and think --- to recognize the symptoms and think about how those suffering from this plague have been exposed to violence and threat and developed an addiction to Adrenalin.
Think about what you can do about it. Bring it to the attention of the medical professionals. Take whatever action you can to promote conscious awareness of the damage this unseen "invisible" addiction is causing.
Shame the newscasters for providing a steady diet of threats and despair and pretending that it is news.
Shame the "entertainment" industry for feeding all the Adrenalin junkies and making the situation worse.
Take action to prevent Adrenalin Addiction from spreading from household to household and generation to generation. Make people aware of it.
Without my Father and my much older Sister to protect and underwrite my mental and emotional development, I could have been abused by my Mother and could have become an Adrenalin Addict, just as she did.
Adrenalin exists for good reasons, but like every other gift of God, can be twisted and corrupted into something evil. My Mother spent her whole life in near-constant turmoil and caused untold damage to others without ever consciously meaning to harm anyone, and without knowing why. Millions of other people worldwide are in the same condition.
Help them. Help yourselves, too. Guard your children. Counsel our veterans and their families. Let the survivors of domestic abuse know that they are at risk.
Make it a little "mini-ministry" to help heal and calm and spread the word.
What these people need, as my Father so long ago demonstrated when he would Bear-Hug my Mother, is not another ping-pong rush of Adrenalin. What they need is to be loved and reassured, and weaned away from destructive stimuli and behaviors.
31st March 2019, 09:06 PM
Anna von Reitz ( z1eVGLT-9-OgAPbQ2TuHTA44tDp1UyEFF8&hc_ref=ARR7o7wrIH6nAnpQBYEC5H5wXwpVlmzml2ThSFVYbJo wdr1hethk_mUvy3gPx1qtR84&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Linus Pauling Was No Fool
Linus Pauling was one of the most acclaimed and celebrated scientists in recent generations, he was wined and dined and toasted and awarded up the wazoo for decades, and then, something happened. The same media that had draped him in every laurel leaf and accolade turned against him and decried him as a Tin Hat and a fool.
Ever wonder why?
Because he told people to start mega-dosing Vitamin C.
This was a betrayal of the New World Order, which has been intent on poisoning our water for decades, and using this silent means to erode our health and net themselves and their commercial corporations billions upon billions of dollars worth of medical and dental service fees.
Heart disease and arteriosclerosis are the major killers of Americans past age 40. What are both of these conditions caused by? Well, there ARE many factors --- genetics, diet, lack of exercise, etc. --- but the glue that cements these factors together and makes them lethal is chronic lack of Vitamin C.
Most Americans suffer from Scurvy, which is ironic, because they are also being misidentified as British sailors and Merchant Mariners.
How is this possible in the modern age, when we have ready access to vast quantities of citrus fruits and other sources of Vitamin C?
Because the water we drink and cook with and wash with has almost universally been "treated" with poisons that leach Vitamin C out of our bodies at a tremendous rate --- Fluoride, which is a waste product of the Aluminum industry, and Chlorine, a waste product of the Petrochemical industry.
You see now that the guilty commercial corporations are making profits on both ends of this deal. First, they sell off their noxious by-products instead of having to dispose of them responsibly, and then they profit more from the diseases and chronic ill-health these poisons cause as they build up in our bodies.
Scurvy is well-known to cause gum disease, muscular and skeletal degeneration, cardio-vascular and nervous system disorders, and ultimately, predictably, death.
So now you have bleeding gums and gum disease, which means you have to go through all sorts of pain and spend thousands of dollars on dental fillings and bridges and root canals and implants. The chronic infection in your mouth then also triggers systemic chronic inflammatory response.
This then triggers inflammation of the joints and destruction of cartilage in the joints as a result of the inflammation (arthritis)..... and so it goes ---- downhill. We exercise less because we are in pain, and that just makes things worse.
The chronic lack of Vitamin C also messes up the Calcium Cycle in our bodies and leads to calcium being leached from our bones (osteoporosis) and re-deposited in our veins and arteries, causing arteriosclerosis: hardening of the arteries due to calcified fatty acid deposits.
They are killing us for profit via their "water treatment programs", and Linus Pauling blew the whistle on them. That's how he went from being a Media Darling to Tin Hat.
He blew his whole career, his reputation, and his funding to save our lives.
Linus Pauling really was a hero.
So, what are you going to do about it?
You are going to go to the store and buy a shower head that contains a filter that removes Chlorine and Fluorine from your shower water. It will cost you around $80 and the filters have to be replaced every few months, but that is a small price compared to the cost and misery of even one chronic illness. These shower filters are available at hardware stores and on the internet.
You are also going to go get a supply of food grade Vitamin C crystals or powder in a big bag, and add a couple teaspoons of this to your bathwater every time you take a bath.
Why is this so important? Because your skin soaks up Chlorine like a sponge. A single bath can absorb as much Chlorine into your body as drinking 68 cups of chlorinated water. This is because your stomach acid destroys a good deal of the crud when you drink it, but you have no such defense when you bathe in it.
Now if it irritates you (it irritates me) that they are charging you good money to poison you, and then you are having to spend more money to buy antidotes to the same poisons that shouldn't even be in your water in the first place --- and they are selling all this on the basis that Fluoride stops cavities, when it also makes your gums bleed and your teeth fall out as a result of leaching Vitamin C and all this then promotes chronic low-level inflammatory response throughout your body --- hey, put on your Tin Hat and wear it with pride.
At least you aren't stupid enough to believe their self-interested lies-for-profit any more. At least you have recognized one of the most pervasive and inescapable threats to your health. At least you have the awareness to take action to defend yourself.
As more Americans wake up and join their State Assemblies, the AMA and its Evil Half-Sister, the American Dental Association, are both going to get kicked to the curb over this atrocity, and so are all the Municipal Governments.
In the meantime, if you are stuck with a polluted water supply, make sure you are supplementing your diet with lots of Vitamin C -- both Vitamin C supplements and Vitamin C in your bathwater, and a good filter on your shower heads.
Thank you, Linus. We are in your debt.
31st March 2019, 09:14 PM
Anna von Reitz ( oSWbTUekpGegx-79GikNTgIVD5&hc_ref=ARRLUlUtBvWitDEZI5AH_H8Fu0Cta0Qcsk79AZmS905 7QaVarHsChNDe3i6qYFvfGns&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Update on the Money Situation
As at least some of you know, March 29 was the Drop Dead date for countries to be Basel III compliant and post a gold-backed currency. The Territorial Government under the direction of Donald Trump managed to do that, just barely.
The situation with the British Brexit and the impact on the European Union remains up in the air until April 12.
This is viewed as a necessary reprieve, both to allow the Brits to get their panties sorted and the rest of the EU nations to face up to the realities of dealing again in national currencies backed by actual assets. Or the necessity of backing the Euro --- which is all but impossible absent an act of both God and the German Parliament.
So, at least the Territorial Government is swimming forward and will participate in what has been dubbed the Global Currency Reset (GCR).
We, the American States and People, have no need to worry about "transitioning" to the gold and silver standard. We never left it. Our gold Eagles and silver coinage and all the certificates and bonds based on the same will simply have a new valuation relative to other currencies in the world and will be recognized as "cash values".
The same is happening within all the Central Banks --- a switching of gears.
For many decades they have been sitting on the gold and silver stockpiles and not counting those assets ---- ignoring their existence as assets on the bank ledger.
Now they have all been kicked into gear and forced to admit that, yes, we have all these assets.
They still haven't been brought to bay and forced to admit who or what those assets actually belong to -- but that, too, is coming.
As a result of all this, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) will be announcing new currency standards, also known as values, based on gold being "the" standard commodity.
As of March 30, all the World Banks adopted Basel IV and gold became a world currency.
Based on this new (and highly arbitrary) valuation scheme and the return to the old Gold Standard, people will be dealing in actual money instead of commercial script, and a great deal of the fraud and counterfeiting and "money" laundering that has gone on will fade away.
The Americans, who never went off the gold standard, have nothing to lose and the accruals of ten decades to gain. The Municipal "United States" hegemony has been liquidated to back the change. The Territorial "United States of America" is sliding along just off the lee shore in a gale, thanks to Donald Trump and the faithful elements in the US Military.
As a result of the double-dealing and bankruptcy protection schemes that went on at the turn of last century (1898 to 1934) and the Japanese Rumba during World War II, a lot of our actual American gold is in Indonesia and the Philippines.
At least some of that stash-- which actually belongs to the American States and People-- has been underwritten by the Chinese and credited to "the" United States of America on an emergency basis to allow this country to maintain a basis of trade with the rest of the world.
Count it as "Baby Steps" allowing us to continue to function and make the necessary correction of our political identity and processes. Make no mistake --Americans are rich; it's the US Citizens who have been spent into oblivion.
So now we have to moderate all that imbalance -- release the US Debt and deliver Offset Credit to the Americans.
For all those Junk Bond Traders who sunk their Penny Stock Dreams in Zim and Iraqi Dinar, the pay off is coming ---- not as good or as bad as the extremes of various prognosticators, but coming nonetheless, probably this week.
Be careful how you sign the paperwork. Retain your copyright on your own names. Use a private copyright Notice after your signatures --- a small "c" surrounded by a circle.
The States will be enforcing the Constitutions and the Lanham Act, which should discourage a lot of Municipal Freebooters and other vultures.
As everyone who knows me is aware --- I don't believe in money. The worldwide addiction to money is the worst kind of idolatry and it needs to end, but for the moment, to prevent worldwide disaster, we need a means to trade and this is what has been worked out to allow that.
That doesn't mean that there is no way to design an honest form of asset-backed money. It just means we aren't there" yet.
I look forward to the day when we are.
31st March 2019, 09:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( w3na4-fBNSnsE&hc_ref=ARTGvZawhxoiKX_O07gVYh05FYnFHggoN60MGUOsdh5 8FLcXoZvDQ5b1EEvRRLtiFAo&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
After 150 Years, It's Natural.....
The actual American States haven't been assembled in over 150 years.
It's natural that when Americans are faced with the news that they have to reorganize and restore their government, people assume that we are talking about the "government" they are familiar with ---- but we aren't.
We are talking about the government of the People, for the People, and by the People. We've never seen it in our lifetimes. Our States were last assembled during our Grandparent's and Great-Grandparent's lifetimes.
Worse, we were never told much about our actual government by those who were making their fortunes off of [mis]administering our assets.
In the Public Schools of this country all we were ever taught was the history of the Federal Government and the Federal States of States.
We were told about the British Territorial Government operating out of the District of Columbia and its structure and its "constitutional democracy".
We were told, if we were sharp enough to catch it, about the Municipal Government operating out of the Municipality of Washington, DC, and its Fascist Roman-Style oligarchy.
But we studiously were not told a word about our own "missing" Federal States of States and the Federal Government that we are actually owed.
We certainly weren't told a word about the actual American Government that is our heritage.
That was never mentioned at all, unless you had the good fortune to have been ---- like I was ---- the youngest daughter of the youngest daughter of the youngest son. My Grandfather was born in 1865. He remembered the dirt. He told his wife. She told her daughter. And her daughter told me. And now, I am telling you.
You already know that the "national assembly" effort headed up by the Michigan General Jural Assembly failed and was sidelined and co-opted.
They included "US Citizens" as members and that automatically voided their efforts to organize an American State----if in fact that was ever their intention.
The only parties that can organize American States are American State Citizens. Our actual geographically-defined States don't allow Dual Citizenship.
Anything that "US Citizens" organize is by definition a "State of State" also known as a "Confederate State", but we are not confused.
We know what kind of State we are organizing --- an actual, factual, geographically defined State of the Union, which is a member of the Federation of States known as The United States of America [Unincorporated].
So, now here comes another such misguided effort, headed up by ( R2ghjVyonFvDXKr1PvpiSZ6pUwTh2Sc563yAXiZ41HzX0bBfm-dLRPqhnE&h=AT0WAT9KjDDIQ6p9Po2NMQ0_lQxR2eA5YMOHBP9iTvL9E2Xf Li323y9FTWqQ16deWFs3uFBaIWFv8AYMGsXc09HQNQ6jdE3cQo QJLs7nlcZlsDJ4xsYxUdt6b8_tdjRJmMveO5AGh7ms1pTemVwF oIKhdK_TlXHV) ( 2Fusmap.htm%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3O7D7As0-BUzTXIhiCbNNYY06bgf2s3RT4F5bKEkNeoiKZVj3fKLF8cUk&h=AT0dYDX7PLdPcbnXbrTjMIBG0WH-d4rVuPAd1wIr30ZWGmoaNvthBobbzTEGilGRyUeawG19Am4crb 2yqIPE46NPPymtBJj--nJtkcIRn6xRQRoUotDnBHu3hBcyUvbOncTDXySZYZevdOr0C_T hi5B0xwsImRga)
They are trying to elect "State" Governors, and advertising that these are "de jure" Governors of our States. But that can't be, either.
Governors, like Presidents, are CEO's operating in international jurisdiction, and depending on whether they are elected to serve the international jurisdiction of the land [our American State Governors] or elected to serve the international jurisdiction of the sea [British Territorial "Governor"], they are defined accordingly.
So, in fact, since 1868, the only kind of "Governor" we have had, are British Territorial United States "Governors" of State of State organizations. Not actual American land jurisdiction State Governors.
They use semantic deceits and call themselves "State Governors" because their State of State corporations, like the State of New Jersey, are all "Confederate States" ---- inchoate, non-physical, incorporated "States"----but none of it actually has anything to do with us or our lawful American Government or our geographic States of the Union.
So, again, we face the "Cuckoo Bird Switch" in which the British Territorial Government substituted itself for our lawful American Government and conveniently never told us a word.
They substituted their sea jurisdiction "Governors" for our land jurisdiction "Governors".
And again, only American State Citizens can elect a land jurisdiction State Governor.
If US Citizens elect a Governor, he is by definition a sea jurisdiction State of State [aka Confederate State] Governor.
So what TeamLaw is doing----- soliciting volunteers to fill vacant Governor-ships, however well-intended the effort may be, is invalid from the perspective of the actual States and People unless:
(1) the individuals involved have made the effort to record their paperwork and formally reclaim and declare their birthright political status as American State Citizens--because we have all been issued British Territorial Birth Certificates and mis-identified as "US Citizens" otherwise;
and (2) they have assembled their actual States, populated their States, and elected a Governor who is a State Citizen.
Then, and only then, do we have actual land jurisdiction State Governors competent to wield the Powers of our States and People.
You may have noticed how, for the most part, the US Presidents boss the State of State Governors around. This is because the Governors are in fact running corporate franchises that are ultimately under the President's thumb. See all the information I have provided about the States of States having EINs, TINs, CAGE numbers, and Dunn and Bradstreet ratings as corporations.
By definition, no incorporated entity can be sovereign. Our actual States are sovereign. So you can see right there that their "States" are not our States and vice versa.
There is no actual Checks and Balances between the powers of a sea jurisdiction State of State and the Federal Corporation chartering it. Such a "State of State" [aka Confederate State] is dependent on the parent corporation the same way that your local Burger King is dependent on Burger King, International.
Thus, the Governor of your State is actually, legally, ethically powerless to oppose any directive from the parent Federal Corporation and the constitutionally mandated Checks and Balances have been undermined and side-stepped by the perpetrators.
As long as we continue to "acquiesce" to functioning as any sort of "US Citizen" we are in an invisible trap.
If US Citizens elect a Governor, that Governor is just the local CEO of a DC franchise corporation, obligated to protect the interests and profits of that corporation regardless of the harm it does to us.
It's only when Americans act as American State Citizens and elect a land jurisdiction Governor that the pedal hits the metal and Checks and Balances clicks back into place.
Only then do our Governors inherit the power to "hire and fire" the DC Bureaucrats.
I don't blame people for being confused. I have the utmost sympathy. If I had not had the good fortune to be born into a politically aware family that was devoted to the American Government ---- and therefore preserved memory of it across more than a hundred years--- I'd be just as confused as most other people appear to be.
As it is, I am not confused; I have joined together with others who are not confused, and we are trying our best to explain the circumstance and the jargon and the means by which we have been deceived and over-lorded by our own employees in hopes of getting through to other Americans.
The republican states that control the soil jurisdiction of this country don't even have "Governors". They have State Assembly Chairmen and the State Assembly Chairmen tell the Governors what they want done.
Thus the Pecking Order in the American Government is exactly the opposite of the Pecking Order in the Federal Government. We are bottom up and the Federal Government organizations we are all familiar with are top down, whether they are British Territorial corporations or Roman Municipal corporations.
If we put our minds to it and remember who we are, we can assemble our actual States, and restore the American Government we are owed.
That's why we started The American States Assembly and booted up the new website and teleconference: ( m%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3NTxw3FTfM9MMjnCHV4MrBMq0SCutW bJw6YIe6ZSfWieAvdQ9W4K8tA6o&h=AT31v3_9A9erFHOkaUfA0uOi32g7IgrwubzJFC2eCZuYb0gj ijjlXvjJ9DDchiVXlVWsxKvhojlh-vbjEUIJTQvYnFLLjOmba3LSFaiInSyR27BiB5P5Xjt0xL8NvzK jcLXDsuKJkRH4u72HN0BcGt8-2YmOcDDj)
Please spread the word and explain the situation so that we can ---finally---- get the Americans organized and up to speed and moving in the right direction, acting in the right capacity, and exercising our birthrights effectively.
I am not suggesting that anyone join the TeamLaw effort on this one, because they need a proper State Assembly and State Elections by qualified State Nationals and State Citizens. Rather, I am telling you that they are off-track on this one and we need to reach out and explain why.
So long as these men are acting in good faith and are truly intending to fill the land jurisdiction Governorships, there is no reason that they can't join the State Assemblies as American State Citizens or American State Nationals and be elected to serve.
1st April 2019, 09:15 AM
Anna von Reitz ( mwoUxD6ZrcpSUkS7sIc6ACWX0XUX0wDY87&hc_ref=ARRwnd8A7woftRN_zx9tkLiHollNGUAp8b0b90Wtqep q_L9O1qsmxhbDqAzxcoOTevY&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Heads Up Federal Civil and Military Retirees!
All the Federal entities are operating as commercial corporations no different than Exxon or IBM or GE.
Your situation as a Retiree whether a military Retiree or a Civil Service Retiree is NO DIFFERENT than someone who worked for Exxon in Saudi Arabia, vested in the Exxon pension program, and then returned home to America.
Does Exxon still owe you every bit of your retirement?
Are you obligated to punch their time clock or wear their uniform?
Once you are back in the States do you have to obey the Laws of Saudi Arabia anymore?
So what @#$% are you %$@$%@ talking about? [Scaring Seniors about their retirement?]
This is NOT rocket science, and no, we did not just "forget" or overlook the "possible consequences" to federal retirees of returning home to the actual States of the Union.
What's the point of "fighting for freedom" if you can never enjoy it yourself, and are condemned forever to some kind of foreign enslavement Boot Camp?
Wake up!
When you are "Retired" you ARE retired and any presumption otherwise is your own fault for failure to notify your former federal employers that you have left their foreign jurisdiction and returned home.
I am sick and tired of all this fear-mongering and suggestions that I haven't thought this through and don't know what I am talking about and threatening seniors with the loss of payments they earned from these commercial corporations.
If you stay a "US Citizen" you will receive "benefits"--- as in welfare benefits. And those are just "gifts" to you from the corporations, which may decide to go bankrupt--- and bilk you all out of every penny and service you are owed.
They have no contractual obligation to provide "benefits".
They do however have a Priority obligation to pay pensions and earned income credits and VA Services to American Military Retirees.
So beat your feet home and claim your actual birthright status as Americans--- and stop this fear-mongering and stupidity. There is absolutely no safety and no benefit in claiming any form of US Citizenship when you can claim to be an owner of the actual unincorporated United States.
1st April 2019, 12:22 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Sxen0RsIGTOFAMbG1ftgWY9A&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Especially For Lawyers --- Public Notice
This goes out to every American and to every United States Citizen and to every lawyer in America----let's all get this straight once and for all:
No incorporated entity can be a sovereign entity. By definition.
All incorporated entities are created by a charter or other written covenant granted by a sovereign entity or some higher level parent corporation which is in turn granted a charter or covenant by a sovereign entity.
There may be layers upon layers of different trusts and foundations and C-Corps and S-Corps and LLCs and only God knows what else, but at the end of the day, all the corporations in the world owe their existence to a sovereign and not a single corporate entity is sovereign. Not one.
Therefore, when you have an incorporated entity pretending to be a sovereign government and claiming such things as sovereign immunity, you've got an obvious fraud going on.
When you have an incorporated entity pretending to be an agent of a sovereign government and exercising authority "as if" it were a sovereign entity, yet it has no valid authorization ---- again, you've got a fraud going on.
None of these Federal Corporations and none of their States of State organizations are sovereign entities.
They have no sovereign immunity.
They have no authorization to act "as" sovereign entities on our shores; any such presumption is a violation of the Constitutions owed to our States of the Union.
These entities are renegade foreign commercial corporations traded on the Stock Exchanges, acting as Taxpayers with EINs and TINs and CAGE numbers and Dunn and Bradstreet and Standard and Poor's ratings:
Internal Revenue Service, Inc.
State of Colorado, Inc.
Ad Infinitum......
These are all foreign incorporated Governmental Service Contractors that are supposed to be providing the services stipulated under their respective Constitutions.
The only thing confusing about this is that there are two groups of them operating at the same time ---- Territorial corporations that use the Upper and Lower Case naming conventions, like the State of Wisconsin, and Municipal corporations that use the Roman all capitals letters style:
One set of these corporations is run by the British Territorial United States Government. The other set is run by the Municipal United States Congress.
And none of them are sovereign entities with respect to us and neither one suddenly morphed into anything that can claim to be our government just because they are under contract to provide governmental services to our States of the Union.
Please take Notice of these facts and conduct yourselves accordingly, or risk being accomplices to fraud and other crimes.
1st April 2019, 12:35 PM
Anna von Reitz (
24 mins ( ·
For The Confused Texans
I have already completely explained that the soil jurisdiction is what belongs to the "Republics"-- all of them including Texas. The Wisconsin Republic occupies the soil of Wisconsin, The Maine Republic occupies the soil of Maine, and guess what? The Texas Republic occupies the soil of Texas.
The "soil" as defined in law, is the top six inches of the land. That is what The Texas Republic controls.
The "land" is everything underlying the soil. Texas controls that.
Obviously you have to have both land and soil together or you can't control one or you can't live on the other--- take your pick.
So, The Texas Republic owns the Soil and Texas owns the Land. The Republic controls the nation and Texas controls the international relations of the nation.
Since we are talking here, with regard to the American States Assembly, about international relations with everyone outside of Texas, we are talking about the State level--- Texas, and not talking about the soil jurisdiction inside the borders of The Texas Republic.
The sooner you all get your heads wrapped around this, the better.
Nobody here is trying to take anything away from you or giving anybody bad advice. If you can figure out a way of standing on the soil of the Republic and living on it --just the top six inches--without the land of Texas underlying and supporting the soil, then you just hop to it.
Absent that, I think you will agree that you need both The Texas Republic (soil) and Texas (land) to make a go of it.
By telling people to return to their land and soil I am telling them to get their records corrected because almost all of them have been falsified.
If you want to be considered a Texan you better move your feet and stop talking and start walking because right now you are classified as either a Brit or a employee of the Holy Roman Empire who is just working in and temporarily "residing" in Texas.
THAT is why I am telling you to do your paperwork. You have been misidentified. Your identity has been stolen.
As things stand, you are not "recognizable" as a Texan and there are no public records showing otherwise, so you had better listen to what I am telling you and get evidence of who you are and a declaration of your political status on the Public Record.
Otherwise, you are nothing and nobody --- presumed to be an employee of foreign commercial corporations, a "US Citizen" who is "residing" temporarily in Texas --- and you have no Constitution, no land, no treaties, no Republic and no Texas, either.
How many times do I have to say: "Hey! Your identity has been stolen!" -- before it gets through your thick rinds and you take action to correct that and don't blame me for telling you the truth?
Get up on your feet or lay down in your graves. It isn't "Anna von Reitz" that created this situation and tried to give your country away. Our employees have been selling off our assets and charging their bills against our credit in our purported absence.
Well, are you absent? Or present? An American or a "US Citizen" of some stripe? A Texan or a toad? If you can't say one way or another, I guess I can "presume" that you are card-carrying Communist from Lower Slobovia, can't I?
We, as the People of this country, have got to wake up and tend to the actual business at hand ---which is correcting the public records about ourselves, assembling our States and dealing with this mess.
All this strutting around and talk about The Texas Republic is a distraction, because the topic and business at hand has to do with Texas-- the land jurisdiction--- not The Texas Republic, which is the soil jurisdiction.
It's completely maddening to me and most other people around the country to have the Texans show up and want to blow their mouths about oranges at a meeting about apples. Can you see why?
We have business to conduct that concerns apples.
If you want to talk about your precious oranges, we suggest you go back to Austin or wherever else inside the borders of your Republic and do so.
So far as we are concerned what goes on in The Texas Republic stays in The Texas Republic and we don't need to hear a word about it.
We are here, gathering together the States of the Union and Texas is one of them.
Please note. I said "Texas". Not "Texas Republic". Not "Republic of Texas" which controls your non-navigable surface water.
Now, we know that it is hard enough to get your Republic back in order, but you are called to get your State in order, too.
Luckily, when you organize your soil jurisdiction you also organize your land jurisdiction, because the same people are unavoidably standing on both the land and soil. You just have to wrap your heads around it and realize that its so.
And neither one of these things -- The Texas Republic or Texas --- can be populated by US Citizens. They can only be populated by those who are Texans and who are claiming to be Texans and nothing else.
So that is why I am telling you all to get your paperwork on the record and actually explicitly declare your status as Texans and stop messing around. If you want to operate The Texas Republic, you have to be Texans, not "US Citizens" who are just passing through. If you want to operate Texas and the international land jurisdiction you are owed, you have to be Texans, not "US Citizens" who might come from Belize.
Are you getting this?
Is it finally hitting rock bottom?
Your identity as Texans has been stolen the same way that a credit card hacker steals identities. If you don't do anything about that, what are the rest of us --- and the rest of the world --- supposed to think? That you are "dead" and don't care? That you are content to give away your birthright as Texans and want to be considered "US Citizens" instead?
I am sick of dealing with blowhard Texans who come to me and get in-my-face as if I created this situation or was the one responsible for stealing your identities. I am the one who told you all what was going on.
And now it's up to you to get on your feet and start the stampede to officially and on the Public Record---- go home to your own land and soil---- or just stand there and blow steam. Continue to swear that you are "Texans' and at the same time, let people "presume" that you are "US Citizens" instead.
I don't give a rat's rump what you individually do. Sit on the dirt and spin for all I care. I just hope and pray to God that there are enough intelligent people left in Texas to see what I am talking about and I hope they get organized to deal with the urgent business facing their State --- Texas.
1st April 2019, 02:54 PM
Anna von Reitz ( r8ex5pZTDAPjqv3-NaW&hc_ref=ARR1zThNUpLN5N842XUnCRjLeUNI-PI5qyyfSwj12ixMhHvUNQAiVUjN1xEhKaA885Y&fref=nf)
15 mins ( ·
What Are The States and Why Do We Need to Assemble Them?
Many centuries ago, people recognized that there is a difference between the biologically active layer of the Earth that we call "soil" and the relatively inert "subsoil" which they called "land". This convention, making a distinction between the "land and soil", and considering them separate jurisdictions under the law, was inherited from British Land Law.
Thus, in America, we have Republican States, like The Wisconsin Republic and The California Republic and The Florida Republic, that occupy the soil jurisdiction--- the top six inches of the land.
This is considered the "National Jurisdiction" because this is where the living people live and breathe and spend their lives. The living population is referred to as "people" with a small "p". All living people are unincorporated and sovereign by nature. Thus, the people come together to decide local issues related to their soil jurisdiction within the borders of their Republican State, aka, The Maine Republic.
The land jurisdiction underlying the soil is part of the International Jurisdiction owed to the people. When they act to conduct International Jurisdiction business, they are acting in the capacity of Lawful Persons known as "People" with a capital "P". These International Land Jurisdiction States all operate under simple Proper Names like this: Massachusetts, Illinois, Iowa.
These States all have geographically defined borders and all take reference to actual, factual, physical land holdings.
They all belong as property assets to the people who populate the Republican States, thus, "The Florida Republic" which belongs to the people, also possesses "Florida" which is operated by the People.
Both the living people (soil) and the Lawful Persons (land) are the same, just acting in two different capacities in the same way that you can act as a Father or as a School Teacher.
By now you have noticed that "We, the People" refers to the Lawful Persons operating the States like Florida and Maine and Ohio ---- the international land jurisdiction States of the Union.
These States operated by the Lawful Persons --- the People --- are the Parties to the Constitutions, and as a result, these are the States and People that can enforce the provisions of the Constitutions.
Nobody else on our side of the issues can enforce the Constitutions.
And we haven't assembled the States in 150 years.
So our Hired Help has been running wild and unsupervised for all this time.
We haven't been acting in our correct capacity, we haven't been assembling our States and conducting business, so they have simply ignored us and "presumed" that we are either British Territorial Citizens or Municipal United States Citizens temporarily "residing" here as "US Citizens" in the same way that they are.
It is therefore necessary and indeed, it has become urgent, that we wake up and correct the falsified records misidentifying us as "US Citizens", and adopt our proper political status and act in our capacity as Lawful Persons ---- the People --- and assemble our States of the Union.
This has not been done since 1860. We have never seen our actual government in action.
We have never acted in the capacity of "We, the People"---and could not act in that capacity until now, because we have all been misidentified as "US Citizens" by our run-amok employees, without our understanding, knowledge, or consent.
As a result of this unconscionable contract --- a purported contract that we ever knew anything about ---- to act as "US Citizens", and therefore not as Americans known as Texans, Californians, and so on ---- we have been precluded from acting as Lawful Persons and prevented from claiming and exercising our birthrights and of course, could not act as We, the People, either.
Until now.
You can now understand why it is amazing to the managers of the commercial corporations that have run wild on our shores as governmental service providers ----that we have awakened after a 150 years and are taking this action, even though such action is constitutionally guaranteed.
It is also confusing for many of those who are just waking up and who have been indoctrinated to think of themselves as "US Citizens" ---that is, employees of foreign corporations temporarily "residing" here while providing governmental services to our States.
We have to overcome both the "Talking Horse Response" from our erstwhile and wayward Federal and State of State employees, and the confusion of Americans who have been misled to think of and call themselves "US Citizens" all their lives.
At the same time, we have to educate ourselves about our actual American Government and dust off the cobwebs and records so that we familiarize ourselves with the long-vacant offices and traditions of our own Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.
For example, in our system of government, the State Assembly Chairman tells the land jurisdiction Governor what to do, and our land jurisdiction Governor acts as our Check and Balance against usurpation by our Federal employees.
This is not an easy task in any respect. It is a daunting responsibility to self-govern that brings with it ultimate and unalienable rights and prerogatives. Each one of us has to take action to reclaim our birthright political status and each one has to make a decision whether we wish to live as State Nationals or State Citizens.
American State Nationals owe no obligation or duty to serve the government; the government owes them all duty and obligation. Other than keeping the peace and not damaging people or property, American State Nationals are truly free and in possession of all their Natural and Unalienable Rights.
American State Citizens are those among us who accept the burden of serving their State Government as Electors (our version of "Voters"), Jurors, elected officials, and hired officers.
It is to be hoped in the present circumstance that a majority of those reading this will step forward and serve their State, which is being assembled for the first time in a 150 years and is in great need of their service.
We need to "repopulate" our States of the Union, which requires filling our Jury Pools, filling our vacant Public Offices, holding elections, and doing all the other work of our lawful State Governments.
2nd April 2019, 03:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( oIWXpp7zPVA00Fm5gwmARofo&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Confederate "States" v. Federation States
Confederate "States" such as those formed under The Articles of Confederation are in fact "States of States". They are commercial corporations that belong to an actual State, as the names imply.
Think about it: State of Wisconsin means "State outside of, or in addition to, or belonging to Wisconsin".
It obviously isn't the same as "Wisconsin".
An entity can't belong to Wisconsin or be apart from Wisconsin or outside of Wisconsin, and at the same time be Wisconsin, can it?
If the "State of Wisconsin" were an actual geographically defined State, it would be impossible for it to occupy the same space as Wisconsin.
So from all of the above, we have reason to know that the State of Wisconsin (or any other state-of-state) --- may be a Confederate "State" --- but is not the same as Wisconsin and not the same kind of State.
The Confederate "States" are in fact what are called "inchoate" or "incomplete" States, because they have no land or soil component of their own. They are legal fictions without a location in space or physical attributes.
California has actual physically defined borders, trees, hills, mines, towns..... this is where you live as a Californian.
The State of California has incorporated cities and counties and State of State business enterprises.... all legal fiction entities.
The STATE OF CALIFORNIA has incorporated municipalities and service districts and federally chartered business enterprises....all legal fiction entities.
Now, all these "States of States" are supposed to be subservient to the actual people living in the actual State.
But..... by legal chicanery, certain entities have arranged to have all of us misidentified as "US Citizens" ---- either Territorial United States Citizens, or Municipal United States Citizens called "Citizens of the United States"---- instead of being identified as living, breathing Californians, Wisconsinites, Texans, and so on.
This "impersonation" of us deprives us of our rights and standing and our property assets. It leaves us unable to enforce the Constitutions that our actual States like California, Wisconsin, and Texas, are owed.
As a result, the States of States --- which are just commercial corporations like Exxon and GE and Burger King, International, ---have been running wild and lording it over the actual living people and the actual unincorporated and sovereign States that have allowed these organizations to exist.
It's time for that to stop and for the States of States populated by British Territorial "United States Citizens" and the STATES OF STATES populated by Municipal "Citizens of the United States" to be brought up short and held to account by the actual States and the actual People of this country.
In order to do this we must clearly recognize the difference between our States which are unincorporated and the States of States which are all incorporated entities.
We must also take action to reclaim and declare our original birthright political status as Americans and not acquiesce to any "presumption" that we are voluntarily acting as British Territorial Citizens (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or as Municipal Citizens (like someone working for the Holy Roman Empire).
Once we get it straight and realize what has gone on here and make these corrections, we are free to act as one of the American People, assemble our actual States ---- not any Confederate "States" ---- and enforce the Constitutions and the Public Law that we and our States of the Union are owed.
Do not be misled into continuing to act as any form of United States Citizen and forming a State of State, when what you mean to do is be recognized as one of the living People and form an actual State.
3rd April 2019, 11:32 AM
Anna von Reitz ( u4PdJurPmvVA2BpJ3jlNQoXHRX-KF4OZvT&hc_ref=ARRk_uDPa5OyzWwPY2UPqqC1wUcBNMBr8AEeAf5N-54TX8Q3A2YJCPypg6Hm0-8cP_E&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
I Am Stunned by The Evil
I just received this from a friend who caught it circulating around the Patriot Community from "Sun-Tzu" the operator of "NESARA NEWS" who is actually Jeff Dougherty from Portland, Oregon, and I must say, that I am stunned by the sheer evil of this man and the nature of his lies.
He really takes it "over the top".
So that you can all see now what kind of Duplicitous Scum he and his pals at Michigan General Jural Assembly really are, I want you to do yourselves a favor and do two things. Read the quote from him about me and my message below, and then compare it with my Letter to Cardinal George that he is deliberately misquoting, either by reading the text of it posted immediately below his Big Lie Misrepresentation, or by going to my website where the Letter to Cardinal George has been posted for several years.
See for yourselves how these Sons of Satan twist the meaning of things and prey upon people with poor reading skills. Read what he said about what I said and then read what I actually said for yourselves.
You will know the truth.
Sun-Tzu aka Jeff Dougherty said:
"I see that you guys are passing Anna's paperwork back and forth. I would ask you to please refer to the documents that we've posted on Nesara News, exposing Anna's fraud, she says it openly on her blood oath to the vatican, she is required by spiritual law to inform us that she is bringing a fraud against us, and she says it outright, "I would be putting my soul in jeaopardy if I did not inform you that I am bringing this fraud against the states," Notice she does not say "state of states" in other words, she is bringing the fraud against the assemblies, "We The People."
Here's what I actually said:
I, too, stand with the universal Catholic Church, founded by Christ. [This is not the "Roman" Church, this is the Universal Catholic Church that the Lutheran Church I grew up in is part of. ] My blood seal stands upon the record of the Vatican Chancery Court in Witness [because I brought suit against them and had to do it in blood or they would not give me standing to address the Canon Law] of what I am going to show you tonight.
I am from a family that has served the Catholic Church since the First Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Grand Marshals of the Holy Roman Empire, Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. I have myself served as an International Services Agent and as a private attorney in service to his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and now, Pope Francis. [This is true, again, the Universal Catholic Church --- which, if you stop and think about it, is where all your families started out, too.]
You must believe that I am in deadly earnest both about the seriousness of the criminality engulfing America and the danger this poses to the Church and to the Rule of Law. The Canon Law of the Church stands above every other form of law, and the Roman Curia above all other courts. [This is speaking about Equity Courts, obviously.]
Even the Uniform Commercial Code which was developed by the Curia as a just means to resolve the many international disputes and claims arising from the 1930 bankruptcies of the G-5 nations is copyrighted by Unidroit, a subsidiary of the Vatican. [This is pointing out their liability and power to correct the Mess.]
The organization which failed and which plunged America into this desperate criminality was originally chartered by the Church as a religious non-profit corporation. [More proof of their liability --- the Roman Catholic Church chartered "the" United States of America, Inc. in Delware in 1925.]
We, Sir, [the Christian Churches] are up to our ears in culpability for the circumstance herein discussed, and both the Pope Emeritus and Pope Francis have duly considered all the issues and acting in their temporal capacities, have rendered judgment as international Trustees of The United States Trust (1789) recognizing the Breach of Trust and the criminality which has been practiced against the American States and the American State Citizens. [They admitted it.]
They have both taken strong action to begin addressing the circumstance. [This is coming next is what they did about it.]
Pope Benedict XVI acted to create a new office in the Postal Service, establishing a regional Postmaster for North America.
Pope Francis has issued his First Apostolic Letter, the Motu Proprio of July 11, 2013, rewriting the international criminal code as part of his continuing effort to address this situation, and has more recently addressed the United Nations and collapsed the worldwide derivatives market.
This is not about any “responsibility” of the electorate.
It is about the Church’s responsibility to support the Pope in his role as the Ultimate Trustee of the Global Estate, to uphold the Rule of Law, and to make correction for a grave Breach of Trust that continued for 165 years and which has cost millions of innocent lives.
We can only confess our sins, dear Cardinal, admitting as mere mortals our desperate need for grace and rising up each day to do what we can and must.
I direct your attention to the Treaty of Paris which ended the American Revolution and the corollary Treaty of Versailles.
There are three international Trustees named as caretakers of The United States Trust (1789).
They are the Pope, in His Temporal Office, the British Monarch, and The United States Postmaster (Civil).
Now I direct your attention to the Treaty of Westminster (1794) in which the City State of Westminster and the Crown Temple pledge “amity” in “perpetuity” with the newly formed United States.
Next, I direct your attention to the Treaty of Verona (1845) in which the then-Pope and the British Monarch, both Trustees of the American national trust, agreed that the representative form of government was incompatible with Divine Right of Kings and with Papal Supremacy, and so both acted in secretive Breach of Trust.
The British Monarch issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal to the members of the Bar Association (British Crown Commercial Company) which issued licenses to privateers to attack American “vessels” in international jurisdictions of the law.
That, Sir, is the genesis of Bar Association Licenses.
A “license” as you must know, is permission to engage in an act which would otherwise be illegal.
The Americans responded by quickly passing an Amendment to their Constitution effectively barring attorneys from holding public office. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, a Bar attorney, was elected President of the United States (Commercial Company) but could not lawfully act as the President of The United States of America (Major).
This is why representatives of eleven Southern States refused to be seated and left the Congress adjourned sine die.
In 1863, Lincoln was forced to bankrupt the original Trust Management Company doing business as The United States.
After years of bankruptcy reorganization known euphemistically as “reconstruction” a new Trust Management Organization was incorporated by the Church, doing business as the United States of America, Inc.
This entity operated under Church auspices from the end of the Reconstruction to 1912, when the Trust Management Organization was purchased by a consortium of banks doing business as the Federal Reserve.
By 1913 they had pushed through the “Federal Reserve Act” and via legal tender laws began a purposeful agenda to devalue the American Dollar and bankrupt the original corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc.
In May of 1930, the G-5 nations declared international bankruptcy via joint treaty entered into at the Geneva Conventions. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the representative of the Federal Reserve dba United States of America, Inc.
Three years later, having been elected President, he declared domestic bankruptcy as well.
One of his first acts was to illegally confiscate privately held American gold, which was never repaid. As the United States of America, Inc. was being prepared for bankruptcy, agents throughout the Congress and the individual states of the Union rushed through a process of “registering franchises”.
They created “states of states” merely named after the actual geographically defined American states. They also created foreign situs trusts named after each and every living American.
At the March 6, 1933, Conference of Governors meeting, the Governors — merely corporate officers of franchises of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. — pledged the “good faith and credit” of “their States and the citizenry thereof” to standas sureties for the debts of the United States of America, Inc. during its bankruptcy reorganization.
Imagine that Burger King International went bankrupt in the UK and it called all the local franchise owners together and they all agreed to name their customers as sureties for their corporate debts.
That is what happened in America in 1933. The victims weren’t told a word about this.
The perpetrators were rewarded by the bankers with access to virtually unlimited credit “hypothecated” against the assets of the American States and the private property of the American State Citizens.
All this credit cost the bankers nothing material, as they had inculcated a fiat money system. Issuing credit — “money of account” — cost them nothing but the time to enter digits in an account ledger.
In exchange for this favor to the politicians, they were rewarded with legal tender laws allowing this “system” to exist in America, and given surreptitious title to all real property assets in America, and provided with protection for their activities by the members of the Bar Associations.
In 1944, FDR quit claimed all the juicy service contracts and the assets used to service these governmental service contracts to the IMF.
The IMF took over from the Federal Reserve, gaining control of every logo, name, title, department, and agency of the “United States of America, Inc.” — what Americans believe to be their government — right down to the flag.
They charted a new Trust Management Organization in France doing business as the UNITED STATES, Inc. and moved in.
They also took over the “State” franchises and opened their own “STATE OF______” franchises.
For the past 70 years they have enslaved the people of America and plundered the assets of The United States Trust (1789).
The creditors who forced the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. included the World Bank, the International Bank of Development and Reconstruction, and the Federal Reserve — but the priority creditors named in the 1934 Bankruptcy Act were the American States and the American State Citizens.
The banks, being aware of their own schemes, named the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico to act as their chosen Bankruptcy Trustee. (See Federal Title 5 for details.)
The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico seized all the bogus “States on Paper” and “Americans on Paper” created by the Roosevelt Administration and rolled all the assets presumed to be part of these trusts into Roman Inferior Trusts (Cestui Que Vie Trusts) operated “in the NAME of” the foreign situs trusts Roosevelt created.
Thus, a living man denoted properly as “john quincy adams” was misrepresented as a foreign situs trust doing business as “John Quincy Adams” and then this entity was declared “dead, presumed missing at sea” by the perpetrators of this massive identity theft scheme, and all the assets of “John Quincy Adams” were rolled over into a Roman Inferior Trust doing business as “JOHN QUINCY ADAMS”.
The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico also “removed” all these Roman Inferior Trusts to Puerto Rico for “safe keeping” where they came under the foreign jurisdiction of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth and the UK. There they were enslaved and taxed for the privilege of importing revenue to Puerto Rico — otherwise known as the “income tax”.
All this was done in the name of winning World War II.
The claims against the American assets supplied the credit to boot up the war industry effort and seizing the ESTATES of the Americans and “redefining” individual Americans as chattel belonging to their own ESTATES allowed a means of conscripting millions of men into the Armed Services.
After the War, nothing changed. The perpetrators never retooled American industry.
They just went on pumping out armaments and selling arms and borrowing money against assets they never owned and enslaving the American people to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Over the years the criminality of the arms dealers has become a terrible worldwide problem. They branched out from simply selling weapons and promoting war, to selling drugs and running gambling and prostitution rings, booze and cigarettes, and every form of vice, violence, and viciousness.
They also used their position of trust as “the government” to manipulate commodity and stock markets, and control natural resources belonging to the American people for private gain.
And the Church is culpable, because at the broader base, the Church knew and did nothing.
It [the Roman Church] continued to mindlessly operate on the directives established by the Treaty of Verona and never re-examined the disastrous consequences of all this for humanity, much less the hideous theft and abuse practiced upon the Americans — incalculable amounts of labor siphoned off, incalculable material losses, and millions of lives lost or maimed in wars for profit.
To that, you and your peers have turned a blind eye and shrugged, and said, it’s the responsibility of the voters.
The same voters who have been purposefully misled and self-interestedly abused, kept in the dark, manipulated, defrauded, and robbed?
By their EMPLOYEES and those they trusted to act in their behalf? By the Supreme Pontiff, who was obligated by solemn treaty to act as their Trustee?
It’s with good reason that the higher administrators of the Church have been reluctant to expose the criminality or deal with it, for fear that the Church would be blamed.
However, by 2009, the Church was being blamed, effectively and determinedly, [by me and my cohorts] until it was all finally brought before Pope Benedict XVI, who accepted responsibility, who exercised his temporal powers, and began dealing with the corruption.
Pope Francis has brought the vitality and vigor and insight needed to the Office and is continuing to bring remedy.
Meanwhile the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. has finally been ended.
The old “Federal Reserve System” is no more, but a new version of “FEDERAL RESERVE” has been organized under UNITED NATIONS auspices and has tried to mount a new round of the same old game in collusion with the IMF.
It’s a funny thing about a “debt-credit” monetary system. When you create a debt for one party, you unavoidably create a debt for another.
So when people talk about the “National Debt” being “$13 or $21 or however many trillion “dollars” that means that somewhere, someone or something, is being CREDITED with that amount of money.
Exactly who and what came to the surface in July of 2011. We have the UCC Filings on file.
The perpetrators rolled the credit side of the “National Debt” over into the “United States Department of the Treasury” and used it to back a new specie of fiat debt note called “US TREASURY NOTES”.
They have attempted, in other words, to initiate another round of the same old scam.
There is little doubt that it was the intention of the two colluding banking cartels — the FEDERAL RESERVE and the IMF —to simply reverse positions: bankrupt the UNITED STATES, INC. leaving the Roman Inferior Trusts named after the Americans to stand as sureties for the debts of the insolvent UNITED STATES, INC. during another nice, long bankruptcy reorganization.
Intervention by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis both, together with ever-increasing public awareness of the situation and the fraud, has served to make what is euphemistically called “re-venue” impossible.
In addition to the American State Citizens waking up, the Russians and Chinese and other nations of the BRICS Alliance woke up.
As part of the fraud practiced against the Americans, Canadians, Australians, Japanese, and the populations of most the countries of Western Europe, all bank accounts were converted to the ownership of the banks.
As you now know, if you didn’t before, all bank accounts belonging to “JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC” are in fact accounts belonging to a Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust owned and operated by agencies of the IMF.
This is how Christine LaGarde can speak so nonchalantly about seizing American 401k’s and savings and other retirement accounts: the IMF surreptitiously owns those accounts.
The living Americans who innocently deposited their life savings into those accounts thinking that they were their own private bank accounts have been deceived and defrauded and “presumed” by the perpetrators to “donate” everything in those accounts to “public trusts” operated in their NAMES.
Remember — I am an officer of the Church, too. [All members of the Universal Church Militant are "officers" charged with defending the Gospel and Peace and Truth.]
I have taken the vow and placed the blood seal on the altar. [The blood seal that had to be placed before the Vatican Chancery Court at risk of my soul to prove that I wasn't knowingly lying about any of this and to allow me to address the Canon Laws of Equity.]
This is not a joke.
This is not a rehearsal.
Take what you believe to be “your” check book out of your pocket and a strong magnifying glass and look at what appears to be the signature line — what do you see?
It’s not really a line.
It’s a row of microprint endlessly repeating “authorizing signature”.
Why would that verbiage have to be there, and why would it have to be obscured? To keep the victims from knowing the truth — that all their assets in banks have been unlawfully converted.
You’ve already been told about the Puerto Rican ESTATE Trusts. Now witness the IRS scam.
The living man, john quincy adams, is exempt by law from ever having to pay taxes, and by definition, “income” is profit accrued by corporations.
It is literally impossible for any living American to owe income tax, yet millions upon millions of Americans are robbed, defrauded, harassed, and even imprisoned every year over “income” taxes.
How is this possible?
The JOHN QUINCY ADAMS ESTATE is a trust, a legal fiction entity, a corporation.
Every dime that the living man known as john quincy adams unknowingly “donates” to the bank account belonging to the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS ESTATE is 100% profit for a Puerto Rican trust, and it just so happens that there is an excise tax for the privilege of importing revenue to Puerto Rico.
The monsters tax the poor devils for the privilege of giving them their money, and then people like Christine LaGarde sit around drinking champagne and callously discussing exactly how to finesse the seizure of the retirement accounts of millions ofinnocent American Senior Citizens.
But there are worse things.
Other elements among the criminals have taken out million dollar life insurance policies on every American man, woman and child.
They think they will simply murder a few hundred million of their creditors and collect on the life insurance policies.
Have you heard of the All Seeing? Cardinal George?
I am the left hand of anu:hotep and I will be obeyed in this matter, as will Pope Francis.
There will be no seizure of the American retirement accounts, no false flags, no murder, no mayhem, no scalar weapons deployed.
There will be no deceptive “offers” in commerce seeking to exchange gold for land or human capital under conditions of nondisclosure and deceit.
There will be an end to this criminality and to the complacency of the
Church and of the American Cardinals and Archbishops responsible for the mis-administration of the courts.
Or there will be Hell on earth, Cardinal George — literally, and it will not come against the innocent Americans. The Left Hand of God will come for those who are responsible and unrepentant.
The Treaty of Verona is extinguished.
All Bar Association licenses are extinguished.
By order of Pope Francis, all attorneys, all clerks, every member of the judicial system operating these frauds and oppressions became 100% individually and commercially liable as of September 1, 2013.
The banking cartels and governmental services corporations have been given three years to clean up their acts from top to
bottom, to come into compliance with the Original Equity contract owed to the Americans, and to stop operating in criminal default.
I suggest that you get over your idea that it is the voter’s responsibility.
May God bless you to the same extent that you bless others.
Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia: Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow
Now, does that sound like I am bringing any fraud or harm "against the States of the Union"? Or the Wrath of God against those harming and defrauding the American States and People?
In fact, Sun-Tzu conveniently forgot to include two very important words --- I said I was bringing forward the fraud against the States and People FOR REMEDY. You can see that letter in its entirety, published in my book, Disclosure 101, available on ( 3hccsRirqNbmj42KsvTz51rewiKv2AU7KVv8AK2h7no4KFR36B F9yTxfg&h=AT3Atm3TTBEAh09DjQVvS5ZQ3--yYU9Kg7EunuoAOyl3a3qzW-vTpZVAP_9a0oYo0B9aKp_UbLZrc-K3m7G8mfr0f6IY7J1KiuGDuxKWnPPht-TVtEm1lN3vrkoKHVOA6S097Gms_O3z1YotyAW-sC7ETsdmTzyg) for around $10.
If this man would so grotesquely lie about this, and so grossly misrepresent me and my work, he would lie about anything, and those who flock with him would, too. Water always seeks its own level.
My work has been to deliver you all from EVIL of the same kind that he, Sun-Tzu is promoting.
And while we are on the topic of his deliberate lies, he is running a website called "NESARA NEWS" and pumping out all sorts of "do nothing, all will be well" nonsense claiming that NESARA and GESARA are right around the corner, just sit tight and everything will be grand.
Go to ( 3lzYIkl7pa4GFP9KYL3gY39ytXmqbrCW1C5sg30z_d64J9HdFc i4n4364&h=AT2V55fmIlr039f_QtFuSVg_qy0bSLSYXnzEI7ux_b12y_Zu UAHmmlWjNkj2yoEqy5Vn0poi-pMwDvD0U3CbArdYRxrIzrLmrSS3Eb54dio7Vs76czQLuula6GX aNXllZ-SS4XXtKJHX1MFFsUE4CCkLFINEgUeN) and look up the NESARA legislation and see for yourself that it hasn't been touched since the 1990's. Go look it up on Wikipedia, even, and see that it has gone nowhere, done nothing. His whole website and everything on it is bogus. Including this misrepresentation and hate campaign against me.
PS: This same lying blowhard is suggesting that he can do some legal move and magically cancel all the contracts people have unwiittingly established with "the" United States, without you having to take any action for yourselves. If that were true, he could also take away your right to contract and overcome The Constitution of the United States. So, be warned-----If this man's lips are moving, he's lying.
3rd April 2019, 11:40 AM
Anna von Reitz ( rbpX2G2sTXyn7duW9K&hc_ref=ARR5y0zFLgeLNHt1NX_X4Yad6JZB4cOAk9onFQSuwGg sa_Yz2-CXxvZhjmQvrX2XtRw&fref=nf)
14 hrs ( ·
Advantages of Being an American -- And Not Being a "US Citizen"
I recently re-watched the Episode 1 video from Cal Washington and the ( id%3DIwAR09kcTdawcns36pF9x2DFmHugeHiIUJlKbwbjk070x xX7bmCjdWbtvg5js&h=AT3pS7vM0jUcguz7z_UkN6PMJI0DrgosMwo6DX2y8XWqxF0F oFXD5hmNeUR5OYALJdjRq0Inthtfe3dMu2lfifWy7TRLNdrq-oKCvDTPsUnV854w3AjOVFWszuVUFi8Bj_2duXvGi31tEWKH5nC EK0LMO72CVyEs)
For those who haven't seen it and understood the commercial level remedy they are working on, I highly recommend it. This is powerful information when it comes to dealing with the perpetrators on their own turf.
Don't be surprised if Bar Attorneys (British Territorial Bar Attorneys, that is) wave their hands and poo-poo it.
They are not necessarily trained in the Municipal Law Merchant or its processes-- most of them aren't-- so their "opinion" is worth as much as my old kitchen broom.
One of the best things about Cal's Episode 1 presentation is the perspective he brings to the various kinds of law involved, using a simple example.
An employee of the Auto Department at Walmart accepts (or doesn't accept) the demands of the corporation employing him, WALMART, INC. which in turn accepts the demands of DETROIT, INC. which is subject in turn to MICHIGAN, INC., which is subject to the UNITED STATES, INC., which is subject to The United States of America, Inc. which when engaged in international business is subject to The Law Merchant which is subject (on the land) to Common Law which is subject to Spiritual Law --- Ecclesiastical Law.
These things nest inside each other like Nesting Dolls, with Ecclesiastical Law being the final, highest level, with the broadest reach.
As Cal points out, we get "stuck" dealing with entities that are at the UNITED STATES, INC. level. This is largely because we have allowed commercial corporations to mis-identify us as franchises belonging to them, JOHN MICHAEL DOE, INC. just like DETROIT, INC.
JOHN MICHAEL DOE is "a" name of one of several corporate franchise NAMES assigned to and "conferred upon" you, as the "presumed" Authorized Representative of a whole MUNICIPAL CITIZENSHIP ORGANIZATION doing business as a "Collective Entity".
Thus, there is JOHN DOE, a Public Charitable Trust, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, an American Foreign Grantor Trust located in Puerto Rico, and JOHN M. DOE, a bankrupt Puerto Rican Public Transmitting Utility, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, LLC, and J.M. DOE, and so on and on --- all bogus, all unauthorized, all done without your knowledge or consent, and all considered to be part of your "Collective Entity"---- all these different "PERSONS" are given to you, ostensibly, so that you can participate in Global Commerce.
99% of us have no need nor desire to participate in Commerce and can accomplish all that we need to do via peaceful International Trade, but the mere existence of these PERSONS creates the presumption that you are knowingly, willingly, subjecting yourself to Municipal Law in order to do business as a corporate franchise --- just like a Dairy Queen franchise, and that you have knowingly registered your name as a Municipal FRANCHISE and removed this franchise to Puerto Rico, where is stands under the law of Puerto Rico.
So, you can either return the MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE agreement represented by the BC to the Territorial Government and make the Secretary of the Treasury responsible for it as Fiduciary (leaving the Perps no basis for supposing that you are responsible for it anymore) or, you can do what Cal Washington has done, and use the Law Merchant against them.
Or both.
Making Mnuchin Fiduciary for the FRANCHISE absolves you from responsibility for it, and all its ugly step-sisters, too, under their "Collective Entity Doctrine" --- but as it represents a "derivative" of your Proper Name, you can always safely use it, once you have removed it from Puerto Rico and declared its permanent domicile on the land and soil of an American State.
Doing so removes the MUNICIPAL FRANCHISES from under the Spanish Inquisitorial Law still used in Puerto Rico, and places them all under American Public Law.
Now when you accept their foreign Oaths of Office, you do so as an American. And when you send them a Notice of Liability, you do so as an American.
As it slowly dawns on them that you aren't operating these DERIVATIVES under the law of Puerto Rico anymore, and that they are in fact obligated to serve you in Good Faith and recognize YOU as an American VESSEL --- the worms will turn. In fact, they are already turning.
Doing your paperwork to return your Proper Name to the land and soil jurisdiction of the State where you were born has a lot of profound ramifications --- all of them good. And protective.
They can no longer presume that YOU are conducting commercial business as a Municipal FRANCHISE standing under Puerto Rican law. If you bring the facts forward and provide Notice to the DA and the Prosecutor, they have to recognize YOU as an American standing under American law--- and that is a real game-changer all in and of itself.
If you then use the tools that Cal and the ( id%3DIwAR0yyMQWxcBpr0jNA2uOEfNRerM5jxXwdaH33_zU6-jKomSmMsv_ZgAGIaE&h=AT3i84srIQ6GmB2GWI02uPRgDlhVG0OnXKw_Skz98kjyKOBI ynTRZXy6tZh5H74hoE0t1uzy0QRyUuzVZ9f_LZ01ivJ4VzeRBj P3uOwmxsSPnlLqj35Il9D7QYAyEzFElqdeqQFSIf6Z5Q_SN0tO U8n8jgqemXUD) folks are providing, you can do so with even more power and safety, because once YOU are back on the land and soil of an American State, YOU--- that is, YOUR VESSEL in commerce--- is owed all protections of all the treaties and all the constitutional contracts that are owed to Americans.
Our paperwork takes any simple Law Merchant Remedy and puts it on steroids. All these Undeclared Foreign Agents have to flip-flop and instead of attacking you, have to protect you instead.
Yes, it's nice to be an American --- once you finally are one, and not being misrepresented as something else --- a "US Citizen".
3rd April 2019, 11:42 AM
Anna von Reitz ( CQEWeQ7mPcxHRoTm3oQnE-AAoFGDp9sWmI&hc_ref=ARQns0S7mOAKBTQV8Lw5IMTmV3g2X4rTnrQJhdl1-jBJ3phlF5qDaKcd20unOVXOo6c&fref=nf)
14 hrs ( ·
How To Tell Bears From Buckwheat
All sovereign entities, all actual States, are unincorporated.
Anything incorporated is not sovereign and not an actual State, regardless of what they call themselves. Period.
This is how you can cut through all the confusion and make sure you are not wasting your time or being co-opted by some commercial corporation's Dirty Tricks Department.
All American States are operated exclusively by American State Citizens and American State Nationals.
If any "US Citizen" tells you they are operating a "State" you may be sure that they are referring euphemistically to an incorporated "State of State" and that it is a foreign interloper.
3rd April 2019, 11:52 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 18VLiNk2gudHY8swJ2BfO0eGpKDLbz6Mdk&hc_ref=ARTbYHZrHHgssNOb_dACpolWlirJyt1Lnw710nYkqsE JzAnqmuvzPGWqT3OJf-j8eTI&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
No Applications for DBAs for NAMES!
I never told anyone to apply for or pay any State of State for a DBA to do business under their own NAMES.
You go through all this trouble to reclaim your Trade Name and seize the Derivative Names/NAMES and move them all back to safety on the land and soil of your State of the Union, and then you go pay the State of State to use your own NAME?
Are you nuts?
If you pay THEM to use your own NAME who owns the NAME?
Think, people! Use your own brains!
And if you can't use your own brains---- use mine, and follow my directions.
Don't half-use my directions and then mix-and-match and muddle around for yourselves and then blame me because you wind up in jail, fined, and abused.
Pay attention to the LOGIC of things. How on Earth could anyone ever swallow paying a commercial corporation for the use of their own NAME?
You have undermined the entire process by doing so, all that you are working for. Just because it says the Assumed Name Certificate is in preparation for a new business license doesn't give the go ahead and tell you to apply anywhere for anything, does it?
Since when do you have to apply for a "license" to conduct your own business when you own everything in sight, including the States of States?
Did I ever once say, oh, run down the local State of State and pay them for a license to use your own NAME??? Ever?
Anyone who has applied for a DBA from any State of State for their own NAME needs to immediately cancel and revoke any such action.
You already possess your own Name and the DERIVATIVES and have it safely on the land and soil by using my process and directions. Applying for a DBA to use your own NAME simply goes back into the same old trap and hands the keys to your "VESSEL" to the rats.
I want to make it very clear that I am not responsible for anyone's "bad luck" who adds anything to or subtracts anything from the process set out for you. If I didn't specifically tell you to do it, don't.
3rd April 2019, 11:58 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 3PN0X0sZIFE7gHTNxLu0sphcRfwySmGfyo&hc_ref=ART7UaHfe0jZqdPCFKg8qZ70rEDyF4WCsCcF191WVnf OOWUMtzJiKhpcsU7OjkmU0QQ&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Register nothing. Record everything.
Keep all your possessions on the land and soil. Permanently domicile all names and NAMES on the land and soil of your States. Serve Notice with copies recorded with the land recorder's office of the State of State.
Do everything in terms of physical reality. You live in an actual and factual world. When you describe and claim land and soil, you don't do it by a cadastral survey or a "property description". You do it by a metes and bounds physical description and boundary markers.
Otherwise you are paying someone to use their "description" of your property assets and they are giving you a "title" to do so.
How stupid is that?
Let's see, I think I will drive around the neighborhood tomorrow and assign new street names and numbers, and then charge everyone for this "service" and take "title" to all these property "descriptions" and copyright them and pretend that this "entitles" me to charge the actual landowners taxes and other fees for the use of my description of their property.
Are we all completely brain dead?
I have reported these facts to everyone before.
How can you believe that you are buying land and soil, when all you are holding onto is some specious "description" in terms of "lots and blocks" --- whatever they are--- or "numbers and streets" --- which are our roads, thank you.... and our homes being infringed upon by a bunch of con artists and usurpers upon our lawful government and our Lawful Persons.
The next time someone tries to describe your home and land "for" you, or tries to sell you their 'property description" and give you a "title" to it, or taxes you using such a description, report them to the District Attorney for attempted fraud. This craziness has got to end.
"US Citizens" cannot actually own land in the States because they are acting as foreigners regardless of where they were born. Actual American State Nationals and American State Citizens own their land and homes.
It is therefore outrageous that these States of States organizations are presuming against us and making these absurd "offers" to name our land parcels and thereby assume an ownership interest in them.
Wake up, wake up, wake up---
3rd April 2019, 02:55 PM
Anna von Reitz ( lew5kPGh3WFjELAI1ey96KCM&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
These Aren't EMP Attacks
People are all upset and milling around like cattle in a feedlot. They are worried about 5G and EMPs-- and to some extent they should be.
Brussels just banned 5G and so should we.
Mr. Trump just signed an EO about preparedness for EMP and similar kinds of attacks and disasters that can naturally occur like unusual solar flares that have the same basic affect as EMPs.
But what should really catch your attention are the Blue and Green Beam attacks that have already happened.
It boils down to the Good Guys trying to save us and restore our planet, versus the Bad Guys trying to kill everyone off to avoid paying their debts.
The safest thing we could all do for ourselves is to lay in extra supplies and get our State Assemblies fully functional and say our prayers.
Unlike other times in human history when nation rose against nation, the current tensions are basically between commercial corporations and groups of such entities, that are in the ironic sense of the Internal Revenue Code, all "Alien" with respect to us and all "Extra-terrestrial" too, in that they don't come from or exist on the land and soil juridiction of our States.
These legal fiction "persons" have formed loose affiliations based on their interests and ownerships and are threatening life on this planet for their own completely selfish profit motives.
Instead of liquidating these crime syndicates, which is the responsibility of the Roman Curia, we have seen proliferation of the problem because the people creating and running the "bad" corporations are not being punished and prevented from transferring assets and booting up new corporations that continue right on doing the same evil things under new names.
Those running the STATE OF ALASKA for example now propose to operate as ALASKA.
Not only does this not address the root cause of the corruption and malfeasance and criminality of the STATE OF ALASKA, for example, it leaves the same miscreants in charge of administration and further muddies the water by confusing a Foreign for- profit commercial corporation doing business as "ALASKA" with the actual State, Alaska.
The "ETs" doing this are all people functioning as either "United States Citizens" working for the British Territorial Government or "Citizens of the United States" working for the Municipal United States Government--- neither one of which have any right to be here mucking around like this with the actual living people.
Both of these entities are supposed to be accountable under international law and neither one are being held accountable to the American States and People--- their employers.
The Popes are directly responsible for the Municipal Government and have failed to effectively reform it.
The Queen is directly responsible for the British Territorial Government and has failed to reform that, either.
Instead, the two sides are rattling sabers at each other and blowing steam and causing trouble.
Enter the actual American Government of the American States and People.
We DO have an option instead of being pulled pillar to post by these two evil organizations.
We can act in our lawful capacity as Americans and sort this mess out. Do your paperwork to reclaim your Good Name and declare your political status as an American --not a US Citizen of any kind.
Then go to: ( m%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3hdW75jqwiGW6JNrlpHtmxjBwWDrsL fdI5DDW7Fh_dgAOeXeWeTedU_bY&h=AT1tdaPlVTigNS1IXngdX437pe-zm7hfInW5X9KSf9_OriipqdPZdId_j9v2tdQYCQpja6481EMUe sO7FooffuP4UDaVh7yEHlFIDArNNLgNP1Dztk3c52isxxfOfIP u4AN7l2HbuXCI4QAKVpqE0E9X2ZhG3vtv) to locate your properly organized State Assembly. Join it.
These are the first steps toward enforcing the Constitutions we are owed and putting these unfaithful "service" corporations back in their respective boxes.
There is more than enough blame to go around. What we need now is proper lawful and effective action to bring an end to these evils and prevent additional misguided misbehavior by our Public Servants here and elsewhere in the world.
They must receive the message loud and clear that they work for us, and if they don't stop this nonsense they aren't going to have a contract or any jobs to do.
Are you sick of all the internecine "struggle" and "politics"? Want to put the dog in charge of the tail again?
Take back your birthright political status as Americans and serve Notice that you are not acting "as" any kind of "US Citizen".
Join your State Assembly.
Boot it up.
3rd April 2019, 02:59 PM
Anna von Reitz ( _IQHNAS9g6OF7wIiv_nN9ERUZHgmRMv4an&hc_ref=ARSYSNS8qKZzzkPpfaeU0d1eFfVShMmjUxqgLSFqgXj 7q04_8S45e7eFToBi2v3x7e4&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Maxims of Law for America
"As a Thing is Bound, so it is Unbound."
That is, when you make a mistake, the way to fix it is to go back and correct the original error. Therefore, we all have to go back to 1860 and correct the errors of the so-called Civil War, most especially those that occurred in the time period 1865-1868, when British Territorial "States of States" substituted themselves for the American States of States we are owed.
What should have happened is that the populace should have been fully informed and all the circumstance should have been fully disclosed and new elections should have taken place and each State Assembly should have met and re-chartered an American Federal-level State of State.
That is still what needs to happen now.
"Possession by Pirates Does Not Change Ownership."
No matter how long ago nor by what means pirates come into the possession of assets, the actual ownership of the assets does not change. Those assets must be returned to the victims or their heirs.
So, when British Territorial "Pirates" came inland from their designated off-shore jurisdiction, and substituted themselves for our lawfully mandated American "States of States" and took possession and control of properties, assets, material rights, and roles that were never authorized for them to possess or exercise---and did so under conditions of non-disclosure and semantic deceit--- they committed inland piracy and fell under this Maxim of Law.
Likewise when the members of the Territorial Congress operating as the Municipal Congress similarly usurped beyond the bonds of their clearly stated aerial jurisdiction and operated Municipal STATES OF STATES and substituted them for our mandated American States of States, they also acted as Pirates and obtained possession of property, assets, material rights, and roles that the people of this country never envisioned and never authorized. They and their operations also fall under this Maxim of Law.
The land and soil assets, rights, prerogatives, leases, money, and all else that is owed to the American States and to the American Federal-level States of States must be returned to the American States and People for their direct administration and their lawful government must be restored as quickly as possible.
Piracy may not be allowed by the Popes nor by the Queen nor by any organization pretending to act as a Government for this country, nor can Gross Breach of Trust be accepted as any standard of behavior. The American States and People have both suffered Piracy and Gross Breach of Trust.
This country's Government is owed to the American States, the American State Nationals and the American State Citizens. The "United States Citizens" and "Citizens of the United States" under contract to provide us with specific stipulated governmental services have usurped far beyond the bounds of their explicitly described and agreed-upon roles, have acted as Pirates in Breach of Trust, and have obstructed corrective action by the lawful government for many years by pretending that their own employers are "Unknown" or "Enemies".
Nonetheless, by Maxim of Law binding all Government, assets possessed by Pirates do not change ownership and the actual owners are standing here demanding the return of their assets before the entire world.
What should have happened in 1865 needs to happen now.
The US Army that is the inheritor of the GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) should explain the situation and assist the local people in reclaiming their lawful and true identities as Americans and should also assist them in paying for and organizing safe and honest elections, provide meeting space for the State Assemblies, and provide all succor and support to the American People to completely restore their lawful and legally mandated Government to full function.
In this way they can escape participation in any further criminality and can accomplish their mandate of protecting America and the American People, and may also return the stolen assets that prior generations of Pirates obtained by fraud and deceit and undisclosed substitution.
"Fraud vitiates all that it touches."
As should be clear, a great deal of fraud has gone into the current circumstance --- constructive fraud designed to make the American People unaware of the substitution of foreign (British and later Municipal) States of States for the American States of States they were owed, also constructive fraud in the substitution of political lobbies for a government of accountable deputies acting as true agents of the constituents.
These acts of fraud were premeditated and for the obvious aim of financial gain and for the purpose of gaining coercive power over the people of this country, by their own employees and Trustees. A more shameful, backward, and obstructive circumstance can scarcely be imagined.
"Once a Fraud, Always a Fraud."
There is no way to clean up a fraud, except by expunging it. We must go back to when the Territorial States of States substituted themselves for the American Federal-level States of States in 1868 and rewrite a clean history in which the people of this country are given all the facts and full disclosure, and are enabled to freely and absent coercion, choose their way forward as Americans.
This includes expediting without obstruction a general recognition of their lawful birthright political status as men and women living on the land and soil jurisdictions of the States of the Union, so as to properly identify them and to provide them with their exemptions and to respect their Public Law, as well as to honor the provisions of the respective Treaties and Constitutions they are owed.
This is the only honorable, lawful, legal, and moral solution to this Mess and anyone who tells you otherwise, is talking through their hat as a Jurist. It is more than well-past time to heal these hideous wounds to our country and to face the facts and to accept the Maxims of Law that pertain to this situation.
3rd April 2019, 08:19 PM
Anna von Reitz ( J3TWU3egFkqTWZvFtYG8oNTQ&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Yes, the FBI is Investigating "State" Assemblies
The FBI is always investigating everyone and everything but the bankers and security brokers who make all our lives so much bliss.
I have not been contacted by the FBI and trust that I won't be. Why?
Because I am not confused and not operating in their jurisdiction.
Similarly, though they may poke around and try to infiltrate the American States Assembly groups as part of their usual nosing around (use your Bevins Declarations to identify them), our State Assemblies really are State organizations, not "State of State" organizations calling themselves "States".
And therein lies all the difference.
As I have repeatedly told everyone, you can't sit on the fence and be on the sea and on the land and soil at the same time.
You can't be a "United States Citizen" or a "Citizen of the United States" and also be an American State National or American State Citizen ---- their Territorial and Municipal laws allow US Citizens to maintain Dual Citizenship, but our State laws make no such provisions.
Moreover, "US Citizens" of either stripe have no constitutional guarantee to "assemble".
From the US Government standpoint, having their "citizens" mucking around trying to form foreign State governments is literally insurrection, both insurrection against them and their government, and insurrection against our government, that they are supposed to be protecting.
It's the same Chinese knucklebuster situation that the Colorado Nine got involved in --- criss-crossing jurisdictions. And so, for that reason, I separated myself (again) and separated our State Assemblies from the MGJA operations and their version of "State" Assemblies, too.
We are proceeding lawfully in all respects, correcting and establishing our actual birthright political status, and operating our State Assemblies as true and actual States of the Union populated by American State Citizens and American State Nationals.
The American State Assemblies and their people are receiving correct information and are operating lawfully and in their own jurisdiction. The other groups --- Destry, Rodger, et alia. --- are either confused or purposefully defying the law. Either way, they aren't staying in their own lane.
God knows I have done all I could to educate and warn them, just as I warned the Colorado Nine and other groups in the past as I saw them going off-track.
You can be sure that The American States Assembly as an organization helping to establish lawful State Assembly groups is being properly instructed and cannot be accused of any form of "Terrorism". You can also be sure that the leadership and the aims of these organizations are proper, lawful, and peaceful.
To keep it that way, every member must be properly instructed and kept on track. A few boneheads who don't understand where their power and duty lies, can--- as the Michigan General Jural Assembly adequately demonstrates--- ruin it for everyone.
This is why we have to do this assembly process correctly, by the book, and the reason we have to be strict about requiring that everyone involved act exclusively in their birthright capacity as American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
Finally, this is also why our organizations must be peaceable and orderly and not a harbor for malcontents and angry people seeking revenge. Our mission is to know the past, yes, but far more than that, to lead the way forward to a better world.
3rd April 2019, 08:29 PM
Anna von Reitz ( aJEAs5pHFsVKQBe3GzRQHy&hc_ref=ARTXQWWIW9s5v2KoBR0d8CApZJU3dZ49Q6lD9V_5UUP _ltek9m3EY364TL3MJMBX9nE&fref=nf)
40 mins ( ·
Three Levels of Pecking Order
There are three levels of pecking order in the world we live in:
1. Living people, who are unincorporated and sovereign beings.
2. Lawful Persons, that are corporate, but not incorporated.
3. Legal Persons, that incorporated entities.
How does this work? Living people create Lawful Persons and Lawful Persons create Legal Persons.
Your living parents thought up a name and gave it to you. First your parents created you, and then, they created your Lawful Person.
They might also create a small unincorporated business and name it -- thereby creating another Lawful Person.
So this is the relationship between living people and Lawful Persons.
Lawful Persons can be "converted" into Legal Persons by changing the jurisdiction in which these Persons are operating.
When a Lawful Person is shanghaied off the land and into the jurisdiction of the sea without their knowledge or consent, as we Americans were, this is called an "unlawful conversion".
Via unlawful and non-consensual conversion all our Lawful Persons were "presumed" to be "Legal Persons" beginning in 1933.
Since the name appears the same either way, regardless of the capacity in which we are acting, it is impossible to look at a piece of paper, read a name like "Shaun Patrick Murray" and tell whether a man is operating as a "Lawful Person" or in a "Legal Person" capacity.
When our shanghaied Legal Person wakes up and declares and records their return to the land and soil jurisdiction they are heir to, this results in a "lawful conversion" back to Lawful Person status.
This is what we are doing when we purposefully extract our Proper Names and return them to the land and soil of our home States and reclaim our birthright political status as American State Nationals or American State Citizens. We are "on the record" lawfully converting the presumed "Legal Person" back into a "Lawful Person".
Please really notice this and grasp the fact that on paper, "Shaun Patrick Murray" a Lawful Person standing on the land and soil of California, looks exactly the same as "Shaun Patrick Murray" a Legal Person on a boat a hundred miles out at sea.
In the first case, Shaun Patrick is living under the Public Law of California as a Private Person. In the second case, Shaun Patrick is living under the International Law of the Sea and is a Ward (a Public Person) of the State of California.
See the difference in law and status that was created by the filthy, rotten, dirty Roosevelt Administration? It unlawfully converted the identity and political status and capacity of the innocent American People to that of homeless "Wards" of the British Territorial States of States.
It was the crime of the century.
It also unlawfully converted them from being heirs of this country and inheritors of the constitutional guarantees to being British subjects of the Queen and also subjected the victims of this monstrous betray to maritime and admiralty law.
Okay, so that's the Sting Operation and "Switcheroo" the British Territorial United States Government pulled on us in 1933.... the conversion by fiat of legal presumption of our entire population, their unlawful conversion of our Lawful Persons into Legal Persons, and also their non-consensual press-ganging and transport of trusting Americans into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea as "wards" and "Public Persons" of their States of States.
But what about Legal Persons that exist by consent?
Some people like a life at sea and they are, of course, able to choose that option. Many do, when they sign up to serve in the U.S. Military. However, when they retire, they are eligible to return home to the land and soil of their home States, like anyone else who has been working overseas for a foreign corporation.
There are also Legal Persons of other kinds. One may take a step further into the airy-fairy world of international commerce and form an incorporated PERSON. Such incorporated PERSONS can be formed by either Lawful Persons or Legal Persons, depending upon their permanent domicile.
Incorporated PERSONS have to be formed under a charter or convention that stipulates their nature, purpose and aims, structure, kind of business, officers, any limitations, and form of law and resolution they are standing under.
Typically, incorporated PERSONS are chartered by a government, that is, by other pre-existing Legal Persons
In this country, this could be a Territorial State of State, a Municipal STATE OF STATE, or directly by their parent corporations which are, of course, already Legal Persons or LEGAL PERSONS themselves.
If a Lawful Person creates an incorporated PERSON via Patent or buys or accepts such a PERSON as a gift (what the Municipal United States does when it "confers" a Municipal PERSON/CITIZEN as a gift to every Territorial United States Citizen/Ward of the State) they are free to domicile that PERSON wherever they wish in the world, and that PERSON then "stands under" the law of the country where they are domiciled, regardless of where else they might be.
This is what we do as Lawful Persons when we seize upon the Assumed NAMES derived from our Proper Names and declare their permanent domicile on the land and soil of one of the States. The PERSONS associated with us because they are NAMED after us, are then no longer standing under the laws of Puerto Rico, but under the Public Law of -- for example -- Maine.
Lawful Person can operate in the capacity of LEGAL PERSONS/ MUNICIPAL CITIZENS but seldom have any reason to, unless they go to work for the Municipal United States Government as Federal Civil Service Employees. Like their brethren in the U.S. Military, they can return home to their States and resume life as Lawful Persons once they are severed from or retire from their Federal Municipal jobs.
So are you one of the "people" living on the soil jurisdiction of your Republican State or acting as one of the Lawful Persons called "People" populating the land Jurisdiction of your State of the Union, or are you acting as a Legal Person known as a "United States Citizen" or acting as a Legal PERSON known as a "Citizen of the United States" or....
As you can see, it's impossible for you to intelligently choose such a capacity or even know what form of law you are operating under, until someone explains all this.
Nobody does. So you are like an infant, defenseless, left adrift in a sea of deceit and breach of trust.
Most lawyers in this country don't even know all this.
They have been trained to process certain kinds of financial transactions and make it look good, or as the Rules of the Federal Courts put it, "provide an appearance of Justice".
Most of lawyers know nothing about actual Public Law.
Most of them don't even know that we have the option of acting as Lawful Persons, because their education has been so one-sided.
Most lawyers don't know that their Attorney Escrow Accounts are being used launder money and transfer money all over the world, either. They don't know that they have been set up to be the Fall Guys, along with the military Generals, for the bankers and politicians.
3rd April 2019, 08:42 PM
A Person What
A PERSON, is he "whose words or actions are considered, either as his own, or as representing the words or actions of an other man, or of any other thing to whom they are attributed, whether Truly or by Fiction."
Anna's definition is distorted by attempting to read multiple statutes dealing with the topic. Hobbes on the other hand predates her by 400 years and I believe his definition is preferred.
4th April 2019, 07:47 AM
Anna's definition is distorted by attempting to read multiple statutes dealing with the topic. Hobbes on the other hand predates her by 400 years and I believe his definition is preferred.
I've never heard of the Hobbes law dictionary?
Maybe you could point out a law dictionary that backs up your claim.
The point is I can comprehend Anna's definition and have no idea how to apply Hobbes definition to the situation at hand..
4th April 2019, 08:01 AM
I've never heard of the Hobbes law dictionary?
Maybe you could point out a law dictionary that backs up your claim.
The point is I can comprehend Anna's definition and have no idea how to apply Hobbes definition to the situation at hand..
I have been known to consult childrens books as sources of Law ... notably Uncle Remus. Dictionaries are for what they intend ... DICTION. How to speak or pronounce. The meaning of DICTIONary has become distorted over the years.
In any event Hobbes can be consulted here ... refer to ch XVI
With Hobbes you don't get a singular person attached to a singular Man or Woman. In fact you create a person for each word you speak or every action you take or each agent you admit to your Stable. According to Hobbes God was personated thrice ... but I believe His personation to be unlimited.
The system favors some persons. The system punishes other persons. You might want to consider a person as a sticky-note that gets plastered on your jacket. None of them are YOU but if you happen to fall into the category AUTHOR then you get the candy or the stick.
4th April 2019, 09:35 AM
Well in order to have order, you have to invent names for categories. The def you provide says one name covers everything; which to me sounds like dis-order.
I'll stick with Anna.
4th April 2019, 09:39 AM
Well in order to have order....
Here is a law of nature for you:
The universe tends toward maximum disorder.
4th April 2019, 09:58 AM
[QUOTE=ziero0;948837]Here is a law of nature for you:
The universe tends toward maximum disorder.
If you look close enough there is order inside that disorder and you can name the elements and put them in a book called aerodynamic engineering.
4th April 2019, 11:43 AM
you can name the elements and put them in a book called aerodynamic engineering.
You don't suppose that is the same book acknowledged as an authority by the designers of the 737 MAX?
Here is an example of the universe at work on chaos:
The customs house in New Orleans was built in 1850 on swampground. They excavated a city block, filled it with cypress logs and built a 4 story granite structure on it that survives intact to this day. The building floats on a raft.
In 1970 a mile away Tulane University erected a 10 story library building on pilings. The architect forgot to include the weight of the books when sizing the pilings and so now there are steps down to the 1st floor.
Now you would think that 120 years of writing books and performing designs with computer would have made the world a better place.
4th April 2019, 11:48 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 1gZRHc7e4vVNW5JYCs2FWLQ4km5RLx0qs0&hc_ref=ARREqyUNqXtmu58Sp8PUpv3fJlR6mIAX3Cv1AMJKRas om92qOt2kkF-m0VjKjlOkMn0&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies 46 - No Pledges Ever
We all grew up being exposed to "The Pledge of Allegiance" as schoolchildren. We were indoctrinated from an early age to mindlessly recite something without knowing what it really meant.
Start with the fact that a "Pledge" is a Feudal Oath given by a Serf or Tenant to a sovereign, promising "allegiance" another word from the feudal relationship vocabulary, subjecting yourself to the sovereign and promising to support and protect the sovereign.
And what was standing in the "sovereign" position in "The Pledge of Allegiance"?
The flag of something calling itself "the United States of America" --- they just didn't bother to tell anyone which United States of America.
Most Americans have been kept from ever knowing that there are many different variations of both "United States" and "United States of America" and yes, it does matter which one you are talking about.
There is the unincorporated version of The United States which refers to the sovereign soil jurisdiction State Republics and their "Union" formed in 1776, and there is the unincorporated version of The United States of America, our Holding Company formed September 9, 1776, which refers to the sovereign International Land Jurisdiction of the unincorporated States of the Union.
These are the two entities that Americans naturally think of when someone says, "United States" or "United States of America", but in addition to these unincorporated entities that hold the land and soil jurisdictions of our country, there are other incorporated entities that are supposed to work for our States and People.
These include two other "kinds" of United States and United States of America that operate in the Municipal jurisdiction of the the Holy Roman Empire and the International Jurisdiction of the Sea, respectively.
These incorporated versions are "doing business names" of foreign corporations that are on our shores, purportedly to provide specified governmental services under the provisions of their respective Constitutions.
Their "United States" which is actually "the United States, Inc." is run by the members of the Territorial Congress acting as the government of the Washington, DC Municipality, which is an independent international city state like Vatican City and the Inner City of London known as Westminster and more recently, New York City and the United Nations have made bold to become ---without our permission, separate international governments standing on the land and soil of New York.
Time for the People of New York to wake up and put these Freebooters in their place, but that's another story.
Right now, just take in the fact that "United States" in this context means the Municipal Government being run by the members of Congress as a "plenary oligarchy" that is only supposed to operate and exist within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. [Article I, Section 8, Clause 17]
Also take note that when this version of incorporated foreign "United States" is being referenced, the definite article associated with it is not capitalized and not part of the name. That is, our actual government's Proper Name is "The United States", while their strictly limited foreign Municipal government providing services "in our names" is "the" United States.
The same sort of confusion occurs with "the" United States of America, which refers to the British Territorial service providers under contract to our States. In the same way, the Proper Name of our unincorporated version is "The United States of America" and "The" is both capitalized and part of the name. Their foreign incorporated version --- again --- is "the" United States of America.
So when we look at their "Pledge of Allegiance" what do we see? Which "United States of America" is being referenced? Ours or the British version?
We already know that a "Pledge" is a Feudal Oath and we know our Founders weren't into Feudalism, so we should not be surprised to observe that the Queen's subjects are pledging themselves to "the" United States of America via their Pledge of Allegiance to the Queen and the British Territorial corporation doing business as "the" United States of America.
Read it and weep:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America" ---- this is the war flag of the British Territorial Commercial Corporation doing business "in our name" --- the United States of America, Inc.
"and to the Republic for which it stands" ----- we got a passing mention and a presumed Dual Citizenship obligation thrown in.
"one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" ---- and the problem with this is? (1) It isn't clear which "God" we are subjecting ourselves to; (2) they are just subcontractors and we owe them no more loyalty than they show us; (3) we, Americans, enjoy freedom, not "liberty" which is what British sailors get when they arrive in ports of call.
As you can see, pledging is a British thing. It has nothing to do with us, our American Government, or any natural obligation we have as Americans.
Americans don't do pledges because we are sovereigns in our own right, and pledging to a foreign sovereign obligates us to serve them instead of serving our own sovereignty.
So we never, ever, under any circumstance make "pledges" to anyone or anything, including the flag being flown "for" us by a British Territorial Corporation.
Think of the insanity of what is being employed against us? A living man subjects himself to an inanimate symbol like a flag? Can you think of a worse form of idolatry?
This innocent-sounding "pledge" disrespects all three major western religions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all forbid the worship of idols.
Yet, here we have had generations of clueless American schoolchildren -- and adults, too--- pledging their lives and substance to an inanimate object, an idol, being used under contract by a British Territorial Commercial Corporation as a war flag.
Needless to say, this venal and undisclosed practice of "pledging" has to stop and it has to be known and repudiated by any and every thinking man and woman in this country.
No sentient Christian, Jew, or Muslim can ever take such a pledge, nor should they.
If you do knowingly ever take a "pledge" of any kind, be aware that whatever you are "pledging" is encumbered and that whatever you are "pledging to" becomes the ruler over you.
Do you want to be ruled over by a war flag being borrowed from our actual government by a British Territorial Commercial Company operating out of Puerto Rico under Spanish Law and calling itself "the United States of America"?
Didn't think so, but had to ask, because that is what happens when you recite "The Pledge of Allegiance".
Much of what we have been told in Public Schools across America and also taught to accept and to do, is wrong, or a half truth, or a sin by omission leading us to make wrong assumptions to our detriment.
This is just one particularly evil example of betrayal of our trust.
As American State Jural Assembly members we never take pledges. We operate in our capacity as Lawful Persons and the only sovereign State we serve is our own.
5th April 2019, 05:27 AM
We operate in our capacity as Lawful Persons and the only sovereign State we serve is our own.
See now here is Anna gets into trouble with her definition of 'person'. The problem is grammar related. 'Lawful' is an adjective. All adjectives act to reduce the population of the noun being discussed. She is using 'Person' capitalized as a noun. Actually according to Hobbes 'person' is a verb. Conversion of a verb to a noun is an act of creation. In my opinion this conversion is involved in the criminal act of slaughtering a language.
The conversion of verbs to nouns is done by a process called 'nominalization'. An example is 'the holocaust'. Holocaust has always been used in the English language to refer to a horrible event. Such an event has been discussed concerning the situation in Europe during WWII. This event was not nominalized and called by the name 'the holocaust' until 1957. Now the verb sense of holocaust is still available but the singular sense as a noun will be forever linked to WWII.
Person is a verb .... an action, a word or representation. Refer to a Person and it becomes a noun. In prison you will only find Nouns. No verbs are permitted to pass the entrance gate to the prison.
And just to be entirely accurate, 'Persons' might refer to multiple verbs or a committee (such as a jural society) of individual 'Person'.
5th April 2019, 12:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( jzAehulbDTP7DZLE8&hc_ref=ARRzJCEYhI1jiLDWFHo1FTzDo6iP2loJFX4yb6u4-j08TY4_8pJHlY-LA8zlwdpZMqk&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
It's Simple, Mr. Trump.
Return our National Credit to us, which is your National Debt.
That will cancel that portion of the Debt, set you free of it, and let us all get on with our lives.
Because we never received the equitable payment we were owed it became a debt for the US and a credit for the actual States and People.
Via discredited unconscionable contracts and false claims the United States has contrived to deny the American States and People the credit and other assets we are owed.
The United States, Inc. and the United States of America, Inc, have both lied through their teeth to prevent us from accessing and claiming what we are simply owed as the actual landlords of this country.
The fraud and the deceits are discovered. There is no way for Washington or London or Rome to hide it anymore.
So move our National Credit off the books of the DOD and give it back to The United States of America--- the unincorporated version, because We and our States are Parties to the Constitution and we earned it all.
Tell the Queen and Pope Francis that we are back home, alive and well, and not pleased by this ongoing stalemate and avoidance of the facts.
We are also displeased by the scandalous abuse of our banking system, most especially the abuse documented at HSBC by John Cruz and the abuse of Attorney Escrow Accounts and especially the abuse of our identities and personal data by these banks to create phony debt, phony tax claims, and to launder money.
These abuses must stop and these banks and securities corporations must be brought to bay, even if it means a military take-over and nationalization of the banks and securities industries under the auspices of our lawful restored American Government.
Please note that our States are competent to enforce the Constitutions and to act independently in trade or commerce with or without appointing new Federal-level States of States.
That is, the absence of Federal entities exercising delegated powers in no way hinders the delegators of those powers from exercising those same powers in our own behalf.
It's time we all had a frank and honest conversation about these issues.
May we suggest that Lancaster County in Pennsylvania is neutral ground, centrally located, and lovely this time of year?
5th April 2019, 12:20 PM
Anna von Reitz ( fFFuc1rGaXSQMCPNVXrJpKc7yLLI_-XuOF&hc_ref=ARRyzWJ619BX5i3VigsYgJItQg3okMJNJ-XBzQD7u2y0-E7SlxqOeXuyo8oL4EBR9wI&fref=nf)
41 mins ( ·
Why Are You Here, Reading This?
Many of you are here, because you are in trouble. Or you are afraid that you will be in trouble in the future. You see the coercive power of what we call "the government" and you feel the chill when someone says, "FBI" or "IRS".
You can't even drive home from the grocery store without feeling oppressed and afraid of your own employees.
You are here because you know something is wrong, just like the title of my book: "You Know Something Is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause".
You know or have cause to know that whatever you build, whatever you create, can be stolen from you by soul-less corporations and mindless bureaucrats. Even your children can be taken away by these same thugs in nice suits. And that is why you are here---- to learn how things got this bad and what you can do to protect yourself.
But if you stop there, if you are content with just that much, then you are okay, but "the" problem remains, and it gets worse year by year. Nothing has really changed.
How about your children? None of us last forever. So you have to teach them. They have to learn what you learn, so they can protect themselves, too. Lord knows, the government isn't going to protect them. The government thinks its job is to protect itself at our expense.
The government has to learn otherwise.
We are just a tiny part of the world's population. It's nice that we are making progress and claiming back our lawful estate, but billions of people are still clueless, still enslaved---- and as long as they are, is anyone safe?
Really? For how long?
You see now why you are being empowered and called to lead?
To make the world safe and sane again, to turn what is upside down right side up. That's why you are here.
That's why you are all leaders.
Now, it might not have occurred to you when you started that you were called to do anything more than save yourself from a traffic ticket, and maybe you might not have come, if someone told you --- hey, you! You are going to save this country, and right after that, you are going to save the world!
But as amazing as that is, that's why you are here.
That's what you are being called to do: save this beautiful country. Save your countrymen. And then, reach out and save the world.
You can do this. How do I know you can do this? Because you are here.
What you learn, you are going to share. What we do together, you are going to do alone and with other people, until everyone knows what you know.
If you never thought of yourself as a leader, start thinking of yourself as a leader now.
Because you are one, a leader, and the change we all need starts here and now, with you. It starts at your dinner table, your church, and your health club. It starts with your spouse, your children, your best friend, and the guys at work.
They may not want to hear the bad news, but they will want to hear the good news. And the good news is that the Americans are back, standing on the land and soil, and not accepting any suppositions otherwise.
That's good news. It means that the surreptitious theft of our own identities and the theft of our country and our resources is at an end.
How do I know that this vicious con game is at an end?
Because you are here, and once you know the truth, you can't "un-know" it.
You are now in possession of your heritage and you are beginning to learn who you are and how powerful you are.
You've been told that you are stupid.
You've been told that you are a "US Citizen".
You've been told that you are in hopeless debt.
You've been told that you have to obey your own employees.
You've been told that you are a tenant on your own land.
You've been told that you have to take I.O.U.s in exchange for your labor.
You've been told that you have to take I.O.U.s in exchange for your goods.
You've been told that your allegiance is pledged to a borrowed flag.
You've been told that you have to give up over half your earnings to taxes.
You've been told that the perpetrators of all this are bankrupt.
You've been told that that THING is DC is "your" government.
And none of these things are true.
Day by day from now on, you are going to rise up and restore the American Government you are owed. And so will I do the same. And so will those we teach and inspire to know what freedom is and how our government and the rest of the world is supposed to operate.
Being misinformed, being purposefully misrepresented and defrauded, is not a matter of stupidity or politics. It's a matter of premeditated crime.
The reason you will push yourself outside your Comfort Zone and begin talking to people about these things ---- even those people who don't want to hear --- is because you want this to be a good, safe, and decent country again, for your own sake, for the sake of our children, and for the good of the whole world.
That's why you, even the least of you, are going to be leaders.
That's why you are here, reading this.
6th April 2019, 07:19 PM
Anna von Reitz ( tEtB29Gm0ziyrZziDmpNXsAI&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 1:47 PM ( ·
March 6, 1933
On March 6, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was addressing the Conference of Governors. These "Governors" were not our American Governors. They were elected corporate Franchise Managers of British Territorial organizations operating on our shores as "States of States" like "the State of Vermont".
These British Territorial citizenship organizations had secretively replaced our own American States of States in 1868, using a Similar Names Deceit to do so.
They crept in like Cuckoo Birds and replaced our American State of State doing business as, for example, "The State of Vermont" ---with their British Territorial version doing business as "the State of Vermont" ----and the innocent trusting American People were not told that truth about this at any time.
So, it's 1933, and the same monsters that pulled this fraud on the Americans in 1868 are getting ready to pull another.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is bringing big news to the Franchise Managers calling themselves "Governors". In his own words, "The United States of America [Incorporated] is bankrupt!"
And what do these fake foreign Governors do?
They "pledge" the "good faith and credit" of their "states and the citizenry thereof" --- by which they could only mean their own British Territorial States of States [which are Confederate "States"] and their own British Territorial "United States Citizens".
We've already seen in my Article --- "For All the Jural Assemblies 46 -- No Pledges Ever" --- that pledging is a feudal act of serfs and tenants promising to support their sovereign. It's a peculiarly British thing.
It had nothing to do with us then and it has nothing to do with us now, except that people all over the world assumed that it did. In this way, the schemers set up a false legal presumption and helped themselves to our assets as collateral backing their debts.
This is called "hypothecation of debt" and it is a venal, foreign, patently immoral and unlawful practice.
Being unaware of the First Fraud, Americans were totally unaware of and unprepared for the Second Fraud from our British and Holy Roman Empire Employees.
As a result of what the filthy Brits did in 1868 acting in Gross Breach of Trust, and what they did in 1933, also acting in Gross Breach of Trust, generations of Americans were falsely "presumed" to be United States Citizens---and taxed and abused by the Queen accordingly.
As a further result, their "Persons" and the assets attached to their "Persons" were unlawfully converted from being recognized as Lawful Persons standing on the land and soil of this country to being "presumed to be" Legal Persons operating under the auspices of the British Monarch.
Nobody told us a thing. They all slapped each other on the back and thought that their treason, their breach of trust, their nasty criminal venture, would never be discovered.
The Americans were fast asleep, lulled by deceits and misrepresentations and endless repetitions of the Big Lie that they were free and living in the land of the free, while in fact, their identities were being stolen and their assets were being purloined by foreign interests and they were being robbed blind by their own employees.
So what do you say, Queen Elizabeth II?
You can start with a public apology and admission of guilt. We have the proof of what went on and who benefited from it, down to a gnat's eyelash. All of it. All the pay-offs, all the banks involved.
What do you say, Pope Francis?
You can start with a public apology, too. In some respects, your employees and affiliates were even worse.
These shameful con games and crimes were initiated and carried out by your employees and actual franchises on our shores, all under color of
law, all in Gross Breach of Trust and also, breach of commercial contract.
This has been our thanks for supporting Britain in two World Wars, and our thanks for rebuilding Europe. This has been our thanks for giving the Roman Catholic Church tax-free status on our shores.
You both knew what was going on, because you were profiting by it.
We do not intend to keep on talking for another twenty years.
All that correspondence is safely recorded and stowed away and all of it has been scanned into computer records and the thumb drives have been sent out worldwide, ready for distribution.
The full and ugly details of this malfeasance, maliciousness, and criminality will be known all over the world if you don't make haste to make lasting peace with your brothers and bring relief and redress to the people of this country.
Begin by cleaning out the Congress.
Begin by paying your debts.
Begin by making correction and reforming the "US District" and "State of State" courts.
Begin by putting an end to the media circus and propaganda.
We are dealing with the facts, and so must you: Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritas.
6th April 2019, 07:28 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 6-lDRK48n3EQHWB-ucvLtNOPWKf0s8LT_I&hc_ref=ARQHvYMeRXcZgGxM8g54rSoRkZ73YTPIh9UOB9y2yWW Wh5PeGNpUSHhchAed0TgEy5M&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 4:04 PM ( ·
Faces of the Cross
All over the world, the cross is recognized as "the" symbol of Christianity, yet, as we all have cause to know now, Jesus was executed on a Roman torture stake, not a cross at all.
Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey, and Greece, the Romans used torture stakes, simple posts set in the ground, without cross arms. They didn't waste good wood on criminals---especially not out in the backwater and arid territories like Judea.
So we may be sure that Jesus had his arms stretched out above his head on a single post without a crossbar---- a torture stake, not a cross at all.
Astonishingly, the symbol of Christianity is a lie.
Among all the other odd truths I have had to share with you, there's one to think about. Why have we been taught to venerate a lie? Was it just a mistake made by later generations, and if so, why hasn't it been corrected?
The actual symbol of "a" cross pre-dates Jesus by many, many centuries. It goes back to what is called "the World Cross" --- an equal-armed cross still used by the Knights of Malta, which symbolizes the intersection of the world of spirit and the world of flesh.
Symbolically, we all live at the intersection, in a moment called "now" --- which is a time without a time, in a space without a space, where Alpha and Omega meet and everything that was meets everything that is and everything that will be.
The Cross is the sign of God in us, but not an accurate sign of what Jesus suffered.
As a Lutheran I grew up with a "plain cross" --- a simple, unequal armed cross that is empty. There is no trace of the body of Jesus hanging upon it. Not even the nails are left. Just a plain empty cross.
As a child, I liked that, because it proclaimed to me --- he is risen. He is not here. He is not hanging on this horrible, gruesome contraption like a piece of meat. I still like that. That is, to me, the true take-home message.
The Catholic Crucifix by comparison is a totally different thing that intersects reality at a different moment. Here we find Jesus still suffering, or still dead, depending on how you look at it and how the artist portrays it.
One day I was at a local Catholic Church for some meeting or other for Foster Parents Plan and Habitat for Humanity and some of the other charities including Catholic Social Services. The leaders of these groups had all had a big meeting and it was late in the afternoon as we broke up.
Everyone else hurried homeward. I wandered through the Nave of the church, past the baptismal font, and paused, looking up at the giant life-sized crucifix and the figure of Jesus attached to it. His face was slack, no longer in agony, but dead. Yes, definitely dead.
The priest of the parish walked up almost silently behind me, his feet making no sound on the deeply carpeted aisle. I was startled when he spoke.
"What do you see?" he inquired.
"Jesus, dead on the cross, waiting for Joseph to come take him down."
"What do you think it means?" he asked.
"I think it is a reminder of what our sins have cost and what we owe."
"What else?"
"I think the Devil is laughing. I think it is a reminder that, in some sense, he won. At least, temporarily. "
"There," the priest admitted, "you have it all."
I thought --- not quite.
There is the Rest of the Story, the plain and empty cross.
Or, as it turns out, the empty torture stake, standing like any other innocent post in the world, his blood being washed away by the wind and the rain, bleached by the sun.
There is the veil between life and death being torn asunder, just like the edges of the Red Sea being pulled apart.
I left the pensive priest standing there, still looking up at the scene of death and defeat. I had someone to meet. I went home and lit a candle, poured myself a glass of red wine, and ate my crust of bread and soup for dinner that night.
And he was there with me, the Lord of the Heavens, being remembered as he asked for us to remember him, whenever we drink wine, whenever we break bread.
Because I know Jesus, I can tell you that he didn't mean to make Communion into a franchise operation. He meant it to be exactly what he said --- a remembrance of him, an in-dwelling of his spirit and his teaching in us, in the same way that we drink in wine and eat our bread.
"For man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
He wants to be with us. Not just when we are being holy, but when we are celebrating, when we are sad, in all the circumstances and places of our lives. He wants to sit down at the table with us, and be remembered.
Imagine what would happen in the world if we all just did what he asked us to do, and remembered him every time we drank wine, every time bread passed our lips?
I don't take the cross as my emblem, much less the crucifix. For me, its what he asked for, the glass of wine, the loaf of bread. Its the silent remembrance when nobody is looking. Communion is my heart reaching out and sharing my life with him, day by day.
There are so many people who feel such emptiness within, who search and don't even know they are searching. It never occurs to them that we are in God, and God is in us, inextricably combined, part of the same family in spirit, never alone, never apart, not separated from All That Is.
There are so many who feel alienated from the Church and from any spiritual practice at all. They are well and truly lost. Unable to trust in anything beyond themselves and bearing witness to nothing more than death and taxes. They rant about all the evils of the world or stare sullenly and silently at the eventuality of their own death, grim and vacuous and so superior to the rest of us because they believe in "the uselessness of it all".
One wonders why they bother to live, or if they do?
And me, I plod forward, and keep my way, not deterred by all the failings of men and their institutions; the Sanhedrin failed, and so may the Church, and all the Governments, but the Goodness of the True God does not fail us, come what may.
7th April 2019, 04:31 PM
Anna von Reitz (
3 hrs ( ·
Three Keys, One Chapter and One Psalm: Your Future?
I work with confused people every day. Most often they are confused about the very foundations of their lives and their existences.
Many believe that they are free, when in fact, they are enslaved. Many believe that they are "US Citizens", when in fact, they are Americans.
Many think they are "Christian", but in fact, they are practicing a foreign religion.
The Essence of Evil is deceit and confusion.
We fail to recognize Evil, and do what is wrong, because we believe that the Evil we are doing is right. We are confused.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do," says it all.
We go to war, thinking that we are protecting our country, when in fact we are murdering innocent people to profit evil men.
We store up symbols of wealth and power, and we worship these idols, believing that they have value.
We enter into marriage as a commercial contract, because we have been taught no better.
Truly, wherever you look, you see that the world is upside down. Doctors promote disease. Lawyers peddle injustice. Servants rule. The Good suffer and the Evil prosper.
Yet, we take all this for granted and stumble on?
We already have "one world religion" ---- the Religion of Lies. It has served Satan since the early days and was so at the time of Jesus and still is now.
There is some information I need to give to everyone, regardless of what religion you may follow --- practical information you will need to make sense of things.
Is there one united group of all those who love Jesus at the end-- a universal church, though it may not be called a church at all?
Yes, there are those who belong to him who come from all nations and churches and even other faiths. John 10:16. This is the first key. Expect this. Know this.
How will you recognize Him despite all the confusion and false prophets?
The most simple and natural means of all: his voice.
You will know him the same way you know the voice of a family member. John 10:3-5. This is the second key. There is one voice, and you will know it, so you cannot be deceived.
What is the truth about these times and the nature of Mankind?
"They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are out of course" ---- yet, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalm 82:5-6.
These are our times and this is our nature. This is the third key.
Those who correct their understanding and yield to the Truth within, will live as children of the most High God. They will rise up and be like the Good Shepherd they follow, certain of their steps, humble in their gladness.
No earthly power can cheat them of what they are. All their treasure is in Heaven; who will take it from them? Surely, their portion is set aside, and what part of it was not earned?
These are things for us to think upon and know in these days when we are tested and the Devil tries his final Grand Slams, his Biggest Lies, his most devious Plans.
We shall come from the far corners of the Earth, from all races and nations, from all faiths and systems of belief, for we are called as a sheep is called by its name and by its Shepherd. We are called despite all differences.
We shall hear his voice and we shall answer. We will not be deceived. We will not be confused. At no moment will we be left unguarded. We are safe with our Shepherd and our Shepherd is with us.
We shall see the Darkness, but not be dismayed; we are the children of the most High God, made for this day and in His image.
So now you know who you truly are and what to expect in the days to come. Let nothing make you afraid, for the days of Satan are done and his outcome is assured.
7th April 2019, 05:55 PM
Many believe that they are "US Citizens", when in fact, they are Americans.
Not me! I am a Meat Popsicle and I object to being called 'A People'. Surgeons have invented methods to separate Siamese twins but I have never heard of a procedure to rejoin them E Pluribus Unum.
9th April 2019, 09:26 PM
Anna von Reitz (
8 hrs ( ·
State Citizens v. US Citizens Status
It has come as a great shock to some people to learn that there are two completely separate political statuses in this country that are the result of service obligations of public employees known as either "United States Citizens" or "Citizens of the United States" and those being served, the People of the States.
This fundamental fact should be taught to every schoolchild in America, but as a result of lapses and the self-interest of our employees, has not been.
The unincorporated States of the Union acting by and through their unincorporated Holding Company, The United States of America, are the actual Landlords and Employers of the Federal Government, both Territorial and Municipal.
The People of the States are the owners and operators of the States of the Union. We are owed the Good Faith Service of all Federal Employees and Agencies and the prompt and correct consideration of our proper political status, once we claim it and properly, explicitly enunciate our Will to be recognized as American State Nationals or American State Citizens.
A brief citational history was recently forwarded to me by a reader and as I like the way this is organized, I am publishing it as an education "short course" in the subject and as proof, if any is needed, that Americans are naturally Lawful Persons and occupy a political status separate from US Citizens:
1. State Citizens v. US Citizens
3. "There are two classes of citizens, citizens of the United States and of the State. And one may be a citizen of the former without being a citizen of the latter" Gardina v. Board of Registers 48 So. 788, 169 Ala. 155 (1909)
5. Federal citizenship is a municipal franchise domiciled in the District of Columbia, and the political rights of federal citizens are franchises which they hold as privileges at the legislative discretion of Congress.” (Murphy v. Ramsey , 114 U.S. 15 (1885)).
7. "The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States," US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957
9. "Therefore, the U.S. citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia] residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity."
10. Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773.
12. “A “US Citizen” upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in “interstate commerce”, as a “resident” does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.” Hendrick v. Maryland S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)
14. "There is in our Political System, a government of each of the several states and a government of the United States Each is distinct from the other and has citizens of its own." . US vs. Cruikshank, 92 US 542,
16. "...the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States do not necessarily include all the rights protected by the first eight amendments to the Federal constitution against the powers of the Federal government." Maxwell v Dow, 20 S.C.R. 448, at pg 455;
18. "The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the "citizenship" to the agencies of government."
City of Dallas v Mitchell, 245 S.W. 944
21. " might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States. ..... A citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep. 300
23. This can also be confirmed in the definitions section of Title 5 USC, Title 26 USC, and Title 1 USC.
25. Therefore a US citizen is a piece of property. If you read any of those old court cases prior to the civil war where slavery was the issue, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, therefore a US citizen, is a SLAVE.
27. The Fourteenth Amendment defines what a US citizen is;
29. "Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States,....."
31. The so-called Fourteenth Amendment criminally converts US citizenship completely upside down from what the founding fathers intended.
33. A US citizen is a corporation:
35. Congressional Record , June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646). A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.
37. “ is evident that they [US citizens] have not the political'[ rights]' which are vested in citizens of the States. They are not constituents of any community in which is vested any sovereign power of government. Their position partakes more of the character of subjects than of citizens. They are subject to the laws of the United States, but have no voice in its management. If they are allowed to make laws, the validity of these laws is derived from the sanction of a Government in which they are not represented. Mere citizenship they may have, but the political '[rights]' of citizens they cannot enjoy…” People v. De La Guerra,40 Cal. 311, 342 (A.D. 1870)
40. Del Sharp United States Code that uses “American national” while maintaining no such status as 14th Amendment “naturalized citizen of the United States”.
41. 8 U.S.C. § 1502 : Certificate of nationality issued by Secretary of State for person not a naturalized citizen of United States for use in proceedings of a foreign state.
42. The Secretary of State is authorized to issue, in his discretion and in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by him, a certificate of nationality for any person not a naturalized citizen of the United States who presents satisfactory evidence that he is an AMERICAN NATIONAL and that such certificate is needed for use in judicial or administrative proceedings in a foreign state. Such certificate shall be solely for use in the case for which it was issued and shall be transmitted by the Secretary of State through appropriate official channels to the judicial or administrative officers of the FOREIGN STATE in which it is to be used.
43. 19 Corpus Juris Secundum § 883, [t]he United States government is a FOREIGN CORPORATION with respect to a state.
44. 8 USC § 1101(a)(21), [t]he term “national” means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.”
45. 8 USC § 1101(a)(22), [t]he term “national of the United States” means
46. (A) a citizen of the United States, or
47. (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
48. American national ≠ national/citizen of the United States
49. These are TWO distinct status’ within the American system. The former is a freeman, the latter is a voluntary slave subject to the jurisdiction thereof created by section 1 of the 14th Amendment. It is a FEDERALLY CREATED capacity/title that owes allegiance to it.
I trust that this is the "end" of any debate about the issue.
If you wish to be considered a "US Citizen" of any kind, you may adopt that status and act as a Legal Person. If you wish to retain your natural born capacity and wish to act as a Lawful Person and act exclusively as an American State National or American State Citizen, you may declare your intent and claim/reclaim and record your natural political status as an American---- which is what I recommend and what our paperwork process is designed to accomplish.
At no time before or since the so-called American Civil War have any of our States been engaged in any form of warfare since 1814; we are owed the Law of Peace, AR 27-161-1 from the Territorial Government and agreed upon Service from the Municipal Government, which, with respect to us, is limited to perform its operations within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia.
Those of us who declare ourselves and record our political status as peaceful American State Citizens are owed all protections and guarantees of both The Constitution of the United States of America (Territorial Government) and The Constitution of the United States (Municipal Government) without any presumption of the existence of US Citizenship obligations of any kind.
In the same token, we are obligated by those same venerable agreements to not interfere in the functions of the Federal Government and to "stay in our lane" in the day to day operation of our own affairs. If we claim our State National or State Citizen status, we accept it as our singular political status and/or obligation of citizenship, and we do not claim any other political status in conflict of interest.
So, if you are a "US Citizen" you cannot at the same time be considered an "American State National" or "American State Citizen" by any State of the Union, even though your Federal Employer may allow you to claim Dual Citizenship during your period of service employment and may recognize your actual nationality as that of an American.
9th April 2019, 09:29 PM
Anna von Reitz ( HfIjsBX96MyMiKkURY2APRXc&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Read It and Weep
I am so sick of hearing the snakes --- the real ones --- whipping up on me for my "service" to Pope Benedict, which was in fact a service to the American People as demonstrated very clearly by the example of the Letter to Cardinal George of Chicago, posted as Article 1 on my website, and as fully detailed in my book, Disclosure 101. (See ( nvzF004npog6NL02iTk), Article 1.)
To all those who have slandered me and accused me of being a "Vatican Agent" based on their own ignorance and false assumptions, take heed.
A "private attorney" seeks to overturn wrong-doing and the return of assets to the people they are owed to. If you don't want your property returned to you, then continue to make false assumptions and spread false claims and rumors about what I have done and am doing toward that aim.
Continue to call me a "snake" because I grasp the language of snakes and have the education to beat them at their own game.
God knows you don't stand a chance without me and many other people like me to defend your interests before you even know that they are in danger.
Ignore the admonition to be "Wise as serpents and gentle as doves.".
Show what fools you are in public and stand ready to be shamed to the soles of your feet
10th April 2019, 05:44 AM
"It has come as a great shock to some people to learn that there are two completely separate political statuses in this country"
It might even come as more of a shock that there are more than two political statuses ... many, many more.
Take for example women. Early on they had a political status of NULL. Actually this is a NON-political status and when you have a universe of people willing to express the sovereignty of their own political view the NON-political status works pretty well to isolate one from the irrational opinion of a crowd of 'sovereigns' willing to kill to enforce their own will. In my opinion this NON-political status was superior but evidently many women did not share this view and so now the battle cry of those who have chosen a political status is EQUAL RIGHTS!!! This group (aka 'women') clearly have abandoned superior rights for mere equality.
10th April 2019, 02:47 PM
Anna von Reitz ( a0pqpgMPKkAso2Fr45i9PgRqa&hc_ref=ARTokZIoAI87PgwuJ1hj0_eXh2G8R7S-IWJLo3Qmp-p1x0cp75SzB5Sh0mXqb4Cg-vg&fref=nf)
2 mins ( ·
The Cost of Freedom
First, everyone must resist the Snooze Button long enough to realize that the THINGS in Washington, DC, are not and have never been the American Government.
Those THINGS comprising what is left of the Federal Government operating out of the District of Columbia, are foreign, for-profit, commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services under contract. A full one-third of the "Federal Government" is missing, and it happens to be the third that belongs to us.
The American Government is and always has been vested entirely in the living people and their Lawful Persons and their geographically-defined States.
If you want to be free and live as an American, then you have to step up to the plate and accept the responsibility of self-governance. You have to explicitly declare your political status and operate as a Lawful Person.
If you want to be harassed and bossed around and "Nanny-stated" then you can just stay where you are, as a "presumed" Ward of the "State of State" and you can operate as a "Legal Person" and as a "US Citizen" of some kind.
But be aware that "US Citizens" are not free, cannot own land in this country, and are required to pay for all the services they demand by armed thugs.
The key PERSONS responsible for recognizing your political status are: (1) the District (as in District of Columbia) Attorneys, and (2) the US Secretary of State. This is because these Officers and Departments are particularly responsible for keeping track of who is in their jurisdiction and who is "without" it.
It is your responsibility to keep them fully informed.
It is also your responsibility to put form to function by assembling your State of the Union once you decide to act as an adult American and to not "accept" the political status of an "infant decedent".
Americans have long paid the other costs of freedom in both blood and sweat, but the one cost that is most important, indeed, crucial to all the rest, we neglect. We have earned the right to self-govern, and then, fail to do so.
Run, don't walk, to get your political status corrected and evidence of the correction placed as Notice on the land recording district records, then boot up your State Assembly.
Claim your identity as an American State Citizen and do the one crucial duty left to perform: self-govern, so that you are not "presumed" to be any THING or anyone, but who you truly are: an American.
It should be self-evident that US Citizens are not acting as Americans, and vice versa; otherwise, why would these different designations exist?
It should be self-evident that our States of the Union are our Nations and that these are sovereign entities, while any greater group effort that binds them together as a Union, a Federation, or a Confederation is not sovereign, but is instead an Agent, either unincorporated or incorporated, of the sovereign States.
We are Wisconsinites, Texans, Vermonters, Floridians, and New Yorkers. We are Californians and Oregonians and Montanans and Iowans. We are Minnesotans and Tennesseans and Kentuckians. We are all the faces and place of fifty actual States of the Union.
We are not corporate employees acting under contract to provide governmental services. That is, we are not "US Citizens" nor are we "Citizens of the United States".
We are the actual, factual, living and breathing People of this country and We, are the Employers-in-Fact, of all those foreign governmental service providers operating as "US Citizens".
I recently saw another slam piece of Yellow Journalism accusing me of leading you into "captivity".
I have news for you, you are already being held captive by your own employees, and forced to pay whatever they want you to pay for whatever services these "US Citizens" want to provide.
And it all because you have not paid the final Cost of Freedom ---- you have failed to act in your proper capacity as an American, failed to operate as a Lawful Person, failed to assemble your State of the Union, and failed to self-govern.
So, in your "absence" your employees are governing you and picking your pockets and telling you when to stand up and when to sit down and what services you will receive and what services won't be available and when to blow your noses. You live in fear of your own employees.
And whose fault is that?
12th April 2019, 03:22 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 4J6OWZnQ3z1tvpB3oiaH7-72pVIQuOL0x7&hc_ref=ARRIYmNTi5AFP8hiyJgx9BR9mQrZj9WYvoBbD6Nl8ra t5UR1ds7EJd5DwsG02y3WfPU&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
The US Citizen Blues
Let's make it clear that while you persist in calling yourself a "US Citizen" and acting "as" a US Citizen, you are laboring under a number of profound disadvantages.
"US Citizens" have no access to the Constitutions nor to their guarantees and never have had. The political status of a "United States Citizen" (Territorial) and also that of "Citizen of the United States" (Municipal) was created by the Constitutions, and therefore, obviously, people adopting either one or both of these political status obligations are NOT Parties to the Constitutions. By definition.
The most "US Citizens" have is a promise of "Equal Civil Rights" which gets suspended during "National Emergencies"--- and so far as the corporations in DC are concerned, they are in a near-constant "state of emergency" as a result of their own mismanagement.
Some specific rights, like the right to Habeas Corpus, have even been suspended by Executive Order of the Commander in Chief since 1863. So there are numerous exceptions where even when there isn't a "national emergency", US Citizens are denied truly Equal Civil Rights.
The point is --- what Congress gives, the Congress --- or the President --- can take away. Why? Because "Civil Rights" are privileges conferred by the "Civil Government" --- that is, the Municipal Government of the United States. They have nothing to do with the "Natural and Unalienable Rights" that Americans are heir to.
US Citizens cannot own land in this country, with the result that they are considered tenants not landlords, and in all cases where US Citizens have homes or land in this country, they have only tenant rights.
If they are Territorial Citizens, the Municipal Government acts as landlord. If they are Municipal Citizens, the Territorial Government acts as landlord. And in no case do the US Citizens actually own anything.
They are "presumed" to be "residing" here on a temporary basis, providing governmental services to us, the "missing" Americans. House-sitters, in other words.
United States Citizens are subject to statutory law and function as Legal Fiction Persons. They cannot access the Public Law or even The Law of Peace which the military is obligated to give us (AR 27-161-1).
Municipal Citizens of the United States and their slaves known as "citizens of the United States" are also taxpayers by definition. They, too, are all legal fiction PERSONS.
So there is no advantage to claiming to be a "US Citizen" of either stripe and never has been.
Except for getting a federal paycheck and other payola, there is no reason that any American in their right mind would ever knowingly or willingly choose to be considered a "US Citizen".
Since the US Citizens are all Taxpayers by definition, and Federal Corporations in DC have had a mighty motivation to count everyone in sight as "US Citizens" and to make it difficult for the rest of us who are not employed by the "Federal Government" to (1) claim our birthrights and (2) live in a militaristic society dominated by our employees and all their regimentation.
Nonetheless, unless they wish to be declared in open rebellion and guilty of committing treason and violation of international law and risk having their assumed commercial contracts voided, the corporations in DC are obligated to recognize your claim of either American State National status (no obligation to any government, except to keep the peace and cause no harm) or American State Citizen (involved in staffing the actual State Government you are owed).
The specific Offices responsible for recognizing your correct political status are: The United States Secretary of State, and The United States Attorney General's Office, and right after them, The United States Secretary of the Treasury.
On the local level, the State of State Governors, the State Secretaries of State, the State Attorney Generals, the Commissioners of the Departments of Natural Resources, and the District Attorneys are all obligated to recognize and provide the protections of your American State National and/or American State Citizen political status.
And to a man, they religiously fail to do so and get away with this "neglect" because nobody is claiming their rightful political status as Americans and nobody is holding them accountable.
Now, obviously, most Americans are not aware that they have been "presumed upon" and misidentified as US Citizens. They have gone about their lives thinking, "Well, of course, I am an American! Any fool can see that!" --- but "Misery Loves Company" and the members of Congress are an odd mix of clueless and criminal and they are greedy for tax dollars and power--- with the result that you have been systematically misidentified as a "volunteer" and as a "US Citizen".
What are you going to do about it? Well, first of all, you need to know who and what you are and the fact that your nationality is determined by your place of birth on Earth. You were born within the borders of an American State, on its land and soil, and by definition you are an American, not a "US Citizen".
Your physically defined State is your Nation. You are a Texan, a Wisconsinite, a New Yorker.... that is your nationality, and more generally, you are an American.
Anyone who says differently is "mis-characterizing" you and is guilty of crime. This is a crime under the Geneva Conventions. Anyone who presumes that you are a "US Citizen" is "impersonating" you, because all "US Citizens" are merely "Legal Persons" --- having no ability to function as recognizable physical entities. Impersonation is a crime, too. So is kidnapping, inland piracy, and conspiracy against the Constitutions.
The people making these false claims against you, to the effect that you are a "US Citizen", can literally hang for it. That's why, when you bring it to their attention, they should all be very cordial and eager to recognize the fact that you are not and, in most cases, never were, any form of "US Citizen".
Unfortunately, some of them are intent upon securing tax revenue and claims of oppressive power over the American People --- like "Draft Boards" --- and they will try to bluff and bully you into "accepting" the status of "US Citizen" even though you are not getting a paycheck from their corporations. They will even try to enforce citizenship obligations upon you as a "contractual obligation".
And this is where you must have your own ducks in order, because they have been plotting against you since your own babyhood and have been collecting "evidence" that you are a "US Citizen", beginning with a Birth Certificate issued by the local British Territorial Government franchise operating as a "State of State".
Ironically, this document, the BC, is also the primary evidence against them.
Once you prove via affirmed Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit (two Witnesses needed) that you are the man or woman whose birth occurred on your birth day and at that place and of that parentage, it is also apparent that you were a baby at the time they snatched you away from your natural and native jurisdiction on the land and human trafficked you into their foreign jurisdiction on the sea.
The Birth Certificate is evidence of crime, the least of which is "unconscionable" contracting practices by the Territorial Government -- which is why when you bring it forward to the District Attorneys and the State Secretary of State and say the Magic Words, the doors welcoming you home should swing open wide and any troubles that you have with THEM should disappear like morning fog.
And if not, you go straight to the US Secretary of State and demand recognition as an American State National and/or American State Citizen.
Be aware, you cannot enjoy your birthright as an American and also claim that you are any kind of "US Citizen". This would allow the employees of foreign corporations to take over our land and soil and destroy our country --- and not just on paper. This is why our States do not allow Dual Citizenship.
So as the saying goes, "Use it or Lose it". Claim it, or color it gone.
Write that letter to the State-of-State Secretary of State and fully inform him or her that you are claiming your birthright political status and that you are acting as a Lawful Person and that you expect to be recognized as an American, not a US Citizen of either kind.
Send a copy to the State-of-State Attorney General, the Governor, the DNR Commissioner, and the US Secretary of State. For good measure, send a copy to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Explain your political status and the dirty trick that has been played on you and millions of other innocent Americans by their own employees.
Demand recognition of your true political status and release from all presumptions of "US Citizen" status.
Tell them forthrightly that you are a peaceable Texan (or Minnesotan or....) owed the Law of Peace from the military and the full force of the Constitutions and that you do not "voluntarily" accept any presumptions otherwise.
If you are angry, you have a right to be angry. This entire country and its people have been outrageously imposed upon and abused by both the British Monarchs and the Popes, and all the while they have been prattling on about the importance of "Law" while they have been breaking it. And also seeking to weasel out of their treaties and commercial contracts.
Hold them feet first to the fire by all means making them accountable --- morally, commercially, and internationally for the harm they have done to you and to your country.
But it all begins with realizing that you are NOT a "US Citizen", establishing your claim to your birthright status on the public record, learning to use the evidence effectively against them, and using both lawful and legal process against them should they offer any resistance to your claims.
In short order --- what must you do to establish your identity and enforce your birthrights as an American?
1. Secure multiple certified copies of the Birth Certificate that was issued in your name.
2. Secure at least two competent affirmed Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit identifying you (your photo) at your current address as "the" man or woman whose birthday, birth place and parentage are recorded on the BC.
3. Do the Paperwork to formally give Notice of the return your Lawful Name to the land and soil of your birth state, etc.
4. Learn the Spiel and learn who to give it to--- the DA's, the State of State Secretaries of State, the US Attorneys, the District Attorneys, and anyone having anything to do with the court system.
5. "There has been a mistake..... "
6. Present the "Mandatory Notice" required by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
7. Present (if the situation warrants it) a Notice of Liability, making it clear that each Office-Holder is personally responsible and accountable.
8. Acknowledgement and Acceptance: "I know you are operating under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act and I accept that you can't speak about it thanks to 18 USC 472 and I duly accept your Oath of Office-- but I can speak about it. I am not any form of US Citizen and not an "Enemy" within the jurisdiction, meaning, or intent of that Act, and I am serving Notice to you in both your official and personal capacity that I am an American and that I claim and hold my birthright political status on the land and soil of this country as a Lawful Person and I have returned from any presumption that I am "over the sea".
9. Action: "I wish for my true political status as an American State National to be recognized now and forever afterward by my loyal employees and I wish you to take whatever action is necessary to sort out the paperwork and spread the news of my return so that: (1) my name is placed on a do not detain list, (2) a proper ID not related to any "Driver License" is issued', (3) any property listed under my NAME is removed from the Tax Rolls, (4) all pending Territorial or Municipal Court actions related to my name are expunged and eliminated; (5) any "federal" liens or garnishments premised on the idea that I ever was a federal employee, volunteer, or citizen issued against my name are removed."
10. Guarantee: "It is my intent to live my life at peace as a Lawful Person, to uphold the Constitutions and the Public Law, and I do not propose to judge, blame, or harm anyone. I am here to claim what is mine, no more, no less, and to enforce the treaties, commercial contracts, and guarantees I am owed."
Is this situation clear enough, even for the boneheads among us?
When you actually work for the Federal Government, you are obligated to act as a "US Citizen", when you are an "immigrant" in process of becoming naturalized, when you are a "dependent" of a Federal Employee, when you are claiming political asylum in the United States from another country, when you are knowingly and willingly occupying a federal political office, when you are knowingly and willingly acting as an officer of a federally chartered corporation--- in all those situations, you are obligated to act as a "US Citizen", but otherwise, you are under no such obligation and under no such political status--- unless you continue to claim such political status out of ignorance.
And absent a paycheck, etc., what other reason could there ever be for an American to adopt "US Citizenship"? Why would you give up your Natural and Unalienable Rights for here-again-there-again "Civil Rights"?
Why would you agree to tax yourself (voluntarily) for up to 60% of your earnings? Why would you subject yourself to more than 80,000 million statutory laws? Why would you give up your property rights and assets?
And live as a "tenant" on your own land? Why would you ever knowingly agree to any of this?
You wouldn't.
This has been a totally unconscionable contracting process imposed upon you from Day One. Now that you are an adult, it's time to wake up and take action in your own behalf and the sooner the better.
13th April 2019, 11:07 AM
Anna von Reitz ( Fzu9ZmRo5LFcnYMJlTGp0GwZKcceib8vM9&hc_ref=ARSXdVocvts8BRivU3nlI7jqF5x4INat6q--i9e28Fi0kUjK9vEwgVN4XmxS8iLOVzI&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
A Very Powerful Tool and a Warning
Until you learn to walk, you can't run.
Many of you are just now completing the collection of your documents, securing your Witnesses, and are recording the paperwork to effectively evidence your return to your birthright political status as an American.
This is heady enough stuff for people to wrap their heads around. It takes time to internalize what this all means and more importantly, how it works.
One thing that should be obvious, but isn't for many people, is that this process is not automatic nor is it retroactive. If you are already engaged in a court suit, the only part of the paperwork that is going to help you is the BC and Witness Testimonies.
Why? Because the rest of it can only be proven to start with whenever you record the paperwork. Up until that time, you are "on the record" as a "US Citizen" and there is no credible evidence that you objected to this political status or claimed any other political status prior to recording your claims.
So you have been living under one system of law and one "presumption" of political status most of your life, and then, suddenly in midstream, in the middle of a court case, you want to change horses?
You can see why judges and prosecutors dismiss such actions as self-interested attempts to avoid prosecution.
You can still go to the DA with the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME and your Witness's Testimony as proof of unconscionable contract, and you can still give him or her the Pep Talk related to the 1934 Trading With the Enemy Act, etc., but this has to do with the basic initial fraud that began when you were just a baby---- their deliberate misidentification of you as a Territorial US Citizen.
Claims of this sort can save YOU from prosecution in a wide variety of circumstances, but come at it from a whole different angle than the other paperwork. You are basically saying, look, I was born on the land and soil of this American State, but I was misidentified as a US Citizen and never told anything about this. It's an unconscionable contract.
And because it is unconscionable (literally not a contract that you are aware of since it was created when you were a baby, it cannot be enforced.
Once you have discovered the fraud and the identity theft, and you have taken formal action to correct it via recording your "return" to the land, etc., the evidence that you are an American and operating as a "Lawful Person" is greatly strengthened.
Now you not only have proof of unconscionable contracting processes leading to constructive fraud and false legal presumptions, you also have evidence of your actual choice of political status and your capacity as a Lawful Person.
This kicks things up a notch. Not only do you have proof of your identity and of unconscionable contracts being exercised without your knowledge, but you have evidence of your actual, lawful status on the record.
These are two separate issues.
One is proof of a "mistake" leading to identity theft and fraud and false claims in commerce--- the other is proof of the capacity in which you choose to act, that is, as an American State National (or American State Citizen) and as a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person.
As both of these fundamentals are established, your position strengthens, and any excuse for misaddressing you as a "US Citizen" vanishes --- any excuse, that is, but lack of awareness of the foregoing. To cure that, you must give proper Notice, secure proof that you gave such Notice, and your Notice must be enforceable.
Now we come to the Very Powerful Tool which can next be employed to enforce personal accountability on the part of bureaucrats with respect to you--- "Notice Regarding Named Entities/Notice of Liability and Demand to Show Cause".
We also come to the Warning.
This tool, which is about to be distributed through the State Assemblies for the use of people who have already collected their records and recorded their paperwork, should not be used in two specific instances.
1. It should never be sent to anyone acting as a Judge or federal elected official.
2. It should not be used if you do not yet thoroughly understand your own position so as to be able to defend it.
The reason you should not use it on a Judge or federal elected official is that they are officials of a foreign government, not merely paid employees thereof. They have a certain form of immunity as a result and it is far too dangerous and complex in terms of issues and jurisdictions for a novice to open up that can of worms.
The reason that you should be cautious otherwise is that power tools can be dangerous until you learn how to use them. Used improperly or addressed improperly, such powerful informational Notice and Demand Processes can break you off at the elbow.
You must be prepared and able to competently respond to any responses you receive back from such Notices. In most cases, you will hear nothing but silence and you will then be able to call your shots, but if you do receive a reply, you need to be able to reply on your own two feet.
There aren't enough Counselors in Law yet to guarantee that you will have access to competent help, so you have to feel secure in your own knowledge before you go forward.
For all these reasons and because only those who have completed their paperwork are fully qualified to use them, the Notices, other than the Mandatory FSIA Notice, will only be available through the State Assemblies.
This is a step-by-step process and there is a significant learning curve.
Form up and join your State Assembly so that you have access to ongoing training and resources that can only be applied by Lawful Persons and for Lawful Persons: of, for, and by The People.
15th April 2019, 07:58 PM
Anna von Reitz ( lnZoR-E2dvMqCOHBT8qXk2KI&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 7:41 PM ( ·
The Practice of Gratitude
Ever feel the hardness of your own heart?
I have been through so much, seen so much evil, that like most everyone else, I have learned to shield my heart with brick walls and battlements. I have my moats and my barbed wire. I have my "I could give a......." and no amount of human failing really surprises me.
Sins, errors, greed, cowardice, sloth, false witness, betrayal, pettiness, violence, every kind of crime and failure and manipulation --- these are a judge's stock-in-trade.
So it should come as no surprise that I am a pretty hard-bitten character, fully capable of making hard decisions, and able to walk away. I don't cry, I don't rage; I just get stone-cold as Josie Wales and my brain sifts through the sludge like a sieve.
Still, inside -- maybe deep inside -- a living heart remains in me. I still care. I still battle on. And I still feel gratitude.
One of my favorite things is write back to people who write to me and to send thank you notes to those who send donations. I really treasure the few moments I have to do this, because it connects me back to all of you and to our beloved country.
This afternoon, I had a whole three hours to just address correspondence, a whole blissful sunny Sunday afternoon to answer letters and officially say "thank you" to people all over this vast and beautiful land. It is a meditative process and as I write, I am trying to envision each one of you and the places you live: Texas, New York, Indiana, Rhode Island, California.... it is like a long list of old friends as I think of each State.
As a kid I memorized all the State Capitols, the land map of each State, the birds, flowers, trees and animals associated with each, the history and famous attractions. I was in love with America then. I am still in love with America now.
My hardened old heart cracks open like an eggshell as I bring the States to mind, one by one, and I write another letter. There is so much to love. So much to be grateful for.
I love America's people, too. Always have. Despite all the rats that share the planet with us, and their corrupting influence, there is still something so strong and solid about the people of America.
I love the fact that we come in all different kinds and colors and sizes, speak in so many different dialects and languages, arise from so many different faiths and nations and ethnic traditions --- because I know how much I benefit from this Melting Pot called America.
Where else can you eat a French Croissant for breakfast, a New York Deli-Style Pastrami on Jewish Rye with German mustard for lunch, and Chicken Enchiladas for dinner? It's the same way with everything.
No other nation on Earth has this kind of diversity within its own cultural heritage. We are Everyone. We come from Everyplace. And yet, when push comes to shove, we are all Americans.
What makes this miracle possible? The land.
When you truly realize and feel that this is your country, your land, your heritage, too --- then you know the truth about all peoples and all lands and the truth, too, about yourself. You're an American.
Maybe you are a German-American or an Italian-American or an African-American, but you are an American.
So in this marvelous garden of grace, where we live and breathe and have our being, and have the chance to enjoy our unity amidst our diversity, stop and take a moment as I have today --- just to give thanks for all the fifty States and all the People -- the actual Americans.
I am ashamed that I have ever been considered a "US Citizen" because it is plain to see how criminal, irresponsible, dishonest, thuggish, self-serving, and deceitful these foreign corporations have become, how they have acted in Gross Breach of Trust against the American States and the American People, how they have sought to profit themselves by war and conquest and spread the seeds of shame and discontent and prejudice and violence and self-seeking for nothing but money, money, money.
Yes, I am ashamed of what "United States Citizens" and "Citizens of the United States" have done in our names and I am ashamed for them for all that they have done in the name of greed and self-seeking to harm their own country, their own friends, neighbors and family members -- but never once have I been anything but proud and grateful to be an American.
Take that, Michele Obama.
15th April 2019, 08:04 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Fbc0hjy23B5edpoIQrQF_o8NvGpeKrub1G&hc_ref=ARS3EvscP0L2VgOQWd-8_P48s_97qhRU92ojVVX2AR7EixmUt6uMUzPIxKMs5d3M1JA&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
The Welfare Trap
Nearly every day I get calls, emails, letters.... from desperate young mothers and fathers who are faced with losing their children to a "State of State" organization, families traumatized to the bone by "Child Protective Services" raids, and damaged Third Parties.
What I mean by "damaged Third Parties" ---- imagine that you are nine months pregnant and you go to your sister's house to stay with her to be closer to the hospital.
While you are there having breakfast with her, the police raid her house and find a stash of drugs belonging to the sister's erstwhile boyfriend. The police arrest everyone and drug test everyone, including you, and although your forced drug test comes up absolutely clean, they claim you are an unfit Mother just because you were there in a house that contained illegal drugs, and they drag you in front of a judge trying to make you sign away your child before he is even born.
That's Third Party damage. The circumstance and the crime or other infraction actually has nothing to do with you, but you get dragged into it. Such a circumstance is only made possible because all three people in this sad story were on welfare and/or claiming to be "US Citizens".
Almost invariably, these young people who get into messes like this were beguiled or entrapped into the "Welfare Culture". They thought, "Hey, all I have to do is fool around with my girlfriend, get her pregnant, have a bunch of kids and the government will pay for everything! I can be her backdoor man.... and it will all be cool!"
But when you abdicate your responsibilities, you also give up your rights.
When you, a young woman, start out your life like this, you are offering yourself as a brood mare for the Hive.
Both you and your children will be enslaved to the British Crown, and your neighbors and friends and family will be the ones taxed to pay for your support.
As a young man getting into this scenario, the prospects are even worse. The government will find out your identity as the biological father, they will assess child support payments plus interest for every penny you owe (according to them--- which is often a capricious and unrealistic amount), they will endlessly interfere with your life and yes, they will steal your kids. You get to pay, but you don't get to play.
I know men in their fifties who are still paying "child support" for kids that are in their thirties---kids that didn't ever get the benefit of a penny of all that money when they were children, and which continues to flow into "State of State" coffers a decade or more after they are all grown up. Now, you figure it out.
Everyone would be miles ahead just to support Unwed Mothers privately, but what would be even better is if parents wise up and make the effort to clue in their children from the get-go. It isn't just about morality. It's about practicality.
Drum it into the youngsters that they are responsible for any new life they bring into the world and that failure to honor that responsibility is not really a viable choice.
If they have kids out of wedlock and turn to welfare, they will be subjects of the government themselves, and they and their children will be enslaved.
And in many, many cases ---- because it is more profitable for the government, they will lose their children, too. The Slave Masters can charge the rest of us more money if they take your kids and put them in Foster Care. So that's what they do.
Once in Foster Care, the vast majority of children are neglected and abused--- and your flesh and blood, your innocent little children, are suffering and so are you--- and you are all enslaved as chattel to a faceless corporation owned by smug businessmen who are getting rich as middlemen.
All those "welfare bennies" are like a carrot in a rabbit trap. They aren't really benefits. They are bait.
Just to be sure everyone understands --- "the government" doesn't actually pay for or contribute anything to this welfare system. They give you nothing, zero, nada.
What they do is stand in the middle and whip and beat taxes out of other people in your community who are working and being productive to pay for your expenses and the expense of your kids, then, they turn around and lord it over you and your children as if they were the source of all the money and support, and additionally, they cut themselves fat salaries and pensions, etc., --- for providing this "service" on top of it.
The end result? You have cured the problem --- unwed mothers and fatherless kids without a means of support, by adding a worse problem --- a bloated, criminal bureaucracy that takes its "cut" and makes things a hundred times worse for everyone concerned.
The only one who is actually being served are all the public employees standing as the middlemen. The actual public, you and your community, is being bilked to the tune of billions of dollars and untold suffering throughout America.
I am just telling you what you already should know, what our Forefathers knew, and what we all need to learn again --- the "government" is an evil. It may be necessary, but it is still an evil. Keeping it strictly limited is what is best for everyone concerned and that should be our goal --- keeping the government limited and out of our lives as much as possible.
But, hey, that also requires us to be responsible for our lives so that we can claim our rights and not be subject to these criminals in suits. Rights come with responsibilities.
If you want your parental rights and want to keep your children and grandchildren under your control, better get your own ducks in order and reclaim your own birthright political status. Better join your State Assembly, too.
Make it your goal to never have to rely on the government for anything.
Take it all seriously and teach your children, too. Your rights begin and end with your responsibilities. If you self-govern, nobody has any right to govern you. Or your children, either. Especially not any officious Fat Men working for foreign commercial corporations.
15th April 2019, 08:07 PM
Anna von Reitz ( s&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Be Forewarned
The Queen's Government is responding with a propaganda campaign designed to "redefine" the Reconstruction --- an attempt to rewrite history and contracts and treaties using film and a lot of lies and prompted false assumptions to do it.
To answer this you need only observe: (1) the contracts -- the actual Constitutions and Treaties the Queen and the Pope owed us at the time of the Civil War; (2) the results --- they secretively took over our government in gross Breach of Trust, usurped upon the States to create their own foreign States of States on our soil and left us uninformed; (3) the fact that the Reconstruction Acts have never been repealed; (4) the President is still defined by his role as Commander-in-Chief and rules by Executive Order via a military junta instead of working for us and our States of the Union.
These are evils which have been used to usurp and commandeer our lawful government for many decades and represent inexcusable fraud and Breach of Trust on the part of the Queen and the Pope, both.
You will soon be seeing a Ken Burn's style movie about the Reconstruction on PBS. This was rushed forward as a propaganda effort, to try to convince you that everything was completed and done correctly, go back to sleep..... but I and our American researchers are here to tell you to wake up and address the actual history ---- not another British Bunko version of history like you were sold in Public School.
15th April 2019, 08:11 PM
Anna von Reitz ( ajiQEUXgKFfxAW_L0k1yVUR8&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
I'd Like to Help Donald Trump
I believe that Donald Trump is making a very good faith effort to keep his promises to the American People, so yes, I would like to help him.
However, I am prevented from doing that, most especially, because of the ongoing misinterpretation of the Territorial 14th Amendment --- who it applies to and who it doesn't apply to.
At the end of the American Civil War, nine million people were disenfranchised. Those who suffered this directly were people living in the Confederate States --- actually, "States of States".
But, again, by process of deceit and mis-identification of our actual political status, the rats in DC have contrived to mis-identify us as "rebels" in a commercial mercenary "war" that actually ended 150 years ago, and to require us to accept their own brand of "United States Citizenship" --- and enfranchisement as chattels belonging to their corporation, as a condition of being able to vote in their elections.
Don't believe it? Read Section 2 of their 14th Amendment.
So, until President Trump recognizes the fact that a large segment of the American populace that was never subject to the 14th Amendment of the Territorial Constitution has been misidentified and improperly denied the right to vote in these elections-- we can't vote for him.
I know that many of my readers are supportive of President Trump and would vote for him, if doing so would not also entrap them and allow false legal presumptions to attach to them.
This, above and beyond all else, is why there is a vast "Silent Majority" in America that doesn't vote. This is also why the Territorial Government can never achieve a valid majority mandate for anything their "democracy" does.
As it is, though not strictly forbidden by any Public Policy of the Territorial Government, it isn't even certain that we can donate to the Trump Campaign or act as volunteers. These are matters that need to be cleared up once and for all.
I am hoping that the Re-election Committee and the President will be sufficiently motivated to get answers for the 55 million people who read my articles---- most of whom would help him drain the swamp, if they can do so without entrapment.
15th April 2019, 08:16 PM
Anna von Reitz ( ddjCx1xLhaz&hc_ref=ARRdMFRJJDYXXHrDlleFAm3pVNPePGy-WgwqQqjY55WTBMTnog3ufGIR2J-2HDj7Lxw&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
Notre Dame - Pope Leo - A Letter to Pope Francis
"I will destroy your Church" --- part of the visions of Pope Leo, 1884. "Smoke entered the Church....."
Please, heed the warnings that were given to the Churches.
The Book of the Seven Seals has been opened, and Daniel's Book as well. I have read it.
There can be no doubt that the judgment against the Church is well-begun and advancing at a terrifying rate.
You must take action to separate yourselves from the evils of the Office of the Pontiff, Cede and Company, DTTC, the securitization and bonding of babies and other outrageous evils such as Marriage licenses that reduce the sacred covenant to a commercial Joint Venture.
As God chastised Pharaoh, he will chastise the Church and Curia. The plagues and the burning will descend, as foretold, just as the Flood was foretold to Noah.
Humble yourselves, repent, give back to God what is God's, give back to God's people what is naturally theirs, liquidate the corporations that are causing all this misery, or as Pope Leo clearly foresaw, things will only get worse.
Honor the work that I have begun to free the people of this planet from lies and hypocrisy and violence.
Realize that I am who and what I say I am --- the Fiduciary sent to get an accounting from the Steward. It's right in front of your noses in the Bible.
We could hardly have been more forthright about who was in charge of what. Pay attention. The Grandmother, Mary's Mother, Anna, is the Fiduciary of Jesus's family.
You know how the Hebrew Matriarchy works, whether you like to admit it, or not.
It breaks my heart to see Notre Dame in flames and other Catholic Churches suffering like this.
If correction is not made by the Zionists in Jerusalem and by the Roman Catholic Church, the destruction and suffering will only spread. All those who are smug and who think that they will not be impacted need to think again. [Including Jamie Dimon.]
God honors those who honor Him.
For too many years the Churches and the Synagogues have been run as commercial rackets. For too long too many priests and rabbis have been stuffed up on themselves and not devoted inwardly to what they preach outwardly.
Even to the extent of treating Baptismal Certificates as financial instruments and buying and trading in souls---- Francis, are you all insane? You allow this kind of thing to go on and think that God will not answer you for this? He will. He is.
God has promised that the Levites must be cut off. Who are we to delay the complete reform of the judicial mechanisms? Who thinks that the mere rule of law will replace the Law itself?
The Curia must understand what they are up against. They stand in the Pharaoh's shoes and under demand to let my people go. They are calling down these plagues upon the Church and the whole world by seeking to continue on in the old and crooked way.
If you want help to end this, you know how to contact me. Where two or more are gathered with humble and contrite hearts, praying in the Spirit, there is our Faithful and True Lord and Master, and with him, is Our Father. The Way is not cut off.
Anna Maria
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
15th April 2019, 08:19 PM
Anna von Reitz ( pLEf1mn3z8fxJXmqfD8ajeDq_5Op9sIp6b&hc_ref=ARTRfElLN1aAq8_lhQOVVD18W-WJsoh_-9KGmjdwn1PSPeV1ZVj3yu0rvbQS3dbCTNY&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan, Arch-Criminals
As time has unwound and the deals have gone down, there is one figure among all the others, and seven banks, three securities companies, plus three banking "systems" that stand out as criminals.
Jamie Dimon is a stand-alone Hit Man who has sidelined and misappropriated and "blocked" credit and assets intended for global relief and bank and currency system reform--- and is now trying to "misappropriate" the American gold assets held in Indonesia and the Philippines.
Make no mistake, it was our gold used to buy the Philippine Islands in 1898 and it was our gold that was primarily stored there prior to the 1907 bankruptcy of the Scottish commercial corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Inc."
If JP Morgan thinks it is going to get away with misappropriating American assets owed to the States and People of this country and not go down in flames---- JP Morgan better sit back and think again.
We have all the records. We have the transactions. We have the patents. We have the trademarks. We have the times and the dates and names signed on the dotted lines, too. We have it all. We have all the rats in the whole world, caught red-handed, in their own words, by their own filthy paws, and by the short-hairs of their chinny-chin-chins.
So does anyone want to talk to me? No. They see me coming and they scatter like sheep in front of a tornado, but it won't do them any good.
You can't undo or disavow a hundred and fifty years of financial transactions and public records.
So, listen up and repeat after me: "It isn't going to isn't going to isn't going to isn't going to wash...."
16th April 2019, 06:53 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 9fV_gjXZOGX&hc_ref=ARQHIc_xqjOAhWVdXMQntle_bap2E9OohE4Y4V3NRXE jEazTZwbtW2Wxw_UADE3b8qw&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
For America --- Help!
I have delayed this plea as long as I can. For everyone reading this, please consider what we are up against: the entire force of the two largest commercial cartels in the world.
As many thousands of hours as I have spent researching and discussing and explaining the current situation, mere words don't get it across fast enough, accurately enough, and let's face it--- some people, maybe half of us, are visual learners.
They don't take in the information without visual cues.
So for every 1,000 people I teach, around half of them "don't quite get it" because they can't visualize it. Those people are left confused and distressed. They try to resolve this by studying on their own, but without a "road map" they get lost and even more confused by the jargon and deceits and endless rabbit holes.
Make no mistake, the Vermin have eaten well in America. They don't want us to wake up and do anything effective. They want us to be confused.
So to cut down on the confusion, we need to illustrate the information visually so that people can take it in at a glance using tables and lists and other visual aids. That requires skills that I don't have.
I need to hire it done.
Please consider a one-time Special Project donation toward a new visual guide -- a sort of illustrated Cliff Notes-type report -- that can be distributed by the Assemblies to give everyone a very, very fast way to take in the essential information about our government, our history, our identity, and going forward.
Getting this done and done well is a potential game-changer, allowing us to --literally-- give everyone an accurate picture. Please help.
Send to: Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
or via PayPal:
17th April 2019, 12:03 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sxJwn5wNI3dKGfdhXDEVCQwM&fref=nf)
7 mins ( ·
Roll Call! Listen Up!
You are (1) a living man, naturally having a (2) Lawful Person (Your Proper Name) and living on the land and soil of (3) your State of the Union.
What happens is that you are (1) deliberately misidentified when you are a baby and "presumed" to be a British Territorial United States Citizen; this then (2) allows the Municipal Government to also get into the act and "presume" that you might also be a Citizen of the United States--- all this because your parents didn't know and were not told that they needed to record your birth event and your Proper Name as that of an American State National instead. You are "undeclared" so that allows them to tell lies about you and make presumptions about your identity and political status.
So, instead of there being evidence of a living man standing on the land jurisdiction of a State of the Union, doing business as a Lawful Person named "John Mark Doe", there is only evidence of a Legal Person (a British United States Citizen) operating as "John Mark Doe".
The problem is that when you look at the Proper Name, you can't tell if it is a Lawful Person or a Legal Person, and thanks to the registration process they put in place, it has to be presumed that you are acting as a Legal Person and as a British Territorial United States Citizen until you take action to provide contrary evidence on the public record. That's why we do what we do.
But there is another layer to the scam. Once you are "presumed" to be a British Territorial United States Citizen and presumed to be acting as a Legal Person, you lose all your Constitutional protections. The Municipal United States Government then gets in the act and "confers" a STRAWMAN persona upon you as well. This results in the existence of "JOHN MARK DOE" --- an "infant decedent ESTATE" and "JOHN M. DOE" --- a public transmitting utility, and "JOHN DOE" --- a pauper having interest in the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) --- and you don't know a thing about any of this.
It's all just legal chicanery and lies and deliberate falsification of records and non-disclosed adhesion contracts being exercised against babies in their cradles and innocent people who are never given any disclosure about these practices and presumptions.
When you "sign up" and "register for Selective Service" to go into the military services, you are already regarded as being a chattel of the British Territorial United States Government which just conveniently happens to run the military "for" us, so they pick up their own franchise and conscript or enlist him depending on whether it is done by draft or is voluntary.
Either way, you committed "John Mark Doe", (the presumed Legal Person) to this fate and gave him away when you registered "him" with Selective Service.
Next, after enlistment, they declare you to be "dead, missing in action" and issue a Municipal identity --- a nom de guerre --- which can be any variety of your name spelled out in all capitals, most commonly, it appears in military records as "DOE, JOHN MARK". HE has no rights; he is literally a slave under the rules of their stilted, dishonest, vicious game. HE is an "Enemy Combatant". HE is officially legally dead, so whatever they do to HIM doesn't matter. And this is how they gain "plenary" control to abuse you while you are in the service. This is how they use our sons and daughters in the military to conduct experimental drug tests and inject them with diseases and vaccines and use them as "test subjects" to test new mind control programs and devices. "DOE, JOHN MARK" is totally expendable for any reason or no reason at all.
And nobody is told any of this outrageous garbage going into the service or coming into this world that these madmen and criminals have created "for" us.
After you leave the service, they just continue to presume upon you and continue to presume that you owe them service as a kind of military government quasi-civilian --- that is, if you don't formally give them notice otherwise. This is why all veterans are advised to give notice via letter directly to the head of their former branch of service that you have "returned home" to your birthright political status as an American State National.
Where is the only power point against all this? Right back where you began, as a baby. Your Lawful Person is one of the People of your State of the Union, and your State of the Union is Party to the Constitutions --- able to enforce every jot. Your Lawful Person is an actual civilian and your State (not any "State of State") is the actual civilian government doing business as a member of The United States of America, Unincorporated---- that these jackdaws are supposed to protect against "all enemies foreign and domestic".
If you never understood all of this before in any of the other thousand Articles and hundreds of thousands of comments and correspondences and books and all else that I have provided for everyone, understand it now, re-read it as often as necessary, and stop asking me to repeat and regurgitate and re-explain over and over and over. This is the information needed. It is not going to change until you make it change. I have provided all the instruction as to how you can create the evidence of your true identity as a Lawful Person. Do it.
They, the military government, is under strict obligation to honor your political status under the Geneva Protocols of 1949 and Article 3 thereof makes it a hanging offense for them to do otherwise --- but you have to correct your own records and bring their "mistake" to their attention. They also owe us The Law of Peace, AR 27-161-1. Time to remind them all of all of the above.
The municipal government only gets access to your name and is allowed to mess with you as a result of this "mistake" initially made by the British Territorial Government, so the hammer ultimately descends on the British Territorial United States Government for setting you up and offering the Municipal Government access to your name under the false presumption that you are or ever were a British Territorial United States Citizen--- we are talking here about the "plenary" Municipal United States Government run by Congress and allowed under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 being able to buy your Proper Name as chattel from the Brits. If you look at Title V, Sections 501, 502, you will see that the British Territorial Government literally sells its "Citizens" for a stipulated price.
These offenses against God and Man require swift and determined action, but this fraud has been going on a long time and many people think that their personal profit is tied up in preserving this system; many more continue to mistake it as something "American" when its not. As people wake up and realize that the "Federal Government" is literally foreign and always has been with respect to us, and that it is functioning as a criminal corporate enterprise on our shores instead of obeying the Law of (Our) Land (Jurisdiction) --- we have to take appropriate action to save themselves and to save their country from our own employees--- which most certainly includes the military.
Once you realize the scam and take exception to it, your first job is to get certified copies of "your" Birth Certificate and two credible Witnesses have reasonable first hand knowledge that you are the living man or woman whose birth event resulted in the BC being issued.
Your second job is to reclaim your stolen identity. You do that by placing evidence of your true political standing and Lawful Person capacity on the public record. That's the whole paperwork process -- re-conveying the "presumed" Legal Person and permanently domiciling "it" on the land and soil of your State of the Union is called "lawfully converting" it --- moving it home to the land and soil of this country instead of allowing anyone to presume that you are acting as a Ward of a British Territorial Government. Serve Notice that you have "returned home" to your birthright political capacity as a Lawful Person and anyone failing to recognize that fact is fully and 100% commercially, morally, and materially liable for any attacks, acts of insubordination, false claims in commerce, or attempts to impersonate you from now on.
This includes every District Attorney, every United States Attorney, every State of State and STATE OF STATE Governor/Governor, plus the US Secretary of State and the US Secretary of the Treasury and the military Base Commanders in your area and every lawyer from here to South Africa. They all need to hear this and they all need to hear from you.
Pulling them up by their own bootstraps and with prejudice is the order of the day.
[I don't mean that you are uniquely responsible for this vast process of giving Notice--- I mean that all Americans who are not Federal Employees need to do this, en masse, in every small town and county and city and borough and district nationwide. You take responsibility for spreading the word in your area and I take responsibility for spreading it in mine.]
Your third job is to help organize and join your State Assembly. The actual State Assemblies haven't been called in a 150 years, so don't think that this process or this organization has anything to do with any "State of State" assembly you have ever heard of or participated in. Those are "look alike, sound alike" fakes promoted as a mean to confuse and co-opt genuine efforts to put an end to this.
The British Territorial United States Government has participated in one of the most massive human trafficking, kidnapping, conscription, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, and organized racketeering schemes in world history --- and it has conspired against us, against our States of the Union, and ultimately against the Constitutions which allow these corporations to exist and operate on our shores.
If any American deliberately acting in any offshore "Legal Person" capacity whatsoever connected with the Federal Government entities or their State of State franchises operating in our States of the Union reads this, all members of the military, all members of the Federal Civil Service, all members operating State of State or STATE OF STATE franchises, all subcontractors including those employed by the Alphabet Soup Agencies --- this is your Notice of Liability and your Warning and your Instruction regarding this situation and your obligation to correct it, as well as your obligation to recognize the political status of the American State Nationals and American State Citizens and their States of the Union to which you owe Good Faith Service and Honor and Duty and protection against all enemies both Foreign and Domestic.
We are the civilians and we operate the Civilian Government that you owe all duty and honor and loyalty to. You are not under contract to the Civil [Municipal] Government. Note the difference: "Civilian" versus "Civil".
If any American who is not a Federal employee reads this, this is your Notice and Warning, too. Get up on your feet and get moving. Get those certified Birth Certificates ordered. Get your two Witnesses' Testimony. Get your paperwork done and recorded. Get your State Assemblies properly populated by American operating in their singular capacity as Lawful Persons. The American States do not allow Dual Citizenship. It's all or none. Boot it up. If this country is lost to a bunch of European Flim-Flam artists and crooked scum bankers making false claims in commerce against us, it's nobody's fault anymore but yours and mine for our own failure to react and get organized and kick legal rump from here to breakfast.
This is your Grandma talking straight talk. I have no reason to lie to you about any of this and you can easily observe it and look it up and prove it for yourselves. Get moving. There is power in numbers. Tell your friends, your neighbors --- literally all your "countrymen". And if you can, send a donation to the cost of fronting the diplomatic, legal, research, educational work, and other outreach that The Living Law Firm and The United States of America-- the unincorporated version thereof--- and the State Assemblies have to do.
Donations can be made directly via our websites: ( lid%3DIwAR1s_pLy6lFLVaoK8KDxN0yNqGWUxCP2dlEAePQKpC hP4U1OOu8FuD6pmdo&h=AT1BZjkvWcukOHjWG4n43GWZMI4_FLrwl9tjY3Q3Sa0lsL1l cK4KQoQKvxWEC_0cVW7eXRuggbeVZj7mDXT52MR75yfi6Yhgmw DZzmWPmYoL1kqrH3JSqAW8E74X0c_RYBBGV7QFdNJSOtijOZK--RNawrSHr3Df), ( WMQ9AnfW0YkP1-xwLUE), ( clid%3DIwAR1dM9SUcQBn92UAx8CLTzaBqXiwvSt5XPv82453k LM4gXP-7BCl_wCJUJk&h=AT1VjCyw3q_0b3SAjDG2cLbiZ4s8dbV67gAow4Spo3T5Ct1u p1D7GJ1aq64L0gefmnSxkxz22pex8WwSn_ykGwk3BYAmiua7bz pC9R22SvHnOcjhwv4lN39xY-xok49oKYbDe5g3beSj-OJY4kXRUZOV5PDQDROY) Donations to me and the legal team, and money for our educational publications effort, can be made directly to me either by PayPal: or by snail mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
18th April 2019, 08:14 AM
Anna von Reitz ( CmV2gA9NMIYXk98tosPZDsEFj_xc-q4s_k&hc_ref=ARSI4w14rBXPuZX6vxWhfz2zKOqeC-6xCeH4jTBNTqidrzc_AlyOLR5b4eklvJBTJ1s&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
To Make It Explicit:
Dear Mr. Trump....
We are running a country.
You are running a corporation.
These are two completely different jurisdictions.
One is actual and factual, the other exists in the La-La-Land of legal fictions.
The incorporated entities may not overcome the corporate entities and the corporate entities may not overcome the actual and factual.
To assert otherwise is to assert that the creation is greater than the creator, in violation of Maxim of Law and Universal Law.
We are the civilian--- not "civil"--- government to which the Federal Contractors owe 100% of their Good Faith Service.
If anyone in the Joint Chiefs has been clueless enough to mistake the Municipal "Civil" Government for the "civilian government" that they have taken an oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic---- it's time they learned the truth, isn't it?
We, the Employers, the American States and People, have been outrageously imposed upon, presumed upon, and suffered at the hands of our own employees and subcontractors.
We have been deliberately mischaracterized and impersonated, and then, just as deliberately misidentified as "Enemies" in a bogus and self-interested commercial mercenary "war".
Pretending that the Territorial States of States and the Municipal STATES OF STATES are anything but franchise operations of foreign corporations won't work anymore. They are not actual States. They are not sovereign entities. They are not populated by People --- only by Persons.
All the tommyrot has to end.
We are doing our part.
We are clicking our ruby slippers and we are returning home, having never been aware that we were absent, and having never had the opportunity to take exception to the unconscionable private contracts being made "for" us--- all absent full disclosure to our Mothers or at any time to us, of course--- and beginning when we were still babies in our cradles.
The shame and infamy that naturally accrues to the men responsible for these practices is incalculable. The systematic and institutionalized criminality that this circumstance presents is without precedent in the modern world.
It is quite a surprise to most Americans to find out that what appeared to be their own beloved government is nothing but a pile of European shills and criminals in American clothing, and that our beloved military is part of the problem and the plot.
One of the duties we expect the military we pay for to perform is to protect us from racketeering and inland piracy in the NAME of Municipal United States PERSONS. We also expect them to protect us against interstate and interjurisdictional bank fraud and economic warfare.
We wish for all these MUNICIPAL COURTS to be closed down and for the Municipal Government to be strictly limited as it is supposed to be; we wish for the decisions of these COURTS to be uniformly overturned for fraud and for lack of jurisdiction in each and every case wherein Americans have been "mistaken" for "Enemies" and as "MUNICIPAL CITIZENS" or cast into the role of presumed Territorial "Volunteers" magically made responsible for paying the debts of these "CITIZENS", either.
We wish for the jails to be cleared out and all the Americans who have been incarcerated under color of law based on constructive fraud and deliberately falsified commercial claims and contracts --- sent home. That means every non-violent criminal convicted of "evading" federal taxes that they never actually owed, everyone convicted of thought crimes, everyone convicted of statutory infractions, all the marijuana cases, all of those who were victimized by this national-level identity theft need to be sent home.
We wish for all federal liens against American assets belonging to actual Americans who have been unconscionably mischaracterized as "US Citizens" of any stripe, to be released with prejudice. We wish for all foreclosures against Americans who are not actually, knowingly, and voluntarily "US Citizens" to be estopped. With Prejudice.
Municipal PERSONS were arbitrarily "conferred" upon us via unconscionable contract when we were still babies in our cradles, owing in part to improper assumptions and actions taken by the military to register our Lawful Persons as Legal Persons--- specifically, as British Territorial United States Citizens.
All over America, bewildered Americans are being attacked under false pretenses and under color of law. Their homes are being stolen. They are being mischaracterized and impersonated as tenants, not recognized as landlords. They are being sued in the guise of Municipal PERSONS and prevented from accessing the credit that they are owed by the Department of Defense, Division of Fiscal Services and other "Federal" Departments and Subcontractors and Franchises.
There is no excuse for the continuance of this gross Breach of Trust and criminality. Over $21 trillion in credit is owed to the American States and People by DOD, but that's the tip of the iceberg. It's time for those responsible for this gigantic Cluster Up to pay off and pay up, and yes, we do mean the Queen and the Pope. Not the American States. Not the American People.
We wish for specific lawful and agreed upon remedy, spelled out in plain English, established with simple and honest instructions and processes, that average people can grasp and use to secure the recognition of their Lawful Persons, and obtain the security of all Persons/PERSONS associated with them, as guaranteed by our actual Constitution.
We wish for the end of obstruction of justice and collusion in withholding justice from the American People by the FBI, the various Attorney Generals, the For-Hire Corporate Court Systems, and other private incorporated law enforcement agents and agencies. We wish them to be fired and off our payrolls, permanently without contracts, not eligible for rehire. We wish for the owners and operators of these corporations, men like George Soros, to be identified and black-listed so that they can never be associated with any corporation offering governmental services on our soil again.
We wish for their service contracts to be severed with prejudice, and with no revolving door allowing them to ever occupy any position of public trust again.
We wish for the prosecution of those men responsible for the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum, an American Rancher on his way to a Public Meeting on a Public Road.
We wish the FBI to be hung out to dry for their part in falsifying evidence and misleading local Sheriffs and promoting fraud upon the courts against the Finicum Family and the Bundy Family and other Americans who were shamefully, tragically abused by these misdirected private subcontractors acting under color of law.
That's right, we do actually know that the "Federal Bureau of Investigation" is as "Federal" as "Federal Express. Just like the so-called "Federal Reserve".
We wish for the "FBI" and its private parent corporation doing business as THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES to be dismantled as crime syndicates engaged in fraud, racketeering, extortion, political destabilization, insurrection, conspiracy against the Constitutions, conspiracy against the American States and People, and virtually every other crime up to and including pre-meditated murder. The Boards of Directors need to be held to account for their parts in the atrocities they have promoted.
We wish for the specific law enforcement officers who were responsible for the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum to face charges for pre-meditated murder and reckless endangerment, false arrest and detainment, violation of Finicum's natural and unalienable right to life and liberty, criminal conspiracy and every other indictment they are heir to.
We wish for all the Department of Justice Officials and FBI and other agency personnel who have in any way politicized their positions of public trust to be gone from our sight-- their entire departments and agencies may be scrapped and the personnel responsible fired, not eligible for rehire by any governmental department, agency or subcontractor for the rest of their lives.
We wish for the IRS to be gone, too. We wish for these officers of the Church Inquisition, acting as bill collectors under color of law, to be ousted out of the Treasury Department, and removed from our shores.
We wish for every US TAX COURT decision made against Americans on the basis of false impersonation, identity theft, and mischaracterization to be overturned, including all commercial liens tainted by these venal practices.
We wish for a sane, safe, and orderly means and process by which average people who have been victimized can come forward and have all such liens, mortgages, and other merely presumed debts and obligations removed with prejudice and recognized as odious debts.
We wish for the betrayal of public trust to be prosecuted and punished in public, so that public employees take heed. We don't hire them to make our decisions for us, to be political running dogs, or run military "ops" on us. Neither do we pay them to be brainless automatons obeying immoral and illegal orders just because someone said so.
We wish the individuals responsible for all these and many more outrageous trespasses to be indicted, arrested, tried, and served justice for their crimes. This is not vengeance. This not Public Policy. It's the actual Public Law.
We wish for the quasi-military Territorial States of States to establish and make available Travel Cards so that our people can go about their business secure in the possession of their own private unregistered vehicles, unhindered in their private pursuits, and not presumed to be engaged in interstate commerce. We wish for these Travel Cards to be made readily available and advertised and delivered with no strings attached.
We wish for an end to the unlawful conversion of our assets, including our land assets, under the false presumption that we are either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States of any kind. We are landlords, not tenants. We are nationals of our States, not residents. Most of us have been here for many generations and were grandfathered-in before the Civil War.
We wish for an end to the unconscionable contracting processes that have sought to form contracts with babies in their cradles. We wish for you to stop the illegal and immoral of registration of babies born in this country and also wish for the prosecution of all corporations engaged in this white collar form of kidnapping, enslavement, "securitization" of living babies and impersonation of Americans.
We wish for the members of the Securities and Exchange Commission to be sacked, arrested, and subjected to trial for corruption, usurpation, dereliction of duty, negligence, criminal malfeasance, and breach of trust, along with the entire senior staff operating the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
We wish for the arrest and indictment of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the nationalization of all assets in their possession or otherwise under their control.
We wish for Goldman-Sachs and Merrill-Lynch to be liquidated as crime syndicates; we wish for DTTC and Cede and Company and all the associated web of banks and brokers and investors and insurance companies to be nationalized, and all the assets secured and returned to the rightful owners.
We wish for clear communications to be issued to the State of State Governors and the State of State Secretaries of State informing them that they are not actually functioning as States, have no immunity as States, and that as Legal Persons they cannot and do not "represent" the Lawful People of this country.
We wish for them, the State of State Governors and State of State Secretaries of State, to be instructed to recognize American State Nationals and American State Citizens as Third Parties and Lawful Persons operating outside their inchoate "State of State" jurisdiction and also instructing them to stop trespassing against our People on the basis of their own false presumptions.
We wish for them, the State of State Governors and State of State Secretaries of State, their staff, their legislators, their for-hire jurists and all their subcontractors to cease and desist inappropriate, unlawful, illegal, disrespectful and insubordinate behavior toward those of us who are in fact their Employers and whose States are Parties to the Constitutions.
We wish for prompt correction and recognition that the "States of States" now operating are simply franchises of foreign corporations, not essentially different from any other foreign corporation operating franchises on our shores and also recognition of the fact that they are subject to liquidation and/or nationalization if they willfully engage in racketeering and other criminal acts against Americans. This especially applies to the role of States of States in enforcing bogus evictions, foreclosures, and tax liens. We wish for all personnel to know that they are 100% commercially and criminally liable for such actions.
We wish for the respect, care, and consideration that is due every American and without that there can be no solid or rational basis for going forward. Legal fictions can't rule the roost. The tail can't really wag the dog. And the American People and our actual States are still the Lawful Persons who are Party to the controlling Constitution allowing the existence of these corporations on our soil.
Otherwise, the members of the Territorial and Municipal Congresses and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and all the smug and the ignorant bureaucrats that have been employed by the unauthorized Alphabet Soup Agencies ---- need to be looking for new jobs.
Let the arrests of the perpetrators begin. Let the innocent be set free and let the jails be filled with the actual criminals.
18th April 2019, 11:14 AM
Anna von Reitz ( BlZ5G1rAGwgQKhcWY20xM_FMyMQvM3IiVd&hc_ref=ARThBP5Sx-n-To8wEEdkkiYYCdvAQYuEVSXj2TTmt_bz4a--EHUwM5TN6jp2SYKVT0w&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Grandma's Rewrite of The Three Little Pigs
All Americans grow up knowing the story of The Three Little Pigs, but just so the details are reviewed and my readers from other countries are fully able to comprehend what I am saying --- let's review:
There are three pigs, brothers, that are starting out in life. Being pigs, they are aware of the Big Bad Wolf and his appetite for pig meat, but let's just say that some pigs are more motivated than others. So....
The first brother builds his house of straw. The second brother builds a house of sticks. The third brother builds his house of bricks.
Enter the Big Bad Wolf.
Well, the Wolf easily blows away the house made of straw and leaves the terrified owner to run to his brother who built his house of sticks, but the Big Bad Wolf comes again, and demolishes the house of sticks, too--- leaving both the unfortunate Pig Brothers running as fast as they can go, seeking shelter from their brother who built his house of bricks.
Much to the Wolf's consternation, no matter what he does, he can't tear down the house of bricks. It just stands there and all his huffing and puffing and strutting and howling have no effect, because it is made of bricks. The Three Pigs are safe, the Wolf is out of luck.
What do we learn from this story? --- For starters, building materials matter!
There are various groups of people running around throwing together this and that and claiming that they are operating valid "State" Assemblies, but they are not using the right building materials. They are using straw (Citizens of the United States) and sticks (United States Citizens).
So when the Big Bad Wolf comes (the commercial corporations and central banks) they will have no defense. Everything they construct will be blown away. All their hard work will be wasted. And they will be endangered.
But those that took the time and made the effort to educate themselves and correct their own political status records are like bricks, and the State Assemblies they build on the land jurisdiction of their country will stand impervious to whatever the Big Bad Wolves might want to do.
So--- my advice? Build with bricks. Don't mess around or waste time, either.
Get your copies of the Certified Birth Certificate issued in YOUR name, get your two (2) properly constructed Witness Testimonies, do the paperwork to formally convey your assets back to the land jurisdiction State of your birth, join or help organize your Lawful State Assembly. Serve Notice on the Big Bad Wolf.
Then when the rain comes and the wind blows and the Big Bad Wolf is rampaging around eating everything he can find, you will be snug and warm and safe inside your house of bricks---and you will have space to shelter your hapless brothers, too.
18th April 2019, 11:19 AM
Anna von Reitz ( BqYCi1oR_Xc2pb&hc_ref=ARRHLjalCDbzjKQLB-QPM20se1rctsp8Otql7mi0s-bERAp_83jtB6q6uHtNkaJBctA&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
For Jenn and the White House
The original Federal States of States known as the Confederate States (since 1781) doing business as "The State of Georgia", "The State of Maine", etc., may be revived after being "suspended" because they are corporations, however there is another issue to be addressed --- and that is the nature of the ownership interest itself. Can Canadians revive an American corporation? No. They can only name a Canadian Corporation after an American Corporation--- and that will not serve to create or recreate an American Corporation of the same or similar name. That this is true is made more obvious by what actually happened to the assets of the original Confederate States after the bankruptcy was settled. All remaining assets were rolled into [Confederate] State Trusts doing business as "Ohio State", "Wisconsin State", and so on.
If, as you suggest, the Territorial Government and its members, all being by definition British Territorial United States Citizens, could come back in here after the Civil War and simply reboot the prior-existing American Corporations by using similar names for their Territorial versions of States of States --- as in "the State of Georgia", "the State of Maine", etc., and inherit all our ancient rights and properties there would be no need or reason to establish separate State Trusts, and more importantly, the Reconstruction Acts would sunset. So we have the positive evidence of the State Trusts existence, and the negative evidence of the Reconstruction Acts still being in full force and effect, showing that I am right about this and that indeed, the only ones who can revive an American Corporation are Americans.
And who are the Americans as opposed to the British Territorial United States Citizens? The People. And who are the "People"? Those American State Nationals and American State Citizens who are naturally populating the physically-defined States --the States that are also Parties to the Constitutions.
This is proven by the nomenclature used on all the period documents. The republican soil jurisdiction states who are members of the unincorporated Union doing business as The United States are always referred to as "states" up until 1851 when new styles were adopted.
These are also referred to constantly as the "domestic states" or "domestic nations" in the literature of the times.
The international land jurisdiction, however, is composed of Lawful Persons known as "The People" doing business as States, the names of which are always capitalized. The very important thing to notice is that all these entities are unincorporated. The Lawful Persons known as the People who are populating the actual States of the Union are "corporate" in the sense of having adopted Trade Names, but they are not "incorporated" by any foreign sovereign or state. They are a sovereignty unto themselves as all unincorporated entities are.
So--- the presumptions that are made about the various kinds and levels and ownership interests and naming conventions and successor rights of the incorporated States of States do not apply to the actual States, because one type of entity, the States of States, are incorporated, and the other, the physically defined States, are not. This is the root of what is called "the Succession Dilemma".
Only unincorporated land jurisdiction People acting in their Lawful Person capacity as American State Citizens can revive the American States of States that are now mothballed and "held in abeyance". Put another way, only people who are properly defined as Texans populating the land jurisdiction of Texas, can incorporate "The State of Texas" and only people acting in that same capacity can revive and inherit the Successor Rights to The State of Texas and the Texas State Trust.
Unincorporated entities are Lawful Persons, not Legal Persons, and therein lies the rub and the reason that try as they might, the British Territorial United States Citizens and also the Citizens of the United States, can never access the Successor Rights owed to the Lawful Persons, the People, of this country. That is why they have been at such pains to try to secretively redefine all Americans as Legal Persons--- so that they could claim in international court that we no longer exist as People and that our assets are "abandoned". But guess what?
Only Lawful People can inherit Lawful Assets, so they are just as far out in the woods and in the muck as they have ever been--- and now, proven criminals and conspirators against the Constitutions, to boot. This is why the Territorial Government is under obligation to arrest its own Citizens who claim to be assembling States, when in fact, the most that such Persons can do is to assemble more Territorial States of States.
Run, don't walk, to secure certified copies of your Birth Certificate and Witness Testimonies, do the paperwork outlined on my website in Article 928, and, acting as one of the People, join your actual State Assembly of Lawful Persons, or help get your State Assembly of Lawful Persons organized. A list of verified State Assemblies is available on the American States Assembly website along with additional necessary information.
18th April 2019, 11:22 AM
Anna von Reitz ( sNA_MAvB2sgan6jZMUhvF7Q6xjqxErS53k&hc_ref=ARTCERgMSn2RgiKpeOVl7N5TEJb3oDp1UJvgs5_z4vG WqI6q9F7N-BatR6UQQu_hYiU&fref=nf)
55 mins ( ·
The Treaty of Versailles, FDR, and Us --- Not
Nothing Woodrow Wilson signed concerns us. He is very clearly signing for the incorporated British entity operating the British Territorial United States Government and acting as the "President" of a Territorial Corporation.
The only affect that that has or could ever have on us is via identity theft, entrapment, and other readily recognizable commercial crimes and breaches of trust, the evidence of which is readily at hand.
So, folks, all of those who have been running around like chickens with their heads off squawking about Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles! The Treaty of Versailles! --- can stop now.
Each and every time you see a reference to "The Constitution of the United States of America" you know that it concerns the British Territorial United States and not us.
Each and every time you see a reference to "the" United States, you can be sure it concerns the Municipal United States Government and not us.
When you see the minutes of the Conference of Governors dated March 6, 1933, "pledging" the good faith and credit of "their states and the citizenry thereof" --- you may be sure that they are referencing their Territorial States of States and the Territorial "citizenry" thereof.
You may be sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with us, and you may now better understand why they have contrived by every deceptive means of entrapment and falsification of records and adhesion contracts and identity theft to "mistakenly" redefine you as Territorial and Municipal "citizenry" instead of what you actually and rightfully are--- American State Citizens, aka, United States Nationals.
Tell Karen Hudes that she is now facing the actual Priority Creditors and we are not pleased.
19th April 2019, 01:15 PM
Anna von Reitz ( WL9lGB9-zBkpQyHscm8rSKh_BzE-KfcIFF&hc_ref=ARRn7e2lDQcJD4COGMZUffT7Qc6m6VyAGp1KBr-WfyE59kXYlCpoaGZEpNg5dAPaj10&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 47 Actual Constitution and Codicils
The Original Equity Contract --- The Constitution for the united States of America was passed in 1787, ratified by the States in 1789.
As soon as it was finished dealing with the first Constitution, the Congress was "reseated" and acted as the Territorial United States Congress which allowed it to address the British Trusteeship while the Original Equity Contract was being ratified--- so they worked next on The Constitution of the United States of America, and adopted as a codicil to the Original Equity Contract by a simple vote of the Congress operating as the Board of Directors for the States of America.
Finally, the Congress was "reseated" a third and final time in their Municipal United States Congress capacity to write the Municipal Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States, which was adopted as a codicil to the Original Equity Contract by a simple vote of the Congress operating as the Board of Directors for the States of America in conformance with The Jay Treaty.
Thus there is one ratification process by which the actual States approved the Original Equity Contract -- The Constitution for the united States of America, and the subordinate Constitutions were attached as codicils approved by the Congress acting first as the Territorial Congress and next as the Municipal Congress----and further sharing out "powers" vouchsafed to the States of America under the Original Equity Contract --- which is the only one ratified by the States.
One must remember that everything taking place during the adoption of the Constitutions -- is a power-sharing agreement between the States operating the original Confederate States of States, and two foreign subcontractors, according to the dictates of the peace process and treaties ending the Revolutionary War.
They are divvying up the "powers" being "delegated" by the actual States to their own States of States and two foreign subcontractors.
At each step, the Congress is operating in a different capacity and jurisdiction --- first acting in public to restructure and limit the American Confederation of States [of States] dba "States of America", then acting to structure and adopt the British Territorial "share" via The Constitution of the United States of America, then acting again to adopt the Municipal "share" via The Constitution of the United States.
And at each step, the Congress changed hats and jurisdictions, moving from General Session to Territorial business to Municipal business.
You can see the actual names of the entities involved from the titles of the Constitutions:
The Constitution for the united States of America --- our Federal Government operating in international and global jurisdiction.
The Constitution of the United States of America --- our Territorial Government being operated by the British Territorial United States.
The Constitution of the United States --- the Municipal Government being operated by the Holy Roman Empire
Originally, only the States of America were formally chartered by their own States; the foreign Territorial and Municipal service providers were doing business as private, unincorporated businesses under what are called prescriptive charters --- that is, they were not directly chartered and incorporated by the foreign governments (UK and Holy See) acting as subcontractors.
After the Civil War, both the Territorial and Municipal entities restructured as incorporated entities operated by the Queen and the Holy See respectively; they had no permission to do this, but there was nothing in our contract with them prohibiting it, either. This is what the flap over the (repealed, by the way) Act of 1871 was about, and this is what cleared the way for them to be able to work all the insurance and pre-planned international bankruptcy frauds that took place in 1907, 1933, etc.
As unincorporated and lawful businesses these foreign subcontractors had to be accountable for their behavior, but as incorporated "legal" franchises of the UK and Holy See, they enjoyed bankruptcy protection --- which motivated them to secretively hypothecate debt against our American assets on the pretext that they were working for us, and then seek bankruptcy protection for themselves, while leaving us on the hook to pay off their debts --- all, conveniently, without our actual conscious knowledge or consent.
This is a crime on many levels, but most essentially is a constructive fraud involving unconscionable contracts and deliberate and premeditated bankruptcy, breach of trust, and false claims in commerce.
The crime is only magnified because both governments chartering these organizations -- the Queen's UK Government and the Pope's Government -- had cause to know that: (1) the American States were the actual Parties to the Constitutions, (2) the American States were, as the Delegators of all the Delegated Powers, owed Good Faith and Due Diligence from their Subcontractors and Trustees, including Full Disclosure and Assistance in resolving The Mess caused by the Civil War staged on our shores.
There is absolutely no doubt that both the Queen and the Pope and their respective governments which chartered, supported, and offered bankruptcy protection to the Offenders, are at fault, in proven Gross Breach of Trust, in violation of the Treaties and Commercial Contracts owed to our States and People, and lacking any plausible Cause in their Defense.
Now that you know that the only Constitution actually ratified by our States is "The Constitution for the united States of America" and the other two "constitutions" were simply applied as subcontracts, it becomes a lot easier to sort the wheat from the chaff.
The actual Federal Government we are owed is supposed to be American owned and operated.
The Territorial Government and the Municipal Government are both strictly defined and limited in their scope by the controlling contract, The Constitution for the united States of America, but have usurped authority by claiming "an emergency" that didn't actually exist in 1860 or at any time since with respect to our lawful State Governments.
1. In order to enforce the Constitution and the Territorial and Municipal Subcontract Constitutions, we must be acting as Lawful Persons --- People --- of our States of the Union.
We are the only ones that are Parties to the Constitutions, therefore the only ones with the standing to enforce them.
2. Our States are populated exclusively by Americans operating as Lawful Persons. Our States do not allow US Citizens to participate in actual State Government, because they are at best Dual Citizens and may act in conflict of interest as a result.
3. Only our States have the standing, authority, and capability to recharter and reconstruct the "missing" American Federal States of States (Confederation States) and designate American owned and operated Successors. Only American Successors assigned by our States have the ability to reclaim the actual ancient and hereditary interest in the States of States doing business as, for example, The State of Georgia, The State of Maine, and The State of Texas.
4. All "assemblies" that include US Citizens are not "State Assemblies". They are by definition "State of State" Assemblies, either Territorial or Municipal.
5. There is no provision for Territorial States of States or Municipal STATES OF STATES allowed under the Constitutions, therefore, none of these organizations have any actual public function or authority at all with respect to our States and People. They are merely franchises of foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" per Article IV.
6. Read that: Territorial States of States and Municipal STATES OF STATES are "Administrative Units" of foreign commercial corporation service providers, acting as franchises of the Territorial USA, Inc. and the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC. like Dairy Queen franchises, merely calling themselves "States of States" and usurping upon and substituting themselves for our missing Federal States of States.
7. "Administrative Law" and "Administrative Courts" are therefore private institutions that do not have any obligation to impose the Public Law, but operate instead upon Public Policy of their corporation's Board of Directors and Shareholders.
8. The problem we face is that millions of Americans have been deliberately shanghaied and misidentified and mislabeled as "US Citizens", both as "United States Citizens" --- Territorials and as "Citizens of the United States" --- Municipals --- and have been subjected to the Public Policies of these foreign corporations instead of having access to the Public Law and the Constitutional Guarantees they are heir to.
9. The further problem is that these same Americans who are being robbed and defrauded have been indoctrinated to believe that they are "US Citizens" of some kind or stripe, and many persons employed by the various levels of these foreign corporate "private government units" know no better. Educating people on both sides of the fence --- both Americans and US Citizens (actual employees and dependents of the Federal Territorial and Municipal Corporations) is a fundamental duty of the State Assemblies and the State Assembly Members.
19th April 2019, 01:46 PM
Anna von Reitz ( mqX3L4fgbT6bxyL5wPmWbvUbQpSL6xceoN&hc_ref=ARR9M4K9HOJxyxQU6mF4qNCAU457xf3IF8cdmZvJdda 3HftR1Zo1VZ4nkKxvD4GXNdw&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Moving the Cheese
I have commented on this before, and will comment again.
It is the stock-and-trade of the perpetrators of these schemes to:
(1) destroy and burn books and public records contrary to their story line---observe the War of 1812;
(2) rewrite or omit history to mislead others and promote their self-interest -- observe your own less-than-complete public school education;
(3) evade and deny and lie about any truth that is not complimentary to them and their false claims in commerce.
These Liars make their livings off of Lying. Okay? So that is what we are dealing with.
They constantly change the Codes and the records and the court citations by renumbering, "revising", annotating, archiving, repealing, renaming, and in extremis, destroying material that contradicts their official version of reality.
And they constantly misrepresent things. For example, they continue to promote the assumption that the "Revised United States Statutes at Large" exist, when in fact, they were never adopted.
That leaves us with what? Oh, the original United States Statutes at Large are the actual Law, but people are left citing the Revised (Non-Existent and Unofficial) version, which automatically torpedoes and invalidates anything they say.
These Agents of Darkness are as devious as you might expect, so you have to put on the "full armor of God" and sharpen your skills of discernment and think about what you are doing and what you are searching for.
Title V was just "revised" again in 2017, and not surprisingly, it has been renumbered and the evidence of the guilty parties sale of "citizens" has been moved --- quite possibly entirely removed --- from the current version of Federal Code.
Realize that what we are talking about had its genesis in 1868 and its most evident fruition in the 1930's, so instead of looking at the Federal Code as it exists in 2017, look at the Federal Code as it existed in the 1930's, 40's, 50's.
When trying to find a citation and it doesn't immediately pop up, look 10-20 pages on either side of the number of the Code citation given. Look carefully at the notations added to the Code as notes and footnotes. These often tell you where they moved "the cheese"--- and be forewarned, you may have to track down several iterations of this same process, because some "cheese" is so good they move it multiple times.
Finding that they have re-numbered a citation is utterly commonplace, and finding that they have moved citations to other sections of the same basic publication, or that they have reshuffled whole sections and renumbered them, is as commonplace as dirt.
So, please don't call me up and rave that you can't find a citation, therefore, it doesn't exist, therefore, I lied to you.
When trying to find a "US Supreme Court" case, remember that there are six (6) versions of "US Supreme Court" and you have to be in the right church to find the right pew.
When trying to find a court case, be aware that they rarely but consistently change the names of "hot" court cases by changing the names of the Parties or breaking up the court record into separate pieces.
For example, a case that starts out as "People of Colorado v. Aims Hardware, Co." will magically transform into, "State of Colorado v. Aims Hardware, Co." and a case that starts out as "City of Philadelphia v. Robert Burns and Company" will morph into "PHILADELPHIA v. BURNS" and so on.
Among old cases you will also find "Split Jurisdiction" Cases, where a land jurisdiction court had to rule on the land portion of a case and a sea jurisdiction court had to rule on the sea portion of a case, creating two separate court records in two separate courts. Invariably, they have hidden the land jurisdiction court case in an effort to hide the existence of the land jurisdiction court, and you will have to dig very deeply into the bowels of the Archives to find what you are looking for.
Nobody said this was easy. This is why we have researchers whose entire contribution to the effort is tracking down certified copies of these source documents.
Be aware that the "cheese" moves, and sometimes, it even disappears for a time, but also be aware that when I give you a citation, it does exist, and somewhere in my records, there's a hard copy of it with a date stamp and office on it.
This what I suggest that everyone do. Go to a Law Library, find your citation, take photocopies of the citation AND the actual book you took it from. Literally, take a copy of the book cover and a copy of the inside pages showing the publisher, date, copyright, etc. This establishes "the Record" at a specific source and point in time.
And that nails the cheese down at last.
Also, some sources are relatively free of this kind of manipulation and you will find that the lawyers themselves lean hardest on these sources. Be aware that the only dictionary ever approved by Congress is Bouvier's Law Dictionary. The common use of Black's Law Dictionary is because of its use in Maritime and Admiralty Law---- not land law.
American Jurisprudence, Corpus Juris Secondum, usually abbreviated American Jurisprudence 2nd, or just Am Jur 2nd, is published by Westlaw and is widely regarded as "reliable" by most courts and For-Hire Jurists.
Therefore, unless you are obviously mistaking the meaning of the legalese, citations taken from this source are widely accepted and may help you find new leads in your research.
Quite often, Am Jur 2nd will "link" associated cases, so if you find a reference to "Downes v. Bidwell" you will find listings to "Hooven and Allison v. Evatt" and other Insular Tariff Cases.
Remember the video of the Mouse v. the Snake? This is the Mouse v. the Cheese Maze. Don't be discouraged if at first you don't succeed in finding a reference.
19th April 2019, 07:00 PM
Anna von Reitz ( B7teblOtn4OD-m8y_NfDho_U&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 48 Banking Corrections
There are two kinds of banking institutions available --- Federal and State. These institutions operate under different kinds of charters. As American
State Nationals and American State Citizens, we should be using and supporting State-chartered banks and credit unions.
Why? Because of the legal presumptions involved and the relative safety provided to Depositors by State-chartered banks and credit unions.
We long ago advised that non-federal employees and their dependents, should shift their small business and private trust and Trade Name accounts to State-chartered banks and credit unions.
We also suggest that people who have accounts in Federal banks and credit unions provide the bank CEO's with a Registered Letter, Return Receipt Requested, specifically instructing that all funds being deposited in and transferred out of such accounts held in our NAMES be "denominated" as "lawful funds".
This prevents them from getting grabby in the case of a bank holiday or "bail-in" or similar fiasco. Federal banks don't actually have sufficient United States Notes to trade in them --- USN's are a foreign currency --- but they are required to "denominate" the digits held in their accounts "as" United States Notes, if and when Depositors require this.
Many people have had trouble locating the State-chartered banks and credit unions in their State. In Alaska, this information is available from the State of Alaska, Division of Banking and Securities. The State Banking Commissioner in all States should have that information or be able to direct you to the proper office.
A search by one of our more diligent researchers shows that there are only four State-chartered banks left in Alaska, only one of which is truly accessible and statewide in scope.
There is only one State-chartered credit union --- Credit Union One. Thankfully, Credit Union One has State-chartered organizations in every State of the Union.
Each State Assembly needs to research this topic for their State and their Members, and make the information available to them. State-chartered banks and credit unions are in-state Depositories by definition, and as such, are not as likely to be affected by any international banking collapse resulting in the loss of Depositor's assets.
To bring this home to Americans --- the State-chartered banks and credit unions are "George Bailey" and the Federal-chartered banks and credit unions are "Mister Potter". It has been this way since the days when the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" was made, and it continues to be true today.
The trouble with banking began in 1913 with the passage of The Federal Reserve Act, which imposed conditions that can only be described as contractual lunacy--- leaving only Section 16 of the Act as remedy for it.
From that time on, federally-chartered banks were obligated to function under this patently criminal scheme. Section 16 of The Federal Reserve Act was "codified" as Title 12, Section 411, [12 USC 411] which spells out the remedy via proper endorsement of all banking instruments.
Is it a check? It's a banking instrument.
Is it a signature card? It's a banking instrument.
Is it a court case? It's a banking instrument.
Is it a savings account? It's a banking instrument.
Is it a safety deposit agreement? It's a banking instrument.
Is it a mortgage application? It's a banking instrument.
Is it a mortgage closing document? It's a banking instrument.
All these and more are being bonded, subject to bailment---- and unless you specify otherwise using your signature correctly, you leave the federal agents free to presume whatever they like and whatever profits them.
You have a choice. You can deal in "Federal Reserve Notes" --- I.O.U.'s, or, you can deal in lawful money, "United States Notes". You can use the bank as a "Gratuitous Bailee" or the bank can use you as a "Subject BAILOR".
As American State Nationals and American State Citizens, we should not be using federal "notes"----but as our identity was stolen while we were still babies in our cradles and we were never told otherwise, we were never given disclosure, afforded our exemptions, or told about this choice.
When we endorse anything, that is, sign a banking instrument, we need to use a by-line, reserve our rights, and declare our intent by writing "Redeemed-- 12 USC 411-- in lawful money". This backs up our instruction to the local bank CEO regarding our accounts and assures that our instruction regarding each instrument will be followed.
Every time we do this, we reduce the so-called "US National Debt" by the amount being transferred.
Since the Perpetrator's intention was to create an insurmountable, eternal "National Debt" nobody was ever told how to discharge it via proper signature, and thus we didn't sign the bank instruments in this way---- and the debt simply grew and grew and grew...... ad infinitum.
So we need to use the Magic Words and say, "There has been a mistake."
and we need to transfer our accounts and we need to instruct any Federal banks or credit unions we have to work with and we need to properly endorse all bank instruments from now on.
A small red-ink stamp set up with the by-line like this: By:_________________ with space for your signature, a small "c" with a circle around it providing copyright notice immediately following, and the disclaimers, "All Rights Reserved" and "Redeemed-- 12 USC 411-- in lawful money" underneath. You might also add your account number, but if you are going to change banks, maybe not.
This will make properly endorsing checks and other bank instruments far less tedious and make sure you get the verbiage right every time from now on.
19th April 2019, 07:05 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 2yJu9alZnlWHs2_7tC7CY2P5xbHEbbjq6t&hc_ref=ART2wB5XGv5SNzCW2z-Z8dU7VVSPeZufGX84YPg51SOz4IwCckk0QfTj3CvvR69TR5c&fref=nf)
40 mins ( ·
The "GIFT" ---- Pillar to Post
When I dug deep and down the rabbit hole, I was told that the Municipal PERSON -- aka --- Strawman, was a gift. Well, it was "conferred" on all of us without our knowledge or consent, based on the false presumption that we were British Territorial United States Citizens and "Wards" of their States of States, but giving us a "mask" --- a "person"--- that is slave and a criminal by definition is not my idea of a gift.
So what is really going on?
A scheme by the colluding criminal commercial corporations to get us in a crossfire and get us "both coming and going" -- and all under three false presumptions:
(1.) The false presumption that we are or ever were British Territorial United States Citizens;
(2.) The false presumption that we are or ever were a Municipal Citizen of the United States;
(3.) The false presumption that these two options (above) are the only possibilities.
In fact, our States of the Union and our Lawful Persons were here before any of the British Territorial United States Citizens and before any Municipal Citizens of the United States, either.
The "US Citizens" were created by the Constitutions.
We were created by God.
So, they simply tell Big Lies about us, and keep us defending ourselves, first as a Municipal and then as a Territorial Citizen---- and at no time are we either one.
It's just one big, jolly Lie Fest with the Brits telling lies about us on one side and the not-so-holy Romans telling lies about us on the other.
No wonder we are confused.
I suppose we could respond in kind by wantonly telling lies, but the Truth is far more devastating.
"I act exclusively as a lawful person. Where's your authority to address me?"
20th April 2019, 03:15 AM
Anna von Reitz ( CWw4&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Fact One, Fact Two...
1. No organization that includes "United States Citizens" or "Citizens of the United States" can assemble an actual State of the Union.
2. Beacon 37, The Republic, the National Assembly, RuSA, etc., etc., etc., are all organized and "inhabited" by US Citizens.
3. Therefore, NONE of these organizations are competent to assemble our actual States of the Union.
4. Our States are the only ones that can enforce the Constitutions because our States are the Parties to the Constitutions.
5. Our States are the only ones that can re-charter the American owned and operated States of States that we are owed.
6. Various parties, either in ignorance or on purpose, want to avoid abiding by the Constitutions, so don't want us to assemble our actual States.
7. Various parties, either in ignorance or on purpose, want to usurp upon the "vacancy" left by our missing Federal States of States.
8. So none of these organizations -- Beacon 37, the Republic, the National Assembly -- none of them are set up and aiming to do what We, the American People, need to get done.
9. You need to come home while there is still a home to come home to.
10. The only organization(s) out there that are properly constituted of American State Nationals and State Citizens are organizing under the heading of The American States Assembly: ( ovqMS86BP0G8Ru8LjIQ)
20th April 2019, 03:54 AM
When I dug deep and down the rabbit hole, I was told that the Municipal PERSON -- aka --- Strawman, was a gift. Well, it was "conferred" on all of us without our knowledge or consent, based on the false presumption that we were British Territorial United States Citizens and "Wards" of their States of States, but giving us a "mask" --- a "person"--- that is slave and a criminal by definition is not my idea of a gift.
So what is really going on?
Private property is both the cornerstone and the holy grail of common law. No private property is where trusts excel. Practically everything is done with trusts these days. What you think of as public law is nothing more than private trust law. Uses and usufructs. Private property is not stolen or taken from you by public officials. Private property is seized because your use is no longer useful for your survival. Private property is seized because you fail to return payment to the trust when your usufruct produces an income.
Uses are for your survival only. Usufruct is for your use and enjoyment. Remember that part about 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'? That 'pursuit of happiness' is the usufruct. The enjoyment is where taxes come from. Everyone in the trust wants to be happy with you (aka 'share the wealth').
I don't know why you aren't happy about this state of affairs unless perhaps you still believe in private property rather than everyone sharing everything in common.
20th April 2019, 10:25 AM
Private property is both the cornerstone and the holy grail of common law. No private property is where trusts excel. Practically everything is done with trusts these days. What you think of as public law is nothing more than private trust law. Uses and usufructs. Private property is not stolen or taken from you by public officials. Private property is seized because your use is no longer useful for your survival. Private property is seized because you fail to return payment to the trust when your usufruct produces an income.
Uses are for your survival only. Usufruct is for your use and enjoyment. Remember that part about 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'? That 'pursuit of happiness' is the usufruct. The enjoyment is where taxes come from. Everyone in the trust wants to be happy with you (aka 'share the wealth').
I don't know why you aren't happy about this state of affairs unless perhaps you still believe in private property rather than everyone sharing everything in common.
Some of the people who are sharing did not get the message, like can you say Soros, Stalin, Hitler, Windsor, Rockefeller, Rothschild, and a few other names of that ilk who think that blowing up and killing is sharing. They seem to know the principle what's your's is mine and what's mine is mine.
You can only write law for land that you own and seems that US Person's are land that they own. So stop volunteering to be a US Person.
20th April 2019, 12:09 PM
You can only write law for land that you own and seems that US Person's are land that they own. So stop volunteering to be a US Person.
The issues go quite a bit deeper than that. You only own that which you create. If I create a birth certificate then I own that birth certificate. The concept of writing law for land seems odd to me since land obeys its' own laws and can take no cognizance of laws.
Fiction exists in the quantum world as waves. Observation modifies fiction and creates a paradyme called reality. Reality behaves as particles.
If you respond to a command then that means you are subservient to the command issuer. The superior gets to impose his/her will. When your spouse tells you 'Honey, will you take out the trash' you should by rights throw the baggage out.
20th April 2019, 02:21 PM
Anna von Reitz ( wvEsjvccx1lqwQOFsr1g4-Xd48J3V-N5YI&hc_ref=ARRmsNgg1v5PDLmrQ0P-VGwjUbkfpk-X19E5vk1hrkDWcox4li0Jja5T-zYgBL0V4Us&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Apples and Oranges.
The job before us is to gather together a crate of apples.
US Citizens equals oranges. Americans equals apples.
It seems simple enough, doesn't it?
Today I got an angry message from Tim in Pennsylvania asking what I know about Beacon 37 and the Republic and what they are trying to do?
I know that Beacon 37 and the Republic and yes, the National Assembly, are all welcoming US Citizens as members, and that means that no, they can't assemble an actual American State --- which is what needs to be done.
Back in 2011, I got involved in RuSA--- the "Republic"--- under Tim Turner's leadership.
When I realized they were off track, I went public and told Tim that he was crossing jurisdictions and that we couldn't do that.
He stomped all over me and would not listen to a word I said; six months later he was in jail serving an 18 year sentence.
Then, in 2015, I met Bruce Doucette.
His heart was in the right place and we became good friends, but within months, he had gotten sidetracked, too, and was doing the same thing as Tim Turner ---- crossing jurisdictions.
Again, I warned him. Like Tim Turner, he wouldn't listen. Three months later he was arrested and now he's in jail serving a 38 year sentence.
This should be enough to prove that I know what I am talking about, but there are still those "experts" out there who won't draw the line between apples and oranges.
Here's what I told Tim in Pennsylvania verbatim:
"I know that Beacon 37 and the Republic and RuSA and yes, National Assembly, too--- all welcome and include US Citizens.
And so far as what I am advocating, that is all I need to know.
These organizations are not able to assemble the actual States, nor are they able to reconstruct the Federal States of States that Americans are owed.
As a result, they are just competing against the actual effort that needs to be made, drawing off resources, and confusing the issues.
You "can't get there from here" is their problem and always has been and more importantly--always will be.
I am not kidding either when I point out that the Territorial Government is under obligation to arrest any United States Citizens engaged in "assembling" or claiming to assemble.
This is the same kind of error that put Bruce Doucette in jail for 38 years and it is not happening to me or anyone who follows what I am doing.
So make up your mind and do one or the other-- assemble the actual State and act as one of the People , or get out of the way and stop trying to confuse yourself and your other agenda with me or anything I am doing."
This is the way it is, and the way it has to be.
Otherwise, I would be open to the same kind of attack as what happened to Turner and Doucette --- and more importantly, so would the innocent people who are taking action to build actual State Assemblies.
I owe it to myself and my own good sense and to the people who are depending in Good Faith on the knowledge I share with them, not to make this mistake and not to be associated with anyone who does make this mistake.
I am an apple assembling with other apples. I am staying in my lane and giving nobody cause to claim otherwise.
When and if I see any commingling of my message with these other organizations, I take exception to it and draw the line--- both privately and in public.
Last night I gave Jocelyn at ( IwAR1l1FDWWDf1w8RSSBXQ0zrIBUmbCCi6OW8iQx2i_g4EIIeL 2-bC-mGoQvk&h=AT2HouDsi0ckyMV1fh_y0jptOUEnrf4mEBGzL4flsP9uR5Qw jONLxl79tP67z2xDRkJ7hMUh5b4hEJfs4xJCN_Ku1rqf0su_OR dZV7EnJYqi6HFFYUccXi-FEWyQH8i-u-gazXcjdHOcEj-Ke6xRWxzsNR4Y5B0e) the same message I gave Tim Turner and Bruce Doucette.
She has been advertising the Republic as a resource in the same breath as she has been presenting my paperwork --- but the Republic as an organization hasn't ever made correction and is still crossing jurisdictions.
I turned my back on Tim Turner and RuSA though I didn't want to. I turned my back on Bruce Doucette and wept bitterly-- for him and for all of us.
But an orange is an orange and an apple is an apple, and neither I nor the people struggling to assemble the actual States of the Union can afford these kinds of mistakes.
It's nobody's "fault". It doesn't imply any moral judgement. It's just a terrible and costly mistake that a great many people make. The way is broad that leads to destruction, but the way to Life is narrow and hard.
The fact remains that if your task is to gather a crate of apples, you have to know what apples are-----and you have to recognize the difference between apples and oranges.
20th April 2019, 02:26 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 3u69h67S71xkQwctarWoaYU9XhPryGDg8c&hc_ref=ARTYp8QGWdrsfSnGTo8H4BtlbO-d2qdGQsVSQCZ1sUXEvIpD5ZiVCvD1Fg-2jliEVho&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
The Day Before Easter
The day before Easter, Jesus is dead. It's the Sabbath. The entire City of Jerusalem is quiet as the day dawns. For most people on that sunny spring day, it was just another Sabbath and the quiet was just the normal peace of the Sabbath.
For a certain family and a small circle of friends, the quiet was of a different kind: a stunned and horrified silence, the kind where your mind reels and you can't say anything, because there is nothing to say---and nothing to do. He's dead.
So you sit hunched over with your stomach muscles knotted up against the pain and you hug yourself and all you can think is -- how could this happen? How could this possibly be?
And even though you were there, it doesn't seem real.
One moment, he's lauded and praised-- hosannah in the highest!---and the next moment, this dull blank horror. This nothingness.
Mary, his Mother, is prostrate with grief. The rest of the family gathers around her, but it's no good. There is nothing anyone can say. She knots her hands together and weeps until she is exhausted and falls asleep, only to awaken to this nightmare and weep again.
Nothing will ever be the same. Nothing will ever be as good.
And what about all God's promises and the prophets now? What about the miracles?
It all comes down to this today: he's dead. He's gone. He will never laugh with us again, never play, never stop to comfort some poor beggar, never touch another leper.
The heaviness of it is unbearable. And underlying the thick miasma of shock and loss, is fear. The Chief Priests and the Romans are vengeful. Who will be next?
We have heard about the strange thing that happened in the temple, how the temple curtain, a very thick and heavy curtain, was torn in two by unseen hands, just ripped assunder like a piece of paper.
Dully, we wonder how that could happen, too, and what does it mean? God has left the temple? The Holy of Holies stands open to the breeze. There is nothing the Priests can do.
The divorce is final.
Furtively, we think back on all the things he said. Pictures of him, little snippets, the sound of his voice-- and we crunch up and weep again until our sides ache, until we can't catch our breath.
It seems that except for the little group keeping watch over Mary, we've all crawled away to our own spot to grieve, some upstairs, some downstairs, some in the garden, some on the city wall, some lingering in the street, flaccid as empty sacks.
He loved us. For a while in this turbulent world, we felt loved. We felt secure. We felt hopeful. Excited. And now this. He's dead and nothing will ever be the same again.
The brutal, arrogant Romans won, and the worst of it is that our own people betrayed him to the Romans. The Chief Priests. The Pharisees. The Scribes. The Levites. All those we were taught to respect and trust, our leaders, betrayed him and betrayed us.
It seems that there will be no tomorrow. It seems like this day will never end. It drags on so slowly, it seems as if time itself has stopped, and we are stuck just staring at the wall, alone with this great gaping emptiness, wavering back and forth between numbness and waves of grief.
Drawing a deep breath is so difficult to do without choking, as if even our lungs have shrunk down to nothing, and over and over we tell ourselves-- so this is how it ends.
Shame, disgrace, and torture, the death of a criminal, accused of being a necromancer who brought the dead back to life, mocked as a failed king. Scourged, stabbed, and crucified.
For what? For the sin of helping the helpless. For restoring the blind and the sick?
Wildly, like birds, our thoughts dart back and forth. It can't be the end. Yet, it is.
It's spring. All over the countryside the grass is green again, the trees are blossoming. It doesn't seem possible. It doesn't seem real. Any moment, we will hear his voice in the courtyard and the noisy entourage of disciples and crowds of people who always follow him, seeking help.
Where are they now? Cowed down in despair. The light and the hope has guttered out. Nobody can replace him.
Nobody can help. Now, more than ever before, we feel alone, disoriented, knocked sideways--and empty.
So empty.
It's the day before Easter.
21st April 2019, 12:53 PM
Anna von Reitz ( q32a&hc_ref=ARRu7KVN4Uew0nhT3-gNSs_eZ5D3e0i_A2Q_XK5QzD3s9Uobqh4qYHeu4bVbtT2uS6o&fref=nf)
23 hrs ( ·
The History of Legal vs. Lawful
I wind up talking with and arguing with a lot of lawyers, most of whom are greatly amused (or scandalized) when I tell them that all the laws of mankind derive from religion and that they are all involved in administering a religious belief system.
These are not, for the most part, what you would call "religious" people.
They are, as a group, about as hard-bitten, sophisticated, cynical, power-hungry, and greedy as it is possible for people to be.
They laugh and snort when I tell them this. They nearly always stop and their eyes widen and then they cough or guffaw. Believe me, to a man, none of them have been taught the nature of their profession in any law school in America.
It's like talking to a prostitute who doesn't know that what she is doing is sex. I should be the one that is laughing, but somehow it doesn't strike me as funny. It strikes me as sad, and maybe pathetic.
All these smart, cagey, highly educated, highly paid, highly respected people, and most of them don't have a clue about what they are doing.
Those that are aware that there is a difference between "lawful" and "legal" are rare, and those that do know, don't know the origin of the distinction between the two.
Let's begin by asking ourselves --- does God, the Creator, make any mistakes?
So.... how is it that Ishmael is born before Isaac? Ishmael is the lawful heir of Abraham, the first born of Abraham's bloodline. He was denied his Father's blessing because of a jealous woman.
How is it that Esau is born before Jacob? Esau is the lawful heir of Isaac, the first born of Isaac"s bloodline, not Jacob. He was denied his Father's blessing because of deceit.
I have observed before that there are two gods in the Bible, and one must be careful to discern which one is talking, turn by turn.
So when we hear, "I have hated Esau, and Jacob I have loved." --- we need to stop and think: Jacob is a sneaky, deceptive, lying little rat. Who would love him? Ah, of course, the Father of All Lies is speaking here.
The Great Deceiver loves a deceiver, just as the True God loves an honest man.
So there are the Lawful Heirs by birthright, and there are the Legal Heirs by Blessing --- and what exactly is the nature of this "blessing"? It is a title --- a name.
A legal fiction. A deception. A mask. A person. This is what Jacob inherits as a result of his deception: another deception.
And we all know where this is coming from, right? From the Father of All Lies.
Jacob gets his karmic return. He is deceived by his Father-in-Law, Laban, and given Leah instead of Rachel in marriage. He is deceived into thinking his son, Joseph, is dead.
But what else do we notice?
The Lawful Heirs are the ones taking it in the shorts all the time. It's the thieves, the deceivers, the jealous and dishonest and self-motivated ones who win, win, win, and it is the innocent Lawful Heirs who lose, lose, lose.
Same thing with Jesus. He is the Lawful Heir, but he is denied.
Caiphas wins. Sure, it cost him thirty pieces of silver, but he wins.
What is the take-home message here? Bad guys win, good guys are losers, nobody obeys the law----the actual law, so, forgetaboutit?
The True God makes dumb mistakes, lets the Devil win, forgets about and marginalizes those who are wronged?
So it seems, if the Bible is to be believed.
Right up until Jesus is resurrected.
Here, finally, is how the Lawful Heir won.
How does it feel to spend your brief lives in misery and fear, scrabbling after trinkets and gold and titles given by other men?
How does that inheritance compare to the gift of eternal life and health and joy, given by the True God?
It turns out that the Lawful Heirs have a different kind of inheritance, an inheritance on a completely different scale, an inheritance of a completely different nature.
It is, for example, the Lawful Heirs who inherit the Earth: the land and soil. It is no mistake that the Americans claim their Lawful Persons.
Blessed be the peacekeepers and the honest men and women in every country and nation.
Blessed be the Heirs of the Living God.
Blessed be those who hear these words and heed them.
And may the lawyers among us finally learn what their real job is.
22nd April 2019, 09:39 AM
Anna von Reitz ( uzzpqFAOkRTUPJvlLokkEz4kSjw_MkITX2&hc_ref=ARSWwMp0KTUadQCcRJVocu92rDJZDD7Q7wJCl1ISBs0 G6PMOGR0ZesYVSxovWwdICeE&fref=nf)
20 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies- 49 Republic or Republican, Civil or Civilian
As is now apparent to everyone, confusion and semantic deceits are the stock-and-trade of crooked lawyers.
It should come as no surprise that these same devices which seek to confuse "Citizens of The United States" with "citizens of the United States" and to pass off "the State of Wyoming" for "The State of Wyoming" have been employed to promote other self-interested gambits.
There is right now a concerted effort to confuse "Republics" with "Republican States" and to pass off the "Civil Government" for the "Civilian Government" we are owed.
Most people in America are not well-prepared to recognize this ruse for what it is, because the study of Latin even in the Church has been suppressed since the 1960's.
However, there are still a few dinosaurs, present company included, who do recognize Latin and do have the ability to properly interpret the full one-third of our Founding Documents which are written in Latin. So it is up to us to clue the rest of you in to the fine points.
What our Forefathers built and what they envisioned from the start was a "republican" state and a "republican form of government". Please note those two letters "an" that are attached to the word "republic". In Latin, this converts the word from the male gender to the female gender, and conveys a significantly different meaning than the word, "republic".
With a "republican form of government" everyone in this country has both rights and responsibilities. Everyone has the right to own land and other property interests. Everyone has a duty to uphold the public law.
Everyone has a duty to defend our country. Our nation extends down to the poorest and up to the richest among us. We are all equal in our political status, all enabled to elect fiduciary deputies to conduct our public business, all equally protected under the Public Law.
In a "republican state" the population is organized similar to the present government of the Swiss Cantons.
The job of American governance begins around the kitchen table, which is the focus of power, because the ultimate source of political power in a republican state is vested in the living people and extends outward from the family to the community to the county to the state to the country as a whole.
The living people occupy the pinnacle of power in a republican state and they are what is known as the civilian government.
By now you have noticed that those two pesky little letters "an" are also attached to the word "civil" to create the word "civilian".
As in the above example of "republican" versus "republic", the addition of "an" to the word "civil" converts it to "civilian" and converts the gender of the Latin from male to female, which changes the meaning and flavor of the word. "Civil" can refer to any function of government that is not military, but "civilian" can only refer to the people as in "civilian population" -- themselves.
Thus a "civil action" is not necessarily a "civilian action", and vice versa.
Now we've looked at what a "republican state" and a "republican form of government" implies and also noted the difference between "civil" and "civilian". It's time we looked at the male counterparts -- "republic" and "civil".
You may be sure that if our Forefathers had meant to establish "State Republics" instead of "republican states" they had the command of language and thought to do so. The fact that they did not create "State Republics" and did not choose this as their form of government should raise some red flags in the minds of those who are mistakenly describing our States of the Union as "Republics".
Americans have never had any "State Republics" much less have we embraced "a" political Republic to represent our Federation of States. We have never embraced "democracy" either, apart from the concept that everyone's power at the ballot box is equal.
Those who are spouting off about "a" Republic and "State Republics" are either: (1) ignorant; or (2) undeclared agents of the Municipal Government of Washington, DC. --- trying to foist their foreign form of government off onto unwary Americans, using more semantic deceits.
The Municipal United States Government doing business as "the" United States, operates as a separate plenary oligarchy that is structured as an independent international city-state. It is its own separate little country plopped down in the middle of the District of Columbia, which is run in turn by the Territorial United States Government. This Municipal city state is run entirely according to the whims of the members of Congress.
See Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitutions to see where this is allowed.
The Municipal Government is "inhabited" exclusively by "persons" --- not "populated" by "people"-- and these persons are functioning as either: (1) Oligarchs with unrestricted power; or (2) some form of "Citizen of the United States" --- a corporate officer or municipal employee or dependent of the Municipal Government; or (3) a SLAVE -- a corporation chartered under the auspices of this separate government.
Note that these are decidedly not "republican states" and as separate STATE oligarchies under the plenary control of the members of Congress are not operating as any "republican form of government", either.
As we saw earlier, the word "civil" can be applied to any function of government that is not military, and that is in fact how the Municipal United States Government is described as the "Civil Government" --- please note because this is extremely important ---- it is not the civilian government, which is our government, to which both the Civil Government (Municipal) and the Military Government (Territorial) owe Good Faith Service.
It is the Municipal Government which has styled itself as "a" Roman-style Republic and which has usurped outside its stipulated boundaries and functions to create for itself a shadow government of Municipal STATES OF STATES which are styled as "Republics" and as "State Republics".
This separate "Civil Government" which is here on our shores providing federal non-military services [think Postal Service, Customs Houses, Tax Collection, etc.] under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States, is the source of the oft-noted symbol of the Roman Fasces -- a bundle of sticks -- that appears around the Federal Capitol and on various seals and emblems associated with this element of the Federal Government.
Unfortunately, the members of Congress elected by "US Citizens" and "Citizens of the United States" ---- have gone into business for themselves, while we, purportedly anyway, have been "absent".
This False Claim against our Government of the People, for the People, and by the People, has been promoted using the excuse that the original "States of States" serving our States of the Union ceased to function after the Civil War. We can answer this easily enough by saying, "So what?"
Our States of the Union have never ceased to function, and as the source of all the "Delegated Powers" that the Federal Government ever exercised, our States are competent by definition to take over and run any aspect of government that is otherwise unfulfilled --- Federal, State, County, or otherwise.
The current attempts by the Municipal Government and its Undeclared Agents to promote their "Republic" as a substitute for our unincorporated United States of America and to promote their "State Republics" ---- which are merely foreign commercial corporation franchises---as a substitute for our "republican states" is at best attempted international commercial fraud and at worst open treason against our Lawful Government and against the Constitutions we are owed.
This is especially concerning as regards the issue of citizenship.
Those serving the Federal Government and their Dependents have always been afforded Dual Citizenship with the intention that those Americans providing Federal Services would be able to retain the protections of their American State National status at the same time that they worked as either "United States Citizens" or as "Citizens of the United States".
Unfortunately, many members of the current Federal Government branches have abused this generous arrangement to adopt totally foreign citizenship obligations. Some consider themselves Dual Citizens of the Territorial and Municipal Governments. Others, like many members of Congress, have styled themselves as Municipal Government Citizens and citizens of entirely foreign countries. Many Democrats and some Republicans function as citizens of their plenary oligarchy and also citizens of Israel, Monaco, England, and so on.
As such, these people are expatriating themselves from any association with our States and our Lawful Government, placing themselves outside of our Constitutions and our Public Law, while still pretending to be our "Representatives" and to have our permission to charge their expenses against our credit.
This allows them, at least superficially, to operate as foreigners immune from prosecution on our shores. But, please note, this sword cuts both ways.
At the point they violate our Public Law, they are simply foreign criminals on our shores, like illegal immigrants, subject to international arrest warrants and detainment. They are owed no protection under the constitutions, and owed no loyalty, as they have betrayed their own country and their countrymen alike.
Also to the point, as their actual political status was not disclosed to those voting in the corporate elections, they need to be deprived of office and have their elections overturned. Remember that they work under contract, and for a contract to be binding, it must be fully disclosed.
Bottom Line: educate everyone as to the current effort to confuse our "republican states" with their State Republics doing business as STATES OF STATES ----incorporated "STATES", and to confuse our civilian government with their own Civil Government, which is a foreign subcontractor on our shores.
They are trying to usurp authority from our missing Federal States of States, and from our actual States of the Union, and once again, they are using semantic deceit to try to accomplish this ---- deliberately promoting their foreign "Republics" and their "Civil Government" as if these were our "republican states" and our "civilian government".
Refuse to be confused and do not support any of these charlatans in their con game. Educate all Americans and spread the word.
22nd April 2019, 10:12 AM
Educate all Americans and spread the word.
Do you have a license to practice education?
22nd April 2019, 01:44 PM
Do you have a license to practice education?
Don't need no stinkin license, as god granted the right.
22nd April 2019, 02:21 PM
Don't need no stinkin license, as god granted the right.
Right! That is the dominion over animals argument.
education (n.)
1530s, "child-rearing," also "the training of animals," from Middle French education (14c.) and directly from Latin educationem (nominative educatio) "a rearing, training," noun of action from past-participle stem of educare (see educate). Originally of instruction in social codes and manners; meaning "systematic schooling and training for work" is from 1610s.
All education is despotism. [William Godwin, "Enquirer," 1797]
23rd April 2019, 03:52 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 0Zn9VYRN9E_vopla5T7IpO9XYy778c8Iee&hc_ref=ARRo9M9_6rrtczEJDuNoMqXN3QO5GSnS3dFyGSgkEZO wyus07w98QZeSDY6QNAWyeDE&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 50 Congresses
We all think of "the" Congress, but in fact, "Congress" is a very broad word and basically means "meeting" and, to be honest, a "verbally raucous meeting" --as in a "Congress of Crows". It has in its original meaning and context none of the dignity accorded to the word today, and a return to the earlier understanding would be healthier and far more realistic for our purposes.
The original Congress that we think of, known as "The First Continental Congress" was exactly such a meeting --- raucous and undisciplined and largely unofficial, as it was the equivalent of a Committee of the House of Burgesses meeting off-site in the City of Philadelphia, a jurisdiction foreign to the Colonies being represented. "The Second Continental Congress" was no different or better in terms of being a contentious and largely unofficial meeting of men recognized as deputies (fiscal officers) of their colonies.
A "colony" is itself a "farm family community"--- it has no land of its own, because a king or pope or other potentate has assumed ownership of the land, nonetheless, these two Congresses of fiscal deputies sent from thirteen colonies are styled as "Continental Congresses" for a reason.
It is from their actions that The American Revolutionary War derived, was prosecuted, and brought to the successful conclusion in which the colonists gained control of the land and soil of this country and ultimately, this portion of the North American Continent.
The American Revolution was substantially about ownership of soil and land, about the right to expand westward (in contravention of Treaties that the King of England had with the Native Tribal Leaders) as much as it was about freedom and the rights and dignity of mankind.
The colonists, all considered members of their respective farm family communities, whether they lived in towns or not, naturally and immediately gave rise to separate nations-- groups of people identifying with a common cultural, historical, political and geographical history.
That is, the people of the colonies gave rise to nations once they declared their interest in the land and soil: the Colonists of Georgia--- became in the words of the (eventual) Treaty of Paris (1783) a "free, sovereign and independent people"--- Georgians, the Colonists of New York became New Yorkers, and the Colonists of Virginia became Virginians... and so on.
Similarly, having obtained the right to the soil and land and having declared their ownership, the former colonists were suddenly in possession of land jurisdiction states that occupied the same boundaries as the former colonies, more or less, and the people who were now recognized as Georgians, New Yorkers, Virginians and so on, were left to define these new sovereign States, nail down their official borders, and in all other ways decide upon all the issues which would enable them to act as responsible members of the international community of states and nations.
And all of this devolved upon them while they were engaged in fighting the Revolutionary War and throughout the decades following.
Chaos reigned. And England meddled.
Each new State issued its own currency for the purposes of trade. Some of the new States did a better, more responsible job of this than others, and prospered, but some States suffered inflation and other ills of bad monetary policy---- aided by British counterfeiting of the American States' currencies---all of which served to undermine the stability and economic viability of the new States.
Their first attempt to issue a mutual international currency, the Continental Dollar, was counterfeited and inflated into oblivion.
So another "Congress" was called, and this was a meeting -- a congress --- of The United States in Congress Assembled.
Please notice the exact words and styles of the words.
Jointly and severally, The United States, meaning those "States" that derived from the original Colonies and their Union of States formed by The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, did what? Ah, they "Assembled" for a meeting--- a Congress, but it was no longer a "Continental Congress", it was The United States Congress.
Because this body of delegates was meeting to discuss business that concerned a different jurisdiction. They were next meeting to discuss political (for example, international trade) and financial (currency) issues.
Every Congress since then has met to address these sorts of issues.
There has never again been a Continental Congress held to specifically address land and soil issues.
As you page through the history of this country you will find that there have been many different kinds of "Congresses" called to meet, both in Philadelphia, and later in Washington, DC. The topics that these "Congresses" addressed and the nature and composition of the delegations attending these meetings have changed over time. This is always indicated by the records kept of these meetings.
Thus we have the Continental Congresses, The United States in Congress Assembled, The United States of America in Congress Assembled, The Congress of the united States of America, The Congress of the United States, The Congress of the United States of America, and so on and on.
Any idea or impression that there is now or has ever been an entity known as "the" Congress representing this country is just that --- an impression, not a truth, not an actuality. Instead, what has happened over time, is that a practice of electing "Congressional Delegations" has developed, and whatever kind of "Congress" meets, meets.
Washington, DC, itself, is like a hotel or a conference center, where delegations of various kinds and statures can hold "Congresses" --- that is, meetings--- on neutral turf. The fact that "a" Congress meets in Washington, DC, grants it no special or pre-determined purpose or identity. Rather, Washington, DC, is like a bird's nest that can be occupied sequentially by robins, cuckoos, crows, and meadow larks.
For the sake of sanity, only one such Congress can meet in Washington, DC at a time, but there have been occasions in our history when multiple complete Congressional Delegations have met at the same time, one in Philadelphia and another in New York and another in Washington, DC.
All the Delegates of all these Congresses are empowered to speak for their own body politic and to speak to their own particular issues.
Thus, a meeting of "The United States of America in Congress Assembled" is a meeting of Delegates who are elected by land jurisdiction States and by the People of those States who are American State Citizens, and such a Congress is empowered to exercise the full range of "powers" possessed by those States of the Union.
A meeting of "The Congress of the United States of America" by comparison, is a meeting of Delegates elected by "United States Citizens" comprising the Territorial United States "citizenry" and such a Congress is empowered to exercise the limited range of powers and address such issues as "The Constitution of the United States of America" places in their grasp.
You are no doubt beginning to get the true flavor of the situation that our country faces: "the" Congress presently meeting in Washington, DC, is not our Congress of the American States and People. It's "a" Congress representing Federal Citizens -- not American State Citizens.
It has been a very long time since the People of this country exerted themselves to act in their sovereign capacity and assembled their States of the Union and sent Fiduciary Deputies to a meeting of The United States of America in Congress Assembled, and it is long overdue.
That is why those of you who have the ability to claim your birthright political status as American State Citizens are being called to correct all the falsified Territorial United States Birth Registrations that have been issued in your names without your knowledge or consent, and also part of the reason that you are being called to Assemble your States of the Union.
Your States will, once they are ready, elect their Delegates to attend a meeting of The United States of America in Congress Assembled, and they will then address and define those issues which only the actual States and People of this country can address.
Most likely, this meeting of our Congress will occur in Philadelphia, owing to the fact that the Municipal and Territorial Congresses are almost continually holding court in Washington, DC.
23rd April 2019, 04:16 PM
Anna von Reitz ( vblPBrj67lS1yaTGd2Gz2_ERa-pHlOTp14&hc_ref=ARS39biUq1rJHseBqi2pvuz0PrhnmRKqYpmOUTyapeh ljZIDNyWMtrfQABZqGKedQDA&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 51 NAMES and Debts
Immediately following and attendant upon Texas entering the Union, a reshuffling of the Federal Territorial Government began and a change in nomenclature was adopted by the Municipal United States Government.
This started in 1845 and culminated in 1851. Prior to that, the Municipal Government functioned using the nomenclature of Roman Civil Law and the conventions of Latin.
In Latin, the greatest power and respect and political status is indicated by the use of all small letters. A name written in all small letters indicates the political status of a free patrician in their private capacity: flavius josephus.
Thus, until 1851, the republican states occupying the soil jurisdiction of this country are all referenced and written in Municipal documents using all small letters: texas, wisconsin, florida…. and these states are all known to be represented by business organizations dba texas republic and republic of texas, for example.
This made it easy to literally see what jurisdiction of each republican state was being referenced, and in this case, the soil jurisdiction is being indicated by the use of all small letters.
After 1851, the Municipal United States Governments adopted English conventions. After that, the soil jurisdiction had to be directly referenced in the text, because the soil jurisdiction of Texas looks the same as the land and sea jurisdiction of Texas in English.
It's all "signed" as "Texas" without any finer distinction available in English text.
This causes confusion for people delving into old documents, but its not really that confusing. In the earlier "Latinized" documents, "texas" is the national soil jurisdiction of the republican state operated by the "people", "Texas" is the land jurisdiction State operating the international jurisdiction of the People.
As letters are capitalized in Latin, a loss of political status and power is indicated:
"flavius josephus" is a free man.
"Flavius Josephus" is an indentured servant or Office Holder.
"FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS" is a slave of Rome.
Thus in the old Latinized documents that you run across in your research a reference to "virginia" is talking about the soil jurisdiction of the colony or the republican state, depending on the time frame, while a reference to "Virginia" is talking about the international land or sea jurisdiction of the colony or the republican state, and if --- very rarely --- you run across a reference to "VIRGINIA" in old pre-1851 papers of the Territorial or Municipal Governments, this indicates the global jurisdiction of the air that is subject to Rome, but nonetheless attached to the ownership of the republican state, virginia.
There was a resurgence of these "Latinized" conventions in this country following the Second World War, when the Romanized Municipal United States Government exerted itself and issued "PERSONS" in the "name of" American State Citizens who were wrongly registered as Territorial United States Citizens.
This is because the Territorial United States [Military] Government was in debt to the Pope and the Holy See. They had earlier in the 1920's - 1940's created Territorial "franchises" for themselves, operating in names identical to our Given Names and appearing to be Proper Names in English, but having been "Registered" as British Foreign Situs Trusts operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea, not recorded as the Given Names of American State Nationals.
The British Territorial United States Government having accomplished this fraudulent "unlawful conversion" and identity theft, then sold these fake franchises as "salvaged property" presumed to belong to the former Confederate States of States to the Roman Pontiff.
The Roman Pontiff then converted these into WARDS of the Municipal United States Government, and various incorporated entities operating under these slave NAMES were created --- most especially, a Pauper doing business under a NAME styled as "JOHN DOE", a Cestui Que Vie Estate Trust doing business under a NAME styled as "JOHN MICHAEL DOE", and a Public Transmitting Utility doing business under a NAME styled as "JOHN M. DOE".
As things stand, the British Territorial Government has been briefly subjected to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and the Municipal United States corporation claiming to own all these various entities as "WARDS" of the various Municipal STATES OF STATES is undergoing liquidation.
At which point, we have stood up and said --- ah, wait a minute --- there's been a mistake.
1. We were never at sea and never knowingly or willingly acting as British Territorial "United States Citizens" despite the unconscionable falsified registrations indicating that we were;
2. Therefore, we and our assets were not available for the British Territorial United States Government to sell to the Roman Pontiff;
3. We are here at home, standing on the land and soil jurisdiction of our States, owed every jot of the Constitutions, and also owed the return of our natural birthright estates free and clear of any debt or encumbrance.
We are also owed any profit realized from the lease and use and trading upon of our private and public property.
This is why we are owed a lot of money from both the British Government and the Vatican.
Both are under solemn treaties and commercial service contracts and both have acted in Gross Breach of Trust.
Both have taken advantage of and attempted to cheat generations of Americans via the undisclosed and unconscionable contracts provided by phony birth registrations --- used to create the legal presumption that we were all choosing to be counted as "United States Citizens" and that we were, moreover, leftover "rebels" and abandoned assets of the defunct Confederate States of States---- instead of being peaceful American State Nationals native to States of the Union that were never involved in the Civil War, never at sea, and never engaged in international commerce at all.
No doubt, after eighty years of silence, they thought they were going to get away with it, and it has been quite a shock to find that we are still awake and still alive and that we contest and rebut their falsified records and presumptions being made against our country, our populace, and our lawful government.
23rd April 2019, 05:09 PM
This is why we are owed a lot of money from both the British Government and the Vatican.
Money is a fiction. The British government is a fiction. The Vatican is a fiction. I guess illusion deserves illusion.
24th April 2019, 12:30 PM
Anna von Reitz (
11 hrs ( ·
Guilt by Association
Remember the movie "Lonesome Dove"? Remember how Gus and Woodrow wound up hanging their friend Jake Spoon?
Jake was an affable man, not a bad man at all, just weak and shiftless. He fell in with a gang of murdering horse thieves and cattle rustlers on the trail, and by the time he realized what company he was in, it was too late. Though he didn't participate and didn't kill anyone, he was guilty by association.
Now people are in an uproar and accusing me of bad leadership and unkindness and lack of good judgment because I have drawn hard lines between The American States Assembly effort and all the other organizations out there that claim they are doing the same thing. Why?
Guilt by association.
Maybe it hasn't really hit rock bottom yet, but US Citizens can't organize an actual State of the Union and its a crime for them to be involved in any such thing. It's not a small crime, either. It's a whopper.
Even if they mean well, even if they don't know that jurisdictional boundaries have been crossed, even if they are innocent as the flowers in May.
Bruce Doucette got 38 years under the statutory law --- and it would have been worse if he had been tried as a US Citizen under Common Law. He and the other people with him could have been hung. Just like Jake Spoon and for the same reason.
That should tell people enough, but unfortunately, it is still not sinking in.
Anyone who hasn't got their identity nailed down and their political status correction on the public record is presumed to be a US Citizen, and it is a crime for a US Citizen to be a member of anything calling itself a State Assembly.
So. I am not being mean. I am not being arrogant. And I am not being set up with some phony collusion charge and being railroaded, either.
Those other groups are doing what they are doing and The American States Assembly is doing what it is doing--- and never the twain shall meet. Why?
I have zero tolerance for guilt by association.
Now, I am willing to whole-heartedly believe that there are lot of good patriotic people involved in all those other groups. And I agree that a vast fraud has been practiced against us and that it is irritating that we have to respond to it and rebut it, but the fact remains that we do have to rebut it.
Those who don't do the paperwork, who don't reclaim their birthright on the record, who don't rebut the presumption of US Citizenship --- are leaving themselves and their Assemblies open to being charged as criminals, and anyone who aids and abets them or associates with them, is open to guilt by association and claims of conspiracy and collusion.
Not me, Bubba. And not The American States Assembly, either.
There is one other kind of "guilt by association" I want to discuss and this one is, if possible, even more troublesome. This is the one that confuses me and my team with public servants.
Some people think that I and the other members of The Living Law Firm are public employees, that it is our "job" to straighten this mess out and bring the claims and do all the work for everyone.
And they blame us, because they are sitting on their rumps expecting to be served and expecting to get everything for free and they think somehow that its not their problem --- it's our problem, as if we caused it by discovering it: again, guilt by association.
Here's the rest of the story, and I am not being arrogant, irresponsible, or mean. I am telling you the truth. It is our problem --- it's a problem for every American and every US Citizen. We have all been set up.
We've been defrauded, enslaved, lied to, and the plans are well-underway to steal our inheritance right along with our identities.
Now, identity theft is a crime that everyone in this day and age should understand. Some hot shot kid with a computer and a bad streak gets hold of your name and some information about you and suddenly, they are into your bank accounts, they clean out your life insurance, they max out your credit cards.
What the British Territorial Government under the Queen and the Municipal United States Government under the Pope did to us, is just a gigantic national level identity theft. It has the same results for everyone. If you are an American, you've suffered identity theft and institutionalized fraud and robbery. If you are a US Citizen, you've been fingered as a criminal and left holding the bag and the national debt. Either way, they did this to us while pretending to be our friends, our Allies, and our protectors.
If you want someone to blame, blame yourselves first for being so clueless for so long, then blame the Queen and her lot for all the lies they've told about all of us, and then finally blame the Roman Pontiffs and the Roman Curia for their parts in all this rot ---- but don't blame me and don't blame my team. We are not associated with the crime and we are not guilty by association, either.
24th April 2019, 12:35 PM
Anna von Reitz ( MHk-gGRyr_T8nFvb2cVRbFyVeIjZ2O6m9y&hc_ref=ARTGIxb-DBjWqHbyToBhBBs4NljDrbQbMnESO-YwJdQdYZRHbaXukzdP-3LFfX3pyaw&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Bombshell, Indeed
Just today I was talking with a friend about her concerns about her employer-based credit union and I explained that all banks and credit unions are obligated to "denominate" the digits representing funds in our accounts as "lawful money" if and when we request this.
In real terms this means that your digits have to be interpreted as United States Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes. It may seem like a small thing, but it's not. Every penny that gets redefined as lawful money reduces the US National Debt by the same amount.
The same thing happens when we endorse every check or other financial instrument with a "limited endorsement" that says, "Redeemed in lawful money -- 12 USC 411". It makes no difference to you or your creditors or vendors, but it reduces the US National Debt by the full face value of the check or other instrument.
If every American Senior did this same thing religiously and converted all their retirement accounts and checking and savings and insurance and mortgage accounts and started "redeeming" them all in lawful money, the US National Debt would plummet like a rock, and the Seniors would enjoy the added security of knowing that their funds were no longer subject to seizure by the banks. Lawful money is a material asset, not a credit. The bank has to carry lawful money as a material liability.
It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of crooked scumbags.
And for all you youngsters just starting out in the world and thinking two thoughts about retirement and Mutual Funds --- here's a bit of mathematics and insight from one of the Fathers of the Mutual Fund industry: John Bogle ( H60dah2hIyrEPRUuIAU)
John Bogle’s Bombshell Gift to Americans ( (
John Bogle, Founder of the Vanguard Group
By Pam Martens: January 17, 2019 ~
The legendary John Bogle passed away yesterday in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He was 89.
Bogle was the founder of Vanguard Group. In announcing his death, Vanguard said that Bogle “introduced the first index mutual fund for investors and, in the face of skeptics, stood behind the concept until it gained widespread acceptance; and he drove down costs across the mutual fund industry by ceaselessly campaigning in the interests of investors.”
We’ll always remember Bogle for the courage he demonstrated on April 23, 2013 when he
appeared on the PBS program Frontline (
Bogle dropped the bombshell that Wall Street has attempted to hide for half a century: If you work for 50 years and receive the typical long-term return of 7 percent on your 401(k) plan and your fees are 2 percent, almost two-thirds of your account will go to Wall Street.
Bogle explained the math to Frontline’s Martin Smith:
Bogle: What happens in the fund business is the magic of compound returns is overwhelmed by the tyranny of compounding costs. It’s a mathematical fact. There’s no getting around it. The fact that we don’t look at it— too bad for us.
Smith: What I have a hard time understanding is that 2 percent fee that I might pay to an actively managed mutual fund is going to really have a great impact on my future retirement savings.
Bogle: Well, you have to rely on somebody to get out a compound interest table and look at the impact over an investment lifetime. Do you really want to invest in a system where you put up 100 percent of the capital, you the mutual fund shareholder, you take 100 percent of the risk and you get 30 percent of the return?
You can check the math yourself. Access a compounding calculator ( on line.
Input an account with a $100,000 balance and compound it at 7 percent for 50 years. That gives you a balance of $3,278,041.36. Now change the calculation to a 5 percent return (reduced by the 2 percent annual fee) for the same $100,000 over the same 50 years.
That delivers a return of $1,211,938.32.
That’s a difference of $2,066,103.04 – the same 63 percent reduction in value that Smith’s example showed.
If you don’t know the amount of fees that you’re paying on the mutual funds in your 401(k) plan, 403(b) plan, IRA or other retirement vehicle, you may be putting your ability to retire with adequate income and dignity at risk.
25th April 2019, 08:47 AM
Anna von Reitz ( UjU2KvIVunQ0b8TFpqLITkV69w0lnAkjaa&hc_ref=ARTb1--_8CP-AvCpaGuB9BX0i94BB1v9XojCmXCvIy9heiAV9ILQsRsqT00i2c gc7Y0&fref=nf)
20 hrs ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 52 "Committees of Safety"
Prior to the start of the Revolutionary War, colonists formed local "committees of safety" to prepare themselves "if trouble comes", which at that point was brewing. So they set up networks of Minutemen and pass words and secret storage facilities.
It was in fact the object of the British troops marching on Concord and Lexington--- to find and secure such a storage of arms and gunpowder and to arrest those presumed responsible for its existence.
There are some people who haven't noticed the passage of over 200 years and they still think that forming such committees and making such preparations is a sensible and viable response today as it was then.
Let's be very clear --- pitting the might of the US Armed Forces against farmers armed with deer rifles is not a desirable or reasonable option.
Ironically, what sparked the onset of the Revolutionary War was a committee supposedly promoting "safety". What landed Schaeffer Cox in jail for 26 years was a "contingency plan" based on a "what if" scenario that never happened.
People who get involved in your Assemblies and who start preaching violence need to be treated to a Bevins Declaration on the spot, and if they persist, you must throw them out on their ears, draw a line, and disassociate yourselves from them. It's hard, but it's necessary.
Such people are far more dangerous than the dangers they fear. Why? Because they can knowingly or unknowingly provide the open door -- the means and excuse -- for exactly what they are afraid of.
Those who are so angry and fearful that they sneak around looking over their shoulders and stockpiling weapons need help, but not the kind of help a State Assembly can give them.
In this day and age, we have a different kind of war to fight, a war of Evil in High Places, of middlemen (bankers and politicians and military personnel) usurping the power of lawful national governments, of false information, of deceit, of propaganda, or commodity rigging, of bankruptcy fraud, of judicial corruption, of counterfeiting of currencies, of odious debt.....the list goes on.
The real essence of "war", even political genocide, takes place on paper now, in board rooms, and in bars and men's clubs where the low-life scum sit comfortably and discuss their latest plan to squeeze the last drops out of the working classes and how best to mischaracterize the "enemy" --- that is, all the honest working people they prey upon --- in the morning paper.
Today's Committee of Safety consists of those who know the actual law -- not the "rule of law" -- and keep it.
Today's Committee of Safety consists of honest alternative journalists who work hard to expose the men behind the curtains.
Today's heroes are those who are competent to go into courts and slay paper dragons.
Today's heroes are the military personnel who know the truth and who won't follow illegal and immoral orders.
Today's heroes are those who educate themselves and shine up their Shinola Sensors and share the necessary information by word of mouth.
There's nothing wrong with setting aside extra supplies for your family. There's no reason you should give up your deer rifles. There is no harm in considering the public safety of your communities, water supplies, use of public buildings in emergencies, food banks, and similar efforts are all fine.
As State Assemblies we have every reason and right to promote true Public Safety. As anyone who has been through an actual disaster can tell you, FEMA is not about Public Safety nor any direct and effective relief, so there is a role for State Assemblies to play in terms of community preparedness, but not with the intention of warring against a government that we have ourselves created.
This is our own Bug-A-Boo and it is up to us to take up the means of control which we already have, to make it perform as it should.
Think about it. Our States of the Union have been at peace since 1814. It's best for everyone concerned if we stay at peace and simply, lawfully, take up the task of minding our own store.
We need to seize upon and exercise our lawful rights and we all need to learn how to enforce those rights and guarantees that are already ours.
In that lies the true safety of everyone concerned, including our sons and daughters in the US military services and our neighbors working to perform other government services.
The unique structure of the American Government places us in the crucial position of upholding the rights of everyone else --- including those of us who are currently serving in the capacity of 'US Citizens".
Without us knotheads exercising our "natural and unalienable rights" on the land and soil of the American States, those natural and unalienable rights disappear for everyone concerned, and all that is left is "civil rights" given by oligarchs and taken away by oligarchs.
Is that what our service members have fought and died to defend? The petty interests of petty despots in Washington, DC?
Or is it about preserving something far better, far nobler, and far greater than that current sideshow of self-interest and politics?
Once all the US Citizens wake up and realize that we are actually the ones covering their backs and preserving their right to come home and enjoy freedom, and we wake up and realize that they are also doing the same for us, then this idiocy of shadow boxing can disappear.
We can step back, and from the larger perspective, see how foreign governments acting in Breach of Trust and in violation of commercial contracts, treaties, and obligations, have occupied middleman positions and worked both sides against the middle to benefit themselves-- and all at our expense.
We can identify our actual enemies and the enemies of all Mankind and we can then take appropriate action to eradicate these banal evils; we can do so lawfully, peacefully, and with impunity, using the tools that we already have.
This is, as we have always said, a matter of criminals and criminality, not a matter of politics at all. Our lawful national government has been overtaken and "substituted for" by our own employees run amok. There are cures for that, that do not involve guns or "Committees of Safety".
When we empower ourselves and apply the actual Law instead of getting mired down in the "Rule of Law" --- which is nothing but the policies and procedures of courts --- we win. We win peacefully, decisively, and forever.
Let the simple truth be our armor and let the Divine Providence that established our many sovereign republican states be with us yet, and may we all realize that we give each other the only safety there is, by sharing and by caring and by taking right action every day that we live.
26th April 2019, 07:42 PM
Anna von Reitz ( eJdoNaguwLTCLdxn8yaGnrU-hS0flNq8ZG&hc_ref=ARS65JtemhR_1ZX9Hg1bhXcwbsxpeeukVsdjXESJ1Y3 FBz5xpWHJNbDOP8CSBgUZU58&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 53 The Actual Legislative History
Every once in a while the US Supreme Court (or one of the "US Supreme Courts" --- there are six that I know of, and when they get into Star Chamber mode, there are probably a dozen....) comes up with a Golden Nugget. Here's one dug out of the archives by Ed J.----
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." -- American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 442 (1950).
With that firmly in mind --- and fully admitted on all sides --- let's look at the actual legislative history underlying the current malaise.
It all began to go off-track during the Civil War, and specifically with the Enrollment Act of March 3, 1863. This came just a few days before Lincoln declared the Northern Confederation of States of States bankrupt, just before he issued the very first Executive Order as Commander-in-Chief:
The Lieber Code, otherwise known as General Order 100.
We have already discovered that the actual States of the Union did not participate in the Civil War, which was in fact not a "war", but a mercenary "conflict" like Vietnam. The entities that fought this major conflict were all States of States --- commercial businesses operated by the States of the Union, and they were all members of the original Confederation of States doing business as the States of America before the conflict.
Wrap your head around that one. What took to the field in 1861 were all "Confederate" States of States, both North and South, were commercial businesses belonging to the actual States, in the business of providing essential government services to all the States. So, in a sense, this was a private war with public consequences.
One third of the mandated Federal Government --- the "Federal" part of it, disappeared as a result of the Civil War. The Southern States of States were subjected to "ruination" by men like William Tecumseh Sherman, and the Northern States of States were bankrupted by Lincoln. Our actual States were the staging ground for all this destruction, with our innocent civilian population being the true victims of it all.
What remained was the "other" branches of the "Federal Government" --- the British United States Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government.
Anyway, now you are prepared to take in who the actors were operating the "Congress" on March 3, 1863: these were the elected representatives of the Northern States of States commercial corporations facing bankruptcy.
This backdrop prepares us for what happened next: the Enrollment Act.
The Enrollment Act created a "Federal Overlay" of the United States on top of the actual United States of America and divided this new overlay into military districts, each one with a Provost Marshal working under the auspices of the Department of War.
This original Provost Marshal position was very important, as it was the interface between the new military "District" Government and the civilian population of the actual States. The Provost Marshals were then administratively charged with keeping the peace, coordinating military and civilian forces -- the State National Guards, Militias, and local sheriffs and police to work with the active duty military, and to form a de facto military government.
Lincoln would very shortly unveil The Lieber Code and set this in motion. We have been living "in a state of emergency" and under the thrall of a military junta ever since.
But let us as the true citizens of this country stop a moment and take pause. Who did this to us? Our employees. And did they have authority to do this? No. The members of the Northern Confederate "Congress" of commercial corporations had no such power then or now, and as the United States Supreme Court has often noted, any law or legislation or regulation contrary to the terms of the Constitution(s) has no force or effect, and is null and void as if it never was.
We declare it all null and void. By Operation of Law, all powers assumed return to the States and People that delegated them to the British Territorial United States Government (the entity in charge of running our joint military forces) in the first place. By Law, they are required to get back in their box.
For now, let's resume our trek through the legislative history, bearing in mind that all "legislation" is law only for the internal purposes of the entities that pass such legislation.
So we have ersatz military districts superimposed over our actual States and their actual governments as an "emergency measure" undertaken by the British Territorial United States Government and Abraham Lincoln working for them as "Commander in Chief" of our own Armed Forces, and each district presided over by a military official, a Provost Marshal---- and no valid authority for any of this under the Constitutions.
This same untenable Act of a Confederate Congress resulted in the Selective Service Act of June 24, 1948, 62 Stat 604 and codified as Title 50, Sections 451-473. This means that every man subjected to "The Draft" in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, was "presumed upon" unlawfully and illegally. They were press-ganged, and press-ganging has been outlawed for two hundred years.
Moving right along... next, our military was placed under a similarly null and void piece of self-serving British Territorial "legislation" proposed under Admiralty Law: "An Act to Facilitate Judicial Proceedings in Adjudications of Captured Property, and for the Better Administration of the Law of Prize" --- and this then was used to formulate Title 10, Sections 7651-7681 of the Military Code of Justice.
This statutory law was passed March 25, 1862 under the Insurrection and Rebellion Acts of August 6, 1861 and July 17, 1862, by the same Northern Confederate State of States "Congress" that pulled all the rest of this crap without any authority to do so. This "law" was purely meant to guarantee an excuse and orderly means to pillage and plunder our Southern States under the pretense that they were "States of States" and that the "States of States" owned everything south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
That is is all untrue, that this is all criminal, and all based on lies and false assumptions is just now coming out in the open for the American People to see and judge for themselves. This is the basis for the Carpetbagger Court System set up in the Southern States after the Civil War.
We will skip over the bankruptcy of the British Territorial Government in 1907 and all the skullduggery that happened then, and proceed apace to the Great Fraud of 1933, when the Roman Catholic Church's Delaware Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, went bankrupt. This version of the same banal evil was--- get this--- run as a religious non-profit.
You can't make this stuff up.
Anyway, in 1933 they went bankrupt, FDR made his big Inaugural Speech about a "holy cause" without anyone outside Washington, DC having a glimmer what he was talking about, and they used this as an excuse to claim that they had given full disclosure to the American People --- full disclosure about the greatest bankruptcy fraud and pillaging in world history --- which FDR was about to undertake for his Holy Roman masters.
Of course, they couldn't do this under the British Common Law, so they had to bring the British Territorial United States under a "form of law more conducive to our aims" ---- and they found that in Puerto Rico, an British Commonwealth possession of the United States, where the Spanish Law of the Inquisition still applied to slaves. Then all they had to do was steal our names and unlawfully convert them to the status of Municipal United States "citizens" under the Territorial Diversity of Citizenship clause found in Title 28.
Voila, we, the free and independent Americans, were magically redefined by fraud to be Municipal United States SLAVES, "residing" off-shore and subject to the Puerto Rican Spanish Law of the Inquisition.
Well, you know what we say to all that?
That was their "conversion" to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition by the Municipal United States Government --- the plenary oligarchy we gave to Congress and limited to the ten miles square of Washington, DC.
Next, over the next few years, they, the Municipal United States Government had to overcome the British Common Law of the British Territorial United States on shore, too, and that took some more doing.
There they used an obscure case and a bizarre circumstance involving (once again) the railroads and their protected status, Erie Railroad v. Thompkins in 1938, to declare that there is no such thing as a "General" Federal Common Law.
What proceeded then was a scramble to define a "Federal" Common Law for the on -shore Municipal Government. This was pursued through The Clearfield Doctrine coming out of Clearfield Trust Co. v. U.S. 318 U.S. 363 (1943) and the United States v. Kimbell Foods, 440 U.S. 715 (1999).
This is where they adopted the Uniform Commercial Code as "Federal" Common Law, but, more properly and exactly, as Municipal United States Common Law. The British Territorial United States operating the military Districts continued under the Common Law of Admiralty.
They got away with this in both cases because Maritime Commercial Transactions (think Merchant Marine) are subject to the Common Law of Admiralty--- see INTERPOOL, LTD. v CHAR YIGH 890 F. 2nd PG, 1453, (1989) in which Municipal Corporations are bound over to the Admiralty Common Law.
While all these court and "form of law" manipulations were going on --- and all of this mind you, involves nobody and nothing but the foreign commercial corporations that are supposed to be on our shores delivering good faith governmental services ---- the two "sides" of this epic story of fraud --- got together and colluded to merge "Law, Equity, Civil, and Admiralty" under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. This happened in 1966.
This is all expressed in volume 324, page 325, of the Federal Rules Decisions---- and what this all means is that our American Common Law is not available to us because it has been "nested" inside the Admiralty Law by our dishonest, disloyal, and/or incompetent Public Servants.
This is why Title 28 Section 1333 (1) gave the [Municipal] United States original jurisdiction --- please note this next phrase, underline it, pink highlights --- "exclusive of the States" --- for all cases of admiralty maritime jurisdiction under the Saving to Suitor's Clause, Article 3, Section 2, which gives the district courts of the United States judicial power in all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction.
This is the only still-standing Article 3 judicial power that the vermin occupying Washington DC use --- their very own little War Powers Act of Admiralty.
Pretty good for a government that is supposed to exist only within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, and exists only for the purpose of overseeing and running the Municipality of Washington, District of Columbia, as a meeting place for all the States and their various Congressional Delegations?
This is why when you walk into a "State of State" Court, you cannot get any remedy for their vicious lawlessness. This is why the only remedy there is, is on "the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways"--- the Common Law of International Admiralty, enforced by the military district government of the British Territorial United States.
Ah, but, remember that little pink highlighted phrase? --- "exclusive of the States"----? That means us. The actual America and the actual Americans.
Naturally, a foreign government cannot legislate for us. We bear the responsibility to govern ourselves. And also the responsibility to hold our run-amok foreign corporate service providers to account.
They have conspired to bring Americans under the heel of their foreign laws and statutes by impersonating us. They have used undisclosed and unconscionable commercial contracts to do this. Both the British Territorial and Municipal United States authorities have been operating as crime syndicates on our shores, in violation of the Constitutions which allow them to exist. This fact needs to be brought home with a sledge-hammer upon the members of their Congresses, along with a fire alarm-style wake up call to Americans.
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." -- American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 442 (1950).
26th April 2019, 08:01 PM
Anna von Reitz (
7 hrs ( ·
The German Idiom Fits
It's certainly no secret that I am 88% German and 12% Scot. So is my older sister, who famously observed that it is a "bad combination"-- mostly because it can make one as hard as steel and unreasonable as water, all at the same time.
Life for me is a constant struggle of these famous, passionate, and canny well-springs of obdurate stubbornness, combined with a lively enjoyment of life, and all trying to live together under one roof.
So for the moment let's observe that I haven't fallen far from either tree and that my Shinola Sensor was inherited. I came by it honestly.
In German there is a slang expression that describes the overall world situation perfectly--"Das ist ja alles nur kase!"--- meaning, "All that is only cheese!" --- and it is inferred, cheese of the stinky, rotten kind.
The situation with Germany is, if possible, even worse than the situation here.
For one thing, the victors in World War II set up the German Central Bank to be the worldwide hub of their "derivatives" scheme, knowing that when the whole credit based derivative Ponzi game fell apart, the Germans would (once again) be set up as the Fall Guys and blamed for it.
Third time is a charm, right?
But it isn't going so well for those actually responsible-- those who strong-armed and forced the German Central Bank to take on the "derivative burden" and risk for the whole world as part of the sneaky back-stabbing reparations-by-any-other-name plan put in place after WWII ended.
We have the proof of what actually went on and how the banks carved up the whole world and each major block of banks took up and operated their own part of the overall crime syndicate, which was set up so that all the banks were involved in crimes and so, compromised and blackmailed, were unable to back out or as one of the Swiss bankers said to me today--"There was no help from the government, because the plan and the corruption was being demanded by and set up by the government!"
It was, so the lawyers and regional level bankers were told, all a matter of the gravest "National Security Concern" and they were all both threatened and implored for the sake of their respective homelands to turn a blind eye to certain "irregularities" and "changes from the normal course of business".
These men and women were led to believe that they were doing something necessary and if not good, they were also being paid a lot of money to just keep their heads down, mouths shut, and follow instructions.
Jawohl, Herr Kommandant!
It was, clearly, the Old Mafia choice--the gold, or the lead, only instead of swarthy Sicilians, the New Mob was composed of pink-cheeked Swiss businessmen and New Yorkers in Brooks Brothers suits and suave Men in Black trained by MI6.
Just as the "US GOVERNMENT" adopted the crooked bookkeeping system called "double accrual accounting"--- otherwise known as keeping two sets of books-- that was dreamed up by Easy Eddie O'Hara for Al Capone, other governments that fell under the sway of the victorious Allies were forced into lives of crime.
This, more than anything else, was what World War I and World War II were really all about--- forcing all the national governments to commit crimes so that they would all be subject to blackmail, and compromising all the central banks in the same manner.
Once that was accomplished-- by the mid-1960's-- anyone attempting to do anything about the criminality was forced to wrestle with a skunk.
Observe former Congressmen Louie T. McFadden (poisoned), Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh (his only child kidnapped and murdered), James Trafficant (set up on criminal charges, ridiculed, harassed, died early).
Observe JFK. If Ron Paul had ever had the kind of mind to be able to fathom this iniquity, he would have been killed, too.
And in back of it all? What we would call "Big Business". Railroad Barons, Oil Tycoons, Arms Manufacturers, Commodity Riggers, "Defense" Contractors, Media Conglomerates, Bond Traders, Unions, the whole panoply of what President Eisenhower called, "the military industrial complex".
Eisenhower had cause to know all about that, and though he warned us, he was evidently not able to say more.
Ronald Reagan rattled enough sabers by ordering the Grace Commission Report and busting the Air Traffic Controllers Union to send shock waves through the established monopolies--and earn himself a trip to the hospital.
And so it has been that a shadowy worldwide crime syndicate has flourished in our midst and who would ever guess that at the top of this pyramid sat such icons of propriety as the Queen and the Pope?
Through it all, both have been raking in the profits from their government monopolies until their coffers could hold no more. To add to the drama, and the irony, in the 1990's they instituted their own gambling casinos-- philanthropic (hahahahaha!) "private trading platforms" where the world's elite could gamble and not risk anything.
How, you wonder, is this possible?
The gambler simply agrees not to use or move a large block of assets for a stipulated period of time, and agrees to place a "block" on the account or depository for that time period.
The assets are then "traded" on the private trading platform and the rules of "fractional reserve banking" are applied.
So, you place a hundred million dollars of "blocked" assets on the Trading platform, this is immediately inflated by whatever the fractional reserve rate is-- 7 to 10 times worth of fiat credit "money of account" is issued by the banks involved, and voila!
The gambler receives back a 100% of the value of his blocked assets, plus, typically, 300% more as his profit on the deal, so he has not risked anything and quadrupled his supply of fiat credit currencies.
The owners and operators of these trading platforms and the bond companies underwriting all this then divvy up the remaining fiat currency/credit generated by this activity.
How could such a thing be possible? The World Bank, always a hotbed for criminal enterprises, suggested it as a means to raise money for philanthropic projects.
To date, no philanthropic projects have been funded.
So, obviously, this is all La-La-Land, but otherwise sane people have nonetheless done this and the bankers have locked down lending and "blocked" accounts they don't own so that they could use depositor's assets to invest in this complete and utter nonsense.
I have had "Bag Men" for the British Secret Service tell me how they have invested MI6 and Secret Service and CIA pensions like this for the past three decades and how their accounts are now "worth" a number followed by 240 zeroes.
And they say this with a straight face and an actuarial table in hand.
So, if these guys are making money like this, literally spinning it out of thin air, who is on the receiving end of this?
Answer: all the living breathing people who live in the actual world where water flows downhill.
This is how we can be greeted with the astounding news that every US Citizen (mischaracterized as an "American") owes $72 trillion "dollars" and the Germans and the Japanese and Aussies and French and Canadians owe almost as much.
This is also how the value of all the national currencies can be inflated into oblivion.
It's all stinky cheese.
In the days to follow you will hear a lot of incredibly dumb stuff as the perpetrators and casino operators try to justify these claims and excuse themselves --as would-be philanthropists, of course-- for offering to indebt the entire race of Mankind for the next hundred billion years--- but we have a better suggestion.
Open more mental hospitals.
They are obviously needed.
"Das ist jah alles nur kase!" (proper transliteration: "kaese"-- I don't have an umlaut on this keyboard.)
And no matter what these schmarmy crooks tell you, none of this stench-filled dairy counter was thought up, implemented, or desired by the Germans. No, the source of all this lies much closer to home-- in California and Nevada, of all places, and all approved by Whitehall and the Vatican and the World Bank/IBRD.
Germany, you have been punished and maligned and set up three times in a row. You know it. You have been overrun with the Muslim hordes. You have been betrayed by your elected leaders--again.
But to be fair, the Kaiser was the only world leader with Eggs enough to take on the real rats after they murdered the Czar, and Hitler had no choice for his part, and neither does your current leadership.
What are you going to do about it? Your American Cousins are finally waking up. The British People are waking up. All over the world, the lies and criminal nature of what has gone on for the past three centuries is tearing open like the proverbial cheese wrapper.
For God's sake-- don't just stand there and take any of the blame for this. Help expose it for what it is: a madhouse created by the criminally insane.
27th April 2019, 11:35 AM
Anna von Reitz ( AZmz9uCGZBwHVf9qaBJ9meD9&hc_ref=ARQlLRplAyvigz4X3FxVTBenttLdptJNCYu_9kYi0do oXeGlipTkDmIcDSNX9p8e-2k&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 54 Two Courts Systems, Neither One Ours
As you now know, for sure--- and also how it happened--- there is really only one form of law and one Article 3 Court operating in America. That Court is the [British Territorial] [Military] District Court. All the other forms of law have been nested inside the Admiralty Law since 1966.
There are two court systems, both of them are foreign. One Municipal Court System run by the Municipal United States for "Citizens of the United States", one Territorial Court System run by the British Territorial United States for "United States Citizens" ----- and neither one have anything to do with us, unless we are actually and legitimately engaged in Maritime Commerce or Admiralty contracts.
Even including all those unfortunates who have no other choice, less than 25% of us are legitimately subject to these courts at any one time.
They try to gain jurisdiction over us via numerous tricks and devices beginning with the unconstitutional "conscription" of babies and their purposeful mis-identification as "United States Citizens" via the Birth Registration process.
This then results in our "assets" being "monetized" by the bonding process that results from registering us. This creates a Public Charitable Trust in which we are mis-identified as Paupers and "Wards of the State of State" franchise operated by the British Territorial United States. The British Territorial United States keeps the beneficial title to the estate named after us and the Municipal United States keeps the legal title.
The Municipal United States Government then confers an additional political status upon the unknowing babies, claiming them as "Citizens of the United States", too, and after that, they create any number of corporations ---- all STRAWMEN defined as Roman Municipal SLAVES ---- belonging to the members of the Municipal United States Congress running their oligarchy in the heart of the District of Columbia.
If either the Municipal or Territorial Governments had functioned in Good Faith and done their jobs, this situation would have been resolved promptly after the Civil War. Instead, here we are, being commandeered and pillaged and plundered under color of law by people on our own payroll, pretending that they don't know who we are.
If you are angry, you should be--- but remember:
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." -- American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 442 (1950).
It is your duty as an American to correct your government, and they agree that it is, so let's clean house and do a good job of it, too.
To correct this situation requires those of us who can do so to boot up and (1) reclaim our lawful, birthright political status; (2) form up our State Jural Assemblies; (3) Hold our elections and fill our court offices --- sheriff, justices, coroners, etc. (4) Hold our State Assemblies to conduct the business of our States; (5) Recharter our Federal States of States; (6) Elect our Deputies to convene the Continental Congress; (7) Elect our Deputies to convene the Federal United States Congress of Federal States of States.
At the point that our own courts are in operation, these other courts are required to withdraw under the mandate established by Milligan Ex Parte when this whole Mess began, and cease and desist all unnatural claims of Admiralty jurisdiction on the land. The whole game of Carpetbagger Courts comes to an end. The American Common Law re-asserts itself, and we finally breathe free again, at home in our own country.
This is why the Jural Assemblies are of such crucial importance and the reason that every red-blooded American should be eager to join ---- and also why we should all be doing double-time to explain this situation to our friends and neighbors, our pastors and our priests, and to the local sheriffs and politicians and lawyers who are either wittingly or unwittingly participating in this catastrophic Breach of Trust and Duty.
By any stretch of the imagination, this is the worst Breach of Trust in history, and the longest running commercial con game, too. Time to shine up your Shinola Sensors and get to work, America.
As a result of all the other forms of law being rolled up and into the Common Law of Admiralty and the fact that 75-80% of all Americans are not actually subject to the Common Law of Admiralty, the Military District Courts have had to adopt "Special Rules of Admiralty" to deal with the situation, and it is under these "Special Rules of Admiralty" that American State Citizens and American State Nationals have their small window of relief.
If anyone asks you about your purportedly "suspicious activities" or accuses you of any wrong-doing or improper or illegal action or ill-intent related to your reclaiming and re-conveying your Trade Name, recording your paperwork, assembling your State, participating in your State Jural Assembly, or anything else of that kind, just smile and inform them that you are doing your duty as an American and the United States Supreme Court fully agrees with you.
27th April 2019, 11:48 AM
Anna von Reitz ( RBBHsAAtxchtvk5-PASSRxHAJK2LnD_BF8&hc_ref=ARTI98OHa0c-UcSr2l07vmt47XjXfIEv7hvtw0FEtHWKP0VWwpXtigdUn55LEN PwIS8&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 55 MUNICIPAL COURTS, DEATH and TAXES
The Municipal United States Government operates exclusively under Title 50 of the Territorial Federal Code, and has never adopted any other Title of Federal Code; the internal affairs including the financial and political affairs of this creepy war-mongering state-within-a-state perched on our shores and ruled over as a plenary oligarchy by the members of the Territorial Congress, are not open to general public view.
Last time I looked, you could buy your own copy of the Washington, DC Municipal Code for about $800. It includes such nuggets as the statutes they use to claim that we are legally dead and set up offshore corporations in our NAMES, to sell child labor contracts, to launder money, to create giant slush funds, and for other purposes.
The Municipal United States Government styles itself as a Roman-style Republic. This is the source of the Roman Fasces --- a bundle of sticks emblem that you see in the Capitol Rotunda and elsewhere. Aside from the lies that these monsters have told about us to enrich themselves, they have no jurisdiction related to any living American, yet they contrive to create and enforce the Lion's Share of the false claims in commerce that are brought against our Good Names and Estates.
These false claims are brought in MUNICIPAL COURTS and it is important for you to realize that everything about MUNICIPAL COURT is the realm of the dead --- literally. No living men appear in a MUNICIPAL COURT. Ever. What appear there are incorporated entities and the officers of incorporated entities, and rarely, a corporate entity which is not incorporated, but nonetheless, also a dead legal fiction entity.
How can you tell whether you are in a Municipal Court or a Territorial Court?
The Municipal Courts are the special province of incorporated entities, which are indicated by the use of Dog Latin ---- they use the all capital letters conventions of Latin to write what appears to be English -- and isn't actually, just like the THING bearing what appears to be your NAME isn't you.
It is all built of deceptions within deceptions, designed to confuse identities and issues, so when you go into one of these COURTS, you must be firmly grounded in exactly who you are, who THEY are, and what your relief and remedy is.
When you see the NAME of the COURT written in all capital letters, you know it is a MUNICIPAL COURT. And you know that the only relief to be found in a MUNICIPAL COURT is 50 USC Appendix, Section 7 (c) and (e).
Section 7 (c) -- The sole relief and remedy of any person having any claim to any money or other property heretofore or hereafter conveyed, transferred, ] § 8 assigned, delivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian, [now the US Attorney General] or required so to be, or seized by him shall be that provided by the terms of this Act [said sections], and in the event of sale or other disposition of such property by the Alien Property Custodian, shall be limited to and enforced against the net proceeds received therefrom and held by the Alien Property Custodian or by the Treasurer of the United States."
So, when you have to "visit" a Municipal COURT, this, the foregoing, is the "sole relief and remedy" for your Lawful Person. The Probate of your Estate can never be closed, and all the profit that these monsters seized upon, all the State Trusts they created, all the resources they commandeered, have to be reclaimed and redeemed through the Office of Alien Property Custodian --- which Office was closed and its functions transferred to the US Attorney General.
Yes, we have more important business to discuss with Mr. Barr than you might suppose.
When we "visit" one of their Municipal COURTS we do so as Lawful Persons, that is, via our reclaimed and re-conveyed Trade Names, and the only thing we say to them is that we are claiming our sole remedy and relief guaranteed under Title 50 as cited above; we then proceed to tell them what we want --- our land and homes and perfected titles, our trusts, our gold, our silver, and all our material and immaterial property assets and interests, free and clear of any debt or encumbrance.
Please also note Section V of the Trading with the Enemy Act, which documents the official end of the Second World War:
V. TERMINATION OF STATE OF WAR CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES The cessation of hostilities of World War II was officially proclaimed by the President of the United States, Proclamation No. 2714, Dec. 31, 1946, 12 F.R. 1, 61 Stat. 1048, in the following language: NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the cessation of hostilities of World War II, effective twelve o’clock noon, December 31, 1946.
This is the missing "Sunset Clause" that is applicable to end the "Victory Tax" by which millions of American State National civilians were ensnared into paying Federal Income Taxes "voluntarily" to help the "war effort" ---- and then were simply coerced and extorted into paying Federal Income Taxes forever afterward via the false presumption that they were "volunteer" British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers known as "Withholding Agents" and that no specific Sunset Clause ended this arrangement.
Well, here it is, tucked away in Title 50, for evidence that no actual State of War allowing American State Nationals to pay Federal Income Taxes exists --- very handy for claims against the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.
Here is also the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act which sets aside any statute of limitations to collect property "lost" prior to 1934, which includes the State Trusts, gold, taxes---all from THEIR perspective, "war profits" that we, American State Nationals, are heir to and owed:
"AN ACT To amend section 24 of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 24 (b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended by the Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928, approved March 10, 1928, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Notwithstanding the expiration of any period of limitation provided by law, credit or refund of any income, war-profits, or excess-profits tax erroneously or illegally assessed or collected may be made or allowed if claim therefore was filed with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by the Alien Property Custodian on or before February 15, 1933." Approved, June 18, 1934
And here's the annotation for the above:
June 18, 1934. [8. 852.] I Public, No. 374.] Trading with the Enemy Act, amended. Vol. 42, p. 1516; Vol. 4.;, p. 277.
Credit or refund of any income, or war profits, erroneously assessed and collected, authorized.
From the foregoing it is pitifully apparent how grotesquely evil and corrupt the politicians --- heads of political lobbies --- have become, and the urgent need for the people of this country to stir their stumps and put an end to this criminality and usurpation under color of law, war-mongering, racketeering, and extortion.
27th April 2019, 11:55 AM
Anna von Reitz ( YnD0gWg_q2g5v0-LFjBwm2ucnJbYD0PsMq&hc_ref=ARRzOrgP89gFNMTW4HROjP-9zQh_jbzdW8XCpwSoeFZ1x3TDdZuumYy9mo0g1aiOWIw&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
US Citizens Going to Jail for Insurrection
Tonight, I get word that Municipal Prosecutors are arresting "patriots" and throwing them in jail under:
18 U.S. Code § 2383.Rebellion or insurrection and
18 U.S. Code § 2385.Advocating overthrow of Government
Well, note the key words: "US Citizens".
If you claim to be a "US Citizen" you owe your service and obedience to the US Government. You have "voluntarily" subjected yourself to that foreign corporate government, so then, what business do you have to complain about it or take up arms against it?
This is precisely what I warned everyone about recently and the reason I "took exception" to any implied suggestion of affiliation with any of these groups that are purportedly assembling States of the Union, but including "US Citizens" as members.
This is also why I have warned all the Jural Assemblies not to associate with or allow anyone preaching violence to join them. Remember that we have the right to peaceably assemble --- note the word: "peaceably".
Any US Citizen involved in assembling an American State, or rather, pretending to do so, because they can't actually do that----- is out of their lane. They are trespassing against our sovereign States.
If we were to go onto their turf and try to organize a Territorial State of State, we would be transgressing against them in the same way. Ditto if we go into one of their courts and start flailing away.
It's that old straddling the electric fence thing, and the end results of this are as predictable as rain falling.
So, until the Patriots finally pay attention and learn the history and learn the law and figure out how the government is actually structured and what their options are, there will continue to be these kinds of arrests.
And all I can do is stand here and shake my head.
This is not, and cannot be, about tearing down what is on their side of the fence. It is, and it has to be, about restoring what is supposed to be on our side of the fence.
27th April 2019, 12:07 PM
It's that old straddling the electric fence thing, and the end results of this are as predictable as rain falling.
Fence straddling is an old concept but electric fences are a new innovation. With electric fences you want to take care not to pee on 'em. This is not an issue with most ladies unless someone has installed a fence to keep squirrels out (or in).
30th April 2019, 11:02 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Fa97jmqOpyJDzqf4&hc_ref=ARRiAU_CCR-DghqPG-ycp59wnXazGIFv0uj8Fi59gBRKegwuGhUHFLPXEfHuCxXW31I&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 2:37 PM ( ·
A Very Important Grab Bag
When I was a kid growing up in Black River Falls, Wisconsin, the big event of the summer was the County Fair. My Best Friend Forever and I would volunteer as gophers and later as kitchen help and still later as waitresses for the VFW concession every year, and every year, my BFF would get a "Grab Bag" for the fun of it.
A Grab Bag can contain a very wide range and assortment of goods, the idea being somewhat akin to gambling. The majority of Grab Bags contain nonsense novelty items, plastic bangle bracelets, plastic paper clips, single wrapped pieces of hard candy, and similar items of use but very little value --- but once in a while they throw in something that is worth far more than the price of the Grab Bag to keep the customers coming.
It's been years since I have even seen a concession offering Grab Bags and I have no idea if the younger generation even knows the concept, so I have belabored you all with an explanation.
This posting is a Grab Bag -- the value of which depends on who you are, where you are, and which issues you face, but begins with an issue that everyone reading this faces: are you an American?
Item One from the Grab Bag:
"An American citizen in territory occupied by the United States is at all times entitled to his constitutional rights." --- or so we are told in Corpus Juris Secondum, (American Jurisprudence Second Edition), War and Emergency, Section 38, Military Occupation, (a) general, (b) in effect.
Please read this above quote again in light of the information I am giving you. Note the words "territory" --- as in Territorial or District Government presumed to be overlaying the land jurisdiction of this country as a result of the 1863 Enrollment Act --- and "occupied" as in "military occupation".
Now focus in on the word, "American". If you are an American and this quote from the venerable secular Bible of American Jurisprudence is correct, how is it you are routinely deprived of your constitutional guarantees in District Courts throughout this country?
Could it be that I am right and that thanks to foreign citizenships, both Territorial and Municipal citizenships, being "conferred" on you without your knowledge or consent, you are no longer being recognized as an American?
There are two kinds of separate Federal Citizenship created under the Constitutions --- (1) United States Citizens and (2) Citizen of the United States--- and these exist apart from the American citizenship that already existed at the time the Constitutions were adopted. These political statuses are very succinctly defined at Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3.
I have already proven to any reasonable man that the only two branches of the Federal Government that survived the American Civil War were the Territorial and Municipal branches, so the Territorial United States Citizens and the Municipal Citizens of the United States continued to exist.
Now, what happens if a State Trust is created, say the Ohio State Trust, and along with that a Federal Territorial Citizenship is granted to everyone?
This Federal Territorial Citizenship as a "United States Citizen" is merely "conferred" upon you as a "gift" by the British Territorial United States Government upon your acceptance of a Birth Certificate defining you as a Legal --- rather than Lawful --- Person.
This is where they unlawfully and unconscionably convert your political status from that of an American to that of a British Territorial "United States Citizen".
All right, so now you are a foreigner and merely a "resident" in your own country, presumed to be here providing the "essential government services" described in Article IV of the Constitutions.
This British Territorial United States Citizen is permanently domiciled in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and if you look at the name of this Foreign Situs Trust, it will appear to be exactly the same as your own Proper Name and it will appear in exactly the same style and form: John Mark Doe.
Now what if the British Territorial United States Government decides to "incorporate" as a franchise of the British Crown Corporation --- which it did in the 1870's--- ?
Well, now, it has "devolved" from the status of a government and become a commercial corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, like any other commercial corporation on Earth, and all its "citizenry" have been redefined as shareholders (known as voters) and also as chattel backing the investments of that corporation.
So much for the fate and identity of John Mark Doe, a British Territorial United States Citizen.
Next, the Municipal branch of the Federal Government gets in the act.
This is a plenary oligarchy run by the members of the British Territorial Congress--- the same exact people who presumed "United States Citzenship" upon you in Step One above.
As the representative body of the British Territorial Government and as the oligarchs in charge of the Municipal United States Government also, they confer another citizenship on you, presuming (liberally) that if you are a British Territorial United States Citizen, you may also be a "Citizen of the United States" ---- their Municipal Oligarchy allowed by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17.
The Municipal Government also decides to get in on the incorporation thing, and incorporate themselves as a franchise of the Holy Roman Empire, doing business as the United States, Inc. They also devolve to the level of a commercial corporation but their "citizenry" is all presumed to be "paupers" and "criminals" who are already guilty (sinners) by definition. See Section 2 of the 14th Amendment. All THEIR assets are presumed to be donated to the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) and they are used as perpetual DEBTORS, guilty by definition before they ever enter a court room.
Do you see what is happening here? The American citizen is disappearing, being "eased out" by competing Federal Citizenships being conferred on him and presumed to attach to him by his failure to object and take exception to this process of genocide on paper.
Of course, you are conveniently kept in the dark about this entire process. None of your public servants tell you a word, so as to ensure that you have no opportunity to object to these arrangement undertaken "for" you by your presumed "representatives".
So are you still an American citizen? Not on paper. On paper, you are a Dual Federal Citizen. That's their story, anyway.
And in both cases, you are no longer presumed to be a living man or woman. You are presumed to be voluntarily acting as both a British Territorial Foreign Situs Trust and United States Citizen, and a Municipal Government Slave and "Vessel" known as a "Citizen of the United States" doing business as the JOHN M DOE under admiralty law.
So you are no longer "recognizable" by the courts as an American citizen and you are no longer entitled to the guarantees of the Constitutions. The monsters running the Congress who wear both hats in this scheme-- acting as the British Territorial United States Congress on one hand, and as the Municipal United States Congress on the other, have put themselves in position to enslave you and railroad you in the Admiralty court system and there is only one way out of this.
Expatriate from any presumed "US Citizenship".
Do the paperwork to make your claim explicit and place it on the Public Record of the State of State land recording district of the local Territorial Government franchise. At this point you become recognizable as an American and as a Lawful Person, one of the People of Ohio.
You also become eligible to serve as an Ohio State Citizen and to assemble the Ohio Assembly --- the actual State of the Union thus comes back into view.
And the foreign incorporated interlopers get shoved back in their box.
Have the members of Congress committed treason against us? Yes, they have been doing so over the course of the past 150 years, incrementally, on purpose and in clueless stupidity both, until the issues must be addressed and the actual American Government restored.
Item Two from this Grab Bag:
A Taxpayer is a Tax Collector -- a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marines known as a "Withholding Agent".
Everyone who ever mistakenly signed a 1040 Form was claiming under penalty of perjury to be acting voluntarily as a British Territorial United States Citizen and as a "Withholding Agent".
All this web of lies and legal presumptions attaches to you, an American citizen owing no obligation to even participate in this system, because you have mistakenly been deluded into thinking that you are a "US Citizen" of some kind and that you are a Withholding Agent for the British Territorial United States Government working in their Merchant Marine Service.
Well, of course, they are going to throw the book at you for any failure to do your duty, aren't they? And they are going to continue to go after the poor old Municipal United States STRAWMAN that they gratuitously named after you, too.
So again, what is the only way out of this situation?
"There has been a mistake....."
"....and now that I know what a "Withholding Agent" is, I cannot possibly claim to be a member of the British Merchant Marines, and nobody can suborn me to testify under penalty of perjury to say that I am a member of the British Merchant Marine Service or force me to take any action to file taxes as if I am, because that would be inducement and coercion to commit perjury and other crimes."
Again, do the paperwork. Establish your claim to be an American and a Lawful Person. Expatriate from any other political status. Cancel all Prior Powers of Attorney granted or presumed to be granted to anyone claiming to represent you in any capacity at all, and stipulate the conditions upon which your copyrights and trademarks will be recognized and honored.
Has the British Government betrayed your trust? Is the Pope Roman Catholic? Is "Roman Catholic" a misnomer?
As an American, you are owed all rights, all titles, and all interest in your estate and in your land and in your Good Name.
As a British Territorial "United States Citizen" you are in the unenviable position of a Person doing business as a Foreign Situs Trust permanently domiciled in Puerto Rico.
As a Municipal "Citizen of the United States" you are in the position of a "VESSEL" subject to bottomry bonds under Admiralty Law--- and already condemned as a fugitive subject to salvage and arrest.
And all of this--- absolutely all of this --- is the most specious kind of self-interested lies and bull crap. It only succeeds because you remain blissfully unaware of it and don't take steps to put an end to it.
Item Three in this Grab Bag:
The only court left in America that has Article III powers is the United States District Court --- a Court that is literally foreign to you and which can only act in the presence of maritime and admiralty contracts. You are a member of a Foreign Nation --- your actual State. You are a Minnesotan, a Georgian, a Vermonter, etc. As a result the United States District Court is in no position to serve you, except in Arbitration of a dispute between you and a Municipal CITIZEN.
Do you see how this works? They can't operate in Public, because by definition they are a private court hired by a commercial corporation-- the same corporation operating the entire "District" government of the British Territorial United States. And they obviously can't sit in judgement of their own employer, as that would be a grotesque conflict of interest.
But they can be invoked to operate in their Article III capacity inclusive of the Supplemental Rules (the Rules that allow them to attach assets and distribute Equity) and sit in private arbitration against any Municipal PERSON defined as a "vessel".
And that, my dears, is how they have all been working this "System" to their advantage all these years.
They bring suit against the Municipal PERSON which is defined as a "vessel" operating under Admiralty Law, then they use the Supplemental Rules of Admiralty to "attach" the assets related to that VESSEL and distribute the proceeds to whomever or whatever claims to have an ownership interest in that VESSEL.
They issue Summons for an in Rem action in Admiralty against the Municipal "Citizen of the United States" conferred upon you without your knowledge or consent, and when you show up to defend the THING against charges, they "attach" you as the VESSEL's owner, responsible for its debts, operations, accounts, etc., etc., etc. and then they proceed to prosecute you "as" the VESSEL --- and they have a secret motivation to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the Admiralty Law.
They, acting as the British Territorial United States District Court, get a share of the "prize money" from apprehending such Municipal VESSELS, and they can do so without an appearance of conflict of interest, because technically, the Municipal United States Government is an entirely different corporation than the one they work for---- even though, at the top of the pyramid, both are being run by the same group of people acting both as the [British Territorial] United States Congress and as The Congress of the United States [Municipal].
And therein lies the rub and the total conflict of interest and the entire story of the gross corruption being worked upon this country and its clueless People. Who is responsible?
Ultimately, the Queen and the Pope are responsible. Both have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and have allowed this System of things in violation of every duty they owe as International Trustees and as Allies and as Principal Parties and High Contracting Powers obligated under the Constitutions we are in fact all owed.
Their minions, the members of the British Territorial United States Congress acting in both that capacity and also acting as franchisees running the Municipal United States Government have constructed unconscionable "private" contracts with each one of us via the registration of Birth Certificates in our names and then, with the Brits having accomplished that much, the Pope's minions have done the second and more egregious constructive fraud against us by secretively creating United States "VESSELS" in our names for the purpose of allowing us to be sued.
And all this has been done "for" us by our purported "representatives" without our knowledge or consent, forced down our throats by coercive racketeering, and all the while, we haven't been told or known a thing about any of this.
Even the idea that we, Americans, are in any way involved in any Maritime or Admiralty activities at all, is foreign --- and in fact, is untrue. We are all land lubbers, most of us, from beginning to end.
We are being press-ganged and conscripted by the British Territorial United States Government in contravention of the Public Law which has prohibited these activities for over 200 years using the excuse that we privately contracted with them --- as babies no less --- to allow this.
Item 5 in this Grab Bag: the Root of the Evil
The ultimate root of all this evil is the birth registration process, which is in practical terms, like all the other evil perpetuated against us, is carried out by franchises of the British Territorial United States Government operating as "the States of States" on our shores.
These incorporated Territorial franchises (think Burger King franchises) mindlessly carry out the wishes of the parent corporations and are obligated to do so by virtue of holding their charters or prescriptive status as a grant given to them by these foreign corporations.
The people actually doing the dirty work are forced into it by their employment contracts or by the professional licenses they have mistakenly applied for.
Thus the young lady at the Bureau of Vital Statistics or the Richmond County Health Department merrily entering your baby's name on a registration form has no idea that she is committing international crime and participating in genocide against American citizens.
Likewise, the doctors signing off on these purported contracts largely have no idea that they have "conscripted themselves" into the US Army by applying for a license to practice medicine and that as Uniformed Officers (Title 37, Uniformed Officer Code), they have no choice but to follow the "Public Policy" of the US ARMY, INC. and to participate in this genocide-on-paper being carried out against American babies, serving to unlawfully convert their political status from being American citizens to being "presumed" British Territorial United States Citizens.
It is the same way with all the IRS, BLM, FBI, FEMA, BATF, and other "Agency" officials. They are all just subcontractors and franchisees in the same way that the "States of States" and their various "Bureaus" and "Departments" are commercial subcontractors providing services.
This is why there is no remedy or relief available from any State of State Court. This is why all these Public Officials take phony Oaths of Office --- just pull one of their Oaths of Office. There you will see an unidentified Person using a middle initial "swearing or affirming" ---- well, folks, who is it and what are they doing? This isn't an Oath of Office. It's a mockery and invalid contract by definition.
So, our mission as American State Citizens, if we accept it, is to correct our own political status records, serve Notice of same, and restore our rightful form of Government. Our secondary mission is to spread the word worldwide about what has gone on here and in most of the other countries worldwide.
Our additional mission once we have our own records corrected and ducks in order is to "fully inform" the members of the United States military that:
(1) the Enrollment Act of 1863 is both unlawful and illegal;
(2) they are still under contract to serve us, the civilian government, not the "civil" government;
(3) we wish them to "Cease and Desist" all private conscription activities involving minors and to convert their registration processes to simple recording functions recognizing the American State Citizenship of all babies born within our geographic borders;
(4) we wish them to formally release any private contract with any baby they "seized and presumed upon" on their phony 150 year-old "battlefield" and
(5) we wish them to recognize the fact that The American Civil War was a long-resolved commercial mercenary conflict that had nothing to do with our actual States of the Union and nothing to do with us.
Got your paperwork on the Public Record? Sharpen up your pens and paper and jot off a note to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And President Trump. And the Queen. And the Pope.
30th April 2019, 11:11 PM
Anna von Reitz ( J3c6mW9C7uUgm0xCVaMU7Jl9ZGjOAoGaaV&hc_ref=ARTnbmzzmQxZBpQIr60dVOIwhsiCbBGbelutArw1fSo 4jA5LO_bxL7774p3DEMkJ5Ns&fref=nf)
April 29 at 5:35 PM ( ·
The Push --- Assembly Coordinators and Current Listings
Numerous people have been calling, writing, and emailing asking me how to contact the assembly coordinators in their States. Also some people have asked how they can confirm that the person claiming to be Assembly Coordinator really is "officially" a State Assembly Coordinator.
Early on we realized that there is a lot of confusion going on out there with a lot of different so-called "patriot groups" getting started, mostly without a clue as to the actual history or the issues of jurisdiction and citizenship that this whole Mess involves.
So we had a few Coordinators from the very start who did reliably grasp the concepts and the reasons for the paperwork and the recording processes and they have been acting as a support group to make sure that other volunteer Coordinators are on board and up to speed.
They have also weeded out would-be Coordinators who acted only as place-holders with no actual action to form an Assembly organization--- to ensure that progress would not be impeded by people lacking the will, skill or determination to get the job done.
There may be multiple State Assembly Coordinators in any one State, as indeed County Assembly Coordinators are also typically involved in putting together the State Assembly. This is because the State Assembly in our American system receives its empowerment from the County Assemblies.
This multiplicity of State Assembly Coordinators is only to be expected and be expected to grow as the organizations expand and more County Assemblies form and more people in more areas step to the plate.
Bear in mind that there is really only one State Assembly, but that State Assembly comes from all over the geographically defined State, thus there is only one California Assembly, but there may be a State Assembly Coordinator for Southern California, one for Mid-State California, one for the Sacramento Valley, one for San Francisco Bay, one for Northern California --- and all expected to work together as Coordinators for the California Assembly.
Tall Orders, but we can do it if we put our minds to it.
As each State has a Coordinator step forward and "pass muster" by completing their paperwork and demonstrating that they understand the reasons we do these things, etc., the sovereign State becomes "re-populated". Their names then appear on the Coordinator listings on ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2hiMkGTGrsyug69SPSSrbPmhkpE NEfDFYErBqci-K9y5EblSs9VHZnXFY&h=AT23UAI8SLc54XGldfA1Fk4pD5aSJFcMHj_xhjYLHNpLqJJw _yuCv9R8x8KPsvDPxK6h_ez_QSTyNHC6oB7meKQ6S_DWmfxQZ8 7iqk5AL_la48FDSSpcMAd5s5QX9-_7klkCdBTmN8Ny_Ka60SHASChU37IAqBC5) and on the ( IwAR0EjEoEar-HYYwm9M2uyF_VNYWjFmF-XWBo4xN0cWFB1AJXukpT53dcRoA&h=AT0xJUOqgipJ5VRvRKJNJL41jR2dm9EQ9rXx8FZ01vcP8efW fkSVojZ_1920I-0A3s5Muxu8lpzMUNCPZ25M1FUY7jRFRfQ_QnA8kI0Oq_Ue50Wb WbopgOrMk5JotJg9MDpc4o_s9jhPdQWPWjuTl2VEyrwTj5Q5) website.
Their link is here: ( mbly-coordinators.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2l6BQ_4o1rdM05nUf AhAEe3Btor3e7JOp-tXyHQbCYS1iuiIVE7-ge_Iw&h=AT19YsVgyRr9FxYk_6Ww3zut4QDalGpBN23BpniPB5P8uQ8N 1H7lUo31ilcElUhuB1dLaoPSwZ7XQ2zjnm-60M_7T-Qp3d5Yw8HH5mQsxKQqrnSjaxCE-Ag--fgnzqEAF88vjJFLxvS0OspQzCCOxGMkx1aPWwBg)
Also, please join us every Monday when The American States Assembly hosts me for a one hour question and answer session via Zoom Teleconference. Just go online and download the Zoom program onto your computer and use this contact address: ( clid%3DIwAR1xaWUYNLNjYpe9tZ06XfT9TG12HbFokDy8vkLOX VpSl1kP_U7lQ8_Cnf8&h=AT10Se7xXiYEtGGiNCgXssr0AjgQEZe7pCqcBcr329FEtilR Z2-i5NzcWZnTh68ar_j-s7hc0w2ATeQ0PZ7VImDfl7g-EnueNCKq7iY4-oYEb-VPLgSb__etvgCpFRUpoiIw1-OyublC0qv8huMpXmsGPCKRFean)
The number of the teleconference you wish to join is: 597600142.
Everyone is invited to submit questions at:
the website for The American States Assembly, for inclusion during the teleconference.
There are also continuing questions about "State Nationals" versus "State Citizens".
Basically, State Nationals are always welcome to join our calls and ask questions, but a State National carries no obligation to serve their State in any public capacity. That is, they don't serve the government, the government serves them.
That may sound real good to most of you, I am sure, but I have to point out that at least some of us must bear the extra burden as I do, to serve the sovereign State government on an active, day to day basis. Without those of us who volunteer to take on this responsibility, the rights and the prerogatives of the People of the State disappear, and we all no longer have access to the Constitutions we are owed and other protections that the sovereign State provides.
American State Citizens thus serve the sovereign State government in some capacity --- as Jurors, as Electors, and in many other possible capacities and positions both paid and unpaid. We "carry the water" so that the rest of the People of Wisconsin, People of Colorado, People of Virginia, et alia.... have a voice and a choice and a home to come home to.
This is a daunting challenge, especially when you consider that two foreign governments under contract to provide our States with "essential government services" are already bleeding us dry, but as more and more Americans wake up and get highly motivated, resources and commitments will get realigned and The Push to get off the ground will ease.
It is to be hoped that as we develop more "at a glance" visual aids and as more and more people grasp what has actually gone on in this country, millions of Americans will step forward to fill the gaps and do what has to be done.
You can assist this process by sharing the information with friends and family, with club members and workmates, with your religious leaders, with your business associates, with your public servants, too.
At first you will be looked at --- as I described and experienced it myself -- "like a talking horse". Nobody will grasp what you are saying the first time around, but as you explain it repeatedly, your skill at explaining it will grow and hopefully we will soon have new pdf visual aids you can download and print off at home to distribute and to use as aids as you explain things yourself.
More and more people are waking up and "smelling the java" every day, and as the news gets out and more people start grasping the history and the law and the facts--- well, then, they know what has to be done.
Instead of staring at you like you are some kind of a freak or nutcase, they will start listening intently, and then, they will pitch in and help.
Your public servants will stop making fun of you and start showing some respect and cooperation. In time, you will find them pitching in and helping you, too, because they realize that what you are doing helps them, too.
When everyone knows their part and does their job, America will be great again. By taking up this work, you are in fact leading the way forward, upward, and onward. You are fulfilling the vital role you were born to do on your very first birthday.
30th April 2019, 11:14 PM
Anna von Reitz ( hd29K3biOxaVXuN2mf&hc_ref=ARRvcygiSy78jWXrXfO0DB5yfQc7I-vhJ4KKXZggyPFB4qdgPg-QDI4ZgQ9b42al8EA&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 7:00 PM ( ·
Unraveling the Spider's Web
I think we have finally done it. And I am the original skeptic.
Usually, I am the one standing silent in the back of the party room whenever someone announces that they have nailed the problem and located "the" answer to the spider's web.
And it's true that I am not jumping up and down, not pouring champagne over my head. In fact, I look and feel rather grim.
Think of George Washington's mood just BEFORE he crossed the Delaware.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, we now have the answers, but they are not easy answers and it will require considerable money and effort and manpower to exercise and prosecute the answers.
It's show time. O-dark-thirty.
We need everyone to Push on every level. We need everyone to correct their own political status records. We need everyone to join their State Assemblies. And God knows, we need donations. All the work is being donated already, but this is one big wad of work in front of us, to be done against highly paid, highly skilled, and very well-financed opponents.
Underdog strikes again.
Someone commented tonight that "faith is how things get done". It is certainly how everything I have done got done. So why change anything at this point?
I am talking out loud to our Father in Heaven and to you, just sayin' --- this is what we are up against, and we are in need of Divine Providence. We are in need of the understanding and support of every American on both sides of the fence.
Please donate toward the court costs and diplomatic outreach and educational efforts if you can. My Paypal is:, and the snail mail is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
And yes, Grandma is still the Paymaster, Chief Cook, and Bottle Washer.
1st May 2019, 05:33 AM
what happens if a State Trust is created, say the Ohio State Trust, and along with that a Federal Territorial Citizenship is granted to everyone
All trusts operate according to the laws of what I term 'Trust space'. This of course is different from 'Man space'. 'Trust space' requires some form of BAR agent to pursue any action in what I term 'Court Space'. 'Man space' never shows up in 'Court space' because to accept BAR representation Man would have to be insane or below the age of Majority. Estates (as represented by Wills) also require a BAR agent simply because a will creates a trust. Estates are just another fictional entity that exists in the fiction of Trust space.
What you think of the political society 'the United States' or any of it's constituent parts (states, counties, townships, cities, villages) is likely wrong as these are all Trust entities. You can't really overthrow a Trust and I don't really know why anyone would choose to attempt to overthrow a Trust. With a Trust occupying it's portion of Trust space the rules only recognize fiduciaries (Trust officials), Beneficiaries (those who claim the benefit) and Agents (BAR officials who decide when the Trust is being improperly run).
Figure out how you fit into this scheme. Any action that brings you into court is because you are improperly administrating your Trust. Or you might be a beneficiary who makes the claim that the Trust is being improperly managed and you can claim some damage as a result ... or rather the Trust has been damaged as a result. Either of these claims require you to engage the Court with a BAR agent. You might also claim a contract breach and the Trust has failed to perform according to their (in Obama parlance) 'deal'. Likely the court will assign you Brownie points if you hire a BAR agent to pursue your action in their venue and allow you to pay his fee when your action is deemed to have no merit.
Modern society is certainly complex. The only way to win is to NOT PLAY!!!
1st May 2019, 06:09 AM
BAR agents are only licensed to practice law on United States owned land.
The only land the United States owns is defined in the constitution as Washington DC and needful bldgs.
Everywhere else in the several states common law rules.
Take your BAR and stick it.
1st May 2019, 06:17 AM
BAR agents are only licensed to practice law on United States owned land.
I have never seen a BAR license. Unless you can provide a certified copy of one I suspect you don't have first hand knowledge and are spouting hearsay and not Law.
The only land the United States owns is defined in the constitution as Washington DC and needful bldgs.
I am not party to the Trust known as the United States or it's founding Trust document. Are you?
Everywhere else in the several states common law rules. Common law (lex non scripta) is UNWRITTEN law. As soon as you write it then it becomes NON-law. Also, as I am not Everywhere then my location is pretty specific and SINGULAR. What precisely are 'the several states'?
Take your BAR and stick it. I have no BAR. Those are your demons to confront. They are mental constructs that have no existence except in your own mind. When you take on a battel against unreal entities don't be surprised at the outcome.
1st May 2019, 06:54 AM
An admission to practice law is acquired when a lawyer ( receives a license to practice law.[clarification needed (] In jurisdictions with two types of lawyer, as with barristers ( and solicitors (, barristers must gain admission to the bar whereas for solicitors there are distinct practising certificates (
Maybe this will help you find that elusive license?
1st May 2019, 11:36 AM
clarification needed
I stopped reading when this superscript was found
1st May 2019, 12:44 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Jg583ROtz2GFRWIZkzdfZJM2ocozijtQmd&hc_ref=ARRFBSdYROgIsR5f6SuUNC6ozvj3nziQ424Gwj6xpDJ TDkhjaTWVRJN07Hpz5vLYiUE&fref=nf)
42 mins ( ·
"Why Do You Need Money?"
Every once in a while, I get some bewildered people who think that I work for the government, asking me, "Why do you need money?"
Well, let's see..... because I don't get paid for my work, and it takes money to pay expenses, court fees, travel costs, printer ink, paper, electric bills, lunch for volunteers..... there's a long list of such constant demands above and beyond all the work that researchers and paralegals and non-Bar lawyers just donate to this.
Another reason we need money is that unlike virtually everyone else out there, we don't require people to pay "membership fees" to have access to the information and we don't make them pay for books of copyrighted forms and we don't charge $2000 per head to help fill out the forms, either. If we did these things, we wouldn't need donations --- but on the flip side, there would be millions of innocent people left in the dark and up a creek without a paddle.
So. We make our stuff available for free. And we share and try to help everyone as best we can with what we have. It is -- WWG1WGA. Literally.
Another reason is that we are not public employees, nobody pays us, we don't get any part of your taxes as revenue. We are all just Americans like everyone else, plodding along with our own lives, our own dramas, doing all this as volunteers.
I had a man inform me that he was too busy to do anything to help, because he was in the process of moving, so it was all up to me. So I sat here at my desk for a moment with my head bowed and then I shot back a list of what I have facing me in my own little individual human life and role as a Great-Grandma.
You don't want to see that list.
It woke him up to the realities of this situation in short order. No, I am not a well-paid, smug, and protected Judge in a cushy job just sitting on my velvet tuffet. I am a retiree that was called back into service as a volunteer and instead of getting paid for this, a lot of what should be my retirement goes toward the expenses as enumerated above.
I also have all the other burdens of life that everyone else does -- sick grandbabies, electric bills, dripping faucets, health concerns, and that list goes on for a page and a half ending "….. and to clean all the toilets in the house before I leave on another trip to try to save the world."
On top of all that, we had a 7.0 Earthquake that really jumbled things up and broke a lot of equipment and unsettled house foundations and caused other disruption that we are still digging out of. It is now spring in Alaska, so it's melting and as the frost goes out of the ground we have to address problems that couldn't be addressed while the ground was frozen. Hello, Houston? There are house foundations and car port footings and roof repairs.... and all of that takes away from what we, Alaskans, can put toward the expenses of researchers in Minnesota and Illinois and Utah --- volunteers, most of whom are elderly themselves and on limited budgets.
I guess some people need more than a wake up call. Anyone who could ask "why do you need money?" is probably not dealing with all the facts, so here they are.
Americans --- not "US Citizens" --- are owed trillions of dollars worth of land and trust and precious metals, but the "US Citizens" can't pay anyone. So what they are doing is offering our assets to pay their debts and our position as their Priority Creditors is not being brought forward by anyone but you, me, and the chickens.
As a result, Americans stand to lose everything and there is the very real prospect of a worldwide bankruptcy and shut down that would make the Great Depression and those 1930's G-5 bankruptcies look like child's play ---- unless the work that we are doing here and now succeeds.
The schemers who set up the Federal Reserve System and the idiots that dreamed up Bretton Woods are cows that have come home. The "asset to credit ratio" that should be always within the realm of nature, is completely blown into fairyland and beyond. There is no way to "fix it" by any normal means. Not by a GCR, not by a Brexit, and not by enslaving Mankind for the next billion years.
The banks worldwide can't ever pay what they owe, so the military goes, "Uh-oh!" and now you know why the plot to kill off ninety percent of humanity exists. It's not because of pollution. It's not because of inability to feed people and animals. It's not because of anything but human greed and stupidity. The people who got us all into this Mess don't have brains enough to get us out, so their answer is --- well, let's just kill everyone off, seize their assets, collect the life insurance policies, and start over.
So. What do you do? Stand there like dumb cattle? Ask me why I need money to bring forward your claims and enforce other solutions that can actually work and keep the boat afloat?
It's not "me" that needs money. It's you that needs money applied in a way that will save your lives and homes and families. And as I look around, our group and a few others are the only ones out here doing the work and developing the systemic remedies that are needed. So that is why we need money.
And that is why you all need to get your BC's and Witness Testimonies together, get your paperwork recorded, assemble your States of the Union, restore the government you are owed, batten the hatches, and yes, send whatever you can possibly squeeze into our efforts here.
We are in the process of joining with two other major well-known law research groups and this is very good news because it expands the data base and capabilities and range of skills we have -- but again, and even though nobody gets paid a dime for doing the work, the expenses expand along with the increase of these capabilities.
So, that, too, is why we need money and why we can't do it alone and why it is in fact to everyone's benefit to put the hammer down and get this job done.
1st May 2019, 09:35 PM
Anna von Reitz ( GDp1Y70z-MGjL37Sla1vru-iCSz36STF5G&hc_ref=ARS7nGiWlQ5Uj1hWpNl6iCMDanihJ1ZsGPt48p9duXL I7cdYu46bofMNH7alZ3j_USk&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Europe and America
Even though this is mainly for my friends in Europe, it needs to be read by Americans as well.
Every week, I get lots of correspondence from people in Europe who have awakened and realized that they are in the same boat as the Americans. Invariably they want to know --- what do WE do in our country, with our situation? Can you help?
About all we can do at this point (with a few exceptions) is share what we have found and point Europeans in the right direction to research how your national government has been corrupted --- but it is slightly different in every country, because it was all done by legislation.
A key point is that "legislation" by its nature is not the Public Law of Mankind. Legislation is law for corporations and is meant to apply only to corporate workers and officials, not to the General Public at all.
The "State of State" legislatures in America have attempted to wear two hats --- one as a legislature passing "General Session Laws" that apply to the State Trusts that were created after the Civil War, and one as a legislature running the business of the State of State corporations, which results in "State Statutes".
The two different kinds of laws are a direct result of the "State" Legislatures trying to act in two separate capacities --- one as Trustees for our State of the Union, one as business moguls intent on making profit for their State of State Corporation at our expense.
This is an obvious and gross conflict of interest. You will see the same pattern of abuse of and "bilateral operation" of the provincial and county and parish governments in Europe. Since the Second World War in this country at least, it has been even worse.
We have had one legislative body acting in three conflicted capacities --- and then, people wonder why the Congress and the "State" Legislatures are always gridlocked and can't get anything done and when they do something it is almost always wrong? Well....
In Alaska, for example, you have one body acting as -- purportedly at least -- "the State Legislature" and calling itself "the Alaska Legislature" --- but in fact, it is one body of people acting in three different and conflicting capacities: (1) Board of Trustees for the Alaska State (a trust) and (2) the "legislative body" for the British Territorial franchise doing business as the "State of Alaska" and (3) the "legislative body" for the Municipal franchise doing business as the "STATE OF ALASKA".
As you begin to examine how your government is actually working versus how it is supposed to work, you will observe that it has been similarly mis-used to usurp unauthorized powers over the people these institutions are supposed to serve, and that your legislative bodies have also been thrown into irreconcilable conflicts of interest.
This has been a slow creeping miasma spread internationally by the US Military under the direction of sleazy mostly European banking interests that have used and abused the US Military and are now trying to use and abuse the Chinese Military, too.
For a pinpoint on where it really got going in earnest in recent times, we point to the later reign of Queen Victoria in England and the actual nature of the Disraeli and Gladstone Debates. Disraeli promised the Queen to make her "Empress of India" if she allowed the "enfranchisement" --- think Dairy Queen franchises --- of the English, Scottish, and Irish working classes.
Promoted as a good thing and a step forward for the working classes, it was in fact a form of entrapment, by which the victims were enslaved and claimed as chattel under Admiralty Law and by which "citizenship" was conferred upon them as employees and dependents of the government of Great Britain and later, the UK.
Now, the Masters and Lords of the Exchequer (Mr. Disraeli, especially) and the Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Roman Catholic owners and operators of Cede and Company, the DTC/DTTC, and many other such organizations --- they all knew and they still know that it is totally illegal, unlawful, and immoral to "securitize" a living man or "hypothecate" debt against a living man --- so they abused the Probate Court and the Queen's "Other Office", The Chair of the Estates --- to declare all those newly enfranchised English, Scots, and Irish "legally dead".
They could then "legally" --- but still unlawfully and immorally -- seize upon the names and estates of the victims, establish Cestui Que Vie trusts in their NAMES, and "securitize" their estates and issue credit based on the value of these estates to the guilty government corporations.
Thus the secretive robbery and enslavement of the English, Irish, and Scots paid for the conquest and not-so-secret enslavement of the Subcontinent of India. The Queen got her "Empress of India" at the cost of her soul, and if the general public had truly understood what was done to them, it is quite likely that she would have been de-throned as well.
We, Americans, have been unknowingly been used as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit, and then we have been required to pay for the expense of waging the wars as well. This is a pattern that began with the Thirty Years War in Europe and which has continued with only a few bumps since then.
For this, we and the rest of the world, can "thank" the Swiss and French and English and New York bankers, plus, ---and especially--- the various Securities traders and Securities Exchange authorities that are supposed to ride herd on these traders and transactions, military personnel who have been lied to and had access to only compartmentalized information, all the members of every Bar Association worldwide, and politicians who have been either: (1) intelligent but crooked or (2) elected because they were malleable and dumb as stumps.
The rats have legislated themselves a series of unconscionable contracts and then enforced them under color of law and used these contracts to "redefine" us all as government workers or officials in order to establish their purported control over us and enhance their ability to enslave and dominate us using their own ability to legislate "Public Policy" for their corporations.
That is not how things are supposed to work, but it is the direct result of the conflict of interest exposed above, and the practice of letting one legislature exercise two or three or more such divergent capacities.
Now that you can see what the situation is and how it arose, you also understand the necessity of objecting to these "unconscionable" contracts that have been foisted off on you in the form of "conferred" citizenships.
An "unconscionable contract" is a contract that you are literally unaware of and can not reasonably be able to be aware of ---- such as a contract with a baby, which is precisely what these monsters have done with the birth registration practices they have put in place worldwide.
In America, the British Territorial [Military] Government is responsible for this and has its own cute story trying to justify it.
They have pretended that our whole country is still engaged in a "war" --- that in fact, The American Civil War, is still magically ongoing more than 150 years after hostilities ceased.
Using this vain excuse, they have defined our whole country as a "battlefield" and they have set up quasi-military districts and district governments to go with them, and they have been going around on "the battlefield" -- taking "protective custody" of "lost and unidentified infants" laying in their Mother's arms-- and "presuming" them to be "United States Citizens" and also "presuming" the Mothers to be mere "Informants" who "found" the babies on this bogus "battlefield".
This is how they "conferred" --- "gifted" --- us all with United States Citizenship and dubbed us "Federal Government Employees" and brought us under their corporate Statutory Law without our knowledge or consent while we were still babies in our cradles --- via the exercise of an unconscionable Admiralty contract.
If you believe this rot, we have approximately 350 million government workers in America, with nobody to serve but other government workers.
As if this shameless fraud and breach of trust by our disloyal British Territorial employees was not enough, the Congress acting in its "Municipal Capacity" --that is, as the plenary government of the Municipality of Washington, DC [Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17], got into the act as well, and "conferred" an even worse "gift" of "municipal citizenship" upon us, setting us up to be "defined" as SLAVES, DEBTORS, FUGITIVES, and whatever else the vermin cared to say about us.
It is, thus, with a sense of wonderment, that they have been able to get away with this for 150 years.
Nobody has even examined the source of all this crappola--- the Enrollment Act of 1863--- to determine whether or not the elected corporate officers of the Northern Confederate States (which were in fact "States of States" and commercial corporations facing bankruptcy---not our actual States at all) had any authority to take any such action in the first place.
I suppose it is our natural antipathy for "government" that leads the vast majority of us to jog trot away from it like a pile of dog excrement melting in the rain, hoping merely to keep our shoes clean ----- but things have gotten so bad that even the most offended sensibilities must be overcome, and we must pay attention to the history, the law, the facts, and the truly desperate juncture that a majority of countries worldwide have come to.
For those in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales --- we have just touched upon the basic scheme that was employed, who employed it, why they employed it, etc., and somewhat in big strokes how they employed it --- (1) incorporation and privatization of government functions using "Municipal Corporation Acts", (2) laws requiring birth registrations, (3) laws conferring "presumed citizenship on minors" and on "unknown civilians" under military and "civil emergency" auspices, (4) laws pertaining to missing persons and probate of their estates as Cestui Que Vie Trusts, (5) laws in Admiralty allowing the "attachment" of people as "presumed officers" responsible for the debts of derelict "vessels" -- that is, Warrant Officers and Tax Withholding Agents --- we found all that included as "Supplemental Admiralty Rules" magically added like an afterthought to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, but in fact being the entire reason for the existence of the FRCP, and (6) voter registrations and licensing of activities -- like getting married and driving your own car down to the grocery store -- that are normally NOT prohibited nor prohibitable.
These six general areas of interest are what you all need to be looking at in terms of piecing together the offending "legislative history" while also keeping your perspective and claiming back your own Good Name and Estate and restoring your rightful National Governments.
If enough of us wake up worldwide, and determine that this criminality has gone on far more than long enough, won't be tolerated, and has been the cause of 90% of the misery in this world ---- we can change things.
By taking up our birthright political status as living men and women and by operating our lawful National Governments quite apart from anything the Liars and Schemers do, we can remove and liquidate the corporate pirates using their own rules and never fire a shot. We can support and defend each other, and eventually, the immensity of this criminality and its terrible impacts on everyone including those who are currently promoting this "System" of things, will become apparent.
To this great and necessary cause we are all being called and the call is urgent. Tell everyone you know. This is where we are, this is how we got here, and this is what we have to do --- record our claim to be who we are and claim back our birthright political status, get organized, and operate our lawful national government.
Obviously, when we do this, we are no longer part of the Babylonian "System" that Queen Victoria and her perfidious Lord of the Exchequer foisted off on us, but we can still make it hot enough for the purveyors of this "System" simply by recognizing the fact that they are operating in Bad Faith and as criminals and also by informing them and their minions that they are acting under Color of Law, using Unconscionable Contracts, improperly prosecuting landsmen under Admiralty Law, and participating in a vast host of crimes including:
unlawful conversion, identity theft, impersonation, barratry, conspiracy against the lawful government, treason against the lawful government, violation of commercial service contracts, unconscionable contracting practices, Bad Faith, false claims in commerce, kidnapping, press-ganging, enslavement, and inland piracy.
Present this information to your local lawyers and judicial authorities and law enforcement officers and ask them if they have any "stomach" to be further involved in this? And if not, offer them two choices --- stay where you are within the "System" and work Heaven and Earth to change it, or, leave the Bar Association and enjoy the wider world as a Counselor of Law, and help change the "System" from the outside. For the Law Enforcement Officers, this choice would translate to functioning as Peacekeeping Officers instead of or in addition to functioning as LEOs.
Good luck, Europe! Especially to all my beleaguered Kissing Cousins in Germany and Scotland! Remember in facing up to all this, we have one great advantage over the corporations --- we exist as the living, breathing, handiwork of God; they are stuck on pieces of paper and housed in file drawers.
1st May 2019, 09:41 PM
Anna von Reitz ( US7RzyTvcAbLuTJ2npbLTKB&hc_ref=ARQ9W1qU3_uN2HLYVTL2jLCqXn8rpKh936TEkrWe5i8 AfNY75B8tAohNHnfBB8uEPGA&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Yes, You've Got It! ---
I just answered a question for a reader, which was echoed by another reader and I am just taking a moment to affirm that yes, the different capacities in which the single legislatures act do result in different forms of law and you do have to be able to tell the difference if you are to know which "laws" are meant to apply to you and which are "laws" for foreign government workers.
Bearing in mind that our actual sovereign States haven't assembled in 150 years, you must see that none of the "State" Legislatures are actually functioning as State Legislatures.
They are calling themselves State Legislatures because they are managing State Trusts named after our States of the Union, and because they are legislating for Territorial States of States corporations and Municipal STATE OF STATE corporations, both, but they are not in fact true State Legislatures.
Why? Again, the actual People of the States of the Union have not assembled their States and acted in this capacity for 150.
So that much thorough understood--- let's grab a "State" Legislature, for example, the Minnesota Legislature.
When it acts in the capacity of the Board of Trustees for the Minnesota State (Trust) the results are General Session Laws meant to apply to the Public at Large.
When the Minnesota Legislature acts as the legislative body for the Territorial United States Franchise doing business as the State of Minnesota this results in State Statutes.
And when the Minnesota Legislature acts as the legislative body for the Municipal United States Franchise doing business as the STATE OF MINNESOTA this results in Municipal Code.
The same is true of the "United States" Congress. Acts that are enrolled and published in the Federal Record are Public Laws of Federal United States, known as United States Statutes at Large, everything else is either a Territorial Title or a Municipal Code.
Last I checked only about 8% of the "laws" passed by the Congress are Public Laws that affect Americans in some context related to their constitutional duties.
Everything else is aimed at and supposed to apply to nobody but Federal Government employees and dependents.
Unfortunately, they have worked things around via the misuse and abuse of commercial contracting practices to claim that we are all Federal Government employees and dependents and therefore subject to every whim their lordships desire.
They've used dishonest and undisclosed commercial contracts to betray the trust owed to every American and then claimed that we agreed to this, that it was all voluntary, etc., etc.
To say that we need a housecleaning in DC, or even a draining of the Swamp is an understatement. What we really need is an end to legislative conflict of interest.
2nd May 2019, 05:16 AM
What we really need is an end to legislative conflict of interest.
People sometimes need someone else to tell them what to do, how to think, etc. Or you can change the rules.
2nd May 2019, 07:21 AM
People sometimes need someone else to tell them what to do, how to think, etc. Or you can change the rules.
Some people have an opinion on everything.
Some people know what they are talking about.
Some people don't.
2nd May 2019, 07:28 AM
Some people have an opinion on everything.
Some people know what they are talking about.
Some people don't.
Or in this region of the country they say
You can always tell a Norwegian but you can't tell 'em much.
2nd May 2019, 08:23 AM
Or in this region of the country they say
You can always tell a Norwegian but you can't tell 'em much.
I comprehend that and agree whole heartedly.
I was thinking about starting a discussion on how Geo Washington was our 15th president ( and the fact that THE Constitution calls for 3 presidents and damn ol Geo combined 2 of those into one president.
But thought NAHWWWW, that dis could go on and on and on and...
2nd May 2019, 08:31 AM
I comprehend that and agree whole heartedly.
I was thinking about starting a discussion on how Geo Washington was our 15th president ( and the fact that THE Constitution calls for 3 presidents and damn ol Geo combined 2 of those into one president.
But thought NAHWWWW, that dis could go on and on and on and...
We review history so we can learn lessons from the past. At some point this attention to this rather minor detail leads people to believe that what was done in the past is irreversible. This is far from the case. When you find an anomaly that needs correction you simply correct it nunc pro tunc and move on to the next issue.
Time is not an issue. Life is the issue.
My opinion is that people who don't perform this simple task and instead let past injustices rule end up with unrelieved stress and experience early extinguishment.
2nd May 2019, 08:19 PM
Anna von Reitz ( aiTohw1mwCPXFzLt80E6Sqt0&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Just MORE Evidence Against Them
As we have endlessly discussed on this blog there are three kinds of citizenship available to us.
We can be American State Citizens and live as Minnesotans, Floridians, etc., and support our respective State Governments as Jurors, Justices, Peacekeeping Sheriffs, and so on.
We can be United States Citizens, that is, Administrative and Military Employees or Dependents of the Territorial Government.
We can be Citizens of the United States, that is, the Municipal (Civil) Government of the United States, their employees and dependents, etc.
This is never explained to us directly and forthrightly in schools getting Federal funding, for the obvious reason that if we choose to live on the land and soil jurisdiction of the actual States of the Union, it cuts down tax revenues.
What we basically have is a giant racketeering scheme: both the Territorial and the Municipal Government corporations claim that we are citizens belonging to their organizations, so that both can tax us.
If we claim (mistakenly) to be United States Citizens, they prosecute us using the MUNICIPAL COURTS.
If we claim (even more mistakenly) to be UNITED STATES CITIZENS, they prosecute us using the Territorial Courts.
To further confuse the issues, we have Municipal Officers, like WILLIAM P BARR occupying Territorial Offices, like The Office of the United States Attorney General. This allows him or any other "Federal Official" to wear two hats, just like the description of what the "State" Legislatures and "US Congress" are doing.
And we, having been left in the dark our whole lives, never realize that we are not any kind of Federal Citizen, and that there is a Third Option that we are naturally owed and are heir to: American Citizenship, as one of the Citizens of the States of the Union.
Much of my work has been to bring this to everyone's attention and to encourage as many Americans as possible to wake up and reclaim your natural birthright political estate and get organized to operate your actual, factual State of the Union, instead of being dependent on and at the mercy of foreign service providers and their out of control alphabet soup "agencies".
It all hinges on "Who's citizen are you?"
We have to be able to stand there and say with absolute certainty (and the paperwork on record to prove it) --- "Minnesota Citizen" or "Illinois Citizen" or "Montana Citizen".
People who bother to secure their Certified Birth Certificates and their two Witness Testimonies affirming that they are "the" living man or woman whose physical birth details are noted on the Birth Certificate have evidence of non-consensual and unconscionable contracts being presumed against them as mere babies in their cradles. Such contracts are totally illegal, immoral, and unlawful and not due any kind of presumption or enforcement.
People who took the extra step to have a State Certified Birth Certificate "Authenticated" by the United States Secretary of State have proof that they are owed the Geneva Conventions, not the Hague Conventions, under international law.
These two things taken together are absolute proof in any court in America that you have suffered illegal, immoral, and unlawful conscription, and that you are in fact a State National with the option of acting as a State Citizen upon reaching age of majority (for our States, that's 21).
If you additionally completed and recorded the Paperwork we developed and published as part of Article 928 on my website: ( lid%3DIwAR3rasG2uyT6g9RxSKh4wkuwnpu-M6DNBcpWCzIltOEBm6YD_7jBg_yn5uc&h=AT3u-u9H-x8p_pGN2jTgGvWvEAK8TdJ3WVUDEU_kk4zNIMKkK_wEBpxbyiY SJarWNHWYgiADrAxkHt8UuEHbBPb4sOrTnY-D338abOM-cmxy40jjOJJgs4-QsCppn4XaNw5kks2FpGhmW93H1A154KZQI3D17O4A) and which is available on ( IwAR2bA02ZoUhczNrl4MnMGVd6B08CaXgo_MDjucrI9e5fcfl2 pMPq_JpqQaI&h=AT2OJcAzKZ7zXHdPCwzCdbo2cWQ71ChBcbYvwADkB9Tda_zC-Io9cA2iKzdTC5X8Q3YB09slpPSLN2m_ifQSDfLBemJyqVXQAwW ZZqYp7XBX4-dN0wAg5zPA6wPHctjy6Tp76TSl6VBSE4dK3ogQ4qTQhhKhYGIM ), you have even more evidence as proof that you have been mis-identified and that you have taken steps to correct this, up to and including expatriating from any presumed "US Citizen" status and serving Public Notice of it to the authorities responsible.
And who are the "authorities responsible"? It turns out that it all comes down to the United States District Court and no other. The State of State Courts can't deal with us as Americans at all. That lies outside their scope as local franchises of the Federal Corporations.
We are, in terms of international law, "Foreign Sovereigns" with respect to the Federal Government workers, either Territorial or Municipal, because we occupy a completely different jurisdiction of the law ---- land law. We act as Lawful Persons. They act as Legal Persons.
And here is just more confirmation that all of this is true, factual, reliable, and important for all Americans including Federal Employees and Dependents (IRS OFFICERS, for example) to know:
UNITED STATES v. SLATER, 545 F.Supp. 179 (1982)
Unless the defendant can establish that he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS possesses authority to attempt to determine his federal tax liability.
Please note that as we have always said, only Federal Citizens are liable to pay Federal Income Taxes and only Federal Citizens can be presumed to have Federal Income.
"What is Federal Income?"
Well, the Supreme Court danced around this question and described it instead of defining it. The learned Justices described such income as "profit separated from capital" --- which it is, but they fell short of stating the obvious -- that a Federal Income Tax is a corporate tax on Federal Income received by Federally chartered corporations, by their Federal Employees and their Federal Dependents.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with us and never did.
So when you see YOUR NAME in all capital letters, you will know that you are looking at a Federal Corporation being operated "in your NAME" and nothing else. This "PERSON" doesn't really exist, but they "presume" that you accepted their offer of a "franchise" and that that obligates you to operate as a "citizen of the United States"..
Ah, so, but wait a minute. This PERSON doesn't actually exist, and if it does, you have already sent its Birth Certificate back to the Secretary of the Treasury, so that makes it his problem, not yours.
You can demand to see the details of "your" alleged federal "CITIZEN" --- name, address, job description, supervisor, etc., and proof of Federal Income received by this PERSON. This will really startle the IRS, because nobody ever asks and they never have to present all the falsified records related to "YOUR" account. Now, what are they (and you) going to say when they have to reveal that YOUR NAME is (as in my case and maybe yours) the manager of a rum distillery in Barbados?
Are you going to stand there like I did and spurt, "What in the name of the Living God does this have to do with me? A Great-Grandma from Big Lake, Alaska, who has provably never even visited Barbados?"
2nd May 2019, 09:18 PM
Alien: An American sovereign in the probationary state.
Or you might claim to be a meat popsicle. Few regulations are established for this classification.
5th May 2019, 09:45 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 4Nh9yv0lYZZfUqQyLsWRPxxgXg3JQGi4Us&hc_ref=ART7SbbmXRghDbbC7OdneLR_8i30c8GTTfrSIsS4mym YxBAgiL5xcRyNIQSJEJybwms&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
Would-Be Settlors
The Plot Thickens. Why you cannot support the Michigan General Jural Assembly ----besides the fact that it includes US Citizens in its membership, which our actual geographically-defined States forbid --- it turns out that the Brits using the US Military as pawns, have been at it again.
Look what I received in the mail this morning from James Courtade:
"You will recall [and I do] that while I was designated to be the Sec. of the Treasury I was the Michigan Governor. In that capacity I met with groups and set up county assemblies. To my dismay I found out that Robert Gilman and a few others were working behind my back to unseat me. It made no sense.
Then I discovered that they had created a Settlor document, which gave them total ownership and control of the state. They knew I would not go along with such an effort and that is the reason they wanted me gone.
When I first met Robert he talked about his military background, which was quite impressive. It, therefore, came as a shock when I found that he was attempting to subvert the Michigan Assembly.
I addressed the membership of about four hundred and told them what was going on and then resigned. Immediately all but about twenty people left the group. Going on today, I submit, is an effort to replace the existing state with one that is even more harmful to the people.
According to Bruce Kamps, a friend with over forty years of experience studying law, according to the document the settlors would own everything and be able to dictate the form or species (gold, silver, planum) of the taxes as well as the amounts to be paid by the people.
Over the many months that you wrote about the merits of the Michigan Assembly I expected that the matter had been corrected and that Robert was no longer involved. Reading this article I find to my dismay that he is still there. The people of Michigan must learn that the man is evil."
I stop short of presuming that Robert is evil, but he is certainly misled and is misleading others. The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions --- good intentions driven by partial and incorrect information leads to disaster every time. So it is that I have found numerous former military personnel involved in efforts to seize our country in the same way that so many Banana Republics have been seized --- by Settlor Agreements.
These men and women having been in the US Military have been conned into assuming that they are "US Citizens" --- and they have never bothered to question that, even though the Marine Corps daily drill drums it into their heads that they are what? Americans!
So it may take a moment or a month or a year for many former military personnel to realize that they WERE functioning as "US Citizens" while in the service, but were not born as "US Citizens" and are not naturally "US Citizens" and that there is in fact a foreign allegiance to the British Crown involved in being a "US Citizen".
It may also take a while for them to completely understand that as long as they adopt "US Citizenship" they are at a profound disadvantage politically, and will never be able to enjoy the freedom they fought for.
All they will ever have is "liberty" ---- what sailors get (only at their Captain's discretion) when the make it to port.
If that's what you guys in the military fought for, that's sad. If you fought for freedom, it's time to sever all presumption of "US Citizenship" and act as American State Citizens instead.
So what is the evil Settlor's Agreement that Robert and his group have put together? It's a claim to be the "Settlors" of our ESTATES which were created under conditions of FRAUD and which have been balled up by the same Municipal Perpetrators and British members of the Armed Services.
As Would-Be Settlors, they get to distribute what they want to distribute and otherwise act as little gods over the rest of us. They get to claim the land and everyone else goes hungry. It's what the Protestants did to the Catholics in Ireland. And its all based on bull crap.
So, now we know "the rest of the story" and the reason that Destry and Sun-Tzu and the rest of the Plotters reacted so violently and spread so much gossip against me when they realized that I was representing the interests of the actual People of this country and that I was bent on doing the Settlement the right way, so that everyone's interests were preserved.
6th May 2019, 04:34 AM
So it may take a moment or a month or a year for many former military personnel to realize that they WERE functioning as "US Citizens" while in the service, but were not born as "US Citizens" and are not naturally "US Citizens" and that there is in fact a foreign allegiance to the British Crown involved in being a "US Citizen".[/SIZE]
Of course everyone in the U.S. military functions as a US citizen subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and all the code the legislature can compile. After discharge from any of the services none of these ex-servicemen are required to obey either the UCMJ or any legislated code. The status of 'citizen' is one of office. This office is also known as 'trustee' or 'fiduciary' to the public trust. So what do you do? Truth and accuracy are important to any question of citizenship. If you have an office then state it. If you have no office then you are not a citizen BUT you are still ELIGIBLE to be a citizen. Being eligible is not the same status as actually holding an office of public trust. Being eligible does not make you SUBJECT. The eligibility to an office of public trust stems from one or any of these preconditions:
JUS SOLI ... you were born on U.S. soil (in the case of a U.S. citizen) or on State soil (in the case of a state citizen). You might also have been born on soil where a treaty exists with a foreign entity (France, Spain or Mexico for example). The Civil Law as practiced by these countries recognize your nationality (not citizenship) if the land you were born on was once part of their territory.
JUS SANGUINIS ... your blood was a citizen (U.S., State or other nationality). This means there is a paper from some court that established that your newly arrived grandfather from Germany (or wherever) went in front of a court and established that he was a naturalized citizen.
Old law from Pennsylvania established that anyone was considered a citizen who paid Pennsylvania taxes. I believe I would hesitate to pay a tax bill under these conditions. Quite possibly this rule is considered the case in all of the several States as well.
6th May 2019, 07:46 PM
Anna von Reitz ( VlxNcfbUcVd76lbaqlRs47t8DR64pLseaw&hc_ref=ARQuAjJUrcSTe0QZ80YkCoSgrfQ1rqYOvzfyqMOMyPe LNqcl7bUD5AllPbE3oQS0ISI&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Situation Update -- Fire in the Hole
So now we know what the Plotters were trying to do, using former US military personnel to do it.
As everyone reading the information from me has cause to know, ESTATES operated as Cestui Que Vie Trusts were established in all our names under false pretenses. These Municipal STRAWMAN trusts were operated out of Puerto Rico without our knowledge or consent.
The British Territorial Government and the US Military kept control of these Municipal TRUSTS via their Admiralty Court System --- the only Article III Court the Plotters left in operation after the Second World War.
So, Mr. Obummer and Company decided to roll up the carpet in 2015 and "liquidate" the Municipal Government Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. ---- and take all our ESTATE trusts with it.
This then opened up the opportunity for a worldwide melee as people from all over Kingdom Come flooded in trying to claim the American States and the American People's names and most especially, trying to claim our land holdings.
But they were foiled because none of them had standing to do it. They had forgotten what "the law of the land" really means. They had forgotten that only Lawful People can own actual assets and Lawful Money.
So they can claim to be the Settlors of our ESTATES and our States of the Union, but unless they have the actual standing to do so, they can never prevail.
So, those of you who have had the good common horse sense to see the logic of what I have been telling you, and who have acted in Good Faith upon it to reclaim your birthright political status --- you and your State Assemblies are the Lawful and Rightful Inheritors and Settlors of the United States Trust, our States, and your own ESTATE----and nobody else can claim otherwise.
We have filed a Specific Performance Arbitration in United States District Court to compel the return of our public and private property assets. We-- our State Assemblies, our Lawful Persons known as "the People"-- are the only ones left who have the provenance, standing, and lawful right to do this for all Americans, to stand up for our States and our Country, and our Natural and Unalienable Rights.
It is through us, strangely enough, that the peace ending The American Civil War can be finally declared and joy can come back into the world--- we few Americans who have awakened and walked forward together to restore the rightful government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
We have arrived now at a crucial time with many initiatives forthcoming, and a huge amount of work to do. Please support this by sharing the information with friends and family members, support it with your prayers and your will, support it with your studying and your understanding, support it with donations if you can. We have a great many bills and expenses coming at us now including travel expenses that really eat up the bucks.
If we are to resolve this and bring it to a peaceful conclusion for everyone, we must make these efforts, travel the miles, and bring forward the court actions. Nobody --- as I pointed out above --- can do this for us. Only we can take the steps to free ourselves and reclaim our birthright. Only we can make the difference.
My PayPal is: and our snail mail for checks is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99508.
7th May 2019, 04:14 PM
Anna von Reitz ( gwtgU7aejSTWG3LpXv9nmlgs&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
The Pope and I, The Ten Commandments and the Five-Pointed Star
Last night I got hit with a question that really threw me for a loop. Why do I address Pope Francis as "Most Beloved Francis" if I am not Catholic and an "Agent of the Vatican"?
Because I am not addressing him as Pope. I am addressing him as a child of God, a man with a Father in Heaven who wants him to do the right thing. I am reminding him of who he really is.
I remind everyone reading this of the same fact.
I have no time for Catholic-haters, Protestant-haters, or haters of anyone, period, at all. I have not the time of day to waste with Blamers, Whiners, or Pity-Potty Pundits, either. There is work to be done and I call on all men and women of Good Will to do it.
Please note that God gave us all free will and we choose to do the right thing or the wrong thing. We have been trained since babyhood to cling to our chains and to accept having other people do our thinking "for" us, but the fact remains that our free will is never absent.
That is why I rejoice when I see people thinking for themselves, even when they blame me for waking them up, even when they don't agree with me. If they are thinking for themselves, that is a good and necessary sign --- a sort of "First Base" that has to be achieved before anything else can happen.
Once you realize that you do have free will and that you are responsible for thinking for yourself, a whole host of other things becomes possible. You can, for example, get beyond the infantile state of "either/or" thinking, and all the assumptions that go with it.
We are meant to progress beyond "either/or" thinking in our intellectual development, but many of us never get there thanks to the indoctrination and over-simplification regimen we endure in public schools. I don't think in terms of "either this or that" --- I outgrew that kind of thinking many years ago and just leave it in my tool box as a sieve to help sort information, which is all it is really good for.
Discernment of truth and an appreciation of life requires so much more than "either its this or its that" thinking, that those who can't get beyond this stage of development have to be viewed with pity. They are like race horses that have worn hobbles all their lives and are now crippled by it.
Today, I want everyone reading this to make a conscious effort to think about their thinking and their free will and their actual empowerment.
You don't have to let someone else do your thinking for you. You don't have to hand over your authority over your life to some Talking Head on TV or some politicians glad-handing each other in Washington, DC.
The truth is that we are all responsible for what we think, say, and do.
The truth is that we are all responsible for this world and the circumstance in which we find ourselves. It does no good to blame someone else or whine about it. The only help there is, is when we pick up our cross and carry it--- and by triumphing in our own lives open the door for others to follow after.
It's true that we have been lied to, defrauded, and betrayed. It's true that we have been enslaved in the Land of the Free. But it is still, nonetheless, the Home of the Brave. We must take up our bravery now and remember who we are and what this country is all about. Turn off the TV and walk the walk.
When I was a little girl I was attracted to the bright white stars on the flag. I used to draw them, five points with the fifth point straight up, all in neat rows. One day, my Dad scooped me up in his arms and sat down with me on his lap and he took up my drawing pad and drew a very peculiar thing! It was one of my five-pointed stars, but it had hands and feet and a head!
"Do you know what the five-pointed star means?" he asked gently.
I looked at him expectantly.
"It is the symbol of Mankind.... look here.... here are your two grandmothers...." He pointed to the feet. ".....and here are your two grandfathers....." He pointed to the hands. "....and here you are...." He pointed to the head. "....and your Mother and I are here in the middle, in the body of the star....your body, my little star. Our lives are your life now."
Who knew? The upward facing point of the five-pointed star is a symbol of our consciousness, our individual ability to think and move and be who we are, and it is all a gift from God and from those who went before, that brings us here to this present moment and makes us who we are.
And the fifty stars on our flag? Those represent the nations of our States of the Union, the brotherhood and sisterhood of all the People from each State combined. This "larger star" is the symbol of our "body politic", too, and of our government "of the people, by the people, and for the people". Our American Government is founded on the principal of valuing mankind and valuing our unique lives and being--- our stars all standing together in the spirit of "one for all and all for one" --- or as more recent writers have said it, WWG1WGA, "Where we go one, we go all."
That's what those fifty stars actually mean.
I also was reminded in the call last night to point out again --- why the Ten Commandments are the basis of all the Public Law meant for Mankind to obey in the Western World. It's because everyone can agree on The Ten Commandments. Jews, Christians and Muslims all agree that the Ten Commandments are right. The Buddhists don't disagree. The Hindus look at us like -- "Yeah, got that much right. Now, let's talk about your mistreatment of animals....maybe we can get to a full accord."
All around the world people can agree that stealing and lying and adultery and murder are wrong, that disrespect of parents and disrespect of our bodies and disrespect of the property rights of others --- are all wrong, wrong, wrong. We all know the basics of do no harm to others, and suffer no harm yourself.
So that is why the law of the soil is based on The Ten Commandments. It's not a Christian thing, it's not a Jewish thing, it is an ethical standard that everyone can recognize and live with, that promotes peace among people and nations. And that is what we need.
7th May 2019, 11:59 PM
Anna von Reitz ( AbpSkL0GcZ5f3LXVHnE0kwTO_IdXjKFbWm&hc_ref=ARRFZNS-k-b38J51xZh3_RJjkgEC2xGIU48KFbxYHU91Bv6CR7lSR5e-RsaOSvYFks4&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Lest We Forget -- and Continue Paying
Here is a link to a wonderful summation of the history of the infamous Victory Tax --- passed as a wartime measure to "allow" Americans to donate (voluntarily) a portion of their earnings equal to the Federal Income Tax being paid by federal employees to help the war effort.
The problem is that the war ended in 1945 and the rats just kept on collecting and extorting and enforcing.
I recently revealed the exact location of the Presidential Declaration ending the Second World War at the beginning of Title 50.
Here now is the Title and Verse of where, when, by whom --- and how deceptively and purposefully the "Victory Tax" was instituted and carried on for the last 75 years causing untold harm, loss of assets, suffering, and fear for innocent Americans who stepped forward to help these monsters. ( Fus-ic%2Fhist%2Fvictorytax.htm%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2kRUJZxi lNx4GnfsJcaZFYBqbi940jfkjwzopDuWz9dundilBlzDIRIqo&h=AT0MsCBY6tdM8dUv7JSm7mjTJ8J76XOBaNE8HPS-AyRHtrSvWo9KDOM3ak1GcYEfY1E2pxvQYujxCSfuYf-BbRdhwyqyRgR-Kz_fJtlwXQH_qYs86dltF5Ty-svpAhlDGxqlGI0xdolCUPqK0SSvDYslltF0FMAvbtIcS8MY4nO wFw)
From Walter's Web World at ( bclid%3DIwAR0pFz11GX_Pm8w6RHTWvc0ypBMbc35gUw5oHe1k rvVACmrciYxUmmVgzn0&h=AT2aAmPy7ehwMWb4_9hMj-kA_VRyk3mXS0nLrvCIcJq_AhaB2i5zTe5tWe00-38ziBLSqvIeYdsN994kEUJKZTHCwhr4hUew7_4c5-s0My9CqNJQUoGW-WUAmSfQWCwvuw-hOQhZoliuVUIbQSIcPzKM8JMry7Dm).
Brief Explanation of the Victory Tax
See also: Victory Tax brocher, scans provided by Phyllis Merryman Cloyd
Prior to World War II, no one outside the government paid income tax; the people were, and understood themselves to be, immune from that tax. During WWII, Congress passed the Victory Tax (56 Stat. 884) to impose an income tax on every individual in The United States of America, something which had not been done by any previous income tax act. Excepted from that tax were those already paying income taxes per I.R.C. 211(a) - nonresident alien individuals with no United States business or office but living in a "contiguous country" and having income from United States sources.
Because the Victory Tax, a wartime measure, was imposed on individuals in the states of the union (and not countries such as Canada or Mexico), those already taxed by section 211(a) had to be excepted from the Victory Tax or they would be taxed twice. This suggests that the nonresident alien individuals living in "contiguous countries" were in fact living in states such as Virginia and Maryland - being outside the United States (District of Columbia).
The Victory Tax was repealed by section 6 of Income Tax Act of 1944, which in amending the I.R.C. includes the states of the union in the terms "certain foreign countries" (section 6 (b)(3)) and "foreign countries and possessions of the United States" (section 6 (b)(4)). This restored the scope of income taxation to what it had been prior to the Victory Tax, as not including individuals in the states of the union.
The states of the union are then seen to be included in the terms "contiguous countries", "certain foreign countries" and "foreign countries and possessions of the United States". This shows that every state of the union is foreign to the United States. Those taxed under I.R.C. 211(a) must then be those living in a state of the union and working for government or one of its agencies - drawing income from "sources within the United States".
But because Congress failed to make it generally known that the Victory Tax was no longer in effect, people did not know to discontinue the withholding begun for the Victory Tax. One was then considered as being a volunteer in paying income tax.
The scope of the I.R.C. never targeted all individuals in the union. Only for a brief period, and under war powers, were all individuals made subject to taxation of income. The repeal of the Victory Tax means the scope of what is taxed was restored to its original intent, and individuals in the states of the union do not have to pay taxes on their incomes. And as the Victory Tax was the only act to have levied any such tax, the scope of taxation has never again expanded to include the whole of The United States of America.
8th May 2019, 04:10 AM
The states of the union are then seen to be included in the terms "contiguous countries", "certain foreign countries" and "foreign countries and possessions of the United States". This shows that every state of the union is foreign to the United States.
You might take a minute and review this paragraph from my Eirenarcha ... (magistrates manual) of England circa 1604
This, though it might seeme to be warranted (after 18.E.3) upon the Construction of the word Counties, used plurally in the Statute, yet was it much contrarie to the mea-ning
21 CAP 4
Ning of the former lawes (made 1.E.3.cap.15 & 3.4.E.3.cap2) where the same word is read (Everie Countie) in the Singular number. And therefore the Parliament ( restored ___ proper sense of these lawes, saying: In everie Countie of England there shall be assigned for the safe keeping of the Peace, one Lord, and with him, 3. or 4. of the mightiest men in that countie. And afterward it addeth, They shall have power to heare & determine (at the kings suit) al maner of Felonies & trespasses, done in the same County.
You cannot refer even to 'the several States' without joining them in a manner not consistent with independent countries. Each state is an individual. Referring to them in the plural is a method used to destroy the individual sovereignty. It seems a committee of the finest politicians in the world are unable to write as little as two words together without imparting the character of a lie into those two words.
8th May 2019, 07:54 AM
Splitting hairs is such a tedious job.
Several an adjective that describes more than one State. Seems like they are all individual States.
To me?
8th May 2019, 12:41 PM
Splitting hairs is such a tedious job.
Several an adjective that describes more than one State. Seems like they are all individual States.
To me?
See if you can write about multiple states without converting them from noun-entities to verb-entities.
8th May 2019, 07:22 PM
Anna von Reitz ( s6s&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
"Lawful" in What Sense?
This morning I have had a rash of emails and calls from people who have gone to their banks and issued their demand for their accounts to be "denominated" in "lawful money". In return, the bankers are offering them a classic Bunko excuse. To quote directly:
"In 1933, Congress changed the law so that all U.S. coins and currency (including Federal Reserve notes), regardless of when issued, constitutes "legal tender" for all purposes. Federal and state courts since then have repeatedly held that Federal Reserve notes are also "lawful money." Milam v. U.S., 524 F.2d 629 (9th Cir. 1974), is typical of the federal and state court cases holding that Federal Reserve notes are "lawful money." In Milam, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reviewed a judgment denying relief to an individual who sought to redeem a $50 Federal Reserve Bank Note in "lawful money."
The United States tendered Milam $50 in Federal Reserve notes, but Milam refused the notes, asserting that "lawful money" must be gold or silver. The Ninth Circuit, noting that this matter had been put to rest by the U.S. Supreme Court nearly a century before in the Legal Tender Cases (Juilliard v. Greenman), 110 U.S. 421 (1884), rejected this assertion as frivolous and affirmed the judgment."
My students have long ago learned to pay attention to exactly how words are presented --- how they are capitalized or not --- and also to look up legal meanings of words. The word "lawful" is not capitalized and when you look up the meaning of "lawful" it is simply whether or not something is subject to a system of laws.
Nobody would argue that Lincoln's Greenbacks or the present Federal Reserve Notes are not subject to a system of law --- and therefore can be described as "lawful money" even though they are "legal tender", but at the same time Legal Tender is not Lawful Money, as in actual money.
Legal tender of the Federal Reserve Note kind is called "Money of Account" --- meaning credit --- for a reason. The reason for that is that the actual asset backing it, is not present. So credit is being extended in the belief that there is an actual asset, something of value, backing the "Note" which is in fact an I.O.U.
In the case of Lincoln's Greenbacks, they were being backed by Treasury Bonds issued to investors who brought in actual gold and silver to purchase the Bonds for a period of 10 or 40 years (the origin of the "1040" Form) with the expectation that after that time period elapsed, the bonds would "mature" and the banks would pay out the principal plus interest also in gold or silver.
Instead what happened is that the banks issued "legal tender" -- that is, credit as repayment, and there was a mini-rebellion in the 1880's when investors in the original Treasury Bonds objected to receiving "credit" instead of actual gold or silver as their reward for buying Lincoln's "Ten or Forty" Bonds.
Issuing credit, as we have learned, actually costs the banks nothing actual and factual, so they take in gold and silver and extend "credit" as "legal tender" and stand there acting as if this is a legitimate and equitable transaction when it clearly is not.
The US Supreme Court stooped to the level of using "words and terms of art" to create an appearance that it was all okay -- "lawful money" as opposed to "Lawful Money" --- but it still isn't okay and credit is still not the same as actual money.
Actual money has value as a commodity in and of itself. Gold and silver are "Lawful Money" because you can sell both in the marketplace as separate, free-standing commodities. United States Notes are also "lawful money" backed by oil assets. So to avoid this bit of legal charlatanism, call it "actual money" or "Lawful Money" and explain it to the banks if they question your demand for "Lawful Money".
In fact, the demand for "lawful money" in the context of 12 USC 411 already tells the banks that any "notes" that they credit to your account need to be "denominated as "United States Notes" not "Federal Reserve Notes" because in the context of 12 USC 411 that is the only interpretation possible, unless of course, the banks want to start backing their credit with totally foreign currencies.
In the United States at this time, the only "Notes" that stand as "lawful money" are "United States Notes", not "Federal Reserve Notes". So flat-out tell your banker if they ask or offer any resistance that this is a direction to credit your accounts "as" United States Notes, not Federal Reserve Notes.
This is because (1) the Federal Reserve Board bankrupted the "Federal Reserve System" in 2009 and (2) since then, the Federal Reserve Banks have not stood behind the Federal Reserve Notes with any assets of their own at risk and (3) this leaves the "Federal Reserve Notes" backed by the "good faith and credit" of the members of Congress acting as the Municipal Government of Washington, DC ---- and you can judge for yourselves what that is worth.
United States Dollars issued since 1971 have been backed by oil, instead of gold or silver and "United States Notes" therefore are being backed by oil. United States Notes are "lawful money" -- that is, credit notes backed by actual assets --- but they are not Lawful Money, that is, not Actual Money, in that they have no value as a commodity in-and-of themselves.
So don't let the banks baffle you with BS on this issue.
The only US money that can be considered "lawful" money in the sense of the Legal Tender Cases are United States Notes --- USN's. And the only US Money that can be considered true Lawful Money are United States Silver Dollars.
Now, the banks don't have any United States Silver Dollars (and aren't set up to handle them if they did) and they most likely don't have enough United States Notes to meet demand, either, so what they can do is to "denominate" the digits associated with your account "as" United States Notes.
This basically means, "We don't have enough United States Notes to pay you in USN's, but we can admit that these digits in your account are considered to be United States Notes."
Why would that matter? Because United States Notes have value based on an actual commodity and are then presumed to be actual assets belonging to the account holders. They can't be seized by the bank because of that little fact and also the fact that USN's are issued by the United States, not the bankrupted Federal Reserve System.
When the BATF used to go on "raids" and ransack people's homes under gun-point for the IRS and steal everything of any value, they would seize any jewelry or stock certificates, records, checks, ---anything of value--- except American Silver Dollars. Those they would never touch. Why? Because their system can't deal in actual true Lawful Money and because those dollars were issued by a foreign government. Those dollars belong to the actual United States, not "the" United States.
So when you are dealing with these dishonest devils, be aware and be on your guard and don't let them sidestep or deceive you. Step back on your heel and ask, "Lawful money in what sense? I am talking about United States Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes. What are you talking about?"
And when they bridle up, knowing that they've been caught in their offered subterfuge, you might step back another step and eyeball the guilty parties and say, "The reference to 12 USC 411 makes that clear enough in context, doesn't it? The Legal Tender cases you are referencing concerned Lincoln's Greenbacks, for goodness sakes! Since when do you or I trade in Greenbacks?"
Or even more pointedly, smile ingratiatingly and say, "Oh, but then, which "United States" would you be referencing? The actual United States? Or the United States Territorial Government? Or the United States Municipal Government?"
About then, the banker is going to realize if he hasn't already, that he is not going to get away with this bunko act, and should retreat back into his office, where he should hurriedly add the USN designation to your account balances.
The bottom line is that you prefer money backed by oil to money backed by the hot air of the dishonest, spendthrift, run amok "US CONGRESS" and it is up to you to make sure that your local bankers get the message and credit your accounts accordingly. It's your credit.
If you want lawful money, they have to provide it or go out of business.
Every time you do so, more of the "US National Debt" gets paid down. More jolly good. See to it. And don't let bankers or lawyers sell you (1) wooden nickels or (2) bunko excuses.
10th May 2019, 08:48 AM
Anna von Reitz ( EftjgzbU3vGnOBlOcrMXa7hj6hpauiLHsV&hc_ref=ARRVB-8EsxJMtJdAJZ_ZxwUUQIc6NvaoyptnOdbf2kAYqOoRVzqPJjW0 pxpDAyIepkM&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
NOT Rocket Science, But....
There are three kinds of "citizens" here in America.
There are actual Americans who are citizens of their States --- Virginians, Californians, Dakotans, Kentuckians, New Yorkers, Texans...... These People live in the actual, factual, physically defined States of the Union.
This is the actual Nation-State government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" that occupies the land and soil jurisdiction of every State. The People are owed all the assets of their States, but instead, two branches of the Federal Government that survived the Civil War have been taking it upon themselves to take our assets into custody "for" us, for "safe-keeping".
Thus it is that our Federal Employees have been ruling the roost and cracking the whip over the actual owners of the States, and undermining our rightful government in the process. So, now let's look at them:
There are British Territorial United States Citizens who are citizens of the British Commonwealth. These Persons exist as military or corporate Officers and their Dependents, employed by the Territorial United States of America. [Notice this is not The United States of America, which is an unincorporated Federation of actual States and People. This is a foreign corporation in the business of providing government services called "the" United States of America, Inc.] These people operate within Military and Judicial Districts that overlay the land and soil of our States.
They also operate the Territorial States of States organizations in every State. These States of States organizations are supposed to be serving the British Commonwealth citizens on our soil, but they have usurped upon us and "presumed" that we are all British Commonwealth citizens. They have done this by establishing illegal contracts and falsifying documents.
There are also Municipal Citizens of the United States who are citizens of the Municipality of Washington, DC, that are franchised by the Holy See. These PERSONS exist as Federal Civil Government Employees and their Dependents. These are the Postal Workers, the Agency Workers, the Welfare Recipients, the Political Asylum Seekers, and the US Corporation Franchises. These PERSONS also work within "Federal Districts" that are variously defined: Postal Districts, School Districts, Service Districts. These people operate the STATES OF STATES organizations and businesses like the DMV, FBI, IRS, etc. They also got into the act and established unauthorized STATES OF STATES to, purportedly, serve all their Citizens.
So you can be a Citizen of your State of the Union. You can be a British Citizen of a State of State on our shores. You can be a Municipal Citizen of a Municipal STATE OF STATE on our shores.
Or, you can choose not to be a "citizen" of anything at all, and simply call yourself a "national" of any of the fifty States, or the [Territorial] United States of America, or the [Municipal] United States.
Always remember that being a "citizen" implies an obligation to serve whichever government you are a citizen of in some capacity. Maybe you agree to serve it as a voter or a juror or a tax withholding agent, maybe you are employed by that government and become a "citizen" of it that way.
The problem is that millions of innocent American State Nationals and American State Citizens have been "mistaken" for either British Territorial Citizens or Municipal Citizens ---- and railroaded accordingly.
It always comes as a shock when we tell people, no, the United States Citizens have never been protected by any American Constitution, and neither have the Citizens of the United States been protected by our Constitutions. Why? Because they are citizens of entirely different governments.
Think about it for five seconds.
The States contracted originally with the Confederation of States (a group of commercial corporations doing business as the States of America with franchises doing business as, for example, The State of Georgia) to provide them with mutual governmental services--- a common defense, a common form of money, a common immigration policy, a common trade policy, etc.
The States of America (Confederation), the Original primary provider of all these services in common was destroyed during the Civil War. This Confederation included both the Northern States of States known as "the Union" and the Southern States of States known as the "Confederate States of America". These were supposed to be "Reconstructed" after the hostilities ended, but they never were.
Our intended Federal Government which is supposed to function with Three Branches --- Federal (States of America), Territorial (British), and Municipal (Rome) was destroyed.
To gloss over the "missing piece" and continue the story line of three branches of government, we were told that the branches of government were "executive, legislative, and judicial"----- which they are, but only within each branch.
In other words, each actual branch of the intended Federal Government structure had its own internal executive, legislative, and judicial functions, but that was not the original meaning of the "three branches of the Federal Government".
Just step back and observe for yourself that there are State of State (Territorial) Courts and STATE OF STATE (Municipal) COURTS, operating at the same time, and that "Congress" wears numerous hats, for example, "The Congress of the United States" and "The United States Congress".
If it were just a simple business of executive, legislative, and judicial, this vast multiplicity of courts and kinds of government organizations would not exist. So you may be sure--- just by using your own eyes and ears--- that there is more to this than you were ever taught in school.
Begin by asking yourself---- am I a citizen? And if so, what kind? American, British or Municipal? Am I one of the People, or am I functioning as a Person or as a PERSON? Who am I? Maybe I am not a citizen at all..... but at least think about it and think deeply.
American State Citizens and American State Nationals are both owed protection and peace---- especially from their own Employees. United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States have no such pleasant guarantees.
So think and think hard. Are you an American, a US Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States? Or are you no kind of "citizen" at all? Whatever shoe fits, its up to you to sort things out and declare your political status. Nobody can make your choices or live your life for you.
As for the Living Law Firm, it is not our part to make choices "for" you, but to present the choices to you, to make you aware of the actual history and condition of your government, and explain how and why you are being denied the protections of the Constitutions: the Constitutions are still there, but because you are being misidentified as a United States Citizen or a Citizen of the United States, those protections are not applicable to you.
10th May 2019, 08:55 AM
Anna von Reitz ( _6d8Nttp8&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
My Update
Just so everyone knows, I am running ragged in mad-dog fashion. There is so much going on. I am constantly in motion and can't hope to keep up with correspondences and thank you notes and all the things that need to be done on a day to day basis, but I want you to know how much I and the Living Law Firm appreciate all the help.
It's coming in from all angles and in all forms --- and we all feel truly blessed. We are keeping noses above water and the work is going forward.
We are still fighting the rather major costs of travel expenses, but we got all the cases filed and all the recordings recorded. Job One is done.
The rest, well, the rest we move forward on as need be. As Jesus said, each day has its own troubles. We will take them one by one, together.
The First Round has involved the Clerks messing with the Docket Sheets. This is basically a matter of you invoking one court and the Clerks placing your action in another court, the better to fleece you and make things convenient for them.
They also try to mess around with the clearly stated names and capacities of the Parties. For example, you name "PETER M PIGG" as the DEFENDANT and the Clerks change the name to "Peter M. Pigg" and change not only the name, but the capacity in which the DEFENDANT functions.
Please be aware and stay sharp about the details of how your actions are being presented on the Docket Sheets and as soon as you notice anything amiss, "take exception" to it and give Notice that a mistake has been made and request correction.
If it seems that the Clerks are obstructing or manipulating, ask them flat out why they are doing this. You will often learn things about the internal workings and assumptions of the courts that you would never learn otherwise.
Our issues with the government are all arbitration actions and we are always acting as Foreign Nations with respect to any government actors. This is because any other kind of complaint or action is "at cross-purposes".
Think about it. If you bring suit against a Municipal character --- a STRAWMAN in a Municipal Court, you have thrown the STRAWMAN into Brer Rabbit's Briar Patch. He is home free. And there is no way that the Municipal COURT can act as a disinterested Third Party sitting in judgement between the Foreign Nation and one of its own franchisees.
Same thing with the Territorial Courts. They cannot possibly act without conflict of interest when the Plaintiff is a Foreign Nation and their own franchisees are the Defendant Parties.
You have to use the Municipal COURTS as Arbiters against Territorial Officers and you have to use Territorial Courts as Arbiters against STRAWMEN, so that there are three separate and independent Parties in each Arbitration and the courts are not in gross conflict of interest or allowed to "redefine" your issues to reduce and control them as mere internal administrative actions that the courts can dispose of with impunity.
Most especially, you will want to know and stand your ground on who you are and in what capacity you are acting. Leave nothing to be assumed or presumed---- nail down the exact identity, nature, and role of every Party, including the Court --- before ever stating a claim or moving forward.
This is just offered in the nature of a report from the field, where we are engaged every day and can observe how the Clerks of Court are circling the wagons and attempting to avoid actual prosecution of cases.
If you set it up correctly, you run the table. Let them set the table, and you lose.
It's also wise to realize that just because there is no obvious conflict of interest, the Territorial and Municipal Governments have long been in collusion against Americans, and they help each other out whenever the opportunity arises. Some Judges are more honest or more clannish than others, so you have to watch every move they make and every word they say and "take exception" to all the offers they and the Prosecutors make that are contrary to your interests.
There are obvious offers such as when judges practice law from the bench and offer to enter a plea for you, and there are far more subtle offers as when the Clerks change the form of a name on a Docket Sheet, or a prosecutor calls you a "resident" or addresses you as "Mister".
You must be very sharp and watchful and prompt and take nothing for granted nor on trust when you deal with these courts---- every step of the way from correcting Docket Sheets to posting bonds and beyond.
Anyway, watch the Docket Sheets carefully. The Clerks win many cases for themselves simply by making "mistakes" on the Docket Sheets. You have 72 hours to respond once you see such mistakes.
Thank you all for the continued support of our Team in the trenches, for money and for prayers and for information shared.
10th May 2019, 12:44 PM
You have 72 hours to respond once you see such mistakes.
Of course you may always correct the Record nunc pro tunc. My ancestors going back many generations made quite a few mistakes based upon illusion, lies, fraud and adulterated booze. When I uncover them I correct them from the moment they occur. If this did not happen I would be saddled with a lot of poor choices that properly belong somewhere other than either my back or as clouds upon my estate.
10th May 2019, 01:14 PM
Anna von Reitz (
56 mins ( ·
Deadly Assessment Letter to End IRS False Claims
Okay, you have sent in your Revocation of Election to Pay Federal Income Taxes and identified yourself as a private Lawful Person, but the IRS doesn't want to take "No, thanks." for an answer. They will often continue to send you letters and threaten and harass you in various ways even long after you have cut the cord and sailed away.
In order for them to collect a tax, someone must assess a tax. In order to create a lien, someone must first assess a tax.
If you refuse to do that for them, they will happily appoint someone on their staff to do it "for" your PERSON, however, that IRS employee will never have any first-hand knowledge and can't validate the debt.
It is this assessment process which underlies every lien and every other action they undertake without your participation or consent that is the Fatal Flaw in their system.
If you are sick of getting letters from the IRS, especially threatening letters claiming that you owe them debts, and offering to lien your assets and take you to court, etc. --- send them a counter-offer.
Here's an example of a clean strike letter sealed with a self-fulfilling contract.
Notice that you take charge of the situation and secure your position up front. You are polite and professional. You are reasonable and give them sufficient time to respond.
When they don't respond within 30 days, you stamp "Second Notice" on a copy of the same letter, write in a new Registered Mail Number and cross out "thirty (30)" and write in "ten (10)" on the Second Notice copy as the amount of time they have to respond.
When they don't respond within the additional 10 (ten) days, you send a third copy of the same letter stamped "Final Notice", and again, change the Registered Mail Number, and number of days for them to respond from 10 days to 7 days.
They won't respond because they can't do so without endangering themselves. They are telling a Big, Fat Lie and you are calling them on it.
Your self-fulfilling contract has been "accepted" and all "Due Process" has been served. If they ever rear their ugly heads again, trot out your correspondence.
This same process can be used to reply to State Tax Collectors.
Always bear in mind that there are some PERSONS who do owe Federal Income Taxes, and be sure that you are not one of them before revoking or contesting with the IRS.
The checklist is simple--- are you a Federal Employee? If so, you owe Federal Income Taxes. Are you a Dependent of a Federal Employee? You may owe Federal Income Taxes, too.
Are you a recipient of unearned Federal Welfare payments or retirement income based on Federal Employment? You may have to pay some back as Federal Income Tax --- but in the case of Social Security payments based on mixed Federal and Private Sector earnings, only the portion attributable to Federal Employment is taxable.
Please note that many veterans owe a dollar or two of Federal Income Taxes based on their two-year employment in the military decades ago, but this and similar trivial income is exempted by the standard deductible.
Are you a "political asylum seeker" like the Hondurans at our Southern Border? You will owe federal income tax on any federal income you receive until your political status is changed and settled.
Last, are you operating (knowingly, willingly, voluntarily) a commercial corporation or maritime VESSEL registered in the Municipal United States (Washington, DC)?
For the vast majority of us, the answer to that one is ---- hell, no, I am not knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily operating any such contrivances, but now that I have been made aware that such a "franchise" has been created "for" me and in my name, I have corrected my political status and removed the franchise to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of.... Illinois, Minnesota, Vermont.....
Still, always remember that there are such things as "US Corporations" and those corporations that have been enfranchised as "US CITIZENS" under the Diversity Clause of the Federal Code, are subject to paying -- guess what? Federal Income Tax.
This is just another reason why you must go through the Turkey Trot of formally recording and reclaiming your Good Name and birthright political status and natural estate as an American. This is why you have to expatriate these NAMES and establish their new permanent domicile on the land and soil jurisdiction State.
Until you object to the "presumption" that you are conducting your business as a US Corporation, you owe the franchise taxes --- that is, Federal Income Tax. Until you take exception to these presumptions and record your counterclaims (the paperwork available on ( IwAR0d4zVkLomgR6mYv1aDxd_DGseA-VbY21nsKS3UJrO2-vRj42c3x9sD93g&h=AT3VIRTbSY7ZOA_SZ3LZJmupF_D_WadCQgusOIuGi2tNYG86 1zLyy8k_TKFKy80LKcKf2NnkJUbVF-mxk_YjEANtSwDsXy0txlP4BdrVHm_X1XKmiV_1fM1pmV8CbbSW 29mcs0JONDdGXjhJTNK13jI3loFp7zj3_63wse9NvLyVpg) and Article 928 on my website, ( lid%3DIwAR1TiXRvVhtwwAi5uIxw8k6Fbaz3khqD56fC0JWSQW DSGCQJVRiFKTumGh4&h=AT3noPVzmiaIVspml8DhEYLgq5daLtg1mKqMaJSGOUDibnFZ OIxyQUAopL7sPE_UCMKkx2mmtl3Bq3ba_XXhgnIsyT6X0nS1YJ bD6jyK_L5gE9qs_TJUc0yeoyyvn2i0dJ0dGj70GUHvLf6uzKHF g8hf7ZUi-9vB)), there is no evidence on the Public Record in
support of your position that you are an American and not a Federal Citizen nor Federal Employee and not operating as a Federal Corporation Franchisee, either.
Okay? I don't want anyone going off half-cocked. I don't want anyone getting in trouble because they don't completely understand the web they are in or are unprepared to rebut the legal presumption of US Citizenship/US CITIZENSHIP.
On the other hand, I don't want Joe Average American taxed for taxes he doesn't owe and never did. I don't want to see Joe Average suffering wage garnishments that don't apply to him. I don't want to see Joe losing his home or his retirement to these voracious foreign bill collectors.
The vast majority of us are naturally exempt from Federal Income Taxes and don't get a drop of Federal Income. So..... if you are Joe Average, get busy, record your paperwork to reclaim your birthright political status, and.... when you get threatening mail after you have revoked your election to pay Federal Income Taxes, send back a letter something like this:
April 24, 2018
First Middle Last
c/o 1111 Any Dirt Road
Town, State
To: Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Any City, ST 64XXX-0010
Via Registered Mail Number: RI 340 309 790 US
To Whom It May Concern, [or the name of specific officer harassing you]
Re: Notice CP40, Dated: April XX, 2018
I have your Notice CP40 which is dated: April 22, 2019. If I had any federal income during the referenced year it is my intent to comply.
Your offer regarding the referenced tax year is accepted and returned. I will provide an information return upon proof of claim that I had taxable federal income during the year in question.
In order to reply, I must know the character, nature and venue of the alleged assessment. Please have a designated Assessment Officer of the Internal Revenue Service send me: (1) a dated and certified and signed assessment and (2) a copy of the supporting record used to create the assessment. I will also need the Assessment Officer’s Internal Revenue Service Employee Identification Number and contact information for my files.
Upon receiving the signed assessment and supporting documents, they will be reviewed. If the applicability, validity and correctness of the claim is demonstrated, I will settle any debts. If I do not receive the requested documents within thirty (30) days, I will take it as your agreement that the assessment was faulty, that no taxes are owed, and that the claim is withdrawn with prejudice.
by: First Middle Last (red ink thumbprint), a Lawful Person and Attorney-in-Fact
Enclose: Notice CP40 / Dated: April XX, 2018
God bless and Godspeed you all, each and every American who takes up the challenge and learns the ropes and does the work.
10th May 2019, 07:18 PM
Anna von Reitz ( R4m78VCMpvJbe5RFfr5V_sXXai5vm87bpq&hc_ref=ART2TiTWR19A_VD5qC0EccftT__PxIZNYUxOPk2mUHx SVCWVxuZ4DSCp7KqdShYyOiU&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Comment on MGJA Notice to Donald Trump
I think this "Notice" is in the same exact vein as dozens of failed Patriot efforts that have gone before. See all the work that Bob Schultz did. See all the work that NLA did. Those who don't learn from their mistakes.....
That's me making a disgusted sound as I shake my head; you would think that we had all been over this ground too many times before, but no..... The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. So I guess a lot of patriots in this country are insane. They just keep making the same mistakes and the same false assumptions--- over and over and over.
For one thing, in Law, the term "People" very specifically means "People of the Land Jurisdiction"---- and MGJA doesn't qualify its members to act as "People", much less as "We, the People"--- that is, Progeny of the Founders and Inheritors of the National Trust.
They are all still wandering around claiming to be "US Citizens" of one kind or another, even after I pointed out that no "US Citizen" is now nor has ever been qualified to act in the capacity of one of the "People" of this country. US Citizens--- whether United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, either one --- are acting as "Persons" and not as "People" by definition.
So that renders their actions invalid and ineffective from the get-go.
At best, President Trump may look at this Notice of theirs as a "Petition". At worst, he could arrest all of them who haven't bothered to correct their political status records and throw the book at them as "insurrectionists"--- ironically, they could be charged under the same statutory law they are citing for him as reference because they are still carrying "US Citizenship" obligations.
The whole reference to the Act of 1871 is pathetic, too. The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874. Hello? Parts of it were piece-meal passed as part of other Acts in 1877-78. I have published the whole history of this process. Nobody has any excuse for being ignorant about this and what it all "means" if they have been following along.
The Municipal United States Government is created by Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, which gives the members of Congress "plenary"--- meaning absolute --- control of the government of Washington, DC .
That government reorganized itself as a private commercial corporation and Municipality --- an independent, international city-state---and they had every right to do so. Period. In and of itself, it had no affect on us or our States and we have no right to complain about how they conduct their business, because under their contract, The Constitution of the United States, they have every right to do whatever they want to do as the government of Washington, DC.
So all those choices, all those changes, lie outside our contract with them, should not impact us, and do not change their obligations to us.
The Act of 1871 is none of our business, and it does not become any of our business until or unless it results in: (1) neglect or insubordination of duties owed performance; (2) trespass upon our Lawful Jurisdiction; (3) usurpation.
The grounds that we have to complain are of a different kind entirely than the Notice under discussion implies.
The Municipal United States Government is strictly limited to operate within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, but they have usurped far, far beyond that. They have, without authorization, created their own Municipal Service Districts and extended them all across our country. They have established STATE OF STATE organizations and established them within the physical borders of every State of the Union, too.
None of this is allowed under their Constitution, but these entities are operating as foreign commercial corporations, and if we do not object to their activities, they assume that we "acquiesced" to their practices and accepted their "offers" and that they have our permission to act in ways never stipulated by the constitutional agreements.
Somebody has to hold them to the limitations of their contract, and with all the actual Americans asleep and "presumed" to be some form of Territorial or Municipal US Citizen, there was nobody left to do that.
They have run wild and run amok and nobody has been smart enough or determined enough to get into position to hold their feet to the fire and force them to honor their obligations. Until now.
The American States Assembly is closing in.
These Territorial and Municipal government services corporations and their officers are also under specific performance obligations and duties that they have not fulfilled, which they have bungled, neglected, and ignored. We have --- once we are recognizable as "People" -- the ability to hold them accountable for that.
Even worse, these our employees, have been insubordinate and have trespassed against us and against our lawful government. We can charge them for that, too, once we start acting as "People" again. The ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum comes to mind.
That is heinous enough in and of itself, but when you consider that Municipal United States Subcontractors --- FBI --- planned and executed this action, it becomes clear just how far out of line these members of Congress are and how necessary it is for Americans to wake up, act in their Lawful Capacity, and hold these foreign commercial corporations accountable.
These are all matters of criminality, not politics.
Ruby Ridge, Waco, 911, LaVoy ---- these are international crimes being committed on our shores by misdirected Federal Employees and Federal Subcontractors. We don't need to whine to Donald Trump. He is already doing his best. What we need to do is to get our own Ducks in Order, and do what needs to be done to correct our own political status, assemble the actual States of the Union, and kick rump.
Then we can help President Trump drain the Swamp and discourage the Alligators, instead of standing around like little children whimpering about having their candy taken away and shouting, "I'm King of the Mountain!" or, in this case, falsely claiming to act as "We, the People" when we haven't even bothered to find out what "People" means.
The American States Assembly has done the work and paid the price to actually function as "We, the People".
We know that the actual States of the Union don't allow participation by "US Citizens" in their government, because it would be a gross conflict of interest. We are assembling States, not States of States.
We know that we have been deliberately misidentified, first as British Territorial Citizens, and then as Municipal CITIZENS. We also know that there is no evidence on the Public Record to rebut these presumptions against us, until we take action to correct this circumstance and produce our pedigree and back up our claim to be and to act as one of the People of this country.
We, The American States Assembly, and our member State Assemblies, have standing as "We, the People", and we are not petitioning anyone for anything. Nor are we sending vain "Notices" to Donald Trump, and adding to his burden and frustration. We are rebuilding and restoring our Lawful Government --- and we are beginning action to enforce the Constitutions owed to us by the Territorial and Municipal Governments.
Please realize that we have already given complete Notice and Due Process to all members of the Territorial and Municipal Governments.
That process was completed in April 2014. It took seven (7) years to accomplish, but we did it. There is no need for any other effort by Americans to serve Notice nor Due Process on Donald Trump nor any other corporate official. That was already done five (5) years ago and has been under continuous action ever since. The backstory of this effort is detailed in my book, Disclosure 101, and anyone trying to deal with this Mess needs to sit down and read it----sooner rather than later.
Then maybe the Queen will stop laughing at the ignorant Colonials stumbling around claiming to be US Citizens at the same time they are claiming to be "We, the People". And maybe the Roman Pontiff will realize that being the "bridge" between Life and Death requires more Due Diligence from him than he has been giving to it. And ---- imagine the American Patriot Movement finally coming together and being properly educated and taking effective measures to correct this Mess?
Wouldn't that be something------- ?
That's my comment on their Notice. Don't expect Donald Trump to give it any notice back. If he does, he will be acting in error---- because they are, as US Citizens --- his subordinates, and no more "We, the People" than the Iman of Kashmir.
11th May 2019, 05:42 PM
Anna von Reitz ( bs426X3L_wIodFAbk-rB6vu3CENH-xoQtB&hc_ref=ARQRmUQCiQSMlL0unMltysVT4hfZYPwul-V34VzisHZd58YvHF3ZqN8vtufdGytC1CI&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
The Last Men Standing
First, there is no set "number", quotient or quorum required for us to repopulate the American States and reclaim our land and soil.
The same foresight that made each man a "sovereign in his own right" guaranteed that every son and daughter of every state of the Union has an eternal claim to the land and the soil and the resources thereof--so long as they are acting as one of the People and only as one of the People.
It doesn't take ten men or fifty or a million, it just takes one man or woman with the proper standing to claim back a whole State for the People of that State.
Second, by gathering these birthright American State Nationals and American State Citizens together and summoning them to Assemble, we demonstrate the fact that the Americans known as Californians and Texans and Minnesotans and Virginians and so on, still exist.
We, the Lawful Progeny, are still here, and only we, those of us acting in our correct capacity as People, have the standing and the right to act as Settlors of our Estates and as Enforcers of the Constitutions.
Over the years many groups have formed and they have claimed many things. We have had RuSA and the National Assembly and the Republic for the United States and the Reign of Heaven-USA and the Nation-States Project and We, the People, and THE REPUBLIC and The Republic of the United States of America and The USA and others, too.
Each of these groups contributed to the effort to keep our country and our government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" alive. They each gave evidence of our pulse.
The problem is that none of them ever acted consistently in the correct capacity needed to maintain their lawful and legal standing. Usually they failed to meet this benchmark because they didn't require their membership to declare their unique political status as American State Nationals and/or American State Citizens, and they let undeclared people and US Citizens act as members.
Our States of the Union are harsh masters. They demand our unique and singular devotion as citizens.
That fact and lack of awareness of the various foreign citizenships that have been conferred upon each one of us, has resulted in decades of repeated failure to successfully assemble our States and reconstruct our Federal States of States.
There is only one organization that has met the requirements to have the correct Lawful and legal standing established for itself and all its members-- The American States Assembly.
There is only one organization that has posted indemnity bonds for all the States.
Only one organization has step-by-step reclaimed all the assets owed to the American States and People and recorded and registered all the Notices and Liens needed to enforce these claims.
Only one organization has made the long term and extensive effort to give Notice and Due Process to all the interested Parties.
Only one organization has retained an unbroken access to and ability to operate The United States of America (Unincorporated)--- the Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.
Only one organization has educated and enabled its members to overcome the legal presumptions of Territorial and Municipal Citizenship.
Only one organization is set up to fully and properly restore the missing Federal States of States.
We are the Last Men (and Women) standing as the Lawful Government of our respective Nation-States, and as the Lawful Inheritors of the land and soil jurisdiction of these United States.
We don't say this to put anyone else's sincere efforts down. We don't disrespect or devalue the efforts other groups of Americans have made.
The facts remain.
There is only one organization with the lawful and legal standing to reclaim America for Americans: The American States Assembly.
Support it like your lives depend upon it.
On April 30 the Renewal Date for The Constitution for the united States of America came and went. So far as certain Parties could see, only the Queen's Government remained standing and stood to gain our land and soil by default.
But on May 3, on the last day of grace, we visited the United States District Court and filed suit for arbitration--not as an administrative action, but as an arbitration on the international jurisdiction of the land.
We are suing to compel performance from WILLIAM P BARR and CHARLES RETTIG to return the American assets to the actual American States and People.
If you want to help, please send what you can as donations to Anna's PayPal: or by Snail Mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. Send your prayers, too.
11th May 2019, 06:04 PM
Anna von Reitz ( wLngRA2PPN7vC3ChnRAtUwUZE1pf1MjJvO&hc_ref=ARSzesIOtiR4Wzn28ewSZeCvFcy-eYS8N9B7hH9MdX-F4x0s-9Gmr9qxL2TNNvxGJtw&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Second Comment on Michigan General Jural Assembly
I have been asked for an opinion regarding whether or not MGJA is trustworthy, questionable, or untrustworthy. I guess the answer would have to be "questionable". Here is what I replied:
Wish I knew the answer--- for sure; but, what I can tell you is that they, the Michigan General Jural Assembly, got a large part of it exactly right, and two parts of it disastrously (and suspiciously) wrong.
Robert Gilman was associated with MacArthur's Staff and was told to do this (organize the Michigan General Jural Assembly) -- so we know the directive to do it came from high up the military chain of command at that time. He, Robert, admitted that to me first-hand.
The two parts of it that they've got wrong are:
(1) Allowing people to retain US Citizenship while claiming to act as "We, the People". The term "People" means Lawful Persons standing on the international land jurisdiction of their country --- in our case, that means the States of the Union. The States then each further restrict the definition of who can act as "People" of that State by requiring unique allegiance to that State----none of the actual States allow Dual Citizenship.
This information is available through State archives, but is also made evident in the Constitutions via the prohibitions against the States operating as States of States.
All US Citizens, whether United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, operate as Legal Persons, not Lawful Persons (not People) --- which is strike one against them being able to operate as one of "We, the People" and against their assemblies being able to operate as State Assemblies, either. You have to ditch any and all forms of "US Citizenship" to be able to function as one of the People and run the State Government.
Virtually all of them have had both Territorial and Municipal citizenship "conferred" upon them albeit without their knowledge or consent, and are thus Dual Citizens already --- unable to meet the requirement and give singular allegiance to their State until and unless they thoroughly rebut both Territorial and Municipal citizenship.
There seems to be honest confusion on the part of MGJA members between "these United States" and "those United States".
When Americans say that they are 'United States citizens' they mean that they are citizens of one of the republican soil jurisdiction states that are members of The United States, our union of republican states.
They don't mean to imply that they are working for the Territorial United States as United States Citizens, nor do they mean to imply that they are Citizens of the United States ---- but obviously, when Americans use this phrase "US citizen" it can be interpreted in a number of ways.
This results in vast confusion. It also results in vast opportunities for identity theft and fraud, because when Americans innocently say they are "US citizens" it is left up to interpretation WHICH "United States" they are referencing----you can see how this semantic confusion has been used to politically scavenge our people.
Anyway, the people running the Michigan General Jural Assembly have resisted the necessity of correcting their own political status and making it clear that they are acting exclusively as American State Citizens --- that is, as one of the People --- and without this "singular allegiance" being plainly executed, adopted, and on the public record for each one of the Jural Assembly Members, it's not possible for them to act in the capacity of "one of the People" and it is not possible for their assembly to act as a Body Politic for their actual State.
All their work is invalidated for failure to clearly and unequivocally declare their political status as American State Citizens with no other citizenship obligations.
Our Forefathers did this to prevent conflicts of interest. They did not intend that people holding Dual Citizenship of any kind would be empowered to make decisions affecting our land and soil.
So, that is the first Strike Out for the Michigan General Jural Assembly having the correct capacity and standing. I explained all this as best I could, and they still refused to correct and do the paperwork.
(2) Number Two Strike Out --- this is not an absolute bar against them like the first circumstance is, but it does seem to indicate a dishonorable and conscious desire to Rip Off the People of Michigan. The Michigan General Jural Assembly created a "Settlor Agreement" naming themselves as the "Settlors" of the ESTATES of their fellow-Michiganers and of Michigan, the actual land and soil jurisdiction State of the Union.
The only Lawful Settlement possible is to return the property assets to Michigan and its National Trust and to the individual Lawful Persons owed that National Trust. Thanks to all the confusion about who is who and in what capacity are all these people acting and intending to act, the only way for us to cut through this conundrum is for those of us who are aware and are acting in the correct capacity to serve as Fiduciaries for our States--- not Settlors.
As Fiduciaries we function under The Prudent Man Rule and are obligated to care for and defend the assets of our States and the People of our States. We can receive back the assets of the Michigan National Trust as Fiduciary Trustees pending a broad spectrum effort to educate the people of Michigan about these issues and the choices set before them prior to calling for elections in which each Michiganer makes an informed choice about their political status and assets.
Otherwise, what happens is that this little group of people dba the "Michigan General Jural Assembly" becomes an oligarchy that "owns" all of Michigan and has the right of disposal of all the assets of Michigan and the People of Michigan, too. All right, title, and interest in Michigan property assets both public and private reverts just to them and not back to the State and not back to the rest of the People (if the members of MGJA were operating as "People" to begin with).
So, in order to assure a peaceful and fair transition, what we need are State Fiduciaries, not Settlors.
The State Fiduciaries need to be straight shooters committed to the well-being of everyone involved, honest, and willing to be held to public account for their actions as one of the People of Michigan acting in a Fiduciary capacity for Michigan and the other People of Michigan. Not a bunch of schemers intent on stealing the assets of the State and People, which is, unfortunately, what the Michigan General Jural Assembly looks like thanks to their "offer" to act as Settlors and refusal to act as "People of Michigan".
The Europeans seem to have the idea that because the original "State of Michigan" doing business as "The State of Michigan" was destroyed and then mothballed into a separate State Trust as the "Michigan State" --that our State Government was destroyed. Such is not the case. The State of Michigan was a Federal Contractor, not the actual State.
Nonetheless, the Great Double Jubilee is here, and all property must return to the proper and actual owners, free and clear of debt---- and rightful owners and inheritors of Michigan and the Michigan State Trust are present and functioning as Lawful Persons occupying the land jurisdiction of Michigan and are operating properly as Fiduciaries.
The Michigan State Assembly has been summoned, the members have withdrawn from any presumed Dual citizenship, and stand in their capacity as the People of Michigan. Once this is all sorted out and everyone is on the same page, elections will be called and the People of Michigan acting as an Electoral Assembly will hold Public Elections and act as the Settlors of their own State's National Trust. Everyone will receive back their own private estates to settle the private property assets, too.
This is what Justice and Peace demands ---- not another little oligarchy of foreign mercenaries sneaking in the back door like the Committee of 300 and doing whatever they please.
Make no mistake --- Michigan belongs to the People who live there. Nobody else has any right to meddle or interfere. The position of The United States of America [Unincorporated] as a Federation of the actual States is clear--- we are here to defend the interests of our member States in the international forum and they are here to defend the interests of their People and the People of each State are here to defend their own interests and the interests of their beloved State.
The Michigan State Assembly is functioning in the correct capacities --- as People of Michigan and as Fiduciaries for Michigan until the education effort is made and the elections called. The Michigan General Jural Assembly is not.
Please also note that the People of each State are the civilians in this country and our respective State Governments are the civilian government "of the People, for the People, and by the People" to which the military forces owe their allegiance. Please also note that the People and their actual physically defined States are the Parties to the Constitutions.
Without us, there is nobody "holding the other end of the string"--- and the Constitutions are vacated for lack of competent Parties surviving to uphold and enforce these agreements.
If you guys take your oath to defend the Constitutions from all enemies foreign and domestic seriously--- and I know you do! ----then please wake everyone up and realize that without Americans acting as "People" there can be no Constitution in effect. This surreptitious "de-population" of our States and conversion of our People into a "foreign citizenry" is the single greatest threat to the Constitutions in our history.
11th May 2019, 06:28 PM
Being in an office (citizen) and being eligible to be a citizen are entirely different issues (and statuses).
"I am a bad boy" vs "I could be a bad boy under the proper circumstances".
"I am a bank robber" vs "I could be a bank robber if someone would show me the way to the bank"
12th May 2019, 04:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( qRte0kdPPO2Ca-7kcOlq_oDo&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
Persons and Personage:
This is a wonderful little excerpt about “persons” and “personage” --- a crime of impersonating living people that was forwarded by a Reader and originally published here: ( vD4rrRzmtPPCsGtGdmiNHKFxEmumblfxkUy4C-EESat6ha3eJUwQjgfmJrXRvq7ktruQTJrsfUoYo2fUL4XR) as (Reader Post) Thinker2: Decoding the Deception of the Capitalized Name.
Here is a succinct and complete list of all the common categories of “persons” there are.
This is handy when you are reading “chapter and verse” to a Court in rebuttal of their presumptions---- “Let the record show that I am not a…..”
1. Corpse (a dead body / Grave Markers are capitalized—involuntary condition, servitude to Death) aka “Natural Person”.
2. Convicted Criminal (involuntary servitude under force, peonage)
3. Prisoner of War (POW) (political involuntary servitude under force)
4. Slave (involuntary servitude under force) includes Wards of States, Paupers, Mental Incompetents and Minors not of age; please note that in the Territorial United States, Convicted Criminals are Slaves.
5. Armed Forces (Military / LEO Police)
6. Public Servant (Government Employees other than Military or Police.)
7. Corporation (a fictional Person in colorable law---Legal Persons as opposed to Lawful Persons, doing-business-as “John’s Autobody and Repair”, for example, ----could also be a Lawful Person standing under the Common Law mistaken for a Legal Person; this is how they got the Great Fraud started, by “mistaking” one for the other.)
8. Colorable Person (A person in legal fiction / colorable law, for example, “Aunt Jemima” or “Colonel Saunders” or “The Scarlet Pimpernel”, a “character” like “Atticus Finch” or nom de guerre like “Ishmael” or “Sneaky Pete” or a titled entity such as “Mister” or “Lord” or “Missus” or “President” or a Sign/Trademark like “JOHN DOE” or a Patented Invention Person like “Gumby” or “Bumblebee” or “The Terminator” or a Design Patent Person like “Diana von Furstenburg” or “Gloria Vanderbilt” or “Coco Chanel”.)
9. Commercial Licensee (Voluntary Surrendering Sovereignty for License)
10. Corporate Employee or Dependent (Voluntary Surrendering Sovereignty for Corporate Paycheck) for example, Marketing Manager, Public Relations Specialist, Editorial Consultant, Welfare Benefits Recipient, etc.
I will add:
11. Incorporated Persons --- Franchises, Franchisees, Voters, Members and Officials of Religious and Fraternal Organizations and Political Parties, etc.
When living men and women are “masked” as “Persons”, they are usually acting in “unnatural capacities” or involuntary capacities--- except when they are acting as Lawful Persons engaged in trade.
If you look at the list you will see that several of these capacities as “Persons” are involuntary and therefore, “Legal” because the “Subject” is not able to choose otherwise: Corpses/Natural Persons (dead bodies), Convicted Criminals, Prisoners of War, and the various kinds of Slaves are not responsible for their actions.
Now that you see how these monsters have colluded to reduce all of us to the status of incompetent “Legal Persons” for their own enrichment and to exercise oppressive power over us, let’s examine a few examples:
Our young men subjected to the Draft during Vietnam are all innocent of any crimes they may have committed because their actions were “involuntary” by definition—but the members of the Draft Boards conscripting them were voluntary, so the Draft Boards are fully liable.
So are the corporations and the corporate officials behind the Draft Boards—fully liable for press-ganging, kidnapping, enslavement, murder, and a host of other loathsome crimes. LBJ should have been taken out and hung without a trial, just like any common cattle rustler in the Old West.
That’s a hard fact for most Americans to swallow, but it is nonetheless true.
Let’s look at another example:
All the military and police involved in the siege of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, are innocent because they were all “legally incompetent” and their actions were involuntary as a result; however, Janet Reno was fully liable every step of the way. So was the President. So was the Congress.
There are obviously terrible things hidden under the rug in Washington, DC, horrible pervasive criminality, hypocrisy, and lawlessness cloaked under “color of law”. And 90% of it hinges on one white collar crime: personage taking place in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
Who is responsible? The Queen is fundamentally responsible as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waters. This crime occurs in her jurisdiction first and foremost and represents a fundamental crime of Breach of Trust resulting in crimes of State.
The Pope is also responsible as the Global Trustee and as the Roman Pontiff; these crimes have occurred secondarily in the global jurisdiction of the air and in the Municipal Jurisdiction of Rome.
That is, the crimes of personage didn’t stop with the crimes occurring in the international jurisdiction of the sea; the Municipality of Washington, DC, and its government joined right in and nobody in the Catholic Hierarchy did jack-diddly to stop it until Benedict XVI.
So here we are, ten years later, and the Circle J Ranchero routine continues with everyone trying to avoid liability and gloss things over and keep attention focused on ridiculous inanities like Robert Mueller.
Who gives a fine flying one? Can I see a show of hands?
Personage is the Name of the Game.
Seating a new Emperor in Japan won’t stop it. Another US Election Boondoggle won’t change it. Boorish Sedwill won’t alter it and neither will Ms. May. Nothing political will change this circumstance, because this is not a matter of politics.
This is crime. And all the lawyers reading this know it, too.
The only thing that will change this is millions of people waking up and taking action to save themselves and their countries; a wholesale and mammoth push by the military and law enforcement would help, some politicians with spines would help, but at the end of the day, it comes down to you and me, Jaimie.
It’s either get out and push, or the stockyards and ear tags. Your choice.
12th May 2019, 04:34 PM
Anna von Reitz ( FLcP8M6R9ABoiuwHfHS7nUpzRi407tCaVY&hc_ref=ARQjy8U7Dvh6eCELRV3INuPamfioe0bDuTmHpL57N2p fAzjdfeCcUUPov_hV4yFdJp4&fref=nf)
15 hrs ( ·
Me? Zim? Threats
I own one piece of Zim currency. It was sent to me by a Reader as a donation to The Living Law Firm. That's it. I have no investments in Zim and I certainly haven't "cheated" anyone out of any Zim investments that they had. Nor have I "threatened" anyone regarding their investments in Zim.
Must be the Doppelganger "Anna" whose exploits appear in the IRS Masterfile going around cheating people out of Zim and threatening them? Maybe SHE fell on hard times? Lost HER job at the rum distillery in Barbados?
What I have said very clearly and several times is that investments in Zim are investments in Junk Bonds. Sometimes, very, very rarely, like a horse race at 100 to 1 odds, an investment in Junk Bonds will pay off Big Time. Usually you are lucky to get what you paid back out of them.
People should know this straight up, but most people I have talked to who have invested in Zim and Iraqi Dinar have done so with the idea that this is a "sure thing" and just a matter of time before they get paid out in some complex, semi-secret plan involving different "tiers" of investors and going to military bases and signing Non-Disclosure Agreements, and all sorts of Cloak and Dagger stuff.
Tellingly, from my point of view, that Big Pay Off Day never seems to come. It's always "right around the corner". Tomorrow. Next week. Surely next month.
In the case of "Zim" which is the national currency of Zimbabwe, American Military Contractors and Personnel purportedly set up a "sure thing" deal --- installing a puppet government in Zimbabwe to sell that nation's mineral wealth on the cheap, which would then magically appear as new assets backing the Zim.
That would create a "rags to riches" story for those holding Zim as investments. What they paid a few pennies for, would suddenly be worth millions. The story is similar with Iraqi Dinar.
But what if that is all just Malarky? What if the whole point was to raise American dollars from gullible investors to keep DOD contractors fed during the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC.?
What if all the "secret military" work was just work to employ themselves at your expense, and the actual pillaging didn't involve Zimbabwean minerals at all? What if it was just another screwball mercenary PsyOp to squeeze money out of the American home folk?
Yeah, I know, I have all the idealism of a wet horse hair blanket.
I will admit that sometimes, very rarely, the rain falls upward, the 100 to 1 horse comes in, and roses bloom in October in Alaska --- I have witnessed all those things, and I wouldn't have believed in or bet on any of them.
Now, I know some very good, very kind, very sincere Christians who have gotten caught up in the Junk Bond trading schemes in Zim and Iraqi Dinar.
They hope to be able to profit and use the money for wonderful projects---saving the environment, making water flow in the deserts of the world, feeding the hungry, bringing new tech to everyone, better medical care.... and if that is what comes from it, I am sure that the people of Zimbabwe will benefit greatly, too.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
As for me, I'd rather invest in American "Junk" Silver --- old United States Silver Dollars before 1933. I am not holding my breath over any "RV" and I am not banking any future on cashing out junk bonds at millions to one odds.
I certainly don't believe in or care enough about investments in Zim or Dinar to cheat anyone or threaten anyone over any of it. Any claim that I did is pure loony-tunes.
If the Junk Bond Traders profit themselves and finance wonderful projects all around the world, I will hope that the people of Zimbabwe and Iraq are richly rewarded, and I will pray for good results for everyone concerned.
12th May 2019, 04:54 PM
Anna von Reitz (
3 hrs ( ·
More Corroboration -- From David Straight
I love David Straight because he tells it straight. No candy corn. No self-aggrandizement. No ego. Just the facts, ma'am. I love patriot guys like him, because they get the job done.
They may not be as aware of all the frou-frou-rah of the High Courts and diplomacy and history as our group tends to be, but boy, when it comes to nuts and bolts, some of those who are rising up now have got the weather gauge on the carpetbaggers from DC and they are bearing down on them at last.
It's like George S. Patton's character said at the beginning of the movie---Patton: -- "I actually feel sorry for those dirty ......" Sometimes I just sit at my desk and think of what happens when 300 million Americans wake up and really see what these goons have been up to? And I smile.
I want to thank Mike, one of my regular contributors, for sending the link to "CPS FRAUD & CLAIMING YOUR NATURAL RIGHTS" on YouTube: ( lid%3DIwAR3ljyvzFsQ7ycSPSB-kQRMup_5d21dASen48lNVcXKlEwPXSjot3Vwb9HQ&h=AT01QioUcHvYyiWZ0acqBqKIScFaDD51tugOH-1MfOy20Z417N0NQ6_DskMMHmQY8xMy0s60g5qubljfbemH0892 4BCYgroIzbxXGzuow2HgM3ggPeijRm15ZiJT4ShH2oGfmkna0_ NDSG15wkFAYtHsjL4sP6KV)
This is real help for parents and grandparents struggling to curtail CPS, but it is even much more than that. It's a gem and worth watching clear through. Heck, even though it's long, watch it again.
Some of you who are just waking up are still in a daze and you think all this discussion of the Civil War and issues arising out of it makes no sense. That's a 154 years back in the rear-view mirror, you say. How could that still be causing problems for us today?
As David Straight points out in this video, every Act of Congress since 1861 contains a one sentence Disclaimer: "This Act shall not affect any right thus previously established."
Okay..... are all your cogs turning? What does this mean?
This is an admission, folks, that everything we've told you about the history and the capacity in which the Congress is acting, is true. They aren't passing any Public Laws; they are passing private corporate by-laws. And that is all they have been doing since 1861.
It's not a theory --- but there is a conspiracy. It's a conspiracy against fulfilling the constitutional agreements that the States and the People of this country are owed, a conspiracy against our form of government.
About an hour and a half into this video David lays out exactly how you can lawfully and legally take back control of your county. This is work that will have to be undertaken county by county.
So far our group has been concentrating on getting the actual State Assemblies resurrected and functioning with the proper political status and with the proper standing and in the right jurisdiction to conduct business --- but the assembly of the counties which takes place in tandem with the assembly of the States, is where the pedal really hits the metal in our daily lives.
As you do your paperwork to evidence your "return" to your birthright political status and join your State Assembly, you are also at the same time re-populating your county.
Now that you are assembling at that level, what do you do? David Straight tells you, step by step:
1. Run an ad for 21 days announcing a Public Meeting to be held at such and such a time, day, and place (at least 30 days out from when you start running the ad), to discuss the administration of county government.
2. Hold the meeting. Tell everyone the history and what has happened and what they can do to regain control of this runaway train. Take a vote to hold Public Elections.
3. Begin the next cycle of Public Notice. Run the ad for 21 days and announce that Public Elections to fill vacant County Offices will be held at such and such time, day, and place (at least 30 days out from when you start running the ad). Advertise a place where people can be nominated or self-nominate to fill a roster of County Offices ---- everything from Dog-catcher to County Assembly Chairman.
4. Hold the Election. Only people claiming their birthright political status and actually living in and having property in the county can vote as an Elector. If not everyone wishing to vote has papered up yet, they can sign an Elector's Declaration at the Polls before two qualified and verified members of the County Assembly saying that they are operating exclusively in their birthright political status as (Ohioans, Virginians, etc.) and have lived in and owned property in your county since ________ the date they were born in or moved to your county.
They have to have been living in your county for at least a year and a day to meet the General Residency Requirement.
5. Then you begin a 90 Day Notice Period. Again, you publish an ad in the newspaper and run it for 21 days, announcing the results of the Public Election and giving Notice to all Incumbent County Officials that as of such and such time and date (for example, Friday, October 10th, 2019, at 4 p.m.) please have all personal property boxed up and removed from the public buildings and keys ready to turn in.
6. Public Elections always trump Private Elections. This is perfectly lawful and legal to do, and should meet no resistance. Upon the newly-elected cadre taking actual Office, they can bring forward a secondary Election using the same Notice Process to collapse the Municipal Corporation and operate the County in its unincorporated capacity.
It's worth saying the obvious: these Municipal Corporations shouldn't be operating on our soil. The Municipal Government is supposed to be strictly limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, not hiring private security agents to patrol the streets of Rye, New York.
So, this is the "Next Step" coming right behind and in tandem with the assembling of the actual State Assemblies. As more and more counties are restored to operation, the County Courts will resume operation as American Common Law Courts. Ditto all the State Courts. No more surreptitious and deceitful rule by British Maritime Courts.
What, you say? We can get rid of these courts? Not exactly. There will still be legitimate Admiralty and Maritime Court business for them to do, but the end of their meddling with the people and with trespassing on the soil and land is already set aside for them, by the US Supreme Court in Milligan Ex Parte.
14th May 2019, 03:51 PM
Anna von Reitz ( HrcYWJRPs5cYxC9m988AymMs&fref=nf)
21 hrs ( ·
Counties, Names, and Government by Contract
All counties have to be "surveyed" --- located and geographically "defined"--- before there is any "thing" present that can be labeled and named. Once this process is complete and a name has been attached to that parcel, the County is "corporate" but not "incorporated".
When you, a man, come forth from your Mother and are a separate living being, you are defined by your body and located in space in much the same way. Upon being named, "John" or "Bruce" or "Charles"--- you, too, are "corporate", but "unincorporated".
So all counties are "corporate" entities, but not all counties in the country are "incorporated" --- meaning that some of them didn't take the bait of Federal Block Grants in order to maintain their independence. We are compiling a list of those counties that (1) never bit the hook, and (2) those counties that have liquidated federal franchise counties and chosen to operate in unincorporated status, and (3) those counties that have merely been "presumed to be" incorporated, because they received Federal Block Grants or because they changed their doing-business-as names to conform with Federal Nomenclature.
We are finding that MOST counties fit in this later group and did not specifically or publicly adopt being incorporated. Like the rest of us, they were apparently told "you have to do this" by Federal Agents, so they changed the Style or Ordering of their names and unwittingly created new corporate Persons that were assumed to be operating as Federal Franchises.
For example, you might start out as "Pearson County" and over the years the name on the shingle at the Courthouse would change to
"County of Pearson" or "PEARSON COUNTY" and so on. Just like the switch from "John Michael Doe" to "JOHN MICHAEL DOE" in the absence of actual public meetings and discussions and votes taken there can be no reliable evidence that such counties ever knowingly agreed to incorporated as franchises of the Federal Government.
There are at least 3100 counties in America and people living in all of them. Those people need to do some research into their own county history to find out the actual status of their county government. Most likely, State of State franchises simply "moved in" after the Civil War and have operated like cuckoo birds in a robin's nest ever since.
The correct way to name the land and soil jurisdiction county for our purposes is always in Upper and Lower Case and in the form "Name County" --- as in "Bear County" or "Pearson County" or "Black River County" or "Winnebago County" or "Ipshago County" and so on.
Please Note: When we use their notaries to do our work in public, we call them "Public Notaries" on the paperwork to nail down the capacity in which they are functioning and simply name the State --- for example, Colorado --- not the "State of Colorado" and not the "STATE OF COLORADO" and not "COLORADO", either, and the county is named as above, for example, "Montrose County".
We are also finding quite a number of "Diversified Counties" especially in large metro areas. In these cases you will find a land and soil county overlain with layers of corporate entities from various jurisdictions eating out the population, each one charging for "services" and imposing regulations and codes and rules that are creating streams of revenue for these organizations without however having any actual and knowing consent from the local people.
In other words, these organizations are operating as commercial corporations under color of law. They are booting up like any other commercial corporation with Articles of Incorporation and Officers and Boards of Directors and operating under deceptive names designed to make people assume that they are part of the actual government --- when they aren't. Think of it as the local version of the "IRS" or "DOT".
The IRS exists as a privately owned and operated bill collector for the "Internal Revenue Service" which is a foreign "Bureau" perched inside of the "US Department of the Treasury" which is run by the IMF. This is why the Secretary of the Treasury, Steven T. Mnuchin, is an Interpol Agent and not functioning as an American nor even as a US Citizen.
These organizations like the "County of Pearson" typically stake out a turf for themselves and amass a list of subscribers, that is, people or even properties, that receive services from them. They come in, they fill pot holes, they cut brush along utility corridors, or whatever function they have chosen for themselves, and then they send their purported subscribers a billing statement for these services whether the subscriber asked for these services or not.
Often these groups act in concert with the actual County and give the County a "cut" of the action. They may even send their billings out from the County offices, making it appear legitimate, or they may bill the County as Subcontractors and the County then arbitrarily taxes you, and again, it all looks legitimate and isn't.
These Undisclosed Subcontractors pad their billings to be able to give kickbacks to the less savory members of County Government and around and around it goes. In Oklahoma it got so bad that the County Clerks in the 1980's kept "Kickback Books".... literally. They kept ledgers to keep the crooks honest.
Think of the Magazine Subscription Scams that plagued everyone back in the 1980's. First, they gave you a "free subscription" out of the blue. It just comes to your mailbox from some "Subscription Service". As part of that first "free" magazine they sent you a "subscription card" to receive up to six more magazines at "unbelievable prices", and, if you didn't bother to reply, they promise to send you complimentary copies of six more magazines to try! After that, of course, they just kept sending magazines and if you were too busy to track down the fine print and cancel all these subscriptions, you were on the hook to pay for them all. This went on for ten years before the Postal authorities finally cracked down on it.
Its the same thing with all the services that the County of Pearson offers you. If you don't contact them and say, "Whoa! Who are you and what are you offering and how much is it going to cost me?" --- you are "presumed" to have subscribed to their service and are on the hook for paying for the services you received. A wise person receiving a bill from something that looks like the County but not exactly, should question that billing, and should want to know exactly what they supposedly signed up to receive. Who signed them up? When? How? For what services? -- And they should object to paying for anything they didn't order and ride herd on the cost of any services they agree to receive from the "County of Pearson".
This is all "government by private contract" and doesn't have a thing to do with the actual County, which rarely if ever does much beyond deciding which of these franchise operations are going to get the contracts next year.
I hope you continue to dig for any evidence that your county was ever incorporated or "presumed" to be incorporated. If you can't find any evidence of incorporation, you may be living in one of those counties that never did incorporate. What a blessing for you and everyone else concerned, if that turns out to be true. It's one more thread that undermines claims that these foreign interlopers ever achieved "exclusive legislative jurisdiction". Please let us know so we have a confirmed status for your county.
14th May 2019, 04:11 PM
Anna von Reitz ( UnNnVvdtoGRnQNYM6I9a6l6&hc_ref=ARTYOohrVcxNYfEcSeyDmWk84yeegjR-NTke3VcpT0NP6FuURyHslIL3YGDk9Zmaz4A&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Lincoln and Illinois
Even as a child I never liked Abraham Lincoln. I didn't like his image on copper pennies and changed them out for nickels as much as I could. This antipathy can't be explained as a simple childish rejection of weird sideburns and top hats and craggy facial features. I readily accepted double-amputees and WWII veterans who were burned beyond recognition and corpses at funerals and Special Ed kids and the local Winnebago tribal members dressed up in all their feathered regalia--- I was not the kind of child to be fearful of people because of their appearances, nor prejudiced toward anyone because of their appearance, either.
No, it wasn't that Lincoln was homely. It was something else. Of course, I couldn't put my finger on it as a child, but the lasting impression I had of him was that something was wrong with him. Something bad.
In the years since then I have had cause to research into Lincoln's life and the Civil War to some depth.
There are long-standing rumors and some circumstantial evidence of the "he doesn't look like anyone else in the Lincoln family, but he does look like so-and-so..." gossip from local observers at the time, giving rise to the idea that Lincoln was actually the bastard son of a rich Jewish landowner named Springsteen; this I cannot confirm or deny. It would require a DNA test to ever settle the question, and that is not likely to happen--- so let's leave the gossip among all those things we will never know about Lincoln, and focus on what we do know.
We do know that his nickname, "Honest Abe", was a jest, and that in real life, this was a tribute to his wit, not his actual honesty.
We do know that the picture of his humble beginnings reading by firelight in a one room cabin to educate himself and earning his way by splitting rail fences and working as a small shopkeeper is largely bunk of the nineteenth century Sentimentalist ilk.
Wherever it came from -- Lincoln always had money and didn't lack for much.
We do know that immediately after the University Publishing group picked up on Lincoln as a young lawyer in Illinois, his political star began to rise.
We do know that Lincoln was a prominent member of the Confederation Congress beginning in 1847 and that he made frequent trips to New York where the Confederation Congress met throughout the 1850's.
We know that through his connections with the Confederation Congress, he met and made friends with some of the most famous industrialists and business personages of the day, including British financiers who were eager to promote investment in America so long as the Queen had control of the government receiving the benefit of those investments.
Some members of the Confederation Congress, including Lincoln, were eager to secure these economic benefits, and in view of the relatively large number of Federal "inhabitants" living throughout America (British Territorial Employees who remained here after the Revolution to provide "essential government services" per Article IV), they saw nothing wrong with providing "separate but equal" services to them via the Territorial Government--- which the Queen controls under our delegated authority. Is this beginning to sound familiar?
The means to be employed to provide these services to British Territorial Federal Government Employees and their Dependents would be the creation of Territorial States of States, running in tandem with and in parallel to and mirroring the then-active Federal States of States.
The British Doppleganger States-of-States were thus prepared by Lincoln and his cronies and were waiting in the wings at the end of the Civil War, ready to take over during the "Reconstruction" of the actual Federal States of States.
Lincoln served as the British Territorial United States Governor of the Territorial State of Illinois, which was established with Lincoln's help before the Civil War, and in that capacity was in the direct service of Queen Victoria prior to his election as "President of the United States" --- the CEO of the Municipal United States Government.
During Lincoln's stint as Territorial State-of-State Governor of Illinois, the first Bar Association in America was organized in Illinois. He signed their first charter. Whether or not he was an actual member of the Illinois Bar Association or The Bar Association of Illinois or The Illinois State Bar (there are about fifteen different names) has been carefully obscured, but we know he never occupied any office of the actual Federal Branch of the Federal Government -- and would have been prohibited from doing so as a Bar Association Member. Again --- circumstantial evidence, but perhaps we can get to the root of this question in the future.
Lincoln supported the concept of Hickey's 1847 "enclosure" of the original Territorial Constitution --- The Constitution of the United States of America --- for use as corporate Articles of Incorporation for the new British Investment Corporation being formed to funnel money into the new Territorial States of States.
All these moves had many members of the original Confederation Congress alarmed, especially members representing the Southern States, who saw all this "untoward" activity by the British Territorial Government as something far more ---and more suspicious--- than a simple matter of providing equal public services to government employees. They deeply mistrusted Lincoln for his apparently boundless support for continued British investment and broadening British presence and influence.
Lincoln's activities in Illinois preceded his election as President and it was feared that: (1) he was not qualified to become the actual President of our Federal Government, owing to his ties to the Bar Association--- members had been banned from holding Public Office in our American-controlled branch of the Federal government since 1819; and (2) his election meant the spread of Territorial States of States throughout the rest of the country.
Thus it was that greedy Northern Industrialists, especially Railroad Barons eager to embark on the Continental Railroad project, and other industrialists even more eager for British investment money to back their factories, backed Lincoln; the Southern Plantation owners saw nothing but the return of British taxes and oppression and meddling.
They were, unfortunately and precisely, right.
Lincoln, the "Great Emancipator" was in fact the Great Enslaver instead; because of Lincoln, black men and women were released from private slave owners and became the property of government corporations, and millions upon millions of white Americans suffered the same fate.
Lincoln, for whatever reasons, was in lock-step with Benjamin Disraeli's plan to "enfranchise" the common man, and was in fact an Undeclared Agent of the Queen, who sought and accomplished the de facto overthrow of our system of government via an illegal commercial mercenary conflict staged on our shores--- the so-called American Civil War.
After the war, the Territorial States of States that Lincoln helped create were ready to slide into place and surreptitiously substitute themselves for the Federal States of States owned and operated by the American States and People. In 1868, Hickey's "Corporate Constitution" was adopted.
The de facto take over of our government by the British interests promoted by Abraham Lincoln was a fait d'accompli.
The American States and People were simply never notified of the changes undertaken "for" them, and the stage was set for both British investors and British pillaging on a scale unimaginable.
There is some circumstantial evidence that Lincoln repented at the last, and that he planned to expose all this and redirect the Union Army, but like so many other things about Lincoln --- we will never know. He was assassinated before the ink was dry from Lee's surrender.
Illinois was the Port of Entry for all this infamy and it remains one of the most corrupt States in the Union, thanks mostly to banks, international unions, and mafia influence in Chicago. Nowadays Illinois watches from the sidelines, seemingly quietly aghast at the traumatic results of what they welcomed to our shores. Perhaps not altogether surprisingly, members of the Illinois Bar Association have begun efforts to restructure and rethink: "Was it such a good idea to welcome British Admiralty Courts ashore?"
Or, more likely --- "OMG! What is going to happen to us, when the Americans finally figure out who is who and what we did here?" They have long lived in the fear of what Mark Twain predicted for them --- "a lawyer on every lamp post".
The Bar Associations and at least some of their members deserve to live in fear; because of them, millions of lives have been lost, trillions of dollars have been looted out of America and stolen from Americans, millions of innocent people have been enslaved and "enfranchised" and have suffered endless personage and barratry---- all of which the lawyers have known, and have said nothing about and done nothing to prevent.
Lincoln's giant portrait, the equal of any placard ever bearing homage to Stalin or Mao, hangs in the Middle Innes of Court in Westminster.
Lincoln also began the practice of financing the government via the issuance of Treasury Bonds. These "ten or forty" (think 1040) bonds were offered to investors using a concept like savings bonds. They could invest in these U.S. Treasury Bonds for ten years or for forty years and reap a guaranteed rate of return upon maturity. The Federal Income Tax was originally a tax to force Federal Workers to buy Treasury Bonds.
As for what we do know about Lincoln --- he was a rat's rat, a King Rat on the scale of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He may well be a hero to the British Federal Government Employees and the Tories in general, but for the American States and People, he is a symbol of our own gullibility and our tolerant, generous nature, which has never easily discerned the source of the undisclosed evil in our midst.
15th May 2019, 09:50 AM
Anna von Reitz ( KLEe4yncLhETBJg-4Xcy6AUZaf59YZbZhf&hc_ref=ARR3ykvK4tRPMl-8K9UtDrMN48exJKt7jTsAHifD_lfZoRoIwSUvh2vXIqHuEn7y9 XE&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Colorado Confusion
For some reason, Colorado is very important to the Federales.
So important that they have spent a lot of money, time, and effort to undermine all efforts to organize a legitimate and fully "constituted" Colorado Assembly.
There have been continued pernicious rumors that I betrayed the Colorado Nine and gave them bad advice. The bad advice came from a self-professed insurance agent named Michael R. Hamilton. They followed his advice, not mine.
With great regret, I severed my association with the Colorado Nine some weeks before they transgressed against the Municipal Government.
I have continued to try to assist them and to secure their release via diplomatic and lawful means ever since, but that is a one-to-one effort for the sake of these good people, not support for what they did, which I recognized as a mistake before they even did it.
Now there are more Disinformation Agents working Colorado, trying to break the effort to organize a lawful State Assembly. Why?
Our research reveals that just as the major banks were committed to a sort of diabolical suicide pact, with each major central bank controlling one part of the gigantic bank fraud, it appears that each State of State had a piece of the action, too.
Delaware was the purveyor of the Chancery Court and Municipal Corporations. Illinois brought us the plague of the Bar Associations. Minnesota brought us the mortgage frauds and false land claims. North Carolina provided a safe haven for Territorial Oppressors.
But why the special extreme efforts to control Colorado and Michigan---and prevent those two States from forming legitimate State Assemblies? What is their "special role" in the Great Fraud against the American States and People?
What is clear, is that both these States --- Michigan and Colorado --- are key.
A few years ago I made a pilgrimage to Lookout Mountain in Colorado. It is a "mirror" for Lookout Mountain in Georgia. These two places have spiritual meaning to the Cabal, and are surmounted by the graves of Freemason Grand Masters.
Standing there among the whispering pines and overlooking the vast country beyond I remembered The Egress Treaty, by which the States agreed to allow the Territorial Government to come onto our land and soil in defense of our States and our People.
No other reason.
Instead, they have come and "occupied" our States and ravaged our People in the name of protecting us.
And now, for some reason that is not yet completely clear, they are playing a desperate last ditch effort to derail our efforts to establish lawful State Assemblies in both Michigan and Colorado.
I don't know why yet. What is so "special" about these two States? Maybe it doesn't matter if we know. What matters is that we persist and establish competent and correctly constituted State Assemblies in both of those States.
We need to nail it down so that everyone involved in the State Assembly in both Colorado and Michigan is absolutely squeaky clean, correctly "papered up" and fully aware of who they are, able to defend their claim to American National and/or American State Citizen status --- because whether it make sense of not, the Hammer is falling there.
And the Anvil must answer.
16th May 2019, 04:17 PM
Anna von Reitz ( eeGYEkC8yFZU2M&hc_ref=ARSeMMOsVd0xdryPoKc3x8lMoQC6EHDzhOZrRDbPd2D gBiuS_P_Z0zZNuDeShfWjxoc&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
For All the Jural Assemblies - 56 The United States of America
The United States of America that we all think of when we hear the words is an unincorporated Holding Company formed September 9, 1776.
A Holding Company holds whatever is placed in its care, and in this case, the individual soil jurisdiction states that were holding all our national powers, placed ("vested") their international powers in The United States of America.
[Remember throughout that we are talking here about the unincorporated version created by the Americans in 1776----not to be confused with the British-controlled Territorial United States doing business as "the" United States of America beginning in 1789.]
Thus The United States of America owes its existence and function to The United States, the Union of soil-jurisdiction republican states that holds all the empowerment of the national government for each "State of the Union".
If you remember from earlier discussions, the word "of" usually denotes a separation as in "apart from, besides, or in addition to", but may also mean "belonging to". In this case, "States of the Union" literally means "States belonging to the Union".
Using the Roman Civil Nomenclature to better demonstrate this principle visually: Kentucky (the international State) belongs to kentucky (the national-level republican state) from which all powers flow. The actual power of the nation-state is vested in the people of kentucky and then flows from them to their counties and to their "national states" to their Union of States known simply as The United States.
Instead of calling the international States the "States of the Union" we could just as well called them the States of The United States.
So there are in effect two "unions" of "states" involved here from the get-go, one is actually called a Union, dba "The United States", and its members are all national-level republican soil jurisdiction states.
The next step removed from this fundamental Union of soil jurisdiction states is a Federation of States known as The United States of America, a Holding Company, whose members are all States like Michigan, Virginia, Ohio, etc.
Finally, in 1781, five years after The United States of America was formed, another kind of "union" appeared --- the States of America, a Confederation of States of States, belonging to the States.
So the national-level republican soil jurisdiction states formed The United States, and then each of the national-level republican soil-jurisdiction states delegated their international powers to their own States, and those States formed another union of States, called a "Federation of States" to operate in their mutual behalf in international jurisdictions: The United States of America.
Then, to be able to operate in the global jurisdiction of the air, the realm of commerce, the member States of The United States of America spun off commercial corporations called "States of States" to conduct commercial business for them, and these "Confederate States" formed another union called the States of America.
Those of you who have been following along will recognize that this follows the same progression of abstraction we've observed regarding your own names and functions, only on a much larger scale: the Living Soul gives rise to the Lawful Person, the Lawful Person can then "cross the bar" in international jurisdiction and function as a Legal Person if need be, and then, if required, can spin off a commercial PERSON to do business in Commerce---that is, business between two incorporated entities.
Translating that to the scale of states--- the Living Souls (republican states/people) and their Union (The United States) give rise to the Lawful Persons called "States" (on the land) and Legal Persons (on the sea) (international States/People) and their Federation of States (The United States of America) and they, the Federation States then chartered States of States to form a Confederation (the States of America) of Legal PERSONS to operate in the realm of global Commerce.
All of this structure is necessitated by the Law of Kinds, which mandates that we cannot cross certain boundaries of nature and kind --- an incorporated non-living entity cannot contract with a living man, for example. Thus, this complex web of capacities and "persons" to operate in those capacities has been adopted worldwide as a means for us to conduct business.
You will note again that in the international jurisdiction occupied by the People and States and The United States of America, there is an interface called "the Bar" or the "corporate veil" that can be "crossed over". Your Lawful Person on the land can cross over and function as a Legal Person on the sea. In the same way, your State can function either on land or sea, and The United States of America, their Federation of States, can do the same --- acting as a Lawful Person on the land and a Legal Person on the sea.
At the Living Soul level analogous to the republican soil jurisdiction nation-state level of The United States, very little business is conducted, and business there is tends to be very fundamental --- questions like "What is our official national language going to be?" --- get sorted out at the level of The United States.
At the Lawful Person/Legal Person level of The United States of America and the Federation States, a great deal more business occurs, as this is the realm of International Trade on both land and sea. This is where Connecticut (and John Doe, Carrot Farmer) sells carrots to Rhode Island (and Melvin Stone, Produce Manager).
In recent years more and more business activity has shifted into the realm of global Commerce, where our "missing" American States of States are supposed to be functioning --- and aren't.
You will remember from the discussion above that The United States of America belongs to The United States, and in the same way, the States of America belongs to The United States of America. That is, each republican soil jurisdiction state gives rise to each State and each State gives rise to its own State of State, like a set of nesting dolls expanding outward from The United States to The United States of America to the States of America, which is supposed to be conducting our business in the realm of global Commerce.
Looked at another way, the Union gives rise to the Federation which gives rise to the Confederation.
The States of States of the Confederation are the entities that participated in The American Civil War, and which were either subjected to ruination in the South, or bankrupted in the North, and which have been awaiting "Reconstruction" for the past 150 years.
Nobody can reconstruct them but the People of the States.
Please stop and really look at this one sentence directly above, for it explains the entire circumstance we face.
Thus it is, that in order to Reconstruct the Confederation and its States of States, we have to summon the States and People of The United States of America to do the work.
Those who do the work have to be functioning in the correct capacity as American State Citizens-- that is, as the People of each State.
United States (Territorial) Citizens can't do it for us, and neither can Municipal Citizens of the United States.
And this is why --- above and beyond everything else that mandates it --- the People of the States must wake up, must reclaim their identity as Lawful Persons, and "return" to the land and soil of their birthright to conduct this long overdue business.
The United States of America [Unincorporated] still exists, still functions, still has Officers. Our "Ship of State" is old, but it can still sail the Seven Seas. Likewise, People have awakened in every State, and undertaken the process of reclaiming their Lawful Persons and their birthrights. They stand as place-holders for all the rest of the American State Citizens who are returning and who will return once the actual condition of our country is fully understood.
Meantime, The United States of America kicked into gear in 2015, re-issued its Sovereign Letters Patent, and began the process of reclaiming and placing liens on all the property assets owed to the States and the People, including the State Trusts (Ohio State, Washington State, etc.) which the Territorial States of States have been managing "for" us.
We are not "missing, presumed dead" and our assets are not "abandoned". In fact, all our assets are reclaimed and have been returned to The United States, and The United States has re-issued the International Powers back to The United States of America.
Think of this process like grounding an electrical circuit. It all came from the republican soil jurisdiction states and the people, so everything that has been "extended" and "invested" and "leased" had to return to these states and people, the ultimate owners and beneficiaries of their estates.
The United States of America [Unincorporated] works as a faithful conduit to return everything to the actual people of this country, and is the rightful holder of all their international powers, except to the extent that the Constitutions are honored and upheld by all Parties.
The Federation of States, The United States of America [Unincorporated], has summoned the People of each State to Assemble.
To act in this birthright capacity, it is necessary for each one of you to correct your political status records which have you identified as Dual Citizens of the Municipal United States (Citizens of the United States) and Territorial United States (United States Citizens) instead of being listed as American State Citizens.
The Federation of States, The United States of America [Unincorporated], has summoned the People of each State to Assemble. To act in this birthright capacity, it is necessary for each one of you to correct your political status records which have you identified as Dual Citizens of the Municipal United States (Citizens of the United States) and Territorial United States (United States Citizens) instead of being listed as American State Citizens.
As noted above, the People of the States occupying the international jurisdiction owed to this country are the only ones who can re-charter the American Federal States of States and finish the Reconstruction of our Federal Government. Neither the Territorial United States Citizens nor the Municipal Citizens of the United States can do the job.
It's your job, your States, your Country, your assets, your treaties, and your international commercial service contracts that need your attention, and this is why you have been called to: (1) repatriate to your original political status; (2) expatriate from any presumed US Citizenship; (3) assemble your State of the Union.
It's all up to you, your State, and your Federation of States, The United States of America [Unincorporated].
16th May 2019, 04:26 PM
Anna von Reitz ( aycr9MdInK0RwDFlq9L-nXakslqgmef_JQ&hc_ref=ARQCQSAZrfWtm_3qi8oIMQSXTUw6fUthMvQ7HzFWKM-iAln19oQYh4MmDE2Co1KBLT4&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 57 Expatriation and Repatriation
There has been a lot of controversy and misunderstanding about the various forms of citizenship in this country and also about the process of declaring one's political status so as to officially change it.
Every baby born on the land and soil of this country begins life as an American State National --- a Wisconsinite, a Coloradan, a Texan, a Virginian.
Very soon after being born, we are all secretively "conscripted" and "presumed to be" Territorial United States Citizens. This process "confers" Territorial Citizenship obligations upon us and makes us subjects of the Queen. A Birth Certificate is issued to memorialize this conscription and to "register" us as property belonging to the British Territorial United States.
Almost immediately after that, our Good Names and Persons are leased out under the same presumption of "United States Citizenship" to the Municipal United States, which then additionally confers its own form of citizenship upon us --- deeming us to be "Citizens of the United States".
You can see the basis for these citizenship classifications stated as Article I, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article I, Section 3, Clause 3 of any Federal Constitution.
Thus, without you or your parents ever being made aware of it, your actual birthright identity is "unlawfully converted" and instead of being regarded as a Texan, or a Californian, or a Minnesotan --- you are "presumed to be" a Dual Citizen of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Government, instead.
This Dual Citizenship political status is literally foreign to us as Americans, and it prevents you from acting as one of the People and deprives you of all your guarantees and protections owed under the Federal Constitutions.
Some Americans do choose to set aside their birthright political status in order to work as members of the United States Armed Forces, and some also set their birthright aside to work as Federal Civilian Service workers, but the rest of us have no reason to adopt any such foreign political citizenship status and are actually and substantially harmed by being misidentified as such, because we are made to bear all the obligations of such citizenship and have none of the protections and freedoms we are owed so long as this false legal presumption of Federal (US) Citizenship is allowed to persist.
Thus it becomes necessary and desirable for most of us to "expatriate" and "retire" from any presumption of any form of US citizenship and reclaim our birthright status as plain old Americans---- if we want to enjoy our rights and possess our property assets and be free of the oppressive statutory "laws".
The basis of expatriation from United States Citizenship is the Expatriation Act of 1868. This landmark legislation was passed exactly one day prior to the adoption of the "corporate" Constitution--- the unlawful conversion of the actual Territorial Constitution to serve as the Articles of Incorporation for the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing-business-as "The United States of America, Inc." that was chartered the same year.
The Expatriation Act of 1868 specifically rejects the idea of lifetime, obligatory allegiance to any government and overthrows that foundation stone of feudalism.
So we expatriate from any presumed British Territorial United States Citizenship via the Expatriation Act of 1868, which can then also be used to expatriate from any presumed Commonwealth Citizenship of the United States.
It is necessary to expatriate from both forms of US Citizenship, both Territorial and Municipal.
So, now we have exercised our remedy available under the Expatriation Act of 1868, and declared that we are not United States Citizens and not Citizens of the United States, either. So far, so good. We have established what we are not.
Next, we must establish what we are. Because we were "presumed to be" United States Citizens and then "presumed to be" Municipal Citizens of the United States as well, we have to further define our political status on the Public Record and "repatriate" to the land and soil jurisdiction where we were born--- our States of the Union.
We each have to expatriate a total of two times-- once from Territorial status, once from Municipal status--- and repatriate once, back to our natural birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
We accomplish this by recording Acts of Expatriation referencing our Legal Persons --- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name --- leaving the Territorial United States [remember that our Lawful Persons and our Legal Persons look exactly the same on paper and that we have to designate their capacity] and our Commercial PERSONS also expatriating from all presumptions of Municipal Citizenship and all being repatriated to the land and soil of ..... Texas, Wisconsin, Maine, Florida, California..... by recording their return to their home and permanent domicile on the land and soil of..... Texas, Wisconsin, etc.
We use Certificates of Assumed Name recorded on the international land jurisdiction to establish our ownership interest and control and to declare the permanent "domicile" of these Legal Persons/Municipal PERSONS on the land and soil of our States.
Executing and recording these actions --- the expatriation, the repatriation, the certification and the declaration of permanent domicile --- reverses the process used to unlawfully convert our political status and ownership interests.
We are thus "lawfully converting" everything back to our control and placing everything in its proper political status. We are reclaiming our Lawful Persons and enabling ourselves to act in the capacity of one of the People of our State. This then secures the constitutional guarantees we are owed, and forces the Hired Help --- including the courts --- to honor the Law of the Land owed to the People and States of the Land.
None of this involves any repudiation or renunciation of citizenship, which is a severance and denial process that totally extracts you from relationship to your own country. We have seen unfortunate cases where people have done this by mistake. Do not repudiate or renounce --- expatriate specifically from any Territorial or Municipal United States Citizenship conferred upon you, and establish your "home and permanent domicile" upon the land and soil of your birth State, instead.
17th May 2019, 10:17 PM
Anna von Reitz ( MXi4HjpgZBb35NhHh1MbwRfc&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations
There are now hundreds of hucksters out there selling my work to profit themselves. They cherry pick and combine my work with other information and they Mix and Match as they see fit from other sources and then they "re-package" this mish-mash as a "Freedom Package" and they sell it. And then people try to blame me for whatever results they get from buying these packages.
Nope. I am not authorizing or reviewing or approving any of these other efforts. I only take responsibility for mine.
Very early on, the decision was made to make the information coming in from our research available for free. The reasons for this are simple enough to see. Number One--- nobody should be denied freedom simply because they are poor. Number Two --- many of the nation's poorest people are our own veterans, who paid for their freedom and mine, already. Number Three --- for our efforts to succeed, a great many Americans must be awakened from their deep slumber and anything that restricts or impedes that process is to be avoided. Number Four -- for our efforts to succeed, people have to start working together in a spirit of brotherhood and common cause instead of hiding out in the woods and hoping to avoid contact with Big Brother. Giving everyone the benefit of the work encourages people to give back whatever they can give in return. That then encourages community spirit and the effort blossoms.
There is exactly one official source for our work on the web, and that is Paul Stramer's: ( lid%3DIwAR3lACxN6sGvuRT8hoPldW4Xg1ttTIVMm-mEHYUQTYZ5q-DYIVbcHS77o6Y&h=AT3g3nv8QgbENFlurryzjf9MDMcBrs7C1RKeGUl925Q7yQbh S8sHBTMEFGo9NDArIfDdt8EaO2NHxiaQzlfxvIqgd3gPOfm39d Zy9daXpq80XB8865j-WVQrITFb5skkNU4F4e5Muyot-NxAE0_zszsLhx3RBHSj)
When you push the donate button on Paul's website, you are saying "Thank you!" to him for countless hours devoted to keeping the website going and the information flowing despite many obstacles and irritations. You are saying "Thank you!" to him for forwarding your messages to me when you can't get through any other way. He uses your donations to keep the website up and running, to make improvements to it, to expand the readership and otherwise advertise and gain exposure for the information. If there is anything left over at the end of the month, he forwards it on to me and I divvy it up to our non-Bar lawyers and auditors and researchers who are in need.
Other websites and other purveyors of my information are also presenting you with donate buttons. It should be understood that none of that money is coming to me. It's going to support those websites and whoever is managing them.
It should also be understood that I am not involved in those websites and they are just "re-posting" --- and hopefully respecting my copyrights.
If you want to donate to me and to my team (other than Paul who is very much a part of the team, and simply has his own donate button) I prefer to receive donations via PayPal at: or via Snail Mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Your direct donations enable me to send support to our guys in the field, the non-Bar Attorneys and researchers who donate their time and energy to this effort for free, but need help covering the expenses of their work.
Some research requires money -- travel, certified copies, even just plain copies can cost a lot of money, fees of various kinds---- it's not all just a matter of sitting in front of a computer. Some information requires us to chase it down like a runaway dog.
Court cases are always expensive. Always. 100% of the time, THEY ding us for all their fees and copies and bonds and so on and on.
Some of our researchers are past eighty, living on very limited incomes, and still doing their best. For them, your donations pay electric bills, copy paper and ink, and other expenses they cannot afford to donate because they are so poor themselves.
Almost daily I am humbled by the sacrifices so many people worldwide are making to free themselves and regain control of their governments and the legal systems that have run amok. We can't do this alone. We can only do it as whole communities working together with a common vision.
Those of you who are reading this, please pause a moment and think about what you can do, what you can contribute. If it's five bucks or five minutes or thirty seconds to say a prayer, whatever you have that you can give, please remember where all this information is coming from and at what price it is coming.
And remember that there is only one official website that is connected directly to me: ( yUEG2MzHfA6NG4P7TfU)
17th May 2019, 10:26 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Ba_ArZ9RburoWlrAAR97iyY92MFKJdXlwy&hc_ref=ARRMyqLdJc7t3oygyBc_kzBfKSPxKsVijEjCiBJKe4l 1NCAvLduKeOqn56IwMXsFkn8&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 58 Reading the Constitutions Correctly
Most Americans have been taught to revere the Constitutions. Generations of military and civil service workers have been indoctrinated to "defend the Constitution (whichever one they work under) from all Enemies foreign and domestic." Many Americans mistakenly think that their rights come from the Constitutions, but in fact, the Constitutions merely limit the federal government so that the people can enjoy their freedoms unencumbered by government.
Most Americans don't know that there are three (3) Constitutions --- the actual Federal Constitution called "The Constitution for the united States of America", the Territorial Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America" and the Municipal Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States".
Many people also assume that everyone in this country is protected under the Constitutions, but this has never been so. Territorial Citizens known as United States Citizens, and Municipal United States Citizens known as Citizens of the United States have never enjoyed any constitutional guarantees. That's why when you are acting as a "United States Citizen" or "Citizen of the United States" you are told that the Constitution doesn't apply. It doesn't. And that's just one reason that "US Citizenship" is not a prized status.
Another wrong assumption is that the Constitutions are so "special" and "sacred", when in fact, they are just commercial services agreements mandated as part of the settlement of the War of Independence. If you read The Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) you will see that exactly the same verbiage is used in the Constitutions.
When you see the words as in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2: "No Person (Legal Person/Municipal Officer -- not acting as one of the People) .... "Citizen of the United States" (Federal Civil Service Employee)..... an inhabitant (temporary foreign resident) of that State....." this is all language directly derived from The Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) and has all the same meanings.
With these meanings in place, this is how Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 actually reads:
"No Municipal United States Officer shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty-five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the Municipal United States, and who shall not, when elected, be a temporary foreign resident of that State in which he shall be chosen...."
This is telling you the requirements that foreign Municipal United States Officers acting as Citizens of the United States (the Municipal Government) have to meet before they can be elected to "represent" the other Citizens of the United States living on a temporary basis in one of our States of the Union.
It says nothing at all about us or about us being represented in their Municipal Congress --- nothing about us at all. It is talking about the internal affairs of the foreign Municipal Government and its citizenry that is on our shores to provide us with the services of the Municipal Federal Civil Service.
Our States agreed to receive certain enumerated services from the respective service providers doing business as "the" States of America, "the" United States of America, and "the" United States. These are just doing-business-as names of commercial corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" per Article IV. They are acting "for" our actual American Government and operating under our delegated power, so they are acting "in our names", but "the" United States of America is not the same as The United States of America, and "the" United States is not the same as The United States.
The Constitutions apply within their separate jurisdictions.
The Federal Constitution (The Constitution for the united States of America) which is supposed to be administered by the States of America (the missing Confederation of States) is an international land jurisdiction contract between the land jurisdiction States of the Union (and the People inhabiting those States) and the Confederation of States of States that are supposed to be working for our States of the Union.
The Territorial Constitution (The Constitution of the United States of America) is an international sea jurisdiction contract between the land jurisdiction States of the Union and the British Territorial United States --- the Queen.
The Municipal Constitution (The Constitution of the United States) is a global air jurisdiction contract between the land jurisdiction States of the Union and the Roman Pontiff --- the Pope in his Secular Office.
The only place for these three "principalities" to meet on common ground is on the international jurisdiction of the land, with the Vessels of the Queen being dry-docked, and the Air-ships of the Pope similarly being moored upon our shores.
You can begin to see why the sudden disappearance of the Confederation doing business as the States of America caused such disruption in the Federal Government. There was suddenly no established and agreed upon dock, no tie-down to conduct business on the land jurisdiction. And everyone conveniently forgot that by Operation of Law, all the powers delegated under the Federal Constitution immediately reverted directly back to the States of the Union.
Nobody told us, the People, what was going on.
So there was a problem that needed to be fixed, a Confederation of States of States that needed to be "Reconstructed" by the States, but instead of being forthright about this problem, the other contractors closed ranks and chose to use the situation as an excuse to usurp upon our lawful government.
The British Territorial Government deceitfully substituted its own Territorial States of States for our Federal States. That worked out so well for them that eventually the Municipal United States Government also got into the act and substituted its STATES OF STATES for their States of States in order to expedite mutual pillaging and plundering under "presumed" trust agreements.
They claimed in Breach of Trust that our government had inexplicably disappeared, was "missing, presumed lost", that our government was "held in abeyance", and most recently, that our entire continent was "abandoned".
According to them, there were no actual Americans left, just Citizens of the United States and United States Citizens, ready to duke it out on our soil to determine which group of dishonest and disloyal foreign employees would take over our country.
That is what they had planned--- another big "Civil War" on our soil, with millions of deaths of innocent Americans, who are their actual Priority Creditors, and billions in profits from reaping life insurance policies placed on their victims, and all the "abandoned assets" up for grabs.
America would have been just another Banana Republic and the Pope and the Queen would have laughed all the way to the bank, except for the fact that Americans began waking up out of their trusting slumber, reading the history, and raising hell in diplomatic circles, exposing their Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract, exposing a century and a half spent pillaging and plundering the States and People they are supposed to protect.
The Constitutions are multi-national treaties and commercial contracts which have been severely compromised and undermined by foreign banking and commercial interests. There is nothing sacred about them but the Public Trust that has been plundered and eroded.
The Perpetrators of these evils, these lies, these sins of omission, have used and abused our Armed Services to promote wars for profit around the globe. They have used and abused the resources of America to promote their own vicious and self-serving agendas, to profit themselves at our expense, and to promote such criminality worldwide.
They have promoted the Rule of Law and ignored the Law itself.
When the Federal States of States failed, the powers delegated to them returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator, The United States of America, its member States, and the People of those States. All the Federal assets that survived the Civil War also returned to our ownership, but were "retained" by the Office of the Alien Property Custodian and administered by the States of States and later by the STATES OF STATES as State Trusts.
Today, the Office of the Alien Property Custodian has been collapsed and the duties have been inherited by the United States Attorney General. His office has been borrowing large amounts of money against our assets to fund the bail out of the Big Banks that are largely responsible for defrauding Americans and causing the mortgage crisis, racketeering, and embezzlement. As collateral damage, millions of Americans have been thrown out of their homes by employees of these foreign corporations operating under false legal presumptions on our shores.
It is more than past time for us to wake up and see the Constitutions for what they are --- blueprints for a government under contract to provide our States with certain essential governmental services --- which haven't properly functioned or been respected by our subcontractors for a century and a half.
By falsely "presuming" that our American Government is "missing" and by further falsely presuming that our People are all somehow magically transformed (without their knowledge or consent) into either "Confederate Enemies" in a mercenary war that ended 150 years ago, or United States Citizens owing allegiance to the British Queen, or Municipal Citizens of the United States owing allegiance to the Pope--- these Monsters have contrived to excuse their abuse of the People and the States that they are hired and under contract to protect.
They have prepared to wage yet another Mercenary War on our shores, buying billions of rounds of ammunition and setting up over 800 FEMA (Concentration) Camps, and arming their clueless American Subcontractors to the teeth. They anticipated murdering millions of us and removing our native population off the land our Forefathers won, just as the Queen's filthy government removed the native Irish and the native Americans. We are facing the Raj on one side, and the Pope's Minions on the other.
There is power in knowledge and numbers and diplomacy and in exposure of these verminous plots against the American States and People. There are still millions of good, law-abiding, American State Nationals and American State Citizens and our Government is alive, well, and functioning according to our Common Law which is the Law of Peace and the Law of Love. There are still billions of good people worldwide, who are willing to help put an end to this criminality which has spread like a cancer throughout the world.
Read the Constitutions in the light provided by The Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783). Read them for what they are--- multinational treaties and commercial service contracts that have been breached and undermined by the purposeful inculcation of false legal presumptions about us and our government.
There is nothing sacred about these documents. Their only importance is as meal tickets to the federal employees that depend upon them for a livelihood. And perhaps more to the point, these service contracts have been badly breached and dishonored and both the Queen's Government and the Pope's Government are under demand to correct their operations on our shores, and to return our assets as Truth, Honor, and Justice requires --- free of debt or encumbrance.
17th May 2019, 10:48 PM
Anna von Reitz ( JMJUx5iEaqotLMvY_gGj4Z1BHTfilsWkbp&hc_ref=ARSzUakvSHvtmV8r43l7ghepop0yuIHiWFCwuz-AZ8FqaF6XJ-im5jGo_eNFu2AU6Jo&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Enough is Enough: How to Deal With Nuisance “Charges” and False Claims and Harassment
For MUNICIPAL COURTS – all cases captioned in COURTS:
Have your BC and your two Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit so you can establish your ownership of the PERSON and prevent them from seizing control and "administering" YOUR ESTATE without any right to do so.
1. You walk in. They ask your name. You answer with your First and Middle ---- "John Michael" or “Betty Ann” or whatever.
2. You say, "I wish this to be on the Public Record of the Court. Are we on the Public Record?"
3. Once on the record, you say, "I am visiting this court as a Lawful Person."
4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States.
I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen. I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e). I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated. I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the false arrest and detainment of my VESSEL in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States.”
Most likely the arrogant #%@@%@ charging you hasn't even bothered to post a Bid Bond or Performance Bond, in which case all charges have to be instantly dismissed and the COURT is “embarrassed” by him and his “incompetent prosecution”.
If he has posted the bonds, he is supposed to post a minimum of $25,000 per misdemeanor and $1,000,000.00 per felony, and you get paid. If you claim his bonds two things happen --- you get paid instead of them, and THEIR insurance gets hit for it, and a black mark is applied against him. Three such faux pas and he loses his license to practice law in their STATE OF STATE and if it is a Public Prosecutor, he loses his job. Besides the monetary loss this is a very effective punishment for corrupt prosecutors.
Please note that this gets you not only off the hook, but also punishes the perpetrators. It is a variation of the process described below which rewards the perpetrators by allowing them to charge your ACCOUNT. This can be handy if all you want to do is get out of their clutches, but it encourages their racketeering and may lead to them harassing you the same way that dogs are encouraged to beg for more table scraps, which is why I do not generally advocate the solution shown below.
If a speedy removal is your goal, or you get caught in a situation where you cannot easily retrieve your BC and Witness Testimonies, it may nonetheless expedient and useful for you to execute Steps 1 through 4, but 4 has a different ending variation:
4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States. I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen. I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e). I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released. However, in this instance only, and maintaining my innocence, I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Settlement and Closure of this Case Contract Number (whatever case number is shown on the docket sheet) and will allow the Court to assess its standard charges against my CUSIP and AUTOTRIS. Please use my exemption for full settlement and closure of this sub- account, as it is pre-paid and exempt from levy. I shall sign as Authorized Representative.”
This solution leaves them aghast, and probably staring at you like you are a Talking Horse; they will also, naturally, be alarmed, because they have been sneaking around preying upon people and abusing the individual Public Trusts they are supposed to protect.
They are suddenly presented with the victim being fully aware of what they are doing and they may panic and “need to confer” with each other --- or ---- they may try to deny knowing what you are talking about. The fact is that some of them know and some of them don’t. So those that know will be unsettled, those that don’t know will be confused. For your own information as to who is who, watch their facial expressions.
Nonetheless, stand there on your little flat feet. You may mildly prompt that the “Court Clerk has the necessary information”. As the actual Prosecutor and Beneficiary in the case, the Court Clerk’s Office is responsible for preparing the True Bills. Once the Bills are presented, you sign your Upper and Lower Case Name as the Authorized Representative, All Rights Reserved.
In the Territorial Courts--- Cases Captioned in Upper and Lower Case Courts:
If by chance you get hauled into Territorial Court, your Name will appear as a Legal Person in Upper and Lower Case, and the Court’s Name will also appear in Upper and Lower Case. The basic schtick is the same, with a few obvious changes to allow for the difference in jurisdiction:
Have your BC and your two Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit so you can establish your ownership of the Person and prevent them from seizing control and "administering" your Estate without right to do so.
1. You walk in. They ask your name. You answer with your First and Middle ---- "John Michael" or “Betty Ann” or whatever.
2. You say, "I wish this to be on the Public Record of the Court. Are we on the Public Record?"
3. Once on the record, you say, "I am visiting this court as a Lawful Person."
4. "There has been a mistake. I have been misidentified and my political status has been misrepresented to the court. I am not acting in the capacity of a United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States. I am a Texas (or whatever your Birth State was) National and a State Citizen. I am not subject to the jurisdiction of this court and claim remedy and relief under Federal Territorial Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e), The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602 to 1611, and The False Claims Act, Title 31, U.S.C.A., Section 3729 (a) (7). I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of (Your Birth State) to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated. I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the false arrest and detainment of my Vessel in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States of America.”
The MUNICIPAL COURTS owe you Due Diligence and Good Faith Service under The Constitution for the United States (no “of America” involved). The Territorial Courts owe you the same, but under The Constitution of the United States of America--- a different Constitution, but the same basic rules apply. So reference The Constitution of the United States in MUNICIPAL COURT, and The Constitution of the United States of America in Territorial Court.
Always check the court record three days before any scheduled hearing to make sure there are no “in Limine Motions”. These are Pre-Trial Motions to exclude “prejudicial testimony”—such as testimony about the victim’s political status or “national security” issues. Such Motions occur outside the courtroom and prior to any hearings taking place. In international land jurisdiction cases, they have to be countered by a Pre-Emptive Writ of Prohibition against obstruction of testimony and extra-judicial measures issued at least three days prior to trial or hearing date.
If you take the time to really think about and memorize this information, you will have the ability to effectively defend yourself and your property assets any time and any place that you may be accused or detained.
18th May 2019, 04:51 AM
Enough is Enough: How to Deal With Nuisance “Charges” and False Claims and Harassment[/B]
1. You walk in. ...
1st mistake ... and usually fatal. Why would you voluntarily walk into a foreign court?
18th May 2019, 06:06 AM
1st mistake ... and usually fatal. Why would you voluntarily walk into a foreign court?
because you can prove they are a foreign court!
And receive a big payoff from your own cestui que trust.
18th May 2019, 06:27 AM
because you can prove they are a foreign court!
Facts are on the moon. Your 'proof' is nothing but opinion ... belief ... aka 'religion'. While you are free to practice your own religion I wouldn't advise confession in a Muslim mosque. You may be free to do so but the action may be your last.
And receive a big payoff from your own cestui que trust.
Bankrupt entities don't payoff in anything but bankruptcy notes. You create joinder with a bankrupt entity and become part of his assets earmarked for liquidation (and capitalization). Writeoff is a more rational approach ... aka 'quitclaim'. You don't provide energy (capital) for the court to entertain their own retirement plan based solely upon your energy.
18th May 2019, 06:28 AM
because you can prove they are a foreign court!
Facts are on the moon. Your 'proof' is nothing but opinion ... belief ... aka 'religion'. While you are free to practice your own religion I wouldn't advise confession in a Muslim mosque. You may be free to do so but the action may be your last.
And receive a big payoff from your own cestui que trust.
Bankrupt entities don't payoff in anything but bankruptcy notes. You create joinder with a bankrupt entity and become part of his assets earmarked for liquidation (and capitalization). Writeoff is a more rational approach ... aka 'quitclaim'. You don't provide energy (capital) for the court to entertain their own retirement plan based solely upon your energy.
18th May 2019, 06:33 PM
Anna von Reitz ( yyOf-ZFHtSDNbHnc2I0sCEaA&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
In Our Names -- Prayer, Order, and Demand
We have all heard the expression in Church services and other contexts throughout our lives:
"In the name of Jesus Christ......"
"In the name of the King......"
"In the name of God....."
In each such instance, a servant or official acting in some capacity for Jesus Christ, the King, or God, is "invoking" the name of his Lord as his authority to perform an act or give a command or ask for a service:
"I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost....."
"Open this door, in the name of the King!"
"In the name of God, deliver me...."
This is not an entirely foreign concept for any of us, anywhere in the world.
So why is it so hard to understand that organizations operating under our Delegated Powers would operate "in our names" in the same way?
We have a British-controlled Territorial Government doing business as "the United States of America". They are operating under our Delegated Powers which were delegated to them under a service contract known as The Constitution of the United States of America.
They are operating "in the name of" The United States of America [Unincorporated].
We have a Papist-controlled Municipal Government doing business as "the United States". They are operating under our Delegated Powers which were delegated to them under a service contract known as The Constitution of the United States. They are operating "in the name of" The United States.
We should have an American State-controlled Federal Government doing business as "the States of America" operating under our Delegated Powers bequeathed to them under a service contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America ---- but we don't.
Now you can see the cause of so much fraud and confusion --- the fact that these foreign governments operating "in our names" and abusing our Delegated Powers have been confused with and mistaken for our actual American Government.
How many people would see the big difference between "The United States of America" an unincorporated Federation of States, and "the United States of America" --- a British Territorial Commercial Corporation operating "in our name" and exercising our delegated powers--- when the only visual difference is the difference between "The" and "the"?
The same situation applies with the Municipal Government, operating as "the United States". It is operating "in the name of" our Union of republican states -- The United States.
You can also finally see the huge gaping hole left in our Federal Government structure by the Civil War and clearly perceive the fact that the Reconstruction was never completed.
This, then, solves the mystery of the "Missing Thirteenth Amendment" and the "Missing Constitution" ---- The Constitution for the united States of America and the whole business of Congress adjourning sine die in March of 1861 and convening under a different name ever since.
As a veteran of the Wisconsin Public School System in the 1960's and 1970's, I can confirm from first-hand experience that:
(1) We were never taught about the actual "Three Branches" of the Federal Government --- Federal, Territorial, and Municipal.
Instead, we were misdirected and subjected to a Lie by Omission --- and told that the Federal Government had three branches --- executive, legislative, and judicial.
(2) We were given the impression that The Reconstruction was an old, musty, finished-long-ago mop up activity that came in the wake of The American Civil War. We were never told that the reconstruction was still pending and still needed to be done---- much less that we were the ones that needed to do the job.
(3) We were given the impression that the Civil War was a real war, not a mercenary conflict; nobody ever bothered to explain the implications of the word "Civil" in Civil War, the lack of an official Congressional Declaration of War, or the lack of a Peace Treaty.
(4) We were left with the idea that The American Civil War ended with the surrender of Lee's Army at Appomattox, Virginia, in 1865. Period. Any notion that the conflict was never officially resolved and that it could be interpreted to be "ongoing" a hundred and fifty years later would have been ridiculous in our view. We would have laughed all the way to lunchtime.
Yet, here we are, waking up and smelling the dog poo, all these years after.
Clearly, both the Territorial and Municipal Government failed their actual duty to us and failed to operate in Good Faith. These organizations have pillaged and plundered our National Trust, which they are hired and under contract to protect and defend. They deliberately left us uninformed, omitted crucial information, and misappropriated our resources to profit themselves.
So, America, time to dust off your britches, stand up, and get to work.
The only parties that can reconstruct the Federal States of States are the same States and People who are Parties to the Constitutions.
Our dishonest and disloyal Territorial and Municipal Employees have undermined our ability to get the job done by deliberately mis-characterizing each and every one of us as Dual Federal Citizens --- that is, by falsely claiming that we are both Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal Citizens of the United States.
This is all nothing but gross criminality under international law, including the Law of War, the Geneva Conventions, the Law of Peace that we are owed, and every United Nations Declaration oozing about world peace and brotherhood that these hypocrites ever signed.
In fact, we are born as state nationals and become eligible to act as State Citizens at the age of 21. Any claim otherwise is a False Claim which needs to be rebutted on the Public Record.
It's time to tell them ---and the rest of the world--- the truth about all this, and also time to accept the burden that self-governance places upon us. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
We are the only ones who can reclaim our birthright political status, assemble our States of the Union, and finish the Reconstruction of the Federal States of States.
We, acting as the People of our States, are the only ones who can enforce the Constitutions.
Nobody comes "in our names" when we come in our own Names.
So it is that every employee of every State of State and every STATE OF STATE and every incorporated "Agency" working as subcontractors are put on Notice of the Facts:
1. You have no right to administrate our estates "in our names" or to assume that we are infant decedents, incompetents, or otherwise encumbered by any Federal citizenship obligation;
2. Continued confiscation of American property assets under false legal presumptions is a capital crime punishable under the Geneva Conventions;
3. It is the duty and contract owed by every Territorial Government Employee and every member of the Armed Forces including the Commander-in-Chief to protect and defend our civilian government --- not the "civil" government;
4. It is the duty of the Roman Curia and the Roman Pontiff to liquidate all the Municipal Corporations and Municipal OFFICES that have been proliferated upon our shores as usurping criminal enterprises acting in contravention of The Constitution of the United States.
Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritatis.
5. It is also the duty of the Roman Curia and the Roman Pontiff to immediately correct the operations of all Municipal COURT organizations and Municipal Agencies including the FBI and the IRS.
Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritatis.
6. It is also the duty of the Roman Curia and the Roman Pontiff to immediately order the correction of the Municipal Government of the United States to bring it back into accord with its constitutional limitations and forbid any continuance of its shameful abuse of our delegated powers and of our credit and of our identities.
Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritatis.
18th May 2019, 06:38 PM
Anna von Reitz ( DN9N7_BFK8h5YCtNQChbBZZ1-RHmprTONV&hc_ref=ARTyxzp1722Pak271sWjg8B2MRQLDBlpwBXFUWM6Fwm myXTmUFnLan3caovjZpiv9bM&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
We Take Exception
We take exception to the claim that we ever knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily entered any Federal Jurisdiction of the United States or the United States of America at all. We claim our immunity from any presumption that we are now or that we have ever been US Citizens of any kind.
We also take exception to the claim that we are being "represented" by any United States Citizen or group of United States Citizens, nor any group of Citizens of the United States or group of Citizens of the United States, while we are standing here with our provenance in hand, presenting ourselves.
We deny, rescind, and repudiate all prior Powers of Attorney seemingly allowing otherwise and we have published our actions upon the Public Records of both the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government in evidence thereof.
There have been quite a number of organizations composed of either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States or even incorporated CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES claiming to "represent" us or to have standing "in our names" to receive our assets "for" us.
We take exception to and rebut the claims of these Persons and PERSONS and their various organizations and we raise the bar against them and place objection to all of these claims, claimants, and organizations including but not limited to: The Republic for the united States of America, The United States of America, Inc., The Republic, The Republic of the United States, The Republic for the United States of America, THE REPUBLIC, RuSA, the National Assembly, TROH-United States of America, etc., etc., etc.,
None of these organizations are properly constituted. None of them are claiming their proper status as States of the Union nor any properly organized Federation of States competent to restore our Confederation of States of States.
None of these organizations have access to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and none of them have required their members to act with any singular allegiance to their State of the Union----without which they cannot claim to be American State Citizens and cannot lawfully operate any State of the Union.
Our claims are complete. We have standing and our claims pre-date all other claims; we are verifiable inheritors of the assets and government of our States of the Union, verifiable inheritors and progeny of the People of this country and of our States, verifiable state nationals born on the land and soil of this country, verifiable inheritors of the Great Seals and Offices, verifiable inheritors of the Norman Conquest and the Settlement thereof.
We have reclaimed our birthright political status on the Public Record and have expatriated from any other foreign conferred or merely presumed to exist political status.
We have declared our ability to stand in our own behalf and in behalf of our States of the Union and we claim no other political allegiance.
We have also declared our genealogical provenance such that there can be no doubt that we are: mentally competent, of age, free men and women, born on the land and soil of each State of the Union, and that we claim the Grandfather Clause to all contracts, all proposed offers of contract, and all Acts of Congress since 1861.
We specifically deny any contract or obligation owed to the UN Corporation.
No claim by any United States Citizen and no claim by any Citizen of the United States offered "for" us may stand against what we request and require in our own Proper Names and as People who are present and accounted for and standing on the land jurisdiction of every State of the Union.
Nothing and nobody else has any right, claim, title, or material interest in our assets, our heritage, or our private property but ourselves and likewise other American State Nationals and American State Citizens who have yet to return home to the land and soil jurisdiction of their States of the Union.
How we administer our obligations is our business; what we do with our assets from here on, is our business.
As the Presumed Donors of the Public Trusts established in Our Names and in OUR NAMES, we are returning the trust assets to our States of the Union and to their lawful Federation of States doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated].
Any idea that any Legal Persons or LEGAL PERSONS over-stand or outrank our Lawful Persons must be left adrift in the realm of illusions and removed from trespass upon the realm of actual fact.
We declare that all material interests and assets of all kinds, all money, all credit, all titles, all land, all patents, all certificates, bonds, debentures, and derivatives, all leases, all benefits, all and everything that is owed to us and to our States and People and to The United States of America [Unincorporated] must be returned to us and to our control without further delays or attempts to impersonate, defraud, conceal, entrap, stand for, represent, or enclose us in any manner whatsoever.
20th May 2019, 01:36 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 8i5AIgPeFr7ouB8&hc_ref=ARQceBpxgm5Wpue6V3OalP95Gophw_XYP_w7oiY2BMu Dcc8paTmv1uKbP0iyWDTTkQI&fref=nf)
May 18 at 9:14 PM ( ·
The Banking Game
Pretend that you are ten again. You and your little playmates are out on the playground or roaming the neighborhood after school and you decide to play a game. It's called "Banking".
So you choose one of your friends to be "The Banker" and you all agree that he can cut up pieces of construction paper and stamp them with his "Special Stamp" and put spots on the pieces of paper --- 1 Spot, 5 Spots, 10 Spots, 20 Spots, and so on.... and from then on, you will all have to use this "Money" and you will have to give pieces of this Money valued at "20 Spots" to another playmate playing the role of "The Government" if you want to access the playground equipment in the school yard.
If you don't have enough of The Banker's Money to give to your pal playing The Government, you can't swing on the swings or play on the monkey bars or slide down the slide anymore, because you are "too poor".
It should be obvious that all that has really changed is that by your own agreement, you are now stuck paying for something that was always free before.
After a couple weeks, almost all the "Money" that The Banker created is gone. It is being hoarded by a few rich guys, so he has to make more "Money" to keep the game going. This means buying more construction paper, getting another rubber stamp, and hiring a couple Law Enforcement Officers to help The Government restrict access to the playground and make sure that those who don't pay don't get to play.
Some of you are already too poor to ever get into the playground anymore, so you just hang around and kick cans. Some of you earn enough Spots to go to the playground when you want, but it isn't as much fun at 20 Spots an hour. By the third week of this, everyone hates The Banker and The Government and a rebellion is brewing.
This is all really dumb, right? Why should you need The Banker's Money to play in your own playground? And who needs The Government, except for the Banker, who is using The Government to force everyone else to use his Money?
Pretty soon, the Banker has hired four more Law Enforcement Officers, two Soldiers and a General.
Now, instead of just using his Money to gain access to the playground, they are charging you five Spots to get a drink at the water fountain, ten Spots to use the bathroom, and fifty Spots a week to rent a locker at school.
Soon, you are being charged to access anything and everything. By Christmas, The Banker and The Government are insisting that you buy a License to enter the Lunch Room.
You are being run ragged, just trying to keep up and keep functioning. Your Lunchroom License has to be renewed every three months, and if it isn't, the Law Enforcement Officers sneak up on you, beat you up, and lock you in a closet.
Forget about ever being able to go the playground again.
You are struggling just to eat and buy yourself a little peace.
One day as you are locked up in the closet wondering what went wrong, and worried about the "Air Tax" that The Banker and The Government are discussing (yes, they want you to pay them for breathing the air) --- you stop and you think --- WT?
This "Money" is just construction paper with a stupid stamp on it.
You knew The Banker when he was just ugly little Joey Pilsnik.
You knew The Government when he was just Tom Tucker.
What went wrong? You started playing a stupid game. It got out of hand. Now, as you look around, everyone is running in circles. They all actually think that Joey's "Money" has value.
They believe they need his Money to go to the bathroom and to buy licenses to brush their teeth and licenses to enter the Lunch Room and Rental Agreements to rent a Locker and User Fee Cards to drink water---- and if they don't pay, what's to keep the LEO's from beating them up? Some of the kids even think they have to pay the "Air
Tax" so they can continue to breathe.
And if they can't pay, then what?
You look around and the world looks dismal. The playground is empty. Nobody can afford to play anymore. You are all kept too busy scrounging for some of Joey's Money. And there is a pall of fear over everything, a sense of dread. What happens if you can't come up with another thousand Spots a month to pay the Air Tax?
Wake up, wake up, everybody. Do you now recognize what this is? What's going on? And who is doing it do you? Maybe you should get a huge crowd of outraged kids together and go confront Joey Pilsnik.
You know what he's going to say, don't you?
"Hey, you all chose me to act as Banker. You set up this game, not me!"
And you actually feel kinda sorry for him, because he is sweating like a dog, all ink-stained and miserable and scared looking, because he can't keep up with demand for his "Money", but the more he prints, the less it is worth, so the prices of everything go up, up, up.....
So you go to The Government, Tom Tucker, and he blinks in his bovine fashion and says, "It's not my fault! You elected me and told me we were playing this game..... You guys put me in office, and it's not much fun."
So next you and your crowd of Oppressed Pre-Teens take your tennis rackets and baseball bats and turn on the LEO's and the Soldiers and the Generals that Joey hired as his Enforcers, and they do much the same thing. They stare at you like you are crazy and they say, "I dunno who is in charge of this madhouse. I just work here. I just follow orders...."
So there you are, standing around looking at each other.
You are all miserable, mad to the bone, you feel like the quality of your life has been sucked dry, yet the Ticker Tape is running and your "National Debt" is mounting by the hour and somewhere in the back of your mind someone is saying, "How are you ever going to pay this?"
Joey is miserable and Tom is unhappy and you can see that the LEOs and Soldiers and Generals don't have a clue. There doesn't seem to be anyone in charge and nobody to blame. Nobody but you, and you're a victim, too.
Lord in Heaven, what a mess!
Everyone is miserable or confused or both, with no end in sight, nothing making sense..... until.....unless.....we all just wake up and realize that it was our agreement to play this game that caused all this, that it isn't a fun or fair game to play, and that nobody really benefits from it.
Even the Rich Guys are reduced to blithering idiocy, worried sleepless about all the digits flashing on all the screens everywhere.
No wonder Our Father has promised to hit the reset button. Our puny little brains are overcome. We've fallen and we can't get up. We rush around from Pillar to Post, thinking, well, if Joey's Money won't work, maybe Mikey's Money will? Mikey's Money is made of metal instead of paper, so that has to be better, right?
No.... well, then what? Oh, cyber currency to the rescue! All we need is "Bits" instead of "Spots" and everything will be all right?
We've painted ourselves into a corner. We've become dependent on a delusion and we simply can't imagine a world without money and yet, when you step back, you realize that "Money" doesn't exist. And all this misery and all this striving and all this worry and all this work is about what?
Nothing but our agreement to play this game.
That, and our delusional belief that it is necessary.
We could just decide to stop playing The Banking Game. Think about that.
20th May 2019, 01:54 AM
Anna von Reitz ( Q0-1zu8JJNUAuRQ&hc_ref=ARThJIz9LC6vzPx5WTgwFe1yjiGc2Y33ZGLvLdXMDQ_ O2sodDxEu3IA0-DAI4xdw6Zw&fref=nf)
May 18 at 11:02 PM ( ·
Proven Right Again
Anyone who has been following the split between The American States Assembly and the Michigan General Jural Assembly has heard their Big Talk about "the Hague" this and "the Hague" that.
And some other parties and other would-be "State Assemblies" have been spouting about "the Hague" too --- but our actual States of the Union don't stand under the Hague Conventions.
Just this afternoon I had it thrown in my face, "I guess we will see you at the Hague!" ---- no, I thought, grimly, you won't.
Our actual States of the Union don't stand under the Hague Conventions. That's the hub for the Territorial Military Governments.
The Lieber Code, also known as General Order 100, morphed into the Hague Conventions. The Hague has less than zero to do with our States, and everything to do with British-controlled States of States.
So all those people running around talking excitedly about the Hague, the Hague, the Hague ---- are United States Citizens, Tories, Subjects of the Queen, intent on building "States of States" and just deceitfully calling them "States" instead.
Either that, or they are very confused Americans.
Buyer beware and innocent Americans take heed. Hague = Territorial Government = Military Government. Nothing to do with our actual States.
Those listening to Destry et alia have also heard plenty about how they "are working with DOD".
No doubt you will all be interested to know that the DOD is part of the nasty old bankrupt Municipal Corporation and that the DOD is the organization that purloined and cashiered all the credit owed to the American States and People and used that as a Slush Fund to promote military operations worldwide instead of giving the credit we are owed back to us.
They don't want us to succeed, because if we do, all that credit has to be released back to us, to pay off mortgages that should have never been loaded onto our backs, to pay off college loans that we never legitimately owed, to pay off medical bills we don't actually owe, either.
It's our credit, not theirs, and everyone knows it, but they are still in the running to keep it as "abandoned assets"--- if they can derail us and taint our efforts and keep us from assembling our States of the Union.
The only thing a sane American wants to hear about the DOD is that it is paying back all the credit it stole from us and all we want to do with DOD is make sure that happens.
Finally, remember I told you all that the modus operandi of the Evil Ones is always the same? That they accuse the Opposition of doing the things that they are doing themselves?
Yes, just like Hillary and Harry Reid accusing Trump of "Russian Collusion" after setting up a backdoor deal to sell 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
And, as it turns out, just like "Sun-Tzu" who --- after claiming to be Jesus Christ --- went on to explain that he went to a Jesuit school and his favorite teacher was a Jesuit priest.
This is the same guy that went on a rampage claiming that I was a "Vatican Agent". LOL.
The Pot always calls the Kettle black in their world. Whatever they are doing, is what they claim against others. Whatever they are, is what they project on those who oppose them.
So shine up your Shinola Sensors good and bright. Check the batteries. And remember the fine points:
1. Our States have nothing to do with the Hague and don't function under the Hague Conventions;
2. DOD is competing with us and trying to keep $21 trillion-worth of National Credit that is owed to the American States and People by tainting and derailing our efforts to assemble our actual States;
3. I didn't go to a Jesuit school. I went to a Lutheran college.
20th May 2019, 02:02 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 6hIkUkL9u_y6kd8oxJHhFVF&hc_ref=ART4_8BKXVecF1w_ymxLAnjQU6d14uj1gv7daURyYfm f4_E9_88Bi7ohRrGzA297yWI&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
Crazy Like a Fox, Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves
I've been asked--- why am I so quick to excommunicate people and alienate them from my own efforts?
Well, what did Jesus say? If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it away. Better that, than risk the loss of the whole body.
Everyone needs to know how we got into this mess in the first place and then reason forward from that.
Just prior to the Civil War,Thomas Hickey and Abe Lincoln and their pals at University Publishing and various big time industrialists eager for British investment money organized Territorial States of States ---- purportedly so they could deliver support services and social benefits to British Territorial Citizens living in our States while providing us with "essential government services".
After the hostilities died down, these same Territorial States of States were waiting in the wings, ready to stealthily step forward and substitute themselves for the American-controlled Federal States of States we are owed. Nobody was the wiser. And that's how the Brits commandeered our lawful government.
Now they are on the hook for it and twisting like worms, but that doesn't mean that they won't come back and try the same thing over again. They got away with it for 150 years and made trillions of dollars off us dumb Americans. Do you think they are just going to go home and mind their own business?
The Brits and the Holy Roman Empire are not so silly as to plan (and invest in) another Civil War on our shores, build 800 internment camps, haul in 30,000 guillotines, buy billions of rounds of ammunition, arm the alphabet soup agencies to the teeth, militarize our police forces and prepare to kill millions of their innocent American Creditors without having a plan in place to pull the same kind of trick in the aftermath.
What better than to corrupt and commandeer our own efforts to rebuild our States from within? Get their cuckoo birds in on the ground floor....and voila.
They could pretend to be States instead of States of States.
That would be even better than what they managed to do to us after the Civil War, from their point of view.
So what do we see and hear and from whom?
People acting as leaders of our State Assemblies clacking about how they are going to "meet us at the Hague" --- when our States have nothing to do with the Hague and don't stand under the Hague Conventions. Red flag up the flag pole and flapping in the breeze--- these folks are building States of States, not States.
Only States of States stand under the Hague Conventions.
The DOD which is a "Department" of the UN Corp, is also playing pussyfoot with people who are --- purportedly at least --- acting as leaders of our State Assemblies.
The same DOD that sequestered the bulk of the National Credit owed to the American States and People and used that over $21 trillion as a Slush Fund to promote war for profit on a worldwide basis, the same DOD that made all the preparations for another Civil War on our shores, the same DOD that spent our money on building hundreds of military bases worldwide----- that version of DOD ----is busily infiltrating our ranks.
This is entirely predictable, but hard to guard against. Just as in the First Round, they look like Americans, sound like Americans, and most of them were born here like anybody else. It's easy for them to slip in and mislead gullible Americans who are just getting started and finding their feet in this game.
There is yet another goal for DOD's activities. If they can't commandeer us from within, they can still open up a pathway to accuse us of insurrection --- thus providing themselves with an excuse to arrest and discredit everyone involved in organizing our State Assemblies.
Even though they have grossly betrayed us and failed to meet their own obligations under the Constitutions, they are sticklers about our performance of our obligations. The Constitutions require that the States not act as States of States, which is precisely what they are trying to create under the guise of our State Assemblies.
So if they can't commandeer our efforts and Cuckoo-bird style substitute their own State of State organizations for our State Assemblies, they can still use their own work within our Assemblies as the basis to complain that "we" were setting up States of States and not in compliance with the Constitutions and so, according to them, "we" would be insurrectionists plotting the overthrow of the government.
They always accuse everyone else of exactly what they are doing themselves.
Thus they propose to "win either way" --- either by successfully commandeering our efforts or by denouncing our efforts based on their own surreptitious activities.
We are not in a vacuum, folks. Not everyone likes what we are doing.
DOD stands to lose its Slush Fund and be forced to pay us back our National Credit and be cheated out of all the money it has already spent (albeit, our money) on FEMA Camps and cattle cars and guillotines. Think of all the armored track vehicles and machine guns donated to "our" local police?
Of course, DOD is seeking to undermine us and either sideline or commandeer our little ho-dunk efforts to restore our rightful government. If we succeed, "Dorothy" gets to go home, and they have to pay back their Priority Creditors --- the American States and People. If we are derailed, they get to keep our National Credit as a war chest and most likely, get another Civil War started on our shores.
The stakes are much too large to let them get away with any of it.
So, when someone starts blathering about the Hague and their ties to DOD and making moves to welcome US Citizens as members of what are supposed to be State Assemblies, I take on the role of Bouncer.
I can't stop these people from thinking what they think or doing what they do, but I can draw a line between them and me --- and thereby maintain the integrity of what the rest of us want to accomplish, and keep our Assemblies and Assembly Members safe from accusations of insurrection.
20th May 2019, 02:12 AM
Anna von Reitz (
13 hrs ( ·
All The Reasons Why
The urgent reason to assemble the States is that only the States can "charter" new Federal States of States and restore the rightful and fully functioning Federal Branch of the Federal Government. The reason we need to do this is that leaving the Reconstruction dangling and unfinished has harmed our whole country for 150 years and provided a means and an excuse for other governments to meddle in our affairs.
The republican states (State Republics) are formed by Declaration.
The States are formed by Compact.
The Federal States of States are formed by State-Issued Sovereign Patents
Territorial States of States are formed by State-Issued Charters
Municipal STATES OF STATES are formed by State-Issued Articles of Incorporation
Sovereign Patents and Articles of Incorporation may also be called "charters" in common parlance because they fulfill the same function as Charters---just in different jurisdictions. So when you are tasked to "bring forward your charters" it means bring forward your State's Sovereign Patents, Charters, and Articles of Incorporation so they can be reviewed, updated, and in the case of the Federal States of States, reconstructed and re-issued.
Not every State will be able to locate these records, and some States never had any records of this nature to begin with, so new entities will have to be created; for those States that do have access to records of old charters---meaning sovereign patents, territorial charters, and any articles of incorporation, these records can serve as the basis of re-issued charters or serve as templates for newer States to build upon.
The reason we do the paperwork and record it is to create evidence demonstrating our choice of political status on the Public Record.
On the level of our own lives, the recorded paperwork serves to restore our access to the constitutional guarantees we are owed and serves to protect us from being misidentified and harassed under false legal presumptions.
On the level of our State Assemblies, having our paperwork independently verified (the work Teri and Jocelyne are doing) creates evidence that our State Assembly is properly populated and operated by People owing singular allegiance to their State ---- that is, by State Citizens, who are the only Lawful Persons authorized to convene a State Assembly.
Obviously, if we are not ourselves operating in the right capacity to form a State Assembly our actions as State Assembly Members are invalidated and anything we attempt to do without "standing" to do it, is also invalidated.
This has been a stumbling block and obstacle to patriot efforts for decades. People didn't know that they were laboring under false presumptions of foreign citizenship obligations that prevented them from acting as "We, the People". Now that we do know and we are able to rebut these false presumptions, those who created these presumptions and who profited from them for many years, oppose us and seek to discredit us at every turn.
Nailing down the paperwork for every Assembly Member and having it independently verified establishes the evidence that our State Assemblies are genuine, functional, properly populated and lawfully empowered. We have standing so our Assemblies have standing. Membership in our State Assemblies then also bulwarks our own claim to be--- and to be acting in--- the capacity of an American State National or American State Citizen.
As one of the People we are then empowered to enforce the Constitutions and to operate our States of the Union and nobody can claim that we don't have standing and authority to do what we are doing and nobody can complain that we are not abiding by the Constitutions or not obeying the Public Law or not fulfilling our obligation to Self-Govern.
Those of us running The American States Assembly have done our homework. We know what we are up against and what has to be done. It's fair to ask questions of us and better to ask than to run off and make wrong assumptions and mistakes based on those assumptions. The ground we stand upon is solid, but there are plenty of land mines and false pathways when going through The Swamp, plus Undeclared British Agents and DOD Agents, too.
Those who are sincere and interested in learning have many opportunities to do so. I have written almost 2,000 articles and half a dozen books, have recommended numerous other authors and teachers, given copious citations from court cases and public records for everyone to read, have a weekly answer-questions talk show, and a weekly Coordinators call --- but you want me to do more, more, more. Now I need to provide you with detailed structure of how to set up your Assembly and detailed instructions on how to set up your County Government and educational materials to pass out to your Assembly Members and, and, and.... ? There's no "One Size Fits All" answer to what you are asking for.
The American States Assembly is setting basic framework and benchmarks to ensure that the State Assemblies are correctly populated and that the Assembly Members are protected. We are ensuring that all the Assemblies associated with us have secure standing to operate and are operating as valid State Assemblies, not State of State organizations pretending to be State Assemblies. We are doing our best to help individual State Assemblies to research and understand legal and lawful aspects of their own State history and also helping them to understand the structure of the American Government they are heir to. We are also doing our best to fend off the enemies of this process so that the work the Assemblies are doing is not in vain and not rendered ineffectual by lack of standing or failure to meet other lawful requirements that apply to all State Assemblies across the board. That is about all we can hope to do.
Every State and every County is different. That's what drives the Bar Association crazy. They want one, single, well-oiled machine from sea to shining sea, where everything is the same and organized the same way and we are all reduced to nice little Borg-like automatons---- but that is contrary to life and the organic growth of living beings and denies the freewill and character of the People of each State of the Union. Such a vision of "uniformity" is also contrary to the principals of Self-Governance.
Just as you are unique and the members of your Assembly are unique, your organic State of the Union and its Governance is unique. That's the way it is, and the way it has to be by Nature, and in Justice.
If you are looking for a Model to use in setting up the local government structures that is in accord with Self-Governance and with the principles adopted by our Forefathers, we are lucky that a similar endeavor embarked upon at nearly the same time, took root and bore fruit. The kind of government we are supposed to have at the local and county level was/is similar to the current government of the Swiss Cantons.
Our forefathers envisioned a close knit community of people in each county talking to each other freely at regular public meetings, taking direct lawful action in their own local interest, and taking responsibility for their own defense, disaster preparedness, monetary policies and banks, environmental care-taking, courts and everything else. Rural areas were supposed to be run as counties with County Councils and metropolitan areas as neighborhoods with Neighborhood Councils. These small scale groups were to hold the ultimate power over and responsibility for the land within their borders. Their local Sheriff is supposed to be the highest ranking elected Peacekeeping Official (within the borders of their county or neighborhood) bar none. Nobody --- not the Governor, not the President -- is supposed to outrank him. Similarly, their local courts and jury pools held the power of Jury Nullification --- they could strike down any law or statute that the jury members found repugnant.
In this way, the people at the republican state (State Republic/Republic of State) level kept control of their own lives and provided their own government. On this firm basis, then, the counties formed the State for the purpose of international trade and interaction with the other States and Nations of the world. Our entire in-State government is supposed to function from the bottom up, while the Federal Government is designed to function from the top down.
I suggest that everyone think very deeply about this and study the pros and cons and look into the experience of the Swiss Canton governments when looking for a model to restore local and county and State Government to what it is supposed to be in this country. Self-governance is not easy work, but there are models of what our Forefathers wished for us, still alive and well and functioning in the world.
Let's look at what the Swiss experience has been and adapt our own system in light of what they have already learned and solved.
That's my recommendation, for what my opinion and research into the subject has been.
20th May 2019, 02:20 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 4R8fAKbe_Ta7HOwo7oIBQa76_o26IzAjji&hc_ref=ARSfIOW5HAja-dZ_GVJ6XZrNb8hDmezI5wwf8CNiPcPLpieX4pMcO-BsylEF_37Ij48&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Big Apology. Big.
It never occurred to me that anyone would think that my comments in the article "The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations" were about Jocelyne , about ( IwAR2j__5UZtL_JGmFoRpgnykBo1J5i2pCFRUoROaWBc50QOiS 10cMEbuy-F4&h=AT1d3if55nz7Lc6nSKYReKqK_7o4qHhEScoFrPiGyS1XcmJR ed6euurVJS5OuzIVwxILkgKXi3MCKsTwn_BMAVCV1FrV9gmM-Ty_MsRiBRbtvhjz8iSpb6du4ETPxyIEn5iXV7hPboJl0JISN6X _Ek7htY5zvL0d), or about Max's work translating my paperwork into Mac-docs.
I most emphatically was NOT referring to them at all. Obviously, they are making my paperwork available to people and in the same basic form and with the same meaning as I intended and they are presenting the whole range of information and documentation, too.
That is a very different thing than what I was talking about and thinking about. ( IwAR3EcvKrXjfRA831VrEzwUm-UcebxI_hcwlgfhG8eLdPHG0hBhqnvtpzhdA&h=AT3m-ENrwMmJBTLejjftDnTQVst2KC5m5pWzGcPWVz8cytNjx3JXgWZ 4qiU2MdHchUQNylbY59dMioDVhTmtJEFMp9eJ0_zAe6GFy7rmA dvRsS5QLIubIKft4_Q_VhGTwzuEaJ6sHxmJsemgGQW5Va1G8WT a9dr6) is (was?) a Do-It-Yourself site to help people help themselves, and never charged anyone for access to my information.
That is a far cry from the kind of operation that I was describing in my article, where some people are taking my documents and "repackaging" what they received for free, and are reselling the information for money as various kinds of "Freedom Packages" and using my name to sell it, without consulting with me, without being responsible about how the information is presented, and often leaving it incomplete, or combining it haphazardly with other documents and processes from other sources.
Nearly every week I get a call from someone who bought a package from somebody I never heard of for a large sum of money, and they are disappointed for some reason or other, or don't understand something about what they are reading, or even worse, they are in deep trouble with some kind of legal fight or issue, and after paying $3,500 for "my" package, I am left standing there wondering what they are talking about, trying to sort through whatever their problem is, and more likely than not, delving through the verbiage of legal documents I've never seen before because it was included in "my" package.
Or course, it's not really "my" package at all. It's someone else infringing on my copyright to enrich themselves without regard for the people they are selling these packages to, and by the time the victims get back to me, all I can do is try to help them on the fly.
None of that applies to any of the work Jocelyne has done, nor to any of the work Max has done. They have both been wonderful and devoted and diligent and I am deeply in their debt. They have not been guilty of any of this bad behavior. Any idea that I was attacking Jocelyne or her website or Max, either, in that article is completely wrong. They've stood behind me and I have stood behind them.
This afternoon I started getting angry notes about "attacking Jocelyne" and people all upset with me. I was bewildered, but now, I can see why --- if you thought the Golden Goose article was talking about ( IwAR1k_RwXDgkzMgmtjgL-pplBVZY6KNae2PTf49-whH0DorWGB_qID7aufak&h=AT3RMtQuAE2W0ph1kXcA0JJuFKLeC0uAFIaLY_SergJcOwuX u8BDwCsXx3bJdTnmcOWkyjv_kRu1zy787FNvuZmunIVEf0422l ZpAqOz-sW7Me4mLBe6cgEDfFCwQ-NrirzWrXMW0dYsSumBD1AygzVdvK8AXrNm) --- but it's not and it wasn't. I was addressing a completely different sort of operation entirely, so much so, that it never even occurred me that anyone would think it was about Max or Jocelyne, neither one of whom have ever sold "packages" of the kind I described.
So, my sincerest apologies to Jocelyne, to Max, and to everyone who felt hurt and outraged in their behalf. My comments truly were not addressed to them nor about them at all. And I do want to say a big public "Thank You!" to both of them.
This is a hard road and it's difficult to explain it to people--what the paperwork is about and why it is necessary. Jocelyne, especially, cut through it like a knife, gave clarity to it, and was able to blaze a trail for many, many grateful people. If she decides to pull the plug after this, we can't blame her. The website has been a lot of extra work for her and more than she bargained for, when she launched it just out of the good of her heart and desire to help other Americans get through the hoops and re-find their freedom.
People like Max and Jocelyne don't live in the same space in my brain as the weasel opportunists I was describing in The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations, so you will have to forgive me for so completely missing the connection that other people were mistakenly making.
I also want to make a brief comment about the work the unofficial screening and validating committee has been doing and why they have been asking the other assemblies, especially the Coordinators, to send copies of their recorded documents.
Some people have had objections because they feel that it is a private matter and that their Assemblies are under no obligation to provide such information to any other group or source outside their own Inner Circle. I can understand that feeling and their concerns. Technically, it is no longer private information once it is recorded, but our request for black and white copies or scanned copies does deserve some explanation.
When we make our declarations and record out paperwork, we reclaim our political status as one of the People of this country, and the People are owed all the resources and abundance of their States. We also reclaim our standing as Lawful Persons, competent to enforce the Constitutions, and run our own courts and our own State and County governments. This is momentous stuff.
As we regain our lawful standing our State Assemblies also regain their lawful standing, and that is important because the two things back each other up. Your membership in your State Assembly validates your political status and vice versa.
Having other Witnesses outside your own State Assembly affirm that you have done the work and made the claim and "returned home" provides a Second Witness validation for you and for your Assembly, too.
It also helps us make sure that everyone in positions of leadership in our State Assemblies is fully committed to and content to make a singular citizenship commitment to their State, as the Federal Constitutions and State Compacts require.
We do this to bulwark the legitimacy of our State Assemblies and all the work they do, to prove compliance with the Constitutions, and to make sure that the Assembly Leadership of each State is protected from false accusations and attacks. Having your paperwork validated by Second Witnesses helps accomplish all of this in one step, so I hope that you will all understand the reasons for it and support the effort.
21st May 2019, 07:18 PM
Anna von Reitz ( famJna8om7yY3LYa8MaVJ7Vw&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 4:25 PM ( ·
Public Declaration of My Collective Entity
A great many innocent people have suffered identity theft and been pillaged and plundered under what the Courts call "The Collective Entity Doctrine". This bit of drivel holds that your Legal Person and any commercial or private corporations operating in your NAME, are essentially one-in-the-same, albeit under different ownership, different control, operating under different law, and under different jurisdictions --- and all without your knowledge or consent--- and that you are responsible for all these fictitious entities and their debts.
This is how and why the smug little snot-nosed Bar Attorneys will swear up and down that there "is no difference" between Tom Allen Jones (a British Territorial Foreign Situs Trust) and TOM ALLEN JONES (a Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trust) and TOM A. JONES (a bankrupt Puerto Rican Public Transmitting Utility Franchise) and TOM JONES (a co-beneficiary of a Municipal Public Charitable Trust)..... and if you believe that, you are a sick, blind Wonky Donkey with dementia, but this is, nonetheless, the "policy" of the courts and the Court System.
Whenever you hear the word, "System"---- think of Rudy Padino, Bookie Extraordinaire, down in the bowels of some old Italian restaurant in New York, smoking a cigar and talking about "the System..... the System…."
Well, welcome to the "American" Court System.
There's just one thing to say about this and that is, that what is sauce for the Goose, is sauce for the @#$%@%, too.
So, here I publish and give Public Notice of My Collective Entity:
When addressing me, you are addressing a Wisconsinite, and not any kind of US Citizen.
When addressing a Wisconsinite, you are addressing Wisconsin, the actual, factual State.
When addressing Wisconsin, you are addressing a Compact State and member State of The United States of America -- the actual unincorporated Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.
And when you are addressing The United States of America, you are addressing the Delegator and Source of all Delegated Powers of the States of the Union that were ever bequeathed to the Queen or the Pope or any agency, organization, court, or individual acting under their authority as an inhabitant on our shores to exercise in our behalf for the purpose of providing us with Good Faith Service.
[When their Municipal or Territorial Courts dry-dock on our land, and we are properly declared and functioning in our birthright capacity as one of the People of the Land and for our State of the Union, those dusty old Constitutions shove into view again and the actual duties of all these Courts and all these COURTS and of all these Court Officials and MUNICIPAL OFFICERS becomes very, very clear.]
I am part of Wisconsin and Wisconsin is part of me; Wisconsin is part of the Federation of States known as The United States of America formed September 9th, 1776, and The United States of America is part of Wisconsin --- and there's my "Collective Entity".
May all those who are part of "the System" from here to Washington, DC, take Notice, and also take Notice that the same basic associations that create my Collective Entity also create the Collective Entities of every other American who reclaims their birthright political standing.
21st May 2019, 07:26 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Uu5zXUGCnvtZbVTrn8iwUy-2Q7Bi2-nMYl&hc_ref=ARRpkD_dSfD59DZY1Hg6CdemCLtPuGX06ByfjyclZy3 D5q7SleuVHLks5hhgOkoD0I8&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 7:26 PM ( ·
The Plot Thickens
It seems like every day more twists and turns surface, especially recent history looks like a stockpot full of spaghetti.
You will recall that the gold FDR illegally confiscated from Americans by pretending we were all magically transformed into "Citizens of the United States", and which his Administration used to secure the bankruptcy of the Roman Catholic Church's Delaware corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc. back in 1933 ---- all that gold was eventually released when the bankruptcy was settled in November 1999.
We went looking for it, and found that a portion of it was released to the World Bank/IBRD as "abandoned assets". Where was all the rest? Our gold and silver reserves and historical trust assets, our deeds to public property--- for example?
The United States Navy collected the property left over from the bankruptcy of "the" Territorial corporation dba "United States of America, Inc."---
but not the gold FDR put up as security for the bankruptcy--- and they handed everything else over to Slick Willy Clinton, thinking that he was our President and that they were returning our property to us and to something they call "the Republic".
Well, as we actual Americans know, there are fifty republican states and no Republic at all associated with us, so obviously, what the United States Navy did, was to hand over our stuff to the Municipal Civil Government of Washington, DC, by mistake.
Slick Willy accepted delivery, signed for it, (except the portion of gold which the Navy claims it didn't know about and didn't recover) and the assets, together with the Navy contract delivering it, disappeared. More magic.
So when we bore down on the Navy about the Rotten Patents scandal and about their failure to perform with respect to the 1933 Bankruptcy Settlement, they started digging in an effort to exonerate themselves, and they discovered that Clinton, just as we told them, had no authority related to us, and that they had been snookered into delivering our assets to a crook with no authority to receive our assets.
After all, the United States Navy didn't know how to find us, and Clinton didn't tell them the (severe) limits of his actual Office.
It would be like Fed Ex showing up with a thousand truckloads of gold addressed to your long-lost Landlord, Eddie Shumacher, and you just took the shipment 'in his name" without telling anybody.
So now we know where Clinton got all the extra gold and other assets, deeds, and titles, that he was busy selling to every Tom, Dick, and Sheik Abdullah. It was our property he was selling and using to buy votes, peddle political influence, invest in scaggy arms deals, poppy fields, all of it. This is how he was able to sell our highways, bridges, dams, public buildings.... and this scam didn't even have to involve the Clinton Foundation, though it probably did.
Nothing beats dumb luck they say, and Clinton's luck has served him well. At least, until now.
The United States Navy is in a fix and dither. How is it that their good and honorable name was used to concoct a Municipal Corporation doing business as the US NAVY and used to apply for and receive patents to Weapons of Mass Destruction that they never even heard about?
How did innocent Anna Maria, a Grandma in Big Lake, Alaska, wind up portrayed and misidentified by the IRS as ANNA MARIA, manager of a rum distillery in Barbados? The same schtick was applied to the United States Navy. Let that one sink in.
Believe me, the Admirals both Front and Rear are scrambling around. No mistake that it was a Naval Operations audit team that got blown up at the Pentagon on 9/11.
It was our scumbag buddies at DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE again, pulling another little identity theft scheme just like they've been pulling on us clueless Americans, only this time, they pulled this same crappola on the [Territorial] United States Navy.
When the Navy started to investigate at the Pentagon, when they got too close to the truth, ah, yes, well, conveniently, it just happened to be their auditors who took the hit. And of course, the whole project got scrapped in the aftermath of that.
This is all Municipal United States wrong-doing, the "plenary government" allowed to Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, running wildly amok, as all oligarchies tend to do.
DOD is also the entity responsible for cashiering away our National Credit and failing to make it available to the American States and People for Mutual Offset Credit Exchange. No American should be paying a mortgage, medical or dental bills, college loans, utility bills, federal income taxes --- none of it.
That was supposed to be our remedy and payback for back-stopping the Church's bankruptcy.
Instead, the Pontiff's Flunkies operating the Municipal United States Government came in and "assigned" our assets --- under color of law--- to a giant Slush Fund, which the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE then used to fund war for profit, build military bases all over the planet, and carry on every flavor of Black Ops known to man.
There is absolutely no doubt now that we are dealing with criminality and hypocrisy on a scale that is all-but unimaginable. About the time that Trump pulls Clinton's toenails, we might get to the bottom of it at last.
23rd May 2019, 07:15 AM
Anna von Reitz ( zAxEaWRY_SfMs4YWM8yghqkI&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
For All The Jural Assemblies - 59 Lessons in Sovereignty
First of all, sovereignty is inherited. It is not something that simply devolves upon us by virtue of winning a war. You have all inherited "sovereignty in your own right" and the right to own property --- as opposed to being considered property -- by being born on the land and soil of your State of the Union.
Second of all, the Delegation of Powers under the Constitutions would not be possible if the Americans had not established Sovereignty. A King can delegate powers to a Queen, or to another King, to exercise in his behalf, but no one of lesser standing can do this. The simple fact that the British Monarch has been in receipt of Delegated Powers of ours since 1787 is all the evidence needed to prove that we possessed sovereignty prior to the establishment of the Constitutions.
Third, our actual claim to sovereignty is based upon the Norman Conquest and a particular kind of sovereignty called "sovereignty in one's own right" that William the Conqueror bequeathed to his loyal Barons in England. In essence, he made land grants to each one following the Conquest, and upon his death in 1087 A.D., he made all of them "sovereigns in their own right" in England.
They were still "Barons" in France, and owed Williams's heir fealty in France; but in England, they were kings with permanent hereditary holdings of land. In England, King John was just one among many kings, and the only distinction of his office was that he was responsible for the maintenance and preservation of the Church's properties and the "Commonwealth" land.
The Commonwealth was co-administered by the Church and amounted to waste land and property that the King entrusted to the Church to develop and manage for the benefit and support of the Paupers, the Sick, and others not able to support themselves.
The Church took over these "commonwealth" properties and used them for good purposes in the communities they served. They used these properties to create common grazing fields, to establish orchards, apiaries, and herb and medicinal gardens, community vegetable gardens, and cemeteries. Rarely, the Church inherited "good wooded ground" --- woodlots, and more rarely still, they were able to convert swamps into arable land via installing drainage ditches, dikes, and dams. The profits were used to support the Church's charity efforts.
So, it was King John's position as "the" King involved in these activities that gave him any special position in England at the time of the Magna Carta; if John had been King of the country in truth and fact, then he could not be held to the Magna Carta longer than the ink was dry and he denied his free-willing consent to it.
The fact that the Magna Carta has stood on the land and soil jurisdiction until this day is again testimony to the fact that the French Norman Barons and their progeny, acting at the time of the Magna Carta--- basically a 128 years after The Settlement of the Norman Conquest, were certainly in possession of "sovereignty in the own right" and as equal kings on the land and soil of England were able to impose their demands lawfully upon King John despite whatever he wanted and despite what the Pope wanted, either.
The Belle Chers, the family of William the Conqueror -- his Cousins and other relatives who remained in England, intermarried and settled in, all as sovereigns in their own right. Their names became Anglicized to "Belcher" and they formed a special alliance with the Clintwoods, a noble English family, an alliance that endured for many generations and followed them to America.
In early America, one branch of the Belchers acted as the Royal Governors of areas that would one day become three States of the Union, but this branch -- headed by Governor Jonathan Belcher, founder of Princeton University, died out; the Belchers who remained in America retained both their ties to England and their ties to the Clintwood family.
William Belcher (the name "William" is retained for many, many generations and derives from William the Conquer and Guilleroi de Lancelot du Lac the son of King Ban of Gaul, our common ancestor) was here and sided with the Colonists against George III, and as he possessed sovereignty in his own right, inherited from his Norman French ancestors, he was fully competent to stand toe-to-toe with George III, just as the Norman Barons were competent to stand down King John.
Sovereignty operates in the national and international jurisdictions. When sovereignty is changed upon the soil, that is, the national jurisdiction, we see total regime change. The names of countries change. Their systems of government change. Most of the time, challenges to sovereignty occur in the international jurisdiction of the land and sea, with pushing and shoving over trade policies and offshore fishing rights and those sorts of things.
In both cases, whether national or international (domestic or non-domestic) sovereignty is exercised according to the demands of the jurisdiction. On the soil, the sovereign acts as the personification of the people. In the international jurisdiction of the land, the sovereign acts as the Lawful Person personifying the People of a country. In the international jurisdiction of the sea, the sovereign acts a the Legal Person personifying the Legal Personages of a nation.
But what happens when "sovereignty in one's own right" is bequeathed to many people, instead of just one? As William the Conqueror did, and as William Belcher did? Then every man and woman in inheritance of such sovereignty, becomes equal to the King or Queen of any other country, and the entire system of Monarchy is overwhelmed.
From the standpoint of the British Monarchs and the Popes, this is the most damaging part of both the Norman Conquest and the American War of Independence, because it serves to destroy the elitist system of Feudalism (including Corporate Feudalism) upon which they depend. According to their reasoning, for one man to be king, all others must be in subjection.
According to the Williams --- men whose names mean "Resolute Protector"-- this is hogwash. According to them, all Mankind can earn their sovereignty and as far as Americans are concerned, we need only seize upon our birthright and refuse the Nanny State options offered by the Queen and the Popes.
As a result of our unique history and our unique Constitutional system, it has been very hard for them to weasel in and make false claims to the effect that we have knowingly and voluntarily "gifted" our Good Names and Estates to them in exchange for being taken care and bossed around and exploited as property by the Kings and/or the Popes.
It has taken decades and not a little prevarication and clandestine undisclosed contracting processes, plus falsification of records, for them to establish the current system of Corporate Feudalism on our shores --- but all it really takes is for Americans to wake up and remember their inheritance, claim back their birthright political status, and take up the job of being sovereigns in their own right again.
On the soil jurisdiction all such sovereigns are one of the people of the soil, on the land jurisdiction they are one of the People known to be Lawful Persons, and on the international jurisdiction of the sea, they are Legal Persons.
When you return your Legal Person to the land and soil jurisdiction, it becomes a Lawful Person --- owed all the guarantees and protections of the Constitutions. You come back into your birthright inherited status as a "sovereign in your own right".
When you return all the derivative names, including the STRAWMEN to the land and soil and declare their permanent domicile on the land and soil of an American State, they are lawfully converted and they, too, are owed all the guarantees of the Constitutions.
Because sovereignty is inherited from other sovereigns, you cannot avoid being a sovereign in your own right from the moment of your birth, but you can (if it is done consciously and voluntarily -- which in our case, it never is) "pledge" allegiance to other sovereigns or symbols, and become subjected to them as a result.
Generations of American school children have been taught to pledge their allegiance to an inanimate symbol --- the Federal War Flag --- without realizing that they are presumed to be subjecting themselves to the Queen who is flying our own flag under our delegated powers.
Various means of entrapment and identity theft have been used to "capture" and "seize upon" American sovereigns and to unlawfully convert them into US Citizens who are subjects of the Queen and into Citizens of the United States who are subjects of the Popes, but all this activity has been without disclosure, rendering all such pretended citizenship obligations moot and unenforceable so long as you are prepared to stand up and exercise the sovereignty that is your inheritance and birthright--- the sovereignty in your own right --- of all Free Men and Women.
Many questions have been raised about James Clinton Belcher and his role in all this. During the Theodore Roosevelt Administration the Scottish Interloper doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." founded in 1868, was preparing to go bankrupt. James' Great-Uncle, Clintwood Belcher, rode to Washington, DC, to take possession of the Great Seals --- The Great Seal of the United States of America and The Great Seal of the United States.
On his way home, as he crossed over into Maryland, he was viciously attacked by men waiting to ambush him. In the resulting fight, he killed six of his attackers. His own horse was killed also. He grabbed one of the dead men's horses and rode off into the night, making for the western Frontier to save his life.
They stole the Great Seals and they lied about the whole circumstance and branded Clintwood Belcher as a "horse thief" --- neatly omitting their own grand theft under deadly force, their intent to murder, their killing of his horse, and all the rest of it. He spent the rest of his life "on the lam", always looking over his shoulder, always moving from place to place to place. Theodore Roosevelt considered him "a danger to our government"--- self-evidently meaning the foreign Territorial usurpers on our shores.
Clintwood died without issue, so the torch passed to his younger brother, James, and from James to his son Orville, and from Orville to his son, James Clinton Belcher. At the time my husband was born in 1941, Federal Agents were still hunting and harassing members of the family. Orville Belcher moved his young son twelve times in the first ten years of his life, constantly moving just as Great-Uncle Clintwood had to move and keep moving to avoid being arrested on false charges or be murdered outright.
This is not a glamorous story. It's a painful, scary, shameful story, in which good men were replaced by bad men, honorable men replaced by crooks, and innocent people who were the victims of crime were portrayed as criminals ----while the actual criminals sat at ease on the White House lawn. The Belchers have lived poor and they have lived rough, but through it all, they remembered who they are. They remembered their hereditary offices. They remembered their lineage. They never ceased the search to recover the Great Seals.
The Great Seals surfaced briefly in New York City in the possession of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. They have now surfaced again in Indonesia. From our perspective, the Belchers are still the owners of the Seals no matter how many generations of pirates may possess them --- under mandate and Maxim of Law: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."
Nor, obviously, do any documents that have been impressed with those seals since their theft during the first Roosevelt Administration have any validity or power to bind us, as they have been exercised without our knowledge or consent.
The custodians of the Great Seals in Indonesia are under demand to return them to us as stolen property. If these heirlooms are not returned, we shall have them re-cast in their original form.
It should be noted that the Office of Hereditary Head of State is not a Public Office. It is a Private Trust Office, a Lawful Person, and while it is an Office which James Clinton Belcher claims by direct descent, the reason for doing so is to prove to the Queen that yes, we still exist. It is not only those who received sovereignty at the hands of our ancestor: it is also those who received life from his body and soul who are still here on these shores.
There is no plausible excuse for the Queen or the Pope to continue their pillaging on our shores.
Now, you are being called upon to remember who you are, too. Americans. Sovereigns in your own right. Not "United States Citizens" who are subjects of the British Queen. Not "Citizens of the United States" who are subjects of the Roman Pontiff.
23rd May 2019, 07:20 AM
Anna von Reitz ( m&hc_ref=ARRP0PZlYULMAzjwjfbIFz5hMS_Poq5AIRzgIa_45GC Pg_WDF2ESYx337MYy-Dl7GPA&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
The Existential Problem
People often ask me --- how did all this get started?
My mind reels. Adam and Eve, I think gloomily. But it is nothing so poetic.
It's just the facts of our life cycle. It takes a long time to produce a fully functioning, educated, morally and emotionally sound, intellectually complete man or woman, and a lot of hard work, time, money, and effort to produce this result.
Then, there are those who --- one way or another --- are hurt, damaged, unable to function and support themselves. They need care, therapy, assistance of all kinds, too.
Finally, we have the seniors, who after working all their lives, are suffering the pains and problems of old age. Eventually, if we live long enough, we all need help just to get out of bed and eat and get to the bathroom and do our laundry and all the most mundane things.
This is the reality. The 'burden" of the young, the old, the sick, the crippled, the mentally ill, the addicted, and everyone else who simply cannot or will not contribute, is all resting on those of us who are able to work and care and think and contribute, and that slice of the population -- about 35% of us --- has to pay for and carry all the rest.
That is the existential problem.
This is what the Church has struggled with for centuries. How do you get people to do the right thing?
Left to themselves, people are mostly too selfish to provide enough money to feed and clothe and care for and educate orphaned children and abandoned elderly, too busy working for their own benefit and survival to take on the extra load of the sick and mentally ill, the victims of accident and those who have incapacitated themselves with drugs and other addictions.
Above and beyond this reality, there is the constant need to build and maintain infrastructure --- roads and communications and ports and all the rest of the physical structure and service delivery systems that make life pleasant and business possible.
So -- how to take care of people who need help, which is the duty of any decent culture, while at the same time building, expanding, and maintaining infrastructure and service systems?
It's a tall order.
For centuries the Church attempted to do this via voluntary collections and donations and "tithes" which are essentially taxes on parishioners, and also added in the volunteer work of the clergy and members of churches who contributed their time and labor and expertise for free.
But now it's time to rethink everything that has gone before.
The corporations of this world owe the people of this world, and it's payback time. The stellar operating feature of the Corporate Feudalism we have suffered is the amassing of gigantic Slush Funds that generate large amounts of profit and which allow for coercive control of commerce.
So, why not re-task these Slush Funds to earn money to pay for all the existential needs we have --- set the people free and let the corporations be the slaves? Lift the burden off our shoulders and let the earnings of these already amassed Slush Funds go to new purposes? Existential purposes.
23rd May 2019, 07:23 AM
Anna von Reitz ( EzHY6_kZ3&hc_ref=ARSX2KS55IzvOl8KTAjm-0hvyCVdEZNEqg8hwYxPEq083COFxDmo5NOBWsXzcq6ifpg&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Bottom of the Ninth
It's the bottom of the ninth.....
Grandma's cupboard is bare.....
I normally give the lion's share of my income to support the efforts of The Living Law Firm and the researchers and paralegals supporting us, but it isn't going to happen this month. This month, Grandma has had problems of her own.
My dog who famously survived lymphoma by eating dandelion root also suffers from laryngeal paralysis, an inherited affliction of older Labradors that affects their voice box -- their bark and the opening and closing mechanisms of their wind pipe. This in turn affects their ability to pant and cool down. In hot weather, it is potentially deadly.
Now, my dog is old, but he is otherwise in good shape and as lively and playful as ever. So doing the Tie-Back Surgery has given him a new lease on whatever life he has left. I wish you could all see how happy he is, now that the surgery is over and he can pant to his heart's delight in this warm weather.
So in terms of things that matter to me, taking care of my animals and giving them the best care and the most life and best life I can, is a priority.
Also this past week, my son suffered a dental emergency that has resulted in dental surgery and we all know what that means in terms of the Big Bucks.
So, no, I won't be contributing a whole lot to The Living Law Firm and the researchers this month, because I can't. Those of you who can---- we are sitting here with every free-booter in the Western World trying to overcome our claims to our own country --- and yes, we need your help.
My PayPal is: and checks and other donations can be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. Please make checks payable to me, because I then distribute to researchers and paralegals and others in addition to just those non-Bar lawyers who are part of The Living Law Firm.
23rd May 2019, 11:07 AM
First of all, sovereignty is inherited.
Definition of ALIEN ... American Sovereign in his probationary state.
INHERITANCE, estates. A perpetuity in lands to a man and his heirs; or it is
the right to succeed to the estate of a person who died intestate. Dig. 50,
16, 24. The term is applied to lands.
2. The property which is inherited is called an inheritance.
3. The term inheritance includes not only lands and tenements which
have been acquired by descent, but also every fee simple or fee tail, which
a person has acquired by purchase, may be said to be an inheritance, because
the purchaser's heirs may inherit it. Litt. s. 9.
4. Estates of inheritance are divided into inheritance absolute, or fee
simple; and inheritance limited, one species of which is called fee tail.
They are also divided into corporeal, as houses and lands and incorporeal,
commonly called incorporeal hereditaments. (q. v.) 1 Cruise, Dig. 68; Sw.
163; Poth. des Retraits, n. 2 8.
5. Among the civilians, by inheritance is understood the succession to
all the rights of the deceased. It is of two kinds, 1 . That which arises by
testament, when the testator gives his succession to a particular person;
and, 2. That which arises by operation of law, which is called succession ab
intestat. Hein. Lec. El. Sec. 484, 485.
You see this is precisely why I suggest you not have a will and testament. Things such as incorporeal rights that are not addressed are not a part of this first kind of succession .. by testament. What is important is those incorporeal rights arising out of operation of law ... aka 'succession ab intestat'.
This then reminds me of an observation from the 1983 farm crisis that goes
Did you hear of the Nebraska farmer who got nabbed for child abuse?
He tried to leave the farm to the kids.
23rd May 2019, 09:47 PM
Anna von Reitz ( PlGJPMpKg&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
The Smelly Roses -- Public Notice and Demand.
When it comes to talking about money, I still have to overcome waves of cognitive dissonance. Here is a good example of it from Egon von Greyez:
"In the West, ordinary people’s standard of living has been maintained by increasing personal debt and also by governments running ever bigger deficits. These deficits are used for buying the votes of the average citizen to improve the perceived standard of living at the cost of an ever increasing national debt. "
This is an example of what everyone assumes, what everyone believes, and what everyone endlessly prattles--- but, this is not what is directly, observably true. What is true and what you can see for yourself is quite different:
The foreign subcontractors running the Federal Government came in and passed "legal tender" laws, and forced everyone to accept "Notes" --- that is, I.O.U.s --- as money. As a result, you haven't been paid for anything, not your goods, not your labor, for decades. You haven't been allowed access to the corresponding National Credit you have earned, either. This is what causes any "National Debt" --- and it isn't your National Debt.
It's the debt of the Queen and the Popes who created and enforced this system on their Federal Employees, and then failed to ride herd on it.
We, Americans, were supposed to get exemptions and to be able to exercise Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges that were never provided to us. Instead, the vermin instituted a vast identity theft scheme to "redefine" us all as United States Citizens and/or Citizens of the United States, so as to deny us access to the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges and exemptions we are owed.
Mr. von Greyez has been bamboozled along with everyone else into assuming that we, rank and file Americans, are responsible for this " National Debt" and that it is the result of reckless overspending and under-producing on our part, or, that alternatively, it's all the fault of "useless eaters", all the poor people riding on our Socialist coat-tails....
That's exactly what the perpetrators of this colossal scam wish for us to assume, but we have two eyes and two ears and a brain, don't we?
Look at what has actually happened. We have contributed our goods and labor in exchange for corporate I.O.U.'s since the 1930's and we have never been paid anything for it, not money and not credit, either. That's what the "US National Debt" is--- THEIR debt to us, not our debt to them.
So, the source of the debt and the problem is not reckless overspending on our part and it is not the fault of all the poor people receiving welfare benefits, either.
This whole situation is the fault of the Queen and of the Popes who allowed: (1) the imposition of "Legal Tender" laws on the Federal Employees; (2) the identity theft of Americans and mis-characterization of Americans as either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, thereby cheating us out of our exemptions and the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges we are owed.
These Grafters are running no less than three (3) primary Bunko Schemes at once on the American States and People, all under color of law:
1. Identity Theft --- claiming that we are all either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, that is, some species of Federal Employee or Dependent, and amassing falsified registrations and undisclosed contracts as evidence for their False Claims;
2. Credit Fraud --- based on the Identity Theft -- they claim that we are accommodation parties and co-signers allowing them to access our private and public assets as collateral backing their borrowing.
They access our credit via a process of "hypothecation of debt" which leaves us totally unaware of what they are doing. They charge our "credit cards" up over the max, then claim bankruptcy protection for themselves, and leave us on the hook as co-signers to pay their debts for them.
3. Abandoned Assets Scheme -- based on Identity Theft -- as a result of mis-characterizing us as United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, they deny us access not only to any actual payment for our goods and services, they also deny us access to the credit that we earned as a result of their receipt of our goods and services.
Over time, this results in the massive accrual of our National Credit which exactly mirrors their National Debt. Bearing in mind that they have deliberately kept us from accessing this credit via the initial Identity Theft, they then propose to come in and claim that our National Credit is a "gift" to the Church or that it is "Abandoned Assets" left unclaimed by unknown parties who are "lost at sea, presumed dead."
The problem for them is that all of this was completely undisclosed and non-consensual and the result of unconscionable contracting practices and Gross Breach of Trust.
A good 90% of us are not "United States Citizens" nor are we "Citizens of the United States". We were not given full disclosure and were instead deliberately misinformed.
We aren't lost at sea. We are back home, standing on solid ground, and we are claiming all our rights, all our constitutional guarantees, all our assets, including our purloined credit.
That includes all the Historic Trust Money and actual Assets left on deposit with all the various Federal Banks and Savings and Loans across the country and around the world. We are the Priority Creditors and we, the Lawful People, are also the actual Trustees--- not the Bank Trustees. Not, in other words, Kim Gougen, and not, for example, Manna World Holdings Trust. Not Karen Hudes and any Dropbox created to bail out the criminals at the World Bank, either.
This is Public Notice and Demand:
Deposits of actual assets in the possession of commercial banks are lawful goods and can belong only to Lawful People. That means us, the actual Depositors.
Deposits are loans made to banks and are bank liabilities. Our deposits don't belong to the banks, and they are not abandoned assets, and they are not subject to claims by bank creditors. Those actual asset deposits belong to the depositors who are the Primary Creditors of all these banks. Period.
Along with all the other criminal mischief promoted by our Federal Public Servants, both Territorial and Municipal, they have offered to mis-characterize Depositors as United States Citizens and/or Citizens of the United States, too, and thereby offer an excuse for stealing our Trust Deposits and actual assets left on deposit in Federal Banks and Federal Savings and Loans.
The assignment of Bank Trustees by the Bank to oversee these accounts does not mean that the Bank Trustee takes precedent or authority over the actual Private Trustees who made the Deposit, and no phony claim that we are "acting as" United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States can stand in our presence otherwise.
All the phony dossiers that the schemers have created via the IRS are also fully discovered. It turns out that, for example, I am not the manager of a rum distillery in Barbados and I am mad as Hell to discover than any such fanciful "colorable" idea has ever been advanced by any flat-rumped bureaucrat in my employment.
It's time to make a deal or sit down and shut up. The Sword of Truth hangs over all your heads. The People --- not only of this country --- but the whole world, are now fully informed.
26th May 2019, 08:55 AM
Anna von Reitz ( NtvjQkWEIyMIf&hc_ref=ARTKua5yWau91xx35pHaBQ_L82N2TMcEOBtgLOhv_MC gitpJ2UFDhweSSpnImAqzRMA&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
Lawful People, Lawful Money, Lawful Remedy.....
People come to me and they want to argue.
They have a clear view of their part of the "Elephant" and they want to argue about it.
If they have hold of the trunk, they want to tell me all about how it is long and flexible and tapered and seems to be hollow. If they have grabbed a leg, they are telling me about how it is rock solid and cylindrical. If they have hold of an ear, well, then, it is flat and flexible and flops back and forth like a piece of heavy cloth....
Then, of course, they want to argue with each other, too.
Which one is right? They all are.
They are just experiencing the government and the court system from different directions.
It's important to step back and realize we have a whole "Elephant" here.
This morning I got a stream of emails because a "Petition of Remonstrance" was not heard by nor addressed by the State of New Hampshire Legislature. No big surprises here in Alaska.
When you "petition" anyone or anything, you give up your sovereignty to them, like a little kid petitioning for a cookie. Does the parent have the right to ignore such a petition and go on doing the laundry?
And as it turns out, the Petition was mis-addressed. Why ask Joe about Joseph's business? It doesn't make sense, does it? The names are similar, but there are two different parties involved.
So there again, why would the State of New Hampshire have a word to say about New Hampshire's business?
This was followed by more emails back and forth, with people discovering that we don't have any courts. Oh, my.
If I recall correctly, I came to the conclusion that all we have functioning as courts here (with very few exceptions) are:
(1) Administrative Tribunals that handle In-House disputes for the corporations;
(2) Maritime (Commercial) Courts operating under Admiralty Jurisdiction granted by Article III, Section 2 and exercised via the Special Supplemental Rules of the Federal Code of Civil Procedure;
(3) Admiralty Courts functioning under Article III and the US Code of Military Justice: Military "Common Law".
That was about five years ago, but the startled squawking about this "discovery" goes on anyway. Then the same people who say that I am wrong go on to prove me right, and the only thing that is accomplished is that more time and energy is wasted while everyone gropes the elephant.
The reason we don't have any courts is that we haven't been acting in our rightful capacity as Lawful People (we were unaware that we had been "redefined" as "Legal Persons" instead) and we have not, as a result, provided ourselves with the Lawful Courts we are owed under the Constitutions.
That's right. We have been defrauded, that's true, and we have every right to bring claims and take action.
But at the other end of the day, our lack of an honest court system for the service of Lawful People is our own fault. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
There is a Lawful System. We have to build it back up.
There is a Legal System. They own it "in our names".
Deal with the facts, folks.
We are naturally Lawful Persons known as "People", but when we are just babes in our cradles, the perpetrators of the Great Fraud sneak in, get our mothers to sign undisclosed contracts, and use that as the basis to redefine us as Legal Persons, instead.
No notice is given, so of course, you are unaware and unable to rebut their legal presumption and their deceitfully fabricated evidence (the Birth Certificate) that you are acting as a "Legal Person" and not as a "Lawful Person".
That is, until now, when you have all been given not only the history of how this came to be, but also the tools you need to correct the situation and reclaim your status as a Lawful Person and one of the People of this country.
Go to: ( lid%3DIwAR0iVWbcN4_N9Z3vVlFvQ6FNpPExhheL0d0aL-_BdDuMg2z8smtAeWpQN1Y&h=AT35k-14DhvapERpGbeA7agVWT4_xyTMV82ZY58gmHEnqLjpntEAI3uQ MnJLRT9jRwVW9BUeG7WRZxGXrrBdWjNM6KDxtUGcfVrbhmfZmf PcroWPqQ6evOItXJ-RR1d9hLIa6x4t_ReHFOs49H13RObwBumou5mH) and scroll down to Article 928.
There is a logic to be observed. There are Lawful People living under the Public Law of this country, and those Lawful People are owed all the Lawful Money and Actual Assets, and they are also the ones owed all Lawful Relief and Remedy as well.
Legal Persons have no such rights nor property interests.
Underline that statement, put it in large boldface letters in your mind. Think about it. Think about what it implies. If you don't get busy and reclaim your lawful birthright political status, you stand to be cheated out of your birthright and sold a bowl of porridge in purportedly equitable exchange.
If you want to address the actual problem at its roots and stop flailing away like a flock of disturbed pigeons arguing about elephants, do the paperwork to correct your political status, enter into your Lawful Capacity as one of the Lawful People of this country, join your Lawful State Assembly, and restore your Lawful Counties, Lawful States, and their associated Lawful Courts to serve the needs of the Lawful People.
Your country needs you to wake up --- all the way up. The watch fires are lit and burning.
Go to ( 9y2TOaKgk0TMwT97gXg)
26th May 2019, 09:02 AM
Anna von Reitz ( fV0zI4_19Ck6RXJZ&hc_ref=ARQH8Hf7ILZSVnrJzjaw6FP9hbgmvM4G-vLzQ2FCH8ZLGz6MJZawkH3XtZg-YLw_1Es&fref=nf)
16 hrs ( ·
Lawful Marriage
It's "Marriage Season" --- or so I am told. More marriages take place in June than in any other month of the year. I've been thumping on everyone about the word "Lawful" this week, as opposed to "Legal" so now we have the topic of "Lawful Marriage".
What is a "Lawful Marriage" as opposed to a "Legal Marriage"?
A Lawful Marriage is one that takes place on the land and soil of an actual, factual country. It takes place according to the Law of Scripture and the Public Law of the country and internationally it is recognized as a Simple Treaty under the Law of Nations.
It's both a private agreement and a public agreement between two people to live together and enter into all the rights and responsibilities of married life.
A "Legal Marriage" is a Joint Venture between two Legal Persons chartered by a State of State, subject to the Statutory Laws of that State of State. The State of State, like the State of Washington, issuing the new franchise charter is an undisclosed Third Party having an "interest" in the JV and the "products thereof"---- your children.
Obviously, you want to have your ducks in order and be making a deliberate choice about which kind of "marriage" you are entering into.
I've had distraught parents contact me seeking help to protect their children who are now planning to get married and not knowing the difference between these two kinds of marriage. They don't want their children and grandchildren to be reduced to mere businesses operating a JV under the thumb of State of State subcontractors.
The basic situation is the same as what we encountered with the Baby Deed. If we don't record our baby's true identity as an American State National, the freebooters sneak in and register our baby's name as a Legal Person and Ward of their State of State organization, leaving him or her --- and their parents --- at the mercy of the Territorial State of State.
To counteract, we record the Baby Deed at the land recording office and seize ownership to our own children on the Public Record. If the State of State then registers our baby's name, it is clearly and demonstrably a secondary claim and is not owed any enforcement against the parents.
Straightening out your own political status records and recording that little Baby Deed on the land jurisdiction puts you back in control of your lives and the lives of your children. It's the same way with marriages.
You need to record your Lawful Marriage with the Land Recording Office, prior to or in concert with any "registration" of the new "vessel" with the State of State organization.
To that end, our team has constructed a new recording instrument that does for marriages what the Baby Deed does for babies ---- establishes your marriage as a Lawful Marriage on the Public Record.
This document is called a "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" and will be found --together with instructions-- with the Article 928 documents at my website, ( lid%3DIwAR0Bt7QgjZB9X1JYJyGzg9FoWHoCZSN7pZ4_ZGfk3E mKaWsXCMFBkn4F1qs&h=AT3Awk6NvDakO5f6karXbCqsTTFGcDXvcUiWNJ6WiFNDCzml sSplQcCJ3-lfiGZSBL1nElVF9qERIokkDAbUfWzxr8OnD5dLbTUggrFsE0I9 AqCUkodDxkVhwnpllS-8NyqzncqfRMSkBrnzBvk7HleSOMk2M1B4) and hopefully will soon also be available on ( %2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2jLlmmNyARi8wujQtNIHX6eTazyscla DrscL3OdB7gK_5jwvQY4dKz9FQ&h=AT3-1Qy_vgoNAghmitRGw4d_SZ3aEc7qN1OxDlz8K2GAkm4d01SWHw K98fMPVsDFpc9dnCoqzcHjU3pt7vzqGsQc-3P5G2MuXlacaDyWp7qDm-t8Hk1H3XPymA3rIiJPo3I-OactAImb726DwhETKCufY_wZuCcHzYhAFH0SG0nQ2Q) website.
Those receiving this as an email will also receive a "red-line" copy of the form and instructions.
Recording this "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" protects your marriage from being treated as a commercial contract and prevents you and your children from being subjected to the unilateral demands of Territorial and Municipal Agencies.
For your own safety and sanity and for the well-being of your children, be sure to fill out the "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" and record it with the Land Recording Office nearest you. This is evidence that you are acting as living people getting married and not functioning as business entities engaged in a Joint Venture merger---- which is how your marriage will otherwise be "interpreted" by the existing court systems.
I will also point out that doing this prevents a lot of the other heartaches that can be associated with marriages --- CPS, forced vaccinations, denial of home school rights, inequitable divorces, and a whole lot more can be settled privately and should be settled privately by arbitration. Just make sure to get your "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" properly witnessed and recorded and forestall any ability of the pirates to exercise their "discretion" with regard to what kind of marriage you have entered into.
26th May 2019, 09:11 AM
Anna von Reitz (
15 hrs ( ·
Court Action versus Private Arbitration
Most of what passes for "court action" in our present morass of ignorance is instead the private processing of corporate tribunal decisions that are not the actions of any Public Court at all.
Any time you see a docket sheet where the style of the name of the Court and the Plaintiffs and the Defendants all match, you are looking at an action in a private corporate tribunal designed to administratively settle disputes among the officials and employees and shareholders of the corporation.
If the court is captioned (named and described) in an Upper and Lower Case name and the Plaintiffs and Defendants are too, you are looking at a Territorial Administrative Tribunal case.
If the court is captioned in all capital letters and the Plaintiffs and Defendants are also, you are looking at a MUNICIPAL COURT TRIBUNAL.
These Administrative Court Tribunals conduct about 90% of all court actions in this country.
They all function by presuming that you are either an officer or an employee or a shareholder or a dependent of a corporation, and assume that whatever is being brought forward for adjudication is an internal dispute to be settled according to the internal statutory laws of the corporation (Administrative Code) and State Statutes and Public Policies of that corporation.
So, once again, it is up to you to "declare your law" and to choose which court you do business with, and also up to you to decide whether you address a court at all----- unless of course, someone else is trying to choose your law and your court "for" you. That's another whole discussion.
For the moment, let's just concentrate on the fact that when you bring forward something for settlement, it is your choice of law and your decision to address either a court or seek private arbitration that largely determines the outcome.
Most people in this country approve of land jurisdiction courts where the Ten Commandments form the basis for the Law being administered, but those courts were taken out of action surreptitiously by our "Public Servants" in order to better serve themselves.
So now what? A corporate administrative tribunal doesn't fit who you are or what you need in terms of services, and the gozillion codes and statutes and policies of these corporations don't meet your needs as a living man or woman.
Chances are you are just waking up to the fact that you are being "impersonated" as a corporate entity and a legal fiction entity, and not being recognized as a living man or a Lawful Person, either one.
Chances are you don't know the variations of laws and codes and statutes and all the corporate legalese, all the court procedures, all the court rules.....
So that leaves you a stranger in a strange land and makes you easy pickings for these predators. You really are unprepared to interact with these courts, and they know it. They set it up that way, the better to profit themselves and to keep rigid control of you and your assets.
But when you are bringing the action, you do have an option. You can seek private arbitration instead. Arbitration has many advantages over court actions, not the least of which is simplicity. In arbitration all you have to do is establish the form of law, the identities of the parties, and the nature of the conflict.
You can sit down together like rational people and speak plain English and be heard. The Arbiter is free to render a judgment based on the principles of justice apart from any corporate policies--- and they often do so with great prejudice against those perpetuating injustice. You just don't hear about these cases because they are private---- truly private, as opposed to the quasi-private corporate tribunal actions that are so common.
An arbitration action does not establish any precedent for anyone but you and whoever else is party to the arbitration. It does not establish any res judicata. But what it can and often does manage to deliver is justice.
So when you are standing there feeling utterly bewildered by the plethora of undisclosed courts and court operations that have nothing to do with you as a living man or woman, remember the option you do have --- private arbitration.
As a result of the corruption of the corporate court systems and the basic fact that the courts are obliged to make insupportable presumptions against you to even bring a case into their jurisdiction --- a very lively business has sprung up for Private Arbitration Services and you will find them under that heading in many metropolitan areas.
Make haste to make peace with your brother on your way to court.... and take a detour via private arbitration services instead. Until we have our own courts set up and functioning again, this is the best option for people searching for justice.
27th May 2019, 09:21 AM
Anna von Reitz ( d4xKhz-Zo_1twx8c0J&hc_ref=ARR6vHWKUTtoBJoxeVTaAbeEnP_ttTcuImSEEPOG-bEm_mqGf7OkNqdIT71GdN6P7oE&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Gossip and Dangers in Common
Gossipers all seem to think that gossiping does not affect them --- but gossip does taint those who gossip just as it taints those they gossip about.
So, please, if you have been flapping your jaws and making assumptions, stop all the he-said, she-said, did-you-hear?
There's nothing bad going on and nothing to gossip about.
We are simply switching gears from second to third, and making it easier than ever for people to do their paperwork and create their land jurisdiction records and contact their State Assembly via ( %2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2LmMhcJVi2uXOXxm_Ecb_lUq8O7VswO gWBoobdy1-0A5bLqKgV-fY1WUI&h=AT2elfVJgfH0qLryLiTOeFF6JI3ep_aZEdKL90L4hkVqKmho r-Il0pJGdtglVwBxuUQs0yKUtuPnRlYemMTTvyQ8WEGfQiEw9Jua RvWRvHLOMosMtTDkVKEmDPZGJsPF5NGpq_gdZIqba3rxKFqIUe W-DU7PoTuZ) website.
We are also cutting down on all the verification work, too, because it can all be done and verified as part of one online process.
It's all a good change, and everyone is helping to make it happen.
What you have to be concerned about is what you were born with --- your birthright as an American. It's up to you to claim it or not.
The rest of us have brought forward the fact that 90% of Americans (or more) have been misidentified as US Citizens and are being denied their property rights and constitutional guarantees as a result.
We have provided the means to correct this situation and allow millions of people to enjoy the freedom and the prosperity they deserve--- for FREE.
As long as you do this in a peaceful and orderly fashion, nobody on Earth can complain, because all you are doing is reclaiming something that is already yours --- your Good Name and Estate.
Having reclaimed your birthright political status on the Public Record, you are again operating as a Lawful Person, standing on the international land jurisdiction of your State of the Union. You are again owed all the constitutional guarantees. You are free to boot up your State Assembly.
As long as you do this in order, by first correcting your own political status records and then assembling your State, nobody on Earth can complain about that, either.
The danger comes when people go off half-cocked and try to assemble their States before they have corrected their own records, because it is literally against the Constitutions for US Citizens to pretend to assemble a State of the Union, and also against the Constitutions for a State to act as a State of State.
The first fact means that if the President gets grumpy, he can order all those US Citizens engaged in groups like RuSA and T-ROH and the REPUBLIC, etc., to be arrested and charged as insurrectionists acting in conspiracy against the Constitutions, which is a very serious charge.
Now I don't want good people to be endangered and I don't want those who are doing this the right way confused with those who are doing it the wrong way.
And I don't want foreign "States of States" substituted for American States of States. Britain pulled that trick on us in 1868 and it has been repeated several times since---- always to the detriment of this country.
Enough is enough of that, too.
We are engaged in very serious business here. We are restoring a fully functioning American Government for the first time in 150 years.
A great many people have made huge sacrifices to gain the knowledge and share it with you and enable you to act upon it for yourselves. Do so. They have done all this for free --- never charged you a penny. Be grateful.
Do it the right way, be diligent, stay in your lane, and everything will all work out fine for everyone concerned. Even the US Citizens.
27th May 2019, 09:28 AM
In the plane of the state the obligation of contracts shall not be impaired... ever.
In the plane of the federal government every contract ever entered into will become the topic of 'bankruptcy' ... 'cause ya use their notes (aka 'IOU'). This concept is embodied by an account called the NATIONAL debt.... currently standing at $346,681,016. In a sense in the federal plane the inevitability of bankruptcy shall not be questioned. You will be tolerated in this plane just so long as you swear to become an asset to be divided among the creditors.
In the plane of the watershed there are no contracts in future time. There is only now time and what came before or comes after is not known. As the federal government is prone to specify 'We all live in a watershed'. The concept of contracts embody both now and future time except you don't live in future time and have no psychic ability to predict what will happen in the future. Contracts are only about present conditions and future events. Good luck with that.
27th May 2019, 09:57 AM
In the plane of the state the obligation of contracts shall not be impaired... ever.
In the plane of the federal government every contract ever entered into will become the topic of 'bankruptcy' ... 'cause ya use their notes (aka 'IOU'). This concept is embodied by an account called the NATIONAL debt.... currently standing at $346,681,016. In a sense in the federal plane the inevitability of bankruptcy shall not be questioned. You will be tolerated in this plane just so long as you swear to become an asset to be divided among the creditors.
In the plane of the watershed there are no contracts in future time. There is only now time and what came before or comes after is not known. As the federal government is prone to specify 'We all live in a watershed'. The concept of contracts embody both now and future time except you don't live in future time and have no psychic ability to predict what will happen in the future. Contracts are only about present conditions and future events. Good luck with that.
When did you repeal the Declaration of Independence? Our first Constitution.
All of the organic laws for the States are still in place.
27th May 2019, 10:12 AM
When did you repeal the Declaration of Independence? Our first Constitution.
All of the organic laws for the States are still in place.
Memories occasionally become the topic of housecleaning.
immemorial (adj.)
c. 1600, from French immémorial "old beyond memory" (16c.), from Medieval Latin immemorialis, from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + Latin memorialis of or belonging to memory" (see memorial (n.)). Something immemorial is ancient beyond memory; something immemorable is not worth remembering. Latin immemor meant "unmindful, forgetful, heedless."
The Declaration of Independence was a document complaining of King Georges' behavior. King George, it appears, is now dead. Never speak ill of the dead ... a good rule 'cause they might turn into demons and come back to haunt you.
28th May 2019, 06:23 AM
Anna von Reitz ( FrcIUq2crV7GDMIjCYx5IL7iY4x7-BJFIh&hc_ref=ARSP08-njDzc8n-ZCzc4TQIuiM08b4lvdzLKWdaoA7O8_aGlI-6koZbm8Yz0s0I4a4Q&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
One Brilliant Deceit Too Many
Look at the 14th Amendment. Look at the crucial phrase, "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof".
Look at the Trading With the Enemy Act. Look at the crucial phrase, "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof".
What are they talking about? They are talking about "the" United States --- that is, the Municipal United States and its "Citizens of the United States".
It is not, as so many people have assumed, talking about us. It's not even talking about the Territorial "United States Citizens", either.
None of that is our "United States". None of us are naturally subject to the jurisdiction of the Municipal United States.
You will also hear that the British Parliament declared "war" on us in 1860, but if you look closely at that, you will see that it is an action against the Confederate States of States, as it had to be to prevent all of our Allies from declaring an actual war on Britain.
That this is true is underlined by the fact that the Russian Czar placed his Navy between us and the British at the end of the hostilities--- just to "remind" them of their obligations under actual international law and international treaties and service contracts and trust agreements that the rats owed us then and still owe us now.
So sharpen your wits and your eye-sight to catch the fine details and don't be misled. The actual Law is firmly on our side of the issues.
28th May 2019, 06:37 AM
Anna von Reitz ( _1tOf-PMosuL&hc_ref=ARSLEs013PVegh_EqI_L5EfQIU7g3UqLPcbzX8YU9FB 58WHyGwUHmhRu-h7QC70C3H4&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
The Logic of It
There is a logic to all of this, and it is what it is.
There are many different potential ways to arrive at the desired result. Our paperwork is just a well-tested and simple way of regaining claim to your birthright political status and control of the various "entities" that have been created in your name.
Our process is rather limited in that it doesn't serve commercial notice of your ownership interest (UCC process) which you may additionally wish to do, though strictly speaking you aren't obligated to do in order to exercise your exemption from commercial law or to assert your ownership of your identity in all its forms. Tim Turner developed a comprehensive UCC process that is still rock solid and widely available.
Our process is also rather limited in that it doesn't address the Paramount Claim, which in my opinion is the most important, as it claims your DNA and uniqueness of being back to the moment of conception. We make a basic Paramount Claim available and recommend it highly, but the real expert is Kurt Kallenbach, so if you want to have things nailed down to a gnat's eyelash, do his Paramount Claim as well.
What we address with our simplified stripped down version is getting back to your birthright status as an American and getting control of your identity and property assets so that these foreign commercial corporations operating the two remaining branches of the Federal Government are discouraged from "mistaking" you as one of their employees or dependents and railroading you under false legal presumptions.
The logic of it is that you have been mis-identified almost since birth as a United States Citizen. That fundamental impersonation has then led to your name also being interpreted as that of a Municipal PERSON or to be more exact, PERSONS, all of which are Citizens of the United States. Your actual birthright political standing has not been brought forward on the Public Record at all, so you cannot be recognized as one of the People of your State and your country as a whole. So this circumstance has to be corrected. How you correct it and what correction is possible for you at this time is highly dependent on your own situation.
Federal Civil Service employees for example, are required by their jobs to maintain an identity as a CITIZEN of the United States, but are not obligated to function as United States Citizens. They may wish to expatriate from any presumption of United States Citizenship and adopt their birthright State Citizenship or State National status instead; because Federal workers are allowed to have Dual Citizenship, they may choose which citizenships they want to have.
The same basic situation applies to Territorial (Military) employees and Dependents. They are required by their job to maintain their United States Citizenship status, but may choose to expatriate from any presumption of Municipal United States Citizenship (that is, cease acting as "Citizens of the United States) and opt for their birthright political status as Minnesotans or Californians for example. Again, as Federal workers, they can have Dual Citizenship and choose which citizenships they honor.
For the rest of us, we can avoid the whole issue of any Federal citizenship obligations whatsoever, and choose the singular status of our birthright as Texans, New Yorkers, Californians, etc. That is our actual nationality and we can function as State Nationals and never accept any citizenship obligations to serve any government at all. Or, after the age of 21, we can accept the responsibilities of State Citizenship, and become State Citizens of Texas, New York, etc. We do not have a Dual Citizenship option because our States of the Union don't provide that or recognize Dual Citizenship.
Thus we remain "foreign" to both the Federal Territorial and Federal Municipal government corporations, though from their standpoint, Americans working for them can retain their American State National or State Citizenship in tandem with whichever other citizenship applies, either Territorial "United States Citizenship" or Municipal "Citizenship of the United States".
As you can see, for Joe Average American, things are simple. You either live as a State National or as a State Citizen.
It's only when issues of Federal Citizenship arise that things get more confusing and complex.
For most of us, we don't naturally have or desire or receive any benefit from Federal citizenship of either kind, and we are best served by correcting our political status and expatriating our names from any presumption of Territorial or Municipal citizenship "conferred" on us without our knowledge or consent as babies in our cradles.
For Territorial workers and dependents, they are better off not being additionally burdened by Municipal CITIZENSHIP, and are better served by claiming their natural American State political status as their second citizenship.
For Municipal workers and dependents, they are better off not being additionally burdened by Territorial Citizenship, and are better off claiming
their natural American State political status, too.
In both these cases, consciously expatriating from one or more foreign political statuses that have merely been conferred upon us without our knowledge or consent, protects Federal workers by bringing them back under the guarantees of our Constitutions, just as expatriating from both presumptions of Territorial and Municipal citizenship obligations protects average Americans.
So, everyone concerned who has been born on the land and soil of one of the States has good reasons to expatriate from one or more Federal citizenship obligations and has reason to declare and adopt their birthright political status as American State Nationals.
Our paperwork is probably the simplest and cheapest way to do this and to put you back in control of your life, but not the only way possible. If in doubt, why not do our paperwork and be sure that the bases are covered? If you have done someone else's paperwork we have no way of saying if it is correct or sufficient or not, because it is not something we tested --- but if you see that it does these things:
(1) claims and reconveys your Trade Name (Given Name, Proper Name) to the land and soil of your birth State and makes that your permanent home and domicile;
(2) cancels are prior Powers of Attorney so that you are in control;
(3) claims and issues certificate of ownership of all your Assumed Names and NAMES and all permutations, orderings, styles, and punctuations of your Assumed Names and NAMES;
(4) expatriates all these Assumed Names and NAMES and all permutations, orderings, styles, and punctuations from any obligation of Territorial and Municipal Citizenship or CITIZENSHIP (our case as average Americans) or expatriation from one or the other form of Federal Citizenship (for Federal workers) --- then you have the basics in place as soon as your record these four basic forms with a land recording office.
You have to establish your true home and permanent domicile, you have to take back your own singular Power of Attorney, you have to claim ownership and control of all the "derivative" names you have been gifted with, you have to expatriate these names, as appropriate, from any presumption of Territorial and/or Municipal citizenship, depending on your own situation--- whether you are Joe Average and not actually employed by or dependent upon the Federal Government, or, if you are employed by either the Territorial or Municipal branches of the Federal Government. And you have to record these actions with a land recording office, so that they exist in the proper jurisdiction and have to be recognized by all international courts.
I hope this better explains what our basic process does. It's meant to provide large numbers of people a relatively easy means of reasserting their actual political status as Americans and to regain control of their identities and assets. Our process creates evidence that is admissible in any Territorial Court, and since we are naturally exempt from Municipal presumptions when we take exception to them (Title 50, Section 7(c) and (e)) -- it serves the purpose of returning us to our proper standing. Recorded copies of our paperwork in tandem with a Certified copy of our Birth Certificate and two Witness Testimonies confirming that we are the man or woman whose physical birth event is reflected by the Birth Certificate, establishes our ownership interest and is sufficient to rebut any and all false legal presumptions being held against us or any derivative NAME.
You can do more to "paper up" --- Tim Turner's UCC process, Kurt Kallenbach's Paramount Claim process -- both excellent.
28th May 2019, 06:39 AM
Anna von Reitz (
7 hrs ( ·
Enough, Arizona
If the people in the Arizona Assembly can't get this job done without having cliques of volunteers bad-mouthing other cliques of volunteers and accusing me of taking down the PaperUpNow website---- go away.
Just admit that you are all too immature to get the job that needs to be done, done.
This is serious business. It needs serious commitment and level heads. If you can't provide both, stay home.
Those that are committed to restoring a proper government for Arizona and a better future for America will soldier on.
And just like Rhett said to Scarlett--- "Frankly, my dear...."
Arizona is your home, your State, your homes and families are there.
If you don't care enough to protect your own and do the right thing by each other, I sure as blazes am not coming all the way down there to nursemaid or coerce you, either one.
28th May 2019, 06:46 AM
Anna von Reitz ( HtSSFGUOM4c1i2wj6DbYtKVl6tP7NpdwoE&hc_ref=ARROkWfL79c_Gvz_2-i4XAQKy59xO0-GIgZqWj0a9X39FhfoMkpPogLy_46FJidTUdg&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Memorial Day Visitation
The Virgin Mary has appeared to me exactly three times in my life. She has a presence and aura that is all her own, unique among all others, and the scent of roses fills the air around her as if all the roses of a thousand fields of bloom were present in the room.
Last night she came to me in her gentle way and gave me a bouquet of roses to bring home to you, to this world. Each rose is a gift and a blessing symbolizing some Great Good --- kindness, compassion, friendship, loyalty, generosity, hope.
All this she sent to each one of us, to our country, to our world.
I don't know what to expect. I can tell you that that was the basic thrust of the action and the message --- to deliver blessings to our world. I can also tell you that each time she appears huge changes appear soon after.
On both of the other occasions when she has come to visit me, within three days, major changes and challenges have come.
So, while I am blessed and while it has been given to me to bring blessings, too, I cannot tell you by what path or motivation or opening of doors this is to be accomplished.
Buckle up your seat belts. I am certainly buckling mine.
28th May 2019, 06:50 AM
Anna von Reitz ( nc2BpABAG0flmnT6iJ6&hc_ref=ART9xweliD9wkI48CougfQWbP2m2_PwHvYTBn1uO7GY drb6KN-_IqtcdxZ-j4nQq2KE&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
For Kevin Cote---
Let's make this perfectly clear to you, Kevin, and everyone else: Jocelyne owns ( 8BJ-hks2O5KB1RjwwFk)
She put it up and she took it down and that is her decision.
I didn't "take" anything away from her. I didn't tell her to shut it down. And I certainly didn't profit from her work and leave her without compensation, as you imply.
She hasn't talked to me about selling the website.
I asked her politely, as an adult to an adult, to reconsider her decision because I believe she has a mission and that mission isn't going to happen if she lets gossip and the stupidity of others get in her way.
If she is upset and angry about her own decisions, as you say--- without any proof---- who else is to blame?
Not me, Bubba.
You, Kevin, are always stirring the pot. You did the same thing with Tressa Heywood. You don't like strong women who are competent. You undermine them every chance you get.
And here you are, trying to undermine Jocelyne and me, both at once.
You may think that this isn't being noticed and recognized for what it is, but think again.
This isn't my first time at the rodeo. I watched you spread poison through the Continental Marshals program, too. Same MO.
Since when has anyone ever had any trouble getting me to "respond"---???? Exactly what "facts" am I supposed to have ignored? And how have I twisted anything around?
You certainly have cause to know that Jocelyne both owns and controls that website. But here you are, twisting and turning, stirring the pot, giving people false information. Deliberately.
I am not a member of the Arizona Assembly and not likely to be one anytime soon.
So I suggest that you all put on your Big Girl and Big Boy pants and deal with your own internal bad behavior, sort it out, and get on the road toward something positive. Soon.
The rest of the Assemblies are moving forward and if Arizona doesn't get moving, it's not going to be ready to move forward with the rest of the States.
28th May 2019, 11:41 PM
Anna von Reitz (
12 hrs ( ·
Daylight in the Swamp!
If there's some lying skullduggery afoot, some mean, deceptive, sideways knife in the back, it's always the Brits. That's 100% of the time. Those who were reading my blog at the time (and anyone who cares to go back in the archives and look) will find that I reported (months and months ago) that the Brits were the ones in back of the now-infamous Dossier framing President Trump for "Russian Collusion" and now --finally--- this basic truth is coming to light.
Even if I hadn't seen British fingerprints on it, I would have still assumed out of hand, sight unseen, no questions asked --- that the Brits were the ones at the bottom of it all. And I would have also guessed that they and their American pals were in fact the ones colluding with the Russians to sell out our Uranium. So guess what?
A few days ago it came out that the Italian Secret Service was supposed to be employed to plant emails and other material gleaned from Hillary Clinton onto Trump's computers, so as to make it look like he was the one colluding when in fact it was her behind it the whole time. Look a little further into the rabbit hole and what do you find? Oh, a New York-based FBI unit was in it up to their little pink whiskers. And under whose direction were they working? Oh, the Secret Service.
Goodness me, how it all comes around and around and around and always lands back on Britain. Always in the past fifty years that I can verify. It's as if everyone else stopped stirring the pot and just let them have at it.
And here's today's news from the Alt Media---which is the only media we have left:…/mongoose-theresa-may-fired-for-a…/ ( 2Fmongoose-theresa-may-fired-for-act-of-war-against-usa-queen-next%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2gqogiupABDB9QjQSvXyqd05M0_ Aw9l9Avxr-ZQHY7Y-gSAf1Ru8T6S-I&h=AT1BjAwEOyv_yEJ2FWZ_kdjvE6Wt6UzuRCdk4iM0fFjzuSYj Kb13JxZe9lV0sNQdszdVI3_qL__BHvRHRgrdagIQxDKEyVbK4F YmKSF_7Pvh60yaKNGsR6xnqcXG97U-O-xafNUHcsgsfaUXFFHqfK4pjd5kUZpY)
Those of you who have been reading a while will also remember that I told you it was the Russian Czar who sent his navy to intervene and stand between us and the British at the end of the Civil War. I mentioned it again just recently.
Russia has often been our friend and the Brits have often been our enemies, but somehow nobody notices these things because we are not thinking and looking at the facts in front of our faces. Nor are we trying hard enough to reason our way forward from the facts.
America has always been the death-knell of feudalism and monarchy.
Every American born on our land is a sovereign in their own right. 350 million of us, all equal to the Queen. Imagine how that went down the old pipes?
And it was bad news for the Pope, too. How could absolute Papal Supremacy be maintained in a world where average people, even low-life dirty American Commoners without a shred of culture, could aspire to rule their own lives, consult their own conscience, and own their own property?
This is self-evidently why, in 1822, the then-Pope and the then-British Monarch authored and signed The Secret Treaty of Verona, admitting that our form of government was antithetical to their form of government, and agreeing secretly to undermine us in Breach of Trust.
They've been at it ever since.
They co-sponsored the Civil War. They engineered the substitution of British Territorial States of States for American States of States. They picked and chose the Presidents from Whitehall. They lapped up the cream of their perfidy. They stuck a straw in America and sucked us dry and used us as unbelievably cheap mercenaries in endless wars for profit. And they did it all behind such a nice facade that nearly everyone was content to blame all the war-mongering and evil-doing on "the Americans, the Americans, the Americans...."
They have also sought to make the Chinese and the Russians into our enemies, when in fact, neither one have been. The Chinese just want to have reliable trading partners who pay their bills. The Russians want to have peace, free markets and economic opportunities for themselves. There is nothing about our Sino-Russian relationship that is hard to observe or explain....except, why should we be enemies with them?
To put it flatly and in a nutshell --- because the Queen and the Pope want it that way.
The Chinese and Russian Communists are in fact closer in sympathy to the American Dream than the European Monarchists could ever be.
They enshrine the Worker and we enshrine the Common Man. We are not that far apart in our egalitarian attitudes. They simply focus on the group while we focus on the individual. At least we are in the same sector of the Human Values galaxy.
If we became friends and Allies with the Russians and Chinese, that would be the end of the Spiderweb in Europe, and the end of the ability of the Queen and the Pope to use America and Americans as the Bulwark for their own monopoly interests.
They'd have to pay for their own defense. They'd have to come out of the shadows and stop pretending that "the Americans" are the aggressors and bullies. They'd have to take their greasy paws off of Africa and stop meddling in the Middle East.
It would be a whole new world.
Interfering in the American elections is the least of it. They have been interfering with and funding and manipulating and hand-choosing the Electors in every election for decades. That's a no-brainer and not even worth discussing.
What should be more "newsworthy" is the fact that they have been running a de facto government on our shores in Breach of Trust for a 150 years.
It's not just the elections, folks. It's the whole Shizzam. It's the two party system. It's the Democrats and the Republicans. It's the whole concept of having two groups of lobbyists in Washington, DC, fighting over the spoils and handing off large chunks of the profits to the Pope and the Queen. It's everything we have taken for granted and "trusted" and not questioned.
Daylight in the Swamp!
29th May 2019, 05:54 AM
Anna von Reitz (
12 hrs ( ·
Daylight in the Swamp!
If there's some lying skullduggery afoot, some mean, deceptive, sideways knife in the back, it's always the Brits. That's 100% of the time. Those who were reading my blog at the time (and anyone who cares to go back in the archives and look) will find that I reported (months and months ago) that the Brits were the ones in back of the now-infamous Dossier framing President Trump for "Russian Collusion" and now --finally--- this basic truth is coming to light.
Even if I hadn't seen British fingerprints on it, I would have still assumed out of hand, sight unseen, no questions asked --- that the Brits were the ones at the bottom of it all. And I would have also guessed that they and their American pals were in fact the ones colluding with the Russians to sell out our Uranium. So guess what?
A few days ago it came out that the Italian Secret Service was supposed to be employed to plant emails and other material gleaned from Hillary Clinton onto Trump's computers, so as to make it look like he was the one colluding when in fact it was her behind it the whole time. Look a little further into the rabbit hole and what do you find? Oh, a New York-based FBI unit was in it up to their little pink whiskers. And under whose direction were they working? Oh, the Secret Service.
Goodness me, how it all comes around and around and around and always lands back on Britain. Always in the past fifty years that I can verify. It's as if everyone else stopped stirring the pot and just let them have at it.
And here's today's news from the Alt Media---which is the only media we have left:…/mongoose-theresa-may-fired-for-a…/ ( 2Fmongoose-theresa-may-fired-for-act-of-war-against-usa-queen-next%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2gqogiupABDB9QjQSvXyqd05M0_ Aw9l9Avxr-ZQHY7Y-gSAf1Ru8T6S-I&h=AT1BjAwEOyv_yEJ2FWZ_kdjvE6Wt6UzuRCdk4iM0fFjzuSYj Kb13JxZe9lV0sNQdszdVI3_qL__BHvRHRgrdagIQxDKEyVbK4F YmKSF_7Pvh60yaKNGsR6xnqcXG97U-O-xafNUHcsgsfaUXFFHqfK4pjd5kUZpY)
Those of you who have been reading a while will also remember that I told you it was the Russian Czar who sent his navy to intervene and stand between us and the British at the end of the Civil War. I mentioned it again just recently.
Russia has often been our friend and the Brits have often been our enemies, but somehow nobody notices these things because we are not thinking and looking at the facts in front of our faces. Nor are we trying hard enough to reason our way forward from the facts.
America has always been the death-knell of feudalism and monarchy.
Every American born on our land is a sovereign in their own right. 350 million of us, all equal to the Queen. Imagine how that went down the old pipes?
And it was bad news for the Pope, too. How could absolute Papal Supremacy be maintained in a world where average people, even low-life dirty American Commoners without a shred of culture, could aspire to rule their own lives, consult their own conscience, and own their own property?
This is self-evidently why, in 1822, the then-Pope and the then-British Monarch authored and signed The Secret Treaty of Verona, admitting that our form of government was antithetical to their form of government, and agreeing secretly to undermine us in Breach of Trust.
They've been at it ever since.
They co-sponsored the Civil War. They engineered the substitution of British Territorial States of States for American States of States. They picked and chose the Presidents from Whitehall. They lapped up the cream of their perfidy. They stuck a straw in America and sucked us dry and used us as unbelievably cheap mercenaries in endless wars for profit. And they did it all behind such a nice facade that nearly everyone was content to blame all the war-mongering and evil-doing on "the Americans, the Americans, the Americans...."
They have also sought to make the Chinese and the Russians into our enemies, when in fact, neither one have been. The Chinese just want to have reliable trading partners who pay their bills. The Russians want to have peace, free markets and economic opportunities for themselves. There is nothing about our Sino-Russian relationship that is hard to observe or explain....except, why should we be enemies with them?
To put it flatly and in a nutshell --- because the Queen and the Pope want it that way.
The Chinese and Russian Communists are in fact closer in sympathy to the American Dream than the European Monarchists could ever be.
They enshrine the Worker and we enshrine the Common Man. We are not that far apart in our egalitarian attitudes. They simply focus on the group while we focus on the individual. At least we are in the same sector of the Human Values galaxy.
If we became friends and Allies with the Russians and Chinese, that would be the end of the Spiderweb in Europe, and the end of the ability of the Queen and the Pope to use America and Americans as the Bulwark for their own monopoly interests.
They'd have to pay for their own defense. They'd have to come out of the shadows and stop pretending that "the Americans" are the aggressors and bullies. They'd have to take their greasy paws off of Africa and stop meddling in the Middle East.
It would be a whole new world.
Interfering in the American elections is the least of it. They have been interfering with and funding and manipulating and hand-choosing the Electors in every election for decades. That's a no-brainer and not even worth discussing.
What should be more "newsworthy" is the fact that they have been running a de facto government on our shores in Breach of Trust for a 150 years.
It's not just the elections, folks. It's the whole Shizzam. It's the two party system. It's the Democrats and the Republicans. It's the whole concept of having two groups of lobbyists in Washington, DC, fighting over the spoils and handing off large chunks of the profits to the Pope and the Queen. It's everything we have taken for granted and "trusted" and not questioned.
Daylight in the Swamp!
The Privy Council Controls the U.S.A. ~ American Intelligence Media
29th May 2019, 06:12 AM
The Privy Council Controls the U.S.A. ~ American Intelligence Media
The U.S. District Court vs The District Court of the United States
The U.S. Army vs The Army of the United States
What you control belongs to you. If one name doesn't fit choose another one.
29th May 2019, 08:30 AM
The Privy Council Controls the U.S.A. ~ American Intelligence Media
Looking back and knowing what I do, these guys are still running cover for the Jews.
The Jesuits did it. LOL BS BS BS.
The Jews did it and are still doing it.
Yes they did a good job, while covering for the Jews.
29th May 2019, 05:40 PM
Looking back and knowing what I do, these guys are still running cover for the Jews.
The Jesuits did it. LOL BS BS BS.
The Jews did it and are still doing it.
Yes they did a good job, while covering for the Jews.
I saw that also
29th May 2019, 07:35 PM
Anna von Reitz ( UXpSQ_og7aACj48fhUXJwID4&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Professional Disruptors
I found out that Kevin Cote joined the Arizona Assembly. So far he has created similar trouble in Georgia with the Continental Marshals, in Utah with the Militia, in Florida with the Assembly, and now this.
His sidekick is a big, blustery guy who comes on as very patriotic and always skating the edge with skirmishes with the law. He never keeps the same name, but he keeps appearing like a character in a play. I have reason to think that "Nate" is also known as Jim Garinger and as Michael R. Hamilton-- the Svengali responsible for the Colorado Nine going off-track.
The Modus Operandi is always the same--- introduce False Narratives and collect information and form little cliques based on "concerns" promoted by the False Narratives.
Pretty soon everyone is looking over their back and doesn't know what to think or who to trust.
In Georgia, Kevin and his pal accused Chief Marshal Heywood of petty theft, and even though she kept excellent records and fully accounted for the circumstance, Kevin and his Pal wouldn't give up their False Narrative. They continued to harp on this completely petty and mistaken "concern" until the entire local organization was in an uproar over nothing.
And here we are again.
I don't know who these guys really are but this is the fourth time they have come in and harmed our organizations and caused exactly this kind of disruption.
Likewise, I don't know "for sure" who they are working for, either. Could be old DOD hacks, could be some other species of Federal Agent-- which is most likely, or they could be working for someone like George Soros. Someone with deep pockets is funding all their travel and relocation costs.
It doesn't really matter who they are working for. What matters is that we all wise up and put a stop to their disruption of our work.
Anyone who has a photo of Kevin Cote, please send to me for posting in our Rogue's Gallery. Also, since his Big Guy sidekick changes his name from Michael to Jim to James to Frank to..... if it is apparent by association with Kevin who I am talking about, and you have a photo of him, send it along.
From now on, Coordinators especially need to be aware of Kevin Cote and his Pal and alert me if they show up pretending to be from California next week.
There is also a shadowy woman involved in their little group of Disruptors. We don't have much on her but if Kevin or What's His Name has a wife --and you have a photo, send that one to me, too.
Four times, four States, four important efforts quashed. It's time we reversed the score.
I am sorry they targeted PaperUpNow, but its predictable enough that they would.
If you suspect that your Assembly is being impacted by such Provocateurs, just look for the telltale signs:
1. Gossip
2. People raising "concerns" of a juvenile or petty nature
3. Using such "concerns" to spread doubt and mistrust of leadership figures or functions within the group
4. Miscommunication between working groups and members -- for example, everyone but two people on an email list get an email, but two get dropped for no apparent reason
5. Paranoia and unnecessary talk about fear and danger
6. Petty or vague accusations of wrong-doing
7. Passive aggressive behavior -- the people making these vague accusations hang back and won't actually address the person they are accusing.
Example: a member moved across the State line four years ago and is now, legitimately, a Texan, even though they still have a business in Oklahoma where they receive some of their mail. People notice this and start asking questions among themselves instead of going directly to the man involved. Rumors fly. Completely unjust and unnecessary damage is done.
A normal State Assembly conducts its affairs in a mature and business-like way. There is no "cloak and dagger" atmosphere at all. Any questions are addressed in a forthright manner and resolved. A positive atmosphere and clear simple goals are maintained.
Right now, we are focused on educating people and helping them correct their political status records and getting ready to address economic issues--- reclaiming property and credit we are owed, obtaining relief from foreign taxation, and similar matters of mutual concern.
We have thoroughly researched the history and the law and we are standing on solid ground. We are peaceful and determined to restore our lawful government and so long as we stay in our proper jurisdiction and act in our proper capacity, we have nothing to fear.
Please note that Professional Disruptors use "spoofing" to introduce false communications in support of their False Narratives. As a result, you might receive an email from "me" that I never sent and know nothing about, and vice versa.
This sets up a situation where you are responding back to me concerning an email I know nothing about, or vice versa, and the confusion factor goes up by a factor of ten.
In this most recent round I received an email attachment that should have been a simple one page sample letter. Closer examination revealed that it was a "scrolling document"-- set up so that the same attachment could contain multiple variations of the same or different documents.
This is used in phishing scams to generate more leads but it can also be used to royally confuse communications, as one member of a group is working on Page A and another member is working on Page B and another is working on Page C. and nobody knows that they have all been given different documents, and so, are responding to different information.
This is more proof that the Arizona Assembly was targeted and it is best for everyone to be aware of what is going on and what to look for.
The most obvious "fruit" of Professional Disruptors is doubt and confusion and petty gossip. Instead of things being business-like and adult, you feel like you are back in Seventh Grade and Bobby just broke up with Suzie.
This has happened four times in four different States and the common factor is Kevin Cote.
I am happy to report that the Arizona Assembly has gotten back on track and is holding its regular meetings.
We are picking up the pieces of the most recent debacle and planning to have something better organized to expedite the whole status correction process to offer in the near future.
So. Adieu and farewell to this unfortunate chapter. We are sadder but wiser. If Kevin or his Pal or someone like them shows up in Nevada or California or Maine next week and starts causing trouble--you will know them by their "fruits".
29th May 2019, 07:43 PM
Anna von Reitz ( TlD3odSyENKB9itOqPNxzPUwgXH5Ekz8Mk&hc_ref=ARTNr3FXNP-IT2eoZrR9D9S_C2fCtUBDny-hlA9dMoqbBQujXAGhtxVcxeT-ZMduVQE&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies
We are forming State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies are part of State Assemblies. Our right to assemble and to execute the Jural duties as well as all other duties of self-governance are based on The Declaration of Independence and agreed upon and confirmed by all three Federal Constitutions.
And that's an end to that.
There is a group of unnamed people going around like Chicken Little claiming that we do not have the right to form our own courts and execute justice in our own country and that Jural Assemblies are dangerous.
My response is that this is only true if those founding and operating Jural Assemblies are doing so without the proper standing and knowledge-- which is like everything else, a challenge to us all to rebuild and restore.
This ill-informed and quite possibly self-interested rumor (consider the likely sources) is very easily disproven by the fact that we Americans had our own independent courts and form of Common Law for two centuries prior to the adoption of any Federal Constitution and have remained fully competent at all times prior and since.
There is also considerable confusion about the difference between "Jural Assemblies" which give rise to Land Jursdiction Courts and Jural Societies which give rise to Sea Jurisdiction Courts.
Obviously, our States as sovereign entities can form either kind of Jural Body, but the Constitutional Agreements limit our Sea Jurisdiction Courts to address only those powers that were not Delegated and which are covered by Amendment X.
Thus the actual States have limited use for Jural Societies and have traditionally focused on Jural Assemblies that support the Land Jurisdiction Courts as organizations that derive from the State Assembly for the special purpose of organizing our court system in the same way that the militia of each State is formed as an adjunct organization operating under the State Assembly as a whole.
There is no mystery about this, no cause for alarm or misgivings or fear-mongering about anything The American States Assembly is doing and anyone who says otherwise is either (a) misinformed or (b) deliberately trying to mislead people and cause trouble.
29th May 2019, 09:14 PM
unnamed people going around like Chicken Little claiming that we do not have the right to form our own courts and execute justice in our own country and that Jural Assemblies are dangerous.
Certainly you have every right to join any group you would like to join. But if you do so carrying with you the same concepts don't be really surprised if the outcome 50 years from now is identical to your present day situation that led you to conceive and join such a group.
You have more authority as an individual than as a committee. If you want change just DO IT! You don't need anybodies permission to change. And you only give other people authority over you when you acknowledge that authority. Otherwise what you are complaining about is a paper tiger .... it lacks existence.
29th May 2019, 09:42 PM
Certainly you have every right to join any group you would like to join. But if you do so carrying with you the same concepts don't be really surprised if the outcome 50 years from now is identical to your present day situation that led you to conceive and join such a group.
You have more authority as an individual than as a committee. If you want change just DO IT! You don't need anybodies permission to change. And you only give other people authority over you when you acknowledge that authority. Otherwise what you are complaining about is a paper tiger .... it lacks existence.
Assembly's of one. Now that is a thing to consider.
So how does a trial by a jury of your peers work in your assembly?
30th May 2019, 04:08 AM
how does a trial by a jury of your peers work in your assembly?
I have few equals and absolutely no peers.
peer (n.)
c. 1300, "an equal in rank or status" (early 13c. in Anglo-Latin), from Anglo-French peir, Old French per (10c.), from Latin par "equal" (see par (n.)). Sense of "a noble" (late 14c.) is from Charlemagne's Twelve Peers in the old romances, who, like the Arthurian knights of the Round Table, originally were so called because all were equal. Sociological sense of "one of the same age group or social set" is from 1944. Peer review attested by 1970. Peer pressure is first recorded 1971.
When the bailiff sings out "ALL RISE" I remain seated ... I am not ALL and am not even VERY MANY. All evidence suggests that he isn't addressing me.
30th May 2019, 06:33 AM
Anna von Reitz ( AKbG4zB76HMcQUb6WifZ-uyMCI8s4_hso8&hc_ref=ART3F-OODq2kFEHPXSGELncykdF53t8drrs3JOW59bE7O1rPAo9pFVZa ThJ6qci-Zsc&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Kevin Cote's Story
Shortly after I published about Kevin Cote, I got the following response from a reader in New York:
“I’m writing because I think you might be wrong about Kevin Cote ….
…. I live on Long Island in New York. Kevin Cote lived upstate New York with his wife and granddaughter ….
…..I think something bad happened to him because all of a sudden he was gone from FB and I asked that XXXXXXXX person if she knew what happened to him because I knew he and her had been communicating, and she told me his family had been threatened so he had to go into hiding and lay low to protect them.”
This is the classic story of how good men get entrapped and forced to serve the criminals. It nearly always happens this way. They get into some trouble with the legal system or their families are threatened, and they are forced/coerced and plea-bargained into serving as Snitches or worse.
Because they are good men to begin with and are being forced to serve as Tools, they still come across as good men. That’s what makes them believable and garners our sympathy.
It’s also what makes them dangerous. We trust them, because in the past, in better days, they were trustworthy. Now they are not.
This corruption of people is part of the corruption of the government and the banks and the churches and nearly everything else around us.
To overcome it requires great courage and determination and not a little watchful discernment.
How is it possible that Kevin, a New Yorker, insinuated himself into State organizations in Florida, Georgia, Utah, and Arizona? How did he qualify or appear to qualify as an Arizonan? And get an insider seat on the Arizona State Assembly? Hmm?
30th May 2019, 06:38 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 5Tsikp8l6o_Us6mB&hc_ref=ARTegiDKS4WPUxT70kb_XnCNhN4TMZVdeVs5iHUN97f me8boBeO32g25ffMi9qBmK1I&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Flag With Blue Stripes?
This is what they are trying to get away with. They want to turn our country from being a country into being a corporation existing only in the jurisdiction of the air and the sea. So much easier for them, if they don't have to deal with flesh and blood: you can rape, murder, pillage, torture, and otherwise destroy a "corporation" because a corporation only exists on paper.
The fact that a living man or woman is presumed to be chattel owned by a corporation in their System, is just more of the fun from the perspective of the madmen and madwomen responsible for all this criminality. Then the assets of living people can be salvaged or impounded or whatever else the vermin responsible for this outrage conceive of and we are all reduced to being nothing but bar-coded animals in a stockyard.
Those who are so eagerly promoting this don't realize that what they do to others will literally also be done unto them.
Those who are disgracing our flag in the name of Corporate Feudalism don't really understand what they are doing, either. They think it is "revolutionary" and a political statement and that it stands for a new government--- but in fact, it's just the ongoing attempt of the nasty de facto government we've had for the past 150 years to officially entrench itself and devour what is left of human decency.
Corporations are not competent to serve as governments, because they have only one purpose: profit. And they will profit themselves at the cost of everyone and everything else like a giant eating machine that does nothing but consume twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
For this reason, corporations are supposed to be subservient to government, instead of "acting as" governments. If the politicians have any sense, they will start pulling strings and plugs like mad, and liquidate these monsters before they are themselves rendered obsolete.
Think about it. The corporate bosses need someone to blame. They will happily sacrifice all their henchmen once they are no longer needed, and that hour is just about here.
Put on a Big Show, trot out the 100,000 indictments, have lots of show trials, execute a lot of Third Stringers nobody ever heard of. Blame them. Who cares?
Change the colors of the flag and you change the nature of the government and the world---- but not in a good way, not for the good of Mankind. So, stand by Old Glory. Those red stripes stand for the blood in your veins and the white stripes stand for the soul in your body.
Blue stripes stand for Corporate Feudalism on steroids, and for you and yours, stripped naked and wearing a plastic ear-tag.
30th May 2019, 06:52 AM
Anna von Reitz ( JM3oLmduE8Y&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Dear Mr. Trump-- May 29th, 2019
You may consider this an Order from the Civilian Government of this country, requesting and requiring that you impose command and control over the Internal Revenue Service and the US Treasury Department and the US Department of the Treasury and all their little private bill collectors nationwide, including something calling itself the "Tax Processing Center" with no address at all, but the name of the town or city, for example: "Tax Processing Center, Big Lake, Alaska".
Their practice of making up new variations of NAMES for people and attaching these "gifts" to us and our assets as a means of asserting new False Claims is nothing but fraud and harassment and it needs to be stopped. Now. Yesterday. Last week. Last year. Ten years ago. Or, as in my case, over twenty years ago, when I gave the Internal Revenue Service/IRS Notice of Revocation.
Yes, Mr. Trump, I "retired" and formally expatriated from any Territorial or Municipal Citizenship obligation, and I fully informed the State Department, returned the ACCOUNTS to Mr. Mnuchin's Fiduciary Responsibility, and wiped my hands a long time ago. Not only that, I seized ownership interest and control of all my names, all my Names, and all my NAMES --- in all variations, permutations, styles, punctuations, and orderings whatsoever, and returned them all to their natural permanent domicile on the land and soil of Wisconsin, the Federation Compact State where I was born
All these records are Public. All of them have been duly recorded.
So what do your feckless subcontractors do, but try to create yet another variation of one of my names using a tiny little change in punctuation (which, however, I have also already claimed as my property and placed on the Public Record) and use that as a means to assert False Claims in Commerce and also in International Trade against me and my assets in the world of fact.
What is there about that little word, "No" and the fact that "No means no." are the adult members of your Administration not getting?
All your Buddies work for me, even if the Queen or the Pope pays their wages. I am not pleased whatsoever by the continued mis-administration of the Federal Taxing Authority and the gross frauds and racketeering taking place on our shores.
Millions of Americans are being harassed for no sane reason. Millions, Mr. Trump. What you need to do is admit the circumstance. Just admit it. Your "National Debt" is our National Credit. As we access our credit, that will pay down your debt. Inform your other creditors that the American People showed up at the last minute, back from oversees, hungry, foot-sore, and not at all happy with what has gone on here.
I suggest that you pick up Charles Rettig by both ears and send him packing before I do. We are not franchises of the Municipal Government. We are not Paupers. We are not Employees nor Dependents of the Federal Government. We are not Withholding Agents. Not Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marines. We are not Voluntary Franchisees. We are not United States Citizens. We are not Citizens of the United States. We are not Dependents. Not, not, not.
It is only going to shine a much brighter light on the corruption of the corporations involved if you do not order an end to the fraudulent impersonation and racketeering committed by these private "Bureaus". So, do what has to be done to shut these malfunctioning agencies down and re-task and retrain them to make sure that Americans have access to their National Credit.
We are charging a trillion dollars per head as valued today and ever afterward for every American who dies or is maimed or otherwise significantly harmed in any altercation arising from any forced conscription or confiscation of land jurisdiction assets by any incorporated entity including the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and The United States Department of the Treasury and the Department of the United States Treasury and the US Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Federal Taxation and the Tax Processing Centers and all the Municipal Government goons posing as REVENUE OFFICERS. They all need to be re-tasked and right about now.
We realize the consternation that this demand places upon all the other Creditors, but the fact remains that we are your Priority Creditors as well as the Priority Creditors of the United States and compared to what both the Queen and Pope owe to us, all the rest is chicken change. It's time for them and all the actual corporations --- not the "PERSONAL" corporations that have been created in Bad Faith and Fraud -- to pay for their sins and for our Credit to be redeemed. Worldwide.
Remind the Pope of the Double Golden Jubilee and what is actually required of him, both as Pope and as Roman Pontiff. Tell him I said so and so did Mother Mary. Those roses I received are to be delivered.
And as for Mr. Barr, I like him, but his Office is all messed up, too. We are owed the return of all our land jurisdiction assets. Mr. Barr has inherited the job of the Alien Property Custodian and that's our property he is still holding. It all belongs to the American States and People and we are the only American States and Nations that have the provenance, standing, and treaties to inherit. We are the only "People" left alive and in possession. So return what is owed to The United States of America (Unincorporated) to us. Collapse the trusts and the titles back to the States and the People. That is the only sane and proper solution to this debacle.
Please tell the Queen that for me, too.
We aren't going to stand here and let Secondary Creditors prey upon us under False Pretenses. The jig is up. The fraud is known. And at a trillion dollars a head, those promoting these outrages on our soil are not likely to secure any profit from their actions. So please pass that posted charge on to the Bilderburgers, too? All the land assets belong to us and we shall charge them all up the wazoo if they do anything but return our assets unharmed, debt free, and unencumbered.
Most sincerely,
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
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