View Full Version : Putin has been reported in Mex Media to be headed to the White House

20th July 2018, 07:39 AM

Tomorrow will be another "alternative income preparation day". I was in a hurry this morning when I posted how to avoid getting Paypal deleted, and I fixed a couple errors so it reads a lot better now.July 19 2018

Confirmed: Putin circumvented U.S intelligence, and gave Trump real intelligence.

Additionally Putin has been reported in Mex Media to be headed to the White House for a second meeting with Trump. Crickets in American media on this topic.

160 TERABYTES, that's with a T. It is all the communications, phone calls, EVERYTHING the corrupt U.S. intelligence agencies did to undermine the presidency and rig the election, all the communications from rigged media, and it is all in plain English. Yes, Putin and Russia were doing hacking I guess because they have the entire crime body nailed from top to bottom. Pulled the pants right off the NSA. They must have known about that vulnerability in all Intel processors and exploited it. Ouch. That would be "unintended consequences" if there ever were . . . .
That story is straight. Here's how I know: I commented to Claudia that they were reporting old news about a Trump Putin meeting. I at least understood that much. Then Claudia said, no, they are not reporting the old meeting, they are reporting that there is going to be a second meeting, this time at the white house.
I just checked American sources on this topic and there are only crickets. But is is confirmed that Mex Media did report this, on Diez en Punto (I hate them now but that's beside the point) at least if they said Putin was headed to the U.S. that would not be wrong.
160 terabytes of the truth, while American intelligence did nothing but lie their asses off to Trump would be precisely why there is such an enormous freak out going on in the criminal MSM, criminal intelligence agencies, and criminal left in general. They now know Trump knows EVERYTHING THEY LIED ABOUT and they are scared sh*tless.

20th July 2018, 08:57 AM
Trump asled John Bolt-on to invite Putin to the White House this fall to discuss among other things . . The security for Israel . . .

Trump tweeted

The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........


Trump quiere invitar a Putin a Washington

19-07-2018 17:22 Por Arena Pública

Tras el fracaso del último encuentro entre los dos presidentes, la Casa Blanca quiere tener ahora a Vladimir Putin como invitado.
El presidente de los EEUU y su par, Vladimir Putin en Helsinki, Finlandia, 16 de julio 2018.

¿Podrá reponer Trump sus errores con Putin?

La secretaria de prensa, Sarah Sanders, dijo este jueves que el presidente Donald Trump desea invitar al presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, a Washingtonpara este otoño.

"El presidente Trump pidió [a John Bolton, asesor de seguridad nacional] que invitara al presidente Putin a Washington en otoño y esas discusiones están en marcha", dijo por twitter la secretaria de prensa.

Esta noticia viene tras una semana de críticas duras hacia el presidente estadounidense por la debil posición que mostró en el último encuentro con Putin en Helsinki, cuando se le preguntó numerosas veces si cuestionó al líder ruso sobre su interferencia en las elecciones del 2016.

Desde que asumió la presidencia, Trump ha negado las interferencias rusas, contradiciendo al director de Inteligencia Nacional, Dan Coats, quien dice que aún no sabe qué fue lo que se discutió en el último encuentro entre los dos presidentes.

Trump argumentó que el encuentro fue un gran éxito y acusó a los medios de distorsionar los sucesos y ansiar por un confrontamiento entre Estados Unidosy Rusia.

"El encuentro con Rusia fue un gran éxito, excepto con el enemigo real del pueblo, el Medio de Noticias Falsas", dijo Trump en Twitter.


The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........

La noticia de un eventual segundo encuentro llega después de la decisión del Senado de reprender el intento de Putin de convencer a Trump de entregar actuales y ex funcionarios estadounidenses para ser cuestionados en Rusia, a cambio de dar a Estados Unidos 12 oficiales de inteligencia militar acusados de sabotear la elección de 2016. Oficiales estadounidenses expresaron indignación tras ver que Trump consideró aceptar la oferta de Putin.

El presidente estadounidense se ha encontrado entre la espada y la pared cuando le preguntan acerca de la interferencia rusa en el 2016, tras negar las pruebas que se le han presentado y acusar a los medios de conspirar en su contra.

27th July 2018, 08:06 AM
Trump asled John Bolt-on to invite Putin to the White House this fall to discuss among other things . . The security for Israel . . .

Trump tweeted

[FONT=Helvetica]The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........

it's becoming harder and harder to believe that russian meddle in the elections was not real... Trump likes Putin too much and it looks like they have some kind of agreement about something... I hope that Trump just wants to have more money from the russian oligarchs. This people like to buy property and invest billions in Germany, UK and other countries:
"The total amount of money sent abroad by Russian nationals in 2017 was $31.3 billion, which exceeds the 2016 figure ($24.8 billion) by 26%. The most popular destinations to send funds were Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Latvia and the United States."
from here https://tranio.com/articles/russian-foreign-property-investments-grow-for-the-first-time-in-4-years-exceeding-usd1-billion/

27th July 2018, 08:22 AM
it's becoming harder and harder to believe that russian meddle in the elections was not real... Trump likes Putin too much and it looks like they have some kind of agreement about something... I hope that Trump just wants to have more money from the russian oligarchs. This people like to buy property and invest billions in Germany, UK and other countries:
"The total amount of money sent abroad by Russian nationals in 2017 was $31.3 billion, which exceeds the 2016 figure ($24.8 billion) by 26%. The most popular destinations to send funds were Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Latvia and the United States."
from here https://tranio.com/articles/russian-foreign-property-investments-grow-for-the-first-time-in-4-years-exceeding-usd1-billion/ Kewl screen name.. ;D

Agree with giving money to the idiot, (which he is sweating about now).. Idiot is owned by Russia.

666 fifth avenue, comes to mind, not the idiots directly, but still family related.. Lmfao..

Got's flame suit ? Ur going to need it, Welcome to the forum,, sorta ! U are a reincarnation of someone on the forums past.

27th July 2018, 09:58 AM
Belief is religion, while facts are in short supply.

