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21st July 2018, 12:21 PM
Good ol fashion street justice


Published on Jul 20, 2018

CLEARWATER — Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri announced Friday that his agency will not arrest a man deputies say fatally shot another man during an argument over a handicap parking space.

The incident falls under Florida’s self-defense law known as "stand your ground," the sheriff said during a news conference. The law protects from arrest those in fear of their lives who use force to defend themselves.

The shooting "is within the bookends of stand your ground and within the bookends of force being justified," the sheriff said, later adding, "I’m not saying I agree with it, but I don’t make that call."

The agency will forward the case to the State Attorney’s Office to make a final decision, Gualtieri said.

The decision sprouts from a fight in a convenience store parking lot Thursday afternoon between Michael Drejka, 47, and Markeis McGlockton, 28. According to deputies, Drejka confronted McGlockton’s girlfriend, Britany Jacobs, about parking in a handicap space without a permit.

21st July 2018, 12:46 PM
Full video here -> https://www.bradenton.com/news/local/article215255565.html

A Florida man fatally shot another over a parking space — and it was legal. Here’s why.

July 20, 2018 07:20 PM
Updated 2 hours 17 minutes ago

A 47-year-old man who shot and killed someone over a parking space dispute will not face criminal charges, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri announced during a Friday afternoon press conference.

The Thursday afternoon incident falls under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, he said. Investigators say Michael Drejka fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, 28, after he was shoved to the ground. The altercation was captured on video.

“People have a right to stand their grand and they have a right to defend themselves when they believe they’re in harm,” Gualtieri said.

A “pretty significant yelling match” broke out when Drejka arrived at the Circle A Food Store at 1201 Sunset Point Rd. in Clearwater and saw that McGlockton’s girlfriend, 24-year-old Brittany Jacobs, had illegally parked her car in a handicap spot.

“There was no physical violence,” said Gualtieri. “There was no threats, but it was a disturbance that they were yelling at each other and he was complaining about her parking in the handicap spot.”

McGlockton, who was in the store with his 5-year-old son, exited the store, walked to Drejka and pushed him down to the ground. Gualtieri said the push had “great force.”

“McGlockton approached Drejka. He didn’t waste any time getting to him, and then he pushed him, but it isn’t just a push. He really slammed him to the ground,” Gualtieri explained.

Drejka, who is a lawful concealed carry permit holder, then reaches for his gun and points it at McGlockton, who begins to back away from him. Video surveillance captures Drejka firing his pistol and striking McGlockton in the chest.

McGlockton stumbled back into the store where he collapsed, according to a new release. He was pronounced dead at Morton Plant Hospital.

According to Gualtieri, Drejka was cooperative with deputies and told them that he was in fear and believed that he was going to be attacked again by McGlockton.

“He felt after being slammed to the ground that the next thing was that he was going to be further attacked by McGlockton and that he was focused on McGlockton’s lower body, really couldn’t see his hands, but he felt the next thing was that he was gonna be slammed again and that he’d be struck again and he was in fear.”

Gualtieri said the “stand your ground” law is clear and subjective and that this incident “is within the bookends” of the self-defense law, which was recently modified. He explained that the burden of proof for “stand your ground” entitlement used to be on the defendant but now the State Attorney must prove that the shooter is not entitled to a “stand your ground” defense.

The case will be referred to the State Attorney’s Office, Gualtieri noted.

“I’m not saying I agree with the [the law], but I don’t make that call,” said Gualtieri, who added that the roughly four seconds between when Drejka hits the ground and when he fires his weapon gives him pause.

Toward the end of the press conference, Gualtieri said the law has a range and that his department must work with the evidence it has and enforce the law.

“Maybe somebody could make the case that this guy could’ve handled this differently, but that’s why you’ve got a range and you’ve got bookends and you’re going to have things that fall toward one end of the bookend or the other, that aren’t squarely in the middle. I think there’s an argument that this falls toward one side of the bookend, but it doesn’t take it outside the bookend.”

The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office released video surveillance that captures a fatal Thursday afternoon “stand your ground” shooting at a Clearwater convenience store.

21st July 2018, 01:16 PM
Some good news.

21st July 2018, 01:51 PM
Some good news.

How many times did you watch it with a smile on your face?

21st July 2018, 04:11 PM
ninjas think that all hc spaces are for them. do they issue them placards at the welfare offices? or when they are born? need a water gun filled with paint thinner to hit the fraudsters on the sly

the ho in the story tried to claim there was nowhere else to park.....then the video caught her lies

she has three bastard kids

dead dindu has no job history (according to articles i read)

ho will sue

looks like guy did society a favor by taking out a useless violent thug

Camp Bassfish
23rd July 2018, 05:54 AM
I predict they turn course on this one and charge him with 2nd degree murder. Just my gut feeling.

23rd July 2018, 10:06 AM
Aww he dindu NUffins

23rd July 2018, 02:14 PM
He be defendin his ho from honky and sheet.

The girlfriend of a man who was shot and killed during a heated row over a handicapped parking space in Florida last week has called for justice in the father's death in a new interview.

Markeis McGlockton, 28, was shot in front of his girlfriend Britany Jacobs and the couple's three young children on Thursday afternoon after gunman Michael Drejka picked a fight with the mother for parking in a handicap spot without tags.

Jacobs described how the argument over proper parking etiquette took a deadly turn in an emotional interview with Good Morning America on Monday.

'He wanted somebody to be angry at. He just wanted someone to fight him,' Jacobs said.

23rd July 2018, 03:25 PM
'He wanted somebody to be angry at. He just wanted someone to fight him,' Jacobs said.

And picking a stupid nigger bitch he was guaranteed exponential action. I agree his fight was petty but it probably started just by mentioning that she was in a handicap spot. She took it from there.

23rd July 2018, 07:32 PM
If the shooter was a 47 year old black guy...and the unarmed attacker was a 28 year old white guy, how would you feel about this situation? Just asking..and saying.

I have a hard time thinking this situation justified deadly force. But, being older and non-violent, the guy was forcefully pushed to the ground in such a way that put him IN a situation of getting stomped on to death.

Here in CA, the shooter would be filleted by the media, mobbed by the masses, and hung by a judge and jury. Good on Florida to at least try and make the right decision (which ever way this goes). It leads to a more polite and civil society, when violence is out matched, with a gun or not, and the person trying to make the correct life decisions is allowed a fair shake.

Hopefully the lesson here is to not result in violence when words can and should be the end of it.

23rd July 2018, 08:07 PM
you make giant assumptions

facts matter. fact -- negro attacker was not discussing the situation. attacker violently assaulted an innocent engaged in conversation

it crossed the line into another world.

the rules change when one violently assaults/crosses the line. how many nigger videos are documented on the internet of them kicking someone in the head when they are down? hundreds? thousands? death, brain damage, etc et...

dude is 100 percent justified in that shot.

that is all.

23rd July 2018, 08:21 PM
dude is 100 percent justified in that shot.

that is all.

At the time of the shooting. The unarmed guy appeared to NOT be a threat, based upon the video.

If the shooter had been a cop, you'd be the first to call for an unjustified shooting.

I wanted to point out the double standard apparent on this forum. This is basically it: White guy shoots black guy = justified. Black guy shoots white guy = perp needs to die. Cop shoots anyone = kill the bastard cop.

You really need to think without an agenda. You are programmed and don't even realize it! When you want to discuss facts, actual facts. Let me know.

midnight rambler
23rd July 2018, 08:28 PM
Shooter hesitated and engaged varmint, imo he should have shot the varmint the moment he drew his handgun. Varmint APPEARED to be turning away and backing off AFTER shooter drew his handgun. Hesitating and engaging the varmint muddied the water - again, imo. Shooter came real close to shooting varmint in side or back.

Hitch, shooter was ASSAULTED and was down (very vulnerable), as cheka pointed out varmint could have easily closed the gap and done further harm.

Nonetheless, one less froggy nigger wanting to get whitey.

Everyone always remember - shooting a deserving varmint is easy, the aftermath is the bitch.

23rd July 2018, 08:34 PM
Shooter hesitated and engaged varmint, imo he should have shot the varmint the moment he drew his handgun. Varmint APPEARED to be turning away and backing off AFTER shooter drew his handgun. Hesitating and engaging the varmint muddied the water - again, imo. Shooter came real close to shooting varmint in side or back.

Hitch, shooter was ASSAULTED and was down (very vulnerable), as cheka pointed out varmint could have easily closed the gap and done further harm.

I agree with you, with one exception. The very time he choose to shoot...the perp appeared to not be a threat. There was good distance between them and the perp appeared to be backing off, when he saw the gun drawn. You are right though, the guy should have pulled and instantly fired.

Lesson, pull your gun, fire it pretty much immediately. Looks better on video. :)

If the perp put his hands up, imagine all the riots in the inner cities over this. "hands up, don't shoot".

If the guy was a cop in uniform, you'd probably hate that cop.

23rd July 2018, 09:10 PM
The same "Stand your ground" law in FL also says there is no civil recourse for the victim or family.

Agreed it was a close call on how quickly the shooter resorted to using his weapon. The DA won't push this any farther, so the old man will not be charged.

Remember if you are ever in that situation you also have to consider a stray shot not hitting your intended target. That could be why the shooter hesitated before pulling the trigger. Just saying.

One less useless eater with a attitude out there.

23rd July 2018, 09:12 PM
like anyone here can know what a dumb violent nigger is thinking about what it's going to do next

fact -- he is attacking an innocent

everything else is b.s. - and speculated on by people that aren't dumb violent niggers. less than zero cred on what any of us think what it was about to do

there is only fact to consider. thankfully the camera captured the fact. its co-criminal already tried to lie -- claiming that there was nowhere else to park. video destroyed that lie

i think the violent attacker was about to help the guy up.....and the sheboon bastard factory was going to move the car to a regular space - so that the handicap space would be open for a hc customer.


23rd July 2018, 10:33 PM
Remember if you are ever in that situation you also have to consider a stray shot not hitting your intended target. That could be why the shooter hesitated before pulling the trigger. Just saying.

Looks like to me he waited to shoot til he had the target without harming anyone else innocent. I do believe he planned this in a way. Who in their right mind would engage a female nigger about a parking spot in a lot that was more than 75% empty? A fucking psycho, that's who. He may have had the right after HE-MAN negro slammed him and I would have also but I think this whole scene was planned by so called white warrior.

24th July 2018, 07:59 AM
Looks like to me he waited to shoot til he had the target without harming anyone else innocent. I do believe he planned this in a way. Who in their right mind would engage a female nigger about a parking spot in a lot that was more than 75% empty? A fucking psycho, that's who. He may have had the right after HE-MAN negro slammed him and I would have also but I think this whole scene was planned by so called white warrior.

i always thought that it would make a great movie. bait + kill + win court case, rinse/repeat

24th July 2018, 11:43 AM
i always thought that it would make a great movie. bait + kill + win court case, rinse/repeat


24th July 2018, 11:55 AM
i always thought that it would make a great movie. bait + kill + win court case, rinse/repeat


24th July 2018, 12:01 PM
Yes the guy defended his mother of his children and pushed the sob away....and figured that was end of it and go on with life to check of his family. Wen backing off and turning to check his family, when the basted on the ground took out his gun, huge time to aim, as the guy which was killed was no threat probably thinking was the end the end if it and no immediate threat to him to (shooter) as he was tuning way then shot him.

The white guy is guilty of murder, but due to a flawed law probably will get away with it as the law stands but, will also pay for the murder he commuted in both the court of opinion and the feds can still step in.

Plain and simple, Being shoved to the ground is not near justification, to take another ones life, especially when the prep was no direct threat to kill to anyone in later actions , (not the same as a break in)

Yes justifies if the guy turned back toward and then stepped toward the shooter and went to him. That = justified.

The dead guy got killed defending his family

Hitch...HI ! ;D


Murder/execution , more likely by the video.

24th July 2018, 02:13 PM
Lesson, pull your gun, fire it pretty much immediately. Looks better on video. :)

I think the lesson is, don't pull your gun until you're ready to fire it.

24th July 2018, 02:57 PM
Due to the negro's uncalled for, violent action the guy had no choice but to "sit his ground".
If he was standing I think his defense would be shakier.

24th July 2018, 03:38 PM
Due to the negro's uncalled for, violent action the guy had no choice but to "sit his ground".
If he was standing I think his defense would be shakier.

If he tried to get up he was looking at a mouth full of foot. The guy didn't back up until after the gun was pulled, he was going to go after him again.

24th July 2018, 05:52 PM
1. we don't know the conversation between the perp and the shooter.
2. the perp was still close enough to turn and charge the shooter
3. the shooter was just violently assaulted and was still fearing for his life
4. see #1
Q. At what distance can a violent person be to a police officer with enough time to draw and fire? 7 feet?
The perp was 3 to 4 feet away and could have easily turned and charged the shooter on the ground. The shooter may not have been able to get a kill shot if this guy was in motion.
When a gun comes out, anything can happen at that point. The perp that just committed one violent act and may have become more angered that this guy just pulled a gun on him.
5. see #1

Now the baby momma can go home and tell her family and friends how her boyfriend got shot to death for slamming an old guy to the ground. Maybe some of them will think twice before they go to violence.

On the flip side, I don't know why the shooter was playing mall cop to begin with. The baby momma was in the car while in the handicap spot, not like she was leaving the car parked there. He should have kept his nose out of it...unless he was deliberately looking for trouble.

24th July 2018, 07:11 PM
On the flip side, I don't know why the shooter was playing mall cop to begin with. The baby momma was in the car while in the handicap spot, not like she was leaving the car parked there. He should have kept his nose out of it...unless he was deliberately looking for trouble.

^ this.

24th July 2018, 07:54 PM
1. we don't know the conversation between the perp and the shooter.
2. the perp was still close enough to turn and charge the shooter
3. the shooter was just violently assaulted and was still fearing for his life
4. see #1
Q. At what distance can a violent person be to a police officer with enough time to draw and fire? 7 feet?
The perp was 3 to 4 feet away and could have easily turned and charged the shooter on the ground. The shooter may not have been able to get a kill shot if this guy was in motion.
When a gun comes out, anything can happen at that point. The perp that just committed one violent act and may have become more angered that this guy just pulled a gun on him.
5. see #1

Now the baby momma can go home and tell her family and friends how her boyfriend got shot to death for slamming an old guy to the ground. Maybe some of them will think twice before they go to violence.

On the flip side, I don't know why the shooter was playing mall cop to begin with. The baby momma was in the car while in the handicap spot, not like she was leaving the car parked there. He should have kept his nose out of it...unless he was deliberately looking for trouble.EE kudos for trying to defend the pure video, it was as it is.

just like ur defense of the idiot in chef...?

I had a high and low opinion af u over the years, ha hope,not anymore..

overall what u crave in no gov, which may work short term then ,loss of any civilization, u and other here will not survive....IN ur thoughts bunker up. or work withing the system, and always keep in mind the majority will and can crush the minority. YOU cannot store enough ammo, u will be out gunned in the world u u want . History proves they that are baddest and powerful , may short time win. but overall do lose . U are wrong in so many ways. Tr pissing up wind in hurricane to prove my point, back splatter will rule.

As many here I do not like what is happening now, old military term= snafu, be careful of what side u defend..

very long day for me, calling i a night and going down.and hope for another wake up.


again to the op, = Legal murder.

midnight rambler
24th July 2018, 08:38 PM
I still win.

In your dreams Lefty.

24th July 2018, 08:39 PM
1. we don't know the conversation between the perp and the shooter.
2. the perp was still close enough to turn and charge the shooter
3. the shooter was just violently assaulted and was still fearing for his life
4. see #1

EE, the video shows murder, plain and simple. Here's what we know, per the video. The black guy came out of the store to see an older guy being "not nice" to his girlfriend, verbally. The video shows this. His body language shows this.

As men, we protect our loved ones. The guy doesn't panic at all, doesn't seem violent, but gives the shooter a shove onto the ground. He then put his arms at is side, between the shooter and his girlfriend. To protect her. He saw a threat to a loved one, got the threat out of the way, then stood between that threat, and her.

When the gun comes out....he ducks his head and backs off. So does the woman. The shooter shoots anyway.

No fucking way this shooting was justified. If this shooting is justified, any emotional scared idiot can shoot anyone he "feels" is a threat.

This really is murder, caught on camera. You folks grabbing for reasons to justify this, are just looking at the races of the people involved. To make your agenda and assumptions.

Nothing in this video supports a justified shooting. That IS fact.

24th July 2018, 08:51 PM
EE, the video shows murder, plain and simple. Here's what we know, per the video. The black guy came out of the store to see an older guy being "not nice" to his girlfriend. The video shows this.

As men, we protect our loved ones. The guy doesn't panic at all, doesn't seem violent, but gives the shooter a shove onto the ground. He then put his arms at is side, between the shooter and his girlfriend. When the gun comes out....he ducks his head and backs off. So does the woman. The shooter shoots anyway.

No fucking way this shooting was justified. If this shooting is justified, any emotional scared idiot can shoot anyone he "feels" is a threat.

This really is murder, caught on camera. You folks grabbing for reasons to justify this, are just looking at the races of the people involved. To make your agenda and assumptions.

Nothing in this video supports a justified shooting. That IS fact.

You must have more details then me.
How hurt was the shooter from getting slammed on his ass like that? Broken tail bone? Did he need to go to the hospital?
If his girlfriend was being harassed, why did she get out of the car so casually? If any woman is feeling threatened/harassed by a stranger, would the right thing to do be, to get out of the car right next to the guy harassing her?
What did the black guy say to the shooter when he saw the gun? Did he say "I'm gonna fuck you up cracker motherfucker and take that gun away and stick it up your ass"? Something like that?
What was the second guy planning on doing as he started moving to the guy on the ground? His back was to the camera, did he say anything? Like "let's fuck this honky up?
Would you feel threatened if you were just slammed on your ass by a bigger guy and noticed a second guy heading toward you?
Can the average person make a decision with a clear mind to shoot, or not shoot, just after being slammed on his ass and seeing a second man approaching?

You and that lunatic liberal progressive socialist leftist on this site make it seem so simple, that the shooter was just mad and killed the guy out of spite

24th July 2018, 09:09 PM
You must have more details then me.

I have the same details as you, the video. The difference between us, is YOU are trying to justify this shooting with open ended, unanswerable questions. I am trying to be objective, based upon what I see in the video.

Do you honestly think this situation should have resulted in deadly force? Would you have fired your gun?

Nothing, I've ever been taught, about LE, or firearms, and when to use them...applies here. I would not have shot that guy, personally.

The only thing I do like, is that if the laws let this shooter go, guys like us are protected if we do, need to use deadly force. Because, we know and won't abuse that freedom of being able to defend ourselves. Here in CA, we are guilty until proven innocent. It appears in FL, you can get off free and clear with murder. I'll take FL's legal system anyday, because I'll sleep good at night with any decision I may need to make, or may be forced to make.

But, let's be clear. This was murder, not self defense. The shooter did not need to shoot to end this situation.

24th July 2018, 09:11 PM

24th July 2018, 09:21 PM
I have the same details as you, the video. The difference between us, is YOU are trying to justify this shooting with open ended, unanswerable questions. I am trying to be objective, based upon what I see in the video.

Do you honestly think this situation should have resulted in deadly force? Would you have fired your gun?

Nothing, I've ever been taught, about LE, or firearms, and when to use them...applies here. I would not have shot that guy, personally.

The only thing I do like, is that if the laws let this shooter go, guys like us are protected if we do, need to use deadly force. Because, we know and won't abuse that freedom of being able to defend ourselves. Here in CA, we are guilty until proven innocent. It appears in FL, you can get off free and clear with murder. I'll take FL's legal system anyday, because I'll sleep good at night with any decision I may need to make, or may be forced to make.

But, let's be clear. This was murder, not self defense. The shooter did not need to shoot to end this situation.

I wouldn't have got involved in a parking space to begin with.
If I was shoved to the ground in a situation where I was just minding my own business, I would have shot him dead, but probably not in this situation. Like I said, I would have minded my own business. How many times do we see blacks fucking with people, knock out game and such. Any confrontation with a black tends to put a white person on the defense.
I take it you feel the shooter was mad and killed the black guy out of spite?
It never would have happened had the black guy not slammed the guy.

24th July 2018, 09:38 PM
I wouldn't have got involved in a parking space to begin with.
If I was shoved to the ground in a situation where I was just minding my own business, I would have shot him dead, but probably not in this situation. Like I said, I would have minded my own business. How many times do we see blacks fucking with people, knock out game and such. Any confrontation with a black tends to put a white person on the defense.
I take it you feel the shooter was mad and killed the black guy out of spite?
It never would have happened had the black guy not slammed the guy.

EE_, this is what I'm talking about. The race of people in situations like this, does not matter. It's actions. You are showing that you feel a black guy is inherently more of a threat to you and other innocent people, than a person of another race.

You can't do that. Deadly force is justified beyond the race of the person, but on their actions to you at that time.

To have the ability to protect ourselves comes with the responsibility to be just about it.

25th July 2018, 12:56 AM
insert any of many videos of niggers attacking....then attacking again....and again....people that are down and/or out.

the step back means NOTHING. claiming it wasn't going to attack again is an ASSumption with no basis. the video clearly shows an animal that is ignoring civilized behavior. to apply civility to a rabid nigger is ridiculous folly at best. corrupt misdirection at worst

the animal showed it would attack without any justification. guy talking to the ho is no reason to physically attack. claiming nig was 'defending' his ho is ridiculous. nig crossed the line into deadly conduct. nig bet wrong, his victim was able to return fire - this time. many times the victims end up dead or severely injured from similar chimpouts

25th July 2018, 03:12 AM
EE_, this is what I'm talking about. The race of people in situations like this, does not matter. It's actions. You are showing that you feel a black guy is inherently more of a threat to you and other innocent people, than a person of another race.

You can't do that. Deadly force is justified beyond the race of the person, but on their actions to you at that time.

To have the ability to protect ourselves comes with the responsibility to be just about it.
One could argue a different standard based on the statistics on violent crime, black on white vs white on black. Perhaps it is just to be judged differently. Perhaps a white person is justified to have fear of their life in the situation developing while everything being equal a negro in the same position may not have the same justification.

25th July 2018, 03:37 AM
EE_, this is what I'm talking about. The race of people in situations like this, does not matter. It's actions. You are showing that you feel a black guy is inherently more of a threat to you and other innocent people, than a person of another race.

You can't do that. Deadly force is justified beyond the race of the person, but on their actions to you at that time.

To have the ability to protect ourselves comes with the responsibility to be just about it.
I have to side with you on this one Hitch. The guy was way out of bounds when he shoved the guy but that should not be a death warrant, especially given the fact that he was not going after the guy. The shooter was not in peril at the time he fired his weapon.

25th July 2018, 04:47 AM
EE_, this is what I'm talking about. The race of people in situations like this, does not matter. It's actions. You are showing that you feel a black guy is inherently more of a threat to you and other innocent people, than a person of another race.

You can't do that. Deadly force is justified beyond the race of the person, but on their actions to you at that time.

To have the ability to protect ourselves comes with the responsibility to be just about it.

Sorry, I disagree. Race has much to do with it. Take a poll on how white people feel walking by a small group of blacks, compared to walking by a small group of whites. Do blacks have the same fear being around whites? You know the answer to these questions.

I know a little about how blacks are. I've spent a lot of years working with them, around them and in very black areas, from east Cleveland, OH to Compton, CA, days and nights. I've drank with them and I've fought with them. I've known good ones and bad one's, and many of them hate white people.

When my father was a young guy he drove a newspaper truck in rough areas, he was robbed twice at knife point when they jumped into the truck. Dad was a tough guy, but he wasn't about to lose his life over a wedding ring and wallet.

I learned about these people at a young age. They are not the same as white people, or have they been brought up the same, in general.

Back to the story, by the video you are judging that the white shooter was not feeling fearful after getting slammed, so you are assuming he killed out of spite. I do feel a black guy is inherently more of a threat in a situation like this, the difference between walking up to a tiger, or a kitten.

How much time have you spent with blacks, in black areas and at night? Some companies I worked for and job sites were constantly being broken into and robbed. Tell me what it was like for you when you drove through rough neighborhoods with thugs and pimps lining the streets hanging out.
What was it like for you when you had to walk by groups of blacks during the Rodney King trial and the OJ trial?

The day before the OJ trial, I was in Cleveland, most of the east Cleveland gas stations were out of gas, because the blacks were planning to burn down the city if the verdict went the wrong way.

Sorry, race has much to do with it!

25th July 2018, 05:12 AM
EE & Dogman,

I moved the personal attacks to the Thunderdome. No more personal attacks on the open forum.

Half Sense
25th July 2018, 06:37 AM
Nothing in this video supports a justified shooting. That IS fact.

Different rules in Florida, obviously.

Half Sense
25th July 2018, 06:55 AM
The shooter was not in peril at the time he fired his weapon.

He was outnumbered 3 to 1. He had just been violently attacked. You are assuming the attack is over, but you certainly cannot know what would have happened next.

25th July 2018, 07:43 AM
He was arguing with this woman who had wrongly parked in the handicap spot, and her boyfriend brutally comes and shoves him to the ground, apparently the woman didn’t feel particularly threatened by him as she got out of the car to confront him herself, thus “the need to protect his family” by the assailant by shoving him down is not reasonable. Neither is it relevant that he may have confronted others on parking issues, from a legal point of view. If he has threatened to shoot someone over parking as claimed in the ABC video, that is obviously an illegal threat, and he can be prosecuted for that.

Otherwise I think he has a reasonable “stand your ground” case, as he was unprovoked pushed to the ground, and as mentioned three possible attackers (one confirmed and two potential hostiles nearby), he was correct in fearing for his life and wellbeing in that position.

25th July 2018, 06:09 PM
Sorry, I disagree. Race has much to do with it. Take a poll on how white people feel walking by a small group of blacks, compared to walking by a small group of whites. Do blacks have the same fear being around whites? You know the answer to these questions.

I know a little about how blacks are. I've spent a lot of years working with them, around them and in very black areas, from east Cleveland, OH to Compton, CA, days and nights. I've drank with them and I've fought with them. I've known good ones and bad one's, and many of them hate white people.

When my father was a young guy he drove a newspaper truck in rough areas, he was robbed twice at knife point when they jumped into the truck. Dad was a tough guy, but he wasn't about to lose his life over a wedding ring and wallet.

I learned about these people at a young age. They are not the same as white people, or have they been brought up the same, in general.

Back to the story, by the video you are judging that the white shooter was not feeling fearful after getting slammed, so you are assuming he killed out of spite. I do feel a black guy is inherently more of a threat in a situation like this, the difference between walking up to a tiger, or a kitten.

How much time have you spent with blacks, in black areas and at night? Some companies I worked for and job sites were constantly being broken into and robbed. Tell me what it was like for you when you drove through rough neighborhoods with thugs and pimps lining the streets hanging out.
What was it like for you when you had to walk by groups of blacks during the Rodney King trial and the OJ trial?

The day before the OJ trial, I was in Cleveland, most of the east Cleveland gas stations were out of gas, because the blacks were planning to burn down the city if the verdict went the wrong way.

Sorry, race has much to do with it!

Race has absolutely nothing to do with whether a shooting is justified.

Each case is an individual one. If a black guy in a dangerous neighbor hood pulls a gun to carjack you, and you shoot him....justified. If grandma Agnes pulls a gun on you in a peaceful church parking lot after Sunday mass, and you shoot her....still, justified.

The great thing about guns is they level the playing field. Grandma Agnes can kill you dead just as quickly as a large black guy in the hood, with a gun.

What you are talking about is probabilities. Yes, you are more likely to get into situations requiring deadly force if you are white in a dangerous black neighbor.

It still does not matter, each situation is different. The video shows a guy shoot an unarmed guy who was, at the time the trigger was pulled, not a deadly threat. In fact, he was backing off deescalating the situation.

This situation would have ended peacefully, if the old guy just got up and backed away. The gun being pulled out was enough to end the confrontation. Pulling the trigger was vengeful murder.

25th July 2018, 06:16 PM
Different rules in Florida, obviously.

Indeed, I'll tell ya this though, I'll take Florida's rules over California's any day. I like that "stand your ground" law and I agree with it. What I don't like, is seeing it abused as in this case. Anytime someone pushes the envelope on good law, that good law gets challenged, questioned, and can end up going away.

This exact situation is a wet dream for liberals. They get to riot, get Soros money, and cause a bunch of drama to distract everyone from what's really important going on.

25th July 2018, 07:03 PM
The video shows a guy shoot an unarmed guy who was, at the time the trigger was pulled, not a deadly threat. In fact, he was backing off deescalating the situation.

This situation would have ended peacefully, if the old guy just got up and backed away. The gun being pulled out was enough to end the confrontation. Pulling the trigger was vengeful murder.

Dude... the only reason he backed up was because a gun was pulled. Prior to that he was coming towards the shooter after slamming him along with the white guy approaching. Had the shooter put the gun away he would have probably had a mouth full of foot along with another ganging up on him before a chance of standing or another shot.

He was NOT 'shoved' He was totally 'body slammed' by some guy with his hands to his side until he slammed him with full force which you can see in the video.

Valid shoot.

Where I have the problem is the white guy antagonized the black chick over a handicap spot, not his fucking business at all. Why does he care? A veteran with a wheel chair that needs that spot? NO he can walk and 75% of the spots were empty. He was a fucking asshole just waiting for shit to escalate to the point of shooting someone. He chose that black chick because he knew all he had to do was mention it and it would continue into a full blown escapade. If you ever had to deal with a black woman or psycho chick you will know what I am talking about. If not then you have not been out of moms basement for a while.

A valid shot but was antagonized by the white fuck. Thin law here since there is no audio. The guy should be charged with premeditated murder... but... did he know kneego brown would body slam him? I think this ass fuck was just looking for a reason to kill, some people just like that. Especially after hearing the store owner saying that he bothered others in the lot prior.

Valid shot but was antagonized. I give him the death penalty for premeditation. I let him free for stand your ground. This is a hairline case with all to lose and gain with not much at all in the middle as a buffer.

Holding a few seconds for the shot... iffy, he's waiting to make sure he wouldn't kill any bystanders or deflect to the store (Premeditated). Trained in gun ownership and the proper way and when to shoot.

I go both ways on this one. Yes murder if he wasn't body slammed by some guy holding his hands in his pocket until full slam mode. But he was so the shot was justified.

25th July 2018, 07:51 PM
Race has absolutely nothing to do with whether a shooting is justified.

Each case is an individual one. If a black guy in a dangerous neighbor hood pulls a gun to carjack you, and you shoot him....justified. If grandma Agnes pulls a gun on you in a peaceful church parking lot after Sunday mass, and you shoot her....still, justified.

The great thing about guns is they level the playing field. Grandma Agnes can kill you dead just as quickly as a large black guy in the hood, with a gun.

What you are talking about is probabilities. Yes, you are more likely to get into situations requiring deadly force if you are white in a dangerous black neighbor.

It still does not matter, each situation is different. The video shows a guy shoot an unarmed guy who was, at the time the trigger was pulled, not a deadly threat. In fact, he was backing off deescalating the situation.

This situation would have ended peacefully, if the old guy just got up and backed away. The gun being pulled out was enough to end the confrontation. Pulling the trigger was vengeful murder.

I totally agree, race has nothing to do with a shooting being justified, but it does have a lot to do with why a white man would feel threatened by a bigger black man that just attacked him and another black man heading toward him.

I'm not really defending this guy as much as I am in principle. As said before, he should have minded his own business.

25th July 2018, 08:13 PM
I think it was a white guy coming towards the white asshole that ran between cars.

25th July 2018, 08:57 PM
I totally agree, race has nothing to do with a shooting being justified, but it does have a lot to do with why a white man would feel threatened by a bigger black man that just attacked him and another black man heading toward him.

I'm not really defending this guy as much as I am in principle. As said before, he should have minded his own business.

I'd like to defend the principle as well. I live in a state, California, that's lost all that principle to begin with. Personally, I'd love it if we had a similar "stand our ground" law, because I know, I wouldn't abuse that protection of my freedoms. But others do abuse it, to the point it becomes unjust. And, that's how we lose the fight. One asshole doing something he shouldn't be doing, and getting away with it..just equals we all must be assholes and lumped together. Because we are not individuals anymore, to TPTB.

You know in CA now, if you have a misdemeanor, you can't buy a firearm? A misdemeanor. They don't take your guns, but won't let you buy any more.

25th July 2018, 09:03 PM
Dude... the only reason he backed up was because a gun was pulled. Prior to that he was coming towards the shooter after slamming him along with the white guy approaching. Had the shooter put the gun away he would have probably had a mouth full of foot along with another ganging up on him before a chance of standing or another shot.

He was NOT 'shoved' He was totally 'body slammed' by some guy with his hands to his side until he slammed him with full force which you can see in the video.

Valid shoot.

Where I have the problem is the white guy antagonized the black chick over a handicap spot, not his fucking business at all. Why does he care? A veteran with a wheel chair that needs that spot? NO he can walk and 75% of the spots were empty. He was a fucking asshole just waiting for shit to escalate to the point of shooting someone. He chose that black chick because he knew all he had to do was mention it and it would continue into a full blown escapade. If you ever had to deal with a black woman or psycho chick you will know what I am talking about. If not then you have not been out of moms basement for a while.

A valid shot but was antagonized by the white fuck. Thin law here since there is no audio. The guy should be charged with premeditated murder... but... did he know kneego brown would body slam him? I think this ass fuck was just looking for a reason to kill, some people just like that. Especially after hearing the store owner saying that he bothered others in the lot prior.

Valid shot but was antagonized. I give him the death penalty for premeditation. I let him free for stand your ground. This is a hairline case with all to lose and gain with not much at all in the middle as a buffer.

Holding a few seconds for the shot... iffy, he's waiting to make sure he wouldn't kill any bystanders or deflect to the store (Premeditated). Trained in gun ownership and the proper way and when to shoot.

I go both ways on this one. Yes murder if he wasn't body slammed by some guy holding his hands in his pocket until full slam mode. But he was so the shot was justified.

To sum up what you are saying...white guys are inferior to black guys, so we need a law so we can shoot unarmed black guys. We are the victims just waiting to be preyed upon.

That's BS. If you want to justify this murder, don't paint us all as victims like yourself. A black dude pushes me to the ground like that, I don't need a gun to end the situation.

midnight rambler
25th July 2018, 09:11 PM
You know in CA now, if you have a misdemeanor, you can't buy a firearm? A misdemeanor.

Like what level of misdemeanor? A traffic ticket? Littering??


25th July 2018, 09:22 PM
To sum up what you are saying...white guys are inferior to black guys, so we need a law so we can shoot unarmed black guys. We are the victims just waiting to be preyed upon.

That's BS. If you want to justify this murder, don't paint us all as victims like yourself. A black dude pushes me to the ground like that, I don't need a gun to end the situation.

After all I wrote that's all you got out of it, Yes you are a stupid pawn. My GOD read what I wrote before going spewing out stupid fucking shit. I backed your shit because you are right, but lets not read it and say whatever you want. Paint me bad cause I backed you...

25th July 2018, 09:23 PM
3.... 2.... 1....

25th July 2018, 09:27 PM
Like what level of misdemeanor? A traffic ticket? Littering??

Infractions like traffic tickets, littering, jaywalking, etc don't count. Here's the official list of gun prohibiting misdemeanors in CA. As you can see, the list includes a lot of interpretation and speculation.


But, the gun shops won't sell you a gun with any misdemeanor, they just ask if you've had one.

25th July 2018, 09:34 PM
After all I wrote that's all you got out of it, Yes you are a stupid pawn. My GOD read what I wrote before going spewing out stupid fucking shit. I backed your shit because you are right, but lets not read it and say whatever you want. Paint me bad cause I backed you...

Quit with the passive aggressive nonsense. You sit around all day profiling everyone on this forum. Our taxes pay your .gov paychecks. If you don't like what I have to say, find a good argument against it. Or, STFU.

25th July 2018, 09:43 PM
Five times Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law sparked controversy

Rodney Cox, 35, shown fishing in this undated photo, was fatally shot on Nov. 3, 2004. The general contractor from North Carolina was in hurricane-damaged Pensacola to work for FEMA when he was killed. He left behind a wife and two children, Samantha and Corey, who were 3 and 11 at the time of his death. Proponents of Florida's "stand your ground" law pointed to his shooting as the reason citizens needed legal protection when they used deadly force on intruders. [Courtesy of Terri Cox Lavery] Rodney Cox, 35, shown fishing in this undated photo, was fatally shot on Nov. 3, 2004. The general contractor from North Carolina was in hurricane-damaged Pensacola to work for FEMA when he was killed. He left behind a wife and two children, Samantha and Corey, who were 3 and 11 at the time of his death. Proponents of Florida's "stand your ground" law pointed to his shooting as the reason citizens needed legal protection when they used deadly force on intruders. [Courtesy of Terri Cox Lavery]

Kirby Wilson
Published: July 23, 2018Updated: July 23, 2018 at 04:35 PM
Florida’s controversial self-defense law is in the news again.

The killing of Markeis McGlockton, a 28-year-old who was shot by another man after the two argued over a parking space on Thursday, is just the most recent in a long succession of controversies over the law commonly known as "stand your ground." Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri announced his office wouldn’t charge McGlockton’s killer, 47-year-old Michael Drejka, on Friday.

Here’s a look back into the Tampa Bay Times archive for five times "stand your ground," which exempts from prosecution those who use deadly force to protect themselves if they fear for their lives, has made news.

From the archives: ’Stand your ground’ law protects those who go far beyond that point

1. The 2012 death of Trayvon Martin

In perhaps the most famous "stand your ground" case ever, George Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter after killing Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager.

BACK STORY: George Zimmerman found not guilty in Trayvon Martin’s death.

On Feb. 26, 2012, Zimmerman called the police on Martin, who was walking through his neighborhood, because he suspected Martin may have been connected to a string of local burglaries. Martin, who noticed Zimmerman following him, began to run away from the neighborhood watch volunteer. Police told Zimmerman he didn’t have to pursue Martin, but Zimmerman did anyway, according to contemporaneous news media reports

of the 911 call placed by Zimmerman. The two eventually got into an altercation which left Martin dead.

Zimmerman was arrested and charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter. He claimed self defense under Florida’s broad "stand your ground" law, citing injuries he sustained during the confrontation, and in 2013, he was acquitted. Martin’s death — and Zimmerman’s acquittal — sparked national protests and helped give rise to the national Black Lives Matter movement.

2. The 2014 Pasco County movie theater shooting

On Jan. 13, 2014, Curtis Reeves, a retired Tampa police captain took exception to a fellow moviegoer’s cell phone use during previews at a Wesley Chapel movie theater. He asked the man, Chad Oulson, to turn off the phone, and the two began to argue. Oulson threw a bag of popcorn at Reeves. Reeves responded by shooting Oulson in the chest, killing him.

BACK STORY: Appeals court denies challenge to ‘stand your ground’ ruling in Pasco theater shooting.

Reeves has tried to claim self defense under the "stand your ground" law, but he has thus far been unsuccessful. In May, an appeals court denied his challenge to a 2017 ruling that he was not exempt from prosecution under the law. A trial date for Reeves has been set for Feb. 25, 2019. However, it is unknown to what extent recent changes to the "stand your ground law" passed by the Florida Legislature could affect Reeve’s case.

MORE ON THE CHANGE HERE: Florida lawmakers changed ‘stand your ground’ law. Chaos followed.

3. The case that started it all in 2004

Florida lawmakers cited the case of James Workman, 77, when they called for a change to existing criminal law in 2004. Workman shot and killed Rodney Cox, 35, after Cox entered his home in the middle of the night of Nov. 2. Legislators bemoaned the fact that Workman had to spend almost three months in legal purgatory before authorities announced he would not be charged in Cox’s killing.

"You’re entitled to protect your castle," Durell Peaden, a Republican state senator who sponsored the "stand your ground" law, said in 2005. "Why should you have to hire a lawyer to say, ‘This guy is innocent’?"

However, as a 2012 Tampa Bay Times story notes, the facts of the case were not as simple as lawmakers presented them. Workman never hired a lawyer. Cox did not interact with Workman until after Workman walked outside to confront the man lurking in his yard. And it was only after Workman fired a warning shot into the ground that Cox, who was likely intoxicated at the time of the incident, entered Workman’s home, per the 2012 story.

BACK STORY: Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law was born of 2004 case, but story has been distorted.

According to that story, the Workmans felt conflicted about the National Rifle Association-backed law their case spawned. "We didn’t ask for any of this," Workman’s wife, Kathryn, told the Times. And Workman said in 2005 he was "kind of in favor of" the law, but he "can see some pitfalls if you make it too loose.

4. Tampa man kills father of three in 2015; calls ‘stand your ground’ hotline

In the early hours of Sept. 19, 2015, Nick Julian IV made two important phone calls. The first was a 911 call to report that he had shot an unarmed man who he claimed attacked him. The second was to the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, which at the time offered inexpensive legal counsel for members who found themselves in Julian’s predicament.

Julian, 26, had been arguing with Carlos Garcia, 37, for several minutes because of the loud music coming from Garcia’s car. Julian confronted Garcia about the music several times, and eventually the incident became violent. According to the shooter’s father, Garcia chased after Julian before Julian shot him.

"He came at me with something. I don’t know what it was because it was dark, but I started to go towards my door, once he got me towards my screen door, I just, I had no choice, I, I’m on my property…" Julian told a police dispatcher in a 911 call.

BACK STORY: Tampa man shoots father of three, then calls ‘stand your ground’ hotline.

Two months after the shooting, Hillsborough County State Attorney Mark Ober said he would not press charges against Julian.

5. Thursday.

Markeis McGlockton, 28, had exited a car parked in a handicap spot outside the Circle A Food Store on Sunset Point Road near Clearwater. He went into the story to buy chips and drinks, leaving his girlfriend and two of their children, ages four months and three years, in the car. He took his 5-year-old with him into the store.

THE LATEST CASE: No arrest in fatal shooting during argument over handicap parking space.

Michael Drejka, 47, a man with a reported history of taking exception to illegal parking at that store, confronted McGlockton’s girlfriend, Britany Jacobs, after searching the outside of the car for proof that it could occupy a handicapped space.

A video taken of the incident showed McGlockton exiting the store and shoving Drejka to the ground. Drejka then pulled out a handgun and shot McGlockton in the chest. He owned the gun legally and had a concealed carry permit, Gualtieri said.

Friday, the sheriff announced Drejka’s actions met the legal definition of self defense.

26th July 2018, 12:39 AM
Quit with the passive aggressive nonsense. You sit around all day profiling everyone on this forum. Our taxes pay your .gov paychecks. If you don't like what I have to say, find a good argument against it. Or, STFU.

Just because you can't read and comprehend... Oh wait, your Fogmans protegee, never mind. Go back to your leaking canoe Pete.