View Full Version : Virtual Reality for Pedophiles

21st July 2018, 08:43 PM
Funded by your loving government
But they are not Satanic since Satan does not exist and Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven (wink wink)


21st July 2018, 11:21 PM
11:35 castration is the cure 100%

22nd July 2018, 09:05 AM


Chrome appeared to despise me when I tried to do a report about "pedophobes" or to be more clear people who are "pedophilephobic" which is the new term the left is using to justify hatred towards people who are against pedophilia. As soon as I went into this topic, even Duck Duck Go delivered the "aw snap" screen. What's up with that? Stuck with chrome on Knoppix. That's a downside to Knoppix I guess. ANYWAY, about those "pedophilephobes"

I always knew, right when the term "homophobe" was launched, that it was a manipulation to slander clear thinking people. Now, the term "phobe" is attached to many things clear thinking people may be against. And in all cases, it has a ring to it: Homophobe: eew, that must be bad and they have escalated it to really decrepit things like "zoophobe", EEW, you are against sex with animals, you're a BIGOT. However, it only hits the psyche when it has a nice ring to it, and "pedophiliaphobe" does not have a nice ring to it, they might have difficulty making that one stick. You can't say "pedophobe" because technically that's just being afraid of kids, and that matters to "them". So what will the actual term be once they normalize pedophiles, as they are trying to do now? Who knows.Anyway, there are lots of people concerned about this, and clearly, clearly, acceptance of pedophelia is going to be rammed down everyone's throat as the next great thing. Here's a nice Reddit post that pretty much sums up where people are with this now, BUT REMEMBER THIS WHEN READING THE FOLLOWING: In the past, people used to think about homosexuality the exact same way this guy is talking about pedophelia. So we really need to stop the attempted normalization of pedophelia RIGHT NOW, or in a few years we'll be watching predators with kids at Wal Mart the same way we can get an eyefull of two guys kissing in public now. This guy misses a key point, and it is called incrementalism - the frog in the pot thing - take baby steps into depravity and no one will care, as long as the steps are small.
This guy has obviously been put under pressure somewhere if he is asking the question "Is it OK to be a pedophobe."

The fact that question got asked at all clearly indicates all is not well with society.

From Reddit: Is it OK to be a Pedophobe?

"By "Pedophobe" I mean someone who dislikes and discriminates against pedophiles.Without naming names, I have been accused of this and, as a result, compared to being a racist, sexist, etc... on the basis that pedophiles cannot help - have no control over - their urges.I concede that these disgusting degenerate creeps are probably hardwired differently from the rest of us. Nonetheless, they KNOW what they are feeling and having impulses toward is ABNORMAL. It is a trait that is deleterious to civil society. Maybe some do not act on it, but suffer as a result of their urge. In this sense, then I am all for these people getting help - assuming help is available. They can certainly get psychological help to deal with their conflicted feelings. Further, they can seek out and obtain chemical castration. I may be wrong, but I think it consists of a shot once monthly.
But, the biological urge will most likely not go away without this sort of treatment. Further, some of these fuckers are married and have families. Thus, there will be social pressure for these pieces of dog shit not to seek counseling. Thus, we will always have these ticking time bombs out there. They know their urges are sick and harmful to others. Some will keep a lid on it, some will not.
So, yes, there are probably lots pedos lurking around who have not acted on their urges because they know they are harmful and illegal if acted upon, and who feel great shame for harboring these feelings. Boo hoo. We ought to, as a society, help these people by providing them with counseling and castration. THAT is our being benevolent and caring human beings. If they choose not to get help, then fuck 'em.
Then there are the pedos who actually do act on their urges. Should we feel empathy for these fuckers because they cannot help having these urges? Nope. They may not be able to control their urges, but they CHOOSE to act on them. Therefore, they are culpable.
Moreover, the consequences are so harmful to the victims and society in general, that these offenders need to be removed from our communities. Personally, I am fine with executing all convicted pedos. Maybe the wholesale execution of these sick fucks will speed-up natural selection and reduce the genetic fuck-up that causes this. I am assuming here that it is not a mutation.
So, is it ok to be a Pedophobe? I say yes. I also contend that it is ok to be a cannibalphobe, a rapephobe, a murderphobe, and a bestialphobe. At some point you have to draw a line, unless you are ok with living in a society that resembles a German porno"
MY COMMENT: AW SNAP! DON'T GO LOOKING INTO THIS IF YOU ARE IN DISGUST OF THE TOPIC! HA HA HA, that guy nailed the coffin of the vampire shut with that one.

And apparently Chrome was not happy about it, that's the first time Chrome EVER DID THAT, all search engines, all pages, EVERYTHING went AW SNAP! after I tried to get into a page where someone was ridiculing pedophelia.So someone, someone very rich and powerful, or perhaps maybe just a gutter trash Google programmer may want a new way of doing things, I was stunned when Chrome did that and no matter how many times I shut the whole thing down, as soon as I went into this topic, all I got was "aw snap! So I changed out operating systems and got nothing but hacked to sh*t afterwards, it took FOREVER to finally post this.
So you know what I think
Just in case people are not aware of what is going on with the normalization of pedophelia, I'll give them a quick study: SEE THIS (https://heidelblog.net/2017/02/the-normalization-of-pedophilia-approaches/) and THIS (https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2016/01/11/road-normalizing-pedophilia/) and THIS (http://www.returnofkings.com/124824/homosexuality-acceptance-is-leading-to-the-normalization-of-pedophilia) and THIS (http://dailycaller.com/2011/08/15/conference-aims-to-normalize-pedophilia/) and THIS. (https://www.sott.net/article/375837-Normalization-of-Pedophilia-Psychopaths-Try-to-Recreate-Society-in-Their-Own-Image)Yes, it is all being done via "incrementalism".
First they started with the gays, but I was not disgusted enough, and they became entrenched. Then they started with animal sex, and I never accepted that in any form, but they did it anyway. NOW THEY ARE CLEARLY PUSHING PEDOPHELIA. Are you going to push back, or will you allow yourself to be guilt tripped into questioning yourself like that Reddit poster was?
That will be it for today, I simply have to work on the alternative income option, reports like the above will definitely get me "punished" as Google, Faceplant, Twitter and others drive the world down the loo. I fully intend to be the last one they punch out. Once I finally get everything set up, the workload can be contained to within a specific time period and I'll be able to do the site pretty much normal.

July 20 2018