View Full Version : Jim Stone: Pfizer Vice President: The Gardasil vaccine is deadly

31st July 2018, 04:57 PM

July 31 2018
NOT A HOAX. "Pedophiles are people too" signs actually happened. (https://katu.com/news/local/pedophiles-are-people-sign-posted-near-school)

The MSM report says whoever did it wanted to stigmatize LGBT. However, with today's current climate, and the obvious push to put pedophelia mainstream, there is reason to doubt that assumption because there were numerous signs just like this posted over a wide area in Oregon.

A hoaxer would be far more likely to print up a few of these and post them in a small area. That's not what happened, this was widespread.

Pfizer Vice President: The Gardasil vaccine is deadly

This appeared on Neonnettle. (http://www.neonnettle.com/news/4416-pfizer-vice-president-blows-whistle-the-gardasil-vaccine-is-deadly-) I have edited it down to the key points.

The former vice president of the world's largest pharmaceutical company has blown the whistle to expose the true dangers of mandatory vaccinations. Dr. Peter Rost lifted the lid on vaccines and revealed that the Gardasil inoculation, in particular, is in fact, "deadly".In a shocking expose from one of the highest-ranking whistleblowers to date, Rost has also claimed that Big Pharma is purposely keeping the public unhealthy so they can make a fortune from continual treatments of illnesses rather than curing them. Dr. Rost made the revelations during an interview for the "One More Girl" documentary in which he candidly discussed how the main objective for vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs is to keep the public in a constant state of disease.

Rost also likened mandatory vaccinations to "child abuse" saying; "I would never vaccinate my children." Rost is a former vice president of Pfizer, and a whistleblower of the entire pharmaceutical industry in general. He is the author of "The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman." Considering his work experience, it would be an understatement to say that he is an insider expert on big pharma marketing.

Rost is not alone in his experience. Here are a couple of quotes from his peers:

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. "

I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. -
Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal
"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue."
"Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness."
- Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet - considered to be one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world.

In 2005 Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, currently a professor in disease prevention at Stanford University, published the most widely accessed article in the history of the Public Library of Science (PLoS) entitled "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False." In the report he states: "There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false."

We now have a large amount of evidence, and statements from experts that come directly from the field, which paint a very concerning picture.

The science used to educate doctors and develop medicine is flawed.

We are only ever exposed to studies that have been sponsored by big pharmaceutical companies, but these studies are not designed to take the long view. They are not designed to detect problems that can occur years or even decades after a treatment, or examine the risks of taking a drug for long periods of time. Nobody ever seems to mention or acknowledge the many studies which clearly show significant risk associated with many of the products that pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing to help fight disease. This is why independent media is important, especially in a time where more and more people are waking up to what is really happening on our planet.

It is time to examine the research that's being conducted all over the world, from experts (scientists) at various institutions, that is not sponsored by these giant, multinational "health" corporations.

What is even more concerning is the general population's lack of awareness when it comes to these facts. This issue is definitely not going to be addressed in the mainstream news, and despite plenty of evidence to support it, some people will refuse to even look at or acknowledge that it exists.

National Geographic polar bear hoax

A viral youtube video of a starving polar bear got over 2 billion views on Youtube. I did not see this when it happened, but as far as environmentalists go, it pretty much says it all.

The National Geographic falsely stated the bear was dying because of global warming. Many biologists have watched the footage and gave the following reasons for the bear starving to death:
1. Old age.
2. Broken jaw
3. Missing teeth, which prevent it from killing prey
4. A damaged leg.
5. A disease
6. Cancer.
Not one biologist said "climate change" had anything to do with the bear's condition, but the MSM hopped right on it, saying it was an icon of climate change and global warming.

However, recent studies of the bear population in the area have confirmed that they are not reduced or under stress from anything at all, in any way at all.

Polar bears do not live forever. They all die at some point. And what did Youtube and Twitter do to this FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE news? REAL fake news? They blew it to the stratosphere, making sure anyone with a computer saw it.

If anyone out there believes the news feeds are not manipulated, and that Twitter and Youtube really want to promote real news, all one has to do is look at the polar bear video and what they did with it. All biologists agree that all this was consisted of the final moments of a polar bear's life, and since none are immortal EVERY LAST POLAR BEAR ON EARTH will provide a similar photo op at some point if a cameraman happens to be there.

YOUTUBE AND TWITTER ABSOLUTELY SUCK. They block real news and boost agenda driven hoaxes to the stratosphere. The polar bear is proof. Ultimately, the fake news award of the decade goes to National Geographic. At one time they were great, but they are now just an agenda driven scam like the rest of the MSM.

Yes, even after being totally busted for the hoax, National Geographic is not admitting to publishing anything wrong. Here is their response to being called out on this. (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/12/starving-polar-bear-video-climate-change-spd/) ADIOS.

The polar bear story is the kind of crap that should be formally censored. A year later, National Geographic has finally admitted the entire thing was a hoax, only after being busted in a way they can't put to rest.

But the people who fronted the hoax will be paid fatly for the rest of their lives, because they "proved their worth" to the global establishment, which accomplishes practically everything via deception anyway.

Having lied about the polar bear outright will instead be a badge of honor, that will put them in the top spot for favors and career placement from here to eternity.

2nd August 2018, 12:18 PM
August 2 2018

Bunker buster breakthrough: Iran has 60,000 psi concrete

I was radomly searching concrete strength and came across this. It will defeat America's bunker busting bombs no questions asked.At an international university competition in which the objective was to make the strongest possible unreinforced concrete, the Iranians totally stole the show with multiple samples of 60,000 PSI concrete.

The Americans could only produce up to 16,000 PSI unreinforced.
How strong is 60,000 PSI? Well, America's bunker busting bombs can penetrate 200 feet of (very strong) 5,000 PSI concrete - only the strongest structures have concrete that strong. Sidewalks are less than 1,000 PSI, support columns even for tall buildings are as low as 3,000 PSI, so the American student's 16,000 PSI was looking pretty good until Iran blew it away. (https://www.wired.com/2007/04/irans-superconc/)

This leads to a serious problem when it comes to bunker busting bombs. Though they can penetrate 200 feet of 5,000 PSI concrete, at only twice the strength of 5,000 PSI concrete, - 10,000 PSI, - America's bunker busters can only penetrate 27 feet. How is a bunker buster going to react to 60,000 PSI concrete, and then, when that concrete is actually reinforced?

Iran has been under constant threat of bombing for so long, they put serious research into producing strong concrete. As I have always said, Iranians are very advanced and very sharp. They without question have the world's strongest concrete.

Iran's capabilities are so different from what Saddam had that it really won't be the same type of show with Iran. Yes, the U.S. and Israel can probably destroy Iran, but that capability is pretty much because Iran has no nukes and no real way to bomb America back conventionally. If they do have long range missiles by now (they probably do) it will be too costly to do anything more than seriously piss America off. If America was on Iran's border however, they could probably issue a response no one in America would want to witness because their production facilities will be untouchable.

As far as rumor has it, Kim Jong educated Iran on how to produce great missiles. THAT'S BULLSHIT, Iran was able to put 700 pounds into a 500 mile high orbit long before Kim Jong launched anything that mattered at all. Iran did it long before Spacex did it also. Iran at one time wanted to be the world's launch center, the way Musk wants to be now. But sanctions stopped that cold.

Mueller got the largest child porn peddler in California off the hook above report has 3 more pages, and really shows how dirty Mueller is. SEE THIS. (https://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg69057.html)

have bumped the following to the top because I added a lot to it. Worth a re-read.

Bermuda Triangle mystery solved, NOT!!!

Fox News published the conclusion of British scientists (http://www.foxnews.com/science/2018/08/01/bermuda-triangle-mystery-solved-scientists-claim.html) as to why so many people have gone missing in the triangle. AND THEY BLEW IT.

ANSWER? They say 100 foot rogue waves. OOPS, PROBLEM - how's a 100 foot tall wave going to take out an airplane? You'd have better luck convincing me aliens did it. Here are my far more probable propositions, most probable first:1. There is a magnetic anomaly that messed with pre-GPS navigation systems. I have not heard of many disappearances since GPS.
2. There is an un charted gaseous volcanic vent that is releasing gas bubbles during frequent gas eruptions, and when a ship happens to be overhead the bubbles cause it to sink suddenly. If the conditions were right, such eruptions could oxygen starve airplane engines and stall them.
3. A sunken item of (whatever size and scale) from a previous civilization is doing it. This could also cause the malestrom near Britain. If a giant vessel (bigger than an aircraft carrier) that was nuclear powered (our tech) sank, and the nuclear portion was not electronically regulated, and it was at full output and never quit, the propeller wash constanly applied from the same spot over time would definitely cause an observable anomaly such as the malestrom on the surface, once all the water got moving in response to it.

I am going to go into detail on the malestrom even though it is not related to the bermuda triangle.

It is off the coast of Scotland. It is (properly) called the Corryvreckan Whirlpool. It is 300 feet across and "100 feet deep" though I doubt it really is 100 feet deep. It is bad enough however to destroy a sailing ship or yacht or other medium sized vessel no questions asked, and without exception. Anything that floats that gets thrown into it will get sucked under, even things like pop bottles full of air, or boats, and if whatever goes into it floats it will resurface 20 minutes later or so away from the whirlpool, and it will be destroyed. Such a whirlpool in my opinion should not exist in the ocean, where there is technically nothing that could cause it.The "official story" on this giant whirlpool is that the currents of the North Atlantic get funneled through a small channel and an obstruction deep in the ocean causes the water to spin into a whirlpool. But I don't believe that story. I simply won't believe 4 MPH currents could ever be focused that way, that would be the equivalent of an anomaly that produced 150 MPH winds from a spring breeze. Obviously you can increase wind and fluid speeds by forcing them through an obstruction, but there are limits with a given amount of pressure, and in the case of the North Atlantic current, it should never be able to create any whirlpool with a max depth of more than (this is a calculated number - ) six inches when the water is as deep as it is, even under the best lab conditions, and that's IF it could produce a depression on the surface at all.

An investigative program (I forgot the name of it) sent a dummy down through the malestrom and when it surfaced it was all chopped up. I'd like to have an explanation for that which is more plausible than "jagged rocks" and "fast constricted currents". How about maybe it went through a propeller or something else similar?There is no official record of anyone going down through the malestrom to find out what exactly destroys everything sent through it. The depths are approximately 900 feet (though the top of the rock they say causes it is only about 100 feet down). The lower parts are beyond "joe diver" but the U.S. Navy probably knows, and it is probably classified.

Anyway, I don't believe we are the first to have had modern tech, a previous civilization likely had it in a different form, and some of their toys may still function. In my opinion, the malestrom needs some explaining.

Anyway, back to the bermuda triangle. The other possibilities are:

4. Bad weather5. Aliens
6. Rogue waves. (caveat:) These could definitely sink ships but the lack of explanation for the airplanes SLAYS IT.

I believe we were not the first advanced civilization, and that it would not at all be impossible for sunken or buried tech from a former civilization to cause anomalies. The greater challenge would be to get it declassified, it is one thing for Scotty to postulate about a malestrom in the year 1430, having no clue about technology or what could cause it, and totally another to look at such an anomaly from a modern perspective. There is serious reason to doubt the official story.