View Full Version : Traitor Trump
4th August 2018, 03:31 PM
4th August 2018, 03:39 PM
Even in that pic Hillary looks like she is having an "episode".
4th August 2018, 03:47 PM
There are a lot of pictures with her 'episoding'.
midnight rambler
4th August 2018, 04:18 PM
Recall that Geedub called Putin ‘Pootie-Poot’.
Twisted Titan
5th August 2018, 06:44 AM
Gotta save this in my pic cache
5th August 2018, 07:18 AM
Recall that Geedub called Putin ‘Pootie-Poot’.
Just found this Wikipedia page outlining the nicknames he gave to people in his surroundings.
He called John Boener ”Boner”... ;D
5th August 2018, 02:05 PM
If you watch teevee you'll think Trumpstein is on our side. Solution: Don't watch teevee.
Twisted Titan
5th August 2018, 02:20 PM
If you watch teevee you'll think Trumpstein is on our side. Solution: Don't watch teevee.
Whatever side he is on is fine with me...
He is not bothering my guns and he is trying to help me get a few more dollars in my pocket.
Plus he is drving the Democrats and the media absolutely apeshit.
I will take him...all day long
5th August 2018, 02:41 PM
he is drving the Democrats and the media absolutely apeshit. That's pretty easy to fake and stage, and you know they are good at theatrics. Follow the pied piper at your own peril.
Twisted Titan
5th August 2018, 04:46 PM
That's pretty easy to fake and stage, and you know they are good at theatrics. Follow the pied piper at your own peril.
I beg to differ.
The Democrats have gone so crazy they are actually advocating for open boarders.
Arrest law enforcement officials
A embracing socialism
That is a fatal trifecta by any stretch of logic but that is all they have to run with
6th August 2018, 02:58 AM
I beg to differ.
The Democrats have gone so crazy they are actually advocating for open boarders.
Arrest law enforcement officials
A embracing socialism
That is a fatal trifecta by any stretch of logic but that is all they have to run with
Essentially he is polarizing the debate (problem), which leads to unrest (reaction), which will lead to a heavy handed crackdown by the emerging police state (solution).
The wall may serve to keep you in rather than them out...
6th August 2018, 04:03 AM
Essentially he is polarizing the debate (problem), which leads to unrest (reaction), which will lead to a heavy handed crackdown by the emerging police state (solution).
The wall may serve to keep you in rather than them out...
It really depends on who the police state cracks down on to say if its a good thing or not.
Illegals and antifa? Good. Gun owners? Bad.
6th August 2018, 09:15 AM
Its a slow gentle easing into a dictatorship.
Like a hot bath, once in, it cools quickly.
6th August 2018, 09:18 AM
The wall may serve to keep you in rather than them out...
Only Canada and New Zealand may be left without travel permits.
6th August 2018, 04:54 PM
It really depends on who the police state cracks down on to say if its a good thing or not.
Illegals and antifa? Good. Gun owners? Bad.
Lets assume that the police state only cares about the well being of the police state. So it will seek to eliminate anyone who it perceives as a threat.
6th August 2018, 04:54 PM
It really depends on who the police state cracks down on to say if its a good thing or not.
Illegals and antifa? Good. Gun owners? Bad.
Lets assume that the police state only cares about the well being of the police state. So it will seek to eliminate anyone who it perceives as a threat.
6th August 2018, 05:07 PM
Here's what I see in the six pics in the OP:
1) Two Jews. 2) Two Jews.
3) Two Jews. 4) Two Jews.
5) Two Jews. 5) Two Jews.
6th August 2018, 05:24 PM
Here's what I see in the six pics in the OP:
1) Two Jews. 2) Two Jews.
3) Two Jews. 4) Two Jews.
5) Two Jews. 5) Two Jews.
Putin is a jew?
6th August 2018, 05:57 PM
Putin is a jew?The Jews have owned Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution. Why would they allow a goy to be President?
6th August 2018, 06:24 PM
Putin is a jew?
Discussion on this here:
6th August 2018, 06:28 PM
Discussion on this here:'m registered there but can't access it. I think it's contributing members only or something now.
6th August 2018, 07:07 PM
Works just fine for me. Consensus is he isn't a jew. JK I didn't do the D&D.
6th August 2018, 08:07 PM
Works just fine for me. Consensus is he isn't a jew. JK I didn't do the D&D.Consensus is usually wrong.
7th August 2018, 12:45 AM
Consensus is usually wrong.
That's why I simply guessed as indicated. I didn't do my D&D.
7th August 2018, 09:01 AM
I'm registered there but can't access it. I think it's contributing members only or something now.
Works fine for me. I think you might need a VPN. If you can't see it, it is probably off limits due to some constraint by your ISP.
I use Opera, which has a built in VPN, that I can turn on when I need it. Then when I get mssgs that say not available in your country I can choose to come from a different country and get access to the site.
I don't need to use VPN to get access to Stormfront now, just explaining what you might need to get access.
7th August 2018, 09:34 AM
I'm registered there but can't access it. I think it's contributing members only or something now.
I’m Not registered, nor a contributing member... what is your evidence Putin is jewish? He doesn’t look particularly jewish...
7th August 2018, 09:39 AM
I’m Not registered, nor a contributing member... what is your evidence Putin is jewish? He doesn’t look particularly jewish...
Swede Sheldon Adelsson bankrolled Trump. LOL
7th August 2018, 09:58 AM
I’m Not registered, nor a contributing member... what is your evidence Putin is jewish? He doesn’t look particularly jewish...Why would they have anyone but a Jew in a position like that when they have a choice? Of course they put a Jew in that position.
7th August 2018, 03:03 PM
Trump hisself stated that Putin were the hugest fan of Israel after his mano y mano wit him.
Certainly Zionist.
The only difference is that Trump has genuine wantonness, where the others photos were only financial wantomness whores.
A genuine wantonness typically ends up in disasterous consequence. Letus all prey for something other than typical.
7th August 2018, 04:04 PM
I'm registered there but can't access it. I think it's contributing members only or something now.
You have to be a sustaining member to have full access to the forum. That costs $60 dollars a year.
7th August 2018, 05:12 PM
Works fine for me. I think you might need a VPN. If you can't see it, it is probably off limits due to some constraint by your ISP.
I use Opera, which has a built in VPN, that I can turn on when I need it. Then when I get mssgs that say not available in your country I can choose to come from a different country and get access to the site.
I don't need to use VPN to get access to Stormfront now, just explaining what you might need to get access.I just installed Proton VPN today, but still haven't been able to get in. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
You have to be a sustaining member to have full access to the forum. That costs $60 dollars a year.Thanks. I can't get in at all.
"You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."
7th August 2018, 05:49 PM
Have you tried setting your proxy to another country? Other than that you may have to clear all your cookies, even worse completely reinstall your system.
7th August 2018, 07:26 PM
Idonno bout you guys, I can cruise in no problems:
putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad (,[23] ( to parents Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911 – 1999) and Maria Ivanovna Shelomova (1911 – 1998).
Shelemova is not a russian name. The name shelemo is jewish. From this article talking about rabbis. There is a rabbi by the name of shelmo and another by the name of shelemov. The following essay was written during the lifetime of Rabbi Shelomo by his colleague Rabbi Yehiel Shelomov of Tel Aviv in 1962. It was translated from the Hebrew by Rabbi Nissim Elnecave of Brooklyn. (
7th August 2018, 07:59 PM
Idonno bout you guys, I can cruise in no problems:
putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad (,[23] ( to parents Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911 – 1999) and Maria Ivanovna Shelomova (1911 – 1998).
Shelemova is not a russian name. The name shelemo is jewish. From this article talking about rabbis. There is a rabbi by the name of shelmo and another by the name of shelemov. The following essay was written during the lifetime of Rabbi Shelomo by his colleague Rabbi Yehiel Shelomov of Tel Aviv in 1962. It was translated from the Hebrew by Rabbi Nissim Elnecave of Brooklyn. (
We could call him Shlomo Putin from now on.
7th August 2018, 08:20 PM
We could call him Shlomo Putin from now on.
We could but I think there is more to the story not enfolding in the immediate future...
8th August 2018, 02:11 AM
Swede Sheldon Adelsson bankrolled Trump. LOL
The conservative party in Sweden (in name only), had a chairman in the 80’s, his name is Ulf Adelsohn, and yes he is a Jew. The next one Carl Bildt, who was also prime minister in the early 90’s, I believe also has some Jewish roots, he was in cahoots with Soros when he speculated against the Swedish Krona 1992. And he was followed by Fredrik Reinfeldt, who was also prime minister between 2006-2014, and was directly responsible for the refugee crisis in Sweden, also partial Jew. Not bad for a population of 0.1%.
8th August 2018, 01:24 PM
Not bad for a population of 0.1%.
And why its only natural to prefer exile status, Especially from Sweden.
Fuggin nightcrawlers over there.
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