View Full Version : Soul trap

midnight rambler
4th August 2018, 09:08 PM

midnight rambler
4th August 2018, 09:19 PM
Something interesting to note in the above linked article is that the 'white light' that many experience upon passing from this life (as in a near death experience* where witnesses to this phenomenon describe it) is actually the 'net' set up to deceive souls and trap them. What I find very interesting is that the old hands from the DoD's Controlled Remote Viewing program are all aware that the CRV targets who 'immerse themselves in white light' *for protection* are actually the easiest to remote view, the word is that it's like those who do such a thing invite all sorts of *stuff* into their world thinking that are 'protecting' themselves by imagining being bathed in white light when the inverse is true. A retired DoD CRVer told me it's like they put out the welcome mat for anyone/anything wanting to get in (in expressing this to me I was advised, "Don't ever do that!").

*I've had a bona fide 'near death experience' and I never saw any 'white light'

5th August 2018, 02:04 AM
I see white bitches...

Twisted Titan
5th August 2018, 08:30 AM
Do not fool with this.

Soul trapping is a dam lie straight from the pit .

When the breath goes out your body

You dont get a second ,third or fourth chance.

You are called to account to explain your conduct in the ONE LIFE you were given to live

And once your matter is adjudicated,

The judgment is final

There are no appeals

There matter is settled

You go where go and there is no coming back.

The spirits that you see in occultism are that of fallen angles and they have the power to deceive you into believing you are talking to someone that was once alive because they can share intimate things.

Dont fall from it.

Stay away from it.

midnight rambler
5th August 2018, 09:29 AM
TA, I gather you didn't bother reading the info before passing judgment on the info. FYI it's not incompatible with the Bible, that info actually supports Scripture. IF you had read it would would have noted there IS judgment of one's actions by a higher authority at the conclusion of one's (most recent) incarnation.

You DO realize that the ancients (as in early Christians) believed in reincarnation, right? It's only relatively recently that the notion of reincarnation has been suppressed by the top (in order to serve the Satan/Lucifer worshiping agenda).

Twisted Titan
5th August 2018, 10:22 AM
Brother MR.

My position is in line with scripture

As for those early Christians that espoused those beliefs where better known as nogstics.

They couldn't just take the word as it was given but started to play fast and lose with it and christ whole mission on earth: to redeem us from the penalty of death and help for sin against the creator.

They push this oooga booga that.. you are inherently Devine and through a bit more diligent study provided by the hidden masters ....you will be elevated to the status of godhood.and bliss out.

Its blasphemy and it appeals to puffed up sense of self.

Dont do it....its gonna get you in big trouble because your mind can rationalize these things and the world is happy to confirm what you think to be true.

Dont fall for it....its jyst what admiral ackbar says


midnight rambler
5th August 2018, 10:41 AM
The trap is thinking that one is limited to ONE incarnation and then YOU'RE DONE!

I'm confident enough in my belief system of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost that I can consider things outside the *status quo* without feeling threatened.

IMO it would appear you're completely confused on the matter of the dark side and their agenda, and have possibly been (unintentionally) sucked in.

Twisted Titan
5th August 2018, 02:59 PM
Where is your biblical authority that you get more than one bite at the apple??

The one who sits at the right hand of The Most High said it is appointed unto man ONCE to die after that comes judgment.

Now you are at a crossroad

Do you believe men who have a inherent nature to be deceitful or will you believe the creator of the Universe when took on vestige on mortal man??

Bottom line is somebody is lying ...the question for you is.

Who do you think it is??

5th August 2018, 10:58 PM
early Christians....believed in reincarnation

B A L O N E Y!!!!

Chapter and verse.

midnight rambler
5th August 2018, 11:35 PM
Perhaps this will help with your confusion...or not. lol


Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 12:18 AM
Not even 1 minute and he is blowing smoke up my ass.

In the beginning man had the perfect relationship with God because he was sinless.

God would actually personally man in the evening time when it was cool to go over all the wonderful things he did...naming His creations

When man sinned he broke fellowship with God because God Is Holy and can not look on or tolerate sin.

THAT is where the separation issue comes into play which this fine fellow decides to quickly gloss over.

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 12:53 AM
I can chop this man doctrine to shreds with the sharpest two edged sword in all of creation but I will make it reall easy.

If you want to find out weather someone is trying to lead you astray ask them one single question and listen very carefully for the answer.


if you get anything different than revelation chapter 1 verse 8 flee from them with all possible speed because they are a seducing spirit

What does the verse say??

*I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.


anyone trying to spin it or play fast and loose is not a child of The Most High

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 12:59 AM
It's funny I cant chop his doctrine because he disabled the comments.

That's a warning right there

My momma use to say....

The truth doesn't need to be defended....turn it loose and it will defend itself just fine.

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 01:12 AM
I have watched several of his videos

Everything with him is multiple shades of grey.

Nothing is totally right or wrong ...its what you decide if it serves you.


The bible is abundantly what is right or wrong and more importantly what the penalty is.

This man is bad news because he has a nice warm smile and reasonable tone of voice.

Dont fall for it.

This man is bad news with a capital B

6th August 2018, 02:30 AM
I think the video has merit.

There is something inherently wrong with any "belief in God" there are no steps or process between.

6th August 2018, 04:14 AM
hehehe... everything is corrupt but the bible... how can you believe that when the bible s filled with kabbalah/numerology?

that s why I am done with born-agains, they are no better than new agers living in their "safe ignore evil and it will go away bubble". Born agains have do great damage to my own investigation of rabbit holes, it delayed it by at least 5 years.

born agains and new agers, both, promote apathy, wait for the savior or just go do your yoga ... that is exactly HOW the NWO want people to think

my faith is holier than yours IS the trap. Only the blood of christ can redeem us. Blood sacrifice. A pagan ritual.

God is God, Truth is Truth.

ps: I removed TT handle from that quote because it is not against him in particular but the whole born again philosophy

Brother MR.

My position is in line with scripture

As for those early Christians that espoused those beliefs where better known as nogstics.

They couldn't just take the word as it was given but started to play fast and lose with it and christ whole mission on earth: to redeem us from the penalty of death and help for sin against the creator.

They push this oooga booga that.. you are inherently Devine and through a bit more diligent study provided by the hidden masters ....you will be elevated to the status of godhood.and bliss out.

Its blasphemy and it appeals to puffed up sense of self.

Dont do it....its gonna get you in big trouble because your mind can rationalize these things and the world is happy to confirm what you think to be true.

Dont fall for it....its jyst what admiral ackbar says


6th August 2018, 04:25 AM
I believe that in some way that ((they)) control the reincarnation/soul grid because the grid forces people to do the same mistakes over and over, so people do not resolve their karma, and must go through the same ordeals again over and over.

To escape it one must act to help free humanity, warn people, help them waking up... one salvation is connected to that of others (true message of Jesus) because everything is about love, compassion and empathy in the Mind Of God.

6th August 2018, 06:04 AM
The issue I have with Religion and Christianity in general is the First Council of Nicaea. Where a group gathered and made decisions to include / exclude certain books and gospels. Is it any wonder why The Gospel of Thomas was not included into the Bible considering it flat out says you do not need a church to communicate with God?

midnight rambler
6th August 2018, 09:35 AM
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." --Aristotle

6th August 2018, 10:05 AM
The issue I have with Religion and Christianity in general is the First Council of Nicaea. Where a group gathered and made decisions to include / exclude certain books and gospels. Is it any wonder why The Gospel of Thomas was not included into the Bible considering it flat out says you do not need a church to communicate with God?

Its easier to accept any church and its followers when viewed as a welfare center for the spiritually bankrupt.

I'm not one to propose to them a weekly charity seminar support group related to the topic, bad business.

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 10:23 AM
The issue I have with Religion and Christianity in general is the First Council of Nicaea. Where a group gathered and made decisions to include / exclude certain books and gospels. Is it any wonder why The Gospel of Thomas was not included into the Bible considering it flat out says you do not need a church to communicate with God?

Hold it right there brother

Anytime Anyone quotes the council of nicea I know they havent done their homework but have relied on what others have said.

Here is the cliff notes version

After the ressurection and the original 12 where killed subsequent church fathers started playing fast and lose with the original message of christ ...it got so bad that you whole new religions popping up ( the nogstics and ariyanism come to mind)

Seeing the heresy getting out of control they convinced a council to get every one back to one accord and what came out of the nicea??

The niciean creed and in the creed it affirms the absolute divinity of christ.

Look up the actual creed as some groups still chant it.

So the long and the short of it is this.

The council wasnt convened to corrupt the bible.
The council was convened to affirm the bible.

It is the greatest of ironies.

And here is a added bonus .

Santa Claus got punched in the nose at the council.

The council I think lasted a few weeks and during the debates tempers flared and physical fight broke out and one of the people to get assaulted was St. Nicholas.

Santa got curbstomped

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 10:35 AM
I went to catholic school and we had to recite this all the time.

Boy this hiring back memories

There is part 2 smaller parts that big up the catholic church I dont know if they were added later on .but this is the one I remember

The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

6th August 2018, 10:47 AM
Hold it right there brother

Anytime Anyone quotes the council of nicea I know they havent done their homework but have relied on what others have said.

Nope I've done my homework on it.

Here is the cliff notes version

After the ressurection and the original 12 where killed subsequent church fathers started playing fast and lose with the original message of christ ...it got so bad that you whole new religions popping up ( the nogstics and ariyanism come to mind)

Seeing the heresy getting out of control they convinced a council to get every one back to one accord and what came out of the nicea??

The niciean creed and in the creed it affirms the absolute divinity of christ.

Look up the actual creed as some groups still chant it.

So the long and the short of it is this.

The council wasnt convened to corrupt the bible.
The council was convened to affirm the bible.

It is the greatest of ironies.

And here is a added bonus .

Santa Claus got punched in the nose at the council.

The council I think lasted a few weeks and during the debates tempers flared and physical fight broke out and one of the people to get assaulted was St. Nicholas.

Santa got curbstomped

Not exactly, it was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine and presided over by him, because hey politicians then are different than now right? Not corruptible just because its the bible right? Granted he didn't officially vote one way or another but to say he had no word on what was included / excluded is deluding oneself of historical significance of the event.

Even the holidays picked by the Council (Easter) was a pagan holiday to celebrate fertility (hence the bunny) and was chosen to appeal to pagans within the empire to convert them from Paganism to Christianity. The whole facade of religion falls apart when put into a historical context. Do I believe Jesus came here, absolutely. Do I believe that man kept his word that he preached and included it in the bible? Absolutely not.

Just as then, as there is now, there are people who rule this planet who have an agenda on how they want their subjects ruled.. Currency, Religion, and faith in the state is how they do it. I absolutely have faith in a creator, just not the version that they preach.

6th August 2018, 11:12 AM

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 11:19 AM
Constinene didnt convene that council of memory serves.

Constinene only carried about holding on to power

He basically let's the factions hash it out among themselves and whatever they agreed to he would rubber stamp to keep the peace.

Many people claim he was the first Christian emperor.

Nothing could be further from the truth...he was died in the wool pagan who understood the spirit of the times and rode it out till the end.

When he died a coin was commissioned that showed him riding a horse drawn chariot into the sun ( he was a big time worshiper of helios)

Anyways it sure makes for interesting.

I stand on revelation 1:8

6th August 2018, 11:28 AM
One only has to consider the timing and arrival of state-sanctioned Christianity, in a world perched on precipe of anti-state matter Natural Philosophy

To realize what Soul Trapping leaders had in mind for their populace allegiance.

In this case something that was not too clearly defined and had many rooms for lots of grey partisan hidden biblical interpretations and application.

Just as Science is state-sanctioned today, when Christianity had recent past of making itself into some sort of definition of state scapegoat/sacrificial pogrom.

6th August 2018, 11:42 AM
Constinene didnt convene that council of memory serves.

Constinene only carried about holding on to power

Not exactly, as it was directly convened by him:

The first ecumenical council in the history of the church was convened by the emperor Constantine at Nicaea in Bithynia (now Isnik, Turkey). The main purpose of the council was to attempt to heal the schism in the church provoked by Arianism. This it proceeded to do theologically and politically by the almost unanimous production of a theological confession (the Nicene Creed) by over three hundred bishops representing almost all the eastern provinces of the empire (where the heresy was chiefly centered) and by a token representation from the West. The creed thus produced was the first that could legally claim universal authority as it was sent throughout the empire to receive the agreement of the churches (with the alternative consequences of excommunication and imperial banishment).


He basically let's the factions hash it out among themselves and whatever they agreed to he would rubber stamp to keep the peace.

Yes and no, he wanted them to hash it out, but he would only approve it if the compromise was sustainable.

Many people claim he was the first Christian emperor.

Nothing could be further from the truth...he was died in the wool pagan who understood the spirit of the times and rode it out till the end.

He was, Christianity was still outlawed in the Roman Empire before he became Emperor. But you also have to consider that he was raised Pagan. That was the Roman Empires religion for over 1000 years. Rome could of stamped out Christianity if it wanted to, but they didn't.

When he died a coin was commissioned that showed him riding a horse drawn chariot into the sun ( he was a big time worshiper of helios)

Because the states official religion was Paganism, he kind of set foot in both beliefs to try and appeal to both the vast majority of Pagans, and the newcomers who were strong and growing in number Christians.

Anyways it sure makes for interesting.

I stand on revelation 1:8

When compared to historical context the whole scene is very interesting. A lot of moving parts were involved in creating the bible that we know and read today. Not to mention the Catholic churches subterfuge in only having the Bible printed in Latin so that only their own priests could read it.

An Englishman took it upon himself to Translate the bible from Latin to English (John Wycliffe), and for his trouble he was declared a heretic and his corpse dug up and burned by the Church and his ashes dumped into the river.

Twisted Titan
6th August 2018, 02:39 PM
hehehe... everything is corrupt but the bible... how can you believe that when the bible s filled with kabbalah/numerology?

that s why I am done with born-agains, they are no better than new agers living in their "safe ignore evil and it will go away bubble". Born agains have do great damage to my own investigation of rabbit holes, it delayed it by at least 5 years.

born agains and new agers, both, promote apathy, wait for the savior or just go do your yoga ... that is exactly HOW the NWO want people to think

my faith is holier than yours IS the trap. Only the blood of christ can redeem us. Blood sacrifice. A pagan ritual.

God is God, Truth is Truth.

ps: I removed TT handle from that quote because it is not against him in particular but the whole born again philosophy

You know Goldie I sincerely hope your right , I really truly do.

Cause if your right and you get another bite at the apple to get your act together.

Which actually would be a good thing, no question about it.

But if your wrong..........

and you wake up on the other side and have to explain yourself To God Almighty cause you only had ONE LIFE.

Are you prepared for that??

Are you really that bold to make a wager that big?

One thing is certain my dear friend.


6th August 2018, 05:48 PM

In the blink of any eye.

7th August 2018, 02:12 AM
The council I think lasted a few weeks and during the debates tempers flared and physical fight broke out and one of the people to get assaulted was St. Nicholas.

Santa got curbstomped

Like any sporting event, it isn't a true win unless someone hobbles away.

8th August 2018, 09:46 AM
...that s why I am done with born-agains, they are no better than new agers living in their "safe ignore evil and it will go away bubble"...

...born agains and new agers, both, promote apathy, wait for the savior or just go do your yoga ... that is exactly HOW the NWO want people to think...


Goldi has experienced a very profound epiphany (http://www.delightfulknowledge.com/five-horrible-misconceptions-of-the-new-age) somewhere along the way!


Twisted Titan
8th August 2018, 09:56 AM
A wise woman said f**k this shit and lived happily ever after.

Until the first rain storm hit and there was no man to fix the roof
And she got hungry because they was no man to hunt wild game.
And she eventually got kidnapped and pressed into brothel house
Because when the goons came there was no man to defend her.

The end.