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View Full Version : FDA ordering human tissue to create chimeric mice

9th August 2018, 07:50 AM

FDA ordering human tissue derived from abortions to create chimeric mice (https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/fda-acquiring-fresh-aborted-baby-parts-make-mice-human-immune-systems)

They are ordering the tissues specifically to create mice that have human immune systems, specifically for the testing of new vaccines. I have a strong suspicion they want to do this to create enhanced vaccines that more precisely knock intelligence down, without so many side effects such as autism. That way, their weapon won't be so obvious.Right now the dumbing down of society via vaccination has too many symptoms. If the mice have real human immune systems, scientists can use them to test how macrophages (white blood cells) are programmed, and from there assess how well they are going to dull intelligence without totally stupefying someone before a new vaccine is tried on a large population. They won't need the mice themselves to be dumbed down, all they need is to test for what antibodies are created and in what amounts.
They know they have to start being more careful because anyone with a lick of sense knows the vaccines are wrecking the kids, and the FDA wants to avoid any new great opportunities for the public to get proof.
As far as I see it, that's the only conceivable reason why they'd want clandestine immune systems in random critters mimicking human immune systems exactly. They are probably precision tuning a weapon.

13th August 2018, 08:29 AM
Fascinating how long they have been relying on human guinea pigs for testing out vaccines... I doubt the op is correct though. I have no doubt that the pharmaceutical industry is completely evil, and probably the wast majority working at the FDA is either knowingly or mislead to collude with them. However there may be a few honest people at FDA that actually would like to develop safer vaccines, by testing them on something closer to humans but not humans.

The question is how will (((they))) stop this instead, having safe vaccines is contra productive... I bet animal rights groups are going to protest this, or groups opposing genetic modification...

Btw I do think most of GM is dodgy, and especially inserting human genes into mice.