View Full Version : Nigs gonna nog

midnight rambler
11th August 2018, 06:34 PM

11th August 2018, 08:16 PM
Gotta go man...

12th August 2018, 03:46 AM
That! Was fucking disgusting!

midnight rambler
16th January 2019, 12:35 PM

End Times
16th January 2019, 01:31 PM
Twerking is purely an animal behavior.


midnight rambler
31st July 2019, 04:09 PM
"I know it's wrong (but I'm gonna rape you anyway)." --John Jones, chief of the Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division


31st July 2019, 04:52 PM
Texas is decaying quickly.
Color of victim known yet ?

I Believe their was a Houston area negro cop just arrested for murder too

midnight rambler
17th May 2021, 12:04 PM
Fucking niggers, 18 y.o. nigger wearing an ankle monitor (already off to a great start as an 'adult') breaks into UMC home in SW Dallas, snatches a 4 y.o. and brutally murders him, unbelievable.


midnight rambler
20th May 2021, 06:59 PM
Even after the mudshark sunglasses she still didn't get it -


21st May 2021, 06:41 AM
Even after the mudshark sunglasses she still didn't get it -


Anymore, when I see a white woman with a nigger, I consider her a nigger too. I couldn't care less what happens to any of them.

21st May 2021, 07:17 AM
Anymore, when I see a white woman with a nigger, I consider her a nigger too. I couldn't care less what happens to any of them.
You should care, because the white race is being bred out of existence. Maybe nothing matters anymore; it almost seems hopeless. What strikes me is that my descendants will live in an increasingly hostile environment where they will curse us for out complacency.

21st May 2021, 07:42 AM
You should care, because the white race is being bred out of existence. Maybe nothing matters anymore; it almost seems hopeless. What strikes me is that my descendants will live in an increasingly hostile environment where they will curse us for out complacency.


White women that go for niggers were never good for white men, ever. Those are the white women that took your money, took you life style, gave you a kid and then took everything from you where you have nothing left. And then go to a nigger. I don't know what happened to them but it started before 50 years ago. Let them all go to the niggers where they are allowed to treat them right and beat the shit out of them when the white cunt does stupid shit, or not. Beat them for no reason I don't care.

Make fun of my God Fearing Filipino wife who cherishes me and our child. There aren't many white women left that will.

21st May 2021, 07:49 AM
I came across this on another forum and I think there's a lot to truth in it.

This is from the Facebook page of the Wotan Network:


We sympathize with your inner struggle.

All your life you've been told lies about your ancestors and you have,
rightly from your perspective, internalized these lies as fundamental
truths about yourself.

You were told that they were greedy. That they were imperialistic.
That they were treacherous and oppressive to "indigenous" peoples all
over the world. It didn't matter that, like you, they were trying to
survive and make the best of what they had in a dark, brutal age,
having no more say than anyone else in what was happening. It didn't
matter that once upon a time, your people too were "indigenous" and
that the same alien shadow that passed over the rest of the world,
passed over them too.

You were taught that you, in turn, carry the stain of their wickedness
in the form of "privilege." It didn't matter that every single
corporation, world government, major religion, media outlet and
history text, for your entire lifespan, had broadcast to you an
incessant message of hostility to your very existence; nor did it
matter that this hostile message constituted the entirety of your
formative education. You, white man, and you alone carry the stain of
original sin: this so-called "racism."

Yet somehow, despite your "privilege," your intrinsic vileness was the
only message you were ever allowed to hear. You were educated from
birth with a cudgel of "social justice" held over your head. No wonder
you have stooped - literally - to such humiliating depths of

We are disgusted by your behavior - yet we sympathize. But we warn you
- you have misread this situation.

When they attacked you, you behaved as you had been trained,
apologizing in elaborate overtures, making every conceivable
concession, expecting them to respond as if, like yourself, they had
been bred into a culture with such deeply embedded sensibilities about
altruism and fairness. Stupidly, though understandably, you expected
the courtesy to be returned, believing that if you offered up your
dignity - if you bowed enough, knelt enough, touched their feet enough
- that they would forgive you, and you would then be brothers.

White man, you have no idea what you're dealing with.

Your cultural sense of "social justice" is an anomaly in human
history. It is a miracle of evolution not shared across all, nor even
most of mankind. And all of mankind has been trained to show naked
hostility to you. All the world is weaponized against you for who you

It will NEVER be enough.

You could sacrifice your entire livelihood. Sell your children into
slavery. You could even join them in wronging your ancestors, ripping
your history out by the foundations. You could even kill members of
your own race. It won't be enough, until you're dead.

You forget, they have heard and internalized all those same messages
about you, and they interpreted it in the only way that can be
expected: that your existence is an obstacle to their wellbeing.

Whatever you offer will be taken and consumed, nothing returned. There
is no institution in your world they wouldn't gladly obliterate, no
property they wouldn't arrogantly usurp for themselves. Neither your
belongings, nor your culture, nor your genes, nor even the sanctity of
divinity itself is safe.

When you kneel, you mistake it for protesting; they do not.

They do not share your scruples about "community" or "equality." Your
show of submission will be interpreted as weakness; weakness will be
seized upon as blood in the water and you will be plundered without
remorse. You are emboldening them, rewarding them for their violence
and guaranteeing further abuse.

Your script ends with their equality; their script ends with your extermination.

This is unacceptable.

We do not kneel for equality.

We do not bow before our enemies.

We do not apologize for the greatness of our forebears.

Nor do we tolerate those who do.

21st May 2021, 12:37 PM
Video: Man In A Red Car Is Attacked By Three Black People Armed With A Knife And Hammer – The Driver Serves Them Instant Justice


22nd May 2021, 09:45 AM
Video: Man In A Red Car Is Attacked By Three Black People Armed With A Knife And Hammer – The Driver Serves Them Instant Justice


Hope he dont live there.

22nd May 2021, 04:53 PM
1st mistake the white man made was trying to help people the democrats have been grooming for the past 12 years to hate whites.
Or maybe he was a woke democrat that was trying to prove how woke he is and relieve himself of all his white privilege?

72-Year-Old Good Samaritan Nearly Beaten to Death After Stopping to Help Black Teen with Flat Tire
By Cristina Laila
Published May 22, 2021 at 2:30pm

A 72-year-old good Samaritan was nearly beaten to death after pulling over to help a black teen who was stranded on the side of the highway because of a flat tire.

An elderly Missouri man is lucky to be alive after he was violently attacked when he stopped to help a stranded driver on I-35 in Clay County.

Jason Jones was driving to Kansas City last week when he saw a couple stranded on the side of the road with a blown out tire.

“He was kind of stand-offish, like kind of wish I hadn’t stopped, but I kept asking and they kept saying yes,” Jones told Fox4.

Jones said 19-year-old Choyce Davis and a woman with him got into his van so he could take them to find a spare tire.

The couple began beating Jones as he drove them back to their stranded car.

“We got their tire, got back in the van and just barely started off. All the sudden something hit me on top of the head,” Jones said.

Jones opened his van door and dove out to escape, but the 19-year-old man grabbed his neck, choked him and repeatedly punched him in the face.

“In today’s world, nobody does that and that was my thing. I’ve always stopped to help people. They’ve always appreciated it — until now. Now at my age, maybe I’ll think twice next time before I do it again,” Jones said.

Jones was rushed to a local hospital after a passerby dialed 911.

Jones was covered in blood and suffered a brain bleed and a fractured skull.

Doctors weren’t sure he would make it but he miraculously survived and after spending 11 days in the hospital, Jones was released.

Davis and the young woman were both arrested but Davis was granted bond.


22nd May 2021, 06:20 PM
1st mistake the white man made was trying to help people the democrats have been grooming for the past 12 years to hate whites.
Or maybe he was a woke democrat that was trying to prove how woke he is and relieve himself of all his white privilege?

72-Year-Old Good Samaritan Nearly Beaten to Death After Stopping to Help Black Teen with Flat Tire
By Cristina Laila
Published May 22, 2021 at 2:30pm

A 72-year-old good Samaritan was nearly beaten to death after pulling over to help a black teen who was stranded on the side of the highway because of a flat tire.

An elderly Missouri man is lucky to be alive after he was violently attacked when he stopped to help a stranded driver on I-35 in Clay County.

Jason Jones was driving to Kansas City last week when he saw a couple stranded on the side of the road with a blown out tire.

“He was kind of stand-offish, like kind of wish I hadn’t stopped, but I kept asking and they kept saying yes,” Jones told Fox4.

Jones said 19-year-old Choyce Davis and a woman with him got into his van so he could take them to find a spare tire.

The couple began beating Jones as he drove them back to their stranded car.

“We got their tire, got back in the van and just barely started off. All the sudden something hit me on top of the head,” Jones said.

Jones opened his van door and dove out to escape, but the 19-year-old man grabbed his neck, choked him and repeatedly punched him in the face.

“In today’s world, nobody does that and that was my thing. I’ve always stopped to help people. They’ve always appreciated it — until now. Now at my age, maybe I’ll think twice next time before I do it again,” Jones said.

Jones was rushed to a local hospital after a passerby dialed 911.

Jones was covered in blood and suffered a brain bleed and a fractured skull.

Doctors weren’t sure he would make it but he miraculously survived and after spending 11 days in the hospital, Jones was released.

Davis and the young woman were both arrested but Davis was granted bond.


Back in the '80s there were good common sense niggers, I hung out with a bunch. Sense then it all went down hill. I don't hear from any of them now, no clue what happened to them guys.

24th May 2021, 11:25 AM
Conveniently left out by the liberal media

Arrest made, more expected in mass shooting at N.J. house party that killed 2: officials



midnight rambler
3rd September 2021, 07:54 PM

4th September 2021, 05:35 AM
I imagine he was using the baby as a shield. Better than a vest you know.

4th September 2021, 06:48 AM
I imagine he was using the baby as a shield. Better than a vest you know.

And they're disposable.

We don't have a gun problem in our country, we have a black problem!

4th September 2021, 07:02 PM
new policy that i'm promoting for me and mine -- niggers dont matter

dont look at them, dont listen to them, ignore them....in person, on tv, everywhere