View Full Version : Gold drops below $1200 this morning

13th August 2018, 09:04 AM
Always thought there was massive support at this level. So, is the price going to fall off a cliff, or are we set for a big bull run?

Found this article...



13th August 2018, 09:08 AM
headfake. as soon as contagion/liquidity drama starts....gold will outperform just about everything

before stock market is allowed to crash, nyc.Skype shoot gold first....and spew headlines about how bad gold is

this down move could be the start of that

13th August 2018, 09:25 AM
https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?quality=100&image_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fhss%2Fstorag e%2Fmidas%2Ffd65b8542f16f963bd555c8623ad52f4%2F205 045607%2Fnasa-sls-rocket-tests-2017-03-13-01-ed.jpg&client=cbc79c14efcebee57402&signature=fdacf381c81bc1b679678d0080cf251ea98ae39a

Silver Rocket Bitches!
13th August 2018, 09:40 AM
I'm looking at silver flirting with a sub $15 price.

13th August 2018, 09:53 AM
I'm looking at silver flirting with a sub $15 price.
With silver to gold ratio at nearly 80:1 that js where I am looking also.

13th August 2018, 10:56 AM
With silver to gold ratio at nearly 80:1 that js where I am looking also. better question is why metal's are falling ! Especially during these uneasy times!

Remember history, and metal's roll in preserving wealth !


Can sorta sniff sumthing not good for anybody, not seen yet! Except maybe the very rich ?

This trend is sorta sideways !

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th August 2018, 07:25 AM
With silver to gold ratio at nearly 80:1 that js where I am looking also.

All the metals have crashed through their supports. Silver is at $14.50, gold at $1180. GSR is over 81. Gonna go visit the coin shop today.

4th September 2018, 01:38 PM
better question is why metal's are falling !

My theory is that the "emerging" 3-d world economies like russians, turks and alike have run out of FIAT money and are now forced to liquidate a portion of their gold.

25th September 2018, 12:51 AM
My theory is that the "emerging" 3-d world economies like russians, turks and alike have run out of FIAT money and are now forced to liquidate a portion of their gold.

I think that is a likely explanation too. Too cover the USD loans they took during the good years. I don’t think Russia is in this category though. Russia has no shortage of USD due to oil export...

25th September 2018, 07:37 AM
Runnin late to the dollar index,

sure emerging markets have shot their fiat load and all that exists is a Fed. dollar note a busy U.S. economy soaks them up.