View Full Version : Measles outbreak is sweeping the US: More than 100 people in 21 states have contracte

15th August 2018, 07:11 PM
Wholly read the comments!

Measles outbreak is sweeping the US: More than 100 people in 21 states have contracted the virus, CDC reveals, and most of them were not vaccinated

Infections reported from coast to coast, with more expected to come
The CDC says most of the 107 infections are reported in unvaccinated people


16th August 2018, 03:06 AM
Wholly read the comments!

Measles outbreak is sweeping the US: More than 100 people in 21 states have contracted the virus, CDC reveals, and most of them were not vaccinated

Infections reported from coast to coast, with more expected to come
The CDC says most of the 107 infections are reported in unvaccinated people


Yep especially the ones like these are ummm ‘interesting’

-“I hate anti-vaxxers. Not a personal choice its a public safety issue and if you get my kid sick I'm coming for you.”

16th August 2018, 05:39 AM
Yep especially the ones like these are ummm ‘interesting’

-“I hate anti-vaxxers. Not a personal choice its a public safety issue and if you get my kid sick I'm coming for you.”

The comments section is further evidence that vaccines destroy the capacity for logic in humans, and makes them more susceptible to propaganda.

16th August 2018, 06:36 AM
The comments section is further evidence that vaccines destroy the capacity for logic in humans, and makes them more susceptible to propaganda.

Yeah pretty much. None even realize that a vaccine is typically only effective for 7-15 years at most. None of them if they had a vaccine in their youth are no longer immune.

But yeah lets keep our southern borders open and import the 3rd world I'm sure that will do wonders for societal health.. :rolleyes:

16th August 2018, 08:22 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZsOe7x4KsM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyqeRYG3Kkg)

I had the wrong vid and have now replaced it with the correct one.


Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Thomas Cowan on How Vaccines Are Changing the Nature of Childhood Illness

Arsenic laden herbicides used in the early 1900's caused cattle paralysis.

Hawaiian sugar plantations in the 1945 time frame used these arsenic herbicides which resulted in sugar contaminated with arsenic.

The study that proved Polio was transmitted by a virus was bogus.

16th August 2018, 10:51 AM


Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Thomas Cowan on How Vaccines Are Changing the Nature of Childhood Illness

Arsenic laden herbicides used in the early 1900's caused cattle paralysis.

Hawaiian sugar plantations in the 1945 time frame used these arsenic herbicides which resulted in sugar contaminated with arsenic.

The study that proved Polio was transmitted by a virus was bogus.

Polio is a virus, however it is transmitted by flies that eat the shit of someone who has the active disease, and then gets it into the food of people who doesn’t have immunity to it. The end of polio was sanitation, once the outhouse was exchanged for the wc its spread became an impossibility. For instance India where people shit in the streets, polio is still endemic, despite having widespread vaccinations where more than 95% are vaccinated. The only ones getting polio (under reported) in the West are those that get it from vaccines. Perhaps though with the importation of people who shit in the streets polio will have a comeback in the West too.

One interesting factoid about polio. Less than 1% infected with the virus develop paralysis, in most it is either as a mild to moderate flu, or even asymptomatic. The iron lung fear mongering which is like one in a million, was only marketing for the vaccine mass adoption. Almost everyone born before the vaccine had antibodies against polio without ever being vaccinated. Which means they were infected!

16th August 2018, 10:55 AM
Polio is a virus, however it is transmitted by flies that eat the shit of someone who has the active disease, and then gets it into the food of people who doesn’t have immunity to it. The end of polio was sanitation, once the outhouse was exchanged for the wc its spread became an impossibility. For instance India where people shit in the streets, polio is still endemic, despite having widespread vaccinations where more than 95% are vaccinated. The only ones getting polio (under reported) in the West are those that get it from vaccines. Perhaps though with the importation of people who shit in the streets polio will have a comeback in the West too.

One interesting factoid about polio. Less than 1% infected with the virus develop paralysis, in most it is either as a mild to moderate flu, or even asymptomatic. The iron lung fear mongering which is like one in a million, was only marketing for the vaccine mass adoption. Almost everyone born before the vaccine had antibodies against polio without ever being vaccinated. Which means they were infected!

Perhaps Medical research should be directed towards, why certain people get debilitating diseases, and others walk away scott free from the same infection, instead of trying to prevent infection in the first place through artificial (fake) means?

16th August 2018, 06:44 PM
Polio is a virus, however it is transmitted by flies that eat the shit of someone who has the active disease, and then gets it into the food of people who doesn’t have immunity to it. The end of polio was sanitation, once the outhouse was exchanged for the wc its spread became an impossibility. For instance India where people shit in the streets, polio is still endemic, despite having widespread vaccinations where more than 95% are vaccinated. The only ones getting polio (under reported) in the West are those that get it from vaccines. Perhaps though with the importation of people who shit in the streets polio will have a comeback in the West too.

One interesting factoid about polio. Less than 1% infected with the virus develop paralysis, in most it is either as a mild to moderate flu, or even asymptomatic. The iron lung fear mongering which is like one in a million, was only marketing for the vaccine mass adoption. Almost everyone born before the vaccine had antibodies against polio without ever being vaccinated. Which means they were infected!

What is your source?

We all have been told a lot of crap that just aint so.
Dr. Cowan says the definitive proof that it is a virus stems from the injection cerebrospinal fluid taken from a child who died from polio into the brains cavity of monkey's which caused one to die and the other to be paralyzed and that is what they call the definitive proof it's a virus.
https://youtu.be/7ZsOe7x4KsM?t=3141 (52 minute mark)

Talk about polio begins at 47 minute mark.

Jon Rappoport covers this extensively. The doctors criteria for diagnosing polio was any kind of fever, sniffle, xxx, anything and everything was called a polio case and the reason was the doctors got a 25 dollar payment for every case. Might be wrong about exact dollar amount as this is from memory. It was a significant amount of money in 194x time frame.
Then the polio vaccine was introduced and the payment for a polio diagnosis went away, the criteria was significantly stepped up to a much higher standard and anyone who had been vaccinated could not possibly have polio.

17th August 2018, 06:48 AM
What is your source?

We all have been told a lot of crap that just aint so.
Dr. Cowan says the definitive proof that it is a virus stems from the injection cerebrospinal fluid taken from a child who died from polio into the brains cavity of monkey's which caused one to die and the other to be paralyzed and that is what they call the definitive proof it's a virus.
https://youtu.be/7ZsOe7x4KsM?t=3141 (52 minute mark)

Talk about polio begins at 47 minute mark.

Jon Rappoport covers this extensively. The doctors criteria for diagnosing polio was any kind of fever, sniffle, xxx, anything and everything was called a polio case and the reason was the doctors got a 25 dollar payment for every case. Might be wrong about exact dollar amount as this is from memory. It was a significant amount of money in 194x time frame.
Then the polio vaccine was introduced and the payment for a polio diagnosis went away, the criteria was significantly stepped up to a much higher standard and anyone who had been vaccinated could not possibly have polio.

I do know the frauds associated with the start of the vaccination programs (over reporting before and under reporting after). I have a patient who got polio paralysis from a polio vaccination, so I think it is fairly likely his case of paralysis is due to the Polio virus.

17th August 2018, 08:48 AM
I do know the frauds associated with the start of the vaccination programs (over reporting before and under reporting after). I have a patient who got polio paralysis from a polio vaccination, so I think it is fairly likely his case of paralysis is due to the Polio virus. My own story, polio, back when I was a kid, in the 50's the vaccines (2) came out and crowds flocked to get it (people were terrified of it) I have had friends in iron lungs and if not worn braces or in wheelchairs. Think my first round was a sugar cube, the later a shot or the other way around, ? ? (mid 1950's) two different vaccines. Went to high school with 3 ? 4 kids in wheelchairs, or sum kind or brace, or crutches, because of polio. thank god , today that is not seen.

No vaccine is guaranteed 100% effective, by a long shot. so yes sum may have shit happen to them. but for the majority the vaccines do work. taking the shots or whatever is a crap shoot.

Polio I hope stays wiped off our earth, nasty nasty horrific virus. If it ever comes back, walking canes, crutches, leg brace and back braces etc. iron lungs or ventilators and wheel chairs makers will be happy


17th August 2018, 10:40 AM
Well don't bother to watch the 5 to 6 minutes of video that contradicts what you know. That might upset your world.
I think it shows that polio is probably caused by something induced into our environment, something that can be removed to make vaccines look like a big success. While the real story is quite different.

17th August 2018, 11:34 AM
Well don't bother to watch the 5 to 6 minutes of video that contradicts what you know. That might upset your world.
I think it shows that polio is probably caused by something induced into our environment, something that can be removed to make vaccines look like a big success. While the real story is quite different. Lmfao !

I lived it, did u ?


Nuff said by me...;D

Idiots and small children, at least the children do grow up... Question is will they still be idiots?


17th August 2018, 12:48 PM
Lmfao !

I lived it, did u ?


Nuff said by me...;D

Idiots and small children, at least the children do grow up... Question is will they still be idiots?


I'm probably older than you. I doubt you were working on computers in 1963 like I was.

Yes I had classmates who had polio, or that is the name they gave to what probably was exposure to DDT or Arsenic. Both toxins that were induced into our environment in order to sell us on the idea that vaccinations are good for us.
And we all believed them. (me too)

Will they still ignore real evidence and cling to their cherished delusions?

17th August 2018, 01:09 PM
I'm probably older than you. I doubt you were working on computers in 1963 like I was.

Yes I had classmates who had polio, or that is the name they gave to what probably was exposure to DDT or Arsenic. Both toxins that were induced into our environment in order to sell us on the idea that vaccinations are good for us.
And we all believed them. (me too)

Will they still ignore real evidence and cling to their cherished delusions?Kool, u very well be right, 01-25-51. Does science get it wrong...? Hell yes.. Still as I said all or most vaccines may not work for everyone and also can infect, But WILL work for the majority that take them.

Nothing is perfect in life as u know , have fun dude. getting bored with u !

Peace !

Want to join my old farts in training club ?


One end is the exclusive older than dirt, by one day club....... Personally I have not reached that one, tho I do strive to be emitted. (sp or wrong word?)

Again Peace !


I am impressed, tube driven with relays plus cowpasters (capacitors) and such, think then the first etched boards were coming into play, and not dead bug wired.

17th August 2018, 01:25 PM
Kool, u very well be right, 01-25-51. Does science get it wrong...? Hell yes.. Still as I said all or most vaccines may not work for everyone and also can infect, But WILL work for the majority that take them.

Nothing is perfect in life as u know , have fun dude. getting bored with u !

Peace !

Want to join my old farts in training club ?


One end is the older than dirt, by one day....... Personally I have not reached that one, tho I do strive to be emitted.


Again Peace !

You are just a kid.

The thing about science is most of it is a religion with DOGmatic beliefs, that can't be challenged.

We have been conned by the scientific method, that is not followed.

You are probably tired of me, because you don't like to challenge your belief's.

17th August 2018, 01:44 PM
You are just a kid.

The thing about science is most of it is a religion with DOGmatic beliefs, that can't be challenged.

We have been conned by the scientific method, that is not followed.

You are probably tired of me, because you don't like to challenge your belief's.


Out of this thread, refer to my idiot reference .

May u find peace dude.

Sounds like u are a full member of the one day older than dirt club....


17th August 2018, 02:27 PM

Out of this thread, refer to my idiot reference .

May u find peace dude.

Sounds like u are a full member of the one day older than dirt club....


You must be looking in your mirror, dude.

You keep lying that your out of this thread. Leave dude, but then you are a left winger and I know their word is no good.