View Full Version : Atlanta Mayor orders city to end relationship with ICE and remove ALL Prisoners

7th September 2018, 05:42 PM
Atlanta Mayor orders city to end relationship with ICE and remove ALL of the agency's detainees from jail

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms ordered city to stop holding ICE detainees
She signed an executive order on Thursday and removed most detainees
As of Thursday evening just five detainees remained in the city jail, a major drop from 205 detainees counted in June
She said: 'We will no longer be complicit with a policy that intentionally inflicts misery on a vulnerable population'
In June the Democratic Mayor also signed a separate executive order that blocked the jail from taking in any new ICE detainees


Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has ordered the city to stop holding US Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees in prison.
The executive order signed Thursday cut city ties with ICE, declaring Atlanta will no longer hold anyone for the federal agency and transferred most remaining detainees out of prisons where they were being held.

'We will no longer be complicit with a policy that intentionally inflicts misery on a vulnerable population without giving any thought to the fallout,' Lance Bottoms said.
'As the birthplace of the civil rights movement, we are called to be better than this,' she added.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has ordered the city to stop holding ICE detainees in an executive order signed on Thursday

She tweeted Thursday saying: 'We will no longer be complicit with a policy that intentionally inflicts misery on a vulnerable population'

As of Thursday evening several ICE detainees had been removed and five people remained in Atlanta City Detention Center, a major drop from 205 held there in June, according to 11Alive (https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/atlanta-mayor-orders-city-to-end-relationship-with-ice-remove-all-detainees-from-city-jail/85-591481219).

Over the summer the number of detainees has dropped as ICE has released several of them, deported others, or transported migrants to other detention centers.

The decision to cut ties with ICE was recommended by a task force that reviewed the city's immigration policies following Trump's zero-tolerance- policy that detained and divided hundreds of immigrant families entering via the Mexican border.

In June the Democratic Mayor also signed a separate executive order that blocked the jail from taking in any new ICE detainees, according to MyAJC. (https://www.myajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/atlanta-calls-for-ice-move-its-detainees-out-the-city-jail/s2FAuYLosJfRRyqVTsWvHO/)
Lance Bottoms has condemned the separation of immigrant families, resulting in her refusal to accept detainees into city jails.

However holding ICE detainee's has been profitable for the city as Atlanta has been paid $78 a day for each detainee held in the jail through a contract with the US Marshals service. The city raked in $7.5million through the deal for this fiscal year as of June - more than a fifth of the jail's annual $33milllion budget.

As of Thursday evening on five ICE detainees remained in Atlanta's city jail, detained migrants at another jail pictured above

Lance Bottoms is an outspoken critic against Trump's zero-tolerance policy. In June 205 ICE detainees were held in Atlanta's city jail, pictured above
Video playing bottom right.
Secretary of State Brian Kemp - who is also Georgia's Republican nominee for governor - said the decision to not hold detainees would add crime to the city.

'The City of Atlanta should focus on cleaning up corruption and stopping crime - not creating more of it,' he said in a Thursday statement.

A spokesperson for Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor, applauded the Mayor's 'efforts to combat the impact of the administration's cruel and inhumane family separation policy. Anyone who stands against keeping families together lacks any kind of moral compass.'

Lance Bottoms added that the city has a partnership with Uber and Catholic and Lutheran charities that will provide free transportation and meals for immigrant families separated at the Mexico border who will be reunited with family members in Atlanta.

The Mayor is exploring eventually selling the city jail that has a declining number of inmates and increasing maintenance costs.

Also on Thursday the Trump administration moved to withdraw a 1997 decree that limits the government's ability to detain immigrant children.

If the decree dubbed the 'Flores settlement' is removed, the government can detain immigrant chiildren with their parents for longer than 20 days. But federal officials said children would be 'treated with dignity, respect, and special concern for their particular vulnerability as minors'.

'Today, legal loopholes significantly hinder the department’s ability to appropriately detain and promptly remove family units that have no legal basis to remain in the country. This rule addresses one of the primary pull factors for illegal immigration and allows the federal government to enforce immigration laws as passed by Congress,' US Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement.

Read more:

Atlanta calls for ICE to move its detainees out of the city jail (https://www.myajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/atlanta-calls-for-ice-move-its-detainees-out-the-city-jail/s2FAuYLosJfRRyqVTsWvHO/)

7th September 2018, 05:52 PM
Atlanta Mayor Signs Executive Order to Permanently Stop Accepting ICE Detainees at City Jail

City cannot be complicit in 'inhumane immigration policies,' mayor says.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms on Thursday signed an executive order (http://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/city-of-atlanta-to-stop-receiving-ice-detainees) to permanently stop the city jail from receiving people detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The order also directs the Atlanta City Department of Corrections chief to formally request that ICE officials transfer all current detainees from the Atlanta City Detention Center as soon as possible.

“As we work to achieve our vision of an Atlanta that is welcoming and inclusive, with equal opportunity for all, it is untenable for our City to be complicit in the inhumane immigration policies that have led to the separation of hundreds of families at the United States southern border,” Bottoms said in a statement.

r (https://twitter.com/KeishaBottoms/status/1037719237832392705/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dma4JH0W0AUMpo0?format=jpg&name=small (https://twitter.com/KeishaBottoms/status/1037719237832392705/photo/1)

Atlanta has permanently ended its acceptance of ICE detainees and will immediately transfer all those remaining out of our City jail. We will not be complicit in an immigration policy that intentionally inflicts misery on vulnerable populations. Read Here: http://bit.ly/2NhZwWP (https://t.co/fdP46uXTee)
11:08 AM - Sep 6, 2018 (https://twitter.com/KeishaBottoms/status/1037719237832392705)

Tucker: Dems, Media Presented ICE Arrest as 'Dystopian Morality Tale of Heartless Officers' (http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/08/20/tucker-carlson-rips-democrats-and-media-over-ice-arrest-murder-suspect)
LOOK: Burning Man Attendees Protest ICE, Tech Companies by Constructing Giant Cage (http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/09/03/burning-man-attendees-protest-ice-constructing-giant-cage)
The move comes months after Bottoms signed a separate order that blocked the city jail from accepting any new ICE detainees amid enforcement of the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy, which resulted in migrant families being separated at the border.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported (https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/atlanta-calls-for-ice-move-its-detainees-out-the-city-jail/s2FAuYLosJfRRyqVTsWvHO/?utm_source=newspaper&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=5754204&&) that there were 205 ICE detainees in the jail in June, and that number decreased to just five as of Wednesday.
A spokesperson for ICE confirmed to the newspaper that all of the agency's detainees at the Atlanta City Detention Center would be transferred by the end of Thursday.

“I do not make this decision lightly, or without concern as to the impact on these individuals," Bottoms' statement read. "But until there is comprehensive immigration reform, this is the only way Atlanta can truly fulfill its legacy of compassion and tolerance. Civil offenses do not warrant criminal consequences – and no one should be jailed solely because they seek the American Dream.”

Let us know what you think in the comments.

midnight rambler
7th September 2018, 06:41 PM
Fucking nigger Dimrat.

I thought the County Sheriff was in charge of the County Jail. I'm pretty sure this involves Trump Derangement Syndrome.

7th September 2018, 08:32 PM
Fucking nigger Dimrat.

I thought the County Sheriff was in charge of the County Jail. I'm pretty sure this involves Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And or federal pay.

7th September 2018, 09:48 PM
this on her twitter page, Keisha's handler:

Southern Poverty Law Center‏Verified account @splcenter

ICE does not belong in our jails. This is an important step in the right direction for the city of Atlanta but more work needs to be done to further policies that promote public safety & protect the rights of immigrants. @KeishaBottoms

8th September 2018, 03:46 AM
Fucking nigger Dimrat.

I thought the County Sheriff was in charge of the County Jail. I'm pretty sure this involves Trump Derangement Syndrome.

City Jail, not County Jail.

8th September 2018, 06:57 AM
Nothing like beating a dead horse, but . . .
Constitutionally she is right even though that is not where her communist beliefs stem from. The only department, agency or bureacracy allowed by the Constitution is the Dept. of the Treasury. The only people who can repel invasions of ilegals is We The People through the Militia of the several States.

Article I §8 Cl. 15 - Congress shall have Power . . . To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

The second amendment - A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the only place in the entire document except the Preamble is anything declared to be “necessary”.

Well regulated; three words, Organized, Armed and Disciplined.

midnight rambler
8th September 2018, 06:59 AM
City Jail, not County Jail.

The Sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority in the county and he/she is the one in charge of the jail, NOT the mayor.

9th September 2018, 09:24 AM

Nice Phoenix Desk, how feminenly fascist your photo is..