11th September 2018, 10:37 AM
Their knowledge is the key to humanity's freedom. Our ignorance of it allows them to rule us. Truth, makes everything works in reverse, when in the hands of an elite. No knowledge is evil when there is a full transparency. Hiding the Truth is a weapon.
Cant make sense of Sacred Geometry?
Then you didnt dig far enough...
(which is why they have the compass and square)
On Halloween 2017, the Freemasons celebrated 300 years of Royal influence in London.
The Masons sang "God save the Queen, let her reign over us." in unison.
Prince Edward - Duke of Kent, the grandson of King George V and Queen Mary, is their Grand Master, who said he spoke with 136 other Grand Masters.
They acted out a play, with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin explaining the Masonic influence over the founding of the USA.
They joked about putting the all seeing eye on their bank note.
Thousands of Masons from all over the world, gathered inside the Royal Albert Hall, where a giant triangular compass, displayed a holographic eye in the center.
Cant make sense of Sacred Geometry?
Then you didnt dig far enough...
(which is why they have the compass and square)
On Halloween 2017, the Freemasons celebrated 300 years of Royal influence in London.
The Masons sang "God save the Queen, let her reign over us." in unison.
Prince Edward - Duke of Kent, the grandson of King George V and Queen Mary, is their Grand Master, who said he spoke with 136 other Grand Masters.
They acted out a play, with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin explaining the Masonic influence over the founding of the USA.
They joked about putting the all seeing eye on their bank note.
Thousands of Masons from all over the world, gathered inside the Royal Albert Hall, where a giant triangular compass, displayed a holographic eye in the center.