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View Full Version : Toxic chemical commonly used in U.S. foods

16th September 2018, 01:11 PM
More toxic to humans than high fructose corn syrup, this dirty little secret ingredient is COMMON in U.S. foods (and beverages)

(Natural News (https://www.naturalnews.com/)) Ever wonder why one third of all Americans get cancer at some point in their lifetime, even though hardly anyone got it a century ago? How about leukemia, do you think it’s hereditary? You would be dead wrong. A common ingredient in soft drinks and most jarred peppers and pickles causes leukemia, but no medical doctor in America has been authorized to talk about it, and most of them have no clue anyhow.
What’s the poison? It’s called sodium benzoate, and you’ll find it in popular paint stripper products, permanent spot removers, rubber cements, and lots of U.S. food products all approved by the FDA for human consumption.

Sodium benzoate was banned from the rubber making industry because many workers exposed to it developed leukemia and died

Sodium benzoate is made by mixing sodium hydroxide with benzoic acid, which gives it highly destructive, solvent qualities. In Europe, the media is screaming to ban this toxic “preservative” as it may be interfering with normal development of children. The U.S. mass media, of course, won’t utter a word about it. Scientists fear conducting research on sodium benzoate, as they might get “suicided” by Big Food and Big Pharma, as so many cancer researchers, holistic doctors (https://www.naturalnews.com/052975_holistic_doctor_deaths_thermography_cancer_ detection.html), and vaccine researchers have encountered.

Sodium benzoate is a known carcinogen that deprives the human cells of oxygen, breaks down the immune system and causes blood cancer (https://www.naturalnews.com/052947_sodium_benzoate_perishable_foods_chemical_p reservatives.html) to develop. On product ingredient labels, you’ll see the phrases, “to preserve freshness” or “as a preservative.” That’s so you’ll feel safe and cozy when your brain ingests those happy slogans, but what your body is attempting to digest is a dangerous concoction (https://www.youwealthrevolution.com/blog/sodium-benzoate/) that’s been synthesized in a laboratory using chemicals.