View Full Version : The most HILLIARIOUS shit I've seen in a LONG time!!!
midnight rambler
18th September 2018, 09:44 PM
Killery aka Queen Jezebel, aka King Ahab the serial rapist's enabler*: Kavanaugh's accuser "deserves the benefit of the doubt."
Ain't that hoot??
*let's not forget Killery getting that guy that raped that teenager off and ruining the teenage victim's life, yeah...Killery is all about standing up for the victims of sexual assault
19th September 2018, 07:02 AM
While Dianne Feinstein now says she's not so sure about the truthfulness of the claims. This will be very interesting, to see if the accuser will actually step up to the plate and testify, or not. Her absence would speak volumes to the validity of the claim.
19th September 2018, 11:18 AM
2 things. Wednesday morning she said she wont testify unless the FBI investigates this 'again' FBI says it's a local issue not an FBI issue. Second is she says she wont testify Monday because she is getting death threats.
midnight rambler
19th September 2018, 12:30 PM
Kathleen Wiley -
Deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Juanita Broaddrick
Deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Eileen Wellstone
Deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Sandra Allen James
Deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Christy Zercher
Deserves the benefit of the doubt!
and the list goes on.
CERTAINLY Kathy Shelton, the 12 y.o. who was raped (the accused rapist being 'professionally' [Killery's word] defended by Killery)
Deserves the benefit of the doubt!
But no -
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