View Full Version : When does Antifa hunting season open?

midnight rambler
28th September 2018, 03:11 PM
I'm sure they'll let us know -


29th September 2018, 06:22 AM
Link still wont load...

29th September 2018, 07:08 AM

Link still wont load...

Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter

BY DEBRA HEINE (https://pjmedia.com/columnist/debra-heine/)SEPTEMBER 27, 2018


Antifa Podcast The Guillotine. Image via Facebook.

( Note: There is a podcast embeded that I am not able to find the link to.)

Communist agitators took to Twitter (http://archive.fo/rk3eN) this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies, Far Left Watch reported (https://farleftwatch.com/antifa-podcast-host-discusses-easily-concealable-guns-ambushes-and-assassination/).

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine (https://theguillotinepodcast.libsyn.com/), started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs (https://pjmedia.com/trending/antifa-website-calls-for-slaughter-of-fascistic-border-patrol-dogs-and-their-bosses/)

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said that during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

The Guillotine podcast, which covers “global current events from a revolutionary communist and anarchist perspective,” has nearly 15,000 Facebook followers and 250 active monthly donors on its Patreon account.

The two co-hosts, @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe,l identify as an “egoist-Communist” and “Marxist, respectively” according to Far Left Watch. (https://farleftwatch.com/antifa-podcast-host-discusses-easily-concealable-guns-ambushes-and-assassination/) And the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.

?????? pic.twitter.com/CEBpdedS96 (https://t.co/CEBpdedS96)
— The Guillotine (@GuillotinePod) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/GuillotinePod/status/1044632110726873088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Disturbingly, the extremists see no difference between supporters of President Trump or the police, and actual Nazis.

pic.twitter.com/vaFxldUkE2 (https://t.co/vaFxldUkE2)

— The Guillotine (@GuillotinePod) September 18, 2018 (https://twitter.com/GuillotinePod/status/1042116885339357185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

In the thread, Dr. Bones discouraged fellow radicals from walking around with full-sized AR rifles, suggesting that they instead use “easily concealable platforms” [weapons] so as not to “tip anyone off.”

https://static.pjmedia.com/trending/user-content/51/files/2018/09/Bones-full-convo-557x1024.png (https://static.pjmedia.com/trending/user-content/51/files/2018/09/Bones-full-convo.png)
A fellow traveler talked about the importance of communication and tactics in small cells that have "an opportunity for a big kill.”
https://static.pjmedia.com/trending/user-content/51/files/2018/09/bones-thread-comment-768x546.png (https://static.pjmedia.com/trending/user-content/51/files/2018/09/bones-thread-comment-768x546.png)
Other radicals piped in with their two cents' worth, most of them favoring small cells that blend in with the general population.

but until then focus on small things that can be done alone/in small groups, with very little resources. It's the most effective and safest way, and does not leave a target for them to hit back at.
— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/Jake_1c/status/1044639867546681344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

The blending approach is gonna be the most useful, and honestly the most effective long term. Sustaining a full militia necessitates central supply chains/ bureaucratic information dispersion/ and heavier level of trust through a bigger # of people. All of which raise the cost
— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/MutualRevolt/status/1044631901632425985?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

of recruiting into the ranks. Especially if you’re in a heavy martial state, getting people involved will mean making sure they & their whole family will face as little risk as possible. Being able to sustain outward civilian life protects more of those involved.
— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/MutualRevolt/status/1044632474222030848?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Also, the less information one person has on EVERYONE in the group defends against one person being caught and spilling everything on the network. A network of distributed/only necessary information/ gives more flexibility and safety to the movements to disrupt.
— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/MutualRevolt/status/1044633003559989254?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Insurgency focus first, even most "blue" states there is next to no chance of being able to hold and defend large amounts of territory from the state and reactionary forces in the beginning. Small cells of insurgents have been able to punch above their weight in all modem wars
— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/Jake_1c/status/1044637420468133888?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Would probably transition into holding some form of territory, whether some town, neighborhood, or whatever infrastructure, then they should start helping and training as many people as possible, so they can defend themselves and continue insurgency if anyone takes it over again
— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018 (https://twitter.com/Jake_1c/status/1044638296603734016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

https://static.pjmedia.com/trending/user-content/51/files/2018/09/howdy-768x512.png (https://static.pjmedia.com/trending/user-content/51/files/2018/09/howdy-768x512.png)
@JackHerer20 (Captain Howdy) is a particularly nasty St. Louis antifa who has been featured at PJ Media and Far Left Watch before. In January of 2018, he encouraged his followers to dox GOP officials (https://farleftwatch.com/far-left-militia-leader-says-to-doxx-government-officials-and-show-up-at-their-homes/) and show up at their homes. He also offered to pay someone to assassinate President Trump (https://pjmedia.com/trending/st-louis-communist-militia-group-member-threatens-president-trump-lawmakers/). Incredibly, he still maintains a Twitter account. (https://twitter.com/search?q=captain%20howdy&src=typd)

29th September 2018, 09:37 AM
Boy are those guys gonna be surprised when their own leaders showup at their doorstep.

3rd April 2023, 08:48 AM
When MAGA is the new Antifa?

womensystems.com: Ron DeSantis Holds Event On Long Island – FLASH MOB Of Trump Supporters Pops Up And Rallies Outside (VIDEO) (http://www.womensystems.com/2023/04/ron-desantis-holds-event-on-long-island.html)

Ron DeSantis held a book signing on Saturday on Long Island at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.

HUNDREDS of Trump supporters popped up outside the venue and held a rally.

A Pro-Trump caravan circled the block.

nypost.com: Conservative activist attacked during trans rights rally in Canada: video (https://nypost.com/2023/04/01/trans-woman-attacks-conservative-protestor-during-canada-rally/)

April 1, 2023
A conservative protestor was assaulted multiple times on camera as he tried to talk to attendees of a Trans Day of Visibility rally in Vancouver, Canada while wearing a sign with anti-trans messages Friday.

Billboard Chris — known for counter-protesting liberal demonstrations across Canada and the US — said he was “assaulted a few times” while interviewing the 100 rally attendees at the Grandview Park event...

Point-of-view footage captured a transgender woman approaching Elston and barraging him with a stream of curses and insults as several Vancouver police stand by and watch.

“You suck. F–k you. F–k you, you’re not wanted. F–k you. You’re a f–king idiot. F–k you!” the woman said, as a group jumps in to join her chats...

“Get your f–cking hands off me!” she screamed as the two toppled to the ground.

It was the second time Elston was assaulted on camera.

Another video showed multiple people wearing hooded camouflage jackets and face coverings grabbing at Elston’s camera and wiggling his billboard — which read, “children cannot consent to puberty blockers.”

One man then began pushing Elston and kicking him, leaving him with a scrapped nose.

The most violent group in the western world are transgender activists.

Here I am getting assaulted in the presence of dozens of police who do nothing. pic.twitter.com/luJgBGPyy6

— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) April 1, 2023
Vancouver police told Elston the fights seemed to be “mutual” and likely didn’t constitute a criminal assault.

One officer allegedly told Elston he was trying to cause confrontation leading up to the attacks.

4th April 2023, 10:29 AM
Antifa is still the same except now they wear dresses.

10th December 2023, 11:41 AM
When 'the only true democracy in the middle east' has an indigenous peoples genocide to complete?

nationalpost.com: Comment: Academia confirms its utter moral bankruptcy to Congress (https://nationalpost.com/opinion/adam-pankratz-academia-confirms-its-utter-moral-bankruptcy-to-congress)

Dec 08, 2023
On Tuesday, the presidents of Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) — some of America’s most esteemed institutions of higher learning — attended the U.S. Congress to quell fears that universities had become hotbeds of antisemitism and intolerance. They did anything but.

... the presidents equivocated and wriggled. The exchanges are mind-boggling, appalling, terrifying and astoundingly out of touch, even for Ivy League elites.

In perhaps the most remarkable response, Penn’s president offered that, “If the speech turns into conduct it can be harassment.”

...In such unbelievable circumstances, it can be helpful to do one’s best to take a step back from immediate outrage and attempt to be as generous as possible to the accused. It is Christmas time, after all. My generosity is somewhat backhanded, however, as it will only further demonstrate the full moral vacuity of universities in North America.

The presidents ultimately argued that speech in and of itself is neither harassment nor bullying. This is, in its own way, refreshing to hear from university presidents in the United States. The ability to express views of any kind, even exceptionally odious ones, is necessary for the proper functioning of any university. Ideas and thoughts must be allowed to be discussed openly without any fear of reprisal, even if it offends or insults others. Indeed, the most odious cases must be defended most strongly lest the creep of censure cast its dark veil over universities and society at large.

That is the most magnanimous interpretation I can muster about what, theoretically, was being hinted at in Congress on Dec. 5.

There is, however, a massive, even stupefyingly huge “but” looming that I imagine some readers have already picked up on. It is this: the universities of Harvard, MIT and Penn, as well as many others around North America, have spent the past five years defending precisely none of the principles I have listed.

Indeed, they have frequently done the opposite.

nationalreview.com: Bipartisan Congressional Group Urges Harvard, MIT, UPenn Boards to Dismiss University Presidents (https://www.nationalreview.com/news/bipartisan-congressional-group-urges-harvard-mit-upenn-boards-to-dismiss-university-presidents/)

December 9, 2023
A letter by Representatives Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) and Jared Moskowitz (D., Fla.) called for the immediate removal of Harvard president Claudine Gay, MIT president Sally Kornbluth, and UPenn president Liz Magill. It also demanded the higher-education institutions provide an action plan that protects Jewish and Israeli students, professors, and faculty on their campuses. Seventy-two Republicans and two Democrats in the House signed the letter Friday.

“Given this moment of crisis, we demand that your boards immediately remove each of these presidents from their positions and that you provide an actionable plan to ensure that Jewish and Israeli students, teachers, and faculty are safe on your campuses,” the letter read. “Anything less than these steps will be seen as your endorsement of what Presidents Gay, Magill, and Kornbluth said to Congress and an act of complicity in their antisemitic posture. The world is watching — you can stand with your Jewish students and faculty, or you can choose the side of dangerous antisemitism.”