View Full Version : What the left extremists are up to

midnight rambler
3rd October 2018, 09:26 PM
*Mostly* all talk at this point, but they are very motivational and inspirational to other far leftists for sure. This POS Antifa is a professor at City University of New York's John Jay College -



3rd October 2018, 09:30 PM

midnight rambler
3rd October 2018, 09:30 PM
Psychological terrorism from the left (with respect to their latest nonsense at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings) -


midnight rambler
3rd October 2018, 09:34 PM
RE: "Kill all white people born before 1962"

Bring it asshole. I'm here waiting for you. In fact I'm beginning to get impatient and may have to get proactive* if your type doesn't STFU and begin to act like normal, decent, well-adjusted men (if that's even possible).

*all options are on the table

Si vis pacem para bellum

3rd October 2018, 10:02 PM

3rd October 2018, 11:48 PM
there's a thread about professor PEZneck here already somewhere; too lazy to look it up tho

4th October 2018, 04:33 AM

Let's not ignore the glaring fact that women on the right are few and silent. This is mostly a gender war. White Men are now the enemy/target even of their own women.

old steel
4th October 2018, 09:00 AM

Let's not ignore the glaring fact that women on the right are few and silent. This is mostly a gender war. White Men are now the enemy/target even of their own women.

Indeed. i got locked out of the gym last winter one night when i was adjusting the temperature of the steam room up from the back utility room. Had to walk out the emergency exit at the back of the gym and around the front of the gym to re enter.

Had a towel wrapped around me and flip flops on, this is just before midnight. A couple femnazi's at the back of the parking lot caught a glimpse of me and phoned 911, told the cops a "naked man" was running around outside the gym.

Cops showed up just after i left and got my name, then a vehicle shows up in the crescent across the street and shines their brights on my house just sitting there. Didn't know it was a cop so i grabbed an 870 out of the safe, loaded it, racked it and was going out to see who the asshole was shinning the brights on our house.

Even though it's a good area we have lots of theft and some random vandalism here. At the last second i decided to leave the shotgun inside and walked outside at an angle to the brights to see who it was.

Cops in a police truck.

Can you imagine what would have went down if i would have packed the loaded 12 gauge out there?

4th October 2018, 09:36 AM
... A couple femnazi's at the back of the parking lot caught a glimpse of me and phoned 911, told the cops a "naked man" was running around outside the gym....


"Old Steel" exposed himself to us Your Honor!

midnight rambler
4th October 2018, 09:44 AM
Indeed. i got locked out of the gym last winter one night when i was adjusting the temperature of the steam room up from the back utility room. Had to walk out the emergency exit at the back of the gym and around the front of the gym to re enter.

Had a towel wrapped around me and flip flops on, this is just before midnight. A couple femnazi's at the back of the parking lot caught a glimpse of me and phoned 911, told the cops a "naked man" was running around outside the gym.

Cops showed up just after i left and got my name, then a vehicle shows up in the crescent across the street and shines their brights on my house just sitting there. Didn't know it was a cop so i grabbed an 870 out of the safe, loaded it, racked it and was going out to see who the asshole was shinning the brights on our house.

Even though it's a good area we have lots of theft and some random vandalism here. At the last second i decided to leave the shotgun inside and walked outside at an angle to the brights to see who it was.

Cops in a police truck.

Can you imagine what would have went down if i would have packed the loaded 12 gauge out there?

You don't keep at least one loaded gun at the ready??

old steel
4th October 2018, 01:14 PM
You don't keep at least one loaded gun at the ready??

No comment.

4th October 2018, 01:24 PM
The Unified Field Theory of Madness


4th October 2018, 09:52 PM
The Unified Field Theory of Madness


Good lord, keehah

I will set aside some small part of a Sunday afternoon.

4th October 2018, 10:18 PM
Horn stamp of approval {--->) to: The Unified Field Theory of Madness

Author must be from Texas


Each morning, a missionary advertises neon sign
He tells the native population that civilization is fine
And three educated savages holler from a bamboo tree
That civilization is a thing for me to see

So bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go
Don't want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords, I make it clear
That no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here

I looked through a magazine the missionary's wife concealed (Magazine? What happens?)
I see how people who are civilized bung you with automobile (You know you can get hurt that way Dani
At the movies they have got to pay many coconuts to see (What do they see, Darling?)
Uncivilized pictures that the newsreel takes of me

So bongo, bongo, bongo, he don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, he's so happy in the jungle, he refuse to go
Don't want no penthouse, bathtub, streetcars, taxis, noise in my ear
So, no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here

They hurry like savages to get aboard an iron train
And though it's smokey and it's crowded, they're too civilized to complain
When they've got two weeks vacation, they hurry to vacation ground (What do they do, Darling?)
They swim and they fish, but that's what I do all year round

So bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go
Don't want no jailhouse, shotgun, fish-hooks, golf clubs, I got my spears
So, no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here

They have things like the atom bomb, so I think I'll stay where I am
Civilization, I'll stay right here

7th October 2018, 11:18 AM
Why The World is The Way it is


7th October 2018, 12:01 PM
Unfortunately, the $un went dim on keehah and carrots were no longer to be found in the field.

16th October 2018, 01:00 PM

4th December 2019, 02:35 PM
Sharing this AC forum post that aligns with r/K theory (see video above). Additonally, and most interesting for those who already are familiar with r/K theory applied to human left-right politics, this essay help me better see indication that the r herd behaviour in today's western societies is manipulated, not to offer a dependent ideology, nor just the power aspirations of their manipulative schoolers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoaling_and_schooling), but to represent an inversion of its competing group morality.

"Privilege" as the immediate self interest of the herd senses and feels it, is the behaviour of the sustainable adults (and families) of a given society, that the herd ideologists resent (and want to eliminate) because they subconsciously (or consciously if they are more consumed with hate and evil) resent that they are dependent on them.

In functional societies, the left or the dependents would be the group's children and the disabled, the disabled would receive social welfare but not politically struggle to make the whole of society disabled, and the children would be given the care and support to become sustainable members of the group, not politically struggle to make a whole society of childlike dependent people (i.e. ruled by their passions)

AC forum post:

The Morality of the Social Justice Left

This essay deals with the moral system that exists in the Social Justice left. There is a very clear moral system that the American left has today and it is applied in a couple ways. Some modern leftists buy into this morality and religiously believe in it, others see it as a set of marionette strings with which to make their puppets dance. There are no doubt some on the left who do not buy into this morality, but they are inconsequential at this moment. Modern leftist arguments are all framed around this morality and I think it is useful to flesh it out and understand it, hence this essay.

The social justice morality is simple, smart sounding, and is also memetic. I will quickly highlight these three characteristics. The leftist moral calculus is simple, it must be simple because it has been adopted by a large group of people in a short period of time. Legitimate systems of morality are complex and develop within cultures over long periods of time. The social justice morality is simple and rigid and was forced upon a large mass of impressionable people in a short period of time, generally within their college education. This morality is delivered through academic vectors and thus has the appearance of intellectualism. “Smart” words are used in substitution for substance in this moral framework and people buy it because they do not understand the words and want to be smart like everyone else around them, but the reality is that they are all just repeating this same smart words around in circles to each other. This is where the characteristic of memetic comes in. The actions, words, dogma, etc. that this morality produces do not arise from logic but from mimesis. When one person arrives at a moral conclusion they do not set about proving it to their peers, but merely repeat it over and over in different forms until it takes and then the rest of the group copies them out of a fear for being in the wrong or behind the times.

The social justice morality is simple, it requires a very simple calculation. All moral issues can be solved by determining who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor. Oppression is not a conscious act, it is a state of being. To determine who is oppressed you simply add up the categories in which they are oppressed, if they are oppressed in more categories than another person then they are more virtuous. Male, White, Christian, and Heterosexual are the categories with the most privilege, therefore someone belonging to these four categories are the most oppressive. The farther you can get from those categories, the more virtuous you are. Action is morally correct when it is in favor of the oppressed and against the oppressors.

The social justice morality sounds smart on its face. It decorates itself in smart words like “intersectional”, “theory”, “oppression”, “polyamorous”, etc. Simple minded people are impressed by the complexity of words without thinking about their utility, truly intelligent people use words effectively whether the words sound smart or not. As we have seen, the moral calculations involved with social justice are very simple, but they do have some theoretical basis. The two main sources of this calculation are Marxism and Critical Theory. From Marxism they take class warfare: that there are specific classes of people who are in a constant fight. Marx was more concerned with economics, social justice is more interested with social and behavioral groups, but the idea is the same. Marx has been knocked down a thousand different ways, I will simply say here that humanity has more fundamental commonalities than social or economic groups and to contrive warfare between arbitrary classes is wrong and abhorrent. Critical theory introduces methods of critiquing every human action based on the intersection of their social classes and oppression status, it is a socialization of Marx and faces many of the same criticisms. In summary, the social justice morality dresses itself up as intellectual, but is actually based on a small area of academia that is extremely dubious.

The final characteristic of social justice morality that I claimed was that it is memetic rather than logical. Briefly, it is based on repetition and mimicry rather than individuals thinking things through independently. These easiest way to prove this is to observe twitter or a protest, the issues that leftists take up are not logical but they spread like a virus. A good example is the case of Nicholas Sandmann, he was the person with the most privilege (white, catholic) versus the native American man and so it was easy for people to pile on and shame him when they could have observed from the easily obtainable evidence that he had done nothing wrong. Mimesis is a phenomena that is natural to humans and often serves the purpose of protecting an individual from crowd violence. A white man can spout the current social justice cause and escape scorn, despite his privileged status. You can observe this on a small scale as well, individuals act in mimetic ways to belong to the herd, this is called virtue signaling. Buying the right stickers, going to the right restaurants, reading the right books, expressing the right opinions, the list goes on. If social justice morality action was logical then it would[n't ?] display herd mentalities so clearly.

There are two types of people who partake in social justice behavior, the puppets and the puppet masters. Puppets represent most people, they believe that what they are doing is morally just and for some reason are blind to the strings that manipulate them. The puppet masters understand the physics of social justice morality and use it to manipulate people, but do not partake in it themselves. Identifying the puppets and their masters could go a long way towards analyzing someone’s behavior.

21st August 2020, 10:47 AM
BBC Radio4: Edmund Burke on the Sublime (1min48s)
Some things that move us are beautiful, others are sublime. But what is the difference?


21st August 2020, 11:31 PM
Herd mentality without immunity.


22nd August 2020, 03:49 PM
Keehah's a richman?


22nd August 2020, 05:31 PM
Do You Lock Your Door At Night?


Learn Liberty: Subjective vs. Objective Value: The Economist and the Philosopher (2min)
Some people like rock music, and others like country. Some people prefer chocolate; others prefer strawberry. Economics calls value subjective to reflect these different tastes and preferences. Philosophy uses the term "value" objectively, to refer to things such as rights


24th August 2020, 02:34 PM
Let them eat & us purchase ventilators for them...
