View Full Version : The Next Generation Of Warfare: Genetically Engineered VIRUSES

End Times
3rd November 2018, 09:48 AM

From the comments:

Reason 43 why I don’t get FREE FLU SHOTS.


Every time the Chemtrail planes fly over I wonder if today is the day…

3rd November 2018, 12:28 PM
Looks like a budding GSUS'er has joined the ranks. Thanks End Times

3rd November 2018, 01:15 PM
That was already discussed on /Pol. Someone said that they should use crispr to engineer a virus to only attack black people. It's was a pretty lengthy discussion regarding the morality and ethics of it.

End Times
3rd November 2018, 03:44 PM
That was already discussed on /Pol. Someone said that they should use crispr to engineer va virus to only attack black people. It's was a pretty lengthy discussion regarding the morality and ethics of it.

Problem is, (((State-level actors))) can easily do the reverse. Or, just disseminate a virus that sterilizes all White males...no immediate death needed.

Not like that's a new idea...


Proposed the physical sterilization of all Germans back in the '40s.

My stance on bio-weapons, especially CRISPR, is that it breaches morality into blasphemy, and must never be developed. And I'm a firm believer in the use of nuclear weapons against anyone who tries use. Sad thing is, I don't have my hands on the keys. :o