View Full Version : Florida study finds monarch butterflies declined 80 percent since 2005
End Times
8th November 2018, 10:04 PM
Every year thousands of monarch butterflies dance through the air over North Florida, migrating between their breeding ground in Mexico and their regular homes along the U.S. Atlantic coastline.
Every year, there have been fewer and fewer of them.
A new University of Florida study — at 37 years, the longest of its kind — has found that the number of caterpillars and butterflies in North Florida have been declining steadily since 1985.
Since 2005, the numbers have dropped by 80 percent.
"It’s alarming," said associate professor Jaret Daniels, a co-author of the study. "Before 2005, there was more fluctuation in the data. Since 2005, the rate of decline has been steady."
The scientists involved in the study say the causes of the decline are not entirely clear, but they believe there are two major factors at work.
One is the development of areas that had been planted with native milkweed, the favorite food of young monarchs. The other is the widespread use of a herbicide called glyphosate, often applied to farmers’ fields to kill weeds. One of the weeds it kills is milkweed.
End Times
8th November 2018, 10:07 PM
From earlier this year...
Where have all our insects gone?
But perhaps the most alarming indication of the ecological apocalypse we face was provided a few months ago by researchers who published a startling paper in the journal Plos One. Their work was based on the efforts of dozens of amateur entomologists in Germany who began employing strictly standardised ways of collecting insects in 1989. They used special tents called malaise traps to capture thousands of samples of insects in flight over dozens of different nature reserves.
Then the weight of the insects caught in each sample was measured and analysed – revealing a remarkable pattern. The annual average weight of insects found in the traps fell by 76% over the 27-year period of their research. Most alarming, however, was the discovery that the decrease was even higher – 82% – in summer, a time when insect numbers should reach their peak.
Such figures give strong numerical support to the veracity of anecdotes about splattered car windscreens and moth-plastered patio windows becoming a thing of the past. Equally stark is the fact that although meteorological patterns fluctuated to some degree during the years of the study, it was clear that weather was not the cause of the declines.
But perhaps the most alarming aspect of the research was the realisation that these grim drops in insect numbers were occurring in nature reserves – in other words, in areas where the landscape was highly protected and should be the most friendly of habitats for insects. Conditions elsewhere were likely to be a lot worse, the scientists warned.
“Insects make up about two-thirds of all life on Earth [but] there has been some kind of horrific decline,” Professor Dave Goulson of Sussex University, said at the time. “We appear to be making vast tracts of land inhospitable to most forms of life, and are currently on course for ecological armageddon. If we lose the insects, then everything is going to collapse.”
End Times
8th November 2018, 10:10 PM
Before anyone says, "good, less of those bastard bugs to deal with," recognize that insects are near the bottom of the food chain. Their vast declines mean predators above them also decline, and so on, in an upward cascade. Ultimately, we humans decline with them.
One day, possibly soon, there will be crop failures...or mass failures of the corporate crop seeds to germinate at all. "Experts have no idea why..."
The assault on God's Creation is hardly confined only to the genocide of His Finest Creation, His Images, Adamic mankind (White people). It appears the world system, based on love of money, is engaging not just in genocide...but biocide.
9th November 2018, 02:55 AM
Before anyone says, "good, less of those bastard bugs to deal with," recognize that insects are near the bottom of the food chain. Their vast declines mean predators above them also decline, and so on, in an upward cascade. Ultimately, we humans decline with them.
One day, possibly soon, there will be crop failures...or mass failures of the corporate crop seeds to germinate at all. "Experts have no idea why..."
The assault on God's Creation is hardly confined only to the genocide of His Finest Creation, His Images, Adamic mankind (White people). It appears the world system, based on love of money, is engaging not just in genocide...but biocide.
I have noted the decline. It has been profound here in the midwest. I figure two main reasons. GMO crops producing
bt toxin and Glyphosate along with it and chemtrails. I know why the crops are poisoned but I don't know why they are poisoning the skies.
9th November 2018, 05:15 AM
but I don't know why they are poisoning the skies.
From all I read it is an effort of weather control. The effects of poisoning everything living is a side effect.
9th November 2018, 06:38 AM
I have noted the decline. It has been profound here in the midwest. I figure two main reasons. GMO crops producing
bt toxin and Glyphosate along with it and chemtrails. I know why the crops are poisoned but I don't know why they are poisoning the skies.
Radio waves may have something to do with it too...
9th November 2018, 06:39 AM
What would be interesting to know is if any decline is correlating to the tail off of the solar cycle.
The cycles themselves resemble butterflies in frequency pattern.
End Times
9th November 2018, 07:00 AM
Radio waves may have something to do with it too...
Neonicotinoids, glyphosphate, and the GMO toxins woodman notes are the primary instruments of death, but the proliferation of microwave radiation (ubiquitous mobile and Wi-Fi broadcasts) has been shown to confuse bees and other insects, rending them unable to function (such as return home).
I have a theory of my own that the microwave radiation is responsible for a rapid rise in both anxiety disorders and disordered thinking in our societies (including an increase in violence across the board). We've known for over 50 years that microwave frequencies induce psychological and psychological stress in humans (most notably learned from deliberate targeting by the Bolshevists of the US Embassy in Moscow). A then-comprehensive report was complied by the DIA in 1976 (, but since, the research literature on the topic has been sparse (most likely because the later material is top secret). A few studies have been done in recent years regarding microwave inducement of cancer, to much controversy (e.g., the typical assumption that "non-ionizing radiation can't cause cancer"), even though the limited research is pretty conclusive. Not much is available publicly regarding the effects on humans or insects of microwaves as weapons.
9th November 2018, 07:33 AM
Neonicotinoids, glyphosphate, and the GMO toxins woodman notes are the primary instruments of death, but the proliferation of microwave radiation (ubiquitous mobile and Wi-Fi broadcasts) has been shown to confuse bees and other insects, rending them unable to function (such as return home).
I have a theory of my own that the microwave radiation is responsible for a rapid rise in both anxiety disorders and disordered thinking in our societies (including an increase in violence across the board). We've known for over 50 years that microwave frequencies induce psychological and psychological stress in humans (most notably learned from deliberate targeting by the Bolshevists of the US Embassy in Moscow). A then-comprehensive report was complied by the DIA in 1976 (, but since, the research literature on the topic has been sparse (most likely because the later material is top secret). A few studies have been done in recent years regarding microwave inducement of cancer, to much controversy (e.g., the typical assumption that "non-ionizing radiation can't cause cancer"), even though the limited research is pretty conclusive. Not much is available publicly regarding the effects on humans or insects of microwaves as weapons.
It's a catch 22 situation, and I've read those studies as well. I'm also a tech guy. So I'm a bit conflicted about wanting and pursuing technological progress, but at the same time I also want to leave a habital planet for my kids. I've tried researching other means of communications and mircorwaves are by far the most efficient means available to us currently.
I think we're just on the verge of knowing how to send and receive messages using Quantum entanglement, but that type of communication is likely half a century away at best.
9th November 2018, 08:32 AM
9th November 2018, 08:34 AM
It's a catch 22 situation, and I've read those studies as well. I'm also a tech guy. So I'm a bit conflicted about wanting and pursuing technological progress, but at the same time I also want to leave a habital planet for my kids. I've tried researching other means of communications and mircorwaves are by far the most efficient means available to us currently.
I think we're just on the verge of knowing how to send and receive messages using Quantum entanglement, but that type of communication is likely half a century away at best.
I kind of have an allergy to the word Quantum... But could you explain what quantum entanglement is?
9th November 2018, 08:45 AM
I kind of have an allergy to the word Quantum... But could you explain what quantum entanglement is?
I honestly do not know how to put it into a TLDR format, but there is an entire article here that discusses what Quantum Entanglement is:
I also came across an article that shows that the Chinese are currently using Quantum Entanglement for satellite communication. Essentially rendering the satellite hack and its communication to ground station eavesdropping proof.
midnight rambler
9th November 2018, 08:53 AM
It's not just the monarch butterfiles.
9th November 2018, 09:02 AM
It's not just the monarch butterfiles.
Agreed, I've been seeing things on Godlikeproductions talking about a recent 5G test over in the neatherlands in which a lot of birds wound up dead. I'm having trouble finding evidence backing up the claim, but I'm not going to discount that it's a possibility. 5G (cell communication Generation not 5Ghz) which is talking about using 50Ghz to 100Ghz wave lengths is on the extreme high end for EMF, so I don't doubt it can cause problems for insects and birds.
9th November 2018, 10:10 AM
I kind of have an allergy to the word Quantum... But could you explain what quantum entanglement is?
Quantum entanglement is a jew derived term that covers Einsteinian singularity errors.
Among its other uses its used to convey cryptocurrency as a navigable field, when really its just a bunch of dudes tryin to get something for nothing.
9th November 2018, 04:16 PM
you speak a lot like me... Fred... but we differ on a few details.... the love of money.... nope the mere presence of money
End Times
9th November 2018, 08:44 PM
you speak a lot like me... Fred... but we differ on a few details.... the love of money.... nope the mere presence of money
But I'm right. :)
When you agree with me, you'll be right, too. :D
(you know I don't hate you, right?)
10th November 2018, 03:04 AM
Mike Adams on the topic
Insect population COLLAPSE a death warning for all humanity
10min doc | October 31, 2018
Insect biomass COLLAPSING globally as Earth's ecosystems DIE. 10min doc | It's primarily due to the mass chemical poisoning of the food supply and food crops with "chemical weapons" (pesticides).
Up to 13% of US beekeepers are in danger of losing their colonies due to pesticides sprayed to contain the Zika virus, new research suggests.
10th November 2018, 04:09 AM
Hugsss :)
but i'm right. :)
when you agree with me, you'll be right, too. :d
(you know i don't hate you, right?)
10th November 2018, 04:13 AM
you speak a lot like me... Fred... but we differ on a few details.... the love of money.... nope the mere presence of money
How’s your crowdfunding going? ;)
13th November 2018, 05:02 PM
This and California fires could be related as possible Carrington events.
I imagine bugs not doing well in that environment.
End Times
6th December 2018, 09:09 PM
Get ready for bees to die out:
World's first honey bee vaccine seeks to save dying pollinators
7th December 2018, 06:56 AM
Microbal vaccine! yep, just what the bees need to protect them from Monsatan’s poisons. My daughter’s and grand daughter’s bees seem to be thriving, but they only have 3 or 4 hives.
Get ready for bees to die out:
World's first honey bee vaccine seeks to save dying pollinators
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