View Full Version : Ashkenazi Jews are 3% Semitic.
11th November 2018, 03:12 PM
Only 3% of their genes originates from the area where Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan is today.
”For a more scientific take on the Jewish origin debate, recent DNA analysis of Ashkenazic Jews – a Jewish ethnic group – revealed that their maternal line is European. It has also been found that their DNA only has 3% ancient ancestry which links them with the Eastern Mediterranean (also known as the Middle East) – namely Israel, Lebanon, parts of Syria, and western Jordan. This is the part of the world Jewish people are said to have originally come from – according to the Old Testament.”
Who are the anti-semites now?
11th November 2018, 03:13 PM
Does this work: (((anti-semites)))?
11th November 2018, 03:19 PM
From the op link:
To understand why this is the case, we need to go back in time, to look at where these other ancestors came from. It starts in Persia (modern-day Iran) during the sixth century. This is where most of the world’s Jews were living at this time.
The tolerance of the Persians encouraged the Jews to adopt Persian names, words, traditions, and religious practices, and climb up the social ladder gaining a monopoly on trade. They also converted other people who were living along the Black Sea, to their Jewish faith. This helped to expand their global network.
Among these converts were the Alans (Iranian nomadic pastoral people), Greeks, and Slavs who resided along the southern shores of the Black Sea. Upon conversion, they translated the Old Testament into Greek, built synagogues, and continued expanding the Jewish trade network.
DNA of Yiddish speakers could have originated from four ancient villages in northwest Turkey. Author provided
These Jews adopted the name Ashkenaz, and the DNA of Ashkenazic Jews can be traced to “Ancient Ashkenaz” – an intersection of trade routes in eastern Turkey.
The rise of the Ashina
We now know that at the time these Jews adopted the name Ashkenaz, they also acquired unique Asian mutations on their Y chromosome. This is where another important group of people in our story come into play – and they are called the Gok-Turks.
During the sixth century, these nomadic people were ruled by a Siberian Turkic tribe called the Ashina. They were forced by the Chinese Tang Empire – who were in power in China at the time – to migrate westwards toward the Black Sea.
Thanks to their organisational and military skills, the Ashina united many tribes in this area – and a new empire called the “Khazar Khaganate” was born. Offering freedom of worship and taxing trade, these people quickly rose to power.
The Asian group of these DNA mutations, found in Ashkenazic Jews, likely originated from the Ashina elite and other Khazar clans, who converted from Shamanism to Judaism. This means that the Ashina and core Khazar clans were absorbed by the Ashkenazic Jews.
It was also around this time that the Jewish elite adopted many Slavic customs. And based on my previous research, I would suggest that Yiddish was developed as a secret language to assist in trade.
11th November 2018, 03:20 PM
And Fauxcahontas is an injun.
11th November 2018, 03:23 PM
How much neanderthal DNA do they have?
11th November 2018, 03:24 PM
What happened next was that the Jewish empire began to collapse. By the tenth century, the Jews on the Black Sea migrated to Ukraine and Italy. Yiddish became the lingua franca of these Ashkenazic Jews and absorbed German words while maintaining the Slavic grammar. And as global trade moved to the hands of the Italians, Dutch and English, the Jews were pushed aside.
What this all shows is that by using modern genetic technology – that enables scientists to track the past of modern-day people – a new appreciation for Jewish ancestry can be discovered.
It has meant a greater understanding of the journeys these people took to arrive in Europe. It has also allowed for increased knowledge as to the significant role the Ashina and the Khazar clans – from which some of the real Jewish patriarchs actually came from – played.
11th November 2018, 03:31 PM
How much neanderthal DNA do they have?
I think those scientific findings are withheld. It is said that 3% of modern Europeans DNA is Neanderthal. Middle East and central west Asia has much higher proportions, Neanderthal and Cro Magnon is said to have co-existed there for a hundred thousand years. Short stocky bodies and groesqueish facial features they have in common with the Neanderthal ancestors.
11th November 2018, 03:39 PM
The origin of the Jiddish language:
11th November 2018, 03:42 PM
the largest genomic study of Ashkenazic Jews, and the first one to study Yiddish speakers, we applied our Geographic Population Structure (GPS) tool – which operates in a similar way to the sat nav in your car – to the genomes of more than 360 Yiddish and non-Yiddish speaking Ashkenazic Jews.
DNA of Yiddish speakers could have originated from four ancient villages in north-west Turkey. Author provided, Author provided
Surprisingly, our GPS homed in on north-east Turkey, where we found four primeval villages, one of which was abandoned in the mid-7th century AD.
These ancient villages identified by the GPS tool are clustered close to the Silk Road – the ancient network of trade routes – and are named Iskenaz, Eskenaz, Ashanaz, and Ashkuz. And it is likely that these are the villages that mark the location of the lost lands of Ashkenaz.
The history of a people
Located on the cross roads of ancient trade routes, this region suggests that the Yiddish language was developed by Iranian and Ashkenazic Jews as they traded on the Silk Road from the first centuries AD to around the 9th century when they arrived in Slavic lands.
Putting together evidence from linguistic, history, and genetics, we concluded that the ancient Ashkenazic Jews were merchants who developed Yiddish as a secret language – with 251 words for “buy” and “sell” – to maintain their monopoly. They were known to trade in everything from fur to slaves.
By the 8th century the words “Jew” and “merchant” were practically synonymous, and it was around this time that Ashkenazic Jews began relocating from ancient Ashkenaz to the Khazar Empire to expand their mercantile operations.
End Times
12th November 2018, 03:29 AM
These Jews adopted the name Ashkenaz, and the DNA of Ashkenazic Jews can be traced to “Ancient Ashkenaz” – an intersection of trade routes in eastern Turkey.
The Khazar explanation for the term Ashkenazim is that they are named so for Ashkenaz, the grandson of Japheth and great-grandson of Noah, who they identify with the Germanic tribes.
End Times
12th November 2018, 03:40 AM
Yiddish became the lingua franca of these Ashkenazic Jews and absorbed German words while maintaining the Slavic grammar.
This isn't correct. Yiddish - originally, Jüdisch in German ("Jewish" - the umlaut makes the pronunciation very close to "Yiddish"), was based upon Plattdeutsch, with an overlay of Talmudic Hebrew and some Slavic words (like latke).
Yiddish is essentially a bastardized form of Low German. The vast majority of words are Germanic in origin. The Kike name for synagogue, "shul," is directly from the German schule. The Yiddish epithet "dreck" is identical to the German original, "filth." Pronunciation patterns vary. For example, in Plattdeutsch, school is pronounced "skool' just like in English (Plattdeutsch - plot-dytsh - Dutch, and English are the closest cousins of Germanic languages). Yet Yiddish follows the High German pronunciation, "shool." Jews do "drop the r" in some pronunciations, such as for black - "shvaatzuh" (schwarze) - same as Plattdeutsch dialects.
So, as St. Adolphus pointed out, the Jews stole the language they use, from us; stolen like most of their "culture."
End Times
12th November 2018, 03:51 AM
Neanderthal and Cro Magnon
Neanderthal had subhuman features. Cro-Magnon was identical to - if not, in a few cases, superior - to modern Homo sapiens sapiens (that is, the European ideal).
I once read a "mainstream" anthropologist's work, a Jew, ironically, alleging that petroglyphic art existed showing Cro-Magnons exterminating a subhuman Neanderthal type. I've never been able to track down the reference.
I'm not convinced of "Neanderthal survival" in modern humans. The "Neanderthal" features could very well be genetic load appearing and reappearing in populations with too much inbreeding. And Jews are the quintessence of inbreeding, despite their Holowood "racist" stereotype of Christian White people in the Appalachians owning that ignoble distinction.
End Times
12th November 2018, 03:54 AM
Ashkenazic Jews began relocating from ancient Ashkenaz to the Khazar Empire to expand their mercantile operations.
Be very careful with this theory. I believe it is a Trojan Horse theory. Attempting to destroy the original Khazar origin of the Ashkenazim in favor of a pro-Zionist angle. The "Askhenazim are only 3% Semitic" thing is possibly a red herring. The whole thrust of the "argument" is that Jews from Babylonia moved to Khazaria.
If the Ashkenazim are Khazars, they don't "own" Palestine by any argument.
If the Ashkenazim are actually migrants from the Levant, well...
12th November 2018, 05:12 AM
This isn't correct. Yiddish - originally, Jüdisch in German ("Jewish" - the umlaut makes the pronunciation very close to "Yiddish"), was based upon Plattdeutsch, with an overlay of Talmudic Hebrew and some Slavic words (like latke).
Yiddish is essentially a bastardized form of Low German. The vast majority of words are Germanic in origin. The Kike name for synagogue, "shul," is directly from the German schule. The Yiddish epithet "dreck" is identical to the German original, "filth." Pronunciation patterns vary. For example, in Plattdeutsch, school is pronounced "skool' just like in English (Plattdeutsch - plot-dytsh - Dutch, and English are the closest cousins of Germanic languages). Yet Yiddish follows the High German pronunciation, "shool." Jews do "drop the r" in some pronunciations, such as for black - "shvaatzuh" (schwarze) - same as Plattdeutsch dialects.
So, as St. Adolphus pointed out, the Jews stole the language they use, from us; stolen like most of their "culture."
It was explained in the article, how this came about. The Germanic words was later added to a grammatically Slavic language. But I reacted to this claim as well when I read it.
12th November 2018, 05:18 AM
The Khazar explanation for the term Ashkenazim is that they are named so for Ashkenaz, the grandson of Japheth and great-grandson of Noah, who they identify with the Germanic tribes.
As it happens the 4 villages with names similar to Ashkenaz, is located in North Eastern Turkey, where incidentally Mt Ararat is located, and many biblical scholars claims to be where Noah landed with his ark. ;)
12th November 2018, 05:28 AM
Be very careful with this theory. I believe it is a Trojan Horse theory. Attempting to destroy the original Khazar origin of the Ashkenazim in favor of a pro-Zionist angle. The "Askhenazim are only 3% Semitic" thing is possibly a red herring. The whole thrust of the "argument" is that Jews from Babylonia moved to Khazaria.
If the Ashkenazim are Khazars, they don't "own" Palestine by any argument.
If the Ashkenazim are actually migrants from the Levant, well...
Palestine is a long distance from North Eastern Turkey, and was never any part of the ancient Greater Israel. The Jews in Askenaz area were supposed to have gotten there around 700 AD, silk route traders, most likely from Babylon. Then later they went to Khazaria as the kaganate formed. Chronologically it holds. Further, why wouldn’t the descendants of the Pharisees move into the Jewish homeland Khazaria from all over the world? Just like they do today to Israel to avoid prosecution for their crimes. Some of them would be of the Edomite Semite genome.
Further “Jew” became synonymous with “merchant” 8th century AD. Not a coincidence that this started happening after the Babylonian Talmud appeared, it’s the cookbook for world domination. And for that to happen you need to establish yourself at the trade routes.
12th November 2018, 05:53 AM
In some of the other forums I've posted at, when I'm called an "Anti-Semite" I kindly remind them that Judaism is not a race, and that if you call me that, then at least produce evidence that you are indeed a Semite because the only Semites that I am aware of currently reside in Palestine.
Usually shuts them up.
12th November 2018, 12:26 PM
...It has meant a greater understanding of the journeys these people took to arrive in Europe. It has also allowed for increased knowledge as to the significant role the Ashina and the Khazar clans – from which some of the real Jewish patriarchs actually came from – played.
12th November 2018, 01:30 PM
Neanderthal had subhuman features. Cro-Magnon was identical to - if not, in a few cases, superior - to modern Homo sapiens sapiens (that is, the European ideal).
I once read a "mainstream" anthropologist's work, a Jew, ironically, alleging that petroglyphic art existed showing Cro-Magnons a subhuman Neanderthal type. I've never been able to track down the reference.
I'm not convinced of "Neanderthal survival" in modern humans. The "Neanderthal" features could very well be genetic load appearing and reappearing in populations with too much inbreeding. And Jews are the quintessence of inbreeding, despite their Holowood "racist" stereotype of Christian White people in the Appalachians owning that ignoble distinction.
That is a very interesting perspective. I hadn’t considered this before. Those Europeans and Asians that were best protected during the ice age, IOW those that had access to a cave, were also the ones who had the most inbreeding and therefore regressed and thus had different genes compared to Cro Magnon.
Of course those who were not protected by a cave, would have had their genetic imprints wiped out by the ice age conditions. Those (Cro Magnon and their ancestors) were the ones that moved around, most of them died because of environmental pressure, only the absolutely most adaptable survived.
They underwent huge evolutionary pressures, but no trace of them remains, apart from the few that wandered into Africa at the height of the ice age around 60,-70,000 years ago. No evolutionary pressure existed in Africa that would explain the sudden appearance of Cro Magnon at the time.
Inbred populations of today may very well be the equivalent of the cave bound population of the “Neanderthal” tens of thousands year ago. They may have only been inbred and cave protected Cro Magnon siblings for a long time.
12th November 2018, 04:49 PM
During glaciation, water was taken from the oceans to form the ice at high latitudes, thus global sea level dropped by about 110 meters, exposing the continental shelves and forming land-bridges between land-masses for animals to migrate. During deglaciation (, the melted ice-water returned to the oceans, causing sea level to rise. This process can cause sudden shifts in coastlines and hydration systems resulting in newly submerged lands, emerging lands, collapsed ice dams ( resulting in salination ( of lakes, new ice dams creating vast areas of freshwater, and a general alteration in regional weather patterns on a large but temporary scale. It can even cause temporary reglaciation ( This type of chaotic pattern of rapidly changing land, ice, saltwater and freshwater has been proposed as the likely model for the Baltic ( and Scandinavian ( regions, as well as much of central North America at the end of the last glacial maximum, with the present-day coastlines only being achieved in the last few millennia of prehistory. Also, the effect of elevation on Scandinavia submerged a vast continental plain that had existed under much of what is now the North Sea, connecting the British Isles to Continental Europe.[81] (
According to THAT Wiki webpage ( I doubt cave dwellers survived for long. Where did they get their food and firewood?
13th November 2018, 01:55 AM
Neuro, thanks for quoting me, but you left out that monetary coercion is a complete failure
13th November 2018, 02:31 AM
Goldie stop disrupting this thread with your BS.
If you really want to have a serious discussion about your quote, you can do it here in your own thread, where you made your absurd statement:
13th November 2018, 03:10 AM
According to THAT Wiki webpage ( I doubt cave dwellers survived for long. Where did they get their food and firewood?
Of course no-one could live where you have miles of ice cover. But if you died in a cave prior to glaciation, chances are that your bones would remain and be found at a later stage. While if you were buried under a few feet of soil, the glaciation and the melting would crush and wash away your bone fragments into the ocean.
This is the thesis. “The populations that occupied a cave, got superior environmental protection, thus they wanted to stay their as long as they could, thus they got inbred, which gave them the primitive Neanderthal features. When climate got too harsh to survive even in the protection of the cave, they were doomed, leaving the cave attempting to venture to areas far away with a climate where you could survive would only kill you quicker. They stayed and starved and froze to death in the cave. Cro Magnon and it’s ancestors was under extreme evolutionary pressure, but because they moved around they survived. They probably stayed away from areas occupied by their inbred cousins, because in a miles radius around the cave it was picked clean.”
Makes sense doesn’t it?
13th November 2018, 04:13 AM
The Neanderthal was inbred!
“Previous studies of DNA extracted from Neanderthal remains revealed that these Eurasian hominids were much more inbred and less genetically diverse than modern humans. For thousands of years, the Neanderthal population size remained small, and mating among close relatives seems to have been common.”
The setbacks of living in a safe cave for generations? But only cave dwellers remains remained in Northern latitudes. In the Horn of Africa where some Cro Magnon took refuge at the height of Ice Age, where climate is stable and dry, bones are excellently preserved. But to believe any human evolution ever took place here is madness.
13th November 2018, 05:24 AM
Of course no-one could live where you have miles of ice cover. But if you died in a cave prior to glaciation, chances are that your bones would remain and be found at a later stage. While if you were buried under a few feet of soil, the glaciation and the melting would crush and wash away your bone fragments into the ocean.
This is the thesis. “The populations that occupied a cave, got superior environmental protection, thus they wanted to stay their as long as they could, thus they got inbred, which gave them the primitive Neanderthal features. When climate got too harsh to survive even in the protection of the cave, they were doomed, leaving the cave attempting to venture to areas far away with a climate where you could survive would only kill you quicker. They stayed and starved and froze to death in the cave. Cro Magnon and it’s ancestors was under extreme evolutionary pressure, but because they moved around they survived. They probably stayed away from areas occupied by their inbred cousins, because in a miles radius around the cave it was picked clean.”
Makes sense doesn’t it?
Only if we are agreeing that the stationary cave dwellers were stupid Darwinian dead-enders.
13th November 2018, 05:55 AM
Only if we are agreeing that the stationary cave dwellers were stupid Darwinian dead-enders.
Indeed! The longer they stayed in the cave the stupider they became.
13th November 2018, 06:20 AM
Does this work: (((anti-semites)))?
For most intent purposes, Yes.
13th November 2018, 08:25 AM
An article claiming Jews are Neanderthal.
13th November 2018, 08:33 AM
A long 24 page essay on the subject I just started reading...
13th November 2018, 11:38 AM
And then you have the mythical Northern European Trolls, said to live in the mountains...
Perhaps more than a myth. Could have been cave dwelling Neanderthal ancestors of Jews.
13th November 2018, 02:01 PM
Someone called Patrick Hunt, wrote a hypothetical article suggesting that the Scandinavian mythological Trolls, could in fact be an actual depiction of Neanderthals...
Many similarities:
More speculation on the subject:
13th November 2018, 03:58 PM
take responsibility for quoting me selectively
if humans dont collaborate, we all starve... money is a tool that forces people to collaborate and that is why it is a complete failure... coercion make any systems fail
have fun, right it is your thread... no need for any serious discussion though. Yep, as long as people follow the money first, they cannot collaborate.
my migrant caravan thread was also derailed, we are even
Goldie stop disrupting this thread with your BS.
If you really want to have a serious discussion about your quote, you can do it here in your own thread, where you made your absurd statement:
13th November 2018, 04:08 PM
Neuro your failure to interprate backwards English properly has certain traits that could be interprated as 3% Ashkenazi Neanderthalisms.
13th November 2018, 04:51 PM
take responsibility for quoting me selectively
if humans dont collaborate, we all starve... money is a tool that forces people to collaborate and that is why it is a complete failure... coercion make any systems fail
have fun, right it is your thread... no need for any serious discussion though. Yep, as long as people follow the money first, they cannot collaborate.
my migrant caravan thread was also derailed, we are even
What are you talking about? I didn’t derail your caravan thread. So we are supposedly even now after you have brought up bullshit here twice that has nothing to do with the thread. After telling you off no less and suggesting I would be willing to argue the matter in the thread where it originated. Troll!
13th November 2018, 04:57 PM
Neuro your failure to interpret backwards English properly has certain traits that could be interprated as 3% Ashkenazi Neanderthalisms.
So predictable. I totally expected this from you after my Scandinavian troll article. Yawn! You mediocre Costa Rican troll!.
14th November 2018, 05:57 AM
So predictable. I totally expected this from you after my Scandinavian troll article. Yawn! You mediocre Costa Rican troll!.
This statement could only render you higher at 13% Ashkenazi/Neanderthal.
14th November 2018, 07:11 AM
This statement could only render you higher at 13% Ashkenazi/Neanderthal. cE7sFFaEitpLqeoRS7ZMx
14th November 2018, 10:59 AM cE7sFFaEitpLqeoRS7ZMx
Is that a knife in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
17th November 2018, 12:59 PM
A long 24 page essay on the subject I just started reading...
This was pretty good.
He talks about Neanderthals, middle eastern vs western culture and peoples, population movements as the ice age was ending, Atlantis, fascism, wwII, greeks, and other things.
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