View Full Version : British Businesses Planning To MICROCHIP Their Employees

17th November 2018, 01:58 AM
one more evidence that following the money (paycheck) is a distraction preventing people from collaborating. But money helps those at the top achieve control. This is the duality of money, because money only works when a majority remains ignorant and worships materialism.

Once the money-power game is understood, money becomes obsolete. Dualism/Polarity evil? Not really, because it must exist for us to compare Truth with evil. Money will rather use knowledge to control the flow information, and thus the thinking, because newer data always destroys the old one. That is how knowledge progresses. And that is why most will rather choose to perpetuate the status quo. Humans will really start collaborating when a majority gets it.

Of course Neuro who quotes me "selectively" thinks he does sound smart.

David Icke explains "frequency-microchipping". And the first video explores epigenetics. Interestingly Melissa contends that she does not believe in the "intelligent design" while agreeing with the research itself. Maybe she does not want to take side publicly because she does not want to lose her sponsor$.

Science Admitted Signals Control Us (truthstream media)


We Are Being Invaded - The David Icke


Now workers could get MICRO-CHIPPED by their bosses: British businesses are planning to use £150 implants 'to boost IT security' (nov 3018)
Biohax is in talks with a number of UK legal and financial firms to implant staff
The devices are about the same size as a grain of rice and cost around £150
A major financial services firm with hundreds of employees is a potential client

Screens are Poison': Tech Elites Keeping Devices Out of Their Children's Schools


17th November 2018, 06:41 AM
Shoulda chipped the doctors so proximity alarms went off.

Surgical Robot "Spirals Out Of Control", Kills Man As Docs Sipped Lattes

In the name of scientific “progress,” Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital in the United Kingdom recently tried to pioneer the use of a surgical robot

thatit tasked with repairing a patient’s damaged heart valve, only to have the machine go completely bonkers and ultimately kill the man on the operating table (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6363243/Pioneering-robot-KNOCKED-medics-hand-middle-heart-operation.html).


17th November 2018, 10:06 PM
Explain how the quote is different from the meaning of the full paragraph?

18th November 2018, 03:39 PM
the short quote of mine in your sig makes my statement look paradoxical while I am not... I have just become proficient at juggling with dualism.

it is only when a majority understands that the whole control game is about (our) DNA and our minds, that humans will be able to collaborate to eradicate ((them))... meanwhile our total enslavement gets closer.

Explain how the quote is different from the meaning of the full paragraph?

18th November 2018, 08:13 PM
the short quote of mine in your sig makes my statement look paradoxical while I am not... I have just become proficient at juggling with dualism.
The whole paragraph is a clear sign of doublethink... That is your proficiency!
