View Full Version : Political correctness destroys Aussie wedding magazine
midnight rambler
18th November 2018, 08:48 AM
Christian couple publishing a bridal magazine forced to abandon their labor of love because they refused to include same sex couples -
midnight rambler
18th November 2018, 08:55 AM
FWIW, something most get - a marriage is between a man born with XY chromosome and a (womb)man born with a XX chromosome, however the mentally deficient are unable to comprehend this.
18th November 2018, 09:54 AM
Sydney (AFP) - A leading Australian bridal magazine has shut after being ditched by advertisers for refusing to feature same-sex couples, one year after the country changed its marriage laws.
The Christian founders of "White", Luke and Carla Burrell, said they did not feature gay weddings in their magazine as they had "no desire to create a social, political or legal war".
In a farewell blog on Saturday, the couple said they were targeted by activists because of their stance and forced to "pick a side". As a result, several advertisers withdrew their sponsorship making their publication "no longer economically viable", the pair added.
18th November 2018, 11:27 AM
FWIW, something most get - a marriage is between a man born with XY chromosome and a (womb)man born with a XX chromosome, however the mentally deficient are unable to comprehend this.
Again, the problem lies in the confusion created when the State ursurped and redefined what used to be a religious institution.
I'm sure this magazine had nothing to say about the legal benefits afforded to citizens after they acquired a "marriage license" from, and entered into contract with, the State, as I'm fairly sure that was not its objective or focus.
"Gay marriage" is ALL ABOUT the State's contractual interests. That's ALL the gays should be concerned with. This magazine was about the culture of traditional marriage, not legal contracts and .gov benefits.
People just can't separate the two.
It's annoying as shit.
Oh, wait, I forgot. There's that pesky possibility that there is no "confusion" at all... and that the move is to destroy traditional institutions deliberately over time, and replace them with political institutions of the collectivist variety.
Still annoying.
End Times
18th November 2018, 05:13 PM
FWIW, something most get - a marriage is between a man born with XY chromosome and a (womb)man born with a XX chromosome, however the mentally deficient are unable to comprehend this.
I believe the vast majority in favor of fag "marriage" do comprehend is merely the psychopathic rebellion against God's design and institution He created.
In the Postdiluvian Era, God wiped out two cities for the sin of Sodomy. Given that, only the rejection of God and His Word could not impact one's decisions about "gay" matters.
midnight rambler
18th November 2018, 08:21 PM
In a farewell blog on Saturday, the couple said they were targeted by activists because of their stance and forced to "pick a side". As a result, several advertisers withdrew their sponsorship making their publication "no longer economically viable", the pair added.
In such a case bullying is totally acceptable.
Stop Making Cents
19th November 2018, 05:09 PM
In such a case bullying is totally acceptable.
yes, because communists have totally dehumanized their opponents
20th November 2018, 06:48 AM
I remember back in the 90's the primary narrative being pushed by the homo agenda was that they just want to be tolerated, that gay people don't want to force their values on anyone else, they just want to be accepted for who they are and left alone. And now that they've gotten that, they're forcing their sick perversions on every single institution they set their sights on. And the worst thing about it is that the State is backing them up and supporting them in every way. We're witnessing and living through nothing less than the destruction of White Christian (Western) civilization, poisoned and rotted out from within.
20th November 2018, 06:55 AM
I have a couple contacts on Facebook who have become super liberal/progressive over the last 10 years or so, and they champion every sick LGBTP victory as a celebration of human progress. Their view is that society is getting better because of its acceptance of LGBTPs, that this is human progress. But in fact, perversions like this aren't anything new, human history is full of examples of such perversions. Christianity was able to suppress these perversions and build a successful society because of it (and a lot of other things too). What we're witnessing is a regression of human society; we're losing the progress that our culture had gained over thousands of years, to our and our children's detriment.
20th November 2018, 10:34 AM
I have a couple contacts on Facebook who have become super liberal/progressive over the last 10 years or so, and they champion every sick LGBTP victory as a celebration of human progress. Their view is that society is getting better because of its acceptance of LGBTPs, that this is human progress. But in fact, perversions like this aren't anything new, human history is full of examples of such perversions. Christianity was able to suppress these perversions and build a successful society because of it (and a lot of other things too). What we're witnessing is a regression of human society; we're losing the progress that our culture had gained over thousands of years, to our and our children's detriment.
This was a common occurrence in the end of the Western Roman Empire...
End Times
20th November 2018, 04:01 PM
I have a couple contacts on Facebook who have become super liberal/progressive over the last 10 years or so, and they champion every sick LGBTP victory as a celebration of human progress. Their view is that society is getting better because of its acceptance of LGBTPs, that this is human progress. But in fact, perversions like this aren't anything new, human history is full of examples of such perversions. Christianity was able to suppress these perversions and build a successful society because of it (and a lot of other things too). What we're witnessing is a regression of human society; we're losing the progress that our culture had gained over thousands of years, to our and our children's detriment.
"As in the days of Noah, so shall the Coming of the Son of Man be."
In Noah's time, every perversion and degeneracy was "normal." Even race mixing. ("And Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"). Noah was selected by God to survive, in part, because he was "perfect in his generations." Judeo-"Christianity" attempts to paint that as meaning "Noah was a good man of his generation." Uh, no...that's not what the original Hebrew says.
God obliterated two cities - Sodom and Gomorrah - because their population was wholly wicked, composed of unrestrained libertine faggots ("Sodomites").
Our society has decayed to below the level of Sodom and Gomorrah's sins. Our technology has now made it possible for transsexuals to mock God like never before. And genetic engineering will surely be used soon to aid these transsexual freaks in conforming their God-given chromosomes to their "gender identity."
End Times
20th November 2018, 04:03 PM
This was a common occurrence in the end of the Western Roman Empire...
We've "progressed" well beyond the degeneracy of the Roman Empire. We may not - yet - have legal "marriage" to horses, but we're damn close. And the tranny shit exceeds that of Nero's equine "wife."
20th November 2018, 05:42 PM
They win when we remain silent. "Hate Speech" is now forbidden.
End Times
20th November 2018, 06:02 PM
They win when we remain silent. "Hate Speech" is now forbidden.
Are you prepared to go to a cage or the grave in order to speak out?
Look at our modern dissidents. I'm not referring only to someone like Matt Hale, who is in a bipedal zoo cage for life because he is a "hater." Look at non-racists Julian Assange or Ed Snowden...both in de facto prisons.
"Hate speech" is speech they hate. It's not merely limited to "racism" (sic) or "anti-Semitism" (sic) any more.
22nd November 2018, 08:56 AM
"Imagine all the people, not marrying at all, awoo-hoo" - John Lennon Horn
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