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View Full Version : Doug Casey: We are almost on the cusp of a civil war

midnight rambler
18th November 2018, 10:37 PM

19th November 2018, 06:32 AM
The civil war has already begun, just the bloodshed part hasn't happened yet. When the streets are running with liberal blood, hopefully people will remember who engineered this war and take them down too. I think it's a foregone conclusion this is coming, the only question remains, is how the government, military and United Nations will be handling it.

midnight rambler
19th November 2018, 06:46 AM
The civil war has already begun, just the bloodshed part hasn't happened yet. When the streets are running with liberal blood, hopefully people will remember who engineered this war and take them down too. I think it's a forgone conclusion this is coming, the only question remains, is how the government, military and United Nations will be handling it.

A few short years ago a Texas DPS Trooper advised me what was going to happen from his POV (of course they all talk amongst themselves about such a scenario) - LE is going to stay home and take care of their own. My takeaway from that is if any force is applied by (whichever) state it will be military force.

old steel
19th November 2018, 09:13 AM
Snowflakes have firearms, know how to use them and are willing to fight to the death?

This i gotta see.

19th November 2018, 09:34 AM
It's currently a cold civil war at the moment. The battle lines have already been drawn. While they are currently ideological, it adds tinder to the powder keg that is multi-cultural America. I would not want to be a refugee, foreigner etc once this powder keg erupts.

Cultural Marxists will not be able to protect them as they'll be too busy trying to hide.

19th November 2018, 10:13 AM
A few short years ago a Texas DPS Trooper advised me what was going to happen from his POV (of course they all talk amongst themselves about such a scenario) - LE is going to stay home and take care of their own. My takeaway from that is if any force is applied by (whichever) state it will be military force.

My brother (now retired cop) decades ago told me this too.

19th November 2018, 10:21 AM
The civil war has already begun, just the bloodshed part hasn't happened yet. When the streets are running with liberal blood, hopefully people will remember who engineered this war and take them down too. I think it's a foregone conclusion this is coming, the only question remains, is how the government, military and United Nations will be handling it.


After dual-citizen (((Bolsheviks))) destroy our nation they will just hop on a plane to their "Israel" and stay there until the smoke clears. They have this Nation Wrecking down to a science now.

19th November 2018, 11:25 AM
It's currently a cold civil war at the moment. The battle lines have already been drawn. While they are currently ideological, it adds tinder to the powder keg that is multi-cultural America. I would not want to be a refugee, foreigner etc once this powder keg erupts.

Cultural Marxists will not be able to protect them as they'll be too busy trying to hide.

White people will never fight back, and prefer being enslaved to retarded people to rape and steal from us.

White people will be all hunted down and wiped out within 50-100 years. We are on borrowed time.

19th November 2018, 11:53 AM
White people will never fight back, and prefer being enslaved to retarded people to rape and steal from us.

White people will be all hunted down and wiped out within 50-100 years. We are on borrowed time.


Um...I fled California in 1980 and Shami fled California just a few years ago. We both fled to Idaho and didn't "fight back" in California. California today is only 34% White.


End Times
19th November 2018, 01:59 PM
I would not want to be a refugee, foreigner etc once this powder keg erupts.

No worries, Federal "court orders" will protect them. :)

19th November 2018, 02:10 PM
Wrong. The cops will use the swat team and the mraps and all the military hardware that Obama gave them to attack and destroy armed white people who are defending their turf. THEN and only then will the commies use the army and alphabet soup agencies to kill the cops. THEN the real fun starts! All antifa and college professors lawyers and media persons and politicians and rich goyim will be killed in this phase. Then the jew strolls in un opposed and kills all the brown races and those who helped them.

19th November 2018, 03:12 PM
doing good with money (marxism/corporatism/banking) is the end of it all... follow the money. Collusion will always have the final word

19th November 2018, 04:38 PM
Is Doug selling another book?

I didn't see Kitco News. Kitco must need to move a glut of gold.

Stop Making Cents
19th November 2018, 05:05 PM
Feels like it's heading to civil war, but strangely enough there's no real geographic separation other than rural vs. city so i have no idea how that would work. Make no mistake, liberals have been actively dehumanizing whites for many years so that when the time comes they can wipe us out without a 2nd thought from their foot soliders. According to these sick communists, there is no crime worse than racism. Murder, rape, you name it - those are all lesser crimes than racism in their eyes. Anyone guilty of the racism thought crime is less than human.

old steel
19th November 2018, 05:24 PM
It would be a hell of a mess.

Demographics, politics, religion, resources all thrown together to fight it out.

That's a few chairs short of what you will need to find a safe place when the music stops.

Stop Making Cents
19th November 2018, 05:29 PM
It would be a hell of a mess.

Demographics, politics, religion, resources all thrown together to fight it out.

That's a few chairs short of what you will need to find a safe place when the music stops.

Bigger problem would be the vast majority of cuckservatives that would insist race doesn't matter, and if "conservatives" won they'd still insist on a multicultural society again once they form a new government so it would all be for nothing.

19th November 2018, 05:30 PM

No shots need to be fired...

19th November 2018, 06:15 PM
Feels like it's heading to civil war, but strangely enough there's no real geographic separation other than rural vs. city so i have no idea how that would work.

That's how a real civil war works. What we call "the civil war" was NOT a civil war.

End Times
20th November 2018, 01:01 AM
A few short years ago a Texas DPS Trooper advised me what was going to happen from his POV (of course they all talk amongst themselves about such a scenario) - LE is going to stay home and take care of their own. My takeaway from that is if any force is applied by (whichever) state it will be military force.

I don't doubt cops will ignore their "duties" if the paychecks no longer come, but I don't believe most will stay home, out of the action altogether. They'll network with their fellow Blue Cultists to prey on the unprepared, and, especially, the unarmed. Cops are not a special breed, more virtuous than the average peon. They'll do raids, and rapes, just like Niggers and other subhumans, only in a more orderly fashion.

The US military will act similarly. The only way to keep them in play for our rulers will be to maintain their "standard of living." Otherwise, they'll go rogue.

Our rulers' best hope for pacifying America will be foreign troops.

End Times
20th November 2018, 01:03 AM
Snowflakes have firearms, know how to use them and are willing to fight to the death?

This i gotta see.

A small percentage of them do. Mostly faggots who tend toward the "masculine" side.

The vast majority, however, will go absolutely bonkers when the iCloud goes down, and doesn't come back up. As though their very life just evaporated.

End Times
20th November 2018, 01:05 AM
White people will never fight back, and prefer being enslaved to retarded people to rape and steal from us.

White people will be all hunted down and wiped out within 50-100 years. We are on borrowed time.

"Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short."

Without Divine Intervention, the scenario you envision would, indeed, occur. And, even with that, millions of us will be exterminated for being sons of God.

End Times
20th November 2018, 01:09 AM
Feels like it's heading to civil war, but strangely enough there's no real geographic separation other than rural vs. city so i have no idea how that would work. Make no mistake, liberals have been actively dehumanizing whites for many years so that when the time comes they can wipe us out without a 2nd thought from their foot soliders. According to these sick communists, there is no crime worse than racism. Murder, rape, you name it - those are all lesser crimes than racism in their eyes. Anyone guilty of the racism thought crime is less than human.

Without electricity, transported water & sewage, and endless resupply by truck & train, the cities are simultaneously giant concentration camps and kill zones.

Indeed, there is no crime greater than "racism," and no form of "racism" more egregious than "anti-Semitism." Child molestation, murder & necrophilia, those are nothing compared to striking the apple of Satan's eye.

End Times
20th November 2018, 01:10 AM
Bigger problem would be the vast majority of cuckservatives that would insist race doesn't matter, and if "conservatives" won they'd still insist on a multicultural society again once they form a new government so it would all be for nothing.

https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpeopledotcom.files.wordpre ss.com%2F2016%2F08%2Fmccain-wedding-2-600.jpg%3Fw%3D600&w=700&c=sc&poi=face&q=85

Proud parents with son and daughter-in-law.


"Close friends"

Stop Making Cents
20th November 2018, 03:52 AM
https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpeopledotcom.files.wordpre ss.com%2F2016%2F08%2Fmccain-wedding-2-600.jpg%3Fw%3D600&w=700&c=sc&poi=face&q=85

Proud parents with son and daughter-in-law.


Wow, i knew mccain had a darkie adopted daughter, but didn't know about the nig daughter in law. That's a lot like Romney having a grand niglet. These are race traitors.

20th November 2018, 05:53 AM
I came across this video about the brotherhood of white europeans and the struggles we have. At about the 5:00 mark he tells the story a small group of christians turning things around in the seventh century.
