View Full Version : pack of dindu try to jump old white guy at mcdonalds

21st November 2018, 08:28 AM
the outrage that's been all over the news -- white guy bad. white manager bad. fag commenting on the video talks about 'girlz' -- when it was a pack of male and female dindu

note how video is clipped to minimize the chimpout


21st November 2018, 08:33 AM
the outrage that's been all over the news -- white guy bad. white manager bad. fag commenting on the video talks about 'girlz' -- when it was a pack of male and female dindu

note how video is clipped to minimize the chimpout

Needed that time to yack about evil racist Trump and the evil NRA. They want us all dead.

21st November 2018, 08:40 AM
in the first second of the clip you can see one of the male dindu assault the human

midnight rambler
21st November 2018, 08:58 AM
the outrage that's been all over the news -- white guy bad. white manager bad. fag commenting on the video talks about 'girlz' -- when it was a pack of male and female dindu

note how video is clipped to minimize the chimpout


(((Brian Cohen))): "As long as Republicans are in charge nothing will change."

21st November 2018, 09:40 AM
At the end of the clip he stated that "hey, more guns is the solution."

I agree, people would think twice before using applepay for burgers.

21st November 2018, 11:35 AM
At the end of the clip he stated that "hey, more guns is the solution."

I agree, people would think twice before using applepay for burgers.

think the old guy had the solution. bring your gun to mcniggers

21st November 2018, 12:28 PM
fag commenting on the video

So, "fag narrator" buys into the Democrat Vs. Republican meme and then blames "republicans" for this? Funny if it wasn't so tragic!

End Times
21st November 2018, 12:32 PM
the outrage that's been all over the news -- white guy bad. white manager bad. fag commenting on the video talks about 'girlz' -- when it was a pack of male and female dindu

note how video is clipped to minimize the chimpout


Not just a faggot...but a (((superior individual))).

I couldn't even stomach watching all that...the Jew faggot made me nauseous. His kind imported that subhuman trash into once all-White Minnesota, and now he has his panties in a twist over a guy using the only means he had to defend himself from a pack of predators.

Whenever a Kike spews about "gun control," what they envision is a rabid pack of Niggers having free reign over unarmed White people.

21st November 2018, 05:04 PM
think the old guy had the solution. bring your gun to mcniggersWhy go to McDonalds at all? I've only been to Greazy Macs twice in the last ten years....to take a shit. No bruthas at Missoula McDonalds.