View Full Version : Stop global warming by dimming the SUN! UV-blocking aerosols could be sprayed into th

23rd November 2018, 12:12 PM
Stop global warming by dimming the SUN! UV-blocking aerosols could be sprayed into the stratosphere by 2033 (but some warn the results will be 'catastrophic')

Global warming could be cut in half, says study by Harvard and Yale universities
Scientists say they will use high-altitude aircraft, balloons or large naval guns
Sceptics say that the hypothetical is costly and ' more risky over the long run'
There are potentially extreme risks including droughts or extreme weather


23rd November 2018, 12:14 PM
My goodness the comments...

End Times
23rd November 2018, 04:26 PM
"By 2033..."


23rd November 2018, 05:34 PM
"By 2033..."


And Zero of those planes ever crashed...

23rd November 2018, 06:33 PM
DailyMail should be renamed DailyDump - complete and total rag.

The sky this morning in SE PA was teaming with Chemtrails. I said to my buddy: "Look up - see them. We're freezing our balls off this morning [record cold 19 degrees] it's a clear day and they are spraying to supposedly reduce solar radiation so we don't overheat. Can you say f'ed up? Look there - proof positive that these are controlled emissions not contrails. That trail there stops and then restarts. A jet engine cannot be turned off and back on in mid flight. They're spraying us like damn mosquitos. This shit comes down and we all breath it, kids, babies, mothers, fathers, dogs and cats. They are slowly killing all of us!"

Bastards! Bring the kharma on now!

I stay indoors most of the time because I filter my air to be Chemtrail free. These Chemtrails are slowing rotting peoples' brains and immune systems, as if the mineral- and nutrient-depleted dead processed foods laced with glyphosphate (metal chelator) wasn't bad enough. Passed through Walmart today: everyone is grossly obese, slow moving, with sallow complexions, like zombies. Forty years ago Americans were slim, vibrant and dressed well publically. Today, everyone looks grossly overweight, unhealthy and dressed like hobos. America - put a fork in her.