View Full Version : Russian Space Agency Head- Russian Moon Mission Task: See if U.S. Landings were Real

Stop Making Cents
24th November 2018, 06:17 PM

MOSCOW (AP) — The head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency has said that a proposed Russian mission to the moon will be tasked with verifying that the American moon landings were real, though he appeared to be making a joke.

“We have set this objective to fly and verify whether they’ve been there or not,” said Dmitry Rogozin in a video posted Saturday on Twitter.

Rogozin was responding to a question about whether or not NASA actually landed on the moon nearly 50 years ago. He appeared to be joking, as he smirked and shrugged while answering. But conspiracies surrounding NASA’s moon missions are common in Russia.

The Soviet Union abandoned its lunar program in the mid-1970s after four experimental moon rockets exploded.

End Times
24th November 2018, 07:34 PM
I'm not sure there is a way to prove American astronauts landed on the Moon. Even the footprints, planted flag, and remains of the LMs could have been faked (placed by machines).

For humans, it will always be a matter of faith in 12 men, most now dead, and faith in the United States Government, which, as we know, is always honest and forthcoming with all the facts.


24th November 2018, 08:12 PM
I think this is more of a PR stunt by the Russians to discredit the United States on the world stage. It will be very difficult to prove a negative; especially in this case. The fact that a major power is questioning the veracity of the USA vis-a-vis the moon landings is damning in and of itself.

I for one feel rather strongly that we faked the moon landings. I can list some evidence of fraud and fakery off the top of my head:

Moon photographs containing moon boulders with embossed letters as would be used on movie studio props.
Moon photographs showing multiple light sources when the astronauts brought no artificial lighting
A fake moon rock (petrified wood) given to the Dutch by Neal Armstrong
Photos of the lander with not a speck of dust or debri on the footers and no crater
Photos of Buzz Aldrin changes in his gloves and uniform during the same day on the moon - impossible in vacuum
That we haven't returned to the moon in 50 years because "the technology that got us there was destroyed." Seriously?
All of the telemetry of the moon missions was "lost." I could call the IRS and they'll have my complete individual financial records, in nauseating detail, going back to first day I worked on the books over 40 years ago. But apparently no one at NASA remembered to archive or back up the telemetry from the most important and expensive (at the time) program in the history of the nation. Seriously?

The behaviour of the astronauts upon "triumphant" return to earth was anything but celebratory and exalted: rather muted, withdrawn and reticent. Whatever happened up there, they were reluctant to talk about it and all of them receded into private life as virtual recluses. Juxtapose this to other great explorers such as Lindberg, who returned to ticker tape parades and countless high profile interviews and appearances.

24th November 2018, 08:58 PM
I don't believe we got there and back with 1960's technology
Imagine if the Russians did prove the US was never there, how it would destroy all credibility of NASA and the government.
Some very powerful people will make sure the truth is never found out.

PS: since there is no weather, or wind on the moon, wouldn't every foot print still be there?

24th November 2018, 09:29 PM

SpaceIL, a nonprofit organization founded by Israeli billionaire Morris Kahn, is on track to pull off the first commercial lunar landing early next year. This would make Israel the fourth country to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon (https://www.businessinsider.com/moon-missions-why-astronauts-have-not-returned-2018-7); only the US, Russia, and China have landed robots there. (Japan, India, and Europe have crashed probes into the lunar surface, though.)

SpaceIL formed in 2011 as a Google Lunar XPRIZE team. It has since attracted about $95 million (https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-israeli-spacecraft-set-for-trip-to-the-moon/) in funding (about one-third from Kahn) to build what it initially called "Sparrow": a 1,300-lb moon robot equipped with cameras, magnetic sensors, and transmitters to relay data to and from to Earth.

In July, the team announced a launch date aboard a Falcon 9 rocket built by SpaceX. If that launch happens as planned, Sparrow — a temporary moniker until the spacecraft is officially named — will blast off from Cape Canaveral, Florida in December and touch the lunar surface on February 13.

https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-moon-probe-lunar-landing-2018-8 (https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-moon-probe-lunar-landing-2018-8)


24th November 2018, 09:38 PM

SpaceIL, a nonprofit organization founded by Israeli billionaire Morris Kahn, is on track to pull off the first commercial lunar landing early next year. This would make Israel the fourth country to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon (https://www.businessinsider.com/moon-missions-why-astronauts-have-not-returned-2018-7); only the US, Russia, and China have landed robots there. (Japan, India, and Europe have crashed probes into the lunar surface, though.)

SpaceIL formed in 2011 as a Google Lunar XPRIZE team. It has since attracted about $95 million (https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-israeli-spacecraft-set-for-trip-to-the-moon/) in funding (about one-third from Kahn) to build what it initially called "Sparrow": a 1,300-lb moon robot equipped with cameras, magnetic sensors, and transmitters to relay data to and from to Earth.

In July, the team announced a launch date aboard a Falcon 9 rocket built by SpaceX. If that launch happens as planned, Sparrow — a temporary moniker until the spacecraft is officially named — will blast off from Cape Canaveral, Florida in December and touch the lunar surface on February 13.

https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-moon-probe-lunar-landing-2018-8 (https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-moon-probe-lunar-landing-2018-8)


Yeah, that looks space-worthy, gold foil peeling off and spare parts from Radio Shack tacked on - LOL

SEE JEWS IN SPACE [with cameo by Giorgi Schwartz aka George Soros]


End Times
25th November 2018, 04:51 AM
I don't believe we got there and back with 1960's technology
Imagine if the Russians did prove the US was never there, how it would destroy all credibility of NASA and the government.
Some very powerful people will make sure the truth is never found out.

Either "we" went to the Moon, or we did not.

The evidence is very lacking for the former.

And if that is so, why does Moscow and Beijing not call out Washington's lies?

Perhaps because all three are controlled by the same (((people)))?

PS: since there is no weather, or wind on the moon, wouldn't every foot print still be there?

Yes. And the remains of the Lunar Modules, and the flag planted.

End Times
25th November 2018, 05:05 AM

SpaceIL, a nonprofit organization founded by Israeli billionaire Morris Kahn, is on track to pull off the first commercial lunar landing early next year. This would make Israel the fourth country to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon (https://www.businessinsider.com/moon-missions-why-astronauts-have-not-returned-2018-7); only the US, Russia, and China have landed robots there. (Japan, India, and Europe have crashed probes into the lunar surface, though.)

SpaceIL formed in 2011 as a Google Lunar XPRIZE team. It has since attracted about $95 million (https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-israeli-spacecraft-set-for-trip-to-the-moon/) in funding (about one-third from Kahn) to build what it initially called "Sparrow": a 1,300-lb moon robot equipped with cameras, magnetic sensors, and transmitters to relay data to and from to Earth.

In July, the team announced a launch date aboard a Falcon 9 rocket built by SpaceX. If that launch happens as planned, Sparrow — a temporary moniker until the spacecraft is officially named — will blast off from Cape Canaveral, Florida in December and touch the lunar surface on February 13.

https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-moon-probe-lunar-landing-2018-8 (https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-moon-probe-lunar-landing-2018-8)


Don't they realize someone is waiting there to greet them?
