View Full Version : A couple of brave gringos recon invasion force in Tijuana

midnight rambler
25th November 2018, 11:21 PM
The first few minutes show the invaders making flags and banners then a total of 20 minutes walking around amongst the invading malcontents and showing where they are encamped.

Except for the making of banners and flags (where'd they get the resources??) I was finding it ho-hum until the 20:45 mark where a very interesting image appeared.

This video was taken on Nov. 23.


26th November 2018, 03:59 AM


End Times
26th November 2018, 10:25 AM

midnight rambler
26th November 2018, 11:10 AM

Sure looks like to me they are fleeing starvation.


End Times
26th November 2018, 11:37 AM
Sure looks like to me they are fleeing starvation.


The flabby arms and the belly hanging out are due to chronic malnourishment. :rolleyes:

26th November 2018, 03:15 PM
The flabby arms and the belly hanging out are due to chronic malnourishment. :rolleyes:we see this amongst our poor. when im in wally world i see many times what's in the doo dah's (do dah welfare checks come in today?)cart. its lazy food! chips, cokes, frozen pizzas, whatever takes the least amount of physical energy to prepare. the same problem as the illegals. everything they eat has something to do with rice or corn. fat poor people! who'd a ever thunk it?