View Full Version : Willy Wonka of Kyiv: "I count on the United States people"

End Times
27th November 2018, 06:15 PM
"This is the international obligation of the United States."

Count me out, chocolate boy. Go back to your candy factory, Poroshenko.



27th November 2018, 06:26 PM
Ain't happening. "The Goy know."

End Times
27th November 2018, 06:28 PM
Ain't happening. "The Goy know."

I hope so. But I have little faith in people not going along with it, considering we'll almost assuredly see some "atrocity" occur soon.

Continued and especially escalated Kyiv provocation of the Russians will result in invasion of Ukraine. And that's exactly what (((the West))) wants.

27th November 2018, 06:39 PM
I hope so. But I have little faith in people not going along with it, considering we'll almost assuredly see some "atrocity" occur soon.

Continued and especially escalated Kyiv provocation of the Russians will result in invasion of Ukraine. And that's exactly what (((the West))) wants.
Does it seem like we are at a tipping point? Wars for what? Even the dimmest are starting to think we've been played since forever. I read the comments after articles and videos and it seems to me that a great number of people are totally fed up with the engineered bullshit.

27th November 2018, 06:42 PM
Does it seem like we are at a tipping point? Wars for what? Even the dimmest are starting to think we've been played since forever. I read the comments after articles and videos and it seems to me that a great number of people are totally fed up with the engineered bullshit.

Dems gained over 40 seats in Congress recently.


27th November 2018, 07:17 PM
Dems gained over 40 seats in Congress recently.

Damn, just got slammed back to reality.

27th November 2018, 07:28 PM
Damn, just got slammed back to reality.

It's hard to keep track of all the bullshit and maintain a real life. Multitasking was never a strong point with me.

End Times
27th November 2018, 08:00 PM
Does it seem like we are at a tipping point? Wars for what? Even the dimmest are starting to think we've been played since forever. I read the comments after articles and videos and it seems to me that a great number of people are totally fed up with the engineered bullshit.

There are assuredly millions of people across the world who know, and who have no interest in (((their))) fucking wars, but they are worn out and worn down, and don't feel they can do a damn thing about it. Some of them bitch online, as we do. But conversely, there are tens of millions or more who swallow the New Red Scare horseshit, and will clamor to be "protected" from "homophobe"/"transphobe"/"racist" "dictator" Putin.

End Times
27th November 2018, 08:03 PM
It's hard to keep track of all the bullshit and maintain a real life. Multitasking was never a strong point with me.

woodman shows himself a good man by hoping for good and the best for humanity. Trouble is, this world has become woefully corrupt, beyond the degree Noah and his family faced long ago. Sometimes, fantasy is the only thing keeping us sane. I used to come down on hard on the fantasy-land slackers, but not any more. I understand why people withdraw to video games, mindless entertainment, and such. Doesn't make it right, but I understand now. God bless woodman for envisioning a fantasy where people say "FUCK WAR."

27th November 2018, 08:40 PM
woodman shows himself a good man by hoping for good and the best for humanity. Trouble is, this world has become woefully corrupt, beyond the degree Noah and his family faced long ago. Sometimes, fantasy is the only thing keeping us sane. I used to come down on hard on the fantasy-land slackers, but not any more. I understand why people withdraw to video games, mindless entertainment, and such. Doesn't make it right, but I understand now. God bless woodman for envisioning a fantasy where people say "FUCK WAR."

I don't know that it's even fantasy (although in a lot of cases it surely is) that causes the intermittent disconnect from "reality"... just being busy trying to make ends meet and keep all the plates in the air sometimes is enough to do it... I'm sure this is what the engineers are banking on, and damn if if it doesn't work, even on those doing their best to keep up!

midnight rambler
27th November 2018, 08:57 PM
"I count on the United States people"

(15) “United States (https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=28-USC-2032517217-15940179&term_occur=22&term_src=title:28:part:VI:chapter:176:subchapter:A :section:3002)” means— (A) a Federal corporation

The only definition for "United States" in Title 28 "Judiciary and Judicial Procedure"


Precisely WHO are these "United States people"??

midnight rambler
27th November 2018, 09:00 PM
Precisely WHO are these "United States people"??

Oh! I know! "United States people" are the ones who put their complete faith in a legal fiction (aka a phantasm) by filing 1040 forms which are only required to be filed by employees of the Federal govt.

FYI, people who have never, ever filed a 1040 form are NEVER bothered by the Individuals Representing Satan, EVER.

End Times
28th November 2018, 12:05 AM
Oh! I know! "United States people" are the ones who put their complete faith in a legal fiction (aka a phantasm) by filing 1040 forms which are only required to be filed by employees of the Federal govt.

FYI, people who have never, ever filed a 1040 form are NEVER bothered by the Individuals Representing Satan, EVER.


(we were discussing war in Ukraine...)

28th November 2018, 03:59 AM
Oh! I know! "United States people" are the ones who put their complete faith in a legal fiction (aka a phantasm) by filing 1040 forms which are only required to be filed by employees of the Federal govt.

FYI, people who have never, ever filed a 1040 form are NEVER bothered by the Individuals Representing Satan, EVER.

Little did I know when my good buddy Jim signed me up to get all those withholding checks back with interest, that I was then enrolled in a year long contract and every year since my good buddy kept me signed up.

28th November 2018, 04:24 AM
I don't know that it's even fantasy (although in a lot of cases it surely is) that causes the intermittent disconnect from "reality"... just being busy trying to make ends meet and keep all the plates in the air sometimes is enough to do it... I'm sure this is what the engineers are banking on, and damn if if it doesn't work, even on those doing their best to keep up!
Yes indeed. They keep us so busy chasing our own tail and trying to make a decent living that we just about miss out on the most important things in life. We also tend to miss out on fundamental truths when we are busied with dealing with the 'Matrix'.

29th November 2018, 05:09 AM
ive been to ukraine twice! putin was bussing in all the protesters from the russian border. coal miners without work etc. just like soros does here. all the gas that flows from russia to europe goes through ukraine. it is very strategic to russia. they are wonderful people.i hope i can go back!

29th November 2018, 05:53 AM
Globalists appear to have that area of the globe well under their shoe from all I can tell, no need for U.S.

Anytime Trump has a chance to visit it turns into a crapshoot, globalist play crapshoots.

End Times
29th November 2018, 09:15 AM
Kremlin: Ukraine call for NATO help provocative


The Kremlin has sharply criticized the Ukrainian president's plea for NATO to deploy naval ships to the Sea of Azov amid a standoff with Russia.

President Petro Poroshenko made the call in an interview with the German daily Bild published Thursday, hoping that NATO countries "are now ready to relocate naval ships to the Sea of Azov in order to assist Ukraine and provide security."

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Poroshenko's request is "clearly aimed at provoking further tensions" and driven by the Ukrainian leader's "electoral and domestic policy motives."

In Sunday's confrontation, Russian ships fired on and seized three Ukrainian vessels and their crews trying to pass into the Sea of Azov through the Kerch Strait between Russia's mainland and Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine.

End Times
29th November 2018, 09:17 AM
The North Atlantic Terrorist Organization would have to sail their ships under this bridge to get to the Sea of Azov. Guess who controls it?



29th November 2018, 10:14 AM
Ukrainian president's plea for NATO to deploy naval ships to the Sea of Azov amid a standoff with Russia.


Obviously this would trigger WW3. How can anyone keep a straight face and entertain such madness?


29th November 2018, 10:32 AM
nato will just send some vibrant engineers from florida international univ to fix it



29th November 2018, 03:25 PM
Oh! I know! "United States people" are the ones who put their complete faith in a legal fiction (aka a phantasm) by filing 1040 forms which are only required to be filed by employees of the Federal govt.

FYI, people who have never, ever filed a 1040 form are NEVER bothered by the Individuals Representing Satan, EVER.

Lovin' it - LOL

End Times
29th November 2018, 10:15 PM
Obviously this would trigger WW3. How can anyone keep a straight face and entertain such madness?

Two choices:

1) the insane;
2) those for whom >10 Sieverts of radiation holds no danger (e.g., extradimensional reptiles as described by Icke).