View Full Version : UAW says GM CEO lobbied by Obama and Demonrats??

27th November 2018, 09:28 PM
Okay, this isn't official yet, but I saw it on a tweet and it really bothered me, partially b/c it was my immediate though up on hearing about the closing of the plants (seemed like a good way to get Trump to lose Ohio). And there were a couple of people from Ohio over at the conservativetreehouse saying everyone up there was mad and that if Trump doesn't do something to try and stop this, then people aren't going to come out for him in 2020. Like I said, my first thought was that the Demonrats were behind it---they would have no problem causing 15,000 people to lose their jobs, just to block Trump and get votes for whatever horrible candidate they put up.

Anyway, sorry I don't know how to post a tweet, but it's this guy here:
https://twitter.com/WatcherState (Deep State Watcher @watcherstate)
Deep State Watcher‏ @WatcherState (https://twitter.com/WatcherState) 17h17 hours ago (https://twitter.com/WatcherState/status/1067390636322627584)

https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f6a8.pngBREAKING: According to UAW leaders, GM CEO Mary Barra made the final decision to eliminate 14,000 employees after lobbying from former President Obama and other Democrat leaders. Citing the strategic midwest locations of the plants for the 2020 election.....developing

So, anyway, it looks like something worth following and spreading to anyone in Ohio.

End Times
28th November 2018, 12:01 AM
Please, Please, PLEASE let this be true! Oh, such joy to tell the leftists how their "leaders" love* them!

Oh, wait, if Obama told GM to fire thousand of people, it's clearly Trump's fault.

* I'm currently enjoying informing all of my leftist associates how the "leadership" in Excremento has given megacorporation PG&E - the cause of most of the recent fires in our state- a pass on most of their responsibility, cooking up legislation allowing PG&E to sell bonds to cover the liabilities, and then passing on the repayment of those bonds to the customers, not only once, but soon, twice!

28th November 2018, 12:40 PM
2020 leaves an awful long instance between to placate those not placated.

If u look at the model of car pulled and then Trump not believing with climate change reports.

You can kinda guide your nose thru to what agenda course the MegaCorps. are directing him thru to.

They need Green Monopoly climate change laws instituted or economy is blackmailed by them.

End Times
28th November 2018, 04:05 PM
My Dad wouldn't look at a GM product. He always considered them the Kosher alternative to the Aryan choice of Ford.

That may not have validity today, but it had validity back when my Granddad was in his young family man years, influencing my Dad.