View Full Version : Jewnited Nations Plan to Flood Europe with 59 Million more Rapugees by 2025

End Times
2nd December 2018, 01:37 AM

End Times
2nd December 2018, 05:37 AM
In Europe "Criticism Of Migration" Set To Become A Criminal Offense


2nd December 2018, 06:49 AM
They would be screaming Antisemitism if it was Europe's goal to flood Israel with that many refugees.

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2018, 08:06 AM

If the men in these countries dont comprehend that this is a systematic genocidal ethnic extermination of the white Christian Male Then they truly need to be removed from the gene pool as their was no loss of intelligence.

Wise up or die.

2nd December 2018, 08:40 AM

If the men in these countries dont comprehend that this is a systematic genocidal ethnic extermination of the white Christian Male Then they truly need to be removed from the gene pool as their was no loss of intelligence.

Wise up or die.

The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of their Churches (https://www.darkmoon.me/2013/the-mass-murder-of-russian-christians-and-the-destruction-of-their-churches/)

End Times
2nd December 2018, 06:07 PM
My username is literal.