View Full Version : Death of America - Fallout 76

3rd December 2018, 01:51 PM
The one thing U.S. had going for it in production with copyright titled software.

Bethesda Bans ‘Fallout 76’ Players for Life Following Homophobic Attack

Fallout 76 has already earned its share of controversy for Bethesda. When first announced earlier in the year, players were skeptical about an online title based on the popular Fallout franchise.

After its release, though, players discovered that the game was worse than they expected. There were a series of game-breaking bugs, as well as entire portions of the game that were completely unplayable.

The game also came with a strict no refunds policy that continues to anger gamers. There was so much backlash that there is the potential of a class action lawsuit against the developer.

https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/fallout76_teaser_vaultsuit_1527685282.png?w=1000&h=563&crop=1CREDIT: BETHESDA GAME STUDIOS

Bethesda (https://variety.com/t/bethesda/) recently banned a group of “Fallout 76 (https://variety.com/t/fallout-76/)” players for life after they allegedly engaged in an in-game homophobic attack on other players, according to Eurogamer (https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-11-30-bethesda-bans-fallout-76-player-for-life-following-shocking-homophobic-attack).

One of the victims, named AJ, posted video of the incident to Twitter on Nov. 15. It shows the players shooting at him while yelling homophobic comments over the game’s proximity voice chat.

“We’ve come to eliminate all gays,” they say. “Eliminate the queers. We’ve got to decontaminate the AIDS.”

https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1063290370832965633/pu/img/8fXjOvGFMl4o9N7N?format=jpg&name=small (https://twitter.com/twitch_ajpls/status/1063292165378502657)

So @bethesda (https://twitter.com/bethesda), how do we report people in @Fallout (https://twitter.com/Fallout)? @ChipWhitehouse (https://twitter.com/ChipWhitehouse) @Handsandhead (https://twitter.com/Handsandhead) and I literally had our characters hunted down and killed by homophobic players. I'll post more of the video in a thread. Strong language warning.

“Fallout 76 (https://variety.com/2018/gaming/features/fallout-76-review-1203034780/)’s” anti-griefing mechanic prevented their bullets from dealing significant damage to the lower-level avatars, however, and AJ told Eurogamer he hoped they would just get bored and leave.

“They stuck with it and even joked about how ‘this is the strongest queer I’ve ever seen,'” he said.
Eventually, they managed to kill the players’ characters and they respawned on another server.


3rd December 2018, 02:21 PM
So even in a fantasy, make believe world, (((they))) want to control our thoughts and actions. Whatever, these kids will just move on, as if this game is such a big deal to them.

3rd December 2018, 02:22 PM
anti-griefing mechanic prevented their bullets from dealing significant damage to the lower-level avatars, however, and AJ told Eurogamer he hoped they would just get bored and leave.

“They stuck with it and even joked about how ‘this is the strongest queer I’ve ever seen,'” he said.
Eventually, they managed to kill the players’ characters and they respawned on another serverHa, awesome.

3rd December 2018, 02:24 PM
So even in a fantasy, make believe world, (((they))) want to control our thoughts and actions.

That's a pretty good point there, francoliscious

You'd think the queers would want to fantasize that they weren't queer at it, The "queer hunters" were obviously playing it as it were meant to be played, correct?

Regardless the game is supposedly a terrible crash and burn of dependent thinking with the title to boot.

End Times
3rd December 2018, 04:16 PM
Bethesda is a property of ZeniMax Media; CEO (((Robert A. Altman))).


Kosher "thought leadership" is so important to (((them))) that they are willing to alienate thousands of their Goyish customers in order to advance the faggot agenda. Faggots are, in general, not customers of such masculine-oriented gaming products, so they are not protecting their sales.

midnight rambler
3rd December 2018, 04:39 PM
Bethesda is a property of ZeniMax Media; CEO (((Robert A. Altman))).


Kosher "thought leadership" is so important to (((them))) that they are willing to alienate thousands of their Goyish customers in order to advance the faggot agenda. Faggots are, in general, not customers of such masculine-oriented gaming products, so they are not protecting their sales.

Altman's wife Lynda Carter aka 'Wonder Woman' is an advocate for Sodomites -


Also, Altman was law partners with notorious insider/fixer Clark Clifford.

3rd December 2018, 04:59 PM
I heard one of the patches wiped the entire game off computers. Bethesda still hasn't fixed Fallout 4. The main vault is 111. In your face.

End Times
3rd December 2018, 06:24 PM
Altman's wife Lynda Carter aka 'Wonder Woman' is an advocate for Sodomites -


Also, Altman was law partners with notorious insider/fixer Clark Clifford.

I always thought the characters of the original Wonder Woman Talmudvision program were very fruity.


3rd December 2018, 10:08 PM
The main vault is 111. In your face.
