View Full Version : the Lord thy God shall set thee on high above all nations of the earth. Guess who?

3rd December 2018, 09:05 PM
The Russian revolution revealed that the revolution had been organized as a permanent thing: a permanently destructive force, permanently organized with a permanent headquarters and staff, and worldwide aims.

Thus, it had nothing to do with conditions here or there, or now and then, or local oppression. It stood for destruction as an aim in itself, or as a means of removing all legitimate government from the world and putting in its place some other government, other governors.

Who could these be but the Talmudists themselves, given the Talmudic nature of the revolution in Russia and the obviously Talmudic aims of “the world revolution”?

What was aimed at was plainly the final consummation of The Law, in its literal form: “Thou shalt reign over every nation but they shall not reign over thee … the Lord thy God shall set thee on high above all nations of the earth.”

Without this motive the three revolutions would never have taken the course they took; the course they took prefigures the shape of the future. They represent stages in and steps towards the fulfilment of The Law, and, once again, those who in their day seemed to be great or powerful men in their own right, like King Cyrus and the mysterious King Ahasuerus, now look like mere puppets in the great drama of Judaic history as it moves towards its miraculous end in Jerusalem.

PDF pg 93

End Times
3rd December 2018, 10:02 PM
For over a millennium and a half, the Adamic Race, holding up the Cross, ruled the planet. The blessings placed upon the Hebrews passed to the Church - that's Christians, not a business enterprise in Rome.

The Adamic Race abandoned God and His Son, and correlatively, we have lost our world rule...transferring it to the Synagogue of Satan.

The "lord" of the Jews is the Devil. The same "lord" (Baal) that lured the ancients into gruesome evil. If it were possible, returning to Christ would return our blessings. But Christ and His prophets told us that would not happen...we will continue to degenerate due to our immoral choices.

Do not worship the Six-Pointed Beast.

4th December 2018, 01:22 AM
For over a millennium and a half, the Adamic Race, holding up the Cross, ruled the planet. The blessings placed upon the Hebrews passed to the Church - that's Christians, not a business enterprise in Rome.

The Adamic Race abandoned God and His Son, and correlatively, we have lost our world rule...transferring it to the Synagogue of Satan.

The "lord" of the Jews is the Devil. The same "lord" (Baal) that lured the ancients into gruesome evil. If it were possible, returning to Christ would return our blessings. But Christ and His prophets told us that would not happen...we will continue to degenerate due to our immoral choices.

Do not worship the Six-Pointed Beast.

If not for the defeatism of Christianity, the Jews would be impotent in their quest for world wide domination. A defeatist attitude is what sets winners apart from losers.

End Times
4th December 2018, 05:22 AM
If not for the defeatism of Christianity, the Jews would be impotent in their quest for world wide domination. A defeatist attitude is what sets winners apart from losers.

If not for Christianity, Europe would have been Islamic centuries ago. The "defeatist" Christians Charles Martel and King Jan III Sobieski kicked the mixed breeds in the teeth.

Jesus and St. John told us who the Enemy was and is. We chose not to heed their warnings. We chose the broad path that lead to destruction. Jews didn't take it from us. We gave it to them.


4th December 2018, 05:39 AM
If not for the defeatism of Christianity, the Jews would be impotent in their quest for world wide domination...


It appears that Woodman and I agree on the cause and effect.


4th December 2018, 06:22 AM
When I read the text from Controversy of Zion (http://controversyofzion.info), it seems to me that it should be a work added to the Christian Bible.

It draws a clear picture of the Problem.

4th December 2018, 12:13 PM
If not for Christianity, Europe would have been Islamic centuries ago. The "defeatist" Christians Charles Martel and King Jan III Sobieski kicked the mixed breeds in the teeth.

Jesus and St. John told us who the Enemy was and is. We chose not to heed their warnings. We chose the broad path that lead to destruction. Jews didn't take it from us. We gave it to them.

You cannot and will not be triumphant and have a defeatist attitude. The two are completely exclusive and my point is that those you point to here were not defeatist. God helps those who help themselves. If you turn the other cheek or fail to destroy those who will destroy you, then you have failed your God and your people. God wants you to be strong, not a moral weakling. Don't be defeatist. God will not miraculously defeat your enemies unless you are willing to do the work yourself. God works through his people, don't you think?

The problem I have with many Christians is their willingness to LIHOP or MIHOP in regard to the machinations of the Satanists in order to bring about biblical prophecy. Who the hell are they to determine the timeline of God?

End Times
4th December 2018, 12:56 PM
You cannot and will not be triumphant and have a defeatist attitude.

Please lay out your rational proposal to "triumph." Seriously, I'm not being a smart ass. What do you suggest that has not been tried already, to win this conflict?

my point is that those you point to here were not defeatist.

So you admit "Christianity" is not the problem, just "defeatism"? For Martel and Sobieski were most devout Christians.

God helps those who help themselves. If you turn the other cheek or fail to destroy those who will destroy you, then you have failed your God and your people. God wants you to be strong, not a moral weakling. Don't be defeatist. God will not miraculously defeat your enemies unless you are willing to do the work yourself. God works through his people, don't you think?

Again, I go back to my first question, above.

The problem I have with many Christians is their willingness to LIHOP or MIHOP in regard to the machinations of the Satanists in order to bring about biblical prophecy. Who the hell are they to determine the timeline of God?

Those are not Christians. They are Judeo-"Christians," swallowing the same Jewish version of the Bible you apparently adhere to. Anyone who "helps God" by enabling evil is themselves evil (e.g., helping the State of "Israel" because of the perverted abomination peddled by Hal Lindsey, et. al.).

End Times
4th December 2018, 01:06 PM
(Lying, Talmud-driven memes deleted)

It appears that Woodman and I agree on the cause and effect.

The Aryan race accomplished its greatest gains during the height of its adherence to the Gospel of Christ.

While pagan Vikings were selling White women to sandniggers, Christians assured the White race continued & expanded.

As we have abandoned Christ, our civilization has become more Jewish. Yes, cause and effect.

In promoting your anti-Christianity, you are doing (((their))) work.

End Times
4th December 2018, 01:13 PM
How Book sees God:


("Jesus was Jewish")

How Hitler and the German heroes saw God:


My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.

4th December 2018, 02:42 PM
"For the LEADERS of this people cause them to err" israel BOUGHT fawell a frggin jet plane! These church leaders are like congressman, they all bow to god of judas- MONEY. Constant bribery and blackmail is their MO.

4th December 2018, 03:00 PM
My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.



:rolleyes: Fred playing more word games with what Jesus clearly and simply said in the Bible.

4th December 2018, 03:37 PM
:rolleyes: Fred playing more word games with what Jesus clearly and simply said in the Bible.

What Jesus said on the sermon on the mount was NOT written TO Christians!!!
It was spoken to the Jews STILL under the law awaiting their Messiah!! (which they rejected officially in Acts 7)

The epistles OF PAUL are written TO and FOR Christians!!

End Times
4th December 2018, 04:33 PM
"For the LEADERS of this people cause them to err" israel BOUGHT fawell a frggin jet plane! These church leaders are like congressman, they all bow to god of judas- MONEY. Constant bribery and blackmail is their MO.

No one can serve two masters. Falwell, Graham, Hagee...all of them chose my avatar.

End Times
4th December 2018, 04:38 PM
Fred playing more word games with what Jesus clearly and simply said in the Bible.

You are the one playing word games.

You pretend to understand Christianity better than I, just like any Rabbi does. And you share the motivation, too - a desire for Christianity to be wrong, not a love of truth that it actually is wrong.

Jesus was telling Adamic people to love their personal (Adamic) enemies...because that is the means by which peace comes from things like blood feuds. It's the reason I don't have a desire to kill you for your insults to my faith. It's the reason for the Christmas 1914 Truce (I've explained this to you repeatedly, yet you pretend that I have not).

His words have nothing to do with loving God's enemies. Did He "love" the enemies of God in the Temple, when He whipped the shit out of them?

We have two choices: 1) Jesus was a psychotic hypocrite; or, 2) Book is grossly misinterpreting Scripture. Which is more likely?

End Times
4th December 2018, 04:40 PM
What Jesus said on the sermon on the mount was NOT written TO Christians!!!
It was spoken to the Jews STILL under the law awaiting their Messiah!!

That's called placing words in context. :)

Some would prefer to quote mine to make their "point."

4th December 2018, 05:58 PM
...His words have nothing to do with loving God's enemies. Did He "love" the enemies of God in the Temple, when He whipped the shit out of them?


Oh. Fred's enemies might not be God's enemies and God's enemies might not be Fred's enemies.

Jesus clearly said "Your Enemies" not "God's Enemies" but here we are again with Fred playing his word games...lol.


4th December 2018, 06:01 PM
What Jesus said on the sermon on the mount was NOT written TO Christians!!!
It was spoken to the Jews STILL under the law awaiting their Messiah!! (which they rejected officially in Acts 7)

The epistles OF PAUL are written TO and FOR Christians!!

Not quite, according to the text of CoZ, Jesus was a Galilean who spoke to the Judean's. According to CoZ, we didn't get Jews until the Ashkanazi's showed up, in the 1500's.

4th December 2018, 06:13 PM

Oh. Fred's enemies might not be God's enemies and God's enemies might not be Fred's enemies.

Jesus clearly said "Your Enemies" not "God's Enemies" but here we are again with Fred playing his word games...lol.


In Genesis 3:15 God said he would put "enmity" (hatred) between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. There are only two sides in this war and we're either on the side of the seed of the woman or the side of the serpent. There's no sitting on the fence in the middle on this one.

Twisted Titan
4th December 2018, 06:29 PM

It appears that Woodman and I agree on the cause and effect.


Let the synagogue of satan enjoy their season of sin.

What is all the money possession and accolades going to matter the split second your heart stops beating and you are in eternity??

What will matter when you finally understand all your life was spent acquiring things that don't amount to a pile of shit??

You can have this world and all it has to offer and I hope you live over 700 years cause one day all you covet is going to burn away in a fervent heat.

End Times
4th December 2018, 06:29 PM

Oh. Fred's enemies might not be God's enemies and God's enemies might not be Fred's enemies.

Jesus clearly said "Your Enemies" not "God's Enemies" but here we are again with Fred playing his word games...lol.

He did! (mean Romans)

When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a [Roman] centurion came to him, asking for help. “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.” Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?” The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.

Even though he worked for the Roman state and was part of the occupation force, the Centurion displayed faith in the Son of God, and was rewarded for that faith. Anybody can be forgiven of their transgressions...even you, Book! :-[


[SIZE=4]We have two choices: 1) Jesus was a psychotic hypocrite; or, 2) Book is grossly misinterpreting Scripture. Which is more likely?

Which is it, Book?

End Times
4th December 2018, 06:39 PM
Not quite, according to the text of CoZ, Jesus was a Galilean who spoke to the Judean's. According to CoZ, we didn't get Jews until the Ashkanazi's showed up, in the 1500's.

Since the Talmudists are of their father the Devil, who is the father of lies, they use confusion as a modus operandi.

The "Jews" of Christ's time were Judeans of the Hebrew tribe Judah. There were two types: ones that accepted the Messiah (Christ), and ones that followed the "traditions of the elders." The former became the core of early Christians. The latter became the Judean Diaspora. And this latter tribe evolved their "traditions of the elders" into what is now known as the Babylonian Talmud (aka the "Oral Torah"). In so doing, they created "Judaism."

The Khazars came onto the scene in the 6th Century AD, as a "major commercial empire" (sic - Wikipedia's words, LOL). Then, in the 9th Century, in order to advance their commercial interests, they converted, en masse, to this Talmudic "Judaism." Historically instantly, the Askhenazim were born. Over time, the Christians of Eastern Europe grew tired of these pests, and Russian leader, Sviatoslav I of Kiev*, destroyed their mercantile state, and they were dispersed to areas authorized by the Christians leadership of Eastern Europe to the Pale of Settlement, a band stretching from Lithuania through Poland down to what is now Ukraine ("Little Russia"). That's why we have "Lithuanian," "Polish," and "Ukrainian," in addition to "Russian," Jews.

In the 13th Century, the English word "Jew" came into being. It was applied, in ignorance, to all who practice "Judaism," despite the fact the vast majority in Europe had little to no Judean roots. This ignorance continues to this day.

Much more recently, some put together the disparate facts from history and realized the "German Jews" (sic) - the Ashkenazim, previously Khazars - were one and the same with the people of the prophetic warning, Gog and Magog.

* the Russian State was founded in Kiev, and in his time, the distinction of "Russian" and "Ukrainian" didn't exist.

4th December 2018, 06:48 PM


We have two choices: 1) Jesus was a psychotic hypocrite; or, 2) Book is grossly misinterpreting Scripture. Which is more likely?


Duh. Us stupid goyim only have two choices. Only these two.

End Times
4th December 2018, 06:49 PM
In Genesis 3:15 God said he would put "enmity" (hatred) between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. There are only two sides in this war and we're either on the side of the seed of the woman or the side of the serpent. There's no sitting on the fence in the middle on this one.

The Jews hate two men above all others: Jesus Christ, and Hitler.

Book is enlightened on one of them. Book is woefully ignorant, and follows the Rabbinical contempt, for the other.

Indeed, there is no fence sitting on the conflict between Seed of Serpent and Seed of (Adamic) Woman. Everyone who rejects the latter embraces the former, whether they understand it or accept it.

End Times
4th December 2018, 06:51 PM
Let the synagogue of satan enjoy their season of sin.

What is all the money possession and accolades going to matter the split second your heart stops beating and you are in eternity??

What will matter when you finally understand all your life was spent acquiring things that don't amount to a pile of shit??

You can have this world and all it has to offer and I hope you live over 700 years cause one day all you covet is going to burn away in a fervent heat.

Book deludes himself into thinking he is "Jew-wise," yet he hates Jesus Christ and the Gospel as fervently as any Rabbi. Shlomo smiles.

End Times
4th December 2018, 06:52 PM
Duh. Us stupid goyim only have two choices. Only these two.


We have two choices: 1) Jesus was a psychotic hypocrite; or, 2) Book is grossly misinterpreting Scripture. Which is more likely?

Was Jesus Christ a hypocritical madman, or are you wrong? No third option.

4th December 2018, 07:40 PM

We have two choices: 1) Jesus was a psychotic hypocrite; or, 2) Book is grossly misinterpreting Scripture. Which is more likely?

No third option.


End Times
4th December 2018, 07:56 PM

Let me help you:

Which is more likely?

4th December 2018, 08:44 PM
In Genesis 3:15 God said he would put "enmity" (hatred) between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. There are only two sides in this war and we're either on the side of the seed of the woman or the side of the serpent. There's no sitting on the fence in the middle on this one.

Here is the Anna von Reitz version:

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC_l6Ap7MmY_Mo5t3q1DLrZXSo9k8dv73xbMkAmcl9KUY st5k4DJPJ3wGlLgsWcAin0zsyq3Lz-2UCb&hc_ref=ARQmbixfhmeZ2C-y8UKpBPZiaaZwVRMJze4oZdvTnKnhOXK8-Ra1IoHzu2yMAz3m1qo&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1930863083629429) ·

Your History
Even today in French, "elle" is the word for "she". And she was Eve. "Eve-El" a name that translates as "Eve, the Goddess" but became our word "evil" because Eve brought death (the opposite of our word "live") into the world.

She confessed and repented and was punished and the Lord of Lords allowed her children to live.

In the same way we have Ba-El and He-El and Be-El and Pe-El. These are just prefixes added to "El" as in "Elohim" -- "the Gods of Heaven to Earth Come Down".

The words ""Belles" and "Helles" and "Pelles" are all related, too.
Notice that these are, again, just prefixes -- "be", "he" and "pe" -- added to "elles", the plural of "el", the word for "god".

"Helles" refers to the Mycenaean Greeks.

"Pelles" refers to the Grail Kings of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man.

"Belles" refers to the French Kings of Normandy.

These are all branches of Eve's family, the family of Man-kind.

Always remember that both Eve and Satan passed the test and earned the right to rule the Earth by accepting responsibility for Original Sin. It has been a contest between their lineages ever since:

"And you shall bite their heels and they shall bruise your heads."

The descendants of Eve are called "Man" while the descendants of Satan are called "Hu-Man"---literally, "color of Man", but not in the sense of skin color-- in the same sense as "color of law".
They appear to be men, but are not.

This is why you should not use the word "human" to describe yourself.

Obviously, you have all been told many lies and half-truths, but for my money, few are as outrageous and silly as the idea that America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an early cartographer.

America was named after the Amoricans who settled Canada and the East Coast of the United States. The Amoricans are a French Celtic tribe from the coast of Normandy and part of the Belles Family of Man.

They had lived in England and Ireland for centuries --but in fact most of the Colonists were Norman French, and many of them were Amoricans.

Amoricans are why you are Americans.

And Eve is why you are part of "Mankind" and not "Humans"

You are all quietly entering an Age of Wonders, where many things that were hidden will be revealed and much history that was lost will be found again.

At the same time, if you think about it you can see that nothing I have said is really that strange and in fact, it has been hidden in plain view the whole time.

You were told about the enmity and contest between the children of Eve and Satan.

You were told about both the Roman Conquest and the Norman Conquest of Britain.

You were told about the Founding of America.

Now you just need to think through the facts and the consequences.

November is a great time to learn and think about history. So cuddle up by the fireside and enjoy the opportunity to observe where you are and how you got here-- no thanks to University Publishing.

End Times
4th December 2018, 08:58 PM
Here is the Anna von Reitz version

Most of that is fake etymology from some New Age mystic.

"Evil" is from the Old English yfel

"Eve" is the corrupted evolution of חַוָּה, "ḥawwâ" (the German form, "Eva," is closer to the Paleo-Hebrew original).

"America" comes from neither Amerigo nor Amorica.

It comes from Amaruca, Land of the Plumed Serpent, in the Incan language. And considering America's service to the Great Serpent, we can understand why she got her name.

Oh, and the fake etymology for "hu(e)-man"? That's an invention of Afrocentrists...that only Niggers are "hue-men" - melanin men; Whites are not "hue-man," just pale devils. Interesting how this chick co-opted it for another purpose.

5th December 2018, 12:44 AM
I prefer Anna's version to yours. mr knowitall.

5th December 2018, 05:19 AM

Oh. Fred's enemies might not be God's enemies and God's enemies might not be Fred's enemies.

Jesus clearly said "Your Enemies" not "God's Enemies" but here we are again with Fred playing his word games...lol.


Yes he did intend it for the Romans, not the synagogue of satan. The big picture of the gospels made it clear he never compromised with ’ye of the father the devil’.

End Times
5th December 2018, 06:24 AM
I prefer Anna's version to yours. mr knowitall.

Of course you do! New Age fiction is your "thing."

5th December 2018, 07:13 AM
Thou shalt not kill was given to moses WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF GOD. Yet moses's FIRST words out of his his mouth- while the tablets were still in his hands was:" gird ye on every man his sword and slay his brother". The first of many jew on jew slaughters, but thats another disscussion. The point is the FIRST order given by the man who spoke to GOd directly was to arm yourself and start killng! So , no , soyboy it NEVER meant that war and defence of self and family and country and honor was forbidden. Sorry, your just wrong. But by all means , put on your pussy hat and have a latte in your safe space....

5th December 2018, 07:29 AM
Thou shalt not kill was given to moses WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF GOD. Yet moses's FIRST words out of his his mouth- while the tablets were still in his hands was:" gird ye on every man his sword and slay his brother". The first of many jew on jew slaughters, but thats another disscussion. The point is the FIRST order given by the man who spoke to GOd directly was to arm yourself and start killng! So , no , soyboy it NEVER meant that war and defence of self and family and country and honor was forbidden. Sorry, your just wrong. But by all means , put on your pussy hat and have a latte in your safe space....



5th December 2018, 07:33 AM
... New Age fiction is your "thing."


Old Age fiction is your "thing".


5th December 2018, 07:44 AM
The big picture of the gospels....


Cecil DeMille received more than a dozen awards from Jewish religious and cultural groups, including B'nai B'rith. In 1954, he was seeking approval for a lavish remake of his 1923 silent film The Ten Commandments. He went before the Paramount board of directors, which was mostly Jewish-American. His mother was the playwright and script writer Matilda Beatrice DeMille (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matilda_Beatrice_deMille) (née Samuel), whose parents were both of German Jewish heritage. She emigrated from England with her parents in 1871 when she was 18, and they settled in Brooklyn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn,_New_York).

:rolleyes: Good Goy...read your (((Gospels)))

End Times
5th December 2018, 04:16 PM
Proof that God exists:


Proof that Book isn't as smart as he thinks he is:




Me for one. Go directly to Youtube and watch this video full screen on at least the 1080p resolution setting.

:o there is a God

End Times
5th December 2018, 04:19 PM

Most interesting!

Even the Jew DeMille:

1) chose a White man to accurately portray Moses - not a mamzer Khazar;
2) accurately portrayed Runic-like Paleo-Hebrew - not Rabbinical Talmudic "Hebrew" script - on the Tablets.


6th December 2018, 08:03 AM
Proof that God exists:


Proof that Book isn't as smart as he thinks he is:

Another excellent response! DNA and it’s transcription of genes into production of proteins is incredibly complex. It is beyond stupid to think that the right combination of elements could have occurred by chance. Essentially the mechanism of transcribing DNA into proteins require the very specific proteins in sufficient quantities that only DNA transcription could provide. The “primordial soup” theory is something only very stupid atheists could believe in, who doesn’t have a clue about cellular biochemistry, chemistry and/or probabilities

6th December 2018, 11:32 AM
Another excellent response! DNA and it’s transcription of genes into production of proteins is incredibly complex. It is beyond stupid to think that the right combination of elements could have occurred by chance. Essentially the mechanism of transcribing DNA into proteins require the very specific proteins in sufficient quantities that only DNA transcription could provide. The “primordial soup” theory is something only very stupid atheists could believe in, who doesn’t have a clue about cellular biochemistry, chemistry and/or probabilities



"GOD" himself made Fred/End Times using 98% leftover Chimp genes. "GOD" also made his fellow Brothers In Christ with 99.999% of the exact same genes as Fred/End Times:


http://www.bpnews.net/images/IMG2008139878HI.jpg?width=800 https://www-rmcsda-org.netadvent.org//uploaded_assets/264120-Inmate.jpg?thumbnail=original&1440589489

https://ssl.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000XbCcGIWBC_I/s/900/900/NGF-EIA-170406-023.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLbFptlcMfCCCzLPJEYun199HQiesjD xw_MfAbj9olQVIF8xkV


End Times
6th December 2018, 12:49 PM

How cute, Book believes in popular (((science)))!

Cheddar Man was a Nigger, and Jews are not Khazars:

Jews Are Not Descended From Khazars, Hebrew University Historian Says


(((Genetics))). How low that field has fallen since "racist" eugenicists discovered the structure of DNA.

6th December 2018, 03:34 PM
(((Genetics))). How low that field has fallen since "racist" eugenicists discovered the structure of DNA.



End Times
6th December 2018, 07:23 PM

Now, now, don't celebrate too wildly. It seems they fell along with their field. More Nobel-prize-receiving idiots savant who went leftist:

[url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism_and_Its_Aspirations (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?99888-the-Lord-thy-God-shall-set-thee-on-high-above-all-nations-of-the-earth-Guess-who&p=941528&viewfull=1#post941528)

You gonna sign the Humanist Manifesto, too? Everyone on the signatory list hates Christianity just like you.

10th December 2018, 11:49 AM
Now, now, don't celebrate too wildly...

Evolution should have stopped here.


End Times
10th December 2018, 05:38 PM
Evolution should have stopped here.

You evolved from monkeys? I'm very sorry to hear that! My own ancestry, however, shows me to be 100% White. :)

10th December 2018, 05:50 PM
My own ancestry, however, shows me to be 100% White. :)


You do know that 98.4% of your DNA is Chimp. Right?


:rolleyes: God made even Fred from leftover Chimp cooties

End Times
10th December 2018, 05:56 PM
God made even Fred from leftover Chimp cooties

You make me laugh. :D

10th December 2018, 06:06 PM
You make me laugh. :D


When you were on your sabbatical it wasn't the same here.:D

14th December 2018, 12:12 PM
If not for the defeatism of Christianity, the Jews would be impotent in their quest for world wide domination. A defeatist attitude is what sets winners apart from losers.




End Times
14th December 2018, 05:20 PM
But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.

Do you disagree with this principle?

It's the philosophical foundation for everything from Aryan Christians founding hospitals to the National Socialist Winterhilfswerk.

If you see someone injured, will you use the "world's goods" - your cell phone - to at least call the paramedics for him? Would you want the same for yourself?

John's words aren't political...as your image suggests.

For Yahweh your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe. He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the alien by giving him food and clothing. So show your love for the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.

That passage doesn't mean what you - and the Marxists - want it to mean.

In an era long ago when murder of strangers (foreigners) was the norm among most cultures, Yahweh commanded the Israelites to have a different standard.

If a guest from Europe visits you, do you give him food? If so, you are following God's principle.

Should we deny an invited or non-hostile guest, Aryan or otherwise, decent treatment, and, if in genuine need, basic sustenance and clothing?

Jesse Owens told us National Socialist Germany applied this Christian principle to him...allowing him to ride in the front of the bus...despite being an untermensch.

The "refugees" that are demanding we let them in have proven 1) they are not in need, since the Mexicans already offered them all they actually need, and the "refugees" rejected it, and 2) they are not in fear for their lives, i.e., seeking "asylum," since they demand $50,000 extortion for them to go away.

Jesus addresses border security:

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. But when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.