View Full Version : "When collective hate organizes and gets industrialized, then genocide follows"

End Times
5th December 2018, 04:39 PM
https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/styles/open_graph/public/multimedia_images_2017/201706arms_iraq_syria_white_phosphorus.jpg?itok=OM SbZ0bG

Oh, wait, wrong genocide...


Spielberg, 25 years after 'Schindler's List,' warns against collective hate

BOHICA...more Holocaust™ (re)"education"...

5th December 2018, 05:02 PM
https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/styles/open_graph/public/multimedia_images_2017/201706arms_iraq_syria_white_phosphorus.jpg?itok=OM SbZ0bG

Oh, wait, wrong genocide...


Spielberg, 25 years after 'Schindler's List,' warns against collective hate

BOHICA...more Holocaust™ (re)"education"...

Collective hate? More like hate for collectivism... you know, that crap the Spielberg and his pals are constantly shoving down everyone's throat?