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End Times
5th December 2018, 04:41 PM

Men's penises are half-an-inch SMALLER if they are exposed to high levels of chemicals in non-stick frying pans and fast food packaging, study finds

5th December 2018, 04:57 PM
The price of modern convenience becomes apparent... shoulda listened to Grandma!

End Times
5th December 2018, 05:30 PM
The price of modern convenience becomes apparent... shoulda listened to Grandma!

Cast iron and no microwaves!

5th December 2018, 06:15 PM
Cast iron and no microwaves!

Exactly right!

6th December 2018, 12:07 AM
The list of toxic exposures in the normal course of living is long. We are living in a veritable soup of chemical and electromagnetic pollutants, a literal dystopian existence out of some sci-fi novels I read as an adolescent:

1. Nanoparticles of aluminum, barium and more (Chemtrails) are slowly rotting out brains and destroying our immune systems (abatement strategy: saturate home air with negative ions and use IFD air filters).
2. Public tap water, loaded with fluorides, chlorides, bleaches and devoid of natural fulvic acid/minerals (abatement: use filtered or distilled water supplemented with trace minerals and fulvic acid)
3. Bottled water contaminated with BPA, a xenoestrogen endocrine disrupter (abatement: don't drink bottled water)
4. Fried foods loaded with transfats (cause arteriosclerotic heart disease and promote cancer) and acrylamides (powerful carcogens)(abatement strategy: avoid fried foods like the plague)
5. Microwaves alter your food, and probably not just heating it. Microwaves were BANNED in Russia - that's a good enough reason to avoid them (abatement: never eat microwaved food)
6. Burnt (overcooked) meat and fat is loaded with polycyclic hydrocarbons, powerful carcnnogens (abatement: never overcook or burn your meat)
7. Luncheon meats are loaded with nitrates, nitrites and transfats, and cause colorectal and other cancer (abatement: no bologna, ham, jerky etc.)
8. Foods packaged in plastic are contaminated with BPA (see 3 above) (abatement: never eat foods packages in plastic)
9. Corn - virtually all corn sold commercially is GMO, completely empty of nutrients (by design) and loaded with Roundup (Glyphosphate) which at minimum leachs vital minerals from your body to promote premature disease and aging (abatement: no Corn or any other GMO food should ever be consumed)
10. Margarine and virtually all processed foods are loaded with transfats (partially hydrogenated oils). Leave a tub of margarine on your front porch and no animal, insect or living creature will touch it; even mold won't grow on it. Margarine is plastic. Same goes for Twinkies and packaged doughnuts and pastries (abatement: don't eat Margarine, Crisco (Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil originally developed as a smokeless lubricant for German submarines), Twinkies, packaged cakes, cookies etc.).
11. Grains (Barley, Wheat, Rye and Oats) all contain GLUTEN, aka GLIADIN which is a universal contact enterotoxin and the likely cause of most malabsorption, ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease (abatement: Avoid gluten like the plague). Sidenote: the bread of the Bible was made from millet.

There's more, but I'll stop here. The point is this: if you want to survive and remain healthy in the toxic world, it requires constant education, vigilance and effort on your part. The failure to do so leads to a horrible alternative existence of poor health, recurring infections due to poor immune function, and dependence on doctors and big pharma. You don't want to go there.

6th December 2018, 02:28 AM
The list of toxic exposures in the normal course of living is long. We are living in a veritable soup of chemical and electromagnetic pollutants, a literal dystopian existence out of some sci-fi novels I read as an adolescent:

1. Nanoparticles of aluminum, barium and more (Chemtrails) are slowly rotting out brains and destroying our immune systems (abatement strategy: saturate home air with negative ions and use IFD air filters).
2. Public tap water, loaded with fluorides, chlorides, bleaches and devoid of natural fulvic acid/minerals (abatement: use filtered or distilled water supplemented with trace minerals and fulvic acid)
3. Bottled water contaminated with BPA, a xenoestrogen endocrine disrupter (abatement: don't drink bottled water)
4. Fried foods loaded with transfats (cause arteriosclerotic heart disease and promote cancer) and acrylamides (powerful carcogens)(abatement strategy: avoid fried foods like the plague)
5. Microwaves alter your food, and probably not just heating it. Microwaves were BANNED in Russia - that's a good enough reason to avoid them (abatement: never eat microwaved food)
6. Burnt (overcooked) meat and fat is loaded with polycyclic hydrocarbons, powerful carcnnogens (abatement: never overcook or burn your meat)
7. Luncheon meats are loaded with nitrates, nitrites and transfats, and cause colorectal and other cancer (abatement: no bologna, ham, jerky etc.)
8. Foods packaged in plastic are contaminated with BPA (see 3 above) (abatement: never eat foods packages in plastic)
9. Corn - virtually all corn sold commercially is GMO, completely empty of nutrients (by design) and loaded with Roundup (Glyphosphate) which at minimum leachs vital minerals from your body to promote premature disease and aging (abatement: no Corn or any other GMO food should ever be consumed)
10. Margarine and virtually all processed foods are loaded with transfats (partially hydrogenated oils). Leave a tub of margarine on your front porch and no animal, insect or living creature will touch it; even mold won't grow on it. Margarine is plastic. Same goes for Twinkies and packaged doughnuts and pastries (abatement: don't eat Margarine, Crisco (Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil originally developed as a smokeless lubricant for German submarines), Twinkies, packaged cakes, cookies etc.).
11. Grains (Barley, Wheat, Rye and Oats) all contain GLUTEN, aka GLIADIN which is a universal contact enterotoxin and the likely cause of most malabsorption, ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease (abatement: Avoid gluten like the plague). Sidenote: the bread of the Bible was made from millet.

There's more, but I'll stop here. The point is this: if you want to survive and remain healthy in the toxic world, it requires constant education, vigilance and effort on your part. The failure to do so leads to a horrible alternative existence of poor health, recurring infections due to poor immune function, and dependence on doctors and big pharma. You don't want to go there.
Words of an Oglala Indian:
An animal depends a great deal on the natural conditions around it. If the buffalo were here today, I think they would be different from the buffalo of the old days because all the natural conditions have changed, They would not find the same food nor the same surroundings. We see the change in our ponies. In the old days they could stand great hardship and travel long distances without water. They lived on certain kinds of food and drank pure water. Now our horses require a mixture of food, they have less endurance and must have constant care. It is the same with the Indians, they have less freedom and they fall an easy prey to disease. In the old days they were rugged and healthy, drinking pure water and eating the meat of the buffalo, which had a wide range, not being shut up like the cattle of the present day. The water of the Missouri River is not pure, as it use to be, and many of the creeks are no longer good for us to drink. A man ought to desire that which is genuine instead of that which is artificial.

--------Oku'te an Oglala Souix

End Times
6th December 2018, 03:10 AM
Words of an Oglala Indian:
An animal depends a great deal on the natural conditions around it. If the buffalo were here today, I think they would be different from the buffalo of the old days because all the natural conditions have changed, They would not find the same food nor the same surroundings. We see the change in our ponies. In the old days they could stand great hardship and travel long distances without water. They lived on certain kinds of food and drank pure water. Now our horses require a mixture of food, they have less endurance and must have constant care. It is the same with the Indians, they have less freedom and they fall an easy prey to disease. In the old days they were rugged and healthy, drinking pure water and eating the meat of the buffalo, which had a wide range, not being shut up like the cattle of the present day. The water of the Missouri River is not pure, as it use to be, and many of the creeks are no longer good for us to drink. A man ought to desire that which is genuine instead of that which is artificial.

--------Oku'te an Oglala Souix

God tells us "a new Heaven and a new Earth" are coming. The latter will be required, in part, because we have flooded the Earth with pollution that has fundamentally changed the nature of life processes...and won't go away after even centuries.

And God help us if we get another Fukushima or two in the near future...no one knows the full impact of Fukushima...actually, no one knows the full impact of Wormwood, uh, I mean Chernobyl. St. John saw Chernobyl centuries into the future...and did his best to describe it in his era's simple concepts:

"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter."

Revelation 8:10–11

"Chernobyl" is an archaic Ukrainian word for "wormwood."



6th December 2018, 06:59 AM
5. Microwaves alter your food, and probably not just heating it. Microwaves were BANNED in Russia - that's a good enough reason to avoid them (abatement: never eat microwaved food)


My main cooking/heating procedure. I can't find any FACTS via Google to prove harm.

I agree with all your other points...


midnight rambler
6th December 2018, 07:27 AM
I can't find any FACTS via JEWgle

There's your problem.

End Times
6th December 2018, 11:58 AM

My main cooking/heating procedure. I can't find any FACTS via Google to prove harm.

I agree with all your other points...


Fair inquiry.

The "peer-reviewed evidence" against microwave ovens (or microwave radiation, in general - including mobile phone transmissions) is sparse. However, a few items have filtered through to we Goyim.

Effects of microwave radiation on anti-infective factors in human milk.


Endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H de-N-glycosylation in a domestic microwave oven: application to biomarker discovery.


Effect of different cooking methods on glycaemic index of Indian and Pakistani basmati rice varieties.


Optimized Fast-FISH with alpha-satellite probes: acceleration by microwave activation.


Microwave elution of red cell antibodies.


[Comparison of thawing of plasma by microwave or water bath: preliminary longitudinal biological study of hemostatic parameters].


Microwave technology for the rapid thawing of frozen blood components.


Phenolic compound contents in edible parts of broccoli inflorescences after domestic cooking


No, these articles are not conclusive, but they are strong enough evidence to be suspicious about microwave radiation denaturing organic molecules...and should serve as support for comprehensive investigation of the matter. However, with the rise of mobile phone networks, the issue of microwave radiation is hardly confined to microwave ovens, and has morphed into an industry involving hundreds of billions of dollars. Knowing something is strongly inversely correlated when having monetary motivation not to know something. Articles above, and others, are largely from the pre-consumer-level mobile phone network era (1990s and prior).

Microwave radiation as weapon has been known for over 50 years. While such usage is not "proof" of microwave ovens being dangerous to food, microwave radiation's ability to induce permanent physiological effects in human tissue, apart from the heating effects, supports the Precautionary Principle on microwave ovens (specifically, do they denature food, and, if so, how extensively?).

A surprisingly recent study...from China (published in the journal "Military Medical Research"):

Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms


To date, the damaging effects of MW radiation on mitochondrial structure and function have been recognized, and studies at the cellular and molecular level on the related mechanisms have also made advances, enabling a number of potential molecular targets for the prevention and treatment of MW radiation to be proposed.

The following issues are present in this sphere of research: (a) MW radiation-induced disturbance of brain energy metabolism involves numerous parameters, such as the dose, time and frequency, which need to be explored further; (b) the biological effects of MW radiation are widespread, involving varieties of signaling pathways, and the present review is confined to investigating single signaling pathways and unable to analyze the effects of cross-talk between the various signaling pathways; (c) there are no specific markers for evaluating MW radiation damage effects and no effective molecular targets for the prevention and treatment of their injuries; (d) the after effects of MW radiation-induced mitochondrial damage are still unclear, and its correlation with mitochondria-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, requires further study. The lack of identical standards among different laboratories creates a barrier for further development and exchange of information.

Taken together, this review on the effects of MW radiation on brain energy metabolism and the associated regulation mechanisms, molecular markers, drug targets and prevention measures shows the need for continued research efforts in this area.

6th December 2018, 04:14 PM
Fair inquiry...

...No, these articles are not conclusive, but they are strong enough evidence to be suspicious about microwave radiation denaturing organic molecules...and should serve as support for comprehensive investigation of the matter...

Thanks for the heads up on denatured proteins Fred. We can stipulate that cellphone radiation denaturing our brains is bad, but our own stomach acid denatures eaten chicken eggs no matter how they were cooked. I'm going to continue cooking with my microwave oven...


Food Science Basics: Denaturing Proteins

At the molecular level, natural proteins are shaped like coils or springs. When natural proteins are exposed to heat, salt, or acid, they denature—that is, their coils unwind.

When proteins denature, they tend to bond together, or coagulate, and form solid clumps. An example of this is a cooked egg white, which changes from a transparent fluid to an opaque solid. As proteins coagulate, they lose some of their capacity to hold water, which is why protein-rich foods give off moisture as they cook, even if they are steamed or poached.

Fortunately, some heat-induced denaturation is reversible through cooling. This is why roasted foods should be allowed to rest before carving; as the temperature falls, some of the water (“juice”) that was forced into spaces between the proteins is reabsorbed and the food becomes moister. Denatured proteins are easier to digest than natural proteins. (https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=879&ei=frQJXNH2Cbqs0PEPp5agsAw&q=+denature+food&oq=+denature+food&gs_l=img.12..0i24.2739.2739..5373...0.0..0.120.120 .0j1......0....1j2..gws-wiz-img.....0.0CMMiej8HRk#imgrc=_)

End Times
6th December 2018, 07:32 PM
[SIZE=3]Thanks for the heads up on denatured proteins Fred. We can stipulate that cellphone radiation denaturing our brains is bad, but our own stomach acid denatures eaten chicken eggs no matter how they were cooked. I'm going to continue cooking with my microwave oven...

Your choice. Stomach acid doesn't induce radiolysis and whatever other phenomena seen in the research.

Are you serious about cooking eggs in a microwave?! Oh, yuck...