View Full Version : Mark Dice goes all the way: commentary on Rim Kook and the "Jewish ADL" (his words)

End Times
6th December 2018, 02:40 AM

"Jewish ADL" right at the opening, 0:05.

6th December 2018, 12:12 PM
Looks like a faggoty pedofile to me.

6th December 2018, 01:39 PM
Dice had a much more serious demeanor in this one, than in most where he's shout-speaking his way through in mockery/ridicule tone, jugulars bulging.

6th December 2018, 01:50 PM
Looks like a faggoty pedofile to me.
He considers it “Gods greatest gift” that he is a pervert...


6th December 2018, 01:51 PM
Dice had a much more serious demeanor in this one, than in most where he's shout-speaking his way through in mockery/ridicule tone, jugulars bulging.

I noticed and reflected on that too. A welcome change IMO

6th December 2018, 03:01 PM
the inversion of the Truth is very obvious in this doublespeak

6th December 2018, 03:39 PM

"Jewish ADL" right at the opening, 0:05.

cook @1:45 - "...to violent conspiracy theorists on the app store"

Dice proceeds to say, Cook's speaking about alex jones... No Dice; he's speaking about the 99 cent Qanon app, which aapl pulled from their app store several months ago, after some kooky FF on Hoover Dam stunt, by a patsty who supposedly babbled something Q-related, and from that sloppy FF, (((they))) could label all Q/followers "VIOLENT CT-ists." :rolleyes:

6th December 2018, 03:46 PM
I thought Mark Dice was a bagelmuncher.

6th December 2018, 04:24 PM
I thought Mark Dice was a bagelmuncher.

highly doubt that; his features, incl height are quite goy-- towers over most peeps in his street interview clips; guess he's 6'3"+ somewhere.

but he's been a kosher AJ-esque half-truther forever! :(

today's jobee, re JSM using yesterday's GHWB fanfare as Trump bashing springboard;

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Bw4PsHB-yU8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJ DeAE=&rs=AOn4CLAkptjrX-AS6iaJ9FpVji4zuAGq1w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw4PsHB-yU8) 5:15
They Just Can't Stop (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw4PsHB-yU8)

11 hours ago

End Times
6th December 2018, 07:34 PM
Looks like a faggoty pedofile to me.

Rim-job Kook is a faggy-talking Bolshevik. 110% committed to ideology. Perhaps the most dangerous kind, since he has a following of hundreds of millions.


End Times
6th December 2018, 07:35 PM
Dice had a much more serious demeanor in this one, than in most where he's shout-speaking his way through in mockery/ridicule tone, jugulars bulging.

Dice sees the writing on the wall. He has weeks, at most.

End Times
6th December 2018, 07:36 PM
He considers it “Gods greatest gift” that he is a pervert...


No blessings more beautiful than being a cocksucker with a reamed-out rectum and shit-stained penis. (puke)

When medical science was still "homophobic" (sic):




End Times
6th December 2018, 07:37 PM
I thought Mark Dice was a bagelmuncher.

An assumption, but I've seen zero evidence thereof. His avoidance of terminology as in the OP video made me suspect it.

7th December 2018, 07:01 AM
Dice sees the writing on the wall. He has weeks, at most.

You think Dice is next on the hit-list? He's pretty tame compared to Alex Jones, and others, but obviously not on the (((right))) side. Then again, because he's not quite as well known, Apple, YouTube, Google, Twitter, etc. could ban him outright and there probably would be little to no backlash.

7th December 2018, 07:03 AM

Barf! However, I did just post this exact link on a Facebook friend's page (who happens to be 100% pro-LGBTPZ) with the comment, "Love is love..." LOL

7th December 2018, 07:47 AM
You think Dice is next on the hit-list? He's pretty tame compared to Alex Jones, and others, but obviously not on the (((right))) side. Then again, because he's not quite as well known, Apple, YouTube, Google, Twitter, etc. could ban him outright and there probably would be little to no backlash.

You may have noticed, I've called him Mark (((Left vs Right))) Dice for years. His Left/Right/Divide/Rule framing of everything, meanwhile never pointing out the elephant in the room, IE only saying the "Librul Media" rather than "Joosh Media", is quite kosher!

Dice critique by vlogger High Impact Flix at last month's election, 12m:



High Impact Flix guy interviewed by Adam Green yesterday, 1h 36m; last ~20m is with vlogger Nathan Stolpman, Lift the Veil:



7th December 2018, 08:25 AM
Barf! However, I did just post this exact link on a Facebook friend's page (who happens to be 100% pro-LGBTPZ) with the comment, "Love is love..." LOL

That will make you popular! ;D

7th December 2018, 09:59 AM
An assumption, but I've seen zero evidence thereof. His avoidance of terminology as in the OP video made me suspect it.How do you prove someone is Jewish? I just examine their MO and make my own assessment of probability. Mark Dice does a lot of bullshit videos that seem obviously staged to me. I quit watching them long ago.

End Times
7th December 2018, 10:09 AM
How do you prove someone is Jewish? I just examine their MO and make my own assessment of probability.

Accusing someone of being a Jew is a serious charge, akin to accusing them of being a child molestor. "He looks & acts like one" is not sufficient for me. We're guilty of the reverse of the Jew tactic they use on us: "you're an anti-Semite" when we do or say something they simply don't like.

7th December 2018, 10:19 AM



Great term Fred!

I hope to use it in a conversation with a serious straight face...lol.


midnight rambler
7th December 2018, 10:30 AM
Dice sees the writing on the wall. He has weeks, at most.

With 1.3 million subscribers he's definitely got target on his back.

End Times
7th December 2018, 10:42 AM
With 1.3 million subscribers he's definitely got target on his back.

"Jewish ADL" is a phrase most forbidden.

End Times
7th December 2018, 10:52 AM

Great term Fred!

I hope to use it in a conversation with a serious straight face...lol.



But that would make you "homophobic":

"[G]ay bowel syndrome has been, and remains today, a powerful tool for the specific surveillance, regulation, definition, medicalization, identification, and fragmentation of gay men's bodies."

-- Michael Scarce, Fag Agitator, Smearing the Queer: Medical Bias in the Health Care of Gay Men

These sick fucks cannot accept that their abominable behaviors are crippling and even lethal.

Early on, what is now known as AIDS was synonymous with "fag disease":

GRID: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay-related_immune_deficiency

In the early days of AIDS (i.e., 1982–1985), the terms "gay cancer" and "gay plague" were also used.

Had proper public health measures been taken - namely, quarantining all faggots who showed symptoms or engaged in vector behaviors - GRID would have stayed a fag disease. But the faggot defectives spread their plague, many times deliberately, to the general population, both through "lethal injections" and blood donations.

When California passed "civil rights" protections for HIV/AIDS status, that was a huge wake-up call to me - a mere teenager - that faggotry was far more than just something to joke about. You could be locked up for refusing TB treatment, but having a gruesome disease like AIDS was "protected by law" - fags weren't required to tell health care staff their body fluids could be a death sentence.

7th December 2018, 11:46 AM
I thought Mark Dice was a bagelmuncher.



7th December 2018, 02:54 PM
this is bad....

'A 60-page advice brochure for German kindergartens instructs teachers on how to identify and deal with children from 'far-right' families. Critics say it encourages spying and equates wearing braids and dresses with nationalism.

7th December 2018, 04:04 PM
Accusing someone of being a Jew is a serious charge, akin to accusing them of being a child molestor. "He looks & acts like one" is not sufficient for me." What is sufficient?

End Times
7th December 2018, 06:41 PM
What is sufficient?

When it can be reasonably ascertained they are of significant Jewish ancestry.

But that's really not that important: what is important is that when someone works for Jewish interests, not merely passively, "go along to get along," but actively and even rabidly, they are our Enemy. Whether they have purely 100 generations of Aryans behind them in their bloodline, or 6 generations of Rabbis, it doesn't matter. In fact, I find a Goyish race traitor more repugnant than, say, Steven Spielberg or even Netanyahu. "Active support" for Jewry's interests is not merely committing the act of losing a war, either. It needs to be something undeniable and without plausible alternative explanation. Like this:

https://images.haarets.co.il/image/fetch/w_1915,h_1107,x_126,y_151,c_crop,g_north_west/w_857,h_482,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto/fl_any_format.preserve_transparency.progressive:no ne/https://www.haaretz.com/polopoly_fs/1.5711763.1515526670!/image/1018316866.jpg

7th December 2018, 06:52 PM
As a rule they dont criticize powerful liberal jews. Dice has gone after rabbi stetler with a vengeance. We will know if hes waking up or if hes just a tool when /if he gets banned.

7th December 2018, 06:55 PM
How do you prove someone is Jewish? I just examine their MO and make my own assessment of probability. Mark Dice does a lot of bullshit videos that seem obviously staged to me. I quit watching them long ago.
But that could be due to a lack of talent. Hes not real bright, just a sarcastic kid with an attitude.

7th December 2018, 07:11 PM
When it can be reasonably ascertained they are of significant Jewish ancestry. What reasons? Because of tribal consistencies?

But that's really not that important: what is important is that when someone works for Jewish interests, not merely passively, "go along to get along," but actively and even rabidly, they are our Enemy. Whether they have purely 100 generations of Aryans behind them in their bloodline, or 6 generations of Rabbis, it doesn't matter. In fact, I find a Goyish race traitor more repugnant than, say, Steven Spielberg or even Netanyahu. "Active support" for Jewry's interests is not merely committing the act of losing a war, either. It needs to be something undeniable and without plausible alternative explanation. Like this:

https://images.haarets.co.il/image/fetch/w_1915,h_1107,x_126,y_151,c_crop,g_north_west/w_857,h_482,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto/fl_any_format.preserve_transparency.progressive:no ne/https://www.haaretz.com/polopoly_fs/1.5711763.1515526670!/image/1018316866.jpgDig a little deeper and you find the Goy traitors are usually not Goys at all.

But that could be due to a lack of talent. Hes not real bright, just a sarcastic kid with an attitude.

The videos of his that I watched were geared to instill in us that we are outnumbered and it's hopeless. Anonther theme of his is that Bolsheviks are stupid. He stages videos to hammer this into our consciousness.
If you or I put up a bunch of youtube videos, what would happen to them?

End Times
7th December 2018, 09:24 PM
What reasons? Because of tribal consistencies?

Now you're just playing games.

"He looks and acts like a Jew" is not a rational standard.

Dig a little deeper and you find the Goy traitors are usually not Goys at all.

Why? Because you can't handle the fact that nearly all Goyim are susceptible to corruption or coercion?

We have always been our own worst enemy.


Jews didn't march into Goyish societies and take over. They used deceit, manipulation (of the facts and situations)...to get us to "cooperate." They appealed to the basest lusts of weak Goyim. We were warned about them, and their father, but we chose not to listen. Most still don't.

The videos of his that I watched were geared to instill in us that we are outnumbered and it's hopeless.

I've never got that impression from him. Do you have examples?

Anonther theme of his is that Bolsheviks are stupid. He stages videos to hammer this into our consciousness.

The vast majority of Bolshevists are stupid. Careless, reckless, trusting...even when their ideology is one of the ends justify the means. The average Bolshevist under Lenin and Stalin was clever, not intelligent. They weren't smart enough to know they'd likely end up "liquidated" or at least marginalized after their "useful idiocy" was exhausted.

The current crop of Bolshevists are woefully far more stupid than any Soviet Bolshevist. They operate almost purely on emotiveness.


If you or I put up a bunch of youtube videos, what would happen to them?

If hoarder posted the truth about Jews on GSUS, would the site be forced off the Internet?

We here - and up until now, Dice - have posed no threat to (((them))).

The position that Dice was/is "controlled opposition" is 100% speculative. Unlike Jones (or Crowder), he's never actively defended the Jews as "victims," or married one (or two).

Dice is just another "conservative" who is evolving into something more informed, more wise. I suspect he's learned a lot more than he's ready to disclose...hence, his ability to even utter "Jewish ADL."

Every one of us didn't just pop out of our mama "Jew-wise." Every one of us has taken a journey. Some longer than others, some slower than others. Some through some really stupid and inane detours, like Jonestown or the Birch Society. Dice is on that journey, and simultaneously serves as a "lukewarm" outpost, and a man seeing reality coming more into focus.

8th December 2018, 12:43 AM
The current crop of Bolshevists are woefully far more stupid than any Soviet Bolshevist. They operate almost purely on emotiveness.

Indeed 100 years of practiced Bolshevism has weeded out the brighter among their bunch. LOL. But it is scary how it appears to make a comeback among the young.

I don’t think very highly of that socialist Cortez, but she got framed there when she mentioned the “Palestinian occupation”. She knew she couldn’t mention the Israelis nor the Jews, her political life would be over. As she got cornered she had to feign ignorance of the issues. It’s actually quite telling. She is completely informed about the issues re Israel and the Middle East. She knows that the Zionists are responsible, but she also knows they are in control of US politics. And she is prepared to sell out, her ideals and her Palestinian friends, for her career.

According to this I think it would be wrong to label her a moron, those would be her voters.
She got framed and cornered and she managed to get out by feigning ignorance. She is more of a manipulative political sellout. She’ll be among friends in Washington DC

End Times
8th December 2018, 05:08 PM
According to this I think it would be wrong to label her a moron, those would be her voters.

With all due respect, "stupid bitch" applies to her.


Clever, but not intellectual by any means.

And stupid enough to start publicly abusing her office even before being sworn in...


End Times
8th December 2018, 05:15 PM
And to be very, very clear...for those who, for some really bizarre reason, don't understand I am all for "socialism"...ARYAN socialism...

Here's the political philosophy I still advocate (tailored to the respective country in this modern era):

The Programme of the National Socialist German Workers' Party is limited as
to period. Its leaders have no intention, once the aims announced in it have
been achieved, of setting up fresh ones, merely in order to increase the dis-
content of the masses artificially, and so ensure the continued existence of
the Party.

1. We demand the union of ail Germans to form a Great Germany on
the basis of the right of the self-determination enjoyed by nations.

2. We demand equality of rights for the German People in its dealings
with other nations, and abolition of the Peace Treaties of Versailles and
St. Germain.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the nourishment of our
people and for settling our superfluous population.

1. None but members of the nation may be citizens of the State. None
but those of German blood, whatever their creed, mag be members of the
nation. No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation.

5. Anyone who is not a citizen of the State may live in Germany only
as a guest and must be regarded as being subject to foreign laws.

6. The right of voting on the State's government and legislation is
to be enjoyed by the citizen of the State alone. We demand therefore that
all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the
country, or in the smaller localities, shall.be granted to citizens of the
State alone.

We oppose the corrupting custom of Parliament of filling posts
merely with a view to party considerations, and without reference to
character or capability.

7. We demand that the State shall make it its first duty to promote
the industry and livelihood of citizens of the State. If it not possible to
nourish the entire population of the State, foreign nationals (non-citizens
of the State) must be excluded from the Reich.

8. All non-German immigration must be prevented. We demand that
all non-Germans, who entered Germany subsequent to August 2nd 1914
shall be required forthwith to depart from the Reich.

9. All citizens of the State shall be equal as regards rights and duties.
10. It must be the first duty of each citizen of the State to work with
his mind or with his body. The activities of the individual may not
clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the frame
of the community and be for the general good.

We demand therefore:

11. Abolition of incomes unearned by work.

Abolition of the Thraldom of interest

12. In view of the enormous sacrifice of life and property demanded
of a nation by every war, personal enrichment due to a war must be
regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore ruthless
confiscation of all war gains.

13. We demand nationalisation of all businesses which have been up
to the present formed into companies (Trusts).

14. We demand that the profits from wholesale trade shall be
shared out.

15. We demand extensive development of provision for old age.

16. We demand creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class,
immediate communalisation of wholesale business premises, and their
lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that extreme consideration shall
be shown to all small purveyors to the State, district authorities and
smaller localities.

17. We demand land-reform suitable to our national requirements,
passing of a law for confiscation without compensation of land for
communal purposes; abolition of interest on land loans, and prevention
of all speculation in land*.

We demand ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are in-
jurious to the common interest. Sordid criminals against the nation, usurers,
profiteers, etc. must be punished with death, whatever their creed or

19. We demand that the Roman Law, which serves the materialistic
world order, shall be replaced by a legal system for all Germany.

20. With the aim of opening to every capable and industrious German
the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement, the
State must consider a thorough re-construction of our national system
of education. The curriculum of all educational establishments must be
brough into line with the requirements of practical life. Comprehension

* On April 13th, 1928, Adolf Hitler made the following declaration:

It is necessary to reply to the false interpretation on the part of our opponents of
Point 17- of the Programme of the NSDAP.

Since the NSDAP admits the principle of private property, it is obvious that
the expression 'confiscation without compensation' merely refers to possible legal po-
wers to confiscate, if necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accor-
dance with national welfare. It is directed in accordance with national welfare. It is
directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land.

Munich, April 13th, 1928.

(signed) Adolf Hitler.


The trouble with this Marxist "pretty face" (she's decent enough looking...for a triracial mixed breed), is that the Jewish Problem simply is not addressed. We can afford universal healthcare...if the usurious Jewish banks are destroyed, and the Jewish degenerate "lifestyles" are eradicated, and the Jewish and Jew-like "shareholders'" unearned wealth is simply denied...permanently. Even tackling just the Kosher banksters and the "shareholders" would be enough.

8th December 2018, 05:17 PM

This was real courage.

8th December 2018, 05:37 PM
She knew she couldn’t mention the Israelis nor the Jews, her political life would be over. As she got cornered she had to feign ignorance of the issues. It’s actually quite telling. She is completely informed about the issues re Israel and the Middle East. She knows that the Zionists are responsible, but she also knows they are in control of US politics. And she is prepared to sell out, her ideals and her Palestinian friends, for her career.

According to this I think it would be wrong to label her a moron

Good insight here but she certainly is not very bright. It is disgusting to watch these politicians wriggle their way out of the hot seat in regards to any derogatory remarks regarding Israel or the obvious, blatant, terrorism of the Jews, which is baldly apparent to all. The Emperor truly has no clothes.

9th December 2018, 06:01 AM
Good insight here but she certainly is not very bright. It is disgusting to watch these politicians wriggle their way out of the hot seat in regards to any derogatory remarks regarding Israel or the obvious, blatant, terrorism of the Jews, which is baldly apparent to all. The Emperor truly has no clothes.

No if she were bright she wouldn’t have mentioned “Occupation of Palestine” to begin with. A bright person would know that if you say A you may be asked to state the bleeding obvious B which is a direct consequence of statement A. Don’t mention the Elephant in the room. EVER!

9th December 2018, 06:06 AM
With all due respect, "stupid bitch" applies to her.


Clever, but not intellectual by any means.

And stupid enough to start publicly abusing her office even before being sworn in...


I was more thinking specifically of the interview I saw her in. I really haven’t seen much of her before. But as I said most bolsheviks with a brain are already long dead. And the remains are brain dead!

9th December 2018, 08:24 AM
Lets not forget that a certain group of people are very good actors...and acting dumb while distancing themselves from Israel has it's purposes. To me, the idea that "Bolsheviks are stupid" is a red flag.